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cont of >>145308683
I'm getting a mixture of Vegeta getting his eyes poked out and goatse.
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Allegedly she'll eventually lose a lot in the ring.
I hope there'll be Ultimate Surrender type stuff.
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>blue hair
the enforcer is Jinx
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cute sisters
Isha=Janna is less compelling now that we've seen war-paint Jinx. For her to be reborn with Isha-tribute shark-hoodie/face-paint/flying fortress, she must know that Isha died fighting for a cause Jinx now champions

'Isha dead but really she's spirit-lady so not really kinda dead' lessens any emotional catalyst on Jinx by a huge degree. That's sorta sad but it's not "This means WAR, long live ISHA!"
OK this is actually adorable
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>Arcane is only 2 seasons long
>have to avoid threads until fucking November because of the leaks
>Jinx is going to die without being redeemed and will never be in any League of Legends cartoon ever again
>Riot is going to try to make lightning in a bottle twice with a new set of champions, possibly without the French animation studio that gave Arcane its unique aesthetic
wait, which hand lost the finger?
Jinx's left hand. It's reversed here because this shot is Isha looking at herself in the mirror.
left. there's no prosthetic yet in this pic
impossible because
>pre-rebirth Jinx
where are her braids?
>post-rebirth Jinx
she has a flying fortress up above with the sole purpose of destroying this city. For which purpose would she leave it abandoned, steal armor, infiltrate, and get beat up?
fuck, i am dumb...
>Jinx is going to die
no champions will die, they're all alive in lol
>she has a flying fortress up above with the sole purpose of destroying this city. For which purpose would she leave it abandoned, steal armor, infiltrate, and get beat up?
do you realize all the scenes are out of order, and they don't need to hold a narrative timeline?
Orrr alternately she pops up next to jinx in the full scene. Or is hanging out with sevika(if she's still alive)

Jinx is covered in paint. It's possible the kid doodles on her.
Someone mentioned far back in an archieved thread that the gods of runterra get smaller as people lose faith in them. --Janna was hinted at appearing.
-Janna's temple is under ground.
-So are the tree roots
-Gods have beef with the Void
-When we first see Isha, she is crawling up from the sewer lines and becomes part of the hoard of children fleeing chembarons men.
-Jinx's story about Janna
-who showed Jinx were the temple was in the first place?

It is just a theory, but we though it was a cool idea.
The likely order is vi jumps off of jinxes machine onto ekko's board. Then the scene of her carrying an enforcer.
yes I do

now answer the question
Jinx will die. but Ekko will use his R i mean the Z-drive to rewind time and save her. whoever everyone else will think that Jinx is in fact dead.
when she is carrying the enforcers she has the shoulders pads. In the scene with Ekko she has lost those only leaving the chest piece. So that comes later.
Respond what? we dont even know the context of those scenes.
Blue skin. It's also a man.
Ekko is painted with Jinx x, what implies that they're working together. He and Vi go toward Jinx helicopter. Jinx attacking Piltover doesn't add but who knows
She has shoulder pads??? I didn't see any in the trailer, and i went slow mode on it. Care to pinpoint exactly where anon?
Jinx is taking out Noxud air ships. Which will probably be the exact fucking ship from 201
Who Vi? We don't see her shoulders though. The shoulder pad we see in on the enforcer. The other side is their leg armour.
The trailer left me with more questions than answers
So is Riot going to keep dumping posters and stills at this rate for the next two months or are they just blowing their load for the trailer.
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Not enough hips on her.
It's going to be so much worse.
They'll try to get people back into the game with events and skins.
Yeah i checked, it kinda mix together with the perspective, but is the enforcer armor.
Yeah but imagine if we got a feature film of Garen and Kat or get a show split across centuries about Sivir/Cass and Azir/Xerath.

God I just want to see Xerath get a fandom of soft hearted shit that see him as being a victim because he's a slave only to watch him be the most irredeemable bastard on the planet.
She lost her hips in s2
Nah now it installs a rootkit.
Yes, I also think that it will be when Ambessa betrays Caitlyn, possibly in the scene of the tree, it looks like she was stabbed and left behind. Are her eyes a mix of anger and surprise? Vanderwick will die somehow and since he will be out of control, Ambessa will leave with Singed. This will be right at the beginning of the burning tree, there will be a fight against Warwick and Jinx or Vi will save Caitly's ass at the end. Since Amanda is a fan of the legend of Korra, like when Kuvira and Korra have their moment at the portal to the other world (I may be talking nonsense here, disregard it).

I believe that Ambessa will stay in Zaun because there is an image that shows her in Viktor's lair, Cailtyn will have to return to Piltover... or it may happen the other way around, I don't know. But what is certain is that Noxus will have Piltover surrounded because of the fortifications built in the city.

At the same time that the tree is burned to the ground, we will have the first encounter between Jayce and Viktor. They will have a small fight... somehow Jayce will find Cait/Vi/Jinx's group and by that time Ekko/Heimer will have returned. End of ep. 6.

At some point in ep6, it will be explained what happened in the wild rune. Act 3 will be focused on defeating Noxus and Viktor.
Need to bring the waist in and widen the hips anon. Looks like a man railing some chick.
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Vi seems to have the X graffiti in her pants, so she is working Ekko and Jinx in the attack.
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Luckily not in every scene.
I think the punk jacket is simply too wide from the back, makes her shoulders and waist look wider.

