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Vi pulling off the Crow look a lot better than Alexander Skarsgard's baby brother
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I wish I knew how to transpose faces to make a dancing goth Vi gif. do want
Just finished the leaks, so is vander vi's biological dad and silco jinx's dad? She was asking them to take responsibility too.
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>no tophat
Is there any tangible way Caitlyn can atone that doesn't involve pinning the blame on Ambessa or "she forgives Jinx so everything is ok now"? I'm very concerned that they will lean on those tropes.
goths don't party that hard, those are emo kids
So third act focus on corrupted hextech
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woke are pathetic
,>previous thread
>half of the posts making fun of the British accents
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Fuck the British
"I didn't see the leaks I swear"
No desu
>your mother was a hamster lover and a whore
she was prob raw-dogging them both mb. where's maury povich when you need him. almost inconsequential, as Warwick considers them family through scent regardless of their true father
or Leblack Scooby-Doos it, Ambessa is the obvious out. Caitlyn doesn't need atonement persay other than 'I've never been supreme commander before, shit happens'

Singed speaks true, all in power have blood on their hands which cant be washed off. any other outcome negates Singed's realist insight

ppl thinking she's going to grovel for forgiveness idk might be disappointed. I'd respect the character they just built up less if they did that
S1: character's history at the beginning of the episode. technically not a flashback.
S2: flashback of 10 minutes in the center of an episode, breaking the flow.
S2: flashback full of vaginal love and cuckery, no tension, no action, just pure 10 minutes of love.

S2's a fucking disaster.
Korra got whitewashed
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Cait doesn't need forgiveness but also we see that she can apologize, like she did to Vi after trying to force badge on her. She is already self reflective, I wonder if she puts it into words. She is good with words if she wants to.
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Soooo, Vi is wearing the badge in the pit fight. We've seen it in the leaks, now we see it in the annecy clip.
I thought people were saying she wasn't wearing it. I'll go check
>S2's a fucking disaster
This. And were going to get flashbacks of things that fucking happened this season but for some reason weren't shown on screen. Scuffed beyond belief. I know season 1 got a writing overhaul which is why it took 6 years and they legit needed an overhaul like that for 2
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Its flipped
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Act3 Vi. badge un full display
New images from Arcane's IG
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With these new images, I think it is clearer that there is a time skip.
Is this gonna be her final look?
Vander mentions Vi's father by name in that scene. How do you people get through life needing everything explained to you like a toddler?
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>still loyal to her cupcake even after getting DV'd and cucked
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please allow me to introduce myself....
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Seeing Hailee there took me out a little cause she's usually so distant from anything relating to Arcane S2's promotion
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she looks like she's been crying...
Ffs Jinx is gonna die isn't she
She's going to cry a lot in the remaining episodes.
No, but they will probably make it look like it for a moment.
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Jinx will probably scare Vi with just another "suicide", this time maybe trying to self sacrifice herself for the others because she's a big, fat hero now. Vi will think she's dead and break only to see/hear her alive.
Haven't they made this poor fuck suffer enough already kek
She's the show's punching bag. They will make her suffer even more so Caitlyn can be redeemed by comforting her.
Nah its the typical story where the protagonist is kicked down and hitting absolute rock bottom only to build her back up and make the audience happy.

Caitlyn should pay for her crimes though.
>b-but Vi stole those clothes!
>caitvi won't be endgame!
Yeah keep telling yourselves that.
>its the typical story where the protagonist is kicked down and hitting absolute rock bottom only to build her back up
Her life is full of suffering so far and we know she's going to face more of it in 6-9.

>Caitlyn should pay for her crimes though.
She should, but she won't. There's no time for it.
So? They’ve been setting this shit up for ages atp. Do you know for how long they worked on Arcane? And how they likely decided the ending before S1 was even finished?
Caitlyn getting redeemed by comforting her is the most downright retarded shit I have ever heard
What's your argument exactly? In 2021 they were already working om S2 just so you know
Says increasingly nervous cuck
Which is exactly why they're going to make it happen.
It could be because of the fact that she washed off the paint she had, because her hair still has grease on it, how cool I think with this image I could make an emo version of her.
Yes please Sergio
If she cries I hope it's because the sex was too good
Hell yea man
I can already tell you its not that
in another page are more images taht could work or advance some pieces, even the new gaunglet,
Riot broke the 'shock' of S2 a bit for some fans with this clip and the trailer because at the end of act 1 we will know that at some point Caitlyn / Vi / Jinx will reunite to fight Noxus. Boring.
A huge chunk of the fandom will still call Caitlyn a whore and abuser. Riot clearly has no idea what they're going to face by releasing this in acts.
After the end of each act, probably the next day, Riot will release a video interview of the VAs with the writers commenting/explaining the scenes, perhaps a strategy to 'calm down the fanatics'
It will be tropey and it will be ass. Same with introducing the mute nothing kid to predumably kill her off for jinx trauma
Vi is so pretty
This is coming up later, after s2 finishes airing.
I think that by being so spoilery with the trailer and showing emo Vi, they're already doing damage control, they're pretty much showing Vi's entire arc: enforcer -> emo pit fighter -> enforcer-ish again
So, I was taking a look at a BBC interview from Linke from back in June, and I found a few things he said worth mentioning.

"We want to just tell a very specific story where we have a very tailored ending in mind," he tells BBC Newsbeat. ***Christian admits he might do things differently now if he started over***, knowing how well season one was received.
"But this is just what we built from the beginning," he says. "And so we have to kind of follow our gut on this and tell the story that it was supposed to be."

Maybe I'm being too cautious and pessimistic, but to me this sounds like he knows the fans won't like the ending but he's sticking to his guns because that's the story they wanted to tell. When you have such a large audience, it's impossible to please everyone but to me this reads differently, idk.

Pretty much everyone has already said Arcane is a tragedy, that the ending is bittersweet, etc. I just wonder what that means, because there's a line between bittersweet and straight up misery porn.
I don't know, I just know that it's 100% certain that the sisters won't be together and happy in the end.
Would've rather have Amanda or someone from Riot who knows the lore there.
>"We want to just tell a very specific story where we have a very tailored ending in mind," he tells BBC Newsbeat. ***Christian admits he might do things differently now if he started over***, knowing how well season one was received.
I think this is a dig at Jinx's character
It's obvious that it won't be a happy ending for her and a HUGE part of the audience loves her
How can Jinx even die if Ekko has the z drive? He would have to die first.
She will probably participate
I think this image was just promotional content

My guess is that everyone loses something important to them, but get something else in exchange, thinking of Ekko's quote.

The obvious tragic ending is to have the sisters part ways after everything they've been through. But that doesn't have to be necessarily tragic.

Maybe Isha dies and Jinx loses it again, voices come back, she sees Silco. It's sad because we've seem her be somewhat normal, but in the context of her character it's not so bad, she's seeing Silco at least.

Another anon said it a few days ago, but Vi becoming her LOL self is a pretty damn good deal. She goes from an uneducated, broke, petty criminal to a well-respected cop, with a comfy lifestyle and a rich girlfriend (or whatever they are).

