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Would you watch season 5?
Absolutely. Even if the final costumes being so ultimate-y was not the best move IMO. I feel it and wataxm needed a sequel far more than the 90s show.
How else would I get to see Jean die at the end of the Phoenix saga?
yeah, only downside we'd have to recast Cyclops like '97 had to do. ;u;
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Though it ended about as satisfyingly as a show like it could, I would've liked to see more.
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Kirby Morrow, Cyclops' voice actor died a few years ago.
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Some of the future designs are cool.

How do you think Rogue would've gotten Ms. Marvel's powers in the Evo verse?
Any reason why?
I'd do anything for more Goth Rogue honestly.
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Best boy
Reminder that after Jean goes Phoenix and dies, it's canon that Scott and Rogue hook up for good. Word from the directors themselves.
I'm getting real sick of Evofags
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Good. Jean can fuck off. Scott and Rogue are a much better pairing.
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No. Not with currrent day Marvel.
didn't watch the first four and I'm not gonna go back and watch some 40 year old tv show just because they do another season to milk the oldfags one last time before they die

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X-Men '97 turned out great. Why not Evolution season 5?
If it was made then, probably.
If it was made now, of course not.
Did she steal Remy's coat?
I think that's the implication.
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You can use any face in this image to make a meme, they are all equally weird
it's interesting how people are still talking about this show so much while the conversation around '97 has already died down.
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>Reminder that after Jean goes Phoenix and dies, it's canon that Scott and Rogue hook up for good. Word from the directors themselves.
I would've liked to see Evolution's take on the Shi'ar.
yes this show was fucking awesome

Aside all the shit show in the backstage.
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They aren't talking about it, they're sharing coomer art about it. Even the captcha knows.
I personally couldn't care less what happens behind the scenes of a show's production.
Woke shit based on those gay Fox movies from the 90s, the design of the women is ugly, androgynous they can't wear the costumes of the comics the animation is lame, cheap it's an animation that nobody asked for and that only has two fans here who are always doing the same threads
I'm not sure why people hate this ship so much. This is probably the best version of Jean.
I want to rub lotion all over their bodies.
Definitely. I want to see more Kitty/Lance and Todd/Wanda.
people were discussing it in the previous thread. there's a thread about it like once a week
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Todd and Wanda was very cute.

I wonder what would it take for her to earnestly give him a chance?
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So Todd will be the school janitor in the revival right?
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Maybe after a few years working with SHIELD
something something lightning striking twice
Not really. They had some good surprises but whenever they did x men shit I already seen like apocalypse it wasn't entertaining enough to watch. I slept through the last 2 episodes. It should be entirely slice of life shit.
>I wonder what would it take for her to earnestly give him a chance?
He was winning her over, he just needed to tone it down a bit. And maybe start taking showers and brushing his teeth.
You cunts really thought you can hide an X-men Evo thread from me?
I feel like Boom Boom was into Blob. Why? She’s a size queen and would love being worshipped.
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She was willing to give the less popular boys a chance.
She liked to have fun and be a pro that does a bro job from time to time.
They look good together. Is it because they’re both blondes?
She took Fred and Toad to the prom/dance cause she's enuinely a cool chick
Fred tried much harder than Todd here.
Cause Fred is da man.
And he wants dem hips
They’d be cool parents.
But she definitely says cowgirl only. Maybe rare doggy if there is a solid desk around.
>cowgirl only
That would probably work best for Blob.
I always figured most soaps or colognes irritate his skin. Using a bar of soap on an amphibian would certainly not be good for it.
Maybe one day he'll find something that works.
Toad, but yes.
His real-name was Todd in the show.
Do you think he sweats? Maybe he’s clean but just looks dirty.
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Until every episode becomes 'Walk on the Wild Side'
My bad. That was supposed to be a thread bump, not a reply.
Ah, I see. I am enjoying this thread.
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That's what a figure too. She likes sex and enjoys having it with her friends.
Lance is too busy with Kitty and Pietro seems to run through the girls at Bayville High quickly, so Blob and Toad are her main sources of dick.
>Would you watch season 5?
Wolverine and the X-men already happened bro
>X-Men '97 turned out great
this meme needs to die
Only if the original crew were to make it and had a bigger budget.
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I would KILL for a season 5.
Obviously I wouldn't want it to actually be made today, since they'd hire a bunch of mentally ill vermin to make it shitty on purpose and make all the girls ugly.
So you say i have a chance?
I love hownshe slighttly corrupted Amara but in a playful way, showing her the ropes
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She has them fuck me eyes
Different continuity, just made with many of the same staff.
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She probably draws Amara into sexy threesomes with her other fuckbuddies.
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Sure, more wacky family adventures with the Darkholmes.
they are looking like the ultimate x-men
Ultimate wolverine and evo wolverine are like complete opposites.
I can't resist her. Not when she smiles...

