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No other property got as many /co/mrades to say "it would have been better if they WERE lesbians!"

Correctly, I might add.
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now that the dust has settled, would you fuck Ruby?
I saw this in theaters and actually enjoyed it.
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I miss the old times.
I'd eat her ass and suck her toes.

And all her r34 is blacked. I guess shes my blacked goddess
i would fuck ruby out the way to get to my hag teen goddess chelsea.
No what mattered was that Chelsea was an actual teen daughter of Nerissa and not the old hag herself and that she has a change of heart and chooses Ruby over Mermaid revenge.
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I would marry her.
>tranny lying
surprise surprise
you're just playing along with him and not actually retards who haven't seen the movie right?
who am I kidding nobody watched her movie
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i did
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We're saying, the movie would have been better without the plot twist that Chelsea was Nerissa and that Chelsea should have had a redemption moment.
After all the hype I finally watched the movie. It was underwhelming.
All the social media references and live streaming already felt dated.
Why did they need to play ten seconds of a song ever other scene? They had a song playing during the fight with the big bad.
>missing the point that Krakens are protective deities and Mermaids are evil, irredeemable, and manipulative bitches who are only popular because they look pretty
>meanwhile the main character's dynamic is that she doesn't look pretty but is vital to protecting the seas from things more horrifying than herself
>thinking Chelsea can be redeemed in any way despite her heritage as an evil irredeemable monster of the seas
>disregarding the fact she's literally the queen of all iredeemable manipulative bitches in the sea

you're not saying anything except that you don't actually like the movie or the characters retard
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>>meanwhile the main character's dynamic is that she doesn't look pretty but is vital to protecting the seas from things more horrifying than herself
Mermaids suck at fighting in this universe
They literally have no magic and all their powers were removed during production
They needed a macguffin trident to stand a chance to even fight giant krakens.
Chelsea sucks as a twist villain because she was infinitely more interesting before the twist (which happened at the last 15 minutes of the film) and could've continued being interesting had she not been Nerissa.
We all saw the storyboards, Agatha actually feeling guilt for her time in the war as well as her reputation as the "siren slayer" and fleeing the ocean to raise Ruby only for her past to haunt her in the form of the girl she turned into an orphan is more engaging than Agatha wanting to stop fighting just because.
Chelsea doesn't feel satisfying as a twist villain because she had an actual better chemistry with Ruby than Ruby's actual grubhubian friends who did NOTHING for her.
Even in one of the unused storyboards, Ruby admits Chelsea was the one who helped her achieve self-realization to love herself as a kraken.
Grandmamah just saw her as an heir and Agatha wanted Ruby to stay away from saltwater at all costs but Chelsea was the one who told Ruby to simply love herself and find the value of being her own person.
Even if it was just a ruse, that's far more than the grubhubians ever did including her boring love interest.
Also, Ruby being important to protect the sea and having to fulfill her destiny doesn't fucking work when the mermaids were already still in-hiding and there's no tension or looming threat otherwise.
If anything, she'd be dealing with mankind as the big threat.
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Chelsea being an irredeemable twist villain made the movie unmarketable.
People complain the film's marketing spoiled the twist but stop and think about it
She turns evil at the last 15 minutes of the film so what are you left with regarding her BEFORE the twist?
You have an unlikely friendship story between two teenage girls who by all means and intentions are supposed to hate each other from birth and hatch a plan to create peace between their species'.
Now imagine audiences reactions if they went into the movie not knowing the mermaid is evil and being blindsided that one of the friends is actual pure evil and that the other girl was in the wrong for even trusting her after she had saved her life and gave her the advice she actually needed to grow as a person.
That Ruby's family was right to hate Chelsea simply because she's a mermaid on principal.
The Nerissa twist is so unmarketable, even the back of the physical copies had to make clear of the twist which again, happens in the last fifteen fucking minutes of the film.
>missing the point of the movie this hard
she was disconnected from generational trauma (thanks mom) and thought they were all freaks and wanted nothing to do with them. Y'know... like a gullible teenage girl who goes off with her friends thinking they have her best interests at heart? good thing that never happens in real life or would warrant any cautionary tales!
That doesn't disprove the fact that Chelsea is a walking marketing nightmare
Also, Ruby's "want" was to be accepted and pass as a normal teenage girl
Her "need" was to accept who she is and love herself
That's all she needed, Chelsea's simple advice did more to accomplish this than her own family
Ruby didn't need to become a warrior to find the self-love she needed
Her being in the wrong and having to follow her Grandma's demand to do things her way makes Ruby diminish as a character rather than grow.
She exists as a compromise between her family's desire rather than as her own individual.
The generational trauma angle sucks because they literally removed the big thing that made Agatha's sacrifice hit harder.
Not wanting Ruby to end up as the next "siren slayer" and give her the chance to grow up without essentially being drafted.
that's a lot of words to say you don't like the movie bro. The movie is about not going off with stray hoes and that appearances can be deceiving. It's not that deep despite being about sea Krakens and mermaids
>that appearances can be deceiving
Fucking Shrek did this better because while Shrek is good and Prince Charming is evil you still had traditionally heroic fairy tale characters be good and fairy tale villains be evil (at least by 4 with Rumpelstiltskin but nobody likes The Third's ending anyways)
Fucking Megamind did this better by NOT making Metro Man the real villain
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To clarify, when you make "bad" = misunderstood so "good" = pure evil, you're not creating nuance
You're simply flipping the binary except you have the gall and pretentiousness to pretend you're smarter than you really are for the subversion
you can continue to express your disdain for RGTK but the movie is what it is and I actually really like what they did with it because I'm a fan of the movie
Good for you
More power to ya
>Remembered the Ruby Gillman Joker drawings
So who rapes her?
yeah, it was a Disney slop that just swapped heroic creatures with villainous ones