>deleting [insert bs state/corpo] spyware
Hah. It's most likely to fail when they hire certain cheap categories.
In the trailer it seems that Piltover is under siege, as ships are seen around, my theory is that this happens once Caitlyn and I talk and face the Noxians, I believe at that point Caitlyn's place of attack was discovered and she was bombed, leaving her wounded.
>when she is carrying the enforcers she has the shoulders pads
haven't bothered to think yet, i will some time after posting this, but for now i'll just ask you anons, are we getting a noncommittal ending or will the champions actually get an end to their stories?
>Caitlyn and I
You won't do shit
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I don't think it's from the same event, the image filter is different (color)
These are Ekko's pants...
I think most arcs will close but some will get introduced near the end for a spinoff like Orianna or Ezreal. Arcane is done but Riot is definitely gonna make more stuff just with different casts.
Surprise, shock and Vi(only way i can discribe it)
You can pin point the exact moment in her eyes when she registers. Goes from rage to relax.
that Ekko's pants lmao
The image of cait looking up seems to lineup with the building explosion with the other enforcers and fish guy. There's dust clouds around caitlyn.
>Since Amanda is a fan of the legend of Korra, like when Kuvira and Korra have their moment at the portal to the other world (I may be talking nonsense here, disregard it).
This will be Caitlyn and Jinx's rematch
They don't show any ships. This is a background painting where Caitlyns enforcers are trying to arrest Ambessa
I think it's from the tree, but that's just my opinion, yours might be right too, who knows?
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I wonder how did the conversation between Ambessa and Cait play out when the construction of the tower of Sauron in Piltover was proposed.
Hmm yummy ass
sorry the traslate, change VI for I i don know
Dang I never noticed that. What is it even?
Isn't that way too much ti put in 1 episode?
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Left picture is the beginning of the tree fire. Most likely looking up at Embessa who is looking down at her in disgust. Vi is probably going to land the drop on Ambessa which will turn into a fight and Jinx is watching while she is trying to get a hold of Vanderwick
That's not Mel painting, at there too many noxian soldier in the background to be inside her office.
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Down boy. Thats Cuntlyn's plappers.
>What is it even?
The tower of Sauron, or Mordekaiser as he is known in Runeterra. It's for security and stuff...so don't look inside it.
Sorry but taken girls don't get to tap that yummy Zaunite ass
Yah know I noticed we don't see the bridge alot this season. Thought it would be more important seeing the first teaser is jinx on the bridge with vi's shadow. Was it all for symbolism or will we be seeing it more at some point?
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Its a wallin on of the rooms of the tower fish guy is leading a raid in.
that's a man (Ekko)
the pace is rushed as fuck, everything tha I said can happen
t b f at first glance thought those were big-ass shoulder pads too but it's the hips and shoulder plates of whoever Vi's carrying, wearing the enforcer uniform

it's looks weird but in the next few frames you can see the head in a helmet dangling off in the lower right corner
Caitlyn hadn't become Commander yet
Jinx needs to calm down. Nobody's gonna take her man like relax girl
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Alpha Cuntlyn has rights to all the juicy asses she wants.
At this point the fire is already really high, in Caitlyn's case I assume that Ambessa will betray her and then set it on fire
Actually fits Jinx. I always believed she would be full Yandere
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Chinese promotional text along with Vi's poster
>"I will definitely save you..."
>love and hate blind our eyes, is it too late to point the finger?

China also has an official release date, November 9th
yeah, so who paid for that thing and why? that's like a accepting a Noxian military presence, even before martial law was declared.
pic related is before Vi became an alcoholic though. She lost weight
The real question is....does Jinx blood set off Vanderwick, even though her scent snaps him out of it? Someone popped her good there
why do you think the ships are just paintings?
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That's true... she's all bones and flat ass now
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Jinx blinding Vi, leading her astray? That’s my analysis at least
No, it's the sea, in the scene between Vi and Ekko you can see the same ships
Eh, i think Ambessa lights it on fire and Caitlyn tells her to stop and orders Ambessa to cease and desist. The tree should essentially be dead at this point, so it will go up like a Roman candle. After lighting the tree, Ambessa will turn and absolutely deck Caitlyn in the gut.
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i think it's a full on invasion from troops she had outside, there is even rubble and structural damage on some shots.
They've been occupying for years? How long does it take to build a skyscraper, like years irl

Chyna: 19 days, mf'ers

howwwww, is it even safe???
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Because Mel loves to Paint large portraits of Noxus. This is probably the Mederda residency so Mel paints all the walls to look like home.
Anchient chinese secret
are you on crack?
maybe it was a pre-made structure they build in a few weeks. Noxus has mages, so there might be some bullshit to build it fast.
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>everyone is to blame, Vi
This a later shot. Not the same as the enforcers trying to arrest Ambessa.
It's possible, I agree
we have only seen one large painting and that one is covered in gold paint.
No. This is purposefully ment to mislead us into think those are all troups. They are not. It is a wall painting.
how do you know the order? it's just a trailer with no meaning in the sequence.
They're going to blame Caitlyn this time.
Vi will still pay the biggest price in the show - by suffering even more than in the previous season.
So Jinx and Vi will take Vanderwick to the tree
They will meet Ekko there
Ambessa, Singed and Cait are hunting down Vanderwick
Someone will set the tree on fire, this is where Ambessa will take her chance to betray Cait and gut punch/stab her
Caitlyn is bleeding, so Vanderwick will start hunting Cait down
Vi has no choice but to kill Vanderwick

