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It is that day of the week where we have an on-topic, board appropriate, non-rule breaking thread to discuss our favorite /co/ characters who also happen to be fluffy.
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But it's not against the rules...
Based but you might have tried running down the HB thread that's half lusting for Loona before trying this out
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>Only like 3 are /co/
Come on man
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>Furry media must be badly written.
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Every time i see Diane it makes me sad she's not real, i have a genuine issue.
Why is he eating shit
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Comic Tails is cute.
She looks like she fucks bare skinned males.
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Yeah hopefully the thread doesn't get raided by the schizo.
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Foxes only kind of look like that.
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I get it, you like them feral.
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Hey, she is fluffy so she's allowed. No need to fight.
>depressed because muh FOTM waifu isn't real
you and like 10,000 other people bud, get in line
I like my fluffy girls like my wine. Aged and kind of bitter.
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Get you a girl who can do both
I don't know this lady's story but if it's transformation I'm not into it.
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At least fox into fox lady isn't as weird as most TF shit.
what show?
Unicorn warriors eternal
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Ok, and the threads that are just people posting about how they want to fuck human cartoon characters are fine?
Yes because they don't break global rule 3. You don't have to argue with me, I'm right, but it's obvious this thread isn't going to get deleted so you've already won really.
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You will never be a janny.
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I don't think anyone will ever top Lola for me.
>cropped furry porn
Don't bother. He hasn't even actually read the rule, which only states that furry porn is against the rules, which is redundant since all porn is against the rules here.
Friendly reminder
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Given he called a Villainous comic cropped porn I suspect he's genuinely single digit iq.
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Are ducks fluffy?
I wish more shows had kitsunes.
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I miss old webcomics.
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HMOFA is blacked for closet furries.
Just get on with your so-called "hmofa" posting.
What do you mean?
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Absolutely boiling over fuzzy wamen lmao
For me, it's fluffy moms.
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What in the name of God are you on about?
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He's just so doggon handsome.
He's not gay.
Now THAT is good childhood entertainment.
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They just don't make them like they used to.
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Does Lamb count now that she has an official comic book?
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For me, it's hags.
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Fuck off.
You're behind the times, OP. Fluffy Friday is now every day.
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You know who ELSE goes on >>>/trash/?
Keep up the good work Muscleman.
Imagine if they hadn’t pussed out so early on and kept Minerva as a mainstay.
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fluffy moms have complete control and sovereignty over me
cute cute cute cute cute
I wish her comic wasn't dead.
Odd request but I’ll do it
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>long animated trailers that are basically just shorts (like that one with topless Yuki with nipples)
>long animated shorts that are basically just episodes
CotL probably counts as honorary /co/, though the problem might be that the lamb is "officially" ambiguously gendered.
Honestly though, outside of the game, most media for CotL does a shit job of making the lamb ambiguous; all the art, all the animations, every time that little nigga's voiced, the lamb is just straight-up a dude.
>(like that one with topless Yuki with nipples)
poast it
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I wish it stayed dead alongside with Kazeshitter and his cuckold simps.
Too lazy to find a GIF I recorded once.
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>soccer moms and the censors whine about this
>entire gag is that her extreme sex appeal and mere existence causes a tidal wave of silly gag reactions
>can't even pull the feminism card because the gag also includes a gigachad showing up and making all the women in the short do zany gag reactions too