At the end of the day, Ruby
>is a princess
>ends up loved by everyone
>gets a bland love interest
>defeats one dimensional villain

Her backstory and main conflict is from the Little Mermaid 2. Which would be interesting if they did stick to original storyboards, but for some fucked up reason they thought it was better to change it.

Shrek was a better critique of Disney.
Funny thing is, Disney themselves handled the subversion better with Wreck-It-Ralph
Ralph is the "bad guy" just doing his job and needed to be appreciated so does that make Felix the "good guy" who is really an egotistical douche?
Not at all, he's a genuinely nice guy both by Ralph's admission at the start of the film and by his own actions and was at worst ignorant to Ralph's needs
>it is racist to have evil races deserving to be wiped out by good races
>so, you'll make a story about two members of those races bringing an end to their unjust conflict?
>no, this shit will be fake for the sake of the twist that the white coded race deserves to be wiped out while the colored coded race deserves worship
You CAN have evil fantasy races
Goblin Slayer and Frieren went as far as to question if goblins and demons can be ALL evil but it worked there because it was immediately crushed and the audience is given examples of how they are ASAP
It's also not treated as a third act twist helps
Chelsea being evil means the audience loses more than they gain because she much more fun before the Nerissa twist
I'd argue you can keep her original backstory and still not redeem her as long as it's actually put into question how a person like Chelsea came to be and not try to sweep just how sketchy Grandmamah is under the rug
Look at Excalibur
Morgana Le Fay is given a solid tragic backstory but isn't redeemed
It's not frustrating because
A. She's not a twist villain
B. The movie doesn't act as if her backstory isn't tragic. Uther is NOT supposed to be seen as a good person for killing her dad and raping her mom and Merlin himself, while ultimately good, is portrayed as alien to human sentimentalities.
C. Unlike storyboard Chelsea, she isn't a teenager.
Hell, her demise isn't treated as something glorious. It's actually portrayed as disturbing being strangled by her inbred son whom she genuinely loved despite being born to be a weapon to kill Arthur.
When Tai Lung confronted Shifu, he accepted all responsibilities for what became of Tai Lung
The movie didn't sugarcoat it
Conflating fictional races with real life races is fucking stupid unless it's so blatantly obvious like Pandarens and Tauren in WoW (and even then, you shouldn't consider them 1:1 with real fucking people)
Mermaids aren't "white coded" when one of the statues shows an actual black mermaid
You can have evil mermaids
It's been done before
It's even a thing in old folklore and mythology
The problem with RGTK mermaids isn't necessarily that they're all evil, it's the execution of how the film turns it into a third act plot twist that ruins the best on-screen chemistry which was Ruby and Chelsea, spits at any attempt this film had regarding not immediately judging people for who they were born as, and reduce Ruby as a character by proving she should have hated Chelsea on principal and that her attempt at challenging a status quo she was saw was unjust was in the wrong.
It also opened that can of worms regarding what exactly mermaids are as perpetual teenage girls
it is just hypocritical to teach kids to not judge by appearance and, instead of having both races having good and bad members, end up stating that it was stupid to ever trust the pretty race
>Around finbacks never relax
it's a metaphor for minorities hating white people