Is this a likely scenario?
Bruh, no offense but go watch the trailer again in slow motion
So? You think she got so good painting after foing only one? She probably has the house painted with murals.
Yep this scene is taking place during the tree burning. You can tell from the color and her big shadow
I did. Thats when i realized its apainting and she is killing Fish bros squad. Her doing a battle cry with her sword is against Viktor.
>left side
At night, she's holding her normal rifle, first time seeing Jinx's battleship
>right right
In broad daylight, upgraded to an antimaterial rifle, trying to shoot down Jinx's battleship
>They're going to blame Caitlyn this time.
Well she was the one who accepted and worked with the Noxians for her police state. Which lead to the undercity banding together for an uprising and the Noxians having an easy path to take the city with months of preparations.
this makes more sense. Ambessa got her war gear on and the new chain blades. Caitlyn prob tried to arrest her but Ambessa's ships already docked outside Piltover, ready to invade

Mel's painting was already ruined and iirc there weren't troops in it, just Noxus ships
El Arepero de Barranquilla
It could be, or more likely it's just a shot of the ocean with ships in the background.
everyone joining to fight ambessa would be so fucking lame, the cowards way out to solve the conflict they created and nurtured, if you're gonna do hero vs hero, fucking commit to it and deal with the consequences at the end
The one thing I can't wrap my head around is why they would think it's a good idea to take a feral vander to a place full of people. Alot of whom are non combatant. Unless that place is the 'blisters and bedrock' meeting place and vander runs off there on his own. Shit for all we know mystery mom planted the tree.
Ambessa as the big bad this season is so fucking boring, too


Ambessa's betrayal must be for all to witness, only then can they sorta forgive Caitlyn for all her war crimes; she was being played by the big bad

but who sucker punched Jinx? bloody-nose Jinx is likely this scene too
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She doesn't have those kind of resources because she has been stripped of them, which is why she is in Piltover to begin with. That was explained in 203. She is in war gear because this was after the tree burning and she was going to hostile take over piltover.

Do you really think that for all the years Mel has been in Piltover. She has o ly ever worked on 1 painting?????
3 reasons
Vanderwick is too easy to find in the mines. Caitlyn would easily be able to track him down
The tree is the only place where Cait refuses to search for Jinx

If Jinx and Vi can keep Vanderwick under control/mellow, then it's probably safe to keep him around other people there
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>Yep this scene is taking place during the tree burning. You can tell from the color and her big shadow
The possible tree burning scene has a very saturated yellow lighting from the flames, that one has a less saturated lighting. Plus the uniform Cait is using is one made for battle, she is right now with her Commander one and she is in Zaun. Unless she abandoned her search for Warwick in Zaun and went back to Piltover to change, i dont see the two shots connected.
Their not. Warwick is summoned by singed to be there.
Ambessa is the most likely to have punched Jinx so hard
Or maybe another Ekko vs. Jinx confrontation
But she is. Mel has been warning everyone about her mother since previous season. Nobody listened to her.mn8yr
>Unless she abandoned her search for Warwick in Zaun and went back to Piltover to change
She will need backup to hunt down Vanderwick, it won't just be her and Ambessa.
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She WILL leave and fuck off back to Noxus with Singed, that much is certain.
It'll probably happen near the very end.
>only then can they sorta forgive Caitlyn for all her war crimes; she was being played by the big bad
Please... Piltover sees her as a symbol...
He's going to be dead in episode 7. He's not getting into Piltover. Singed has SOME control over Vander, not over Warwick.
oh, looooook
no information about release in acts
Why not Caitlyn?
enemy of my enemy is my friend; either they temporarily truce and fight Noxus together or they both become vassal states

