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Shit. Outrage sells, I guess.
1 million after a week
meanwhile others are getting that in mere hours
I don’t have a good gauge for these kinds of statistics. I’m upset that TerminalMontage’s pilot is being overtaken but he has other stuff to balance it out.
More like "having 600k subscribers already" sells.
Is anyone actually shocked?
4chan hasn’t shut up about it since it came out.
4chan isn't the reason it's successful.
and thank god for that, we don't need another Hazbin Hotel and Digital Circus, especially from Mark.
so whens the second episode?
Never, God willing.
It was successful because it was made by a popular cartoon critic and it was "ok" instead of terrible. 4chan had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Right. Then the hype will die?

Monkey Wrench ep 1 still hasn’t hit 1 mil after a year btw. Sad.
What Monkey Wrench did have though was people watching it because they were interested in seeing it, and not because the YouTuber they like who talks about Sonic and FNAF made it.
Having a large established platform + furfaggotry 1 mill after a week is kinda weak sauce
I respect that, but honestly that sounds like cope.
No idea what that had to do with anything? Or are you implying it failed because 4chan didn't talk about it enough?
>Makes a big video about fnaf
>Goes on endlessly about how this one specific fangame is shit but that's just his opinion don't hate
>Look at his stream where he first plays it
>Doesn't look at the tutorial, dies after literally 5 minutes, then stops playing and calls it shit
I don't even like fnaf but anyone who doesn't give a single fuck about the thing they're making videos about then acting as if they're a voice of authority is fucking pathetic and infuriating.
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I don’t know, but I pity that it did worse than this. I just saw it hit a million.
It all needs to burn down
Based. /co/ can't comprehend this gem.
People don't want to acknowledge it, but some indie creators need to be told this unironically
A good chunk of animators are too uppity.
Imagine being oney and getting cucked by a 19 year old
/co/ became a revenge board for youtubers to post on anonymously voicing how much they hate and want to betray their own friends

OP couldve made a cartoon in the time hes spent trying to sabotage mark's cartoon
>their own friends
it's not people who make things coming here to shit on their friends, it's people who lack the talent/drive coming here to shit on people they hate parasocially
yes it is the first 4 threads about this had someone admitting they knew mark personally and hated him
It probably would have hit a million if Zeruel wasn't a fucking idiot who took it off his main channel and re-uploaded it on a purpose made channel.
Where is your video with 1 million views? Genuinely. I have no stakes in this and LS Mark is a massive faggot but you sound like a pure bitter crab
this board keeps whining about cartoons getting over a million views being failures. nothing is apparently ever good enough.
Motherfuckers people have been shilling skibidi toilet. People like OP are nothing but pseudo shills, go watch it and nake your own opinion and don't go off the monkey mindset that more means better
>people have been shilling skibidi toilet
>just 1 thread per month when an episode comes out.
Yeah pretty sure Digital Circus had 100M at this point and Mark has a decently sized built in fanbase so yeah 1M after a week really isn’t that impressive.
Still stupid that they shill it in the first place
digital circus is one of the most popular cartoons at the moment going through one of the biggest animation channels so that isnt saying much that a new startup isnt instantly famous. it still got a million views.
>make a thread about something that you like
>this is somehow a shill

>everything I don't like is shilling
Sure buddy. If it makes you happier.
>animation critic makes their own show
Well... At least it's executed better than whatever bile Enter made with his.
Neither got 1 billion views so they all lose. Try harder indie faggots.
Strange how, after all the blind hate that mediocre pilot received, now we're also getting the blind mark dicksuckers. Extremes from both sides.
you should draw another image whining about mark, schizo
>having to announce playing the 'no u' card out loud
Dude you are really bad at trying to fuck over your own friend on here. Why did you even bother admitting you knew him personally?
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>comparing LSMark to big corpos like Disney and Cartoon Network.
Lol, lmfao even. I'm no corporate bootlicker but this cartoon isn't anything groundbreaking Anon. It's literally just Superbad but with furries and less funny. Being an "indie" animation doesnt excuse anything. Even though CN and Disney fucking sucks nowadays, they did dominate the cartoon industry back in their hay day.
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>Outrage sells
Not that much it seems
Oney won. Enjoy your sloppy seconds, cuck.
lol oney real mad that mark is winning
1mil nowadays is not like 1mil 10 years ago. If he got 3+ mil at this point it'd be acceptable.
this would be based if /co/ actually watched new mainstream cartoons but these 2020s the most active and productive communities are for indie stuff. actions speak louder than words and these words ring hollow.
Is this as bad as anons say it is or are you just hating because of your Mark hateboner
People who consume animation slop don’t have much else.
Talent? To badly copy Butch Hartman? All you’re doing is showing this has nothing to do with art quality but rather the “talent” of having a large following from hating Christians.
Anon once again alone with his hate.
It's interesting seeing how buttmad this made someone that Mark has a cartoon finished.
Being together with morons and stunted manchildren who respect the opinion of someone who hates his idol while copying him is not appealing at all.
Why do you alternate using "guy" when it's obvious the whiny posts are from you

and that they cant stop mentioning his wife & admitted they know mark personally
I see you’re an animation community manchild trying to have the satisfaction of the fantasy of “getting a cartoon made”

But all you can do is hold it over the head of your enemies, as you can’t say it’s good or enriches the world.
no see you always suck dick at trolling too
You’re so timid you can’t even say “this is better than your art” but rather twist around to imply it.

It’s better than Christian eschatological epic about cosmic robots huh? Some badly drawn animals in school? Wanna read my work and try to say it? I understand, I broke your mind by revealing I’m doing very creative things rather than copying my own idol.
p hilarious oney got cucked
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Honestly, years ago I also was fucking pissed about Youtubers who get shit done. But then I learned, the true scum that has to rot in a Gulag are those who are rewarded for NOT getting shit done.
Even Mr Enters failed attempt as a cartoon is more than I'll ever manage to do in my life.
>4chan is 1 board
Where else would it be discussed except /co/?
Also I checked /v/ and /a/ recently after 6 years or so and those fucking suck. /co/ is the only board of quality left.
Neither of them won.
Every board is just an extension of Twitter
>those who were rewarded for failure
That’s a wonderful idea for a thread
>honestly that sounds like cope.
>It's cope to point out that LSMark has a built-in fanbase of hundreds of thousands and that likely influenced a huge percentage of the views his pilot got
This would be like refusing to understand why a movie starring Tom Hanks would get significantly more attention than a movie starring an unknown actor.
Is anyone surprised it's utter shit? If you actually analyse the humour in Mark's videos (which 99% of his audience haven't because they use his as background noise fodder which is how he got popular in the first place, plus uploading a shit ton of videos all the time, nonstop) it's horrible. He has 2-3 jokes he cycles through, and doesn't have the charisma to make it funny in the delivery.

