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barely anyone on /co/ reads comic books and its sad. I cant find a single good place online to discuss comics.
>what about real life
i find even less people reading comics in my area than on here. its a real shame
Nobody likes comic books, like literally no one in existence.
This isn’t true at all but if you believe it then just leave or kill yourself and spare us your faggotry.
I know "much reddit" but then again reddit discussions are no better than Twitter or 4chan discussions. Shit if I made a discussion on here about Snotgirl I'll get some responses but it will get archived
The last time I actually read a comic was years ago after I watched Venom and picked up a random run of Venom and found out that Eddie/Venom were nothing like the movie
Last comic I read was a tradeback of Gun Honey. I think the problem is comics are so niche these days, plus 4chan is not as active in general, that any discussion just dies on the vine.
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Barely anyone reads comics, in general. Not just here.

Comics have been in a really weird spot since 2019 or so. Hyper focusing on drama and people while barely any actual superheroing even appears. A villain will appear in one page and be defeated off panel just to reminds readers that they do occasionally fight bad guys. But who the fuck wants that? Who wants Spider-Man to be nothing but wall to wall relationship drama and sometimes every other issue we might get a page or so of Boomerang or Scorpion. Then back to the 18 pages of relationship drama.

Same shit with Fantastic Four and X-Men. They don't punch bad people any more. Or it's incredibly rare.
I actively shit up comic book threads
Just about everything I read was cancelled. The few things left turned into things I don't care about or are just fucking awful to read. I used to read JSA, but that stopped existing in 2011, and only just now kinda sorta exists. I read Guardians of the Galaxy but damn...now I don't. I read Thor but that has been a mess for a while. Hawkman run was fun, the latest Hawkgirl book turned her into a sidekickk in her own book to a tumblr OC. Fantastic Four turned into Thing raising two kids and has more of a monster of the week mystery story. It's okayish.

I usually keep up with Green Lantern, I kept it up throughout Morrison's run and Thorne's run. But this current book is such a slow fucking slog. Just invented all new continuity out of fucking nowhere, ignored all of the last two runs completely and had Hal on Earth and lanterns are probably dead. We don't know and didn't know since it was nothing but Hal fucking around on Earth and no explanations for slightly over a year. 13 months of Hal fucking around, no idea what he is doing or going, no idea if Kilowog is dead, no idea why he is not a GL any longer... Now a 3 month hiatus while we focus on Death Metal. Now drop the ongoing story so we can shift shit over to Absolute Power. Now back to Hal he is FINALLY in space doing space shit. It has been 2 fucking years since this book began. It took 2 years before Hal goes to space and starts fighting bad guys.

Alan gets a book, it's gay relationship drama and apparently fucking the villain.
Dude why would anyone read comics? They keep making em but they're all just reheats of shit that happened in the 90s and nothing ever happens in them because of the 100 year status quo, and id have to order them online or go into the city just to get my hands on the things. New and original stuff is available on the internet for free
maybe they should make better comic books, then.
well that would make sense if you're a zoomer. zoomers don't read, they just watch social media
>Comics have been in a really weird spot since 2019 or so
Anon youre about a decade late with that date.
>But this current book is such a slow fucking slog. Just invented all new continuity out of fucking nowhere
Thorne’s did exactly what you just said, ignored almost everything before it and was ten times worse. But yes both of the GL titles after it were terrible I do agree. Thorne’s is just inarguably the worst in decades.
Do you mean comic books, or do you mean capeshit? Because I have my doubts that you came here to discuss some indie comics you ran across or some short story run or some of the smaller print comics. I have a feeling you just want to talk capeshit.
I'd say communities on twitter, reddit, or CBR. I've never used the last two.
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People nowadays are lonelier than ever because they are all anxious, divided and tired. They are tired because they work hard for less pay without adequate housing or careers. They are divided because the media prefers quick ragebait to actual journalism. They are anxious because the problems mount up and they feel they can't do anything to fix them. Modern culture has become a temporary relief to this: streaming shows, video games, porn, etc. It gives people brief respite and is easy to consume. But you can't connect well with others on this stuff. People really do try sometimes, like people in the office will talk and speculate about some new documentary, true crime show or drama Netflix put out, but their conversations are boring and repetitive regurgitating whatever interesting tidbit they read somewhere else to appear smart. Part of the reason why the MCU was big was the gimmick of team ups and after credit scenes bred speculation which allowed discussion. Endgame weirdly was a cultural moment for people. And that's all people want, connection. To whoop and cheer together. People need an excuse for it.This isn't just a comics problem, but a societal problem, with people unable to connect or discuss things. Everything is generalisations; look at culture wars podcasts. No journalism just broad speculation about motives constantly over and over again. So people don't bother to read and because they don't bother to read they NEVER talk in specifics. And without specifics we can have no true discussion. We just get people half remembering things or making things up to win an argument or chinese whisper opinions or the tidbit facts to appear clever or constant anger complaining about things they probably didn't even read or bother with, over and over again, ad infititum. The only solution is to actually have hobbies. Read more comics. Make a thread about specifics. Rather than the same general generic stuff that people will give the same boring hot takes about.
We need a board split. /co/ for comics and then move cartoons to /ca/ or whatever they want to call it. That single-handedly would solve that problem.
I just finished Don McGregor's original Black Panther run today
Panther's Rage is the best comic story I've read in a long time, but then Panther vs the Klan felt underbaked and then obviously cut short before it could actually end. Still, Rage was so fucking good that it singlehandedly restored my interest in the medium. And it's 50 years old.
What's the story about, anon?
...you don't read comics

fuck off
we used to have those exact same cultural moments with the big action popcorn flick every June and the big budget whimsical magic family movie every November. They had a pretty good formula from the late 80s to mid 00s with that.
It's true. I can't even read.
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It doesn't help when everyone making entertainment media also love to ragebait. They put something divisive in their movie/show/game and then rage bait some more on twitter to see if they can piss off some fans for whatever reason I never fully understood. Just entertainment in general is almost entirely wall to wall ragebait
>love to ragebait
Those bastards! That's what we do!
The difference is that there is so much stuff and so many different directions to be pulled in that people often completely miss each other. Even friends have less and less shared interests, just as in the culture wars people have less and less in common and less and less shared values. Something connecting people feels far rarer these days.

>They put something divisive in their movie/show/game and then rage bait some more on twitter to see if they can piss off some fans for whatever reason I never fully understood.
I think the general assumption is it is always intentional but a lot of the time it isn't. Us human beings are petty and we talk a big game but people can't take criticism well in general and lash out. If you worked a job and people shit on you could you take it? Heck arguments start on /co/ often out of simple pettiness.

The creative ecosystem has been ruined from the top down by poor business decisions constantly copying others with no real clue on why things were popular. The attitude of adaptation hasn't changed much over the years to be honest, fans are treated as disposable. As the saying goes, don't attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. That isn't to say there isn't intentional attempts to rebrand or anger people, but a lot of it is ignorance.
And you clearly just want to be a faggot troll and shitpost faggotry.
stop being a disingenuous faggot
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I've been saying this for years. It's hard to get any traction for comics at all when cartoon fags make 9 threads for every stupid thought that enters their heads for every 1 stupid comic thought that enters our heads. There is absolutely no restraint or filter.
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Dont worry kid Marvel Rivals and Superman 8 will bring in hordes of newfags to replace the oldfags who are dying of old age
Well to be fair, everyone was a newfag once.
Most of the people who shit up comics threads are not cartoon people. It is people who don't read comics or culture warriors just derailing everything and anything. Splitting the board wouldn't magically fix that.
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>Marvel Rivals
Sue Storm's Malice ass saving comics.
Rivals fags are already pissing me the fuck off.
That's not the problem necessarily, the problem is the speed at which threads die, slow boards allow for conversations to last beyond a few days. Not everyone is online 24/7 monitoring /co/ for the comic they like.
It's a fun game and I like the designs.
Coomers can be umpleasant but (this is only anecdotal) I know many cartoonists who started as teen coomers (imagine having the skill to make your own fap material) but eventually grew out of it and now make real comics with competent art and story.
It's just someone from /v/ coming here and making bait threads. Just ignore them.
I don't think /co/ is that fast or slow of a board. The problem isn't threads dying, the problem is actual discussion only lasts for a few posts because most people don't read comics or care to dicuss them. Threads like this complaining about the status quo or bait threads like east vs west tend to last longer. People are just addicted to the same comments/conversations. I have seen the same Alan Moore bait threads get spammed for years. And any attempts in those threads to discuss things doesn't matter. It is all a thin slither of bait and perceptions.

Like the root problem is still lack of meaty discussion. We have far too many people who come to /co/ out of habit who just want to repeat over and over again how they stopped reading comics. Like fair enough, that is your opinion, everything is shit, but that doesn't make for good conversation..
what a beautiful speech!
I used to read them. I used to buy new books every week. Then I just burnt out. Been almost a decade since I moved and gave up my weekly pulls. Gave up on new DC and Marvel a bit before that even. I occasionally pick up some back issues and trades, but I have just been collecting and not really reading them. I should at least read the "digital copies" I found online of many of the series I am trying to collect in physical form. Well, some of them are old series I had gotten into later, like "Tec or various Spider-man runs.
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I feel you OP. I'm trying to get my brother to read some comics. I let him read the first issue of Hyde Street and he really loved it. I think I'm going to buy him the first trade when it comes out.
Jeff Lemire is writing JSA now. Just started.
I got into comics AFTER I stopped listening to /co/ bitching about them
I would like this as well.
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I'm finishing up Extremity by Daniel Warren Johnson and beginning Lone Sloane. This shit is incredible.
We do. But a new /co/ that is actually about comics. And not a bunch of /a/ fags constantly whining about manga vs comics. And no /tv/ shit. I don't give a fuck what movie or tv show is coming out. Threads about casting drama or adaption shit are no comics. They may be related but it's just shitting up the board. Take that shit to /tv/ where it belongs. These boards were set up a long time ago long before MCU and Netflix shows became the predominant media. Shitposting about old episodes of Fantastic Four or Iron Man cartoons from the 90s would be fine. But Spider-Verse delay meltdowns and current day political horseshit is not welcome. This board should actually read and discuss comic books. Not 'prestige' dramas or shit like Echo or the Eternals or Disney's financial projections.
Nailed it. I want to go back to the era of /co/ is love. Not all this whining about casting decisions and racewashing characters in a adaptions that don't fucking matter and aren't comics anyway. Just let us connect with each other and discuss the actual source material and what made it so strongly resonant in the first place. There are decades worth of comics to discuss and share and study. I don't see why this board is so obsessed with the same 5 types of fucking thread. This incestuous downward spiral is killing this board and this site in general and driving away the few decent posters we had.
>I don't think /co/ is that fast or slow of a board.
No, we're pretty quick here. We're not /a/ or /v/ tier fast but threads will burn out quickly. Even a story time will die in an hour if it doesn't get constant bumps.
I haven't read that, but I am really liking The Moon is Following Us.
That’s fair, I think the problem is also a lot of people don’t post/storytime comics even when invited to do so. I *want* to know more about Squirrel Girl and I *want* to read some stories about her, and sure I can go onto Readcomicsonline but there’s something about reading along with other people that’s more fun. Just want to give a shout to the complete dedicated hero who’s storytiming those British digest comics because no-one seems to discuss them but he goes on regardless.
>Most of the people who shit up comics threads are not cartoon people.
True, they're coomers, waifufags, footfags and ragebaiters. If they're not shills of course.
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>Coomers can be umpleasant but (this is only anecdotal) I know many cartoonists who started as teen coomers (imagine having the skill to make your own fap material) but eventually grew out of it and now make real comics with competent art and story.