Once Noxus is driven out, Piltover recognizes Zaun's independence and they live their separate lives. Neither alone can win against Noxus, clearly
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It's going to be a 3 way battle, once they deal with Ambessa threat, Caitlyn will have to choose on keeping with her vengeance against Jinx and risk a battle with the zaunite insurgency or chose diplomacy. I doubt she is going to choose the former.
>Singed has SOME control over Vander, not over Warwick.
What a profoundly fucking stupid thing to say
It's the other way around, Singed controls the beast, not the man
Yes? The tree burning is going to be 206
I think there will be a confrontation between Jinx and Caitlyn during the burning tree while Vi fights Vanderwick
Take over Piltover and Zaun with...no army? OK...
No cait can’t because autistic according to the tumblrtards. Why they gotta ruin it with their autistic self insertion?
I also think Cait will go back to Piltover to regroup and form a hunting squad. Hence the new uniforms for both her and Ambessa. The point of convergence for all our champions to meet will be the tree.
You forget that she has Singed who makes Shimmer?
This. Vanderwick tore threw enforcers like tissue paper.
Nah. The new uniforms comes with the new weapons. Something happens before that. No way jayce has an anti tank laser rifle laying around.
>It's the other way around, Singed controls the beast, not the man
OF COURSE. He said he potentially has a way of getting into its head because he's seen him confront and recognize Powder. But he doesn't have a full control. From his story it seems he tried to control him a couple of times and always failed. This would explain why he started making experiments with his own blood - probably to protect himself from the beast. One way or another, he can make him do certain things, just not everything.
I think that first comes Caitlyn's confrontation with Ambesa, then the betrayal, then Zaun's union with Piltover against Nexus and then the threat greater than that of the Void is revealed, there they all unite against that
Shimmer drones who've been around for years under Silco and they still couldn't win vs Piltover and now broke-ass, army-less Ambessa with a small contingent of personal guards hyped on shimmer is going to take over?
If caitvi is supposed to have a sex scene in 208, they need to reconnect them in 206 and reconcile them in 207. The big battle against Ambessa will be left for 2nd half of 208 and first half of 209. Second half of 209 will probably be rebuilding, providing Zaun with independence and some kind of an epilogue. Lower your expectations.
Worse, that would be taking away importance from Victor's act, the threat that comes from him is existential, so I think that all political or economic reasons would be relegated once everyone sees the true apocalypse.
Possible they even kill off Vanderwick without a Warwick revival. Might not be enough time to do the whole "new Warwick is a mindless beast now, cursed to hunt alone forever", unless it's some epilogue

Kinda like the second option as a Warwick fan meself, the mf'er just won't stay died. but Vanderwick perma-death isn't bad closure either for the character
Confirmed everyone is against ambessa. They are aiding enforcers. Which also lends credence vi was helping random enforcer.
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>without the French
LOS ANGELES and PARIS — Mar. 14, 2022 — Riot Games, the developer and publisher known for League of Legends and the breakout animated series Arcane, and Fortiche Production, the animation studio behind Arcane and many League videos, today announced a new equity investment by Riot in Fortiche

your problem is not Riot and Fortiche.
your problem is called NINOC.
they storyboarded S1. not S2.
that's why S2's a disaster.

i didn't say anything.
you didn't see me.
you don't know me.
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This also gives more credibility to Vi ending up as an enforcer if piltover and zaun manage to unite
Ekko is helping and enforcer??? "MUst Be JIinX oN EnForCER DISguiSe"" kek
>right leg
Redo it
That image only shows the noxians will betray piltover in some point, not what role does the firelights will play in the battle. And the random enforcer vi is carrying still has blue hair, which it's imposible considering the context of having said color means with the jinxers and the zaun revolution movement.
She is going to do something because she sure as hell can't call Noxus for help. She was there to get hex tech weaponry, and is desperate to control something.
This was literally the scene where ekko takes a swing at the guy with the shield in front. What more confirmation do you need?
Go watch the trailer again. Are u blind?
The firelights along with Ekko are also fighting against enforcers. It's right there in the trailer
so jinx has probably had a ton of sex by now, right?
Fighting Noxians
That they are fighting noxus, their relationship with the enforcers is not clear.
Enemy of my enemy. Vi wearing enforcer armor and the enforcer badge also enough evidence that there's an alliance against Noxus.
It's speculation not factual evidence.
I am pretty sure shimmer drones would have killed enough. Silco could have easily destroyed Piltover, but the problems was keeping the Barons united to do so was his problem besides jinx fucking shit up. Plus he didn't want Piltover, he wanted seperation.
I give up. Dnt know how much more empirical proof yall need. Yall are just disagreeing for the sake of it at this point.
Sure, it's the more likely scenario.
The other scenario you speak of Vi and Jinx steal enforcer uniforms and sneak into Piltover, at some point they're escaping a building that's about to explode... but why? What's the purpose of all this? Do they wanna assassinate ambessa by getting close to her? Then why not steal noxian armor?
More than Vi kek
I doubt Ekko can resist more than once per day
do you even know what empirical is? the only thing you can see with your eyes is the firelights fighting noxus.
She's had tons before the first episode.
The building is being bombed, it is obvious that they are in the middle of a siege attack.
>What's the purpose of all this? Do they wanna assassinate ambessa by getting close to her? Then why not steal noxian armor?
Maybe Vi is going to try to reason with Cailtlyn, or Jinx/Ekko needs hextech for something, like the z-drive
Ekko and Jinx want to burn it all down, so they're fighting both Enforcers and Noxians. Everyone is their enemy.
If Vi needs to reason with Caitlyn while the city is under siege by Noxus then Caitlyn must be a fucking idiot.
Yes. She flies to Demacia by airship every month and plows Luxanna Crownguard.
as a 7 years old?
>then Caitlyn must be a fucking idiot.
Caitlyn has been an prideful idiot for a while, this Noxian invasion is the result of that.
And Vi is wearing enforcer badge and armour for shits and giggles. And she is with Ekko. But I guess that means nothing either. And oh right Jinx has a new power to copy herself and one is disguised as an enforcer that Vi is saving while the other is piloting her sky lair. Yup that's what's happening.
Jinx in enforcer disguise and Jinx up in the air may very well be on different days. The trailer is misleading after all
>And oh right Jinx has a new power to copy herself and one is disguised as an enforcer that Vi is saving while the other is piloting her sky lair. Yup that's what's happening.
You must be an special kind of idiot to believe scenes on a trailer are chronologically related.
Thank fuck someone has some sense. THANK YOU I was going goddamn crazy listening to these retards
So Ekko gives Dread Enforcer Vi a lift on his hoverboard because?

