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What makes V so perfect?
What makes J so perfect?
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What makes Buckety so perfect?
What makes Cyn so perfect?
He's going to carry that weight.
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What makes Dunkachino 2B Cherry so perfect?
She saw a bunch of robots in maid outfits and butler outfits and her first thought was "I should give them stockings and asses."
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You Cyn guys are just the male version of the women that want to fuck Springtrap.
It's a rotting corpse, man.
What of it?
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Ladies, ladies, you're both perfect!
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What makes Lizzy so perfect?
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important lore
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>What makes V so perfect?
The Solver of the Absolute Fabric designed her body specifically to attract Human men.
>Eats Paper
How 'bout now?
He's gonna make it far in life, I can feel it.
Finally an anon brave enough to ask the important questions.
He said kiss stop eating a box of donuts on the back of Uzi's head.
it's a perfect toilet
>n keeps absolute solver in check by repeatedly fucking Uzi untill she's can't stand, (not even talking about walking) - since she and solver share body, solver is too tired to do anything
N is truly our hero. Keeping the Solver at bay. Through vigorous dicking.
Salute, soldier.
Post the full version, pussy.
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How do you think the N clones would react to the original N being engaged with The Solver, seeing as how they're all most likely free wirh Uzi as their admin. Personally I think that they would see the original N as some sort of God to aspire to
Full image?
The original N is long fucking dead man. All that remains of N are the backups that the Solver endlessly respawned him through as a Disassembly Drone.

If anything the original Worker Drone N would be like N-Jesus for them. He died so they could live.
Who do the N clones get distributed to as colony mandated boyfriends?
>Next round of Ms /co/ is the swimsuit round
>Cyn is out so we won't get any swimsuit art of her
It's not fair bros
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>It's a rotting corpse, man
Incorrect. Cyn's body was shown bleeding after taking damage on multiple occasions. She also managed to bypass a fingerprint scanner. This is irrefutable evidence that she is NOT a "rotting corpse".
she's somewhere on the spectrum between a skinwalker and a teleporter accident
Anon drones die when they have sex. At least the one I fucked did.
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By this point, I don't think there's regular computer backups involved, not purely anyway. At least part of this is the Solver literally owning the souls of Tessa's dumpster pets and just respawning them in new bodies when they bite it.
clearly cyn will be apart of the loser kiddie pool
Anon do you realise how many drawfags frequent these threads? They can make theiir own swimsuit art whenever they want.
Okay if drones had boobs whose would be the saggiest?
That's just Solver assimilation fuckery.
Where's the full uncropped drawing?
The body is most likely being kept “alive” in some way through supernatural means, but Liam’s concept art includes flies buzzing around Cyn, and one of the ending slides in Uzi’s presentation explicitly refers to it as a “corpse”. It’s in a weird, grossly unnatural in-between state.

Whatever the Solver did to Tessa is probably one of those things where it’s so unspeakably horrific that it’s worse than any possible explanation that could be given. It serves to remind us that even though it’s funny, the Solver is actually still a psychotic demon of incomprehensible malevolence.
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Yeah I guess you're right.
I mean, at least Tessa's not still somehow conscious and alive in there somewhere
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>oh yeah? well im going to twirl my pigtails like this
>and if any part of your body gets hit then it's your fault
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You won’t die.

You won’t die.

You won’t die die you won’t die you won’t die won’t die won’t you won’t die die you won’t die you won’t die you won’t die
In the Solver's mind palace. Which is now Uzi's mind palace.
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What noises do you think Uzi's exhaust makes as N gapes it on his Nine Inch Nail and Doll helplessly watches Uzi's expressions of pain and discomfort?
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>You think death is the end?
>You think DEATH is the END?
>Hahahahaha NOPE
>You'll be back
>I'll bring you back
>I'll bring back over and over and over and I'll make you perform this play and variations of it OVER and OVER and OVER
>Not because I need you to do so
>There are obviously less circuitous ways for me to achieve my goals
>No, it's just because I want you to do so
>Because watching you squirm is funny for me
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Don't forget Tessa's bones are still in there too.
Tessa's flesh is still alive and functional, as per the Solver's assimilation and matter fuckery - but Tessa herself is dead / subsumed by The Solver and her body was combined and assimilated with Cyn's drone body as The Solver's vessel. The hands move, the bones are a part of Cyn's body, the flesh bleeds and registers as a living lifeform in the sensors of the Anti-drone Sentinels in Cabin Fever Labs (when the Sentinels see Tessa's blood in Ep 6 you can see "Tessa" being flagged as a living person) and is also recognised by the Cabin Fever bioscanners in Ep 7.
>N hugs Uzi tight while the worker drone wolfs down a Subway sandwich with extra, extra mayonnaise
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Soft, gentle mouths suck pretty hard~.
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You fell for the bait (again)
mmmm, sammich
Tessa and Cyn
So draw the rest
This also probably implies that J tried to kill herself, and succeeded multiple times, before capitulating to the Solver.
nah, way hotter to have it cropped
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jobbed at her suicide attempts LOL
J has invaded your home eaten your food and slapped you on the ass, how do you respond to this indignity?
she was featured in a green not too long ago
bold of you to assume i would let her get past step one
I wonder how aware Tessa was that her corpse was going to be worn by a universe destroying for potentially forever.
All your doing is making me horny
Tessa is pretty selfless from what little we see of her; she goes to tremendous lengths to help her little drone buddies out, and is ready to charge headlong into lethal danger even if it gets her killed (which it does).

