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Going to be storytiming everything from COIE to the end of Johns' run.

Previous threads:

>>145384986 (COIE 1-10)

>>145405679 (COIE 11-12)(The Flash # 1-10)

>>145441700 (The Flash #11-19)

>>145467111 (The Flash #20-32)

>>145481351 (The Flash #33-44)

>>145501444 (The Flash #45-56)

This thread will finish Messner-Loebs' run and begin Mark Waid's!
Wally’s dad was a complete jackass in this run. I know he’s normally written bad but he’s practically cartoonish in how much of dick he is here.
That was it for Loebs'. Now to begin Mark Waid's iconic run.
If I recall Loebs never intended for Wally and Linda to be a thing but kept it open ended just in case.
Kek based Rudy.
bumping for OP
And then Waid put them together immediately.
Last one I can fit in the thread!
This ish was my introduction to Hal.
That's it for now. Next thread we'll continue with Mark Waid's run including 'The Return of Barry Allen'. So look forward to that otherwise any bumps for readers appreciated.
The Return of Barry Allen is arguably the high point of the run and one of the best superhero stories ever in general.
Thx Flashbro
I forgot that this arc was an officially branded Year One.
That's... actually not a bad joke lol.
When did Iris actually die in the comics?
damn linda kinda fine



Does she fuck fish?
Did she ever appear again after this?
Abra Kadabra

God-DAMN did Waid use Abra Kadabra a lot! I wonder if he just REALLY liked the character or if DC editorial somehow convinced themselves that Abra Kadabra was going to be the next big thing in Flash villains and ordered him to push the character.
>Than you come to the right place.

Waid, for all of his silver age masturbation DESPISES Flash's 99% of the character's rogue gallery.

Kadabra's was one of the rare exceptions along with Top and Reverse Flash. Kadabra's entire thing is that he's an edge lord so all of the other Rogues hate him exclude him from team ups (which is why he tried to murder them all in the finale of the original Flash series). While he turned Top into a ghostly anti-christ who would bring about the end of the world after he took a new host body that was running for President.
Did this bitch ever appear in anything else?
Holy shit, was that POWER GIRL?!
One thing that a lot of people forget about Waid's Flash run is how many of the issues were co-written by various other authors. Something like 30% of them have co-writers!
Giving Hal grey hair was a mistake.
For anyone who didn't read the earlier issues, that part about sucking up his stuff and spitting it back out is literal.
You know the bathroom has got to be a mess after that.
I like how even random background characters in old comics were made to look interesting.
What was his deal with The Rogues?
This is in reference to her death from Zoom in issue 275 I'm pretty sure.
OK. Thanks for the info.
To be more accurate she was thought dead but was still living in the future. Wally finds out she was alive later in this run.
Thanks, OP.
>Going to be storytiming everything from COIE to the end of Johns' run.
you absolute madman godspeed
still a little mad that we got a flash tv show that was decent (for a time) and they made Barry the flash instead of Wally. A lot of the plots and villains are things that happened when Wally was Flash I know i know new 52/johns but still it sucks
There was also the 90s show which borrowed elements from Wally’s early fun like Tina being a supporting character and love interest to Barry as well as Wally’s fast metabolism.
Nah Boomer Hal was the besr

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