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>Four new gods walked the Earth, called by Thor's foes to be his death — a man of fire, a man of stone, a beast of wrath and a trickster-serpent. All had reason to hate the thunder god...and working together, they had the power to end an All-Father's reign.

>This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...and what broke him at last.
Bump if you're reading.
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And that's it. If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
would've been something if Grey Gargoyle, Mr Hyde, Radioactive man and Cobra managed to permanently do him in, the rep boost alone would propel them well.
Donald Blake actually being acknowledged is pretty neat
Grey Gargoyle not being happy about this despite Thor being one of his biggest enemies and actually having regrets for what he did in Fear Itself is actually interesting.
Hark ! This doth be mine final post upon /co/.

How canst anyone thinketh that this doth be awe-some for true ? How canst anyone taketh seriously a comical manuscript with Thor as a supposedeth to be superhero ? How canst anyone seeth the Thor as heroic for true in this book ?
"Ouh, Thor doth be smiling, so awe-some, this be so cooleth guys..." why dost thou lie to thyself in such a manner ?
Thou guys art simply forcing onto thyself the new fadeth there shalt be within this hivemind of a board, with the blandesteth, tamesteth, most classicly safe comical manuscript there canst be, while thine selective outrage doth be shitting upon Cates' Hulk for things that would be praised if they were scribed by another's quill, but NAAAAAAAAAAAAY thou hast to shitteth uponst it even if it be good because the hivemind doth dictate thou to do thusly !!!

Tis no wonder thou canst get laideth, but guesseth what ? Lo, I obtainst a shieldmaiden now. For the first time of mine life after one score and four years I finally obtainst a shieldmaiden, and all that monkish fuss hath become quite irritating since.
I am simply departing for goodeth anon, I hadst plenty of fun with that board but I doth proclaim I be done. I pray thou to get shieldmaidens to, maybe it will openeth thine eyes about the hivemind that is destructing thy self, alas, the hivemind is mayhaps keeping thou awayest from being able to seduceth anyone, so thou art most like entrapped within one vicious circle, and sadly, there beith no WildC.A.T.s to savest thou from't. I simply hopeth that mine epistle shalt maybe aid thou to think by thyself a mite more and to obtainst a shieldmaiden to.

Enjoyeth thine manuscript.
This was easily the best issue since the last time Agger showed up
I find this run really boring without him
I still feel like Skyfather Thor should be able to do these things with less trouble but the twist is interesting
Now the storytime is complete
Thanks OP
so Entrantress will be part of the Villian ensemble for the new Iron Man run then?
Maybe Tony gets to marry Amora too, like he did Emma Frost
>fire of Doom
Ewing will be forced to tie in that doom event now won't he?
If Thor was black he'd do it while eating a sandwich and killing the Beyonder under Ewing's pen.
it's still a good book but the Art unfortunately drags it down
Wow, did not expect to ever see Magni again. The fact that Ewing is using Thor's old Silver Age rogues and that The Reigning is being acknowledged for the first time in decades makes me wonder if Zarrko the Tomorrow Man will show up.

I like how Ewing comics often tell you what comics to read if you want to find out more about certain characters. More books should do that.
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>Mephisto's Future is mentioned again
Tony wont marry her, but Tony will do what Thor couldn't which is "Fix Her"
And i hope it goes like this because pepper being double dead made things better since Disney ruined her.
Ewing set that up himself though
The way Ewing used some literally who AU character from a Captain Marvel story to set up the return of a different AU character is a quite clever use of continuity.
>no blog for weeks
feels bad man
Ewing dumping out the toybox again
at Cates's request as Cates was planning on leaving Thor as quickly as he did
It's interesting to see Radioactive Man's power taken so seriously. I feel like writers are usually a lot more fast and loose with it.
Should I be putting stock into the Carol-Venom truthers?

Yeah i really like how this book is writing the villains. Gargoyle seems like he got legit some kind of ptsd from what he did and does not seem to be into this fight.
can't beat the cock
no, you should be hanging yourself, disfigured freak
He's got a what, 0% success rate? If anything, he causes other people to go insane.
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How do you resurrect someone who was never born?
I guess memory trumps history when it comes to this sort of thing. Also is Enchantress trying to establish the means for Ragnarok to occur or something?
So this is the Magni from Norse mythology, right? I remember him from God of War. Does that mean that Thor's other son Modi will also show up?
The spell Enchantress cast very specifically didn't mention resurrection, just like how she was careful not to say she was bringing back Iric and denied helping Ove

It was channeling All-Father Thor's power into the Flame of Ullr (a magical artefact connected to Fate itself) with Amora as the medium
And she used blood to call to blood and fought past all of the boundaries of the universe, death, the void, nothingness, and rewove the threads of Fate to bring Magni back from non-existence
No this is the Magni, son of Thor and Amora from the Reigning arc

Very, very carefully
Immortal Spider-man when?
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Gazing into eternity...and seeing nothing.
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Who calls you from the void?
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What future awaits you if you're gone?
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What are these forces that don't want you to return?
its the belt
i feel that they are teasing again Mephisto's endgame future >>146438647
The entire avengers only shit didn't gave justice
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Honestly Al Ewing really does well with Marvel's villains, I'd love for him to do a villain focused series. Also yeah It's a nice touch the fleshes out Grey Gargoyle from his more cold blooded team mates though also interesting if factoring in Spencer's run where his team is actively killing or smashing the people he's turned to stone there or his sin shotgun guilt stuff.
So what exactly is Dario Agger's plan?
regain control of Roxxon and fuck with Thor
Make the line go up
whenever lowe leaves the spider-man office
I'd honestly be game for an Immortal Captain America or Ant-man (Hank Pym specifically)
I’m still waiting for a writer to realize that a decent power up gimmick for Thor would be reuniting him with Donald Blake “Thor complete” or some shit
>Ant-man (Hank Pym specifically)
Based and Hankpilled
I'm not on board with everything Ewing does, but I was most definitely on board with the '22 Ant-Man mini and Avengers Inc. Damn shame the latter was cancelled so early.
Aye Ewing does really well with villains and some heroes but isn't perfect in all his work as no writer is. Besides just giving respect to Pym, his mental struggles and just bringing something new but also a good respect to his character history I'd love to see Hank have a great one on one with Ultron to settle things at last, maybe face Marvel's giant monsters that go neglected which would be fun for Giant man action or even face some other evil scientists like Dr Demonicus, Arnim Zola and have a nice rematch with Egghead. Has Hank Pym ever fought Psycho-man in the Microverse cause that might also be fun to see or maybe delve into Pym Particles in a new way like Ewing did for Gamma radiation.
What are the best Ewing-written characters?
Xemnu, Minotaur and I think he does a pretty great Ben Grimm and Hulk/his alters
I forget, did Skaar show up much in Immortal Hulk? Or that other kid of Banner’s?
You mean like Strac did in his run?
And Jurgens in his?
I recalled the imagery of dead Thor in pajamas from JMS' Thor but I didn't realize how close the dialogue was as well.
Surprisingly, Avengers Inc. of all things ended up being pretty relevant for the current, over three years old Moon Knight run.
MacKay _is_ the other continuity geek in Marvel...
Anyone knows what Gargoyle is talking about here
Skaar only showed up in the Gamma Flight mini which sorted some other plot points out like Rick Jones body issue
>Next Avengers' James
>Mayday with a different costume
What was Spencer's endgame?
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Who do you think Toranos voted for a few weeks ago?
Asgardians are monarchists

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