More plausible Zaun and Piltover have a temporary truce as they see Ambessa wrecking havoc in Zaun at the tree, already having turned Piltover into an almost occupied state under martial law
Are u fuquin stupid. U don't understand visual cues? It's all happening on the same day fool. Vi has the same wear and tear on her face in all the scenes.
Not him but there's nothing to pinpoint Jinx in the air lair as being on the same day as Vi + Ekko
Something happening in the same day doesn't mean it has the chronological development you expect.
Some one pointed out the lair in the corner when vi jumps into the air. It's also possible she is jumping from it onto ekko's board.
>Are u fuquin stupid. U
Say they person writing like a mad retard.
Just undercity things.K0YS
>Warmongering nation is building fortifications all over your city
You don't need to be a genius strategist to predict what's gonna happen. Caitlyn should be fucking exiled.
Lol. Sure guy. Whatever makes u feel good about yourself.
Anyone with half a brain would place the responsibility of this fiasco on Caitlyn. I have no idea how would anyone accept her as the sheriff after this fuck up.
One brain celled Caitlyn was necessary to unite Zaun and Piltover against one common enemy
Go back to school kid.
She will have to do something really heroic to be accepted as Sheriff
Well zaun used jinx as a revolutionary symbol alongside vander so anything is possible.
to fix what she is responsible for?
So Jinx line on ep3 is some kind of foreshadow?
" I know u are sweet on her. Hope u get a chance to... You know.. before"
Give me hope
When everyone witnesses Ambessa back-stab Caitlyn at the tree, Vi goes running back to Cait, Cait begs for forgiveness and for help to defeat Ambessa, they smash in ep 7 or 8, Vi gets her Dread Enforcer armor and gauntlets for the Zaun/Piltover team up vs the Noxians

epilogue Jinx goes her own way and Vi stays in Piltover with Cait, she wouldn't put on the gear a 2nd time if she wasn't warming up to becoming a full-time enforcer/deputy, earning the respect of Piltovans for emancipating them from the Noxians
wait you’re cooking maybe it is. maybe that enforcer standing there is actually jinx and ekko is about to save her
Yes, starting with accepting that her stupid revenge boner is why the city became occupied anyway
Fixing your own mess is not heroic or praise worthy though.
There's no time for a sex scene with the amount of plot points left to resolve with 4 eps left
It's looking quite bleak for caitvi , in ep 8 Maddie is still with Cait and Vi and Cait still don't seem like they've reconciled
Yes they will probably fuck like animals
Ekko hates enforcers and want them dead but he respects Vi. He helps her because he knows that even though she's with the enemy, she wants Jinx and Zaun to be free as well

You wouldn't see him giving a lift to other enforcers.
This argument has been beaten to death. They are colleagues. Maddie was apart of cait's kill squad. Maddie stayed with cait in her villain era and was first to pound her chest. Maddie is cait's new lover. Why would Maddie leave if they decide to break up?
Here's what I think will happen
>Caitlyn gets gravely injured in ep 6 after ambessa betrayal
>Vi helps her , nursing her back to health (parallel to s1ep 6)
>they reconnect and have an intimate moment
It can realistically happen
Bro they are literally all going to team up against Ambessa and kill her. That way Riot can keep their promise to the show-only crowd about killing a champion because for some reason that crowd has a boner for seeing characters from a game they don't play die. And then after they'll dissolve into their minor rivalries with much less anger and hostility since killing Ambessa will relieve them of their emotional conflict.
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Why would Zaunites even care to retake the Piltover part of the city from the Noxian if they can just focus on the side of the river and let the Pilties get fucked. Hell even Jinx can negotiate with Ambessa for Zaun independence in exchange of making Hextech weapons.
>Not him but there's nothing to pinpoint Jinx in the air lair as being on the same day as Vi + Ekko

>>145318969 #
Yes there is . look at the second screenshot
It's already happening, a plausible explanation is that Caitlyn will convince Zaunites to join and help her in kicking Noxus out in exchange for their independece
don't forget Ekko's time-travel revelations and that he's having a heart-to-heart with mortal enemy Jinx, after forsaking her for years. he's learned something in his travels about forgiveness in order to move forward, says as much in his quotes

much of the episodes have had a theme of in-fighting squabbles over who's the real threat. Ambessa is gonna go hard, making it obvious she's against them all and they'll need to team up to stop her
>a plausible explanation is that Caitlyn will convince Zaunites to join and help her in kicking Noxus out in exchange for their independece
She is the one who invited them in the first place, to help break their skulls with her police state. She word means shit and its more logical to negotiate with Ambessa than with her.
Hmm. Does jinx know how to make the gemstone though? If she did she wouldn't need to steal it back. No gem no weapons. The target is ambessa and she's in piltover.
They're not 2 cities dude. They're 1 city. The top part of Zaun is literally the bottom of Piltover.
She has Viktor and Jayce investigation and if Ambessa controls Piltover a means to produce gems.
It's not more logical if Noxus's presence continues to be all over them. Their goal is dominion and they're not gonna stop just because Jinx is making them some hextech weapons. Rather cooperate with Piltover who promises them independence than handing weapons over to Noxus and end up being swallowed by them.
>Caitlyn gets gravely injured
>they reconnect and have an intimate moment
Yeah they have sex while cait is in pain because of a fucking stab wound or something do you guys heard yourselves
That's the game lore, in Arcane most of Zaun is separated by the river.
cause when you see an angry mob burn down your neighbor's house, you're next