>who am I kidding nobody watched her movie
Someone posted a camrip on Twitter shortly after it released
It lasted 6 days before it got taken down
Chelsea, however...
>/co/ had more threads over Ruby Gillman than The Wild Robot, Kung Fu Panda 4, and Trolls 3 combined
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>6 days chumming
>no response
aye lad, that thar be a cruel mistress
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So you guys are still talking about how they screwed it up instead of fixing it, everyone moved on already and made their own thing.
Wild Robot is just generally solid, I didn't see KFP4, and I've never cared about Trolls
Ruby Gillman is so audacious in its shittiness that it's much easier to get a following that's happy to cluster together and complain about it
There were quite a few people who wanted to make a fixed version of the story
But of course, like 99% of all projects on /co/ it ended up nowhere.
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Was sitting behind a kid on an airplane who had this movie on
The main two character designs were cute but every other character was disgusting
I don't think it was a coordinated group thing but I see some on twitter making their own stories and adding stuff.
No way! We're saving for marriage.
Only if Chelsea is involved
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No, she's only 15, you sick fuck!
The point of the movie is, of course, “sometimes your racist grandpa is right and that black family really is irredeemably evil”
but the villain is white
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At least it's better than Disney's remake.
Fun fact; squids are cannibalistic.
That means she's 300 in human years.
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They don't even have to be lesbians it could be a fake relationship built on lies.
Ruby is self conscious about herself and considers homosex because she is scared no one will ever want to be with her
Nerissa would fake being lesbian as a way to get close and then get revenge and of course to watch Ruby squirm when things get hot
Just for the record yuri shippers are highly linked with AGP which is linked when transexuality. Hope this helps.
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Thank you, random person with no credibility. I'll be sure to take your word as fact.
Man that chick on the right is hot as fuck. Shame about the no tits though.
I would because she looks cute but all the porn of the movie is trash, it’s so bad that mostly the Chelsea futa is the only thing that’s "normal"

I did watch it, could have been worse, ending felt bland but it’s a movie for kids. A LOT better than the trash that I saw with the Minions on the 4’movie
Did anyone save the art anons made? We should upload them to the booru.
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I'd love to see those Joker drawings an anon made, those were really funny
Another idiot wanting a forced lesbian relationship.

Sorry, but, a gay couple wouldn't make the movie better. So sorry.
me too
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>all the porn of the movie is trash
say it ain't so
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ruby gillman proves straight villains are cringe and misunderstood antagonists are not just better, people want them.
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They had actual chemistry Anon
That's why /co/ was so pissed
Consider what we actually got instead there is no way it would be worse
Gay stuff and ethnic people don't make media suck, writers who think gay stuff and ethnic people are literally the most important component of their media make media suck.