Sadly that era is dead. Coomers will never funnel that passion into learning how to draw. They'll take the braindead option to shit up the planet by hitting the AI generate button until they get a decent looking result. Their soulless dedication to any design replacing any affection they may have had for a character as they reduce them down to a collection of design tropes and coomerbait trends. Just look at >>147090951 This rivals bullshit. Malice never had her fucking feet out. They're doing that to cater to footfags and it's working. They're already genning tons of Sue art with AI tools and it's all soulless slop. You'll never have the good side of coomers any more. Just more monkeys slapping the dopamine button and shitting up the board and the planet. The only solution is to dissuade their shit or get fucking rid of the,
Anyone actually follow any ongoing comic series? Looking at what's coming out and I'm not really interested although >>147091180 looks cool.
I enjoyed the first issue of Absolute Batman myself and hear it’s decent, also been reading Spider-Boy because all other Spidey stuff right now is jank.
>Anyone actually follow any ongoing comic series?

A few. The new Conan comic from Titan is good. I'm reading the new Cass Cain Batgirl. Ultimate X-men has been interesting. I liked the new Aquaman so I'll be getting that. And I do occasionally grab the current F4 book.
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I used to storytime a variety of shit and try to promote discussion and I just gave up. Could barely get a few anons to follow along.

> I want to go back to the era of /co/ is love.
/co/ used to make recommended images. /co/ used to have little projects we made together. The /co/ recommended tumblr with a bunch of stuff hasn't been updated since 2014! It isn't just that /co/ was love, it was that anons put a bit of effort in. And the time of anons putting effort in is long passed. It is just culture wars complaining. That is all people have left, the same comments about how everything is ruined and how their feelings are valid and they shouldn't move on.In some ways it is the same everywhere considering the shit people watch on Youtube involves the same petty dramas and complaining.
I think you’re conflating consoomers with artists there, sure there’s overlap but you’re still getting lots of decent young artists out there. Coomers just give them a income option.
>also been reading Spider-Boy because all other Spidey stuff right now is jank.
Have you tried Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man run?
Tried a few of the new Image books, some of those DSTRLY books, some of the Ultimate Marvel books and Absolute DC ones.
Now you mention it, I haven’t seen Judge Anon in a while.
No, my problem is I have so much shit going on IRL that I can barely get around to the LCS, and I’ve never been a fan of digital. So I mostly read comics on /co/ when I see them posted.
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I remember we used to post a lot about comics during the Avengers Academy days and Green Lantern really got attention in the skittle era. I think that might have been the biggest time comic stuff actually made memes that crossed over into the other mediums.
All of DC's Absolute stuff is good, and I'm reading a lot of their main line too. Superman, Green Lantern. I'm not a big fan of the main Batman book, but I like Batman & Robin and Detective Comics. And soon Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee are returning to Batman to do Hush 2. JSA, JLU, DC's got some really good stuff right now. Not reading as much Marvel but I really love Fantastic Four and Ultimate Spider-Man.

I would also say pretty much everything from Ghost Machine is pretty excellent so far. DWJ's The Moon is Following Us is great and reminds me of Labyrinth. I'm also reading Jeff Lemire's Minor Arcana series that's coming out from Boom right now. First issue didn't grab me but it's gotten good in subsequent issues. There's a lot of good books out now.

I agree with all of these.
>No, my problem is I have so much shit going on IRL that I can barely get around to the LCS, and I’ve never been a fan of digital.
I get them through the mail. There's sites where you can get them a lot cheaper if you pre-order them.
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Yeah that is another thing, we actually made memes and jokes too.. but we needed to actually read the comics to make memes about them!
Yes I might do that. I suppose I can also try the win o thread…
>/co/ used to make recommended images
We did something last year for comics for cartoon fans and some other Anon came by and helped renovate the whole thing to actually look good
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I've noticed a lot of people online take a lot of stuff from comics either out of context or make bigger deals out of things than they are. Like the whole Absolute Superman "message" people are pushing. I mean it's kind of there. It's not subtle. But it's not THAT bad. I'd still label it the weakest of the three but if this was 10 years about people would be calling Superman's mom a Milf instead of whining she's a girl boss.
You know what we should do? One of those threads where everyone takes a square from a cover and mess it up in photoshop, like those old /v/ threads with game covers.
Last year there was a thread making an erotic comics recommended image. But the point I am making is, it is few and far between. It is not done on the same consistent level.
I use DCBS, but there's other sites out there too. Only thing I don't like about DCBS is that you're ordering two months ahead, so right now if you put an order together for January, you're ordering books that come out in March, and if you decide to stop buying a title, you'll have already ordered the next issue. But you save so much money buying from there that it more than makes up for an extra issue or two arriving that you've decided you don't really want. DC and Image books are 40% off. Other companies the discount is a little less, but it's still 30-35% off.
>I used to storytime a variety of shit and try to promote discussion and I just gave up. Could barely get a few anons to follow along.
In the same boat
I grew to dislike storytiming myself because of how tedious and unimpactful it was but I ended up doing a few more last year to varying results of traction
I've used places like Midtown and TFAW in the past. I just don't much like paying shipping though I guess it's still cheaper than getting an uber to get my ass over there. But honestly I miss the whole comic shop thing as a kid.
The damn near minute cool down between posts is kind of a bitch. I get why we have it but I'm still not about to get a pass. Anyways I did a story time recently of the Tag and Bink Star Wars comics
and I got a few people reading so I was happy to share but the thread barely lasted the night. I did it mostly for myself so it's not like I expected to be flooded with readers for a 20 year old book, especially out of the blue. But it would have been nice to see older story times take off more. Unless it's some big annual mega event or new issue it rarely seems to track.
DCBS charges a flat rate for shipping. Regardless of how many books you buy, it's $10 for one monthly shipment, $20 if you want twice weekly shipping, and $30 for a shipment every week of the month. I find I can still save a lot of money, and frankly I'd be willing to pay just to not have to drive half an hour to get to the nearest comic shop.

I do understand the whole comic shop experience is meaningful, but comics are so expensive these days it's kind of hard for me to justify paying full price for most of them. Also the guy at my local shop kept messing up my pull list and it got really irritating trying to just get the books I wanted. Getting them shipped to my house has made it a lot more enjoyable for me.
I am currently reading
Transformers (Pretty good)
Johnny Quest (ok)
ThunderCats (Losing interesting)
Space Ghost (Highly Recommend)
Sonic IDW (lol)
Saturday Morning TMNT (Pretty Fun)
TMNT (not great)
Ultimate X-men (pretty ok)
Ultimate Spider-man (I was one of those people that said let Peter grow up and have a family so, I feel I need to follow for a bit.)
Power Rangers Prime (meh)
And any Usagi Yojimbo Book that comes out. Right now they are reprinting Space Usagi in color and it is pretty great.
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>I've noticed a lot of people online take a lot of stuff from comics either out of context or make bigger deals out of things than they are.
Basically every America Chavez cringe or other Young Avenger stupid moments was spammed on /co/ for almost a decade after. Literally years of people posting the same few out of context panels deciding everything is woke. (I find the problem is more blandness than wokeness.) Take a few panels and spam it and that becomes the narrative.

Comics has a HUGE social media problem. These people call themselves comics "fans" but they don't read comics. They watch a Youtube plot synopsis or post random stuff or get into arguments. More people talk about comics on social media than READ COMICS! And these people might be either side in the culture wars, they still ultimately are just fake fans who offer no actual detail in any discussion.
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>And any Usagi Yojimbo Book that comes out
There's a new one coming out in March. Just in time for the mega thread.
In my personal experience, my best success came with comics that I felt could resonate with the active majority of the board (i.e. cartoon fans) in terms of writing and artstyle
The kind I'd ask myself "Would old /co/ love this?"
I do think comic publishers should tell creators not to be embarrassing on social media. I think it would be better for DC if Mark Waid didn't have regular meltdowns on social media about how he doesn't believe in the goodness of his fellow Americans anymore.
Oh nice. I started buying regularly once they went to Dark Horse but just finished getting all the IDW story, so I am hyped to see it keep going.
I was more talking about comics discussion on social media from people in general.

Professionals on social media are a whole other dumpster fire of problems.
I recently obtained the collection of the original stuff published by Fantagraphics. I'm excited to dive in.
It's hard to tell what might catch on. Mostly I just share what I like and hope others will grow to like it too.

Usagi is one of those series I'll always support because I think the creator deserves it. So even if I "read it" online I'll just buy the amazon version. NOW REPRINT SAGA 9!!
I miss Ed Piskor. Cartoonist Kayfabe wasn't a deep channel but they would shoot the shit and look at a variety of stuff. Even them just going through a Wizard magazine and talking about the books that were out back then in the 90s was fun. They caught that spirit of just talking about comics. And then you had interviews like dissecting the final issue of Watchmen with Dave Gibbons etc.
Both the left and right came hard for Ed Piskor. Any crumb of success breeds contempt from your peers. Regardless of your opinion of what Ed was accused of, it really shows you how fucking spiteful people in comics are. All because they wanted a channel talking about comics and not taking sides in culture war.
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Nice. I've been collecting the Saga editions (except number 9 razzing frazzing sassing frazzing out of print...) and it's easily one of my favorite series to go back into along side stuff like Bone.
>Coomers just give them a income option.
Coomers aren't commissioning anymore they're AI-ing en masse. There may still be some commissioners but by and large the introduction of 'free' art by slamming prompt into generators has caused the number of commissions to drop across the board. And likely will only fall further as the tech improves and coomers who need their fix can just ask an engine to shit out pictures all day.
Yeah I get you but the stuff I wanted to share was really niche and I figured (after some hesitation) that storytiming them would at least help with potential discussion beyond superheroes or licenses
I'm not deluded to think it'd reach Eltingville or even Street Angel levels of traction to create a cult following on /co/ but I felt I had to try and at the very least, I'm glad it wasn't a ghost town
The industry is really insular and it feels like a lot of people are on edge.
Social media and current society rewards engagement and bait over conversations.
Solid list anon, some nice picks. Rec current Fantastic Four (2023)
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>All this Usagi love

Glad our little Rabbit Ronin is still picking up fans after all these years.
This is ultimately it. Even if you just want to shoot the shit with your friends about comics, people will hate you for it because they demand you take their side
Do we really need another thread for "Bendis sucks", "What did Moore mean by this?", "American comics should be more pornographic like Euroshit", "Wokeshit/Anti-Wokeshit is ruining comics", "fandoms are toxic and fanboys are shrimp-dick chuddies", and any number of claims made by such slime that should be incinerated?

All the anons talking about balkanizing /co/ are AIDS-riddled faggots that will complain about everything, including the consequences of their own actions. Their solution will not work, and they

>t. filthy mangina that consumes rancid Feminist roast beef
You should have your whole body diced with a chainsaw, faggot.
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Yeah. Every year it seems like the general picks up at least a few new fans. Fans who, I might add, actually turn around and support the book.
I found the first volume of the Fantagraphics series but have not been able to find anything sense. I am trying to buy local for most my books just to support the shops I like. I hit up some cons but it is hit and miss on what I find. Probably would be better to just order online but it has been fun keeping an eye out again for stuff.
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Whenever we actually try and talk comics someone comes in complaining about a creator and how they are shit. Going off of what anons say you'd think they hate everyone. Everything is shit to them. What is a "good" comic? If you say, it won awards, someone will point out shit comics with awards. Say it sells, someone will point out shit comics that sell. There is no metric to satisfy said people, they decided everything is shit, so everything is shit.