I mean it's still not appropriate for kids regardless, but the show never felt like it was ever made for kids since there were all these references to adult/mature media.
Still super mad that the reboot (+nuTTA) wasn't just more of the same but with a higher rating so that they COULD do half the gags they wanted to before but couldn't.
Would've been fun to see what they could've pulled off with less restrictions, but nope, both reboots ended up being total ass.
Also fuck them cutting Rita and Runt, I rewatch their shorts a few times a year, that's some god-tier stuff.
I really started noticing how plump his fingers were...
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Does eric really expect me to believe sabrina is wearing skin tight pants that just happen to look like her bare legs, complete with counter shading?
Didn't care for the hippos and the Mindy shorts, but really imo everyone should have been brought back. Just odd that it was just the siblings and P&B.
She deserved better.
He should just say she likes to go bottomless, or not even acknowledge it. None of this pussy half measure stuff.
>a whole scene of the main girls dolling themselves up for a bunch of older men
Only in the 90's.
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I think it's funny, a simple joke like how Minnie appears to be topless all the time.
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Fifi is not fat, do not post fat art of her.
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Turns out men only want one thing...
Comic sauce?
Everything needs to go all or nothing with you people
God I want him to push me against a wall and...and bump his snout against my nose.
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My first love...
I love Fifi Friday.
But it's Saturday now.
There is inappropriate, and there is harmful. Most shit is only inappropriate because it teaches the wrong standards, or because it is likely to scare the shit out of them. Being a bit risque like that, while not aimed at kids, is not inappropriate either because it doesn't teach kids that boundaries or standards of behaviour don't matter. It's a bit off-tone, but that's subjective. Not child friendly is not the same as child unfriendly.
Fuck dem kids i want adult cartoons give me toxic, harmful and funny
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You know who ELSE goes on >>>/trash/?

Yeah the devs/animators have no concerns about showing topless female characters with nipples, they do it every other video.
She should settle that on my face
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Mine too, anon. Mine too...
She showed up a few times later on, though she obviously didn't get any more shorts of her own.
The problem with her is that she really only had one gag, and that's to be so hot that it makes every man go all zany and crazy, even the comics basically just continued the joke, so she really only worked in small doses.
Katie Kaboom had the same issue, every short she was in, it was
>Katie's a teen that does teen things
>someone makes her mad
>she goes ballistic in some crazy fantastic way
>literal/metaphorical explosion
>she goes off to do teen things again
-every single time with not much to change things up other than how she literally/metaphorically exploded.
Same, saw her on CN and was a changed man.
I mean the fact that the writers thought the reboot could entirely be carried on the backs of the Warners, brainless political shit-slinging/namecalling, and like three whole OCs shows that whoever ran it this was stupid as hell or that they got so much free money from investments that they didn't care.
Bunday/Skunkday tomorrow.
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>nigga tries to get the thread banned
>starts shitposting, posting about porn, posting about /pol/ theories, etc.
>gets deleted
>thread's still up (for now)

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If Genndy is extended the grace of a second season he should read the room and bring her back, and in so damn well better figure out what the fuck her deal is supposed to be, one way or another
Yeah but most of those things don't fall into the first two categories, is my point.
Based biology understander.
Cuuute. Shame my boy Oliver is too obscure to be there, but I like that pic a lot anyway.
Furfags begone
My GWP nigga
Imagine getting time with all these big boys.
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I was one of the lucky few who actually went to see it in theaters.
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I'm game.
this thread started with diane yet it's the only image of her here
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Only one way to find out
Well that failed lol.
>"Degen" waifus
>All incredibly normal and safe
Fuck off mate
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Thread needs more mice.
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her cartoon used to be on qubo, it wasn't anything special but i have never wanted to fuck a milf as much as i did until i saw her
>someone on staff knew Venemous adopted Fink and they're family in all but blood
>still greenlit this shirt huffing
Fink is still a cute rat, though
Just a cute rat with a couple issues
Oh shit that's a gif. It's so cute.
Subjectively safe
>banning me for pointing out the change in policy and some oldfag trivia
So it's a new mod is abusing his newly adquired privileges. Got it.