Ambessa is gonna make a big move in Zaun, prob the tree scene and it'll be clear neither side will survive Noxian occupation
Intimate moment doesn't necessarily translate to sex, you know.
Yea. And let's be real. If anyone is getting stabbed, it'll be Vi again. The writer's favorite punching bag.
The goal of Ambessa is not dominion but to get Hextech weapons to fight the Black Rose back in Noxus. Controlling the shit part of the city is not high on her priority list.
anyways ekko time travel confirmed that tweet of his va pretty much says it all
Everything will be rushed, there's no denying that.
Every day you guys argue about the same things
it's hilarious!
>Caitlyn invited
How? House Maderda is one of the.most wealthy and powerful houses in Piltover. When Mel is kidnapped, her mother becomes defacto head of the house. She has her own set of powers as appointed general. She already had a small army of her own.
I think we will see his revival and Vi's reaction to it. She's going to think she mercy-killed him, but it'll turn to be another slap in her face. Poor girl needs to suffer...
Well, just back here, any news or new theories so far? I am lost.
nope, same old stuff

Vi is out in full force with Ekko doin' rocket punches off skateboards, if anything Cait is out-of-commission for the final battle or at least just chilling far away, taking head-shots if she can with her wounds.

Why Ambessa doesn't kill Cait at the betrayal, idk, maybe she's still useful in some capacity
The sex scene will be Maddie and and Cait, at the same time that Vi will have to kill Vander.
Soooo how the hell does black rose fit into all of this? I dunno anything about them in lol but is it possible they are aiding Viktor through a corrupted Mel who is leading the noxian army? Tryna figure out how that plot is gonna come into place.
Medarda's are not founders of the city. Kirammans are one of the very few houses with the most power out there. With Cassandra dead, Caitlyn takes over her house title as the head of it. She's more powerful than Medarda, she just doesn't have as much money as Medarda does. But that's not the issue here at all.
nothing interesting, today they are discussing whether or not it is Jinx disguised being carried by Vi and also discussing whether they are fighting in front of the painting that Mel painted in S1 or if it is the ocean.

As incredible as it may seem today they did not discuss how Caitvi's sex scene will be
Guys. Sex is on ep8.
Tree burns on ep6
Champ dies in ep9
Caitlyn is the supreme commander of Piltover and she has executive power while the council is disbanded. Ambessa is using her House name to push for Noxian troops to police inside Piltover, instead of being only her personal guard.

The Noxians and all the stuff they build are done under the authority of Caitlyn and none else, even Maddie told her, one word from Caitlyn and they can retire from the under city.

Whatever the Noxians do in her peruse against Jinx is responsibility of Caitlyn.
If anyone cares ekko’s va quoted a video from another series in which they talk about time travel with the words: “pay attention”

bro is always giving hints. time travel basically confirmed now can we start adjusting our theories to this?
considering how other houses don't give a shit and they all look up to caitlyn, i guess it's safe to say caitlyn has all the power now. that's why ambessa could've pointed her as the leader under the martial law and who caitlyn has all the power to call her off. she's just too scared to do it - yet
Sex scene is already being discussed as we speak

Speaking of, it'll be soft and gentle and Vi will cry
Jinx/Silco parallel, would be cool to see full-on werewolf Warwick go ham

but then they'll either have to kill him again, or write him out, like they did Hulk after Avengers whichever it was where he ran off alone
>Sex scene is already being discussed as we speak
you guys started now like 20 min ago kek
>also discussing whether they are fighting in front of the painting that Mel painted in S1 or if it is the ocean.
guys? its obviously the ocean its on various shots from different angles
I also know it's the ocean, I just passed on the news to Anon who asked
What?? Fighting in front of Mel painting ?? Anons in here never fail to make me chuckle with their nonsense
Incorrect. Cait will pound Maddie and Vi anally and simultaneously and neither will be able to walk for several days after. Cait will then drop them like the whore they are and they will find comfort in each other in the afterglow.
>she's just too scared to do it - yet
do you think she is scared of ambessa? idk she is acting like a pussy i think she lowkey is
She's too proud and too big ego to give up on Jinx, cuz the moment she does she'll remember Vi's words about how she's no different from Jinx
It's blue hair but if you are referring to the vastaya fish guy Caitlyn had in her squad, he doesn't use a helmet and his uniform is nothing like that, even during when it appears that sequence takes place.
Yes, they said they were fighting inside Mel's residence and that she has several paintings around the house of boats with red sails.
I'm not lying, I even asked him if he was using crack!
Black Rose is probably a lead-in for Swain in a later show, LeBlanc of the Black Rose and Swain were an item