Saying you like something is often the equivalent of circling the wagons and preparing for an attack, because all you'll get is hate. (The opposite extreme is when something is genuinely liked and all people do is praise it without quantifying why they enjoy it or discussing it further.)
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>Fans who, I might add, actually turn around and support the book.
Just got my copy of the latest tpb, and the signed version too.
I read them, I just don't pay for them
We definitely need a split, but you bunch also don't try very hard when you're around. Consider all of the comic threads you let die while entertaining this thread. You need to learn to ignore bait, contribute to good threads, and makes some of your own.
>Another thread of misinformation as if /co/ anons don't host read-a-longs or win-o threads.
I see way too damn many company wars assholes trolling any comic thread. Can't talk about Batman without someone screeching about Doom or Venom. Can't talk about Spider-Man without someone screeching about Superman or Flash. Or Rogues, someone always shows up to mention how the Rogues would definitely kill Spider-Man no problem and attack people for no reason. It's fucking strange.

I do not understand this weird mindset of
>You MUST pick only one company
>You MUST only read books from that one company
>You MUST fight and attack anyone else who picked the other company whenever you see them talk!
>Watch Iron Man movie
>Like Iron Man, and read his books
>Manipulate to even his own staff, dates multiple women at once, beats up people because he thinks they pirated his technology, but includes fellow superheroes on his hit list without explaining himself and straight up kills a guy, and fakes his death to get out of consequences of his actions. But he had a nightmare afterwards so it is okay.
It is a mystery why.
No misinformation, the average thread has gotten worse over time, anon. There are occasional respites but it is the odd thread every so often on the whole board.

Rather than moaning about anons moaning, link some good threads?
It goes both ways, anon. Why can't you take the time to find, or even make, good threads instead of bemoaning not seeing the type of threads you would prefer?
It's way to easy to get distracted by shitposting in general. No matter how obvious bait is, no matter even if they know it's bait someone will fan the flame.
I used to regularly do storylines and make the threads you're describing though, anon. And honestly it has gotten more difficult over time. I'm not bemoaning or bitching for the sake of self pity. I'm more briefly lamenting on the difficulty of it, that's all. One man can try all he wants to make a discussion, but a discussion it will not be unless he has a partner willing to do it in good faith. And bait and trolling and everything else is just easier for people. It's easy to just say "try" but when you're talking to someone constantly trying and getting little back it doesn't hit as hard.

Like I said, just lamenting a bit. Don't read too much into it. It is what it is.
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I've been a Nancy fag for the longest time, reading those strips are honestly addicting and I wish I could feel that way about other comics. Bill griffith has a great book called three rocks about how Nancy was made by Bushmiller and the genius behind it, so I recommend anyone interested to check it out. The only cape comics I've read are the og ditko/lee spider-man run (it was ok for me personally), old man logan (hated it) and Marvels adventures spider-man, which I thought was great. There's some french and LA stuff I've read, but not as much as I want
>These people call themselves comics "fans" but they don't read comics. They watch a Youtube plot synopsis or post random stuff or get into arguments.
I get these faggots asking me questions all the time and I just tell them to actually read a comic. It has never been easier to do so
I always liked how instead of commas, Ernie preferred a few dashed lines when writing in dailouge, it honestly makes everything nicer to read, even if it's small
>Hyper focusing on drama and people while barely any actual superheroing even appears.
This is why I hate modern marvel and DC. I go and open up a comic and like 4/5 of the pages I thumb through are a bunch of characters standing around with a big of speech bubbles everywhere. This would be tolerable of the artwork and color didnt look so boring and static. Like every page looks the fucking same. Even worse for comics where they want to add a cinematic "tint" and everything is grey or sepia tone.
I hate crossovers and events because it just amounts to several issues of characters standing around in costume pontificating on what it means to be a superhero
What do you guys actually hate about cartoonfags?
I like Spider-Man. So if you do a Spider-Man thread (specially a positive one), then I'll probably be there.
There was a fly day thread last week where a bunch of anons drew together, it’s was pretty fun
That many of the cartoons discussed here are awful, and it's mostly waifufaggotry. The same things can be said about comicsfags, but cartoon ones are worse
Best channel ever
What annoys me is watching these fags ask for reccomendations to spend on expensive omnibuses that they leave in the package and put on their shelves.
It wasn't so bad before decompression became the norm. Back in the past if there was a sudden crossover it was done in one maybe two issues and you were back to business.
Why is it a shame? Comics are 98-99%+ capeshit trash. The fact that the superhero/capeshit genre has completely subsumed Western comic books is what led to the dominance of manga. To make matters worse, comics these days are primarily driven by a most insidious ideology, turning comics from a fun pastime into an agitprop tool. Thus making capeshit even more repugnant.

In the same way that Western animated films are exclusively children's movies, a whole artform thrown away to be one thing and one thing only - shitty films for toddlers and school agers - comics, which had so much potential as a medium, were wasted away on capeshit.

The West is oddly fond of wasting entire mediums and never allowing them to see their potential.
YouTube has far too many collectors/hauls rather than discussion.
>Comics are 98-99%+ capeshit trash
There really is more and the attitude that it's only capeshit just makes that an entrenched perception you can never break out from. It's like saying "all modern culture is bad" will really colour your opinion and mean you don't really try anything different. I think half the trouble with comics isn't that there is no good comics. It's that even if there were great comics, people would completely ignore them to just focus on bitching and moaning about wokeness.
This is 100% true.
It's shite being comics!
We're the lowest of the low!
The scum of the fucking Earth!
The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic medium, that was shat into civilization!
Some people hate capeshit, I don't! It's just for wankers!
We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers!
Can't even find a decent genre to be colonized by!
We're ruled by effete assholes!
It's a shite state of affairs to be in Anon, and all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!
That's on you for not looking for more comics. It's about an accurate statement as if I said all Euro comics are ducks or kids whistling at french maids.
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On the other hand the Manga...
For me I get the feeling they want me to approve of their casual opinions which usually boils down to midwit shit like who wins in a fight or not understanding that comic characters aren't real people and being confused at how different each story can be
Like I'd be all to happy to tell someone to grab an Epic Collection or now a DC Finest on a whim because they're cheap and smaller but if you blow a lot on an omnii and end up hating it (if you even read it) you're basically fucked. I know not everyone is going to know how or WANT to pirate so it's easy to say BUY this. But not the most expensive thing ever.

There was a Grant Morrison thread the other day that basically said the same shit. People get hung up on details that don't matter. "How old is this character. Would they do this or that" and generally just getting stuck on the most mundane details. Someone could tell you Superman's favorite donut and it doesn't goddamn matter.
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>People say kids can't understand the difference between fact and fiction, but that's bullshit. Kids understand that real crabs don't sing like the ones in The Little Mermaid. But you give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like 'How does Superman fly? How do those eyebeams work? Who pumps the Batmobile’s tires? It's a fucking made-up story, you idiot! Nobody pumps the tires!
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Man I would love to discuss Ben Katchor at some point. I don't really like cape comics apart from Animal Man and Miracleman but I would love to discuss graphic art and comic culture in general.
I don't even have anyone to discuss Sunday by Schrauwen or the new Charles Burns release and they were meant to be major.
>Makes a claim that shows how they don’t read comics
Anon. The internet is dead and if you are foolish or wirse ignorant enough to use Google to search for sites on the net to talk to people then....I feel sorry for you.

Go to live events where people tall about comics and find websites from them. The major search engines are designed to prevent you from interacting with people outside of a few controlled places and online stores.
>I don't see why this board is so obsessed with the same 5 types of fucking thread

Because the constant racism and culture wars have driven off majority of the people who actually came to discuss things. Most people left just want to whine about their increasingly stupid and vain pet peeves and want the board to be their safe space echo chamber how everything sucks and aren’t I smart for saying that in the most generic and deranged comments possible.
This hasn’t been true for awhile now. Ten years ago a thread could be gone in just few hours. Now posting is so slow a thread can last day or two despite having only like 40-50 posts.
Expecting everything to be fed to you is part of the culture problem.
You do realise how much people online harass creators these days, right?
Have you found the collected Bushmiller Nancy published anywhere? I can only find some partial collections at most. Another good book is How to Read Nancy.
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Not enough, clearly.
People like you are just intellectually dishonest and lazy.
All-New All-Different Marvel and Rebirth DC basically made me realize that nothing truly matters and that I shouldnt invest money into the hobby. Only thing from either Marvel and DC that I am currently reading is Ultimate Marvel (with exception to Ultimate Black Panther).
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I love comics lads. Yeah, there's plenty of shit to wade through but when you find one you REALLY like, it's a great feeling.
I mentioned it some recent X-thread but I've gone from being mad about comics, to not caring about comics, to rediscovering why I liked comics and just choosing to enjoy that again. It's a good time.
I've never read any Katchor. Would Cheap Novelties be a good book to start with?
I've got the 8 main dark horse books after stumbling into the usagi threads 2 years ago. Hoping they'll reprint the 9th now
Sure, but unfortunately it IS the culture and most people in general can't be bothered to do research. In defence of spoonfeeding however, I do actually go out and read comics including ones I've seen reccomended but it's same story with random old cartoons I've watched - going on here and saying 'Hey, remember Niggawatt #69 where The Haberdasher earths him?' and 90% of people on here have never heard of him except as having a hot mother with a reasonable amount of rule 34 and the other 10% know him as 'Blackbulb' because the TV execs thought the original name was too problematic. You can't really have a discussion if people have no clue what you're on about except for one other guy who says 'it alright', might as well go onto the 'we argue about a cartoon that doesn't exist' threads.
Based Trainspotting poster
desu at this point, even being a heroin addict is probably a more productive and respectable hobby than being a comic book fan
>than being a comic book fan
Honestly, I kind of enjoy trudging through obscure stuff and sharing that knoweldge with you guys (and my actual friends)
I read them. But I only read comics from 30+ years ago, so you probably won't find much to discuss with me.
Likewise, again this is why I like to have something to storytime otherwise I'm just pissing in the wind.
I still buy comicbooks in fleahmarkets.
It's pretty easy to find library graphic novel discussion groups that Zoom meet. There are dozens out there.
Some anon started a Vertigo thread a few weeks ago and it died before reaching 100 replies
>Would Cheap Novelties be a good book to start with?
100%, Cheap Novelties is a really good place to start otherwise just Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer. Lotsa fun. There are escalator enthusiasts and sidewalk thermometers. Truly one of the most /lit/ comic strips ever made. Not sure if you like Silver Jews but Katchor was a big influence of them.
I hope this is a copypasta, because otherwise you have overthought this to an absurd degree.
Great. I'll get that one then on my next purchase. I liked the Purple Mountains album but have yet to listen to any Silver Jews.
This board used to be mostly comics. It was GREAT. When cartoons became the majority it destroyed comics discussion. That literally is the proof that a board split would solve EVERYTHING.