Eh whatever. He will soon learn why caturday threads were deleted on sight. Or maybe not and we could finally the ban on certain furry webcomics lifted.
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I'm coming, I'm coming
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>make a bunch of art of her and Wally going on adventures
>have her be Wally anchor to is new life
>slowly fuck up the town she lived in,
>have her and Wally leave
>hook Wally up with stupid (if cute) lizard girl
>throw her into a lotus eater machine
>just up and abandon her
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lol who
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She's never gonna show up in these sort of compilations because she identifies as a frog
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the He-man reboots should've added Kittrina
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Mary Sue
Who's got the biggest body count
It's a good joke too. I loved that about the older furry set, since they were ripping off Warner Brothers, they all had a certain fondness for slapstick and absurdist humor.
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Also curious
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>was going to post lizards
>realized this was a fluffy thread
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post fluffy lizards
bitey chickens
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This show is annoying.
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I like Mrs. Otterton.
Siroc is the best Zootopia artist and I don't wanna hear otherwise.
I won't disagree, I just wish he wasn't into cuck shit so much. Also the huge boob variants are just silly.
>I just wish he wasn't into cuck shit so much
>Also the huge boob variants are just silly
Did anyone actually like Good Feathers?
I did. As a kid I didn't know anything about The Godfather but I had two brothers and they way they interacted reminded me a lot of us.
>I didn't know anything about The Godfather
Good Feathers was a parody of the Goodfellas.
I don't give a shit about the personal lives of any creator, I only care about what they make and if it is good or not.
I wish this was real, but kazetard is too much of a cuck to be based like this.
I misread and thought Kaziklu came back, which would have been more likely
She's the fucking best
>have character canonically do lewd things for money
>make them a furry
>not expecting degens
I don't know what to say
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She is so fluffy and adorable.
dude lives like less than 2 hr from me shit gonna have to see if he has a booth next time there a convention
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No arguments here.
Long story short, Kazerad got tired of being his friend's personal therapist and cut ties and now said friend goes around posting with Kaz' name, mostly just telling people to kill themselves for some reason. This person is mentally unwell.
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I just love bunnies so fucking much you guys
more mouse bites!
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ᵉᵉᵖ ᵉᵉᵖ
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Mrs Hedgehog, from the television series the mysteries of alfred hedgehog though for some odd reason everyone refers to her as Miss
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skunk musk can't melt steel beams
Siroc's got so much of a sameface problem that I have a hard time enjoying his shit. Also fuck NTR, and I'm confused about why Mrs. Otterton was chosen to be involved in both the cuck stuff and also have giant tits, it's just so fucking random.
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Posting Fluffy
>and I'm confused about why Mrs. Otterton was chosen to be involved in both the cuck stuff and also have giant tits, it's just so fucking random.
Almost like loving wives turned bad is hot and women get bigger boobs after kids
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Not them, just you
Fuck you
This, some needs to inform /v/
This looks awful wtf
No, cuck shit is not hot.
Low T opinion but I respect it.
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>His first thought is self-inserting as the cuck
Every time.
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The literal face of evil
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Well then I'm damned.
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Sequel never ever...
It doesn't need one, and most sequels are trash.
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>Sequel never ever...
It's a double edged sword. We could have got a decent sequel out of that setting- certainly would have loved to see more of these two- but overall it's much better off remaining a little unique screwball film that avoided getting turned into a poor quality sequel dump franchise.
Fluff’s heavier than feathers….
what weighs more? a pound of fluff or a pound of feathers?
I know
Gas chamber. Now.
She must be boiling.
Ponder the aroma.
big snoot
Why is she drooling? I don't feel safe.
>new crossover tomorrow
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The best thing to ever happen to Star Trek.
>not into human dudes at all
>addicted to furry dudes
Riddle me that. Am I just fucked up?
i wanna drill her anal cavities.
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Yes, but only because you are gay. Seek the Lord and be cured.
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i gotta work on this comic some more. the world needs it
I'm getting Sherlock Hound vibes from the designs
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I like girls too...
>posts a femboy
Ivy's a woman though.
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There is no "too". Either you like women only or you are gay.
Ivy's a woman (male)
I am NOT a gay.
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>addicted to furry dudes
Not like this bros...
Once you go fur you find humans generally unattractive
Once you go fur humans lose their allure.
Does look neat so far, and I definitely agree with the other anon about the Sherlock Hound look. Keep it up!
Thing is, I like human women along with furry women. I don't like human dudes, but I like furry dudes.
Is it the cuteness factor?
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I support wolf girl supremacy.
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>only together in one spoof short in the 90's
>had better chemistry than Bugs and Lola did across the next three decades
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The industry hates strong independent women.
That cat deserves the best. She's a victim of stalking and almost got raped. Thats not even an exagarration when watching the Pepe stuff today. That fucking scene where he threatens to kill herself to get to her? Holy shit. Warner hates the French.
>That Pepe deserves the best. He's a victim of stalking and almost got raped
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Why did they make a child like this?
>tourist doesnt know that the joke was she was attracted to him without the stink which was the main reason for avoiding him
go back
eh no
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She's a grandma.
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And they were always woke.
You just took a joke out of context to get mad about it on purpose?
You just took a shitpost seriously to get mad about it on purpose?
She hits on Mel Gibson on a casting couch. And knowing Hollywood today.....
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What's his secret?
No one knows. Because no one knows who the fuck that is.
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And Prince.
I'll unravel the mystery.
Vortex from helluva boss
If there are more furries in general these days it's because westerners intentionally keep making their female characters have DEsexualized bodies with no assets and hideous faces combined with NOT appealing art styles. Is it any wonder any warm blooded young dude is going to worship anime and Japanese gaming by default? And the western powers that be are trying to ruin Japanese media but that's not going to work either long term because Korea is rising in terms of making attractive ladies. Asians like attractive ladies. You Americans can keep drowning in ugliness but keep on spending on Asian media that has attractive ladies end of argument.