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>No other property got as many /co/mrades to say "it would have been better if they WERE lesbians!"
Why did she have to be a stupid twist villains.
Sure, the kaiju fight was pretty neat, but fuck what a waste.
The alternative was to have her fight grandma. For some reason, that would have been bad.
Reminder that Nick social media called Dodie a better friend
It's good that they didn't, the Chelsea/ Nerrisa as separate people is the best choice.
Whoever has them they should post them here.
>the 'evil irredeemable creature that must be killed' is...
>a fair skinned woman
>with red hair
>and blue eyes
>the 'good protector' is
>some uggo everyone thinks is evil cause muh prejudice
Movie is antiwhite,
Burn it.
Trash it.
You can eat a bag of squid dicks while we are at it.
You're reading way too deep into it bro. The joke is that the villain is Ariel from Disney's Little Mermaid. That's it.
yup. Stereotypes that are attractive but in reality mermaids would be fucking vile sea hags who use deception of beauty to lure in prey. Because mermaids were never real it was a metaphor not to let yourself get tricked by the god damned temptations of the devil
I think Chelsea would prefer being called white she-devil to being called fair skinned. She's genuinely fucking evil and loves it
>Conflating fictional races with real life races is fucking stupid unless
It absolutely is not.
It's very clear that most of the mermaids are meant to be Western kind and this deserve eradication for no reason besides what they were born as.
These 'writers' are incredibly and viscously antiwhite.
You know it.
I know.
The anons in these threads know it.
Why even fucking deny it?
Tons of fiction is like this both recently made and historic.
>We live in a reef
And Ariel is a direct creation by Western kind.
Her story is part of our mythos.
By making her an evil vile cunt that must be killed it is directly bringing slander and injury to Western kind.
These cunts DIRECTLY AND EXPLICTLY say they want your White arse DEAD.
Stop bloody fucking making excuses for them like an ignorant child.
The movie is antiwhite start to finish

Quite literally irrelevant and constructed to push their antiwhite pathologies.
>supporting a lesbian aiming to abuse a partner
sounds about right
They don't have to be lovers at all, a friendship is more fun way to get gags in with chelsea trying to get her still.
When I watched it, the early dialogue said they were in middle school. In the last third of the film, they kept saying high school.
What other mistakes made it into the film that I didn't catch, and how little did they care ?
Your racist grandma is right
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>You have no choice regarding your future
>It's all built on your family's compromises rather than your own
>Peace is a lie, the status quo will stay the same, conflict is inevitable and you must embrace and participate in it as your birthright
>You cannot choose who you want to be friends with, they have to be approved by your parents
>Not over their own actions but rather because of who they were born as because people can just be born collectively inherently evil over matters they have no control over
>Remember kids, be yourself!*
>*as decided by how other people want you to be
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Wait does this mean she gots raped by the prison guards.
I do not like that thought.
= (
So what's the story with this thing? I only paid glancing attention and it looked like it'd be an interesting "apparently-mean popular girl befriends a dork, but there's tension to resolve" story.
>Imagine if HTTYD was called Hiccup Haddock: Teenage Viking instead
>First trailer is about vikings fighting wicked dragons for ages and culminates in Hiccup fighting Toothless as the big climax
>More information and clips are shown showing the middle of the film which is literally how it goes in HTTYD where Hiccup and Toothless form a friendship and the former becomes skeptical if his father was right about dragons
>People naturally get skeptical, surely that first trailer didn't just spoil EVERYTHING
>Movie comes out, Toothless is 100% evil (and also the big bad alpha dragon somehow), Hiccup was an idiot for helping him with his disability, and they fight the same way the first trailer showed
That's Ruby Gillman in a nutshell
Oh, so YOU'RE the one.

thank you for collecting the joker ruby pictures
What do you mean the dust has settled?
That was our "at bare minimum they should have had it this way."
But I'd say the OP is right, and this got more anons saying "it would've been better if they'd been lesbians" than any other /co/ property. MAYBE with the exception of Ty-Lee and Azula. MAYBE.
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>called Dodie a better friend
It's been decades since I've seen that show. I can't remember a single episode or even quote a single line, but for some reason reading that made me really fucking mad.
...She had a movie?
In the efforts to find out about the various rewrites, was there ever a version where Ruby and Chelsea DID end up friends in the end?
Without getting deep in the weeds, what were the various versions?
Found the source threads, I'll add them to my list.
Really hate that saving images directly from 4chan now technically makes that image different, makes searching through desuarchive way more annoying than it used to be.
That would have been the infinitely better outcome for this movie.
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I think it's really funny that animated movies had this obsession with not having a MWHAHAHA villain either in the form of a redeemed antagonist or an external conflict (Encanto, Onward, Raya, Moana, Strange World, Leo, Elemental, LEGO Movie, Soul, Turning Red, Trolls 2, Frozen 2) that people were getting fucking sick of it and just wanted a traditional villain again.