Caitlyn lost her mom, and more likely than not will get Piltover destroyed over her little revenge, but she's going to grow up a lot because of it and that'll put her in a good position to become sheriff in the future. Who knows, maybe her being a glorified traffic cop would have been better, but not more interesting to watch than Caitler that's for sure.
>he knows the fans won't like the ending
there's so much of this BS in here it's annoying.
i don't even know what it means.
you're a fucking gay caitvi shipper, or a fucking racist timebomb shipper, i'm not.
it makes three of us.
some will like it. others not.
Linke & co have always say: we want to tell a story as possibly satisfying as it could be for our players.
may be Riot, becoming a kino company, is going on an other path, a path where a new audience will be more important than the playerbase, in the future, that said.
but saying that the fanbase as a whole is going wacko because this and that is a nonsense.
I think he knows they overdid with DV and changed Jinx too much for her to not be a constant part of Vi's life in the future. That's how it is in the games so the sister will go separate ways. No one will like it.
But for anyone remotely familiar with the game, that's a well-known fact. You have to be very delusional to expect them to be happily together in the end like there's nothing wrong.

I do think though that with the current promo, they're doing some damage control. Otherwise, I doubt they'd show as much of act 3.
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Vi has 4 eye highlights before fighting Gustove. Gusvi CONFIRMED
She's so goddamn beautiful. How can a fictional character be this beautiful
90% of the theories here are bullshit pulled of Anon asses
That one was the worst of all but it doesn't beat the one-eyed Caitler
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At the beginning of the video she is pissed off and very angry aaaaaaarrrrrgh
At the end she is miserable
Good Job Fortiche
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I feel like Vi gave up on life and would've legit died if it weren't for Jinx.
Just saw the clip. I hope the person who decided to make Vi all buff got a hefty pay raise.
hmm? She still has the muscles but she definitely lost a lot of mass
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Lesbians all over the world are creaming themselves . This part was full blown fanservice
I think there's more fanservice to come. I wanna see the full tattoo.
the tattoo goes down to her ass
This. I wanna see he tattoo without the chest wraps
Sex scene I'm telling you. After all that misery she deserves a good fuck at least.
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Why is it always jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx or Cait Cait Cait with you faggots. Can't you contemplate the possibility of her crying because of Warwick?
She was going to shoot through a child's skull to kill Jinx and use Vi's trauma against her. That's not gaming Caitlyn at all.
Someone is getting laid, but I still have my doubts it's Caitlyn and Vi. When they meet again, things will be tense as fuck. Even if they're forced to work together, I doubt Caitlyn will happily reconcile knowing Vi is siding with Jinx, which she does well into the final battle.

I'm starting to think they will only meet again during the final battle and then it'll be implied they reconciled. Because we only have 4 episodes to solve a lot of subplots, unless the pacing is horrible I can't see it happening.
ok Vifagg
Vander will be killed before her she gets a shower.
imagine the smell
>unless the pacing is horrible
you already have the answer
Look, the kid is going to die. She has like 0 self-preservation instinct, she'll probably take a bullet for Jinx or get killed by Ambessa anyway.
It's caitvi sex. If not, it's Heibabe.
Straight girls and gays had bare chested Jayce, lesbians should have their moment too. And they had
It doesn't change the fact Caitlyn was going to kill her. This scene is very unnecessary.
It's caitvi. No one else makes sense
ok Vifagg
She was not successful. Somebody else will
late today jilcodad
agree. she does apologize for asking early Vi to become an enforcer, but that's not the same as groveling and atonement; implies an almost spiritual repentance, which undoes the arc she just took. silly imo
Yeah, I can't see many other options

- Flashback sex
- Ambessa with the prostitute guy
- Viktor having a cult orgy (?)
the fucking kid will die and Vi will be Caitlyn's lapdog. Deal with it
Caitlyn is stubborn, she will need to be proven wrong to believe she's in the wrong. And I think that moment is coming soon, and it'll be very humbling for her.
Ep6 i'm telling ya
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Funny, isn't it?
Her sister hates her, her city hates her, Catherine hates her, she hates herself

It's race week and I was checking out some weeb news the wife told me about
Why? Did I miss anything?
Yes, Caitlyn was going to kill Jinx. Isha is not hers to be shot so she would survive no matter how many times Cait shot. Deal with it
too soon
I'm gonna jump straight to 6 on november 16. I need to get it out of my system.
>Viktor having a cult orgy
Unexpected but not unwelcomed kek
Same. I will watch 4, 5 and 6 together after I've watched 6. I just need to know what happens.
Don't forget about the pacing..so maybe ep7?
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I'll just quickly look to see if they added anything new to ep1-3 (I doubt it) then I'll start with ep 4.
Wait for it to be super random, like Heimer x Sevika or some shit like that
>With these new images, I think it is clearer that there is a time skip.
yea but for Vi it's the ep 3-4 1-year skip shown in ep5. she's not shown in ep4 at all, that's the Jinx's time skip episode, hiding out with Isha

ep5 is the same time-skip only showing what Vi's been doing in that year. guessing ep6 or 7 will be the Ekko/Heimer/Jayce time-skip episode

Emo Vi's hair and Endgame Vi seem about the same length minus the black dye, Act 3 is likely close in time after all the time-skip catch up episodes
In ep 6 Caitlyn will learn that the beast that Singed created is Vi's dad and once famous Hound of underground.
if you know so much about gaming caitlyn as you claim to do you could know she couldn’t have missed that shot but ok

New trailer
I'll be watching act1 like a normal person. Since we already know how it ends.
Ep 8 feels too late.

Ep 6: Ends with a cliffhanger betrayal
Ep 7: Figuring out what's going on, Ekko, Heimer and Jayce come back into the ongoing shitshow
Ep 8: Has Vi and Caitlyn working together to try stop the invasion, they reconcile and bang
Ep 9: Final battle
I've watched it so many times that I don't even know if I'll watch it again in full.
>Emo Vi's hair and Endgame Vi seem about the same length minus the black dye, Act 3 is likely close in time after all the time-skip catch up episodes

Emo Vi's hair has that black grease she uses on her face too. One shower and most of it should be gone.
dude, gaming cait is almost 40 years old with a lot of experience. arcane cait is in her early 20's with no experience at all. she could've missed and would've missed. she already missed twice in that fight.
I just want to see him do the Attempt 37 thing, he's got one of the coolest action sequences in game cinematics, and ffs if you're gonna to montage things every single episode, he's the one that deserves it
Think she showers before or after the sex
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or sex shower
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ok vifag
You think the ending of all this will be something like everyone important losing someone, then them going their separate ways? Like, “yeah I have a sister, I don’t wanna talk about her” type deal
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Oh wow they really did show Vi's misery cuck bender lmao
And 3 acts like season 1, no surprises there, "we're hecking boycotterino Riotino if they don't fix it" trannies BTFO

Vi cucked lmao
same, the final edit sound mixing is so much better and 1080p or better. think it's still worth the entire watch just to enjoy it even though most here know what happens
I'd find it weird if Jinx and Vi parted ways, unless the final battle footage is Jinx trying to destroy Piltover too. We all thought it was part of the trailer misdirecting people into thinking Jinx was the enemy and not Ambessa, but Jinx might have her own agenda..?