You're an idiot.
I've been thinking about doing a daily storytime series for over a year, but I haven't had time. IF I ever get around to it, I'd probably post 1 issue per day, so people could just come here and spend like half an hour or less in the thread each day.
> Have you found the collected Bushmiller Nancy published anywhere? I can only find some partial collections at most
I’ve been planning to get “the best of EBs Nancy” by Brian walker, I hear it’s one of the best collections but it’s really expensive. If you mean the whole entire series published, I unfortunately don’t know
you are a giant faggot and everything in your post is false
I'd welcome that, be fun to read along with others.
>and found out that Eddie/Venom were nothing like the movie
fucking casual
>plus 4chan is not as active in general
the other entertainment boards, /v/ /tv/ and /a/ are active
Relatively speaking yes, but as a whole there has been a dip in usership.
>Because I have my doubts that you came here to discuss some indie comics
i read both indie and capeshit. try making a thread about a comic from either side, it will 404 immediately. generals are the only things that last or maybe the occasional storytime.
actual comic discussion? nice
this will never be the answer
>ghost machine
i used to storytime a lot of indie stuff both on wednesdays and randomly would do trades of stuff. my 4chan pass expired and ever since i dont feel like storytiming anymore plus im trying to spend less time on 4chan overall. people seemed to like them when i did them
>Daniel Warren Johnson
im a comicpop fan and sal swears by this fag. is he any good? what little art of his that ive seen looks cool
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Sorry for the wait, went out to get some milk.
Black Panther returns to Wakanda after years of being off with the Avengers and finds out there's a revolution occurring, led by a man named Killmonger. It's the first time anyone explored Wakanda in detail ever since Black Panther's introduction back in Fantastic Four #52. The whole story is 13 issues long, like a classic serial in comic book form, and strikes a very nice balance between that main driving plot of Killmonger and his henchmen trying to overthrow T'Challa and then making each issue a complete, satisfying story, with episodic action, peril, and giant animals each time. BP gets properly fucked up several times throughout the storyline and it's always great seeing him push through and claw his way to victory.
For me though, the absolute greatest aspect here is the one-two punch of McGregor's writing and Rich Buckler/Billy Graham's art. McGregor is famously (or infamously) verbose and while he sometimes skirts dangerously close to purple prose once in a while, he always keeps it right. He writes a lot, yes, but it's never extraneous and unnecessary. And because of how much prose McGregor wanted to get onto the page, he worked very closely with both his artists to ensure it would work in tandem with their pencils. It's hard to describe in writing, but it all flows so incredibly well despite the masses of both verbal and visual information on each page. Just take a look at the splash pages for the series.
A lot of early Silver Age Marvel would often advertise itself as "A Novel-Length Epic!" or something, even though it would really just be another regular 23-page Stan Lee & Co. joint. Panther's Rage is the earliest Marvel comic which actually earned that title.
>went out to get some milk.
>15 hours ago
did you get cigarettes too ?
It's not over thought at all. It's literally how things often are. A lot of people feel the same way.
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Wow, that’s a lot of books.
>Sorry for the wait, went out to get some milk
Western comics could learn some lessons from manga's popularity. It's shocking that comic readership is flat given how obscenely popular superhero movies have been.
So many of the most popular mangas aren't that good. Not bad mouthing manga, I read plenty, but it's true. I don't think western comics are that woke or whatever people say. Most of them are the same old shit or bland. The problem is that comics are just not cool. We can talk about industry and creative problems until the cows come home but we will never get over that issue. And manga has another set of hang ups but not as culturally entrenched as how people view comics.
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We will read comics with you, /op/!
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Comic book superheroes have moved to different media, and accept the lesser prize of septuple cash payouts. Japs do black and white comics and low-grossing cartoons because it's all they can do.
I keep asking what's the cut off point for DC and Marvel before they went to modern shit, but nobody answers me, so I refuse to get into them
I still remember the threads when we gave lantern rings to wvery board, we sent a Green Latern ring to /k/, andsmeone said how is this thing a weapon, it doesn't even have a trigger, and we all laughed. Also reminds me, I miss when we were active in the /v/ soccer games
>Japs do black and white comics and low-grossing cartoons because it's all they can do.
And I love them for that. I am not interested in la capeshit.
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I mostly read Marvel these days. Really liking the Hulk so far, little slower than what I am used to but Klein's art is great. Ultimate Spidey is great. Mackay's Moon Knight and North's FF are great. I like reading capeshit comics, but discussing them here is impossible.
its just me but i find it hard to stay on most capeshit books even if im enjoying them i end up just dropping them and never going back. im currently reading all of nu-ultimate (except for black panther which i dropped) and all of absolute DC. for some reason main universe comics often get dropped by me regardless if i like them or not
I've just realized that I generally don't have the same taste as most of /co/ when it comes to comics.
I have negative interest in most cape comics, which basically removes 80% of the board for me when it comes to comics.
Then the one cape comic I DID have some interest in (The Punisher) decided to commit suicide.
My main interest is and always has been weird indie or smaller comics, stuff like Megg, Mogg, and Owl, Rusty Brown/Building Stories, Demon, Prison Pit, some of the better webcomics before discussion of most of them got banned/the comics themselves just died (Gone With the Blastwave, Romantically Apocalyptic, Unsounded, Whomp!, etc. etc.), and random weird shit anons used to post before every online comic artists decided they wanted to make boring Instagram comics about how depressed and boring they are.
I think the last comic I actually read a storytime of here was Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees, which was actually pretty enjoyable.
99% of comics are banned on /co/, which is why you only see "questionable content" and capecuckery
Lets be real, if jannies ever did this the only active board would be /ca/
/co/ would be a paradise and /ca/ would just be transgendered child predators trying to get each other banned before they get banned, just like bluesky
They both still publish good stuff.
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I forgot to mention I'm trans btw uwu
>The problem is that comics are just not cool
Yeah, when you start with a product that's already niche and keep loosing customers (or they keep dying off) it's going to effect how much discussion you can have.
>one typo
Gees busting my balls, anon.
The problem is that back in the day comics were a mass read medium until successive wave of morale panics caused them to be labelled as simply a genre for children, with the comics code, subcommittees and Frederic Wertham. The entrenched view of comic book readers, shops etc has stuck in society as stereotypes. It's worth noting that many of the best manga and anime was being imported into the west just as the comics industry crashed in the 90s too.
>Posting a single comics page from years ago
When people complain about wokeness it's always a couple pages and panels. That was a pride comic from 2022. The problem is most comics are bland or boring, not that they are all woke.
>I am not interested in la capeshit.
probably watches shonen shit
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>but that comic was published 15 seconds ago, it doesn't count!
it will always count because nothing has changed
They do not.
You have absolute shit taste, but so do a lot of people on here. You should be able to freely discuss your favorites with like-minded anons without too much shitposting, just ignore the negativity.
>baaaawwwwwww public health measures bad, selfishness good
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did you get your 9th recommended clotshot or are you a science denier?
I don't watch battle shounen either.
You read it instead.
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On a big DC kick right now since I needed something new to replace transformers. I really like the new two-face miniseries so far and caught up on absolute Batman which has been pretty good too.

I’d like to check out the new gods series they’re doing as well as batgirl although I haven’t liked what I’ve seen from batgirl so far.
Why did you drop Transformers?
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>I still remember the threads when we gave lantern rings to wvery board
Those were good days
Just kind of lost interest I guess. Maybe taking a break is more appropriate. The art is fantastic each issue but I just feel like I’m losing interest in the story. The cast is starting to become an ensemble and it’s hard to keep track of what’s going on. Maybe I’m just an idiot but I tend to enjoy limited series more anyway.
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Yeah, the newest Hulk run. Reading every issue. Decent run.
No I get it. It seems like every time we are about to get some breathing room shit just takes off again. I was just curious since I don't hear a lot of people talk about it lately. It is definitely a comic that is better to read in burst than follow month to month.
Definitely agree. I’m also struggling to latch onto any of the characters. I’m kind of invested in megatron returning but he’s hardly in the books at all.

If they bring the dinobots into the fold at any point that will be my cue to pick it back up.
tell me what comics you read then op you faggot
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The format is annoying. I have to either pay an unreasonable amount of money for floppies or pay $90 for omnibuses for 20-40+ year old comics or pirate.

The digital storefronts are complete fucking ass. I've tried marvel unlimited and they're missing a ton of stuff and it's annoying to navigate and actually read.
I do...
Why are they so FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!!??
Because they lost most of their readers because the costs were so high so they have to raise prices in order to compensate.
More like 9/11flation. Clintonbucks was the last time we had it good
Or you could buy regular trades. Or Epics. You'd be spending 10-25 dollars for 5-20ish books.
1993/4 for Marvel (i.e., stop before Onslaught)
2003 for DC, since they still had plenty of great comics throughout the 90s.
>the average price for a comic book nowadays is $4.99
>page count is still 20 pages
>and the modern trend towards decompression means there's less story/events in those 20 pages
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Why bother making a high effort post discussing comics when you can make 10 threads about twitter screencaps or about "modern political discourse" and it all goes to bump limit and pushes any substantive threads off the board? Enjoy your slop, remember to come back tomorrow.

The Usagi Yojimbo threads are quite literally the only threads of any quality on this godforsaken website where people actually discuss a comic and make memes and have fun. If this board discussed actual independent comics more instead of twitter, video games, and movies, it might actually be worth investing my time in.
Why did they stop running ads? Not why they not have ads now, I know nobody is gonna want to pay them for their books but they were phased out before shit got bad.
I've tried almost everything mentioned in the replies to your post, and I've dropped all of them. Something is missing from new comics that was present in old comics that I can't quite put my finger on. Since people are still buying this new stuff, the situation probably won't improve.

Probably because the government started bitching about selling junk food to kids. Same thing that ultimately killed Saturday morning cartoons.
Sure but I remember a lot of ads for things like movies, video games, shoes etc. losing the candy adds is a huge blow but shouldn't be everything.
tbph I want to read comics, not talk about them, and since all good comics are banned on /co/ the only thing left to do is shit on them for being leftytroon bullshit
Go soak your head you dick whistler.
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>How to say you don't read comics in so many words.
Would this new /co/ be just for Western comics or all Non-Japanese comics? Like could it possibly include Chinese and Korean comics?
I'm still following Transformers and the EU, but DC All-In has me buying more singles than I ever have.
Two-Face has been a cool read so far, and while I don't care about the Absolute books I'm giving JLU and all the books involved/related to this arc a chance (Atom Project, Black Lightning, Question) and none have shit the bed yet.
I've never cared for Batgirl and haven't read any of the previous work this new book is referencing, but I can sense how much the writer cares and that has been keeping me engaged as much as anything else.
New Gods looks like it's trying to add something new, and I welcome it over the boring, shallow retreads we've had for a long time. In a similar vein, JSA is now free from Johns' and I'm looking forward to where it may go.
Out of all of them, my favorite is Metamorpho. Only one issue in and it was such a blast. It was like finding a new band that plays an old kind of music you love and miss, but in a fresh way.
Non-Japanese Asian animation, manhua and manhwa is all in this weird grey area. Officially /a/ have said that they don't want it but very occasionally allow it while /co/ just refuses to comment on it but then sometimes allows it and sometimes deletes it.
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Unironically the best comics are the ones based on existing Cartoon properties. Like Invader Zim.

I haven't read capeshit since the 2000s and it doesn't feel like I've missed anything.
I've often thought about maybe splitting to Anime/Cartoons (animation in general) and Comics/Manga (sequential storytelling)
You post the same few cherry picked examples out of hundreds of comics. I'm don't think modern cape comics are great, plenty are bland or more of the same stuff that has been done before, but people who complain about woke don't actually read any ongoings and only post the same few examples they saw on social media. And you know it.
It would be best if it it was all non-Asian comics, but I'd honestly welcome anything in the medium. Manga discussion would eclipse comic book discussion, though.
That’s good to hear. I should probably check out metamorpho, I like a good solo series. Team books are harder for me to get behind, maybe I’m wrong but it feels like there’s often a lot of backlog and I’m missing context most of the time.