Any dude who masturbates to ugly ass shit like Owl House or Amphibia or Owl House is indeed a tasteless LOSER who does not deserve his dick.
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>Owl House

Meant to say Loud House during the second mentioning of Owl House. But yeah Americans love intentionally making the ugliest females ever and I hate the losers who spam them here pretending they are hot. Have you seen Miss /co/ ugliest female characters ever. So many losers that need to be castrated as punishment.
I'm ok with this.
Been meaning to ask given the thread how do you people feel about macro micro art of these female characters? You know giantess art.

And please don't say "Oh no you crossed a line!" Or some gay shit like that. This is a thread about which female anthros you want to fuck so spare me the bullshit.
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It's tolerable when it's the natural character's size, like having a tiny mouse wife. But actual giantess shit and exaggerated sizes is a stupid dumb fetish for broken people.

>And please don't say "Oh no you crossed a line!" Or some gay shit like that. This is a thread about which female anthros you want to fuck so spare me the bullshit.
Wanting to fuck Lola Bunny is a million times more normal than wanting some giant ass girl stepping on you.
We are talking about fiction here. So seeing giantess stuff is far too easy to implement or the opposite shrinking stuff. So it's not that far removed unless the characters are grounded ala King of the Hill. And anthros are not grounded if anything they are the most far out there concept ever up there with aliens.
I'm not really interested in fetishes most of the time. I really just like anthro animals because I like seeing something vivid and aesthetically striking. It's frustrating to me that these threads are usually just full of idiots, barely much different from what is seen on /b/ and /trash/.
I don’t really care because I don’t have that fetish. Sorry. VHS
Not all fetishes are equal, your fetish is not the same as liking furries, and this is not the thread for you. Go make a fucking giantess thread for your weird shit.
This thread is not that much better it's the same selections as per usual. No real discussion either worth a damn.
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Fun fact!
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>It's frustrating to me that these threads are usually just full of idiots, barely much different from what is seen on /b/ and /trash/.
I disagree, this one's been more civil than usual.
>This thread is not that much better it's the same selections as per usual. No real discussion either worth a damn.
To be fair there's kind of a dearth this stuff at this point. There isn't exactly a lot of things involving anthropomorphic characters being made for a wider audience anymore like there was in the 80's and 90's. Zootopia 2 and the Lackadaisy prequel series are a while out, that's about all I can think of. Can't blame people for going to the usual stand-bys for these threads.
This beautiful meme was ruined by so many people by making garbage versions of it. Sad.
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Do you have an account anywhere, or just posting it here? I'd like to keep an eye on this.
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>And please don't say "Oh no you crossed a line!" Or some gay shit like that. This is a thread about which female anthros you want to fuck so spare me the bullshit.
maybe the anons here would have been a bit more receptive (just a bit, mind) if you weren't so belligerent and defensive right out of the gate. You're making yourself a target when you do that.
a new general is born
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The animators of that movie are gods for that.
also are those her tits on the bottom left?
Excited to see how the show eventually destroys her character.
all ass
kys pedo
I kind of hate the color scheme for the SJ2 uniforms. Not sure why.
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basb bnuuy........................
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i realized HB did not mean Hanna-Barbera
I love Tod...
Best Tiny Toons episode where the Coyote wins and the Road Runner loses.
I've seen this same sentiment expressed by like... idk 10–15 other people on the internet at this point. You're definitely not alone and the way it's expressed doesn't seem like suppressed homosexuality because you still fantasize about women too. There's something very distinctly different about anthropomorphic characters when it comes to sexuality. It's as if there are repulsive qualities to real men that do not exist or are heavily reduced in anthros; texture, smell, visual masculinity maybe? Or maybe it's the other way around; maybe anthros have something that makes all those qualities click in a way that real men can't.