Doubtful Ambessa gets hextech, she probably has to flee Piltover with Singed, and then they'll have her in whatever show follows, Swain's rise/fall to power

Black Rose is just there to stop Ambessa from gaining the means to topple Swain as the leader of Noxus
Did they all suddenly decide to meet up at mels place and start a fight?
yeaaah lmao
Anon was on crack for sure
Really? That's lame. So much wasted screen time for better more important plot.
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Jinx and Caitlyn rematch is going to happen. They already hinted it with the beetle scene. It's logical climax for Caitlyn and Jinx revenge plot. They are not going to join together to fight Noxus until they settle their grudge, which is likely at the end of the story with the final battle, not early.
>Jinx and Caitlyn rematch is going to happen.
ep 6 or 7
Not doubting this but how would it go down though. Doubt Vi would let them try to kill each other.
Shame Maddie ain't someone who's opinion Caitlyn doesn't give a shit about.
how would that scene even be like since they both use guns someone is gonna get hit very fast or is gonna look stupid when they make them both miss a bunch of shots so would it be better if they just fist fight kek
tell that to Jinx
Jinx being sneaky and using mind games as she likes to to do. Mayve talk shit about her mother so Cait loses her shit and do something stupid.
Ekko's journey of forgiveness is with Jinx and Jinx alone. Same with Jinx. She has to forgive everything she did in the past and that includes Ekko. This is why they end up working together, most likely as co-leaders of the revolution

They have NO REASON to ever forgive Piltover for anything. Literally. Even if Noxus turns out to be the devil itself, Piltover are the ones that enabled them in the first place. If Noxus turns on them that's on them. Neither Jinx nor Ekko have to give a shit. There's nothing that Ekko can learn in time travel that could erase everything Piltover did to him and JInx. Nothing.
Is she fixing her mess? If anything she's escalating her mess and people apparently want that now that Piltover is fucking them up.
this is likely to be in reference to Ekko meeting an alternate younger Ekko who lives in Piltover.
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Yeah, we saw that earlier... plus they're commenting: I'm worried about where the S2 script is going / I'm worried about Jinx's character leading a rebellion
the release day it's going to be fun
I want to see the chaos that will be on twt
someone ask them how they would feel about vi fucking a woman every day
It is for this reason that I really believe that Cait and Vi ended up together... you can see the storm that is coming. If they took that risk, it was surely to create impact and drama, but in the end, like everything in life, it depends on how it ends.
it's only going to be fun if they release it weekly or by acts like last time
I'm a Caitvifag and i admit this will be so.much fun
my only complain about this whole love triangle thing is that they should have given caitlyn a hotter girlfriend
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True. Such a down grade. From Vi to Maddie
>If the writers fail Violyn fans, we will have a Stillwater typa "chat" with them
>Yeah…we will
>We take a shotgun like that crazy guy from the Simpsons in the psychiatric hospital. .."I am the angel of death. It is time for purification"
Amanda needs to deactivate all her socials Lmao
They don't need to forgive or forget to act in their own interest of self-preservation against Noxus. Zaun has seen what Ambessa did to Piltover with martial law under Cait, and likely knows of Ambessa's betrayal of the chem-barons as well, straight up beheaded one of them. They have no love for her either

Whatever Noxus pulls in ep 6 or 7 will happen in Zaun such that it's in Zaun's interest to help Piltover drive out Noxus

It'd be childish to act otherwise; one doesn't have to like others to work towards a mutual beneficial outcome

Piltover will offer Zaun independence in exchange for help with driving out Noxus
yall sure they didn't watch the leaks too? seem like awful accurate shots in the dark

might be hard to release in 3 acts if riot hq is razed to the ground by angry shippers after act 2
The only solution to calm down the fans would be to show some Caitvi interactions on the final trailer.. some shots from act3 to give them hope.
are we getting more trailers? Isn't that last one the final trailer?
maybe in geekwekend or something like that a, clip o maybe not
They'll probably release the annency clip
It's true that it would be childish for Zaun not to take this opportunity to take out Noxus for the shit they pulled.
However, what's stopping Zaun from just ransacking Piltover after the Noxian threat is dealt with? All of them hate Piltover and are shortsighted opportunists. Ekko might push for peace, but Jinx's character arc has yet to allow for forgiveness or sympathy towards Piltover.
Final trailer is likely to drop on october
>It'd be childish to act otherwise;
>Piltover will offer Zaun independence in exchange for help with driving out Noxus
Their word means shit with a history of Piltover not giving a shit about Zaun or their right to self determination. Quick promises made to urgency are just empty words, and more coming from Caitlyn one of the latest transgressors in the oppression of the undercity.
That would suck so much. We need an episode 6 clip but I'm not holding my breath.
probably just another version of the same things we've seen this week
2021 was only 2, we already had 2 trailers, I don't think there will be another one
maybe you'll see something from victor and jayce, something from void, and hopefully something from caitlyn and vi
The first one was just a teaser.
I highly doubt it. If Riot's waited this long barely showing any sign of Jayce or Viktor then they're probably not planning to at all.
It has to be a clip of either Jinx or Vi. None of the others would bring in the clicks that they can.
how much more could they show without ruining the rest, all those clips with new gear has to be ep 8 or 9

would rather just have the one trailer, maybe one 20-30 second spot before nov.
If they show anything else, it'll probably be some either like Ekko's scene with Scar and Heimerdinger discussing the tree getting sick, or else the infamous "half eaten circus tent" scene. Something short and lighthearted that doesn't give the whole game away.