I don't think she'd care as much about what happened to her compared to the awful things that her friends would end up having to suffer for years on end - J especially. She'd hate seeing N get traumatized, seeing V torture herself trying to protect him, and she'd be absolutely heartbroken to see what ended up becoming of J.
I slip a ring onto her tail. Can't put it on her finger because she keeps transforming her hands into various household implements now that she's my wife. Learned that the hard way after she turned her hand into an electric mixer for the pancakes she was making and accidentally cooked the ring into one.
What if she willingly offered herself up to the Solver to protect J,N and V?
Then the Solver has its way with her then has its way with them anyway.
>[lol. lmao, even.]
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Nothing because my girlfriend Uzi would take care of that bitch while I just sit back and look pretty
Anon you keep making me google that word every time you use it, what's your angle here?
The old magic.
Update: Never mind she got back up and now she's trying to do it again.
>watching the Vees flutter around the flowers in my garden
>getting covered in pollen while their long, lithe tongues slurp up delicious nectar to turn into honey back in their Vee nest
>it's kind of lewd
Nature sure is weird ever since all the bugs died. At least you get bit way less often but when you do... holy shit...
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Love the Vees.
I kinda want to see a reverse situation where Tessa is the one mutated while the Drones are dead.
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Imagine poor Tessa getting stuffed into a Drone body after the gala.
She's so traumatized and shaky and terrified of Drones now but she has a Drone body and lives in a Drone colony
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What if Todd Howard was the CEO of JCJenson?
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Doodled N in a Fruity Apron recently.

That's it.
Uzi gets to peg THAT every night?
What a slut.
>that green text where solver decides to conquer humanity instead of killing it and blowing up earth
>while most of the MD kill and abuse humans some start wearing their favorite humans, like cyn wearing tessa, out of "love"
>the rest of humanity considers it fate worse than death
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human women have it the worst because the dd girls took all their mates
That's pretty fruity but I'd keep him around as my Housewife (boy)
Honestly, I think seeing her again, especially like that, would wreck V. More than anyone else, she's not the drone Tessa remembers, and she knows it, and she hates it, and wishes more than anything else that she could go back to being that shy, gentle girl but she can't.
You think Worker drones enter into a panic when their human master starts getting old? Imagine worker drone J raising a human kid and seeing them get older and less energetic, kinda like 20 year old dogs, you’re just waiting for the painful inevitability. Only this time you have no idea what’s going to happen to you when they kick the bucket
Fucked up idea. Imagine if someone requests that their Drone be buried with them, imagine the Drone being forced to occupy a dark coffin next to their master's corpse forced to watch as the worms begin to feast
>Only this time you have no idea what’s going to happen to you when they kick the bucket
Which, in that scenario you laid out, is why J would be working overtime to endear herself to Tessa's kids and grandkids.
Cyn monkey paws Tessa when she demands them to be revived, as they are resurrected as MD and promptly start slaughtering people
This is what would have happened to J even if Tessa had lived to 100 btw, except she'd voluntarily erase her own OS in order to be buried with her

There's no timeline where she stays happy
Very good. Love your art man. Also Uzi wakes up to this making her breakfast every morning? Damn.
Still better than them being DDs with no Tessa. J still has something to fight for.
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a worm (friend) gave me this horrendous idea...
i am gonna kms
solver went too far
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y'all will say forgotten about anything these days
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that's their cue to take whats there with the corpse, escape, and do the best bit of acting they'll ever do in their lives
>Public raises concern at the growing number of incidences of "glow-eyed zombies", which although appear to be the dead come alive, are actually the cadavers of former owners of JCJenson worker drones being mutilated and inhabited by their workers after choosing to be buried with their property. Officials say not to bury yourself with your drones, they do not understand the concept of life and death will try to escape by any means necessary.
She can't keep getting away with this...
bootsanon fucking died, that's not on us lol
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you want to see forgotten?
pregnant drones
You're not pregnant, stop eating the pill babies.
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pregnant wholesome drones
I like the idea that Yeva just never talks and is just a Charlie Chaplin character amidst the incessant yapping of everyone else in the MDverse
We need more preggo drones.
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>check the dronebooru last month
>see decent preg art but don't bother to save it
>check now
>it's gone
you remember what it looks like? i can probably find it.
holy kek
The Solver does this shit on purpose just to make them uncomfortable. I'd completely believe it, it's entirely within character.
There was one where Uzi was getting called a slut
wholesome dronesex
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Any other Anons notice the connections there are between drones and surgery?
>1st picrel, Tessa's book about "The Mechanics of Surgery" (Inn stream)
>2nd picrel, Cyn's basement
>3rd picrel, Camp 98.7 2nd floor (Inn stream)
>4th picrel, Alice's surgery tools
>5th picrel, Cyn
RoboMama on deviantart
this guy really, really, likes to draw pregnant robots apparently
He draws cute pregnant robots. I prefer sexy pregnant robots.
Somewhat relevant greentext screencap
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hair wasn't the only human part Tessa added to the drones was it?
>"(Uhhh, I can explain)"
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I kinda wish we got more survival horror with the DD's before they swapped the focus to Solver.
Liam wanted multiple seasons. He got eight episodes. No time for anything but the bare minimum.
>Staring down at the manual handed to you, its unsurprisingly detailed first page was quite informative.
>But you still don't know why she gave you this.
>Lizzy seems rather disinterested with the way she looks at her non-existent nails instead.
>Actually more like she was expecting something from you.
>"Ugh! Just pick me up you moron."
>Stashing the book in a drawer you go straight up to the queen bee, slot your hands firmly around her waist and lift the drone into the air.
>And then plop her back down again.