anyway I'm just playing armchair psychologist but I do think it's very interesting.
don't like it at all. macro and micro has no appeal, partners should be of comparable size. that's when you can appreciate each other the most
I agree. Arguably my fondness for shortstacks is sort of size play, but it's more of a proportions thing for me personally.
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Fun fact: because in real life bunnies have very bad skin prone to infections (the legend of the jackalope is inspired by a common rabbit parasite). So the body, as a last ditch effort, grows hair over all exposed skin (including the soft pads on the feets that bunnies do indeed have). If you want to do animal facts, make sure you know the "why" in addition to "what".
What is she planning?
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because it's nonsensical when you give the slightest thought about it and the intractability of it depends on how far one goes off with a character's scale.
the only thing that makes sense with large scale characters is mechas, kaijus, goddesses or gods; it's best put on a spectrum and leaning too far in one direction ends up with it being stupid.
footfags, fatfags, "common" fetishes are more grounded in reality and this is coming from someone who has a size fetish, it isn't a good fetish and I'm not going to pretend that it is.
More for me
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>Doctor I Baggs
>Doctor Sally U. Lite
>Dot's weird face in panel three that makes no sense
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bit too risque, aye?
Meant the one deleted before that. Sorry, shoulda specified.
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For me, it's fluffy noodles.
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Ah, now I see them missing. Too bad

And guilty as charged
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Thats how I named my dick.
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My sheepwife is perfect and did nothing wrong.
Furry is expressing ideas about sex and romance through animal art. It's not any gayer to hug and kiss a male dog than it is a female one. Yeah I'd probably call someone gay if they only jerk it to the male art, but it can be a lot of things. For me it's a self-insert thing. I like the idea of my body being lusted over, and seeing blatant arousal for the male form makes me feel good.
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I'd like to think I'm straight as an arrow, but there IS one...
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I'm normally pretty strict on the "You're either straight or gay" thing, but if there was one exception it might be Bugs.
Is that series worth watching? the occasional mention of character is all I’ve seen about it since the first season ended.
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I'm not sure how you mean. Real life animals are also quite different to the point where I imagine that someone could be straight for humans and gay for animals, if the same could hold true for art. Of course, there's also the possibility that these people are just making it up and are really closeted homos, but that'd be boring. I'll believe myths and lies if life is more fun that way.
have fun with Smellweather
Oh no, it's definitely also a partial closet case for me at least. But it's like 90% of the former situation
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>feel almost complete apathy for humans
>constantly swoon and daydream about dates with furry/scaly/monster/ayy men and women
I guess we're both fucked up
I wish I could quit them.
Furries are idealized humanity so you're just drawn to the fantasy.
fantasy always trumps reality.
because, by its nature, fantasy includes everything reality is; plus everything it is not.
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>>constantly swoon and daydream about dates with furry/scaly/monster/ayy men and women
Me every day
Perfect example of “used goods”.
Ive noticed thats what fans of her like very strange.
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Cheetor is best cheeto
The fuck is that on the right?