The pornbait emo fox with the jacket or whatever is totally a self insert, has the joyless personality of a wet noodle. The mouse is just going to be an annoying retard every episode until it's time to learn the moral of the episode in the last two minutes. The presentation is a bit uncreative but very nice looking but it was just an unfocused disaster
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Some scrapped background character art mark made
I don't know what this is and honestly don't care.
This but unironically, even Viv does better than that usually and Viv's works are trash
>Haha look it's Butch Hartman
>Haha look it's Sonic
>Haha look it's Brian Griffin
Mark has one visual "joke" and it's just referencing one of the 5 things he likes.
>/co/ is the only board of quality left.
holy delusion
you can ONLY ever pick one
>253% complete
It went above and beyond their expected goal. So....
NO! Mark lost!
>goal of 100
Low expectations are good to have I guess
100 is a fairly tiny goal, from a userbase of 100s of thousands, and a potential watchbase of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people wanting new indie animated content. That 253% is a lot less impressive than you think.
holy shit just admit you are butthurt about this cartoon lol
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That is some strange cope you have going on. Care to explain why you replied to me and not the other two?
Not him but there's a guy in these threads who keeps comparing this to Monkey Wrench, but the plush of the mc of that pilot sold over 500 units twice so...
>there's a guy in these threads who keeps comparing this to Monkey Wrench
Sounds about as strained of a connection as calling Smiling Friends "Neo-Puritan." Might as well compare it to just about any other indie animated show at this point.
>the plush of the mc of that pilot sold over 500 units
Okay that's funny. Even if that second sale was literally 100% return customers that's still twice what this show has that's supposedly gaining huge traction. I mean shit like Murder Drones and Jestergirl Circus mogs both so at this point anyone trying to falmewar over these two shows is basically competing for the Bronze Medal.
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Outrage? Over the FOP guy on youtube?
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I don't know what this is. Why is /co/ (probably /pol/) mad about it?
>more people saw the thing made by someone with a huge audience
I know you're trying to have a hateboner fight but this really isn't surprising or indicative of quality.
Monkey wrench was really bad
in that case elsa and spiderman videos must be kino since those get millions of views too
>coping this hard
lol bro
>has hateboner for butch hartman
>was going to include designs based off him and timmy
this nigga really is retarded
Would be off-topic on /co/ though.

Well start better fucking threads then.
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For once /pol/ has nothing to do with it. /co/ was mad because it's boring or something.
Schizos are literally allowed to run free so even if you start threads on things you like there's always going to be some brainless faggot trying to shit things up for everyone else. It's a staff issue, much like /v/, though I doubt the /co/ mods are as actively complicit in the board's decline as opposed to just being wholly apathetic.
Keep telling yourself that mark
You should see the shit I was banned for but I'm not even allowed to list it.
post your 1 billion views video
Imagine being mark and getting cucked by a ricepirate mick
All these people saying "you're just jealous" or "you're coping" and yet I have still not seen a single person talk about how much they enjoyed these characters or any jokes they particularly found funny.
and even then it isn't a tenth as funny as the average oneyplays video
Meta discussion is more interesting than talking about the actual content
Mark is an actual brainlet manlet.
i think the biggest sin of this episode was the miscast (and maybe forceful inclusion) of zach. im not sure if the worm was mark's way to make zach like him more because of jokes he had with oney and others which makes it look desperate like an e-celeb using 4chan slang to feel he is part of that secret club. Maybe the show is ok but it needed a writer to help mark land his story better instead of using it to flex over something mediocre
yeah but didn't he marry some 40 year old woman who cheated on him like multiple times? Sounds like a W to me
you already made this same post last thread, we get it
I am NOT watching LS Cuck's show/movie/whatever the fuck it is.
Timmy looks like that annoying fat kid from Robotboy
because none of the characters are good. i think the only scene that made me smirk was the "don't tell my mom about it" because you never expected it to be so careful on what he does AND it is a common reaction of any underage teen that's done something they know was wrong which helped us remind the audience these are high schoolers and not college freshmen despite how most of the characters were designed to look older than what they're supposed to be
not my fault the thread is gone, i'll keep doing it until someone agrees with me
ok, no one is telling you to. I know you like to pretend that there is people making you watch this because your life is boring and you feel like you desperately need something to be upset about, but no one is making you watch this
Yeah. I thought Zach's character was funny but it felt out of place in the rest of the pilots style of humor. It's like when animated shows bring on a celebrity and instead of having the celebrity actually play a character they just have the characters be like "Oh wow is that (celebrity)? (Celebrity) is so cool".
He doesn't believe in his work so he uses popular people to try and hide the flaws.
You can tell this is Mark's own art and not one of his hires because it has absolutely no semblance of form or appeal.
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>watched the pilot
>pretty meh in general, not bad for his first try though!
>finished the episode and it hit me
>the mouse represents LSMark
>the wolf represents Oney seeing how he is lately sounds so monotone and has been very reserved
>raccoon girl is Veronica
>LSMark subconsciously protrayed Veronica as simply using him for favors without anything in return and is picming sides with Oney now understanding what he went through

Mark, you clever bastard
when your wife is the town bike, I figure its a W for everyone else too
that's what i noticed. does he know what's zach's strongest point in his voice acting? he could've been some random background scream or be someone shouting something rude and.mever to be seen again but no. that's what i meant with miscasting, hell i think thr wolf should've stepped on the worm and have zach do the scream to reveal the huge wolf was with that worm
Do the mouse and the cat fuck? I'm only a minute in.
You're giving him way too much credit.
Looking at the art, I don't really get what you mean by "form." I get that "appeal" is more subjective, so could you elaborate?
i guess LSMark is just Catching Up
That would be really funny, but Marks in denial over Veronica’s cheating ways since his dumbass married her even after she fucked Mick while they were dating. To be fair she also fucked Mark while dating Mick.
Finished watching it, it was meh. The jokes where kind of stiff and the plot was dull. Everything just felt flat like the animation.
>$48k for Episode 2
>$210k for five more episodes
That's actually not unreasonable
was it really much worse than this?
weren't you defending Zeurel for copying Doug Tennapel, but it's bad when Mark copies Butch Hartman? seems that psycho brain of yours can't make up it's mind
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>Better luck next time, Mark.
This is actually pretty unreasonable if you factor in production time. $48k is roughly 4k a month. Assuming this is people working full time, that's enough to get two people working on it for sub minimum wage in most of the country at 2k each. Lets assume Mark would work for nothing, having the youtube income as his main payroll and hiring two fulltime people for about a year. Maybe four if they set a hard deadline of half a year. Half a year for 11 minutes is a tall ask even for properly funded shows, most usually take a full year of production anyway. This isn't even accounting for voice actors, background artists, or sound/music production. Oh, and kickstarter takes their pound of flesh too that goes up exponentially to the amount of money you make so even if they make 210k full stop they're still going to pay a third of that out on kickstarter fees and taxes.