I didnt know Tabby draws me...
Wjen we go on a field trip i bunk.in a room with Tabby and Amara so Boom Boom can draw from experience...
>Anon can i put a small one in your pee hole, just to...
>Nope, Tabby...nope
Forgot pic
Kurt, run! You cant handle 3 on one!
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Yes you can Kurt. Don't be a coward!
He wont survive it
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Kitty gonna squish his croissant
Somethings are more important than living.

He'll bang all four of them or die trying.
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When you enter her cabin and she gives you a look like that, you have no choice...
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Something is and its not the springs, baby...
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she looks like courtney love
She's so innocent...so pure like a flame.
I dont even want to corrupt her...that.much
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She's for wholesome lovemaking
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Boom Boom gave me a Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe. That could’ve just been the zeitgeist of the time, though.
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Or chick from Smallville. Down to the hairdo
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Here's the request from the last thread.

I'm doing more lewd Evolution pics, so drop any more suggestions.
Mystique in human Principal form in a bikini.

Wanda getting fucked by Toad while she tries and fails to pretend that she isn't enjoying it
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Rahne really is best girl. I wish she'd gotten more focus.
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Never watched it but I do like wolverines costume. Should I watch it?
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God I had the biggest crush on Chole. And then her actress joined a cult and did fucked up shit. She also hit the wall hard like all German women do. Where as the overrated actress that played Lana aged great. It’s not fair.
Yes, Its quite good.
Starts off kinda mid early but gets its footing pretty soon, then gets solid, then gets really good and ends on a good note.

Did this show have the best showing Avalanche ever had? All they had to do was make him a totally different person.
That’s cool, I’ll have to check it out. I like when stuff can just end and it actually feels satisfying. I still have never watched Spider-Man TAS because of the cliffhanger.
>when they find out you’ve been playing THOSE games
Yeah. It’s great if you miss 90s X-TREME stuff. The characters are almost all fun to follow and the team aspect doesn’t suffer from anyone hogging too much spotlight.
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Why did these bully girls hate Kitty so much? Were they anti-semitic?
Where would you even take it without ripping off 97?
True the cult shit is creepy. But the blond bimbo looked amazing while the show lasted.
She would make a banger Boom Boom
Thank you, that's amazing and hot. Is there an uncensored version?
>All they had to do was make him a totally different person.
Avalanche and Toad are both different people with different real names to the comics.
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>they see what's in your head
Harder Emma...
The glimpse of the future showed new X-Men, Magneto as a teacher, Phoenix, and the Brotherhood joining SHIELD.