How do you judge a good book from a bad one? I have little attachment to previous incarnations of characters so as long as something holds my interest I feel like it’s a decent read.
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Game Over
/A/ win 4ever
Every time I try to get into cape stuff my autism requires me to start at the beginning of a character, so I read like 10 issues from the 60's and lose interest

The character in the right is a walking fleshlight.

Can fit a whole dick in that mouth.
It's my first Ewing book, so to go from hearing people complain about all the weird shit he's been getting up to at Marvel to something that reads like it was written by the ghost of Stan Lee himself was a pleasant surprise.
JSA has a lot of baggage, so I can only speak as someone who knows a lot of it but was getting tired of one writer having a monopoly over it.
>How do you judge a good book from a bad one?
I don't lol. I've just been following comics long enough that I have a small list of writers I will check out regardless of what they're writing, a passable knowledge of DC characters to give writers I don't know a chance, and a tiny list of red-flag writers who I won't touch *coughTomKingcough*
Team books are generally shittier comics. It requires a writer to be good enough to provide many different voices, which almost all of them are not. That's also why event comics are so horrible.
Gotcha. What’s the deal with king? I’ve read woman of tomorrow and liked that, I once heard miracle man was good.

I don’t think I’ve ever ever liked a single event comic I‘ve read so this makes complete sense. Pretty much everything I tried starting during 2015 secret wars was tripe.
Team books are fun if you can get the right line up both on the roster and on the creative aside. A lot of Avengers books before the 2000s were comprised of characters who didn't have their own series.

Agreed on events though. The worst part is how often they sideswipe normal runs
>What’s the deal with king?
NTA, but:
>insufferable, often pretentious prose
>equally poor dialogue which frequently sounds like no conversation anyone has ever had
>insists on using swear words like an 11yo boy who just discovered what "fuck" means, which would already be annoyingly juvenile on its own except they're also all bleeped out like $#%!, so it becomes even more stupid
>very heavy on the decompression, even for a modern comic writer
>frequently attempts pathos and ends up with bathos instead
>almost complete disregard for prior characterisation which sometimes seems to border on outright ignorance; will change pre-existing characters to fit his story rather than coming up with his own characters or a story which actually suits those he wants to use
>and his stories almost all revolve around a depressed, cynical MC grappling with regrets and secrets because he is unable to (did you know that Tom King used to be in the CIA? No? Well, then that's why you get a Jenny Sparks/Captain Atom comic about 9/11 in 2024)
>the fact that, despite all of the above, he's praised as one of the defining comic talents of his generation, been given practically free reign by DC in what characters he gets to work with/ruin, and has somehow been appointed an architect of the new DC movie universe
He knows how to game the system and convince the right people that his shit doesn't stink. Another thing he does is invoke the spirit of Alan Moore by dressing up his comics to sort of look and read like Watchmen (mainly through the use of 9-panel grids, quotes, and making 12-issue long maxiseries).
>What’s the deal with king?
I read a few short things from him that I found alright, but Mister Miracle, Strange Adventures and Human Target were the 3 strikes for me. I just don't enjoy his ideas for what to do with these characters or how he writes dialogue/prose (making your characters say a fuck-word all the time isn't good writing, especially if it's going to be censored anyways). I like my superhero comics with action, humour and camp, and most of what I've read of King's work only puts that stuff in as an afterthought or to contrast his poor, censored-swear-filled dialogue, and repetitive themes of midlife-crisis depression. I've only read a little bit of Supergirl, but it was enough to know that the criticisms that it's just a rip-off of True Grit are valid, and like the above examples I would rather just re-read the original stories I liked than his cheap knockoffs.
tl;dr his comics aren't fun and this point I'm convinced he can't even read/write and uses AI to write his comics for him.
I read tons of comics. I just don't read capeshit.
Of course, I meant to mention his racoonery, too. Plus the fact he consistently works with good/great/popular artists, which seems to trick a lot of readers into thinking the writing is good too. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen redditors talk about how much they love "Tom King books" for the art alone.
King has come up with the perfect cheap shortcut to prestige insofar as prestige exists when you're working in comic books. Good for him, I guess, but sucks for anyone who actually has discerning taste.
Anime is an advertisement for manga
Comics are an advertisement for movies
If I want to pick up where the story of an anime I liked left off, I can just grab the manga. If I want to pick up where the story of a capeshit movie left off, I have to wait 3 years for the next one.
I love capeshit comics, but they're extremely niche nowadays
You all also need to download 4chanX and filter out the threads you don't like.
filters are for pussies if you want some curated experience got or reddit
See the post below yours.
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I see a lot of people praise UP IN THE SKY and I thought it was mostly alright myself but a lot of the dialogue drops you can tell he thought were WAY more clever than it ended up being. Like you can tell he REALLY wanted this to be his All Star Superman and he was really cribbing Gran Morrison's homework.
The video game boards are really the only ones that have retained the level of traffic they had in the 2010s.
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For this
>Panther's Rage is the earliest Marvel comic which actually earned that title.

The Search For Galactus is LONGER, and The Eternity Saga is up there as well.
You can't reason with /co/. Reason abd logic is something /co/ absolutely does not do. Comic books and the capeshit engine behind them could collapse as an industry and /co/ would be leading the charge in reality denialism. The "c-o" in /co/ stands for containment.
Thisss bro
What a bunch of /co/cksuckers
/A/ Über Alles
Not that that's necessarily a good thing, and traffic doesn't equal quality.
Fuck Reddit, motherfucker, doesn't hurt to have a proactive approach to a problem
>Comic books and the capeshit engine behind them could collapse as an industry
People have been saying the comic book industry would completely crash since the 90s crash. Commentators on /co/ have been saying it since this board's inception. The issue isn't that denialism is rampant, the issue is that people saying it will crash constantly come here to complain and shit up threads about an industry they hate. Like yes, one day they'll be right, a broken clock is right twice a day, but I have listened to people spend the last decade telling me the crash is round the corner only for it not to happen. The real /co/ntainment here is the /co/nstant /co/mplainers. The rest of us aren't in denial, we just want to shoot the shit about comics in relative peace for a while. For some reason just wanting to shoot the shit and chat about the shit we read is treated like a fucking crime but the culture war complainers.
It really is like you want to shitpost, talk and meme about something and every other minute someone wants to come in and remind you that everything is shit and complain, like of course you know that already but don't need someone constantly bringing it up over and over again like it is new. At one time people did have valid anger to complain about things but when you make your life just about complaining you just grow bitter and twisted no matter how you do it, even if you were originally justified. Then you act like everyone else is the problem for just wanting to talk about things.
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1. Nobody wants to buy fucking floppies. They're impossible to store and even harder to dig out and reread.
2. Every story is the same rage bait generic super hero trash. Over and over and over.
3. Nothing is ever concluded or has real change in these stories because they're designed to run forever, which is the opposite of good stories.
4. Despite the lack of progress, stuff changes just enough to make it impossible for any new reader to just jump in and read. They know spider man because the brand has been around 60 years but they're not going to have any clue about any of this retarded rage bait nonsense because how could they?
5. Hideous art, no fanservice. to make up for it
6. Atrocious writing and dialogue especially
Meanwhile anyone can go home, google some manga that sounds interesting, and start reading issue 1 on the first google link that pops up for free. Now, manga is trash too but far less trash then the abysmal american comic book industry.
Advertisement is unnecessary when social media does it on its own. I was watching compilations of ads from the 90s and some of them felt like actual short films sometimes.
/co/sucker's "artists" use a shitty realist art style.
Where is the spy x family, witch hat atelier, otoyomegatari from /co/?
sorry man, all I can give you is "black spider man gets another magic power to fight generic villain who won't be killed"
The success of manga is proof that people want to read comics; just not the comics American companies are putting out for the most part.
Hahaha yeah
/co/pe & seethe under CH/A/DS
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west/c/ucks also
>6. Atrocious writing and dialogue especially
Manga has this problem as well.
>spy x family
There's plenty of "wholesome family antics" comics like and they're all horrifically boring. Spy x Family is mostly popular because people want to fuck the characters.
>witch hat atelier
Plenty of young magician/witch comics like Books of Magic have been made and not read by anybody.
Many diverse culture comics like Habibi exist and nobody wants them.
Terrible suggestions.
That does not mean that these mangas are discussed more, more fanarts are made of them, they have a large and vibrant community and, above all, they sell more than their similar Western garbage.
/co/ is dead.
Dead. It's just an unburied corpse
I always find people that come on /co/ to go, lol manga to be weird. Many people on /co/ read manga too, it's all comics, so what? It's just console wars bait. That's all /co/ is, bait and complaint.
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>Manga has this problem as well.
I could also make a big list of manga problems, but this is a thread about comics.
You must die
There's nothing wrong with manga compared to (((western bullshit))).
Fanart from the west is cancer because it's all terribly drawn and retarded, with English as bad as yours, while eastern fanart tends to have nicer art and is more creative. So you don't want that.
You're posting on /co/, which also makes you a /co/cksucker.
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I thought Ewing's Avengers Inc series was really good, but it got canceled after only five issues.
I feel like I live on a different planet because the shop near me is very successful
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Anon, Spy X Family isn't just a wholesome family antics comic, it's also, y'know, a spy comic.
The wholesome family antics comics in the west are usually some other genre as well. There's a lot of superfamily faggotry going on right now.
/A/ won. throughout.
In community, in relevance, sales...
We live in the asian century
I don't think superfamily stuff is the same as cold war spy action with occasional flashbacks to soviet-era child soldiers and women having their brains blown out by their COs for trying to desert.
>average /co/sucker fan and user
With Marvel, they decline in quality around 1991, then fall way off after Infinity Gauntlet, then go completely to shit when Marvel NOW happens.

With DC, just stop reading when the New 52 happens.
That's because you don't read them. As you shouldn't, because they're awful.
I can't get into Ewing's comics.
I've tried Immortal Hulk, Defenders, and Ant-Man. He's missing something vital in his work, not sure what. Maybe he lacks pathos.
>1. Nobody wants to buy fucking floppies. They're impossible to store and even harder to dig out and reread.
Skill issue.
FACT: Anyone who unironically uses the phrase "capeshit" is a faggot who contributed to ruining /co/.
Fact: You are incorrect.
I didn't mean just by sheer length, but rather that it actually feels novelistic.
That would result in 2 boards that are 90% anime/manga discussions. Do you want that?
I'd rather deal with manga than with cartoons.
Is there going to be another Punisher storytime this year? I got in at the end of last year's and missed some big ones
you read hipster garbage
No, that's not hipster garbage. I've read hipster garbage, and that's not it.
Speak for yourself. I just read a comic recommended to me on here and liked it. And I've got a few more lined up to read. Some guy shilling it here gave me a new webcomic to read. And I come here for the regular thread about my favorite comic.
There’s also a problem that the only interest people here seem to have over any comic anymore is to bitch about it. And it’s always the same writer hate, weirdly specific buttburt over a tiny thing, empty buzzwords and lazy superficial “criticism”.
Cartoons are the problem and always have been.
well a lot of them aren't white, and every other anon is racist now.
so, what could it possibly be?
More non-capeshit comics need adaptations. Marvel and DC keep getting new readers from games, movies and tv shows from time to time but indie comics (anything from image to fantagraphics or drawn & quarterly) have very little going for them. Invincible was the last big hit.
>There’s also a problem that the only interest people here seem to have over any comic anymore is to bitch about it.
thats true for all entertainment these days
You didn't say anything about "quality", dumbass.
You are retarded.
/a/ would fucking riot if they were told to share space with western entertainment. You get banned from using non-/a/ images as an OP there.
>Nobody wants to buy fucking floppies. They're impossible to store and even harder to dig out and reread

They aren't hard to store - you throw them in a drawer. They become effort when you treat cheap, borderline disposable pieces as heirloom collectables - but people do that because they like to. Like Pokemon cards, the appeal is going turbotism over how you keep them.

the problem is no one understands the line between bulk and "mIgHt bE WoRtH SoMeThInG OnE DAy" and create hell for themselves.

a. people who go online to talk about the thing, are only people who aren't fulfilled by doing the thing
b. hate threads give the manga-only and hazbin fans a chance to clap along and go "la capeshit amrite"

Walking Dead, Preacher, The Boys? Not new, but it's not like these don't happen.