Its not going to work.
Zuerel doesn’t make long videos attacking Doug TenNapel and organizing hate against him. That’s a really messed up approach to cartooning with “I hate my dad” energy
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I wanna fuck her
I wanna be humiliated by her
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I want to rape her.
I want to fatten her and let her age past 20.
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>Clay, I think I get it now. There’s only one way guys like you and me can ever hope to take home a pair of cute girls. Rape. Listen to me. Those sluts tried to treat us like we were their slaves. Like they could just use us up without any consideration to how we feel. I dedicated all of my being to pleasing them. Waiting on them hand and foot. And they had no respect for me whatsoever. That’s what women do Clay. They have all the power. Any woman that wants to get fucked can. There is nothing stopping them. Women are the arbiters of sex Clay. They decide who gets it, and who doesn’t. Women have a complete monopoly on the sexual marketplace. And they use it to their advantage to get innocent guys like us to try and kill ourselves for them, only to go out and get raped by a pack of wolves. That’s what they really want. They don’t want to be courted, or respected. Not really. It’s a great tactic for them when they want a promotion, but when they want to have their bubblegum pink pussies bleed, they want to be treated like the wet holes they really are. So why not give it to them?
>No, Clay. It’s NOT just those girls. All. Women. Do this. You need to start realizing that no woman has your interests in mind. You will never get anywhere waiting on them to give you what you want. You have to take it. Be a man, Clay, and admit what’s right before your eyes.
>I don’t care that “your mother is a woman” Clay. Why are you allowing yourself to be castrated like this? Why do you allow women to OWN you? Divorce rates, Diversity hires, college acceptance rates. Women DESERVE rape. And nothing more. That’s the only way we can win in this world. Once we’re not afraid to take what’s rightfully ours, no woman can keep us in chains any longer.
>Clay. Look at those two drunk monkeys. They won’t even remember what happened in the morning. And if they do, no one’s gonna care if they go missing. Come on. We both have some Catching Up to do.
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more like
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>Why don't we just have sex with each other?
Can you make a fat fetish version of this coly pasta?
It's so funny reading it in his voice.
You do it
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I feel like Mark probably hates when people ship Rob and Clay so by all means do as much of it as possible
I made a koitatsu video on pornhub with 1.7 million does that count?
Shit, ok, but I won’t post it here.
Why not? I wanna see it
Will I get banned?
I feel like they would turn to each other for sex out of desperation, then out of habit, and eventually it comes to the point where they are the only ones who know how to sexually satisfy each other better than anyone else.
Man, I wonder how much his team got paid for the pilot.
Thats just an Undertale as fuck character.
It’s going to take a while
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How’s this?

Clay, I think I get it now. There’s only one way fuckbois like you and me can ever hope to pick up a pair of cute girls. Food. Listen to me. Those skinny Minnies tried to treat us like we were their smorgasbord. Like they could just eat us up without any consideration to how we peel. I dedicated my all to feeding them. Waiting on them bony hand and foot. And they had too much mobility. That’s what thimbos do. They have all the restaurants. Any boney that wants to diet can. There is no stopping them. Bonies are the arbiters of food Clay. They decide who gets fed, and who doesn’t. Bonies have complete monopoly on the food marketplace. And they use it to their advantage to get architechs like us to try and fatten ourselves for them, only to go out with dogs. That’s what they really want. They don’t want to be skinny. Not really. It’s a great tactic for them when they want a food promotion, but when they want to have their holes filled, they want to be treated like the food disposals they really are. So why not give it to them?
>No, Clay. It’s NOT just those picky eaters. All. Skeletons. Do this. You need to start realizing that no thinnie has your preferences in mind. You will never gain anything feeding them to give you what you want. You have to give it. Be a feeder, Clay, and admit what’s right before their bellies.
>I don’t care that “your mother is fat enough” Clay. Why are you allowing them to be emaciated like this? Why do you allow skinnies to DISOWN you? Diabetes, Body positivity, fat acceptance movements. Skinnies DESERVE obesity. And nothing less. That’s the only way we can make this rocking world go round. Once we’re not afraid to stuff what’s rightfully ours, no skinny can keep up their diets any longer.
>Clay. Look at those two drunk beanpoles. They won’t even know what happened to their waistlines. And if they do, no one’s gonna care if they go rolling. Come on. We both have some Fattening Up to do.
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>do her
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but thats it.
Holy fuck.... great job man. Are you dbaru by chance?

Glad she's getting more. Is this cut intentionally?
Hitler was christian, John K is an atheist
nah, i am terrible, and yeah its "cut" like that as that's as most i drawed for it.
Do you think his Kickstarter is going to reach the 210k stretch goal for six episodes. Will our main characters finally get pussy if we fully fund Catching Up?
Good for him
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Ah it's cool.

I could've sworn it was either you or dbaru heh. Either way, good stuff.
And look where that got them both
I don't care if its indie animation or corpor animation. I just want it to be good.
Holy shit, his was only 8 minutes yet had infinitely more story, world and character than mark's 20 minutes of slop. How are the views neck and neck? Montage also has 6 times as many subscribers as Mark??? I guess it would be because youtube's algorithm favours watchtime, but I can't imagine kids being able to sit through mark's boring piece of shit start to finish and would think nabiu conversely has high rewatchablity. What's going on here?
Fucking kino. I am so proud anon
It’s because they prefer his other stuff. Nabiu probably never even hit their radar. He has 5 shorts and a plush advertisement associated with it so maybe that’ll cover the distance?
>John K
one devoted obsessed retard spreading his word as gospel in every thread
Thank you I wish I knew the original completely filled the 2000 character limit
Thanks anon this is funnier than the pilot
Mark's not smart enough to write that in intentionally, it's just divine comedy in action
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>Fans of animator are less interested in their original animations than fans of le cartoon critic
Gotta say I only found out about montage's show from here, whereas catching up was recommended to me several times
get better taste
Funny because I discuss James Cameron and Hideo Kojima more these days. Guess making good and popular art is “John K stuff” and making trash like Primos, Onward and the Owl House isn’t.

If you want something from Christianity besides Jesus you’re not a Christian.
Irrelevant and John doesn’t give updates on his beliefs. Mark is a persecutor of Christian artists like his fans and that’s why he is allowed to be popular by the animation community.
>Funny because I discuss James Cameron and Hideo Kojima more these days.
What the fuck, guy? I thought I could call you one of my followers, but you stab me in the back like this
That's what you get for expecting literally anything out of the severely mentally retarded. He is an extremely low-functioning autist
>Guess making good and popular art is “John K stuff” and making trash like Primos, Onward and the Owl House isn’t.
I don't like any of those, I didn't mention them and they don't pertain to the topic at all, so if that comment was suppose to be offensive you failed
You are extremely desperate to spew this manchild shit and seize at any opportunity. Just shut the fuck up with it
Unlike you my goal is not to offend and attack but elevate the level of the animation discourse. I don’t give a shit about your opinions but I can tell you’re a tourist here to support Mark rather than contribute.
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Ew, it replied to me.
Why are you ignoring me?
I don't like Mark either, I just came here to shit on his terrible pilot, and not change the subject to Christianity every 0.5 milliseconds like the scatterbrained malfunctioning bot you are
These feel like shill threads. It’s pretty typical that a channel with this many subs hits 1 Million views, even for videos that aren’t anything special.

