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College Football Playoff edition

Didn't want to open with lewd and have it in the catalog, but have some more of last night's prompt.
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One more. Then might switch it up.
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lewds and bondage and submission.
Great stuff! Love the bounce on the last one.
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I'm getting a McRib later.
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Still on my Clemness, so apologies for posting her so much
yuck, this nigger ain't Cleam
Although wings wouldn't be bad either.
I am straight up malding over how I didn't think to do this prompt back when dalle was actually good
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No worries anon, post whatever you like, I enjoy it.
First ever Annabelle's Wish AI image?
go team McRib!

you can always get wings later
you gotta get that McRib while you can
sometimes my McDonalds has them for a while, sometimes it's like... a week, and then they are gone until "next time"
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Thank you. I made a lot of her in a sunflower field, so I got plenty to post.
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last 2 are kinda weird im trying to figure out stuff with sketches
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>3 and 6
Between these and the Anna ones, you have given me the best Christmas present(s) ever. Thank you, kind anon.
Maybe she secretly likes it.
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If you enjoy it, post as much as you want!
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God, the whole "embarrassed, but also poutingly angry" thing does something fierce to me.
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>"embarrassed, but also poutingly angry"
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It is god tier.
Good lord.
I like to think she secretly loves it
Nice gen.
fix the slop machine microsoft so i stop cooming
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You're going to shrivel up and dry out before that ever happens
wew anna that butt
the she likes it but pretends she hates it look.
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Will do!

Really pretty Clem, Anon
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I like to think she secretly loves it

Also I hate Ohio State and Tennessee is my 2nd team, but this was fun to make.
Elsa or Astarion
Can you make a more cancerous crossover?
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embarrassed, but also poutingly angry fish
Thanks. I don't really prompt Clem ever so I was relying on the rentry description.
Hadley is a cutie.
>Hadley is a cutie.
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I was messing with the colors on my roof goblin prompt...
it's still supposed to be elsa tho
blame the "update" (?)
I wish this one didn't say Anna on the back, but whatever. It's game time!
thank you. really enjoying your leash/collar gens.
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You don’t mind if I ask what specific prompt you used for her?
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*thumbs up at you*
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>rentry for clem
just "clementine from telltale's the walking dead" will do it, in most cases. (though a new fun caveat of the downgrade is that it stuffs the entire THE WALKING DEAD logo on her hat instead of the D because of how nuDall-E 3 treats IP/character names inside prompts + it's obsession with signatures/writing shit on the images
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For Clem? This was what generated the mistletoe images, the sofa images are just modifications for "relaxing on a sofa" also remember these were in Designer so the prompt might be too long for Bing Image Creator:
high quality artistic painted comic book cover in the style of Frank Cho: dynamic angle of woman, detailed shading, warmly light Lady(clementine telltales the walking dead cap with"D", freckles,short messy black hair tied), snug little knit christmas dress, cinched waist, detailed yellow eyes, brown ankleboots, romantic expression standing beneath mistletoe, big oversized white scarf, mistletoe over, athletic legs, dark background, grainy, peaceful mood, background christmas tree
she's a cute elsa variant. keep making her.
Waste of wrapping paper!
it's all meant to be torn off anyway
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Really like this prompt a lot, Anon. Thank you!
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Putting it to good use already. Excellent.
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Making some comfy Clems with her D Santa hat
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Very cute.
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you can't walk a fish
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the future is now.
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A delicious brown christmas is also fine
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Top stuff. Haven't seen imagefx tits that nice before. A crumb of prompt?
I want to contribute, but all I've been genning is Merida/Rapunzel Christmas stuff. So here's an old one.
Needs more work. This was supposed to be based on an Aunt Cass LoRA.
>I like to think she secretly loves it
I'm starting to think the same thing about Tennessee. Although they just scored.
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These side profiles are rare... interesting.
>hand drawn manga art, snowfall, three beautiful dark skinned women, Pocahontas, Clementine from telltale's, and Moana, all wearing identical short formfitting red christmas offshoulder tubedress with white fluffy trim, red gloves, Pocahontas (long straight hair, native, turquoise necklace), & Clementine (dark skin, amber eyes, clementine's blue & white "D" baseball cap, short tied black hair), & Moana (red gloves, polynesian, red tubedress, bare arms ), blushy faces, excited expression, indoors at the mall, all modeling in front of santa claus's throne, giant christmas tree behind
doesn't have any real boob words in there besides "beautiful" which always seems like a safe way to increase the sizes. Biggest boobs i've gotten have been from putting "gigantic breasts" in special font and I think describing clothing as being "gigantic pushup". It's also having a hard time with not spawning in fourth girls with this for whatever reason, and generally acting schizo where there were no issues with raps/anna/elsa/merida quartet
One without the BDSM aspect. Just like it. I have to imagine I'm almost out of prompts, so I'm going to hold off until after the next half plays out before I prompt anything else.

I lazily ordered McDonalds, McRib on the way.
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hey wait i almost missed this thread wait up guys
Is Bimbo Mom competing with her daughter for men?
Yes. The contest is to see if Bimbo Mom can give daughter a younger sibling first, or if daughter can make Bimbo Mom a Bimbo Grandma first.
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usually the AI gets the front of the hair matching enough to tell it's elsa, but not always anymore
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Been reading sea serpent sightings
Elsa's got some work to do
well create art with her she's beautiful.
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I'm not sure it's safe to put your child in the fireplace.
How did Tennessee do?
I can try!
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Very nice
>How did Tennessee do?
Absolutely crushed. Oh well!
Cute! Posting an xmas Merida from last year.
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That's a good one! I like the art style for it, feels cozy.
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I'll buy some buns!
>Absolutely crushed
Of course. It's the TN way.

So, apparently MS are considering rolling PR16 back.

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Thanks, I don't think I really knew what I was doing a lot back then.
I found a Christmas fish from last year.
Dall-E 3 PR16 is what Microsoft said the updated model was that they rolled out recently. Where we all noticed the gen quality tanking.
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Sleepy hours
Aww, you guys are the best.

*thumbs up back at you*
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Jesus, this hurts to look at.

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