I would instead point at the quality of adaptations. Game flops like Avengers and ss kill the justice league lead to others going "looks like adaptations are a bad idea," which is why we get safe shit like "let's cram the super heros in an Overwatch" and comic discussion gets overrun by "which character on my streamer's battle pass has the juiciest ass."
>for several weeks make threads actually about comicbook topics, including recommendations or what people are currently reading
>15-30 replies
>Which include me bumping it myself several times

>OP makes another thread moaning about the state of /co/ that descends into the same complaints and recriminations you've heard a thousand times before
>307 replies

I am a bit salty and bitter but feel like I have a right to be, all people want to do is repeat and regurgitate the same points over and over again. Feel like giving up bothering.
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/co/ exists to stop people from reading comics
It's because so many people have moved to doing all internet stuff on their phones and reading comics on small phone screens such. I've read tons of comics through piracy, but I also use my PC like a civilized person, giving me plenty of screenspace to comfortably read and follow the pages of whatever I'm flipping through.
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I usually just lurk the internet now because it's gotten so bad but it has gotten a lot more lonely. I'm autistic, agoraphobic and chronically sick in pain and bedridden. 4chan used to be my escape. I cant even use the internet too long now because my back pain flares up among other pain. Whenever I get into a cartoon or whatever else its so niche that there is nowhere to talk about it or the online community around it is nearly dead and/or ruined by the things you've mentioned. Like I went to a ReBoot reddit and saw transgenders pride stuff and then I went to facebook and no one accepted me into the groups after 3 weeks and I am no good at making threads. Everyone seems so hostile like they're always looking for a fight not just to enjoy things together. Disengenuine faggots, irony poisoning everything, everyone parroting opinuons from fucking youtubers. Its so miserable now. Just wait till all the ipad babies get old enough to post here too.
When you look at sales figures of comic books in the tens of thousands compared to social media conversations about comics or culture wars YouTube videos about comics, you begin to understand, more people talk and complain about comics than read them. People just want to bitch and moan. It is what drives culture now.
I once made a thread about my attempts to create a continual plotline for post-COIE Batman, that has as few plot holes as possible. Had a more or less complete timeline from Year One's starting point up to the 3rd Robin. No one posted suggestions on what origin stories I should use, plotlines that should be included, or anything for that matter. One or two anons said it was pointless and the thread died.
Literally everyone complaining about a lack of Comic discussion on this board, doesn't actually engage with Comic threads when they exist. Everyone complaining about a lack of Comic discussion are the reason why there is so little Comic discussion on /co/. Because you lame-asses would rather complain about meta shit than actually talk about comics. Like most of 4chan, the complainers would rather complain endlessly that people aren't creating the type of content they wanna see, than actually put any effort into creating the content they want.
I realized I was only watching youtubers who shit on things about 10 years ago and switched to people who actually talk about things and its been so much better.
>Everyone complaining about a lack of Comic discussion

I tried but no one replies so I get discouraged.

Also you're complaining about people complaining so I doubt you're going to motivate anyone to want to make good threads either. I hope you do though.
Look up how many Chinese, Indian, children and phone users are on the internet now.
A lot of people still around who still actually buy floppies are literally boomers and Gen Xers who probably only post in Facebook groups, if at all. And some of them literally buy stuff for collections and don't care about the content.
I wish we had a retro board for everything else not just video games. Cause I only watch read and play old shit
A lot of people don't realise. A lot of people are stuck in the same spiral downward. They are honestly addicted to that feeling of complaining and anger because it's easy and cathartic. It does completely colour your perception of things and make it even more difficult to enjoy anything at all. (But then they'll just tell you everything is shit, always has been, always will be.)
That's so true. I think it's okay to make fun of bad comics sometimes. You can make time to talk about how horrible Leah Williams' Power Girl series is. But also make time to read and enjoy all the good books that are coming out. Comics are still awesome, and I do wish they were more popular. I've given my brother some trade paperbacks just to try and get him interested.
This right here. This is the reason.
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Because leftists do not make comics that are worth reading.
Better give him a Manga.
comics sucks
I do think the price is a huge problem. You can get them much cheaper if you preorder them online, but a lot of people don't even realize that's an option.
Even if there were great comics being made today, I sincerely believe no one would read them. Not every comic is like that panel. Half the trouble is they just feel like a repeat of the same shit. There is the odd good comic being produced. Now what are they? Whatever comic I say that has been alright or good you'll say is crap. And that's /co/ baby.
Guys I have a retarded question but I feel like its relevant to ask here. How do I actually make good threads? I want to stop complaining and doing nothing.
So many of the Marvel guys back in the day were left leaning liberals. And they made good comics.
I think we honestly just need a Comics General
You can't, the game is rigged. Let's say you want to talk about European comics, you could ask for recommendations? You'll get 12 responses and some out of date recommended images at most.

But if you post a thread saying European comics make American comics look like shit and troll, you'll get 50-100 responses.

>Comics general, on /co/
>Singular thread
Did you ever see shelf threads? Shelf threads were some of the last places on this board to discuss comics or see new recommendations. And even shelf threads are rare these days.
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It's honestly depressing how we should be living in a super hero renaissance with more people being aware of even obscure characters than ever and yet some how we're selling less comics than even the worst selling books of the past. Heroes Reborn was selling over 100k and this was during the COLLAPSE.
We have some books that are blockbuster hits by modern standards. Ultimate Spider-Man, Transformers, Absolute Batman. And those books are all really excellent so I'm glad they're doing well. But I do wish more people knew about them. I'd say if you have any friends who you know would enjoy one of these books, recommend them to them. Buy them the first trade for their birthday or something.
Meant for:
I would've assumed shelf threads were more about collected editions rather than talking about the floppies that come out every week. But if there's actual comic discussion there then I should check them out.
To be fair comic sales have never been huge anyway. The 90s was also the peak. I remember before Frank Miller's Batman Year One, the main Bat title was selling around what it does now. Peaks and troughs have always naturally happened.

The problem is comics just aren't cool. Movie? Video game? Animated movie? That's fine. No one cares about an obsolete medium.
I think the real downfall of comics is they're too all over the place with crossovers and multiple universes and writers. Manga continues to eat their lunch and that's because a manga series is usually written by one guy throughout its run and will have a anime adaptation and a handful of movies if it's any good. Following the story of One Piece is long but pretty straightforward. Following Batman requires tons of side stories and comics over an even greater span of time.
>want to talk about TMNT comics
>get tripfag and deletefag showing up to spam "they're great" and "I want every character to die" in equal measure (deletefag is at least able to discuss story, while the tripfag is fucking brainless
>every other tmnt thread made on /co/ is just inarticulate retard asking "what do you think about [tmnt character]" and posting the same few images once every few hours to bump the thread for days
The real problem is that /co/ fucking sucks.
Did you miss the part where I said they were rarer these days? Sure they are more about collected editions than floppies but people would post about what they were reading or picking up too. Literally the last vestiges of comics talk and even that has dried up a bit. Closest thing to a comics general.
The real challenge is finding someone who can actually engage with material on a sincere, articulate level. Culture warrior types will only talk about something if it's juicy and ripe for mockery. Shills will only talk about something if it's currently trending or new or somehow algorithmically relevant to some other big comic.
>manga series is usually written by one guy throughout its run
A lot of manga have teams working on them despite stating it is one guy.
>Following Batman requires tons of side stories and comics over an even greater span of time.
You can just pick up a series at the start of a creators run, it's really not as complicated as people make out. It's just the perception that it's complicated.

Look anon, I have been in a thousand threads and heard every single complaint and suggestion. From creative to industry to marketing. I've even seen the industry attempt a lot of stuff over the years. Literally since post the crash, they have tried various stuff, a lot of people don't think they have but they did.

And the only truth I can come up with is, comics aren't cool. In the 90s comics crashed just as the best anime/manga were being imported. Comics have an entrenched perception going all the way back to the comics code authority and Frederic Wertham declaring it as an medium for children only. Stereotypes are all like comicbookguy from the Simpsons. People have bad perceptions about weebs but not on the same entrenched cultural level as comics. So even with huge movie franchises the needle doesn't move. Any talk of politics and modern comics is just an extra turd on top of a shit cake.

To prove my point, I once went to a comics convention in France and it was a completely mixed demographic of people and the French comic market is huge. They also buy a lot of manga too, but there homegrown stuff does well. It doesn't have the same bad perceptions.
>"they're great"
People ITT talk a lot about the negativity and complainers... But the fucking truth is that the positivity is just as fucking bad.

People just say "x is good" and don't say anything more. It's just masturbatory. There is no discussion even when they like something! They don't analyse or break things down.
I must be suffering from huffing paint fumes, because I cannot parse the retarded shit you just wrote. Do you think comics would still be selling like cigarettes in Singapore if only they had more series like Sweet Tooth and Walking Dead? The medium is too expensive. No one is going to buy floppies at almost $10 a pop when they have maybe 15 pages of content to read. I don't fucking care if it's capeshit, deep philosophical looks into the human condition, or uncensored porno. No one is going to pay for it, and until the industry finds some way to adapt, they'll continue to exist purely for insufferable Californians to repurpose screenplays in the vague hope they'll eventually get a show on Amazon Prime.
I love when I find a channel run by someone who cares. There's a video game YouTuber who largely reviews indie horror games made by like one guy in his basement. Not my genre, I'd never touch these games with a 10 foot pole, but he likes them and I become interested in them when I'm watching him rave about them.
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All I know is that we're in for some kino this year
I have never seen a woman or poc talk about capeshit floppies or even stuff published by image or whatever on social media platforms. Its always a white guy who is either in his early 30's or he is a father of 3.
And it always turns into an argument about how you have some silly ulterior motive for not liking something, too. They don't want to fucking discuss anything. Most of the time, it seems like they're incapable of actually forming an opinion deeper than "I liked it" or "the art was good" so they have to resort to insisting that you must be some shitposter or troll or culture warrior.
>Deniz Camp
I hope so, but not likely.
and the children read M/A/nga
if they read something
People read less.
You’re listing personal pet peeves no actual normie gives a shit about. People just think western comics are lame and juvenile kiddie shit. That’s all it is. Yet they think shounen jump made for 12 year olds is deep and mature and super cool because blood and flashy panels.
I'm loving about half of Ultimates. It is uneven for sure though. But the Rodriguez art will carry this thing a long way for me.
The kind of wannabe hipster girl who pretends to care about comics is usually someone who borrowed their friend's copy of Scott Pilgrim and forgot to read it, or once picked up a copy of Ghost World or Persepolis at the book store once, but didn't buy it.
Average zoomer consooms manga and anime purely through tiktok, and can't actually be bothered to read several hundred chapters of whatever shounen battle series is being hailed as "peak" at the time.
>They don't analyse or break things down.