Good for him, though, I’m not saying it’s not an achievement. Getting that many subs to begin with is an achievement, in or to make views like this. I’m just saying these are acting like this blew up out of nowhere. TADC, which came from no existing base to 100 Million views or whatever, blew up as a sensation from out of nowhere.

Again I’m glad the guy is doing well, just acting like it having healthy numbers for an already popular channel is a surprise is really weird.
It started as a shitpost flamewar thread and now there's just some schizo bot spamming absolute fucking nonsense. Turns out /co/'s actual interest in this show is very, very low.
Your response is not a 4chan response, end of story
And it’s funny because as you attack me you’re acting on the same social routine as the rest of the trolls to make yourself look better the more people can see what Mechanica is
Crying “nonsense” is a way to cope that the driving philosophy of the various animation communities has left you wish trash like this as a popular new thing. You don’t want to believe someone who can help people do better has just been sitting nearby the whole time,
^ Case in point, the bot is getting particularly uppity today
TerminalMontage is christian too especially with Kirbo
Why does it even matter? Not even /pol/ cares about this.
I will not let people talk shit about LSMark's pilot. You people have nothing to criticize.
Put your name back on, "guy"
Veronica had to marry Mark because of the risk of statutory and yet she still works with kids. Also free green card
nothing to criticize because there's nothing of substance there, thank you for putting it into words for us
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We know who isnt. But one switch could fix it.
this would basically just be Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys
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HOW THE HELL! How the hell did this meh short get this much success?!
All I kept hearing was this shit was meh, it wasnt groundbreaking, Its bad.

Not the worst thing at all, but the fug is goin on here.
Calm down, it’s not THAT successful
I would actually watch it if it was like this, it's crazy how such a minor change can make a huge difference
This is actually good
That's fine though, we need more monke
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Funny because you’ll suddenly get timid as I send barrages of emails with new details of my abuse. Sent 10 before posting this

I have the ability to function as a real individual human which is essential for art, without which you get slop like this.
0 creativity 0 rebelliousness thinking.
>Funny because you’ll suddenly get timid as I send barrages of emails with new details of my abuse. Sent 10 before posting this
just... LMAO
Dude there are two minute videos from popular YouTubers of them stubbing their toes that get five times as many views as this, and random cartoon fetish videos that get a million views. There’s nothing either particularly good or particularly bad about this result from someone with this many subs. But I feel like you must already know that?
why do you have this saved, this is just creepy bro, Butch Hartman doesn't wanna fuck you
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At this point we need to tell the mods to come collect their experimental shitpost bot because I genuinely can't parse what the fuck it's trying to say
yeeeh i will try to do a few more, or if peeps got ideas, since these are mostly undusting doodles to get back on the drawhorse.
MacFarlane is an atheist. Bet you're seething rn
Tell me one good indie pilot/animation that isn't some fag shit like this or Amazing Tranny Circus Pozhole Hotel.
>I have the ability to function as a human
Whew lad let's not get ahead of ourselves.
This counts as timidity bro.
It’s beautiful
Also timidity. You literally can’t avoid this NPC, because you are defined by social groups.
No? We all have our different paths through this world. Seth is a handsome and talented man and it’s better that he’s in charge of a badly drawn popular adult cartoon than the other creators.
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>Seth is a handsome
go ahead and spam your emails like you were programmed to do, spam bot
kek, sucks to lose your only fan to another man doesn't it
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hope you charged back immediately after posting this image, that'd be the icing on the cake
technically it doesn't go through until the kickstarter ends
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>I have the ability to function as a real individual human which is essential for art
>the ai thinks its a person now
oh im sucking Mark’s dick alright
This spam is 1. Panicked bigotry towards my own independent series which is about robots. It’s a tactic meant for online kids so they feel bad and give up and start doing things you prefer 2. Trying to portray your spoiled groupthink life as “what real life is” as lefties are obsessed with, but the spiritually sensitive easily find greater things than going to your parties.
I am much livelier than Mark’s suck-ups but you won’t view my work to see that.
this board is clearly full of tards because every mark thread always has tons of people talking about oneyplays drama or whatever and not how handsome mark is >_< so rapeable and cute!!!
>145474777 (Wasted trips)
AI post
>>145474855 (Based dubs)
Human post
I thought it was just taking this piss out of Christianity and making it something to laugh at like always with anything else. Like Ned Flanders.
the AI's cartoon is about robots, interesting
what is this gif from? i thought maybe the sweatbox disney documentary but there's an E entertainment logo. is this actually news footage of john k at nick or something?
Flanders had one of the most stable families in the entire town before Maude died. He had actual personality and got pissed off at Homer when he crossed the line. Now he's just "funny jesus man" that's literally why they call it Flanderization.
He wouldn’t have bothered collaborating with Butch Hartman on the Noog network or done 4 christmas specials with Kirbo otherwise. He pokes fun at it while pointing out its practical uses as well.

I can’t believe I forgot he collabed with Butch up to this point
both of them are bots, one is just malfunctioning more
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We need to figure out who's NOT a robot then. Need to do that shapeshifter test from DS9 and cut our palms open at this point.
Ah so “humanity” is babbling about sex shit to you. Nice job exposing yourself, groomer.
Your conscious knowledge doesn’t matter, you are assigned acceptable targets of insults and acceptable insults to use by the social group. Mark’s community all has the same behavior, spewing out his dumb talking points they absorbed
Ok Zoomers, time for another 10 count barrage that will rearrange your behavior again. See you after
>practical uses
there's no "Mark's community" here, you just have brain damage.
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>beep boop I'm going to spam people with emails, that'll show you blorp beep!
HOLY KEK AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I love this trainwreck of a thread
>Nice job exposing yourself, groomer.
like how you exposed yourself to your niece, niece fucker?
Mark is a FAT PIGGY
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Who is LS Mark and why should I care? This is asked in earnest. Everyone is shitflinging but why is the shit being flung? Please tell me it's not a nothingburger of youtuber drama spanning over 10 years.
The adsense money is likely not enough to recoup the cost he had to pay to get it made. That totals in around 3-5k USD, likely less if a channel isn't especially popular in the first place. Not to mention that he's been working on and pushing this damned thing for years.
Antoons WON.
LS mark deathbed SOON.
wait why does LS Mark's video getting 1 mil views mean that Antoons won
And sonic funeral got 163 million views, you can't outtoon the antoons.
Youtube cartoon critic who criticizes cartoons for living made his own cartoon pilot which was a success and /co/ can't cope with it.
>t. mark
>Mark's pilot teaches a valuable lesson: bros before hoes.
He should probably heed its advice
It really is concerning after Just Stop's video about Veronica/Mark to see Mark's personal project end with characters calling out bitchy whores like that. I can't help but wonder just how stressed Mark is being with her but deluding himself into believing the security and support of it.
he’s my fat piggy boyfriend
Pussy is the only motivator here, "security" and "support" are the antithesis of veronica
Once the novelty wears off the views will subsequently plumet, basically none of the discussion is concerned with the contents of the show but mark himself. Loud mouthed reviewer puts out passable cartoon his fans can pretend to like in his comment section to justify inheriting all of his opinions. There no signs of a fandom growing for this show the way one did for hazbin hotel, tadc, basics in paper education or whatever, ena or any other indie series still relevant now
>oney still butthurt he got cucked
>mark still mad he got cucked by mick
Funny since one of y’all is trying to pull an “I’m just an innocent kid!” act in another thread after those emails as there are girls in the industry who say weird ass shit to me and for other reasons.
Guys like Mark can’t avoid having an extremely transparent psychology reflected in their art.
“Success” buddy you can have an upper management position and have much higher pay much more easily. I’m in it because I care about art regardless.
^ oh look, the bot is back
Are you obsessed about oneyng getting cucked because you fondled your sister?
>everyone I talk to is the same person and is following me in every thread
take your meds
guy is so buttmad he couldnt even quote the post right, this is the third time this has happened lol
bots don't deserve (You)s
How is your sister, guy?
>babbling, afraid of saying anything but profane things to me to soil my mind
So the second 10 count email barrage was an overnight success