And now we've had a couple of movies that DID do the typical MWHAHAHA villain in Wish, Ruby Gillman, and Wild Robot and those movies would've absolutely benefited from NOT having a villain or having a redeemed villain.
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>In the efforts to find out about the various rewrites, was there ever a version where Ruby and Chelsea DID end up friends in the end?
Even at her most sympathetic, Chelsea was still treated as just an irredeemable villain despite having a genuine valid reason to hate Agatha
"That entire intelligent race is entirely bad" is shit-tier writing, anon.
The best thing that can be said about the writing is that it IS kinda funny that they had a racist grandma and it turned out she was 100% right. "Around finbacks never relax" or something.
>that's a lot of words to say you don't like the movie bro.
That's how discussions work, anon. People give their views and back it up with explanations. If you say they didn't explain their stance enough they might explain it more.
Going "that's a lot of words to say you dislike it" at that stage just makes you look like a socially maladapted retard.
>"That entire intelligent race is entirely bad" is shit-tier writing, anon.
Not him but see >>146060425
see >>146060470
Ruby Gillman's problems wasn't have inherently evil races
It's problem was making the big plot twist at the last 15 fucking minutes of the film confirming said race is inherently evil after spending the majority of the runtime questioning it through Ruby's own actions and character
Honestly it’s pretty odd how the movie turned out
Even that bumper trailer thing was a huge mislead
The main characters designs and some of the broad strokes are interesting. The "twist" was dogshit, the grubhubblob friends were awful.
Makes me wish that copyright wasn't so strong, so another company could lift the models and redo the movie better. Ah, for how things worked in Shakespeare's time, when you could go "some nifty ideas in that play, but I bet I could do it better."
A good movie often provides little more to discuss than "this was good, right?" "Yup." Particularly when the setting isn't ripe for more stories/mysteries to be solved.
You want threads? Make a movie where the stuff people IMAGINED would be in the movie based on trailers/promo art is MUCH BETTER than the actual movie was.
That is a low low low bar.
I want to titty fuck the evil redhead
It absolutely would have made for a better movie. 75% of the movie was spent on the two main characters forming an unlikely friendship and agreeing that the war between their people was bullshit that should stay in the past. Whether it was friendship or romance, them moving continuing on the trajectory set up by most of the movie works better than the surprise twist "actually mermaids are pure evil, everyone that's ever hated pretty girls was right!" nonsense.
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>"Hey boys, I brought fresh meat. She's a high schooler, legally she's off the table but I know you pervs like it better that way. Go on angelfish, show the nice men your breasts for us."
No, he phrased it in a combative and trollish manner, but the analysis does hold up. The villain is a "pretty white girl" stereotype - yes, based on Ariel, who is a pretty white girl - and the "good" NPCs are a badly-designed diversity squad. The final movie was a terrible "how do you do, fellow kids?" attempt at being socially relevant, made notable by a few interesting factors: (1) The Disney parallels, (2) The genuinely appealing designs for the main characters, (3) some enjoyable scenes between the two before the twist ending, (4) early fan speculation which resulted in fan-theories generally more well-liked than the final movie, and (5) the troubled production history which included multiple different alternative versions of the story that worked better than the final version. None of that changes the fact that the final version was driven by a hamfisted empty-headed attempt at race relations that can reasonably be seen as anti-white (if only accidentally). Someone at DreamWorks decided to virtue signal and holy fuck did they ruin the movie that the company had been workshopping for a while.
Without the "evil all along" twist and ensuing fight, them just being friends would have been too low stakes. Them having more-than-just-friends feelings raises the stakes a lot more if the movie isn't going to be just "defeat the evil queen."
Execution is everything. People liked unapologetically evil Jack Horner, they liked the "they're bad guys but also a loving family" Goldi and the Bear gang, they liked "he's broken inside but he IS trying to do the right thing" Miguel O'Hara in Spidey-verse (unless you were already a Spidey 2099 fan and wanted to see the character you knew).
They didn't like Magnifico in Wish because the whole movie was shit and badly written, and the whole crap with his magic needed to be convoluted to explain how he was the bad guy. You could MAYBE make a concept like that work in a novel, but a musical movie doesn't have room for convoluted explanations as to why the guy granting wishes is actually the bad guy.
>and Wild Robot and those movies would've absolutely benefited from NOT having a villain or having a redeemed villain.
Wasn't that accurate to the book?
The villain didn't harm the movie in my opinion but wasn't very necessary
Basically just a less interesting A.U.T.O. meant to contrast Roz
they could go with og storyboard and have Chelsea wanting to avenge her mother