I think it's more likely they're on good terms, but part ways anyway, but who knows.
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The whole theme of the show is the sisters not repeating the mistakes of their fathers so no, I don't see it
Vi had lost enough already. So did Jinx. But they're goint to lose Vander and then each other. Jinx is meant to stay in Zaun, Vi is going to Piltover. They'll be sisters still, but they won't be allowed to stay close.

Caitlyn will give Zaun its independence and resign from her position. They will make her sheriff and Vi will become her deputy.

Ekko will not be a fan of Vi's decision so they won't be friends anymore.

Sevika is probably going to die.

Viktor will lose all of his followers.

Jayce is going to lose Mel - she either dies or ends up corrupted.

Singed will lose Orianna.

Ambessa will lose a war.
Mm maybe like fox and the hound then, the Disney one not the book ending

I can get behind that
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from the last song tracking, ep 7 is the reconciliation episode, where Ekko face to faces with Jinx and Cait x Vi have their moment.

Then something terrible/motivational happens to them all in ep8 leading into resolution in 9, with Jayce v Viktor, LeBlanc v Mel sprinkled in between
the what?
This! And also i will be enjoying x/twt Arcane fan reactions.
For me it's ep7 when Ekko jinx and Caitvi moments happen (not talkin about sex)
Keep in mind that the pacing is fast.
And ep 8 feels too late.
Disney’s version of The Fox and the Hound ended with the titular characters coming to an understanding that while they would always be friends, they really wouldn’t be able to see each other ever again. A pretty bittersweet ending for a Disney movie, so Vi and Jinx sort of reminded of that dynamic.

The ending of the book (the original story) is very much not that
Fucking based. God I love Vi.
Was the Vi clip different from the leaked version? Besides the song sounding different
>unless the final battle footage is Jinx trying to destroy Piltover too
Ekko x Jinx is shown in the leaked ep 9 sound booth photo but we also see Ekko and Vi working together too so that's seems unlikely
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Only cuck misery allowed for her, sorry
Anyone have these in the new HD?
So it's definitely been at least 1 year since they last saw each other right? Judging from how long Vi's hair is.
>Vi had lost enough already. So did Jinx. But they're goint to lose Vander and then each other. Jinx is meant to stay in Zaun, Vi is going to Piltover. They'll be sisters still, but they won't be allowed to stay close.

Why would Vi willingly stay in Piltover, when Jinx and Ekko are in Zaun? In Act 1 she's staying there to hunt down Jinx, but after it's all over the logical choice seems to go back home.

Even if she likes Caitlyn, the entire enforcer thing didn't go over very well with her at first.
i dunno someone needs to put some of these released clips side by side with the leaks to see if there’s any differences could be fun
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VI is for suffering and anguish. No happiness, ever.
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I showed the trailer to a friend of mine who draws some very questionable stuff and this new "goth" version of Vi is his favorite thing ever. He's also convinced she's having a kid with Shield Bro by the end of the show.

Thanks, bro
Keep them coming
Zaun is not the city she remembers from when she was a kid. It's not her home.

She loves Caitlyn and can be happy with her. Jinx isn't really her sister. She's not Powder anymore. And she doesn't need her Vi to watch over her, which Vi admits herself in the mines. Ekko has grown too, became a leader of his own. Why would she go to Zaun if there's no place for her anymore? Piltover is a better place for her.
Remember Vi see herself as a protector. Being a enforcer fits her persona.
She gets a good paid job doing what she likes and there is also Caitlyn.
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>Vi will betray everyone again so muh hecking lesbianinos can get married, wedding officiated by Kamala Harris
Yuricucks are braindead

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League Ambessa
agree, 8 is the catalyst for 9, when Jinx loses Isha, Ambessa does whoever dirty and tries to take over Piltover etc
idek about the sex, it doesn't really add to the story other than fanservice

Jayce x Mel didn't either really, other than to show he confides in her. Looking back she was just using him to maneuver politically and now that he's straight up murdering people in cold-blood, it was all for naught
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Nah, she'll pull him out of his own abyss
Too much Vi, if I do say so myself. I need some Jinx
I guess if there is sex it will be with some kind of montage of Piltover and Zaun.
It also serves to move the plot.. like finally sealing the deal with the reconciliation arc.
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The only thing I see then keeping from "the canon" is Ambessa leaving with Singed to commit warcrimes on the japanese. Everything else is up in the air.

Do me a favor, grab a screenshot of when she's at her apartment when the empty booze bottles are at the maximum
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Its safe to say the sex isnt happening
She's fucking miserable
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x is starting to get ahead of us we must decipher whatever it says here
why not?
Well, Not between those dykes at least. You seent Vi? shes fuckin pissed. And they have to solve 80 plot points in 4 eps. Too fast paced for anything like that to happen
Cant see shit
>have to solve 80 plot points in 4 eps.
>Too fast paced
you already have the answer AGAIN
look at the face of this crazy bitch
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Thanks, bro
Now please do Shield Bro carrying her home, the fucker is huge like Vander
For the bottom right 2 lines I see:
- (?) Sacrifices herself so ekko gets time
- *name obstructed* saves vi
>come on Vi, let's get you into your cuck shed
80? It's more like 5 or 6 plots.
Again too fast paced
SO very likely to happen anyway not gonna complain if we get a sex scene
It says "himsefl" not "herfself"
it will
and it will be leblanc and caitlyn
In the box: “Ekko ____ ____ to help outlaw(?) ____”

Under the box: “Powder’s ____”
U right
Did you see this one?

I'd like to think that the writers aren't so bad that they'll brush everything from Season 1 under the rug.

Jinx and Vi can't end in good terms no matter how many Noxians or Viktor cultists they kill together. They can't. Period. Season 1 made it clear that Vi has to choose between Cait or Jinx. She can't have both and she won't have both. Either she stays in Zain with Jinx or goes with Piltover with her. No in betweens.

And the name before is "Heimer"
seems about right, a year mb a little less or more. with the time-skip and no prompts it's hard to say if Pitfighter happens immediately after Cait ditching or what

Vi hasn't seen Jinx since the cave collapse escape
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So it's safe to say Vi and Cait will be bumping to Chappell Roan's songs during their angsty breakup.