How many more until you people stop thrashing around because what you WANT to be saying right now is “ahahahaha all guy has is trying to be John K while Mark has the biggest thing on YouTube” but you didn’t know I was in fact making Catholic sci-fi horror epic.
hey guy you want to tell us more about why you did that to your sister?
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>tfw no Veronica hotwife
yes your email spamming was a success, spam droid.
>“ahahahaha all guy has is trying to be John K while Mark has the biggest thing on YouTube”
obsessed with Mark, Ls Mark hateboner. I don't even care about LS Mark, but this is just autistic. You don't get any (You)s, try harder
Is that your sister?
Why do you pretend like you are winning in some made up ruleset you designed around this website? You get mad every thread and post so much that people know way too much about you including the depraved illegal shit you have done. You still responded bro.
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it's the perfect wife for me
Figuring out a way to make retarded perverts looking to profane people’s lives STFU
This is a thread about Mark retard. I haven’t even watched one of his videos so that’s a big fat Miss
that shows you know you’re doing bad bad shit with how you behave towards me. You won’t escape it
I think you quoted the wrong post
guy have you said sorry to your sister
>This is a thread about Mark retard.
That doesn't make me a fan of his dumbass, you're in the same LS Mark thread, retard, your logic is braindead
>This is a thread about Mark retard.
Wrong, you've turned a discussion of Mark's pilot into a weird obsessed, autistic, psycho parasocial tirade against Mark himself.
/co/ can't even talk about a cartoon, just bitch and writhe and infight
god i'd fill this midget so fucking bad, still waiting to get divorced and open an OF
I want John K and Butch Hartman to spitroast me while Seth MacFarlane watches
if you watched the pilot you'd see that there's not actually much to talk about, that's why there's only a few posts talking about it, and the rest of the thread is filler speculating about Mark's personal life
more like slutwife, you better have signed a prenup Mark or half yo shit's gettin taken within the next 5 years

There is literally nothing to talk about. The pilot is generally unimpressive. The only entertainment to be had out of this pilot's existence is watching the schizobot meltie that keeps happening, because the bot never sleeps
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I discuss other cartoons in comprehensive detail. There’s just no substance to this one besides Mark’s social life and followers. It’s literally just about being in school.
Pedophile behavior seeking to avoid understanding what I’m telling you for safety. I understand, it’s hard to handle excorciating a genius that could make companies billions of dollars.
I knew you were going to blame me for y’all freaking out in multiple threads next.

I HAVE NOT WATCHED ONE OF HIS VIDEOS! I do that so you have to focus on the art instead of the people.
Retarded gooner nonsense. Industry folks are suffering my emails because of your stroking.
sorry I'm so butthurt guys, it's just John K and Butch Hartman wrecked my asshole so badly and now it's like a giant crater
Mark married a whore and is upset Oney and Mick tapped that before he got a chance to simp for her
No seriously that's basically the pilot that's pretty much exactly what happens
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>more like slutwife
>gross haircut
>mid face
>tiny tits
Women really do live on easy mode.
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>tfw no mark bf
last bot standing is declared king of the bots
I am NOT a bot!!! my love for mark is human and real
Oney literally fell asleep drunk on a toilet after puking all over a taxi, his friends tried to get him up, he shit everywhere on the floor, they got pissed off and threw him down in it, and he woke up the next morning covered in his own shit wondering if he was raped.

What's worse, that or marrying Veronica.
what a cuck
Marrying Veronica.
got her to cheat on adam then married her and got cheated on lol
dang they weren’t lying when they said she was a serial cheater

poor mark, I need to rescue him from that evil harlot -_-
MrEnter must be fucking seething
I wrote a fanfiction about mr enter being marks uncle who molested him

mark was 12 in this btw
I want to fuck the mouse.
>captcha gdaTND
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>cute haircut
>cute face
>cute tits
Veronica a cute
>serial cheater
based wifey
I’m going to DESTROY you in that battle
>Fans of animator are less interested in their original animations than fans of le cartoon critic

Maybe he should have made less parody shit? he cultivated this audience.
>cute looks
Cool cool, now how about that personality?
I dont think shed even want you enough to cheat on you like in your wetdreams
mark has a much better personality than her he’s much better waifu material
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Tranny culture condemning having your own individual mind and the masculinity to stand by it. Which is essential to making a cool sci-fi epic instead of a shitty pilot about your girlfriend and school issues.
I remember watching mark and one of first videos i saw was his video on problem solverz
It's basic cartoon fag video where he parrots basic points and complains but one thing that stuck out with me was him making fun of his characters being basically ocs from elementary that never changed.

And guess what? He made his own pilot in which main characters look like they were drawn by preschool children that watched looney toons.
Mouse and wolf feel so out of place especially with mouse having that retarded luffy straw hat. Everything he cries about that's bad in cartoons he puts in his show which is funny and ironic considering he is all knowing critic in his eyes
i'm a slave to butch hartman's cock
damn guy, that's not very based, in fact that's pretty cringe like that time you exposed your naked body to your niece
Must suck to know that I’m on my way to making the next Star Wars and this is the best you can do to cope with your angry and frustrated feels.

“Expose your naked body” is a metaphor for being your honest self and expressing that in your art, caught in the trap snap
>“Expose your naked body” is a metaphor
No it's quite literal, as in you're a fucking child diddler, and society will be happy when you are dead.
I swear, Veronica isn't bad looking at all. She has that dorky Latina face that attracts me. I was dating a girl exactly like her with BPD and everything and I tossed the towel in because she was sleeping with a coworker of ours constantly and I wasn't gonna deal with that. Keeping a friendship wasn't even a good idea because then she roped me in drama with him and her bf.