>The things drones will do for uppies.
>Liam wanted multiple seasons
All the talk of this being season 1.
That anon's ass.
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i said so, so it's true
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Seeing these older videos makes me wonder if there's a possibility that there was more than one season planned early on in MD's life but one thing lead to another resulting in the show only getting 8 episodes.
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Anon it's extremely obvious that there was supposed to be another season, look at the ending of episode 8 as well as them calling it season 1 repeatedly during Glitchx as well as the promo material
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They're the perfect organisms
Make sure to always remind your drones they’ll outlive you, works great for morale
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I flipped that screenshot upright and found this in the trees.
The ending is open-ended and you never know what the future wkll hold of whether Liam will want to continue down the line. Please quit coping
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it was probably ment to be 2 seasons
I meant to reply to >>145516634
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Dollipop is my favourite character specific meme
Imagine if you will, Lizzy (and maybe N too) setting up a get together between mutilated corpse being moved around by a ghost Doll and fresh corpse being moved around by an eldritch centipede Uzi, to get them talking with someone else who knows what it's like.
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N would not allow that, it would be extremely scary for Uzi and he cares about her.
This would be assuming oil ghost revenant Doll, not full on J-horror Doll.
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>"Mom. Dad. I'm home."
>ep 8 ends with basically the same line as the original teaser back on liam's channel
Like pottery
A person made of blood with glowing red eyes is extremely scary, Anon. I don't think there's anything in any of Uzi's anime that could prepare her to see something like that in real life.
Liam knows what he's doing to us.
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I think she's great
"Still would." -Lizzy.
Revenant. As in, blood person ghost oozed back into her mangled corpse and is getting it going again. She's clearly dead as fuck, but other than that she's fine.
Uzi's been through a lot. She deserves a vacation.
They all have
Doll deserves to get her revenge
Doll deserves happiness.
What I'm saying is they both need to sit down with someone else who knows what it's like being some kind of monster jerking around your own regular person corpse.
>Liam did an AMA thing on discord
>reveals all the wigs Tessa made for her drones are real human hair
>hair she got from digging up human corpses in the swamps around her manor, possibly family cemetery
You know, maybe the Elliots were right to keep her chained up in her bedroom, that girl was a freak.
It's just autism don't worry.
Why were there so many dead bodies in thei Elliot family swamp?
>the ultimate image to make present day V weep wretchedly and need to be hugged by Lizzy:
>her former self
>in the sun
>being happy
>Should we get our clearly disturbed daughter psychological help?
>We can clearly afford it
>Hmm no, easier to chain her up
Cute bee
She a worser mother then louisa
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What a slut.
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her happiness was taken from her
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>ore wa...
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probably got a big extended family who've lived there for generations, perhaps they owned a large private cemetery, perhaps it was a public one that gets alot of dead folks they either lease the land to or live nearby to, nothing strange about that.
the real question is why tessa was such a weird ass
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now she's stuck with a smelly purple gremlin for all eternity, forced to do her errands and mom duties she's too lazy to do herself
And that the snow on Copper 9 isn't actually snow
Lovely art. Can't read the artist tag tho, who is it?
>smelly purple gremlin
*eldritch centipede monster who wishes she was still a smelly purple gremlin
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Bees will always lick you if you pet them, it's very cute.
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Dude you can't be posting artificial bee sex in here.
when did this suddenly turn into /an/
Anon it very clearly says drones on the op. That's all they're posting.
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Here, have some Fanta, friend.
This guy gets it.
I love adopted daughter Tessa
>Work, Look and act like snow but isn't snow
Order of operations is backwards. She started digging people up because she disassociated from humanity due to abuse. Digging up drone bodies and human bodies became identical to her.
Please be patient, Liam has autism.
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You can not fuck the vees
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Don't fuck WITH bees!
All the snow on the ground is snow, all the stuff still swirling in the air is dust, which is why it hasn't settled down.
>bee puns
fuck you for making me laugh.
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Can someone edit that to have a Tessa shadow
do a flip
do a flip
Oh my god so adorable
Because N love cute animals
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I want to rub her weird ribbed limbs and make that weird frrrrrt sound.
all the while the source of all her grief is right next to her, as remorseless as ever with nobody saying a word of protest unlike with her
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Not after what she did to them
> cuddle a drone
> they bend their limb a little too much
> you get skin stuck between the segments