Hamster death, huh.. in the box above it says something about ekko and Warwick ("w/w") and then "(?) Knew he was (?) all along"
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Look at that absolute unit, hope he gets with Vi in the end


Good ol' Dustin living it up
quick and dirty, too lazy to go into an editor rn

side-by-side Vi, final render vs production
>Ambessa leaving with Singed to commit warcrimes on the japanese.
when you say it like that kekekek
Is this official? Looks like she would be top lane or jg.
Yeah but its wild rift Ambessa.
She will be a toplaner
yet there are faggots who STILL think timebomb isn't happening lel
How do u guys read. I don't understand shit
t b f Jayce the stud gets to bang Mel who f i n e fine

they make him pretty damn jacked for a lowly geek scientist, cant lie
Timebomb interactions were confirmed long ago in the AMA.
But their interactions won't be romantic at all.
Zoom and enhance plus matching the shapes as best as we can. But most of it is still indecipherable. It’s too blurry
yeah if i remember correctly they said she was gonna be a top laner
Sure they won't anon. Sure they won't ;)
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Ekkucks getting uppity again
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Nice 1am screenshot
h-h-h-h-how did you know I took it at that hour?
I love/don't mind CaitVi or Timebomb within fanart but god do I think it's unbelievable cancerous to insert them into this canon. It unironically breaks the story.
which ep of btr? have them in 1080p
you're so proud of the trash you wrote in that pic that you can't see what's literally written in front of you
Thanks anon. It's exactly the same.
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The filename gave you away, yuricuck

Say hi to Joshua Ülmer for me
Jinx is already plastered everywhere. It's boring
is that how Dustin got his grill?? totally forgot or didnt realize Silco curb stomped him in particular. he killed the other goons that survived iirc
these details yo
They'll bump uglies to Picture You
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He didn't, it was one of the shimmerheads he was curbstomping. Silco even took him to intimidate Marcus and he was there the night he took Jinx in.
If I had to guess I'd say Dustin switched to work with the gang from that asian tryhard incel from season 1.
the least interesting aspect of the story so far, viktor vs jayce conflict and battle aside. all we saw was that terrible montage of jayce & ekko & heimerdinger which frankly interfered with the jinx vs vi + caitlyn vs sevika battle scene. hextech isn't used or even shown beyond this scene.
In S2 it's very obvious Jayce, Mel and Viktor don't have as much screentime. It's all going to Caitler, Vi and Jinx and to a lesser degree, Ambessa.
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stupid vifag.
what stopped vi from pulling isha off of jinx after cait shot the gun out of her hand?

i'd say it's mid. trouble is that there aren't high stakes to the story. i'm more curious about mel and her dealing with the black rose than i am about any of the supposed main characters because they're just existing in their day-to-day routines so to speak. there's no interesting conflict per se. sure, casual watchers might be interested in warwick and how he'll fare, but anyone who knows LoL lore knows he's gonna die anyway so it's not compelling either. he's just temporary glue for vi and jinx and then it all falls apart again. meh. still gonna watch but just to see how the story continues and ends, not because i'm invested in any of the characters.
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Yuricucks are doing the
>Arcane bad now because Vi cucked
routine again
KEK watching it again they pussify the stud, she takes him, not the other way around

>guess I'm getting poon tonight, I guess
That whole sex scene is from a female perspective. It's for the eyes of straight women.
idk i stole the screenshot from user arowyn_m on x

this person made a thread with a bunch of screenshots from btr
above the box says
>Ekko + Powder
i hope we get to see the flashback of when he tried to convince her to leave silco. would give jinx's mocking "boy savior" line more context.
At the very bottom

>...ko saves Vi
Ekko saves Vi
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I found it, btr ep 2 9m38s, but they blurred out Amandur's entire whiteboard wall of spoilers save that one section. zoom doesn't help that much even at 1080p
She looks like a star of facial abuse porn, lovely.
>The filename gave you away, yuricuck
not that anon, but tell me your secrets.
>Caitler, Vi
stakes severely dampened because instead of them struggling due to their opposite backgrounds and different opinions about how to handle things they just part because of that stuff. meh. i like caitler but vi's character takes a nosedive, idgaf about some cückqueen killing her liver.
had to get teamed up with a random kid because the writers were hopeless about what to do with her without silco. does nothing of greater consequence in the story; even after the jailbreak piltover's and ambessa's focus is on warwick because of the devastating damage he caused. jinx will just get reeled into drama again via warwick and by separating her from her sidekick again via death. meh. sevika's parts are better than isha's but chances are she'll get killed too.
it's bad when former NPCs take the spotlight from MCs but that's what's happening in S2. ambessa and mel and the black rose, an entirely new faction that's barely introduced beside being named, are the most interesting plot so far.
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Vi's badge is silver or gold now?
Heimer being immortal yordle yet sacrificing himself somehow leads to Ekko developing Z-drive, hmmm
no T-Hex I guess, sadface. And wtf are they cooking with Heimer the Musical
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can't wait for the shitstorm S2s release will unleash. amanda better hire someone to delete all the hatemail she's gonna get for christmas this year.
How young are you dude?
old, but never payed attention to file names though
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at least someone has seen the leaks and the trailer, and knows precisely what is going on.

fucking cuck
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Already got bored of this show.
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she won't. even her reunion with vanderwick will be soured when he starts reminiscing about silco before her ex and ambessa show up to ruin her day.

among vanderwick's fractured memories
>monkey bomb
>vi & powder as kids
are the center. if they want to kill jinx's soul a little more, they could vanderwick freak out and spurn jinx when he learns that she was behind the monkey bomb on that fateful day and stuck with silco after. it would nuke vi's
>he's your father too
I admittedly don't have a whole lot of imagination, but I'm struggling to see why Vi would still end up in Piltover unless Jinx ditches her, which doesn't happen because in the final fight they're working together
>if they want to kill jinx's soul a little more, they could vanderwick freak out and spurn jinx when he learns that she was behind the monkey bomb
like it. falls exactly in line with WW "YOU were there" line at Jinx in the game, he hates her for what she made him. she tries to save warwick after the fact but it's too late for that
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>because in the final fight they're working together
very doubtful to say the least.
>I'm struggling to see why Vi would still end up in Piltover
Caitlyn's pussy
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Could be
It could also be Jinx who causes Warwick to finally go feral with something like
>Silco was a better father to me than you could ever hope to be
Isn't she jumping off the blimp and into Ekko's hoverboard thingy? Her being on the blimp implies she's siding with her.

>Caitlyn's pussy
Vi always sides with Jinx when given a choice, even when she tried to kill her she hesitated long enough to have the kid get in the way.
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>she tries to save warwick after the fact but it's too late for that
yeah, jinx is all about wanting to fix things this season. would be hilarious if jinx wants to take him to singed because he's the only doctor/biologist she knows of and a formerly close associate of silco's.

besides, vander wasn't exactly tempered in his reaction the last time one of his loved ones got another one of his loved ones killed. being a shimmer werewolf isn't going to help.
They should have never changed that emote.
God stop being stupid. It's obvious that Ekko and Jinx will team up. Whether that leads to stupid romance storyline or not is irrelevant
falling for trailer rocket punch cut scene misdirection

they could just as easily be flying up to join Jinx on her airship, which is much more likely considering graffiti Ekko x Vi
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Ekko, Vi, the hamster, possibly Jayce and Jinx will team up
aint trynna see Amandur's mug in 4k, they didn't blur that part out
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i want vi to fuck it up desu lel. she's already triggered when finding that letter to him and gives jinx the "shut up" glare when she's pondering of what could have been if silco had found it.
>jinx finally finds someone to confide in and talk about how much she misses silco in vanderwick who's still stuck up on older memories of silco, hence why he ran into that mining shaft they used to work in
>vi freaks out and screeches about silco's crimes
>vanderwick gets worked up and loses his shit, goes full berserk death hound
Ekko got Jinx's marks all over him.
Are caitler and vi fucking tho?