Here’s a radical idea: I just enjoy reading comics. I don’t need to write a fucking dissertation about it.
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/co/pe & seethe
Why the fuck are you here? Anon, seriously, I'm not asking for a dissertation. I'm just saying, why come on a board for discussion and don't discuss things? Everything now feels like a solitary pursuit and some of us want to talk about things. Why is that so bad or insulting to you? I like reading comics. I want to find new comics too. And discuss them. That's all.
Wating for its storytime.
I have no problem talking about comics. But it doesn’t have to just be analysis for the sake of analysis.
>cherry plums
>can symbolize perseverance, renewal and purity
>just like love will bloom in a certain character's cold, dead game
It’s going to be just like every other MM comic. Nobody cares.
Seriously your responses are weird as fuck and I don't know why? I never said people need to write a dissertation. I never suggested analysis for the sake of analysis. I merely suggested some level of discussion beyond blind hatred or blind positivity. That's all, anon.
>I have no problem talking about comics
This board does and that's the issue.
I care
Zoomers don't read comics either. There's an even biggest industry of content creator faggots whose only niche is explaining comic stories to idiots so they don't have to read the comics.
This thread is precisely why I just read comics, lurk and not bother posting. It's reads as pure misery. I don't think many of you enjoy anything.
What are you reading?
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This is how people today treat comics. Including /co/.
What's really funny is free comic book day at my LCS is super popular but only a small fraction of people are regulars.
I enjoy plenty. I just can’t be bothered to try anymore to be positive for the sake of positivity. I does not work, you just get called a shill and that’s the end of the conversation. People have to be forced to be so sick of their own negativity for there to be actual change. And we are not there yet.
It was super popular last time I went in. I hope he got some new readers out of it.
More people talk about comics than read or buy them. More people pirate comics than read or buy them. It is what it is.
Exactly. Comics are for WHITE MEN yet these scum cunts only want to put out comics for "people" who don't even read them.
I bought the absolutes for batman and superman to display on my shelf in front of my books

but really only been reading savage she hulk omnibus, was going to start working on nova's omnibus then i can read 80s thor but that will be harder to read because of how big it is, also have four 90's thor epics, I don't know if i needed them, but no more room for comics or books
Straight White Men only read M/A/nga. Not that estrogenizing western garbage with a boring realistic art style.
Nobody wants that garbage or given away. If it were a BD maybe...
You forgot the rape, child soldiers, and incest.
Comics has been shit for so long that I cant tell whether it's worth reading new comics anymore. I dont see any discussion on /co/ about new comics except the latest controversy over the latest ragebait stunt they are doing. I really have no idea what happened in comics for so long that all my frame of reference is civil war era marvel.
The problem with piracy is the ease. 9 times out of 10 I can hear about a comic here and be reading it in 5 minutes. Comparatively, getting it in the store can be a pain in the ass. Not to mention that piracy is zero investment, so I'll happily read something for free that I wouldn't spend money on.
The American comic book industry has stepped on every rake possible to be less appealing than manga.
>that all my frame of reference is civil war era marvel
I see this a lot, people are basing their comics context on old events + modern controversies and nothing else. The problem is these perceptions are constant over generalizations. Books that are alright are constantly overlooked because people want to talk about the latest controversy. A selection of aright solid books aren't great in the grand scheme of things but it's something. But those books often have soft numbers. Tom Brevoort the Marvel editor talked about anger selling years ago. If people bitch about a book more people get invested to see the car crash. Eventually people burn out but the effect is the same. Stuff that should be supported gets overlooked.
Why come into a thread 378 comments in just to say something that has already been said multiple times ITT already? That's why this board is so shit.
Its had to stay invested in something when the characters you like can and have been utterly demolished on a whim or major storylines getting retcon'd out of existence by Big Comics.
You know you could just try something out that looks cool, right? Even like reading solicitations once in awhile doesn’t take much effort.
I read all the great runs and one off books that I'm so completely satisfied with great comic books that I'm not really out there seeking to read poorly written stuff out there.
These characters have been around for close to a century and you meltdown because you read a story you don’t like? Why don’t you go read something that isn’t superheroes then. Why is this so hard to understand?
So it’s just confirmation bias.
Do you ever just think though that over the history of a character there has always been ups and downs? Like every new creative team would change something?

Claremont X-Men is considered peak X-Men but Kurt Busiek, before he was a comic book writer, once wrote in to complain about the Dark Phoenix Saga. And Claremont even said in his response in the letter page that one person's dark age is another person's renaissance. The point is, not much has changed.

Maybe you want to argue that everything is trending downwards, but my central point is the same. When dealing with these characters it has always been all over the place.
People who talk like this haven’t actually read comics for that long and take every thing they don’t like personally. It’s very childish mentality that you have to grow out of. There will always be bad runs and bad stories you don’t like. And then eventually there will be good ones.
>great runs
Do you ever think this is half the problem? Comic books are a niche. The great run/rec list mentality is a niche of a niche. And then only those books are evergreen reprints or recommended, so it's like a niche of a niche of a niche.

The problem is the comics pipeline might begin with recommendations but the attitude of, only these few comics are any good shuts off that pipeline as soon as it starts. It sometimes feels like people these days need to be spoonfed so much and absolutely hate the exploration of a hobby medium.

Everything is shit, so they don't bother. Or they read a few books considered broadly good and nothing more.
That's why you don't read superheroes.
Look just because you've been slapped in the face with Big Comic's dicks so often that you not have a dick shaped bruise on your cheeks but you like it doesn't mean everyone else has to like it.
I really do love comic books and the medium as a whole. But it's been absolutely dreadful for some time now. Poor plots, horrible pacing, rushed artwork, and more really plague this industry right now. And the Big 2, and Minor 3, still refuse to release things people actually want because the people in charge are clearly in social media bubbles.

Look at DC. Everyone here championed the new compact line and the new finest line... But they then just started re-printing stuff that has been printed millions of times. Nothing new. Same old stuff they've collected dozens of times. There online catalogues? Lack any cohesion whatsoever.

Regardless, it'll get much worse before it gets better. The industry leaders are run by retards because they refuse to acknowledge the audience for comics or even attempt to change direction. They've quadrupled down on bad practices, which in turn, has killed the comic markets, killed the lcs, and pushed people away to other mediums, like manga and manwha.
I think if they started embracing toddlercon and fully abolished all if the comic code and focused more on adults and both providing print and digital medium, it could come back. Reading still isn't a thing of yesteryear and there are plenty of books of all type including erotic out there people still consume.
Sure, there is some valid anger to be had at the state of things sometimes. But sometimes that anger is absolutely a perception based on a few controversies whilst ignoring everything else. And holding on to that anger just constantly colours your perception until you can't see the forest for the trees. I'm tired of culture warriors. It's not that there aren't shit political situations, there sometimes is, but they don't enjoy anything or create anything or bother to find the good.

There is no dick shaped bruise, anon, you've just allowed people to keep putting their dick in your face and now you can't see anything but dicks. While the rest of us are wondering why anon keeps going to the bathroom to kneel down and look at dicks.
Read Hyde Street. That series just started and I'm loving it so far.
>But the fucking truth is that the positivity is just as fucking bad.
If you go on places like Reddit (which you shouldn't) it's especially frustrating watching them try and defend every crappy modern run or post 2000s series by Bendis. Oh they'll make fun of the 90s till the cows come home but you say one slight about Bendis and it's downvote city
Easily could, but they won't, because they don't know which toys go where. They can't even figure out who the mainline is for anymore and "adult themed" imprints, like Black Label, for example, don't bother to put out anything remotely interesting to adults. You'll find more adult comics coming from Europe and Japan than you will the US.
>go on /co/ people just complain constantly or bait
>go on Reddit, some retard has just bought 5 omnibus editions and posted a picture of them looking for validation, they aren't going to read them
>go on some random forum, the moderators/admins impose their specific likes/hatreds on specific creators/books and anything outside of that is removed
>go on twitter, it's all just culture wars bait or random out of context panels or plot summary type stuff
>go on YouTube: Wiki/lore/event summaries, collectors/hauls, culture warriors
Touch grass
>Look at DC. Everyone here championed the new compact line and the new finest line... But they then just started re-printing stuff that has been printed millions of times.

I’m sorry but how fucking stupid are you? They’re reprinting brands, bro. WTF were you expecting them to do? All new graphic novels even though that was never even promised? Even though from the start it was about reprints. They have to make MONEY in order for the line to continue. That’s why they will reprint titles that do not automatically flop. Seriously, this level of stupidity pissed me off. You people constantly whine about completely inane and often outright made up things.
>BURBANK, CA (March 8, 2018) – DC Black Label, a new publishing imprint from DC Entertainment, gives premier talent the opportunity to expand upon the canon of DC’s iconic Super Hero comic book characters with unique, standalone stories that are outside of the current DC Universe continuity. An all-star lineup of creative teams will craft their own personal definitive DC stories in the tradition of compelling literary works like BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE, DC: THE NEW FRONTIER and WATCHMEN.

>“Many of our perennially best-selling, critically acclaimed books were produced when we unleashed our top talent on standalone, often out-of-continuity projects featuring our most iconic characters, a prime example being Frank Miller’s THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS,” explains publisher Jim Lee. “Creating DC Black Label doubles down on our commitment to working with all-star talent and trusting them to tell epic, moving stories that only they can tell with the highest levels of creative freedom.”

>Each DC Black Label series will have a unique format and release schedule to best serve the story and creative vision. In addition, the new imprint will be brought to life with a stylized new logo, evoking the sense of sophistication fans can expect in these new series.

>“DC Black Label offers leading writers and artists of any industry the opportunity to tell their definitive DC stories without being confined to canon,” explains executive editor Mark Doyle. “We are carefully crafting each series to fit the vision of the creative team. All of these creators are masters of their craft. I’m psyched to be working on a Wonder Woman story with Kelly Sue and Phil, helping to bring John’s vision of THE OTHER HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE to life and reuniting with some of the greatest Batman talents in the industry.”
I wish we got more history of events. Like not comic events but the history of the creation and companies. Why certain artists left or went elsewhere. stuff like that
>That’s why they will reprint titles that do not automatically flop.
Not that anon, but I think I need to explain. The evergreen book reprints is a grand problem in that only the same stuff is printed and consumed. Yes, of course they have to make a profit and do this partly for those reasons. But this creates the issue of diminishing returns.

It is also completely true that their support for other books is problematic. I remember a few years ago DC got paranoid about volume 1 drop off so rather that producing series in 3-4 omnis they'd make monster 1-2 huge book omnis that put people off. Or how they would randomly cancel series. Or how their solicitations became massively dubious. Or how they changed strategy constantly. What ended up happening is people lost faith that a series would be completed so wouldn't even buy the first volume. And many of these series would have sold if given the ability to. Runs by creators like Peter David were just not finished.