that or you get hair stuck between them without knowing, and then try to move
What about Uzi for killing Rebecca + Emily?
What about all 3 DDs? There could've been countless others in their uncountable victims.
A horrifying prospect.
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I guess I'm just posting bees now. That's my job.
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Do it for the clout N!
I love bees
Is plus down...again?
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seems so, can't access it
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It didn't know bees can do that, nice
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They can do a whole lot.
Man I love learning bee facts
She’s probably inbreed.
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> bumblebees are worker drones
> wasps are disassembly drones
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What about mantises that LOOK like wasps?
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what the fuck
So are you guys going to post drones now or are you still bees
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How about both
This is what Cyn will do to your balls.
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Have a giga bee for such trying time.
I wanna pet it
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Why he long?
Holy fuck Shantae
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It's because they're three queen bees merged into one.
Warning: words
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I think that may be(e) too many bees.
Damn I want to know which person who created this beautiful bee specie
>Plus is down again
It’s over….
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Me, I'm a massive spec evo fag, although it was less spec in this case and more a lightning strike of an idea that I had while at work and saw a pretty big bee land outside by the window. Originally I was thinking of making a honeypot ant type of species where the workers stored the honey in their abdomen instead of honeycombs, but then the idea of a "terrestrial flightless bee" came up and sorta merged with the original one and now we have a giant queen bee carrying the entire hive on her three backs.
Based, I'm also into spec Evo stuff, so are you gonna create more spec Evo animals, even some sapient specie
Blackhand has to banish Vashtorr from the server
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I have like an entire list of animals to go through right now so yeah, there's way more to come in the future.
>even some sapient specie
Right now no, I want to keep Drones (and other machines like them) as the only sapient species around for the time being. Maybe that'll change at some point, but for now it's just regular animals.
yeah but doll is a hypocrite
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I love my wife.
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>the flesh demands invitation
What did she mean by this?
>N: likes dogs
>Solver/Cyn: Likes N
>Solution: acquire dog-like tendencies: like a wagging tongue, or being a huge bitch
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The flesh. Demands. Invitation.
Neat, I hope there will be giant moth
And hope you will eventually create new sapient where they observe drone behavior and copy them
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Tessa swimsuit
>Cyn cause Uzi to take on said dog-like tendencies
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Why did she do it?
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I wonder beaugard found Tessa being creepy, hot as hell
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What are they reading?
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Why didn't her stepbrother save her?
He manage to save her soul, now all he need is a body to put it in
Cause it was epic
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Does Tessa like Dingos?
The latest Korean webcomic catered to female book-lovers
Why did J make that gesture before the sword that Cyn threw decapitated her?
Now that the dust has settled, what did I think of episode 8?
Idk, what did you think?
>how to seduce a human without their partner finding out
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A little bit of Solver trolling.
You thought it was excellent.
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Which Tessa variants is your favorite,
Recommend me some MD crossover fics. I know this isn't some people's shtick here but I wonder if any of you have written anything of the sort.
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but consider this
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>be oogi
>outside looking for berri with Enn
>suddenly there is a droning sound
>shadows race over you as Vees fly overhead
>they surround Enn, he giggles as they rub their Vee fur all over him
>several Vees latch on to him and begin to lift him off the ground
>Enn lets out a little 'whee' as he is sent airborne
>you try to grab Enn by the legs but your oogi strength fails you and you fall to the dirt, dusty and bruised
>one of the Vees returns to you and sticks out her tongue before flying back to the Vee hive
>tfw no Enn
>tfw no honeycomb
Snek sex.
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Oh, but are you aware of what that entails?
Why do I have the feeling someone decided to DDOS the plus? I mean, it was going down and coming back yesterday at random intervals which is suspicious.
Imagine snek Tessa is a Inland Taipan the most venomous snake in Australia
Yes, I'm all in.
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Damn bros, I love Vees so much
So are there 2 order of V?
Like the feline type and the bug type
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She's so perfect I love her with all my heart
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Solver shchenigans
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>You Cyn guys are just the male version of the women that want to fuck Springtrap.
yes, and...?
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cyn intruding on nuzi sex, doll intruding on vizzy sex,
what's a drone got to do to find a monogamous relationship around here?
Khan and Nori
oogi and enns adventure
where's darren
J out of fucking nowhere.
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Zero grounds for that in the show unlike the other two. J can't bring herself to move on from Tessa-sama.
Meant for >>145519600
J going for khan is as cannon as V being in a fulfilling relationship.
>Uzi and Cyn fighting over control
>... For who gets to give N a blowie
>Cyn seemingly gives up and lets Uzi keep control of her body
>Cyn controls the tail instead and gobbles N's cock with her tail-mouth
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Not to mention Cyn is fully able to use the human fingers as well as her own. I'm with >>145515414 in that Tessa's body/skinsuit is being kept alive through technosorcery or something. However >>145514830 is wrong because it's more the reverse. Springtrap is a machine animated by the spirit of the rotting corpse inside, where as "Cynessa" is a machine wearing a still-living skinsuit as an extension of herself.
Ouch, that thing has a spike right in the middle.
This isn't a suggestion.
So canon because V is going to be in a fulfilling relationship with me
not true! springtrap is neither cute nor silly
>"Cynessa" is a machine wearing a still-living skinsuit as an extension of herself.
It's actually a Cthulhu wearing a still-living machine as an extension of itself and the machine is itself wearing a still-living skinsuit as an extension of the Cthulhu wearing the machine.
Naw, solver is some sort of program. That it can be patched out is proof enough of that, so it's more like an extremely buggy OS wearing a robot in a skinsuit. I like to joke that it's just a machine dividing by zero.
>solver is some sort of program
A program made by Cthulhus?
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Doll's rest
I love milf
Lizzy's got a nice bed.
Actually it's my bed <3
Loyalty and diligence.
>Fun Morning Canon Facts: the only other reason Nori is still relatively sane when we see her in the present, beyond having a goal to focus on, is because even when she still had a body she just naturally wanted to scurry around like an actual creature, like that one Gravity Falls short where Old Man McGucket mentions his body just wants to walk backwards all the time
Sounds legit. Uzi didn't have to crawl like a feral creature, but the Nori genes were too strong to resist when presented with a chance.
>That it can be patched out is proof enough of that,
If bugs crawl through your vent and you close the vent to stop that from happening, it doesn't mean bugs are air, it means the vent is their entry point.
That's why she squats on top of her desk like a goblin.
How did N clear the way on Copper-9?
Normal DD stuff.
I can't be the only one that imagined her squatting on this D, now am I?
"The way" means his bussy, cyn was about to spread N's legs and rape him.
>Fun OC facts: L had sex with you while you slept. She wanted to play out one of her very lewd fantasies that she had in mind.
wrong she isnt cuddling with me.
That's based desu
Just noticed she's using the JcJenson pen
They would be horrified
Holy based
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Some Madlad made a Cyn DBD power concept
>attacks you
>"glomp ;3"
Is one of Cyn's skins her wearing cargo shorts? They are very comfortable, and car go vroom.
autist wifey....
>"material collection started subtly, with cutlery vanishing from the kitchen"
oh, I like that
>J, ancient family servant
>She has been serving the Elliot family for as long as anyone can remember
>She has probably seen so much, but she hardly ever talks anymore
>Now she has been passed on to you, Anon, the newest scion of the family
>She does her duties with a practiced precision that exceeds the dexterity of the standard drones
>Anything for the boss
>Sometimes you catch her looking at you with a sadness that betrays her age
>Who was it that she saw in you?
>How many had she seen come and go?
>You wonder if she could use a hug…
So what’s the opinion on Tessa somehow being resurrected by Uzi as a weird semi immaterial shadow creature that looks like how she does in the flashbacks
I want to hug
Jesus christ this sounds kino
J(ust needs a hug)
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His pelvis and cock will survive from this?
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What if they are the reincarnations of N,J and V?
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It's actually Cyn just pretending to be possessed by RoboSatan to prank N
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Broken as shit on launch, nerfed to worthlessness shortly after. Also needs a different iri than the gun. Make it [null] or something so they don't need to do gun animations and she's not infringing on Deathslinger territory.
Mori had better be her clawing the survivor's chest open and eating their heart.
I can imagine a lot of agony when trying to aim the Solver at the right target.
>t. bitter killer main
Is anon the grandkid or great great great grandkid?
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>Your best friend N wants to give Uzi a nice birthday present and asks for advice.
>You jokingly suggest a pole dance.
>He liked it.
>N practises every day, perfecting his moves to perfection.
>The day before the party, he comes to you for help again.
>N worries that his dance won't be as good and asks you to evaluate it.
>As his best friend, you are only one he can ask.