The movie was fucking set up to have 4 corners of opposition (young/old and peaceful/warlike), the conflict could literally write itself.
>Ruby has a loving family
>Chelsea is an orphan
>Ruby doesn't want to run the Kraken Kingdom, she has her own life
>Chelsea desperately wants to claim her birthright, she has nothing else
>Agatha left the ocean and throne to escape the war and raise Ruby to prevent her from ever going through such things
>Agatha killed Chelsea's mom and her revenge plot in trying to reignite said war is the consequence of that
>Ruby realizes she could've ended up like Chelsea had her mother not abandon her home, sacrifice everything to start a new life and instead still participated in the war that took Chelsea's mom away from her
Could've reinforced the immigrant angle even harder
The movie had more than one problem. Yes, a big glaring one is that the whole movie was about two unlikely friends growing close, only to ditch that in favor of "MWA HA HA, I'M EVIL!"
But DreamWorks did absolutely 100% no-holds-barred accidentally make a pro-racism movie. Yup, that's an old racist relative saying "that whole race is evil," and that's a flashback supporting her claim, aaaaaaand the only member of the race we meet in the movie is indeed pure evil. Well fuck, guess racist grandma had a point!
Ruby Gillman is one of the great "the socially-conscious fucktards writing this didn't think things through" stories of /co/, up there with Star vs. the Forces of evil which gave us "to prevent the genocide of monsters, who Star has learned to think of as people, Star decides to genocide all made-of-magic lifeforms, which she doesn't think of as people even though they're clearly sentient too."
Hell, have magical fuckery and reveal that Nerissa is "alive"... as a ghostly presence that's been guiding Chelsea and getting her to do things, while Chelsea herself is starting to have second thoughts. Give the first 75 minutes' of the script to a dozen halfway competent writers and they'd come up with a dozen better ways to end it. Several involving lesbianism. It's just fucking THERE, okay?
>Ruby Gillman is one of the great "the socially-conscious fucktards writing this didn't think things through" stories of /co/
I wouldn't be surprised if the movie was made by left wingers who supported Oct 7.
Wasn't the love interest a stand in for the lead writer or something?
>Wasn't the love interest a stand in for the lead writer or something?
Connor went through multiple designs so no not really
They never had a general idea on what he should even look like and was even white a couple of times in production because he was nothing more than Ruby's love interest
Hell, dial it back to the very very VERY early pitch of "wacky antics of a family of fish-people trying to blend in among oblivious humans" and it'd be a better movie. They had so many chances to not suck and they chose to suck.
No, this reads more like "the guys in marketing say that kids want a social message now, and we're not a beer company so we can't just put a rainbow on a small number of our cans. Rewrite the funny fish movie."
Even if RGTK got a streaming show it wouldn't have Chelsea in it
Yeah they could totally use that for the series they better be making.
>We all saw the storyboards, Agatha actually feeling guilt for her time in the war as well as her reputation as the "siren slayer" and fleeing the ocean to raise Ruby only for her past to haunt her in the form of the girl she turned into an orphan is more engaging than Agatha wanting to stop fighting just because.
I didn't see the storyboards where are they
any cute outfits I can draw chelsea or ruby on?
It's too obscure to be "no other property ever" anything.
Draw Ruby in a Chelsea costume, and Chelsea in a Ruby costume.
Not cute per se, but what about sea shell bikinis with pierceless pearl navel gems?
School uniforms
Playboy bunny. Or Spongebob T-Shirts.
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I have drawn them on school uniforms a few times, any specific school uniforms?.
Some of the links are dead because the YouTube channel assembling all the storyboards got deleted
the one time
>villain redemption
would have made the movie BETTER and they didn't do it! Why?
Cute art.
They don't like people, they like movements and cultures and explanations. These are parasocial phenomena, offering all the pleasures of society with none of the responsibility.
Like this.
No because the sequel isn't canon
Anyone know the original ending of this storyboard?
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They really wasted the whole 'Agatha murdered Nerissa' storyline with the Chelsea reveal. All the possible angst and development it would've brought to the table.