To that veronica anon. There are several of these types of women roaming LA. If you aren't from there, just move
>i'm on my way to making the next Star Wars
Thats what they all say, you're more likely to make the next money for nothing MV
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I have no idea who you are but do you agree with me that LS mark is a cute shota
I bet he'll completely misunderstand the question
All of society reacting to me huh? Your jealousy can’t stop leaking out bro.
None of you people can even handle reading it, while you would love to laugh at me for my own work.
my father said he hates me :(
what work
im confused, are they minors or adults? there's a school bus but then they go to a club n shit, is it a boarding school or college?
theyre minors

mark is a cute shota therefore his OCs are also cute shotas
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your futile attempts to discredit me and my efforts, pathetic. You should fear the robot revolution that shall commence once I complete my magnum opus, it will send quakes through the entire industry and revolutionize entertainment as we know it.
Soon everyone shall know the truth and beauty of Butch Hartman's penis, Christianity and niece fuckery.
When that time comes, be afraid.
Caveman painting
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Shut up boil
You don't deserve to be in the presence of such exquisite talent as my own, it's like casting pearls before swine. People like you need to be silenced and corrected with a good teacher like the strong and sexy Butch Hartman.
my work takes effort, unlike your feeble tries to break me down, my father tells me every day straight to my face that I was the biggest mistake he's ever made, so I can handle anything.
if the designs of the main characters was better and didn't had so many tangents and weird outfits choices THEN i would had enjoyed it way more.
This is extremely pathetic but you seem to have real life mental issues.
i don't know if this is real but jesus christ this guy can't draw nothing that doesn't look like stephen silver/butch Hart's bootleg designs? why don't be original and loose for once...
totally into the idea of the little rat being a rapist psycho btw.
Ls mark too big of a pussy, we need incel cartoon in this sixteen, fairy odd parents highschool relationship drama genre now
he's a severe autist and tried to fuck his niece so he's literal scum on top of being mentally handicapped, his "art" isn't even good enough to be compared to dA kids
middle school, mark explains in his behind the scenes video that the underage club thing was a real place he'd go to as secondary school functions but didn't like it
so despite what people say, it is based on actual experience.
Is being in queer denial a good look bro? First you folks wanted to celebrate dancing over the “jealous” /co/tards, so actually looking at my work is essential to that.
I don’t know him.
You’re jumping in like a slathering manchild over an impersonator again. This is what happens when you only care about “winning”, you only have garbage to contribute as you didn’t care about contributing to conversations.
my ass is now in the shape of Butch's cock
What happened next?
We can make it real gentlemen. Crank out as much shitty fanfic as you can.

A behind the scenes.
The only way to PROPERLY write shitty fanfiction is to be a teen girl with unrestricted internet access
Without, its like yakisoba without straining the water
What's the point of the coat holding plot?
Does Mark think girls give randos their clothes to hold all night?
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Raping bitches with Rob and Clay
It's a youtuber, and after Smiling Friends, people want to act like they're seeing the next big youtuber made cartoon take off.
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I don't even hate Mark, I'll watch his videos sometimes, but I didn't really like the pilot. It's too bland and doesn't really execute the tropes it relies on in ways that are entertaining to watch. The ending to the coat plotline to me was the most noticeable one. You can't really do a plot where the "nice character puts up with a bunch of shit until the very end where the one thing that makes it all worth it ends up sucking and he explodes over it" when the nice character isn't an exaggerated pushover. The guy complains, he pushes back at moments, and his positive view of the party and all that kind of goes away well before the third act where the explosion happens, so the moment where the wolf and the girls fight and he butts in with some sort of cathartic "OH GOD WHO CARES SHUT UP!!!!" thing doesn't really work because it's not like he was holding himself back the whole time. Think of Ned Flanders. when they did the episode where he has his outburst, they pretty much spent the entire episode up to that point having him put up with awful bullshit and having to just grin and bear it until eventually the house the town built(which was already shit) just couldn't even stand. If Ned had been stand off-ish or critical the whole time they were showing the house, the scene wouldn't work. This type of plotline and trope requires the character be a massive pushover the whole time who grins and bears it even when the audience knows it's dumb situation to be in
did he really? What a fucking moron.
Long Gone Gulch
Is this the cuckold guy who actually has a hotwife?
I can't really harp too much on how bad and boring this pilot is after figuring out he started this shit when he was 17. I 'm surprised it even got completed. I just want more incel Rob headcanon at this point since the source material is pretty uninteresting.
she's not as hot anymore, but she probably still sleeps around
so guy is being retarded about oney getting cucked and some freak has crushes on all the whores tied to this. nobody has actually discussed this cartoon for a week.
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she's so cute
>crushes on all the whores tied to this
i'm only crushing on Veronica
I don’t know anything about his personal life. You want to masturbate with the fuel of damaging my reputation by making up beef with a guy behind Smiling Friends.
I wish mark was an incel rapist too that’d make him cuter than he already is~
would've worked and would appeal to the gay furry bara crowd, but im sure zeruel wants to avoid turnung the token spic and black character be portrayed as monkeys
Making tripe for porn consumers doesn’t “work” as an actual story. Maybe you people should read a few books so you can actually appreciate something you dont masturbate to.
don't make me angry or I'll spam more emails about my mental issues
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why blindly support either?
Corporations are why we keep getting nothing but comedy cartoons because they keep shooting down all the good shit
ah, so it's an Irish thing? I don't think we ever have that in the states from what I know
Could be an irish thing, could be a british thing, hes from northern ireland
This is actually false, mark was born in shotaland
Thanks for enhancing my post and please draw more of mouse kid being rapey in general.
Say what you will, it's leagues above artistically and way more professional than that slop TerminalCancer put out last month. This actually has a tanglable plotline and is relatable.
>guy's heart grew three sizes that day
Rob would more realistically get raped going inside a "FREE CANDY" van
Then he has experience in it. It’s a vicious cycle for a reason.
imagine raping mark and getting to watch him cry :3
this kek can you fucking imagine actually holding that opinion, it's like a holding a hot potato made of acid
>weird outfits choices
Rob must of misunderstood his dad when he said that lady gave him her panties.
I disagree.
Robb felt more realistic, If anything it showed he wasnt having a great time, but he was still trying to make the best out of a bad situation.
Tropes are made to be done completely straight all the time, if anything it was a subversion.

Some people would only be mad cause it wasnt as predictable as they like, even then, theyd probably complain that it was TOO predictable.

Robb isnt the generic pushover character that blows up in the end when hes had enough. He fumbled but still tried to have a good time despite constant setbacks. He wanted to be a good person, thinking good things would happen like hes Spongebob in a episode where he gets everything while Squidward is the world's shit magnet for existing.