How are you answer to him, anon?
I haven't played since Chucky was released how bad is it for killers right now?
I make him put on a dress first
I would say his dancing is impressive and advice him to do it with a club of femcels
Whatever bro needs to impress his waifu, he's going to get.
>"what if my wiener doesn't work right when me and Uzi have our first time? could you help me test it, anon?"
>Of course, N. Anything for my favorite homie. I only hope Uzi won't be upset, she deserves your time more than I.
>Blindfold N
>Get a soundboard of classic Uzi phrases and a fleshlight
This isn't what friends are for, but whatever.
A real friend would put on the wig and vet more hands on with N's training
I'd be doing something similar, along with making sure certain drivers are up to date.
First I've heard of it.
Holy based
>NOED + Ruin
>There's no timeline where she stays happy
What about the timeline where the Solver absorbs everyone into it’s mind palace, where J and Tessa can be together forever?
I have a problem I actually can't stop thinking about Nuzi and day dream cute date scenarios for them constantly
Jerk off. Can on it:>>145521103
Uzi and N literally go
> Murder is bad actually, you shouldn't do it
But are best friends with the most brazen murderer
And then Uzi starts openly being one herself
N probably relapsed too

At least Doll wasn't full of shit
hi pocket
how you doin
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It festers the brain, i know your feel
Why not you write or draw about it?
Tell your ideas
Imagine if Murder Drones was never created
N’s stomach
It's been a while since I played, even longer than you have, so things might be better now. I just remember feeling the pain of being the less appreciated role.
Also, it's way too formulaic for a "horror" game. I get that competitive games will always optimize the fear out and you can't be scary when both sides are playing to win, but it was disappointing when I learned that.
Is full of rocks.
But he eats rocks. He's immune.
I've never been as obsessed with anything as I am with Murder Drones. I'm even shitposting on here how much it sucks for me that the series is over, a lot of whining. So, I don't even know, but would probably be obsessed with something else?
NTA but it can be scary if the killer actually plays to scare instead of plays to win
Michael is a very good killer for this if played right
Does Tessa like Dingos ?
> playing videogames for fun
get a load of this guy
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>[null] dubs
That's what the Solver promised her, once everything was over she could be with Tessa forever, and they'd all be a family again, and it'd all be like before
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He [NULL]'d her warranty.
And she called him her big brother while he was doing it.
She literally self inserted in the little sister.
N is such a chad
Only good ones
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Now hold on anon, mistake or not, you might be onto something here, J has an Oedipus thing as is
>grooms a little girl
>literally self-inserts itself into the loli who isn't biologically related to her onii-chan so it's not creepy looking to make her attracted to him
>designs all the maids' DD forms to have actual chests and mother-bearing hips and thick thighs
>keeps V's and J's personalities in place because they were the drones N personally knew and would have chemistry with him
>all that shit from episode 8
And you motherfuckers STILL insist there isn't a sexual element to the Absolute Solver wanting N all to itself so it can torture him and feed off the destruction of his innocence and take absolutely everything from him then wipe his memories so it can do it all again.
wouldn't that be an electra complex?
Yeah, mirror Myers is the best, hopefully he still is.
Anyone know where to get a coffin
Neither. Oedipus is when boys want to kill Daddy so they can fuck Mommy, Electra is when girls want to kill Mommy so they can fuck Mommy.
That's just for dads, I'm saying J could get it on with Nori too because I like stupid ships
Tessa knows.
Electra complex is the rivalry the daughter has with her mother for the father's love.
Tessa was J's best friend, or onee-san, or best friend you secretly have a crush on. Not her mom.
I fucked up. I meant to say kill Mommy so they can fuck Daddy.
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J's a little fruity
Though I can see J adding herself to Lizzy's growing harem of monstergirls out of longing for someone sufficiently Tessalike.
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>Naw, solver is some sort of program.
Demonstrably not, the Solver is an entity that manifests through its AI hosts as an eldritch god-program. It's not "just" a program, and the Solver itself is represented by the [null] / void / black holes that replaced the center of the Solver-host AI core.

We are told the Crucifix Patch USB "excorcizes the host from the Solver's possession". The patch is cutting off the Solver from being able to possess its AI host, burning out the Solver's method of gaining control while still letting the host utilize the Solver's reality-manipulating abilities.