vi needs and excuse to take a bath
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not arguing that bullshit again; i can't think of a single scenario how ekko and vi will suddenly do a 180 and join jinx in one of her evil actions. she's got her glow up and that means she's in kill mode. we'll just have to agree to disagree and wait for november.
Cait likes it rough and dirty.
The general consensus is yes

God imagine Vi's face when she realises that Maddie was licking cait's pussy for months
Question for the Caitvi fags. When Vi thinks of Caitlyn, she keeps imagining her S1 self, I suppose that's the version of her she fell in love with. Doesn't this basically mean she technically shouldn't like her, since that's not who she is anymore? How is that meant to end up in a reconciliation?
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Them wrickly lips ong Caitlyns juicy clit.
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Imagine if Jinx is there when Vi finds out
The whole point of Vi is that she has to move on, accept what happened, and accept people change and nothing will ever be the same
We don't know yet.
We can only dream

Shield Bro is endgame then
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Isn't that why the breakup happens. Neither of them can lave the past behind. Vi doesn't accept change and Caitlyn can't let go of her revenge. They need to hit rock bottom before they build themselves back up and accept and love each other again.

Besides they barely knew each other, max 3 weeks perhaps?
You're contradicting yourself, yuricuck
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>*name obstructed* saves vi
"Ekko saves Vi"
U guys are wasting your talent
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Ekko literally standing in Jinx's lair ep 9, chillin, but ok sure
Kek not this again
You responded to the wrong one faget. Im >>145541525 . Now I expect you to respond properly
>would be hilarious if jinx wants to take him to singed

kek make it extra cheese
>haven't I done you enough favors, Jinx

and now he's an 8' werewolf, I want to see him hulk out even more. he was one of my fav jg in the game even though he sucks
Getting mouth fucked by the warden will do that to you.
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This Maddie shit is so gross I hope the writers come to regret it man
Ekko convinces Powder to help w/w to ?????
This is gonna be Cuntlyn's endgame HAHAHAHAHA
Its what she deserves right now a loveless relationship with someone that doesnt rock her world but still ewwww
No it's not but whatever. It's kind of funny to bully Caitvifags
wait till final renders in high def
Jayce wants to implement his final solution on Zaun trash now, why would he team up with those subhumans?
It would be fucking hilarious if it was haha. I can see the jokes already
It's actually might be real kek. Anyway more like to happen than caitvi
I might just skip their scenes desu I dont need that nastiness on my screen
You never looked into the League lore didnt you?
>muh hecking lorerino
I agree with him, it would be funny as fuck
listening to a guy spamming my notifications becuase i said i would fuck the living shit out of emo vi becuase i am apparently not allowed to say that becuase she is a lesbian and now i have 12 dumbasses spamming me in dms telling me to GP q myself becuase i am apparently homophobic now because of all of that
and the truth is
i would still smash
It would be funny but Vi's character was created to be Caitlyn's partner.
It would be ballsy to change it for a ship that most people will find boring and uninteresting.
Listen if it happens it would be hilarious indeed
>this faggot still believes Arcane is a standalone product.
How many times does Riot have to say it isnt? They are changing the lore with it
>telling me to GP q myself
I miss when people could just say kill yourself. Stuff like "Sion ult off a bridge, Jhin w yourself, etc." That stuff is just silly. Not as hurtful as just saying kys.
No they told me directly to kill myself cut off my veins calling me a disgusting mysoginistic pedophile homophobe i just said gankplank q becuase its sounded funny to me
Idk. They haven't really changed lore much anyways. The more I see of season 2 the more the characters start to look like their in game selves.
Ive seen a few posts from men saying they would fuck emo Vi maybe I saw yours kek
Lmao yes it's karma for cuntly. Stuck in a loveless relationship with an ugly lover . Vi can find herself a much hotter girlfriend
Who needs a girlfriend when she’s the dedicated prison whore?
Tea brother, I totally agree
I'm a lesbian (a real one, not a xitter lesbitroon who only likes "women" with dicks and zipper tits) and I think its totally fine for dudes to want to fuck lesbians. Just like there's nothing wrong with straight women wanting to fuck gay dudes. Lesbos and straight dudes both want the same thing after all. Hot women.
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Heimer sacrifices himself so Ekko gets time
>Doesn't this basically mean she technically shouldn't like her, since that's not who she is anymore
There’s hope for CaitVi not being endgame after all. We won.
Glad I never watched that leaked trash
Best bit of shit posting i have seen in awhile. Need to come up with more gross brogue dialog. Just to be prepared for nov9th and 16th.
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Powder sacrifices herself so Ekko gets time

(note the sad face)
Anyone have the pic of Jesus hugging Jinx? I need that with Vi. Girl needs a break
Need a .gif of her smacking her lips
girlfriend? shield bro and vi are endgame
No anon, we dont need that
You're delulu because Cait's aim is perfect. Also Vi could just have grabbed the child instead of stopping Caitlyn and antagonizing her
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we don't need a break
we need to save the world
help us Jesus
Nah, caitler and vi r endgame unfortunately. We gotta deal with the most atrocious speed run on redemption for them to suck on eachother by ep8
She didn't miss once. The first time he mistook Jinx for a piece of metal but the shot was perfect and he didn't miss. And if you refer to Cait's shot on Jinx's finger it is clear that Cait aimed at Jinx's hand to get her off Vi's hand, not her head. In fact when Vi had the upper hand Cait instead of finishing Jinx off put the rifle down.
It made sense to show that flashback last season considering the story they wanted to tell. But I don't see any reason to show that flashback anymore considering they are going 180 in this season and trying to redeem Jinx

You either show that flashback followed by a present day Jinx regretting her decision or you show it in a way that paints her as being manipulated by Silco. Otherwise the flashback would only do more harm than good for the story they are trying to tell now.
Ugh I really loved Caitvi in s1 and in League and now Im lukewarm about it and its making me sad
They could not happen and i wouldnt be upset about it
Caitler is the best thing of S2
So whether is Jinx or Heimer dying, it seems they're buying time so Ekko's z drive recharges and go back in time to save Vi.

So it might be true There will be multiple champions deaths that will be reversed almost instantly.
Bro that finale will be insane
caitvi Not happening is the best thing that could happen
Who has the absolute say on character fates in Arcane? Like they’re owned by Riot, but I wonder if Riot has clause that states writers can do whatever but at the end, they all need to be alive, even if they die.
Bro I don't want them to happen. Just let vI live her life topside but not WITH Cait
sadface, Jinx and Ekko are 2 of the most clever Zaun characters, they must be cooking something together
Big agree. Id laugh at the shippers and be happy at the story
caitvi in season 1 were cool, they had a fast but fulfilling burn. Now it's just trash, serious trash. And the fact that they're gonna make them reconcile and fuck in the 2 eps kinda sucks and takes away from the magic. They were always endgame but the "love" just dosen't feel present anymore.
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What did Violet mean by this?
she doesnt fit in topside she should just go with her sister
Dude the DV and verbal assault sucked the love right out of the ship.
I feel the same...idk what they were thinking...like this is the non toxic gay ship of LOL and they turned them immensely toxic.
Thanks Catradora I guess
If her sister doesn't fly off the rocker by the end of the season maybe. I doubt she doesn't though
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Amanda and Linke have the final say. Linke is a Riot worker so he's the one probably looking for all the champions staying alive and true to themselves. Amanda is external so she's more worried with telling the story and getting a good ending.
Haha you are right. This was the only non toxic gay shit in LoL
hyped. Ekko knows he can only go back 12-seconds, "I need more time, Powder..."