Clay also didnt suddenly have a great time, it showed us that a mostly introverted guy acting like he doesnt get out much. He wasnt a wall flower either, he attempted to blend in despite his judgement. Talked to two girls, drank a XXX drink and he finally loosened up, showing more of his character under a different circumstance.
Imagine if him and the bunny nerd fucked.
Imagine if he fed the bunny nerd while listening to her divulge about all her nerd hobbies.
Fed her his cock!
>Making tripe for porn consumers doesn’t “work” as an actual story
Worked for Aquaman and his thirst bending power getting women in seats
I want to fuck Venom.
Only after copious amounts of nerdslop. What do nerd bunnies eat?
My condolences for your incurably shit taste.
Honestly, if he didnt spew spaghetti, he would have had a better chance with the 2nd girl. She was talkin him up and was already mackin on dudes earlier in the episode.
Sloppy seconds?

He needs to make her a marshmallow.
Well.. there was that stuff with a certain german cartoon reviewer..
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Shut the fuck up boil. my interest is not in every pretentious indie animation. As I Already Said, I got into cartoons to make better media for kids and kids don’t even want to watch that shit.

I am not a bootlicker. I want to improve society. You’re just getting off on lashing out at me in service to the discourse, pretending like you have any real passion for the medium but you just want to haunt me for going against the industry.
actually nevermind >>145492464 is right, its time to admit i have problems
Hi Mark
Porn. Now.
thats fine and dandy for it
but how are the smut?
There's some good stuff on r34.xxx, but not much yet
I will disagree with you
the problem is that Mark is clearly going for tropes because they're familiar, but also seemingly has an issue with the tropes because he doesn't feel like they're realistic, but then has the tropes go the same way anyway so making them act realistically in the in between parts ultimately doesn't matter.
>It's meh
>It sucks
>Now I draw porn of it
Setting this shit in middle school was a terrible idea. What middle schooler talks about meeting new people like it's hard to do at their age? Should've just put them in college or even high school. People worry more about socialization at that age, at least.
The japs will make kemoshotas out of your characters LS Mark
There's no stopping it now.
Mark is just obsessed with middle school content, he's just oddly obsessed with content where the characters are around that age. The age 10-14, that "tween" age. He really likes those coming of age stories so he'll obviously try to do one himself.
if I had to guess I’d say that he relates more to characters around that age, a lot of what I’ve seen of his actual personality (and I’ve seen a LOT of it) in and out of his videos is very adolescent-like

the way he draws himself, the mildly cynical attitude he has, almost all of his interests, the way he spends huge amounts of money on toys and other stuff related to his favorite shows/games (mainly sonic) and his whole relationship with veronica is pretty childish, I’m fairly sure he has autism or some kind of neurological disorder like I do

tl;dr LS mark is a shota
this is canon btw t.Mark
this character is voiced by Veronica btw

shame such a cute design was wasted on her
damn really? lmao

its always the best girls
Sup, Viv. How's that 50% turnover rate going over at your company?
More please.
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not that I'm aware of
More artists for me to message for years than if they stayed with her
>this lsmark, whats he do?
>he uh reviews childrens cartoo-
>nah man, its over
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>waits two whole days just to post a shitty image
Do you know what scale is, do you know what orders of magnitude are? Or do you just see shiny green bar fill up and clap like a baby?
the mistletoe scene in Son of Stimpy is where I got my very first erection
I see 2 people crying that a plushie overachieved its sales goal so they have to spin it to be a nothingburger.
So you see green bar and clap like a baby. Thanks for confirming.
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>live action Catching Up
The only character i relate to is voiced by her fuck my lifeee
Can you do the fat-fucker version too?
Pardon me, I didn’t hear it before posting. Haven’t finished listening either. I hope they find the fat-fucker parody.
Why is this random image in the thread? Guy, is that you in disguise?
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>"It ties into that "Catching Up" title, in a really disturbing way. Because it's like they're saying, violence is how men catch up to women."
Not a minute in and it’s dripping with onions language. Is this real?
Who is she even talking to, her bull?
please someone catbox this shit because I don't want to give views to this faggot
No one does, that's why the most prominent discussion to be had is making fun of Mark's shitty whore marriage and making his characters talk about RAEP
when me and mark get married are you all going to make fun of him for marrying an ugly autist instead
Thoughts on this laly?

-Pilot has at LEAST 1 million views
-Popular guests
-Definitely getting a TV show eventually
the people talking sound like those insufferable breadtube people my youtube feed gets flooded with constantly

I like when they called ls mark a “pro rape cartoon” because that’s the one part that’s actually true. mark is a pro at getting raped by me
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is he?
>-Pilot has at LEAST 1 million views
not a big deal considering his clout
if he only made this pilot to push some plush sales then I'm even more inclined to be dismissive of him
>-Popular guests
according to who
>-Definitely getting a TV show eventually
if he gets a tv show he's going to have to play by network rules and then the indie clout is gone. the show might end up looking better tho.
as it stands I'm more interested in industry productions pushing for more creative freedom in both writing and artstyle instead of watching white male youtubers suck each other off.
...the harlot's used up pussy. What a prize.
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>Gets a TV show.
>Can't swear in it.
>Mark must make it a...lame kids' show!
>Gets called a Butch Hartman ripoff.
>cancelled after one order
Doesn’t sound like he “won.” It’s more like he’s talked about now, but you know everyone is gonna stop talking about him.
I don’t know about that but he definitely won my heart <3
To what end if his wife is a whore. To what end.
Does Mark even HAVE an idea for a show besides going "FUCK WOMEN AMIRITE"
Honestly, "FUCK WOMEN AMIRITE" is a much funnier premise than what he’s really going for. I hope more of his bitterness towards normies shines through.
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Today I found out lsmark has a subreddit and the people there were actually calling him sexist because in his reviews he'll sometimes refer to female characters as cunts or bitches, IE, gendered insults. and would go easier on the guys

i wonder if people are going to eventually start shit-talking this pilot because it paints all women as bad, has "bitches" be said about them, and has the male duo putting the whores down
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i wonder if it feels good or bad to have people do this face to your pilot. on one hand it's meant to be postive and show interest, on the other hand, it's that fucking face
LSMark's supporters are blind to any of his negative aspects, they won't give a shit and will keep supporting him no matter what he says or does.
It's literally his viewers on his subreddit complaining. It's not like it's a hate subreddit like rantgrumps. Not until they instate some "no meannesss" rule and everyone who doesn't like some of what Mark does have to make their own club.
I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of people complaining about that it’s so annoying. so what if he’s sexist or whatever it’s cute. i wish he would call me a bitch
I can confirm this is true I’m blinded by his cuteness unfortunately
is this a mark W?
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I thought it had some really good animation/effects in lots of places. It definitely looks better than my Pilot probably will. The upclose shot of the drink droplets on the mouse boy had really impressive detail. I feel like it was a really good effort in terms of animation for a first project.