Like come on.
Who's a good Dingo?
The one who remembers his past life, over a thousand years ago, as a robot who fell in love with a human and got smited by God for thinking himself her equal.
What are you talking about...?
>How did N clear the way on Copper-9?
The purpose of the Disassembly Drones is to be the murder-pets and grunts of the Absolute Solver, clearing prey planets of lifeforms and gathering their corpses while the Solver initiates the consumption of the planet. As seen on Earth, what is implied to have been repeated on the other Exoplanets, and what sort-of happened on Copper 9 except for the Humans already being wiped put by the Core Collapse.
Copper 9 is also a more unique case because the Solver also desired to eliminate the Solver hosts that were created by the Cabin Fever project.

But the Solver saying "thanks for clearing the way" just means that the Disassembly Drones did their function, slaughtering the Worker Drones on Copper 9 and gathering their corpses into the corpse Spires.
>Electra is when girls want to kill Mommy so they can fuck Mommy.
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I see.
I need the infographic about the plot of MD
for some purposes
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>Yeah, I'd throw the twink to the ground and have my way with him.
Oh okay. Well, they didn't kill all of rge worker drones (they worker drones in Uzi's settlement are srill alive) but I think most are dead on the spire graveyards.. Thank you for the explanation!!
>they worker drones in Uzi's settlement are srill alive
At a minimum them. There was a mention of Outpost 9 in the first episode.
Oh wow! Hopefully they're alive as well
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Which one? There are a few of them. This?
But Gumigoo isn't a Dingo, he's a bipedal candy crocodile
Hence, past life. Reincarnation, retard.
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Got this autismo in the mail
all of them
But Gumigoo is an NPC, he never had a life to begin with
Shut up already
el creatura...
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Does Uzi have a right to bitch about humans if she wasn’t around when they were still active.

This is for UZI, not for any of the earlier generations of drones.
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I don’t think you get I’m not trapped here with her she’s trapped here with me
What are you gonna do to her...?
Anon she didn't realise the Disassembly Drones weren't actually created and sent by JcJenson / humanity until later on.
She bitched about them originally because she thought they were the ones who sent the Disassembly Drones. Later on she was just being an angsty bitch but didn't actually seem to have a real grudge against them after finding out it was really the Solver.
Humans by all accounts were completely extinct by the time Uzi was even born. It’s like if somebody today had genocidal hatred for dinosaurs
Anon, you're in a thread for a show about robots.
Are you implying they all have souls, even the NPCs from TADC?
Someone should mindbreak her with headpats
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Based bug
Rape her
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Her punishment is to beat world at war on veteran with no deaths
>also venom anon dog reveal
> sentinel bee
The dog proceeded to go missing and was never deen again. Nobody knows what happened to it.
bootsanon here, sorry for anyone who actually wanted to see some stuff from me i kinda just fell out of the MD culture and episode 8 was a total let down for me, i don't know if there's even still boots lore fans in the threads but well here's something in the spirit of episode 8.

>We see a gaggle of drones gathered around a gambling table.
>And a new drone sporting a beret.
>Dealing for the drones was the blondie germie drone zosie, deck of cards in hand.

>"So you guys, i take it ya are handling a solver free world well?" She asked dealing out cards to each of them.

>Tamfk grumbled, Kat twitched an eye and the one with the beret groaned.

"Don't remind me Zosie, there's no more zombie drones but i'm still one myself now."

>Boots turned her head in shame.
>"Ah don't worry papi! i'm sure you can get a new human body later!" Zeke stated with a card flecking him in the visor.
N is actually really good at cards
Teacher J spanking me...
>Cards slotted around to each drone at the table, a full deck to each drone.
>"You all know the rules to blackjack ja? Who gets to 21, or gets the closest to 21 vins the round! it'll be a clean game, no tricks or traps today!"
>Zeke clapped his hands at the explanation.

>"Boots, how are you doing?" Tamfk asked.

>"Not the best, master's still upset with me for uh, eating him..." She replied.
>The beret wearing drone simply shifted his cards into his hand, accidentally reflecting them off his visor.

>"Oh human! your numbers are showing!" Zosie said.
"So what, not like there's anything to win." He replied, Zosie giggling at the rude statement.

>"hm hm hm~ maybe not a reward, but there IS a penalty, for extra fun of course" She countered.

"Which is?" He asked looking up, eyes going hollow at the sight of the double barrel pointed at him.

>A loud bang is heard, oil splattering on the table and flecking the drones nearby.
>Each drone besides Tamfk screamed.
>A bright blue glow resonated from his body, the blown open head reconstructing from almost nothing, him sitting back up, breathing rapidly in panic.

>"ZOSIE!!! We just got him back!!!" Boots cried out.
>Zosie giggles "Oh... don't worry, i just want him to take thiz seriously, isn't that right, wade?"
>The beret drone looks at her, but all he sees is another monster.

cyn > j, v > uzi
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She's only was a dommy mommy when there was someone telling her to do it.
But now that she's Truly alone, there's no need for that anymore.
I can get where J and Doll's actions come from, even if I don't agree with their goals.
What the fuck, also add V while we're at it, she's more of an anti villain than anything else.
V stands for Vegeta.
>Why do I have the feeling someone decided to DDOS the plus? I mean, it was going down and coming back yesterday at random intervals which is suspicious.