Yall don't get it, it's not about forgiveness or sympathy, the Noxians are gonna wreck them both

If Zaun was strong enough to deal with Noxus, they would've already, same as they would've broken away from Piltover but obvs they can't between chem-baron squabbling and whatever else causes them to be at each others' throats

Piltover needs help, so does Zaun, it's an alliance of convenience. Leaving the Noxians to do as they please much longer isn't an option. Dunno what else to tell you, that's where they're heading with the story
hahahaha and what happens if they don't follow on their word? After all they have so much history of doing that

Jinx said it best in the trailer. She's planning to watch it all burn.
they're not heading there with the story because it solves absolutely nothing
>look guys we know we created a story that tells the tale of struggle between two cities and how their fight was never solved, and we know we translated this struggle into four different characters who have so much to gain and lose from fighting between each other
do you realize how fucking retarded of an ending that would be? reduce the struggle of the whole series to a fight against an unknown agent that was never a factor in their history
That still does not change the very nature of Zaun. I'm not talking about the alliance of convenience.
I'm talking about what comes after and so far there is no indication that once Zauns uprising is underway that they give a fuck about Piltovers offer for independence. Especially when they will be at their weakest.
there's going to be something else for their fan event on the 24th.
It's so obvious Jinx and Caitlyn are gonna fuck.
Damn I forgot this shit leaked since I didn't watch them, I was wondering why everyone was talking about shit like they 100% agreed on certain theories about the first episodes but now it makes sense.
So Vi becomes Mako...
The Noxians have no real interest in Zaun, they are only helping to stay in good relationship with Piltover and their Hextech, which what they really want. Ambessa betrayal would only give a golden opportunity to make a devastating blow to a weak Piltover and cut the share of the pie. There is no reason to fight for Piltover sake and even less for empty promises of independence made out of urgency.

>But Noxians might invade them later!
So it's Piltover when they get rid of the Noxian and they feel safe to take back the under city. And even if they do it and they conquered by Noxus? They already live in an authoritarian regime that threats them like second class citizens, the only thing it will change will be more color red around government buildings and at least Noxus is somehow a brutal meritocracy ruled by the strong, not an aristocratic oligarchy where you cant advance no matter what.
>we are going to lose our rights and democracy!!!!...oh wait...
leaks here, anon. enjoy
It would be a lot of information for the little context that people who have not seen the leaks have. Either it's the Annency clip or something from act 1 not so relevant. Probably Vi and Maddie's talk.
So Ambessa slice and dicing up enforcers isn't taking the story there, right. It's obvious Ambessa is the antagonist in s2, hate if if you want but that's what the writers did; put aside petty differences and fight the real enemy

Writers didn't need Noxus to tell a Zaun v Piltover story, but they put it in there cause this is what they're doing

Zaun is not going to be its own nation unless they have Piltover's blessing, which will happen once they defeat Noxus together
>Zaun is not going to be its own nation unless they have Piltover's blessing
You do realize that right now Noxus is Zaun's enemy only because Piltover allowed them to interfere right? Noxus only interest in this shit is Hextech. This is why they're helping Piltover here.

So Zaun made an enemy they never had because Piltover, once again, was too stupid to deal with their own problems. And now Zaun has to fight THEIR war because Pilties were too stupid to not keep it in control and their bargain chip is the one thing Zaunites were gonna start a war for?

Seriously, if I was Jinx and Ekko I would never ever accept such a stupid deal. They should buy a couch, get on their flying fortress, buy popcorn, sit next to each other and watch the two motherfucking armies fucking kill each other. Make bets on who's gonna go for the PENTAKILL. Enjoy the bloodbath for all its worth. AND THEN make a deal with the winner. Either you give us the fucking independence or you suffer the revolution.
Jinx already kidnapped Cait while she was naked. She had to beat Vi to it apparently. But everyone seems to conveniently forget this part about Jinx. Jinx can do no wrong bs
But Noxus would steamroll Zaun and so they would lose Zaun anyway?
but that was a rape
this season they will make love
Full agreement, only logical play. Watch it all burn.

She can do wrong, it's just more fun than when Caitlyn or Jayce do wrong.

Marriage of convenience between the two biggest haters in this show.
I now pronouns you blue hair and wife
In the scenario that Piltover and Noxus go to war, neither army is gonna be on a healthy state afterwards. That's Zaun's big advantage. Besides, Noxus has no reason to fight with Zaun. They have no hextech, hell they don't even have food or shelter, or quality of life.

Also, there's another very interesting scenario. What happens if Noxus wins, take all the hextech, and leave? Piltover as a territory is not on their interest so they could just leave it alone. Who is gonna take over in such a power vaccum? Zaun.

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