>Ekko, what's goin' on with that thing??
>Just give me a few seconds, the cannon pinion still busted
>Finish it later, Vander and I need a word
(T_ T ) the memories
I'd argue part of Vi's arc is accepting that things change, people change.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Powder changed into Jinx and now she's somewhere in between. Cailyn became Caitler and will probably change again.
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>trying to redeem Jinx
are they?
she's still being perceived as a threat to piltover. hanging out with a kid doesn't change that. the only reason she went to stillwater and broke those innocent citizens free was because of isha, not because she was feeling heroic. she doesn't care about zaunites getting stomped by noxian soldiers before or after that event.

nothing about jinx has changed except that she's passive now, stable in her sanity (though loss remains a trigger of hers), and just trying to live life as a vagabond in hiding. this isn't redemption, it's survival without a crime boss backing her up.
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>I need.....heh.....more time
Is Ekko the Jesse Lingard of Runeterra?
These Ekko predictions gonna make me main him in 2XKO
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meant for >>145542629
Yes. Yes we do. Will make shit posting for the next month and a half fun.
Second this.
they're all three fighting the same ennemy anon
daily remember: Fortiche trailers are always tricky
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VERY nice art
Silco always felt weirdly refined for Zaun
There's also that crackpot theory as to why Get Jinxed already exists in-world in Arcane
>he's the one probably looking for all the champions staying alive and true

is what it is, there's 15 years of game history, they can't just kill off champions in the game permanently. they've never removed champions from the game afaik, only reworks
Maddie's lips will haunt my dreams fr anon PLEASE spare me
her gun looks like a vacuum cleaner
Ekko actually can go back at least five minutes in the lore. It would be interesting to have a small moment where every character reacts to Vi dying before Ekko realizes he can save her if he recharges the z drive and then have a small 5 minute battle before rewinding
They kinda killed someone off for a while and fans went rabid. Doubt they'll do it again.
>dustin again
fucker's everywhere
> Vi having a death scene
Can Vi and her fans have a break my girl is suffering more than Jesus already
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>ekkuck's limited timetravel powers
>french animation
I'm getting dejavu here
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that's what made silco perfect to infiltrate the upper echelons of piltover society. even the council members themselves knew about him. they knew him as "the industrialist" so clearly he made a lot of dealings there with lots of people while marcus kept suspicions against him in check.

no piltie would do business deals with the likes of filthy smeech.
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She suffers an incredible amount and dies to come back and suffer more anon. She IS jesus at this point
Someone give her the just fuck my shit up haircut
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he doesn't seem dead enough to me
betting that Silco was like some illegitimate unwanted piltie lovechild hence the massive chip on his shoulder and the desire to be so sophisticated, as well as his zaunite upbringing of course
>that crackpot theory as to why Get Jinxed already exists in-world in Arcane
the what?
And no one to hold her.... for months.
My poor girl she truly is the writer's less favorite
I wonder when as a writer do you say "ok I've had enough of torturing this character", bunch of psychos at Riot
Where all the bitchs the big 'ol Alpha Vi's sapposed to have to get over mean old Cuntlyn?
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>have you had enough?
>why yes, yes i have

season 2 is a rat race between vi and jinx over who suffers more lel.
Caitlyn you better lock your doors and windows because Ill come beat you and your ugly gf's asses
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I'm still very soft for caitvi. I love angst
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Makes you wonder how many councilors had dealings with him already and why their peace deal came so easy. Jinx probably murdered and maimed several of her dad's business partners and didn't even know.

Doesn't feel like it, fun as it is to think about

Remember how Imagine Dragons the band makes a small cameo in S1? Anons cooked up the theory that at some point growing up Jinx took an interest in music and wrote her own theme song, then Silco brought in a band to record it and just left them abandoned in Zaun.
Why looks so incredibly tiny.
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yuumi! yuumi! yuumi! that cancer if any deserve it, it's her
The fuck are you talking about
It's clear Vi wants that woman for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
If you are trying to show just how good a heart someone has, you continue to torture them to death. Ekko will keep bring Vi back. Until he can't anymore, and an alternate universe Vi steps in to take her place.
Is wild rift worth some time playing
A clip was shown yesterday where it was very clear she cares about Vi. Also we know about the family hug. It's very clear what they're trying to do with Jinx.
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good. stupid cunt deserves far worse for betraying caitlyn. what a godawful character.
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>sell out your sister
>end up in the cuck shed
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>It's very clear what they're trying to do with Jinx.
if she goes insane like her LoL counterpart all those efforts will go to shit real quick.
they moved on from that hc and are now cheering cuz she binds guyz a true king!!!! actual retards who have never seen sarashi before
Don't mind them they are just a trolling the Caitvifags
How long was Jinx stalking Vi? Cause the clip makes it seem like she's been from the very start and Vander being alive wasn't the only reason she came out to look for her.
Different scene. This is when he comes back from the Arcane.
What do you expect from niggers?
ever since vi made a name for herself as a pitfighter it seems. jinx was stalking her to see how she's doing, but it's because of vander that jinx decides to approach vi.
big agree. Vi doesn't get enough hate for betraying and trying to kill her own sister that she claimed to care about so much just so she can get some ass.. she got what she deserved.

Also I am sick of Vi and Cait stupid ass discussions that lead to nothing interesting we have repeatedly talked about the same boring crap, I even prefer to watch the disgusting Jilco images rather than read the fuckin yuri posts. Can we split the threads so that yurifags can go talk about who would be the top for the 100000th time and we can actually focus on the show here?

Jinx is their most interesting character and the fact that her name appears 5 times less on these threads than Cait or Vi is cancer.
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Long enough for Isha to know that was Jinx's "stealth cloak", she wears it when she impersonates her.
She was probably doing it to mock her
>kill my dad, will you? sell me out, why don't ya? and how's that working out for you now, huh?
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Why Jinx cares for Vi when they were trying to kill one another?
they can't make him too OP out of the gate with the z-drive, especially if audience hasn't seen any of his powers before. then he's a fix-all plot device and it cheapens the effect. but I guess if he's saving dead champs that's similar anyway

think the 'attempt #5 rewind' thing is a cooler visual spectacle & highlight for the character, like in his cinematic
you like or not caitvi is the main plot of s2
Guys so it's heimerdinger or vi dying right ekko saves them with his z-drive. Maybe that explains why Vi gets amnesia
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Finally, a kindred spirit in this shithole pf a general
That sister who became a terrorist and calls herself the daughter of their dad's murderer. Jinx deserves to be punished for that.
Sith ass mother fucker
Jinx killed Silco
as far as f2p mobile games go it's pretty good. missing a lot of champs from the pc version tho, like 1/2? they're porting them over slowly in time
As a younger sister of a mean older sister I strongly relate to Vi and Jinx's relationship.
Despite how much me and her fought I would never let her alone during hard times and she'd do the same for me.
I dont expect you guys to understand but unfortunately this is a realisitic portrayal of having a sister.
Siblings' relationship can be so toxic and we know but yknow we're kind of stuck with our blood so we roll with it.
Vi haters will pull anything out of their ass. It isn't enough that she's the punching bag of Arcane and she takes the blame for shit that wasn't even her fault
>Can we split the threads
Please. That way I don't have to see you whiny bitches or read jilcopedo replying to himself every thread.
I have older siblings and believe me the times we almost caused real harm to each other physically, emotionally and psychologically I can't even count on my fingers, and yet I'd still go through the fire for then
The short rewind effect is good but it works mostly for fighting scenes. The whole "get hit but go back to try again" is a cool visual that carries a punch when you're in a fast paced action scene