>More Phoenix

Please no
At least in this continuity she dies and stays dead.
I'm not seeing any "at least" in any of that.
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Here ya go

Principal Darkholme enjoying a moment alone with her favorite student during the class field trip.
>Why Principal Darkholme... are you trying to seduce me?
>Just lay back and let me tace care of everything, Amara...and...please don't turn on the flames, ok? I wanna keep my tongue after this...
YES! Thank you!
Best Avalanche AND the best Toad. The other versions all suck in comparison.
They were annoyed by Kitty’s constant racial slurs.
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>Keep your southern ass out of my man's face, you harlot. Or im gonna go all auschwitz on our ass Rogue.
I am 80% sure it's the same guy making these threads over and over just so they have an excuse to make porn of the show....and I'm okay with that
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DC SHG threads are an excuse for drawfags to make lots of fanart/porn of the show.
Im okay with that as it made a loooots of smut
There's worse reasons to make the same thread over and over.
Be ready to dodge her boiling squirt. Maybe a welders mask is appropriate.
>Principal Darkholme has a bit too much to drink and drags Toad to her room to be her living sex toy.
Love requires sacrifice, i wont ruin it for her wearing a mask, she thinks she makes me scared...
She CAN keep getting away with it.

What are they looking at?
>Instead of Maggot & Marrow they fused them into an OC named him spike.
>Live at Xavier's Private School
>Attend public school anyway
Stupid plot


>Staying Dead

That is the exact opposite of what the phoenix does
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Probably the Morlock Massacre too, since we already have secondary character with them.
Callisto really needs more love
Because it also had the best versions of every other character as well
Absolutely. She's really hot. I don't blame Evan for leaving the X-men to fuck her in the tunnels under Bayville.
Oh god yes

they want to free palestine

-Scarlet Witch

The show was full of the best versions of the caracters.
She looked cute. Like she could be played by Michelle Rodriguez
How often do students get caught fucking in the mansion?
Fingerlicking good
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The whole school smells like jizz.
But can you blame them.when mutant females look like this?
Sadly this

Not lying to her about her Father brainwashing her?

>-Scarlet Witch
>I don't know what chu talking 'bout bagelbreath, I wouldn't want to be caught dead near those poor people who have to deal with your sorry ass, why don't you go phase yourself outta existence like your whole kind
>How often do students get caught fucking in the mansion?
Less often than the girls' clothes just suddenly fall off for no apparent reason, and as she tries to cover herself, Xavier rolls away saying "It's too late, I've already seen everything."
>Rogue is pro holocaust.
I love her
>Rogue is pro holocaust.
He was a good boy.

Manic pixie white trash
>>-Scarlet Witch

I'll bite what was wrong with them?
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double retard
>taking out the red of kurt's suit
that's so bad
not having the gay nigger Demayo writing it anymore but the What If series writer instead killed it for me
didn't rogue kill her tho?
>look up some evo fanfics

>one of the most popular pairings is nightcrawler/toad

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No I can't
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integration with society is Xavier's whole endgame, and he also has no teachers in his institute aside from himself (who actually is a teacher in this continuity)
Lance is a lucky man.
With those stocking legs
I would be all up for it
Yes, we love her for that...
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yes he is...
Yup, Raven rocks that teacher look...
Jingel fever muties
Having just flaming spikes was a dumb mutation they should've done something else.
>She also hit the wall hard like all German women do
So not at all? All the photos I've seen of her post-cult show she still looks really cute, despite the lack of makeup.

Because its boring?

And it was boring as shit
Maybe if Evolution got a season 5 he could get with Psylocke. They had a thing for a bit.
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Betsy was a chubby chaser?
When was it? Poor thing would have to be always on top.
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Man, Kitty really lost when she let Avalanche go

I can't tell if Toad looks better or worse
Hell yeah, Blob.
There’s no doubt in my mind Mystique was banging the Brotherhood to gain their loyalty. Maybe not Lance since he had oneitis for Kitty, but definitely the others.
Any romantic art of Boom Boom and Blob?
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She banged him morphing into Kitty.
>Okay Lance...so you want one one one with Miss Pryde tonight? Anything you want her to say? To moan? o...do?"
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They had a threesome on top of the teleport dimension creature's body.
As romantic as it gets...
Ironically Boom Boom sat on Blob’s face later that night.
>it should have been me...
You can tell that she's planning to fuck them just by how she recruits them. She was obviously into young men.

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