the best cheeto
I like this cat
That word used to be funny back before rightoid politicians found it on the internet and used it on literally anyone or anything they don’t like. It should’ve stayed in the internet.
Can we not get into this? We're having a comfy thread without getting into that rabbithole.
if it's worth something, you're not the only one...
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I get the feeling a lot of furries had emotionally distant or "cry it out" parents as small children. Infants and toddlers can eventually subconsciously conclude that people can't/won't meet their emotional needs.
Anthros have all of the features that make a relationship possible or desirable (human intellect/speech and emotions, human secondary sexual characteristics) but are visibly not human, bypassing that subconscious bias against people.
I'm just autistic and don't feel "human", so it's comforting to see something be both visibly beautiful and with sapience
Cheetara is a natural born throatgoat
You mean like how nazi used to mean something before leftoids started using it on literally anyone or anything they don't like?
>appropriate word from ebonics
>use word to describe own ideology
>enemies of your ideology use it to describe your ideology
>n-n-no! it's our word!
When is season 2 of Great Warrior Wall coming out...? Is there any news?
I concur. I don't really care why, but I know where you're coming from. Not into bara though. Pic is 10/10 though, and would top or bottom.
>t. Coomer degenerate
Scum lije you and Siroc are the a cancer, kill yourself, faggot
God damn those are some big ass paws
>Have a thing for good heist movies
>Have a thing for foxy ladies
>Mfw this movie
Yeah I would have liked it more if they'd done it like a more traditional heist movie, I wasn't the biggest fan of how wild things got at the end, and the whole 4d chess "ah I planned it all along" trope is always annoying, but it was still a solid movie all around especially for what it is. The person or people in charge of designing and modeling wolf's car did an outstanding job too and it's a fucking crime they cut the top off at the end of the movie (drop tops look like shit, fight me)
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I'd let her violate my rights.
I don't think I have a favorite fluffy char-
Oh wait.
>Memory unlocked
Shouldn't that tiger child be more human like?
What happened to her tail? Did she cut it off?
Is this movie worth watching
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Girls are the species of the mother.
Boys are the species of the father.
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Sawyer is one of THE top "I'm not a furry, but..." characters of all time.
In /hmofa/fags cuckold world they do. They don't want their children to look like them.
Many such cases.
What is dimorphism?
I like her personality. She's more human than the humans there. More entertaining, too.
She tucks it between her buttcheeks. The suit is tight enough to flatten down her massive wobble-wagon and make her tail completely disappear.
I have never heard a big butt described as a wobble-wagon before. Thanks for the chuckle.
It's a fun heist movie and the characters have excellent chemistry with one another. Pretty fox lady is a nice bonus.
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You know... who ELSE... gimme a second bros... who ELSE goes on >>>/trash/?
Damn Muscle Man, you're always show up when we need you. You must be exhausted. Please take this glass of nothing.
He's like the anti-Barneyfag.
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Muscleman? More like, NO MUSCLEMAN!
>>145441550 #
>>145441567 #
>>145441669 #
>t. Coomer degenerate
Scum like you and Siroc are the a cancer, I hate your kind and you should kill yourself, faggot
Loona booty whooo!
Sorry anon, as a fellow fag i can confirm you are 100% also a fag.