For storytelling purposes you need a bigger window or the scenes will feel too rushed.
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Yeah Vi, good philosophy. That's how you ended up cucked and alone.

Jinx doesn't see it that way, she still very much blames Vi for what happened, she's in denial.
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What and let you trannies make a pseudo ERP discord server here?
Eat shit
You fuck off to /u/
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jinx is hung up on vi for life just like she is for silco. i'd wager that killing vi would have actually made jinx go schizo again, too.

it's not mocking but i'm not sure i'd interpret it as support either. jinx has known vi as an invincible fighter far superior to herself all her life ("twice the person at half your age", as mylo put it). jinx knew she was fucked in her fight against vi when vi grabbed her gatling gun and ripped it apart. vi is infallible and perfect while powder is the eternal failure at best second to her sister.

maybe jinx felt satisfaction over seeing her invincible perfect warrior sister who she always strived to be like lose for once.
I'm a caitvifag but im happy if Vi sticks with Jinx by the end
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all bets for Gus.
Vi wins. money. drinks.
then bets go on Vi.


let me think about it.
>I'm a caitvifag
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Another great scene
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after vi talked her into a mental breakdown. after jinx herself asked her to stop.

>Jinx doesn't see it that way
to be fair, jinx does. she does tell smeech
>...and when i killed him
after all. doesn't match her "when somebody shot you" but maybe jinx is kinda bouncing around between denial and acceptance over what she did. the therapist youtuber who got famous over analyzing jinx's and silco's relationship is gonna have a field day over analyzing jinx's response to the trauma of losing silco.
At least we're actually talking about the show, all you talk about is us.
Sticking with Jinx means the death of your ship. Are you ok with that?
>b-b-but there's this---
No there isn't. Vi can't have both. She picks one and leave the other. Simple as that.
Jin didn't ask her to stop. She didn't say anything in that scene.
OMG who gives a fuck about the ship retard. If jinx doesn't go cuckoo then she should stay. If she does then Vi needs to figure her shit out
If you don't care about the ship then you're not a caitvifag, you idiot.
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not linking it for you stupid speedwatcher. go look up the final scene yourself.

that one sold me on watching arcane. i've never had anything to do with LoL when suddenly this clip landed in my youtube recommendations.
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There's also her
in front of Sevika and Isha, immediatelly followed by going into Silco's office to talk with his chair

>a-a-a-a-at least we're on hecking topic
No you're not, you're living vicariously through a doomed cucked "ship" and you're staging raids on people outside 4chan because they called you retarded trannies there.
Did I say I was faggot
Yes stupid. In the post I responded to you did.
>I'm a caitvifag
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unironically more painful than any crying scene, damn. harming silco was so deeply against her inner convictions that she's blurring it out of her memory.
She's born the be alpha, but is softie on the inside
none's interested in Jinx betting on her sis then?
fucking niggs and faggs.
Man, Vifags are funny at least you Jinxfags are just boring and sounds like you're from Tik Tok.
Can we have a new leak watcher already to spice this thread up???
I'm not that Anon tard
Then what the fuck are you doing responding for him?
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>start betting chump change on vi
>become confident in her fighting abilities
>bet all of silco's fortune in a single bet
>the stupid bitch suddenly loses
vi is vile.
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Her scenes with the chair are fucking heartbreaking. She's begging Silco to tell her what to do, she's that lost without him.

>I'm not a yuricuck
Yes you are
>not sure i'd interpret it as support either
>maybe jinx felt satisfaction over seeing her invincible perfect warrior sister who she always strived to be like lose for once.

that might be ancillary, but to me it comes off as she's just keeping tabs on her sister the whole time. she's betting on her fights, hiding in the club and crowd, but she doesn't know how to approach her for fear of exactly what happens when she does, Vi loses her shit. it's only cause she even mentions Vander that they can not be at each others throats
Those aren't Jinxfags. They're Silcofags obsessed with the idea that Jinx can't let go of him. They self insert in Silco the same way Vicucks self insert on their shit lesbian relationship.
Kek, must have been a disappointment that Vi is an Omega. Soaking in the pants for Alpha Caitlyn's cock.
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All silcochads are jinxchads by default
Nah, a true Jinxchad would know Jinx can and will have a life beyond Silco.
I'm just fuckin around that's why
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just a jilcofag myself. self-insertion is for the homos. jinx and silco are perfect for one another. and jinx being unable to let go of him is literally on full display in season 2 lmao. jilco love is true while the homos are violent and unfaithful. truly disgusting.

>She's begging Silco to tell her what to do, she's that lost without him.
that's why i assume jinx going full schizo and hallucinating silco is going to be her happy ending. she'll be lonelier than ever but because her mind is gone she won't realize it.

then ruined Jinx gets a nervous breakdown, kills Isha by mistake, only by mistake, then goes full suicidal, fucks the nigger, and goes full kamikaze on the hexcore, and save the day.

S2's a disaster.
he knows what cait did to vi and he's laughing kekk
You are a fraud. Real Caitvifags like me want them together kek
Caitvifags Im so sorry for ever insulting you please come back save us from the pedos please
jinx just wanted isha to have a big fat college fund and then vi ruins it just like she ruined everything else in jinx's life.

vi should have stayed in her cell in stillwater.
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And she will, in due time
Silco will be the one good voice in her head

I think it will happen the same way Vander talked to Vi in season 1

>overwhelmed yuricuck talks to himself
in that pic, VI is strangling her little sis. by the neck. literaly.
it's a fact.
The Ekko scenes are detached from the Caitlyn/Vi ones so i'm curious how he knows lmao.
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At one point in the story Ekko and Jinx probably ask Vi about Catherine and she'll have to tell them she got dumped and cucked, while they laugh their asses of in her face
Jayce and the hamster too probably
Vanderwick, Isha and Shield Bro as well
He watch the leaks maybe kek
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Just a reminder even after Vi denied Jinx being her sister and tried to kill her. She still look after her from afar and risked being captured or beaten by her drunk sister, just for Vi to be informed about Vander, because she still family and needs to be in the known.