I still think it would've been better if Agatha and Nerissa were foils of Ruby and Chelsea's relationships. Best Friends torn apart by war and forced to fight against each other till one of them fell, the victor, Agatha, living with the fact that she just killed her closest friend, and watching her predecessor/abuser, Gramahmah, to mould her beloved daughter, Ruby, into another killing machine, just like her and watching the consequences of her actions, Chelsea, come back to haunt her. It would explain why she's so afraid/avoidant of the ocean earlier in the movie and it would give more impact to her involvement in the climax, attempting to stop the fighting in contrast to Gramahmah. And it would absolutely give more payoff to the mother-daughter plotline they've been building up the entire movie.
Also tf is up with the post timer? 900 secs? Seriously?
see >>146076535
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They seemed to have a "Grandmamah must be a girlboss and must be good"mentality but trying to make a genocidal warlord look to be in the moral right (because it just makes Agatha NOT wiping out all the mermaids when it was possible and simply have them flee into hiding makes Agatha look worse and careless especially when it wasn't even a matter of mercy) kind of falls flat
It’s weird that I really like the concept of Ruby and Chelsea being friends or lovers, but I believe in the Farmer and Viper fable
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Not really
The farmer showed mercy but showing mercy doesn't necessarily mean being a fucking idiot and not anticipating the worst possible outcome
The thing with Chelsea is that she's basically what if Toothless was evil all along
the old times were barely a year ago
Yeah, but then that runs right into another trope, that a lot of people in here judging by reactions would still hate. That being the usual, "your parents/ancestors are stupid stubborn bigots and should LISTEN AND BELIEVE your young inexperienced children as they proceed to racemix and discard the generations held history and crimes you dealt fighting each other."
Because all they want to talk about are the underage girls. It's how you still have people apparently mad and remembering Gigantic or w/e, a literal fucking nothing of a movie we know barely anything about just because of the giantess and nothing else, let alone any idea of squandered quality.
It is a shame this wasn't good.
But some things are just evil by nature, like hippos and chimpanzees
Aggresesion != Evil
There's a reason why that couple that raised a hippo but respected that she's a wild animal are still alive while the guy who raised a hippo and kept him like a pet got eaten alive
Had there be a tv series, would we seen the childrens of leviathans and umibozus?
Nobody liked the racist grandma, Anon
They were exterminated with the other untermenschen. Their lebensraum now belongs to the Master Race, as it ought to. Hail Woomy.
I did and I still like her
Sentinel Prime was a better Magnifico than Magnifico himself
I gotta wonder about the early lives of this thing's writers, if you catch my drift. Wonder if they were brought up in a cultural milieu that, deep down, still believes that all outgroups are dangerous subhumans.
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Only if shit gets discarded. Inheritance isn't free, it's just earned on the back end.
I never saw a single thread for Rumble.
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> Hate me all you want, Ruby dear but without my ideals we both know you wouldn't exist because your mother and Nerrisa would be too busy licking each other's fish flaps to procreate.
Any good fanfics that rewrites the movie with scrapped ideas?
But it's in their nature for hippos and chimpanzees to be fucking aggressive, you just can't trust them. Even if they were given human level intelligence and could talk.
You don't have to trust them but you can still help them and understand they are living organisms
You just have to not be an idiot about it
Animal services do this all the time
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I still can't get over how the two main characters had good designs, and Ruby's family had solid enough designs, and then there was the friend group that just triggered a full "kill it with fire" in a primal part of my brain.
Naw, the girl in the back looks so weird.
The only one I can kinda tolerate is Clussy.
>Hell, have magical fuckery and reveal that Nerissa is "alive"... as a ghostly presence that's been guiding Chelsea and getting her to do things, while Chelsea herself is starting to have second thoughts.
This I like. Chelsea with her mom as a voice in her head that only she can hear/see, who has been molding her for years to be an instrument of vengeance. And when Chelsea hesitates and goes "okay, sure, we conquer, but do we really have to wipe them out? We've beaten them, isn't that enough?" her mom takes over her body. Maybe even do something with Grandma, play with the idea that the two Matriarchs would rather see their own families suffer than give up their spiteful war.
I still can't believe that LATE IN THE PRODUCTION some retard walked in and said "guys, wouldn't it work better if Agatha was squeaky-clean, never killed anyone, and just NOPEd out of the Mermaid lifestyle because of vague feelings? And then Chelsea can be Nerissa!"