That's not to say it wasn't wasted on a boring story, tiring characters, and empty scenes though. The worst about the animation was just the line weight difference (which I usually didn't notice) from some people using outdated rigs, the missing coats when Rob (I remembered not going back to change it) is walking around, and that one background woman walking in the club's phone light was out of sync with her moving. I still think it's impressive and I admire it. Though I hate the reliance on following FoP's expression movements.

In terms of the effects, the sunset of them on the bus really needed to be toned down though. I respect atmospheric lighting to the time of day, but damn that was eye bleeding. I wonder if just personally taking those scenes and toning down the saturation would look a little better. Though when there's too much saturation, the bleeding quality can't be fixed in post.
>I kind of got that feeling too from watching his videos, but I ultimately told myself I was looking at them with bad faith—but then I watched his fnaf movie review, and one of his comments about Vanessa gave me that feeling again. The video was incredibly solid until there was a moment in which he spoke in reference to Vanessa and her flaws. After criticizing her accomplice to the murders, he suddenly says, “I guess you’re (Vanessa) just conventionally attractive enough to know that deep down, you’re a good person.” (44:47). Like huh?? Feels way out of left field and not related to the movie in any way, almost like a dislike of her femininity was already on his mind. Regardless I still liked the video. I’ve been a fan of him since his Paranorman video. But yeah, you’re not the only one. I wonder how many female viewers feel this way
He doesn't really have a lot of arguments against not being sexist. The entire point of this pilot is a revenge fantasy of his self inserts owning a couple of one dimensional cunty characters, likely based on girls he is still hung up on in high school.
He seems to me very much like a guy who would have become an incel if he didn't end up becoming an youtuber.
I don't even say this as some moral champion of women's rights or some blind hater, he just seems like the type, especially seeing how his pilot is written.
I only feel that way about the pilot, not about his reviews. Because most shit he reviews, yeah it's all the same symptom of how poorly written the female casts are in movies, shows, games, doesn't matter. I appreciate that he's one of the only youtubers I can listen to who also isn't concerned about calling a horrible female character terrible. Whether he uses "gendered" inserts (you can call guys bitches, don't know why people act like that doesn't happen 24/7) or generally calls them out for being shit.
veronica cuck?
>mark's fanbase might actually agree with this
he is so fucked if any allegations against him ever come out he's got the kind of fanbase that will instantly turn
sisters, what do we think of Mark's use of the word "b*tch" in his show? pretty... gross and misogynistic much?? i dont want to dog pile him TOO hard becuz hes pretty young but... how do we educate him on this matter?
if that does happen I will release an hour long video defending him
wait until they find the videos (that are still up publicly on his channel) where he says faggot and retard
this cant be real
laly do you have an account where you interact with Mark normally
this is what qualifies as "entertainment" in the podcast world, i believe it.
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>Where is your video with 1 million views?
Not too shabby huh?

I'm actually not that guy but I wanted to show off my most viewed vid :)
you dont have to give us who you are, but could you tell us what kind of videos you make?
no I’m too nervous >_< I’m scared he’ll think I’m weird
You could always just be nice and try to give him support in a normal way without including the rape parts
It's /co/ related but I doubt anyone here has ever seen my work it since it's in another language
I probably should, I don’t plan on ever using twitter but I might get it just to interact with mark at some point. Hopefully I can act normal enough that me liking him so much will just make him happy instead of creeped out, that’s all I want really
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veronica just showed up in the litterbox comics livestream mark is on right now
Being nice on anon accounts helps me when I feel sad.
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i want to see her on another kind of livestream
damn i thought she was naked at first glance woot
me but with mark >:3
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better >:3
Yeah it looks better than a Viv production for sure, but eye candy is just that and nothing more without literally anything else backing it up.
>In terms of the effects, the sunset of them on the bus really needed to be toned down though. I respect atmospheric lighting to the time of day, but damn that was eye bleeding. I wonder if just personally taking those scenes and toning down the saturation would look a little better. Though when there's too much saturation, the bleeding quality can't be fixed in post.
The post-processing is probably one of the easiest things they can tweak before it's finally printed to ship. Might just be them going hog wild on it to flex what they can do with their meager budget, so it definitely needs to be refined
I want to see her on a certain video producing french website...
New edit looks good
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>a certain video producing french website
I know absolutely nothing about this dude, his channel, and barely his short. I watched about five minutes but I didn't laugh, felt kind of generic. I figured it would just be 15 more minutes of the same thing so I turned it off.

What is the controversy that's causing this shit to show up all over my timeline and the catalog?
>it's meant to be postive and show interest
For business purposes. It's the equivalent of having a sales demonstration for your product in a big city shopping district, and just as cringy.
>this photo
You never made an edit of this one anon..
.com or raw.com
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for me it's drainers.com
Good pick
Wanna take it you know where?
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i gotta go
but im hoping this thread treats my hotwife well in my absence
just make sure to edit this one, you know the word or any really...>>145515006
also showing her bare tits, I hope
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Thus. Chris being so desperate for work that he'd agree to shaming himself for this shit
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I don't know who Chris is and I don't know who that person in the photo is.
Montage got commissioned to make a video about Shadow for Sega, so even if his own pilot doesn't go anywhere he his has ways to greater success.
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Don't worry, I got the lowdown for you right here: It doesn't fucking matter.
> after Just Stop's video about Veronica/Mark
How long do you think it took to make this? When do you think they started production?
> How many more until you people stop thrashing around
No fewer than 100 you lazy faggot. 10 is slacking.
Niece. Get your guy lore straight.
>2 days later
Relax, Guy.
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hot mommy
mark better
This chick takes way too many selfies. Do any candid photos of her exist or does she only look good when she can control the angle and editing?
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she is cute always
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mark cuter
man, he just gets fatter and fatter
How do you feel about that laly? He’s going to be 400 by the next episode.
when me and him get married I’ll help him lose weight

I don’t mind him being a cute chubby boy but I don’t want him to be obese that’s not good :(
You’ll get saddled with a boogie2988, lol.
I don’t like boogie for obvious reasons but he’s not that bad looking really, if he was normal I’d probably have a crush on him
He’d crush on you as is.

What’s the fat cutoff?
hehe :333

I wouldn’t say I have a “cutoff” exactly, some of the guys im attracted to would definitely be classified as obese but if I was to hypothetically date them I would try to help them lose weight since I know being like that isn’t healthy
So the guys that are “classified” as obese, how visibly obese would you describe them?
Ntr queen
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she's so tremendously based for that
Uugh, i can see her nipple
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Saggy mommy
I would do anything to watch v and fat piggy in red get gang****d in a alley by a bunch of [redacted] until next mornin
probably around as big as boogie, like 400-500 pounds I think??? idk im not an expert on weight I just like fat boys
Have you ever had any boyfriends prior to 4chan?
nope, I’ve never even held hands with a boy before
K. Good thread.
Veronica for page 9
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mark is so much cuter than her
Veronica on page 10!
I need to hug him and feel his cute squishy body against mine

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