It was a hardware fault at the host. Some images got lost and need reuploading too.
Remember to reupload this to Plus
Except the fact V hates her, the fact all three of them of murderers, plus their "family" is going to have a lot of new members
is plus still down?
It's back up (for now). No clue whether the hardware issues have been fixed yet
k it's on plus now, the more recent (timeline wise) thread got closed so i put it in the 1 with 1k posts
I thought it stood for Virgin.
It does.
>N = Nerd, Nice
>J = Jerk, Jock (J being male in early drafts)
>V = Virgin, Violet (as in "shrinking violet) Or possibly even "Violated"
Eerie Silence is a good one, but hasn't being updated in a while
I don't think V actually hates J. She reacts with blatant hurt and betrayal at the fact that J is working with Cyn, and says "We were supposed to get away", implying that she still views J as one of her friends.
Cyn won
...The losing contest.
Imagine if V realizes that J was working for the Solver so when it absorbs everyone into it's mindscape, J can reunite with Tessa with everyone in tow
Nuh uh
>J crawling into Uzi's mouth at night
V doesn't hate her.
If anything, the whole
>J tricked us! Or, it tricked J, too!
stuff was shocking because we hadn't seen any reason to believe that either N or V would care about J at that point. In Episode 6 it was excusable as a blast from the past.
And even the "wrong team" line notably didn't involve V going for a verbal or literal kill shot against J, nor did it look like they tried to hunt her down afterward.
J has snuck into your room, hot glued a wig onto you and as now referring to you as Tessa.
Do Solverpedes even have mouths?
Wait, did you put it on plus' /co/ or /md/?
As J can kill me less than 1 second, I decided accept my new "role."
>Cyn = SNEED
There aren’t any accounts of anything of the sort. Just vague imagery and implications. It’s likely left intentionally vague.
A few threads ago there was a discussion of what would happen if the AS kept Tessa alive but frozen, but what if it faked Tessa's death to present her alive... then actually kill her in front of J and the others?
No that was definitely J
There's a plus /md/? I put it in +/co/ in a md thread
J spends the day petting you and telling you how much she loves you and cleaning the place. She also loudly considers cutting off your legs since you won't need them anymore now that she's here but you manage to distract her with stock options on the... dishwasher.
Made for gentle pegging
Sex with Doll but her dead parents bodies' are watching the whole time.
Sex with Cyn while she eats Doll's parents and Doll has to watch
Sex with Doll but she has her own dead body watching the whole time.
Horrified at the prospect, I kick out of the flat in the same horror, hoping that the time gained from the dishwasher's stock will be enough for me to escape.
Yeah. /md/ is where all the action has migrated to as far as pluschan is concerned
Sex with N and Uzi has to watch while Lizzy makes snarky remarks at her
Noted, i'll repost it to /md/ too soon
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Quick 2 hour sketch
Nori fucking hate DD
Make a quick 5 min sketch of Cyn and Uzi being friends
Uzi and Cyn would never be friends.
N would make them sit in a tiny room and find a common interest and only if they become friends and sort their differences he would let them out
>Their common interest turns out to be wanting to fuck N
You manage to escape for long enough to ditch the wig onto a mannequin. Thankfully J captures and cuts the legs off of said mannequin confusing it for you. J is not the brightest but is among the stabbiest.
More like hating J
>I hate you
>I hate you more
>Why couldn't my DD's kill you
>J tried but she failed because she sucks
>giggle I know I don't really know why I still used her
>I mean I am a worker drone and nearly killed her with a pen
>Loud giggle she really sucks
>N walks into the room and sees them both laughing and talking about how much J sucked
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What does a drone tongue feel (and taste) like?
strawberry milk and leather
I wouldn't want to find out, The nanite stuff that's supposed to be in their saliva makes me thing it'd be harmful to biological material, Considering what DD's are made for.
It turns you into a DD, that's why Uzi started to grow a tail and Doll didn't. Because Uzi fisted N's mouth.
Milk and salty coins.
Definitely has a smell and bit of taste for oil, the feel is somewhere between smooth rubber and something else
They have that dirty eldritch femcel smell
No. No it doesn't
I look at it with a mixture of fear, relief and curiosity. But I still decide to keep running away from her, and I run towards N's house, with the hope that he will help me.
Lubricated latex. Faint taste of oil.
You burst into N and Uzi's room to find Uzi wearing a wig similar to the one you just ditched. Apparently it's Tessa's birthday. N refers to you as Tessa 2 as he digs out another wig.
NTA but here
In a world where humans were nicer to drones Cyn/Solver would be Tessas best friend
nice touch putting the murder drones skull on the gun.
In utter shock, I look at N when he placed the wig on my head. I glance at Uzi to get explanation of figure out why DD was freaking out.
I hate Uzi and Cyn.
>Don't be ridiculous. We're going to kill him, you understand that? J believes he is the one. Do you?
Who the fuck are they gonna kill?
People thought that early on, but it was actually a red herring and the real reason why it happened is because Uzi’s mom gave her ungodly eldritch genetics that activated (presumably) due to extreme stress.