Caitlyn in the other hand can go fuck herself.
wont happen but i need jinx to make fun of her
>every zaun character pops up just to laugh at vi
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>but she doesn't know how to approach her for fear of exactly what happens when she does, Vi loses her shit.
what i liked about the scene when jinx, isha and vi go into the mine to look for vanderwick is how we see that vi and jinx really can't see eye to eye anymore. they can't even really be around each other without starting to fight, they're just that distanced from each other in the present.
>vi thinks jinx is nothing but a nutcase beyond hope or saving; she mocks/insults jinx for her mental troubles
>jinx eventually responds to vi's provocations and expresses her resentment over vi joining the enforcers
the obvious response would be vi insulting jinx for taking silco's side after he orchestrated vander's death but for some reason the story doesn't want to go there. not sure if the writers wanted to avoid it because there's no way jinx wouldn't turn violent if someone insults silco in front of her or because this topic comes up later with vanderwick.
deep down we have always known Jinx is the superior sister
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And what gets Jinx to stop her petty squabble with the cuck? Isha getting hurt.
And you can bet your ass the topic of Silco will come up again, with disastrous consequences
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It's seems we are finally getting some Viktor action on ep6
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vi just loves beating up little girls. she just can't help herself, taking their innocence with her fists.

even when he's gone, silco remains the huge elephant in the room. jinx keeps quiet about him and vi doesn't even want to hear his name spoken out loud so i assume they'll just tiptoe around him.
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In the dirt
fucking finally. can't believe we're likely to get more ekko scenes than viktor scenes. jayce tearing up at the sight of viktor in the rubble in the council chamber was heartbreaking too btw. :(
I'm more of a sister truther than a shipper desu. Vi can't be happy if she's with caitlyn and can never have her sister again
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the marshmallow melt in the warmth.
so are you.
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Im keep saying the only true "good ending" it's Vi leaving the city with Jinx. Just like she wanted since the beginning, to reunite with her sister and be happy again. Caitlyn and the city unrest it's just a distraction from her real goal.
>Vi's tummy and pits
at long last
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>really? you'd rather get cücked than accept i'm with silco?
damn, vi truly is as anti-silco as it gets.
Agree, that would indeed be the best ending.
>still finish 2nd despite being already older than Vi when she set the record
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>Just like she wanted since the beginning, to reunite with her sister and be happy again.
she wanted to reunite with the sister she remembered as she was in childhood. she'd never want to deal with silco's lap pet.
>she'd never want to deal with silco's lap pet.
yeah, but that's her character to accept change
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>yeah, but that's her character to accept change
doesn't she ask caitlyn to NOT change like everyone else around her did? change scares a dumb meathead like vi.
the absolute number of twitter accounts going full mask off as leak watchers is crazy right now. hi everyone! is this where we all trash talk to keep our clout?
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Yes, this is why she is helping the Enforcers, to get her vision of the old Zaun back, even though it's rather impossible and detrimental for their current needs.

But it seems she learned her lesson in episode 5, by accepting Warwick is Vander and stop fighting change instinctively. That leads to her accepting Jinx as her sister and part of her family.
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>by accepting Warwick is Vander
is that about change, or about vi learning to have empathy for people she considers to be monsters? we see a snippet of vi opening up to that idea when she sees jinx being concerned about isha and how she takes care of her new daughter-sister.
I was a shipper, but after the leaks, Vi deserves way better. Cait is an abuser and will do it again when Vi does or says something to piss her off. VI's good heart deserves more.
vi deserves to die for being a bad sister
ok Vifagg
I think it's the former, Vi in season 1 had a very narrow view of the situation, but it's not her fault how she was isolated from the world 7 years. But now she can see her sister is not a unreasonable monster and has aspects she can work with.
Stop repeating the same shit 10 times in every thread. We don't care
I actually really like this theory. In addition, it would be interesting to see different timelines or versions of events. But really with the little time they have, it is necessary to see this in depth.
You're not a real vifag if you don't want Vi to get her cupcake. She wants that woman so bad even after the DV and cuckening.
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A /tv/ thread convinced me, I'm watching Red Dragon with the wife
See you fags on monday
then it's good that Silco is dead and never coming back to bother them
Yes. This is the place here all the junkies come everyday to discuss about the same topics until november
This. People kinda forget she was isolated from the rest of the world for 7 years. They expect her to be in the know of everything right off the bat and judge her based on that.
Sure thing bro.
Caitvi is endgame tho
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too late. jinx gave her soul to him.
Lmao, like you have one. Come on, create a discord or telegram server and let's find out who he is.
Another still. They have spoiled so much, they might as well just drop the whole thing already.
i hate this theory with all my guts.
i don't like fakery.
the only, one, alone, mistake in S1 is Marcus fake grenade on Silco's office.
it ruins all recent movies and shows.
+ stupid time paradoxes.
It doesn't really show much. It's just another sequence of Jinx and Vi's battle.
time travel was gonna be a thing since the very second Ekko appeared in the Enemy music video

you should've checked out then
Not too late. There are still four episodes left to destroy all your shit headcanons
kek Leblack endgame
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Caitler too
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you'll never win her back, vi.
damn, vi really wanted to crush jinx's skull with those gauntlets. quite a brutal finishing move for someone who supposedly stans pacifism.
this is from btr tho but funny how people didnt realize it was caitlyn before but now everyone on twitter is 100% sure it’s her
Some of then even said that she was wearing her evil cape. No subtle at all
yeah kek
How is this a spoiler?
I've seen some "theories" such as Jinx is gonna save Vi and show up at her apartment, or people already hating Caitlyn because she did Vi dirty.

I'm cackling super hard
Yeah.. why would they know that Caitlyn is the one to blame.. and not Vi who might be at fault... Lame leakwatchers
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What about this fic i found today in Ao3
lmfao. at least the jilco writers are only including minor tidbits of the leaks, but the caitvi authors are writing books of misery porn based on the leaked stuff kek.
>Caitlyn with a cape of............ villain? Her villain era begins?
this is a tweet i just saw btw
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They only do this for their 1 minute of fame. Once the acts drop they'll go like
>see!! I called it months ago!!

Pic related too
handful of words away from plagiarism kek
t b f can you really call yourself a fan if you didn't watch the leaks
What’s the title of the fic
Idk but the way they try so hard to pretend they didn't see the leaks is some of the most entertaining things by far
Has S2 officially released yet?
Some days i reget watching the leaks but I know i would've get spoiled anyway people are not subtle
Sweat, blood and second chances
I hope S2 will have as much as these visual parallels as S1 despite the lead storyboarders leaving.
thanks anon
This is the main reason why i decided to watch the leaks i hate spoilers.
keep seeing twt vifags and twt caitfags subtweeting each other it’s fucking hilarious
but 5 episodes got leaked more than a month ago
Subtweeting? The hell is that?
This makes the Maddie fic writer look sane and her a/n was a mental breakdown
I still regret it, the leaks only raised my expectations of what will happen next. I can't wait almost 2 monts for see what happens
We got this anon, we waited 3 years, a month and a half is not so bad
This is why we are here Anon. We wait together as our mental declines.
I know, I've also been waiting for S2 for 3 years, it's just that being an impatient person, the wait seems eternal.

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