It's over, im so sorry.
I don't really like furry girls with overly animal looking faces. Any good porn comics I can read? Not overly animal face looking = sonic girls, Kitty Katswell, etc
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You're missing out. If she ain't got that snoot, I'm giving her the boot.
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You know who ELSE goes on >>>/trash/?
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This is just bestiality. Fucking disgusting
i like this i hope this will be a new permanent thing to counter that retard
out of ten!
I'm gonna start doing it
Your limp "penis" goes on >>>/trash/
When will we get more fan service of her?
Of the remaining three s2 episodes I feel like she's only gonna show up in one of them.
Ghostfuckers doesn't have her at the hotel, and I would be shocked if the finale was anything beyond gay imp drama.
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Nah, more fur more better. Now hold still while I gas you.
I have more optimism viv did say she'd play a more prominent role
The struggle continues and will continue until GR3 is not misapplied. We will not stop , cave in, back down, or any of that. Anthro content is part of 4chan culture now and it's not against the rules. Thr harder you trash and scream the more you activate the Streisand effect. GGNORE.
>You nigger you stole that line from The Simpsons:
Yeah, it's called a "meme" you dip. Welcome to 4chan and I hope you enjoy learning about its culture.
Deleting your post will not hide your shame.
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>Try and make a furry thread on say /v/ and watch the mods delete it even if its on topic like say Amy from Sonic or Isabelle from Animal Crossing.
They just do that to make more room for gacha circlejerks and twitter culturewar threads. /v/ is literally not about vidya.
Yeah /v/ is a lost cause. I don't understand why they didn't ban the gacha threads when they gave those retards their own entire fucking board.
How would you help your furwife through her seasonal allergies?
Get her some Claritin? I don't fucking know, do I look like a doctor?
I feel like I would be the one getting the allergies, with all the fur shedding.
>allergic to your own wife
That'd be painful. Or cute.
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Skunk girls are pretty, but I hate how they are forever linked to fart fetish art.
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to add
>constantly shut down oc threads of any kind regardless of the quality because they don't pertain to being "on-topic" or to a mod's liking
webm isn't related to this topic but regardless, actual fun threads on /v/ get kicked to the curb even if the discussion gravitates towards being on-topic despite the thread initially starting as off-topic.
that one hurts my soul, I know exactly what you're talking about
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Some places are better than others. There are certain paths that can lead you to pastures of a more pleasant variety. I've seen a decent few on the web. Sometimes. Maybe even on this website. I would sadden my heart if idiots were openly invited, but if you're a natural appreciator of sweet things, maybe one day you'll understand. But that's just the way of the world. For now.
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>it's an 'anon says an inflammatory word he thinks will make opposition look bad but instead ends up making himself look like he doesn't know what the meaning of the word' episode
Lol what?
If you look at some cute Kat pics and immediately spray out "UZED GUDS" it sounds like a (you) problem if people perceive you having a fixation with the topic
I want to kidnap Gumball and fatten him up.
I can ignore or shame them, and there's plenty of non-fart art.
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Pointing out Katia’s promiscuity isn’t some inflammatory “you’re waifu a slut” bullshit, it’s one of her core traits and a significant driver of the plot.
sticc sticc THICC
I miss Aspect of the Fox.
>fluffy friday
>on a wednesday
Nigga u dumb
God I love Sawyer.
I'll take the duck still.
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It's Thor's Day.
Endtown is a series of suffering anon.
Need Loona gf
What they doing with that knife
nuh uh, it's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Talk_Like_a_Pirate_Day today
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She's overdesigned, off-theme, and a sparkledog among sparkledogs but she's also my wife.
Take two arms off and she's fine.
I thought it was Weasel Stomping Day.
man i love this mid 2000's deviantart aesthetic. this guy pulls it off well.
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She's just swell!
are you looking to 'be' the cool furry dude, or getting railed by them?
if its the former, then no, you're not.
if the latter..well..
I like the arms. She could eat a burger with two hands and jerk you off under the table with a spare.
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>are you looking to 'be' the cool furry dude, or getting railed by them?
There's a third option here.
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>two sets of model sheets
so that's why she looked hotter in some episodes
Lola being fully on board with Bugs' cross dressing is so underrated.
>This is what she's wasting her time and talent on instead of doing a fucking Nicole sequel
Look at this absolute pleb
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How many people's sexuality do you think he shattered?
Games Wolf, plenty I’m sure. Especially from Assault
AFIS Wolf less so, but there’s people into every type
Would be easier if the mod championing this just made an official communique and told everyone to shut up.

Just sayin'
I assume it’s kept nebulous on purpose because they don’t want furfags from other sites suddenly flooding the board in the aftermath of such an announcement.
Strongly doubt this board is high profile enough to attract posters from the greater community.

Way I see it, problem with current method is that every /co/ regular is running on the "furry content is ban on sight" mindset the mods beat into them for decades and they'll instinctively assume this is an off-site raid / circlejerk trying to pick a fight with the mods.

>b-but thread age and deleted posts should clue them in
You presume regulars care enough to double check.
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You know who ELSE goes on >>>/trash/?
GR3 = GR3 they either edit the rule to ban it all or they admit what the rule says and drop this unofficial "anthro is ban on sight" policy. And if they chose the former then it will throw the site into chaos, which is better than surrendering to them.
I don't care what the mods want. Fuck them.
I think plenty of regulars from the various boards have no issue with it.
I dunno, I just wanna be able to storytime furry webcomics. Caturday coomers can die in a fire for all I care.
Only her alt colors shown here looks good, her normal colors are ugly.
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True, unfortunately. I still love her.
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Bee booty...
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That voice got me gay.
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You know who ELSE is waiting for me?
Not your mom.
Drink your glass of nothing
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most based poster in this thread
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You know who ELSE goes on >>>/trash/?
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keep doing this it's funny
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I love it when people spam unfunny off-topic shit and steal the image cap.
Next time don't spam your shitty ass pasta.
BigDad did some art of that. Nothing I can post here though.
Muscle Man, please, be considerate.
Would you like some dinner?
I've just finished cooking some...
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See you all in the next thread, tomorrow, as well as in the Funbag Thread.
Not even sexually attracted to her. I just think she's adorable. Her voice also helps to sell her cuteness.
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She's the voice of the best New Pony.
its thursday
It's Friday in Australia.
This is my favorite toon ship
It's literally impossible to post enough images to hit image limit before the thread hits autosage
It is Friday in California
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It might be one of the rarest ships out there, and I respect it for that.
It follows the Bojack Horseman logic. Their offspring only can be full human or full furry
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i miss fink
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i kneel to that animator
fluffy friday is a new general for us
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She loves to hear you call.
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>furry dicks and pussies
If you're picturing furry genitals on the pictures then it sounds like a you problem.
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I'm happy for you or sorry that it happened.
>Why did the mods delete the Gazelle and Loona threads
Why asking? You wish they hadn't?
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Loona threads have been delete on sight for a while, and honestly it's for the best. They get very weird pretty much right off the bat.
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I get what you mean but if you remember the guy spamming shota shit with that kid in the pound and whatnot it makes sense they wanna nip that autism in the bud.
Good that he has a pickaxe to kill her right there.
You're cantankerous today.
Either she's gonna suffocate anyway or the diamonds did the job already
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Dilate. KYS. Fuck off.
Since when have they been delete on sight? Did Loona mindbreak the mods? And I don't know how the threads are weird other than >>145534650