And a whole writer's room went "whoah, great idea!"

Just... fuck!
The Farmer and the Viper is a short fable. This was a 90 minute movie where for the better part of an hour "two kids meant to be enemies form an unlikely friendship" was the pillar holding the whole thing up.
And then the twist smashed that pillar.
It doesn't matter if theoretically there's a moral there (and "a whole sentient race are all vipers, unable to stop being pure evil" is a shitty moral), the twist fucks the story over bigtime.
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Alright, in fairness Courtney and Ginger's relationship is complicated. But Dodie is a fucking dogshit friend even considering all of Courtneh rich white girl energy.
Her black chick friend was the worst, though.
But how can Ruby "be friends/lovers" with someone she can't trust?
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there's not enough futa kraken content
Begone c/u/ck
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even worse, it could've been good, we knew what it could've been...

Even with the shit ass globohomo human designs, this could've been good. But nah, these incompetent fucks decided to be as safe as possible, without noticing the implications at that.
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Cucks has been erased long ago already
If you like ugly beanmouth shit, you're mentally handicapped.
"Falls flat" is putting it mildly. They accidentally said Genocide is A-OK, especially if done by The Right People.
>The Right People
The Chosen People, one could say.
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At any size
who's the brown crust dweller?
Not Chelsea, therefore no one who matters.
It depends entirely on execution. People did like the friendship between the two main characters. Have a final confrontation with good art, some well-choreographed action, and a reasonable slice of humor and people would have enjoyed it. Maybe it wouldn't have been held up as one of Dreamworks' best, but as it stands Ruby Gillman is best known as that one where almost everyone thinks Dreamworks fucked up in the final act.
Extremely well put.
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I love Ruby. Also, how is there 0 R34 of her goth friend?
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The ora ora I'm pregnant meme I did with my character.
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At least he's more visually appealing then the film guy
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That's Chelsea but Kraken
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We don't talk about the mom enough.
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Everything about this movie is fun except the movie itself and
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can girls mindbreak other girls?
that's what they usually do.
In later part of Frieren not animated yet we meet a demon that WANTS to understand the concept of love. They do a shitload of stuff trying to figure it out, and fail. They just lack the brain wiring needed for it.
Dreamworks had one chance to make this a couple to rub it in Disney's face by having their mermaid gay, but they didn't. They made her the predicable bad guy.
God made them wrong, all you can do is put them out of everyone's misery.
Probably the commissioner self-inserting.
>WANTS to understand the concept of love
Didn't he "experiment" by constantly killing people to figure out how long it would take for him to feel bad about it?
I kinda like the goth friend ngl
Men can mindbreak men
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this thread has a serius lack of ULTRA MARINES
I still can't believe they made a movie where the racist old relative was somewhat right in their assumptions
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