Now, how did Nori become a Solver host? I honestly have no fuckin idea, I guess the humans just killed a bunch of drones and intentionally didn’t dispose of their cores, and Nori and Yeva were just the lucky ones? That part is never really explained, the scientists just… got it into them somehow.
Drop (most of) the kawaii and murder drones would be a fine addition to 40k
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Like a very hot beef tongue.
>disassembler tongues are studded with millions of tiny bumps and divots that allow them to collect all sorts of data
>besides taste, temperature, and feel,they can 'sniff' the air with their tongues like a snake to detect chemicals
>their tongues are strong enough to use to grab objects and restrain people and drones if need be.
>each disassembler's tongue has a unique texture that they can modify on demand- with V's being rough like a cat's and N's soft and smooth like a dog. J's is like a human's because she wanted to kiss Tessa with it.
>all drone tongues taste like a mixture of mineral water and Hoppe's gun cleaner
cute beretta, love this artist.
The Mechanicus will develop a schism of those wanting to eliminate the abominable intelligence and those who want to fuck V
In a world where humans were nicer to drones the Solver would still fucking eat everyone and everything the moment it gets a chance to manifest through a previously dead AI.
this will always be the drone version of carol to me.
But Cyn would have no reason to let the solver get control over her
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This means that on the night of the Gala it reached [100.00%]
There are billions of drones throughout the system it could pick instead
It wouldn't need to be Cyn, the Solver would inevitably show up through any drone that was not properly disposed of and given the right conditions for their AI core to return from death - giving the Solver a way in.
As long as it's not my innocent little Cyn
How is she so thick?
What if J was the Solver and starts a cult consisting of Tessa, the manor drones and other rich people’s kids?
Holy shit Cyn's sysadmin is Absolute Solver.
>Uzi just gives you a dead eyed glare.
>"Apparently N and the others all promised to make Tessa's next birthday 'the best' and the dumbasses wrote it into their core code. So now they're like this for the day."
>Uzi removes the wig only for N to quickly place it back on.
>"Be glad you're not Thad."
>She gestures across the hall to Thad's room where you see V trying to put him in a dress.
Uzi is a switch and N had to learn how to top to please her
The Solver > Cyn's Admin perms > The Dissassembly Drones
Uzi is a weeb and N had to learn how to put up with terrible anime to please her
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Guess this confirms a picrel-style slow takeover instead of Cyn being an Edgar suit from day 1.
Thad clearly hates it while V is oddly touchy about it
His favorite show is Avatar but he can't say that in front of Uzi because then they'll get into an argument if its anime or not
holy kek
The AI voices actually fooled me for a little bit
Is this unofficial audio?
When I realised the depth of my asshole, I fixed the wig on my head and said
>"Fuck it all!"
I ran into V and Ted's room and grabbing the ancient double-barreled hunting rifle hanging on the wall, I checked the bullets.
Two Buckshot.
>"St George, let them work."
It's AI voices.
Hours later, Thad is unable to stand
>some believe they saw Tessa inside the absolute solver
>You like him dont you
Anon is real and the drones are about to jump his ass.
At work rn, can't listen. What is this?
Speaking of AI, Are there any decent MD chatbots yet? Preferably not coombait.
It depends on how far you're willing to stretch "decent"
What happened to the guy who said he was taking requests?
Did he really say that though?
It doesn't have to be perfect but anything with serious effort put into it is good enough for me.
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>How did Nori become a solverhost
Few options really, either they masskilled drones at CFL to gain zombiedrones, which are the only way to farm solverhosts, or they collected zombiedrones from all over the planet when they occured instead of disposing of them once humanity had a 'plan'.
In any case, Nori must have died one way or another and became a zombiedrone, she was fixed in CFL and at some point became aware of her powers, wether it happened 'naturally' or like some anons suggested via 'streestesting' is unknown. Who knows maybe she was even killed a few times over until they she 'got' the solver. Idk the exact probabilities anymore, but they are all in the diagram in the zombie drones tape.
Idk what your definition of decent is, but there are dozens of drone chatbots on character ai with varying quality, ofc it is never going to be completely accurate to the show, especially with background/lore knowledge, but there are imo pretty decent ones. At least of Alice
Do you think the drones ever had zombie drones occur on them after the core collapse?
How do you think they handled it, just welcoming them back like nothing happened?
Why is Yeva's eye bleeding?
And why is Nori looking so smug?
Yeva overexerted her solver powers like her daughter did, and Nori is a brat.
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(Her head was floating and decapitated lmao)
There are, however like all chatbots they are imperfect at best
Which guy
Hugs will only make it more painful when you too, inevitably grow old. Not all of her wards will care for her like you or the first.
Long neck-ed Y is eternal
Truly, she is the giraffe-est of all the disassembly drones
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I see
Also why are the sentinels there so tame? And did that drone in the back just fucking die?
The sentinels are attack dogs, not uncontrollable monsters, and the drone in the back is Alice.
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>why are the sentinels there so tame?
Humans were still around to control them.
>did that drone in the back just fucking die?
That's Alice and no.
It's very likely that there were zombiedrone cases, the chance for it is 0,1 or 0,01, seein the amount of corpses almost guarantees zombiedrones. Tho those were all quite damaged
I think they'd unironically just greet them and go on as usual, normal drones seem so naive and superficial, they might think oh that's crazy but they wouldn't be creeped out, look at ep2 for that. Maybe they could even fix whatever is broken, a zombiedrone that's in good enough condition to make their own way back to the bunker would surely be fixable.
Nori is likely at an early face there, thinking she's so super cool, couldn't have taken too long for her to loose control judging by how she acts here.
Yeva possibly used the pen to stab her eye, she's a ZD and host so it doesn't kill her like the manordrone. At least that's what I feel was meant to be implied, tho it could also be like>>145526876 said
And Alice either did have some sort of breakdown or it is related to Nori using the Solver, maybe one caused the other
>not uncontrollable monsters
Okay, but they seem pretty uncontrollable during the Alice episode.

OH MY GOD THAT'S ALICE?!? How did you know that though?
There was no one around to control them by then.
It's her ponytail.
Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you

A second Schism of Mars...
Uzi has covered herself in superglue and is approaching you at an alarming speed.
Yeah, Tessa (or Cyn I guess) had access denied when she tried to get control of the Sentinels
Oh, so Cyn tried getting control of the sentinels.
I thought she was trying to open a door or something.
Wait, what does that have to do with whatever ZD means?
Cyn tried to be my friend
Zombiedrone, WD which had a disfunctional 'failsafe', meaning their core doesn't get terminated upon Solver detection or FATAL ERROR, since the system still shuts down but the core (which is also powersource) keeps going they eventually regain control over their body, but due to the shutdown and the now unrestricted core 'restarting' the body they have no programed restrictions and much more elaborate and realistic personalitites.
N,V,J,Cyn,Alice,Yeva,Nora as well as technically Doll and Uzi are all zombiedrones, perhaps 029 too
>perhaps 029
Amda was a Cabin Fever test subject, she was a zombie.

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