They are shit for not recognizing that GR3 bans anthro porn not anthro content.
>Since when have they been delete on sight? Did Loona mindbreak the mods?
I find it's kind of a 50/50 these days.
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Loona is already too popular, all they are doing is activating the streisand effect. Mods dont get to arbitrarily ban content they personally dislike in the long run.
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>check lackadaisy folder
>its all men
Huh. How'd that happen
>This thread lasted all week
Does this mean furries are allowed now?
It lasted so long because trannyjanny deleted a shit ton of posts.
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I'm gonna learn to draw furry if it kills me.
Godspeed anon
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The first trailer for Palitchan came out yesterday. It's a French cartoon where a boy gets teleported into a world full of animal people. Honestly, the trailer looked kind of bad, but it seems like it'll push a romance between him and the cat girl.
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The trailer was not exactly subtle.
Not watching because it stars a shit skin nigger. French and yet not a white humans? This is shit. Fuck you all to hell.
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At all.

>>While trying to catch a little cat he had befriended, Zayn, a 13-year-old boy, falls through an inter-dimensional portal that takes him to a parallel world by the name of Palitchan. This world is populated by anthropomorphic animals and the little cat, who now stands on its two feet, is taller than Zayn. Her name is Yoko. She's an apprentice kataknight, part of a caste of fighters who guarantee peace on Palitchan. Zayn is now under Yoko's protection and boy is he going to need it, because since his arrival, Palitchan is threatened by the awakening of huge destructive machines, and everyone seems to blame Zayn for it.
Good work so far.
Just upgrade her in your mind.
Holy based France
Need that left one badly
I honestly have no idea how we got here
loona is an ugly cunt, what do you see in her?
/co/ is healing
Another drawfag is born I wish drawing came naturally to me
More Loona
Chad. Take care of your health though, drawing is more straining on the body than you think.
NTA, but nothing comes naturally except sleeping. I do believe there is such a thing as talent, that is being better suited for something than average. But what we usually see as people to whom things come "naturally" tend to be people who started doing something during childhood or adolescence and kept doing it into adulthood.
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I want to draw my waifu (Loona)
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pudgy brat!
So dew it
What's the matter can't self insert? Gonna watch cause I'm not a faggot and human X anthro is rare.
>French and yet not a white humans?
You haven't been to France in the last thirty years, I take it?
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Lets end this shit thread.
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*kills you*
I guess since it's Fluffy Friday again... we should celebrate again...
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>I guess since it's Fluffy Friday again... we should celebrate again...

Don't spam this furry shit so quickly.
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That's me done. Just posting my favorites.
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two cuties for the price of one

You missed a board mate.

Where can you watch it? Youtube just had a couple asian fitness videos, and google just brings up that picture and nothing else.
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Well that was a fun distraction. Catch you on the flip side.
I think we should let it rest for a while. Maybe around the time /co/lympus starts.
Probably best, let discussion build up again and avoid annoying jannies.
I love far right, god bless
Happy birthday, anon! Enjoy your teenage years.

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