So yeah, the compact line is a good idea to sell cheaper books but for many of us it is just a new edition of a book with multiple versions already. Will that fix the grander picture or just be a case of diminishing returns?
I remember comics being a bigger deal back in the 2000s, eventually everyone moved on to manga because there was simply a much better and younger community around it. Comics died with the boomers who refused to change their ways and go digital sooner.
Cartoonist kayfabe did that. They had interviews with big creators. They even read court depositions from court cases involving comics.
I'm going to buy the DC Finest Monkey compilation
No one is excited about upcoming books, all the noise is made by the publishers and comic book store workers and comic journals or whatever. Comics are so unpopular that people don't even bother pirating it at this point. The only excuse americans have had for the last couple of decades is they don't know where to start with and being confused with crossover events, completely ignoring comics outside of marvel and dc.

Its all so exhausting. I don't even know why I come to /co/ at this point.
That shit will get you killed in the US.
What really gets my goat is when you have people online who try to make comics out to be more complex and confusing then they actually end up being. Granted a lot of it does sound crazy when you take it out of the context of the history of the book but that's usually because you're explaining multiple years of a stories and events in as few a words as possible. When you actually sit down and read the books as they were written most of this stuff, even the things t hat seem impenetrable, are generally easily digestible.
It's outside perceptions that overcomplicate matters. People don't want to put even a tiny bit of effort into things. Little kids back in the day would just pick up a series and get the context as they went along.
Right? I never had any trouble of this. I don't know why people suddenly lost the ability to just figure shit out from context. It used to be that a series having a long history meant that the book was healthy and finding out there was a long history was something to look forward to reading. It's especially vexing how people are so obsessed with LORE these days too.
Part of the problem is how all fiction moved from singular, one and done storytelling to overarching plots and how marketing changed people's psychology. What it is about is anxiety, FOMO and expectations. When you watched an old show, your expectations are lower, the episode might be bad, okay or good and the next episode might be bad, okay or good. But now everything is HUGE and people worried about missing out. People felt pressured to get into a show like Game of Thrones or whatever and then felt miserable at the ending. People feel like they need to consume it ALL to understand it. It is quite telling that at the same time all this "can't miss" stuff is being pushed that so many people are going back to watch stress free sitcoms like The Office and Seinfeld because it's casual viewing without the pressure of the big show. It's a fundamental misunderstanding. People are pressured to think only certain types of entertainment matter because they are pressured to become fanatical consumers. And the choice is either consume or check out.
Because most people equate comics with ongoing superhero series. They're used to movies and shows (usually) end.
>got paranoid

It’s not paranoia, it’s a well established fact that sales plummet the longer the trade volumes numbering continue. They had to cancel their Starman reprint because they sold so poorly that it wasn’t financially sound to finish the new iirc softcover collections. Because most people had bought the deluxe hardcovers or already owned the two decades old original trades. I hate the obsession for Omnibuses but it makes sense why they do them. They cost a lot so they more easily cover the printing and remastering costs with the limited runs they do
>It’s not paranoia, it’s a well established fact that sales plummet the longer the trade volumes numbering continue
You misunderstand, yes it is established that volume 1 has drop off but their perceptions of that drop off went to an extreme meaning they actively sabotaged their line, shot themselves in the foot and created a messy collected editions department. Some of their choices are justified and some aren't. But it certainly coloured consumer confidence, and that was the point I was making. So they take actual problems and wildly course correct.
No dude, it goes beyond just volume 1 drops. There is a long history that shows that trade sales tend to die off the longer the numbering continues. People buy tons of #1s and then by like #5or #6 sales are already cratering, which is why longer runs like Sandman Mystery theatre are always doomed. It’s basically a miracle Grell’s Green Arrow was completed and that was largely thanks to timing the releases to coincide with the TV show which was popular enough to last longer than what it took to reprint the run.
I'm reading a comic right this moment. Aaron's Thor, third collection. Gotta say although I'm ready for Odinson to have Mjolnir again, Jane Foster as Thor is compelling. The idea that the chemo is cleansed of her body every time she pick up Mjolnir is interesting and adds alot to the story. I'm dreading that Phoenix Force story though, I can't fucking stand X-Men shit leaking into other stories.
I don't buy that for a second. Movies aren't a new art form. Movies had a traditional end point back then too. None of this is different or new.
Anon, seriously I know all that. Your acting like I don't and it's weird. We are talking past each other at this point about different things. All I am saying is for a few years they actively made a bunch of really bad decisions. Which did happen. We can argue about some individual cases but it is still true that it was a mess. There are other reasons too, such as the parent company being bought out, COVID, them gutting the collected editions department right back etc.
You know what the problem is? It's people eating steak and then getting mad because they wanted chicken. It is an expectation problem.

There is a UK soap opera called Coronation Street that has 60 seasons, has been on TV since 1960 and has 11,468 episodes. You cannot watch every single episode. The appeal of an ongoing soap opera is not the same as a 6 episode limited series. They are different things.

People moaning about ongoing series are getting mad at the established format and it's just weird. And there is plenty of limited series in comics too but people just want to get mad at the concept of ongoing series.
And then you look at Marvel's Epic collection TPB line that produce volumes OUT OF ORDER and sell well because consumers have confidence the series will be filled/continue. Sure they aren't perfect because the print runs are smaller and waiting for reprints takes ages but still.
Sean Howe's Marvel: The Untold Story is pretty decent for that, though obviously one-sided and gets a bit biased the closer it is to the modern day (i.e., when all his sources are alive and kicking and working in the business). I don't know of any equivalent history book for DC unfortunately, though also my impression there is that DC's behind-the-scenes tends to be a lot less dramatic than Marvel.
There's also plenty of comics people's blogs about. Jim Shooter and Priest have some old blogs which are very worth reading through if you're interested in 80s Marvel, Steve Gerber ran one before he died, and if you're really desperate there's always Tom Brevoort's blog or John Byrne's forum
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I wish DC would pull its head out of its ass. I really do. Just look at this shit.
They treat some lines like tests before actually producing complete works and then other times they still forget stuff.
Marvel has established lines, masterworks, omnis, epics. DC is all over the place. Absolutes, omnis and now they are moving into phone book soft cover compendium stuff as well as compact editions.
I hope that DC Finest takes off. Split one omnibus into two of those, and I can save money and have a more comfortable reading experience.
Those sell because they start with volumes they know will sell, and it was largely stuff they had already collected. It was a bold strategy to go out of order but one that worked out well. DC is now mimicking it
It's just all over the place and it fucking sucks when they clearly want you to spend money but then have the audacity to keep releasing these broken collections. Compound that with the other stupid things.

>Re-release the Dixon Nightwing Volumes again.
>Finish the series off.
>Solicit a fucking omni.
>Cancel the omni.
>Solicit a fucking omni.
>Cancel the omni.
>Release a compendium of Vol. 1-3

>Start to release Dixon's Tim Drake stuff.
>Don't finish the series off.
>Don't solicit anything.
>Release a compendium out of the blue.

>Solicit Dixon's Green Arrow.
>The only Green Arrow stuff not collected.
>Leads to the death of fucking Oliver.
>Never release it.

>Start releasing Ostrander Spectre
>Cancel it after Vol. 2

>Release all the B:TAS stuff as trades.
>Years later, Omni both.
>Then release Batman Beyond as a paperback compendium.

I hate them so god damn much. So god damn much.
thread should have ended here
The difference is that Marvel doesn’t pay same way for reprints as DC does, and Marvel has to start most of their reprints from the 60s where as with DC you have to go to the 30s and 40s, but the golden age material isn’t actually that high in demand because the art is so simplistic and bland from modern standards. This creates problems when most of the stuff people actually want buy is maybe hundreds of issues into the run.
Bad pre-order numbers are the cause most of the time.
Last capeshit I read was I am not Starfire, which barely counts as cape.
>People have been saying
Because it has. Look at sales numbers. Look at market %.
Storing floppies is only part of the problem. It's a fucking retarded way to be releasing content in 2025.
>I just want you to talk about comics and what you like
>>whoa what you want me to write a thesis paper every time I say I like a comic?!
>no I just want you to tell me why you think it's good
>>yeah right, like I'm going to write a fucking dissertation just to explain to you why I liked something
>I just want you to talk about the comics you like
>>pfft whatever I don't have any problem talking about comics, but I'm not going to write analysis for you!
Fucking called it. >>147110179
It's also so much easier to pirate and read manga compared to comics. Plus, the community aspect of fan translations makes it all so much easier to follow and get engaged in. Japan struck gold by producing so much content of decent enough quality in such a short amount of time.
Then just read trades.
Then why not just skip to releasing trades?
Because, dummy, the floppies are what pays for everything and the day to day operations. Even manga requires it to first be printed in Japan on magazines before tankobon is released.
The one anon is right that the main issue is just that current comics are kind of fucking lame.
Too edgy for little kids, not edgy enough for teenagers, not interesting enough for adults.
Don't bother anon. People will stick their fingers in their ears.
>3. Nothing is ever concluded or has real change in these stories because they're designed to run forever, which is the opposite of good stories.
Yes they are. Just not superhero comics, 99% of the time. Sin City, Ronin, Prince Valiant, Nemesis The Warlock, all have endings. Also, it's arbitrary and stupid to say that because they are designed to be masks for the writer instead of clean-cut beginning and ending stories, that they are the "opposite" of good stories. All In The Family has better writing than any manga ever written, and it was a story-of-the-week show.
>But it's been absolutely dreadful for some time now. Poor plots, horrible pacing, rushed artwork, and more really plague this industry right now.
I've grown to hate the way comics are written because of the whiplash I get from reading literally anything else by a singular author with a moderate intent to tell a cohesive story with a longer story arc.

Comics are all written in these malformed chunks. Once guy is brought in and told he's got 6 issues to shoot his shot. Everything is rushed, nothing is developed, time is wasted because they're trying to pace out the big climactic moments to fit into specific issues, so each issue ends on a cliffhanger. Sometimes the book is trying to juggle multiple storylines because the publisher is trying to fit in a crossover miniseries, so the comic is even more rushed, and what could have been multiple scenes in a singular story is one scene awkwardly stretched into an unnatural shape to fill fewer than usual pages so they can staple in a second comic and you're supposed to feel grateful that you got two gimped stories instead of one decent one.

And then the moment that writer's time is done, the entire fucking thing is now open for someone else to come in and do whatever they want. That character you wanted to see developed and resolved? New writer hates them. They're gone. All the development that the previous guy tried to do? Out the window! "Back to basics" so yet another faggot can take a stab at doing their fanfiction version of the last time the comic was considered good and riff on the original creators' ideas, but with all the talentless flair of a modern writing appealing to an imaginary audience.
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>All In The Family has better writing than any manga ever written, and it was a story-of-the-week show.
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>5. Hideous art, no fanservice. to make up for it
I'm not sure about recent comics, but that's a laughable statement simply from a historical perspective.
Yes, you heard what I fucking said. It's not considered one of the best TV Shows ever made for no reason.
Nail on the head desu. Though I'm sure there has to be at least SOME kind of market for juvenile trash like Batkek
Why do you say comics when you mean superhero comics published by two specific companies?
I don't deny that it's well written. Making a generalized statement about an entire country's comic output is retarded.
22 Emmy wins, 55 nominations, 8 Golden Globes, and the winner of a Peabody award, which honor what are described as the most powerful, enlightening, and invigorating stories in all of television, radio, and online media. Yea, I can't think of a single manga that can stack up against it. And it's not even the BEST TV Show of all time, just one of them.
Is this Famicom or some other autist who's just kind of similar?
Anon look at this anon: >>147112281
This ain't really about going back to the 30s/40s, it is about how they can't properly market and finish a series.
To be fair, comics and manga are known for their art, not their writing.
It's a vicious circle because people know they won't finish a series so don't preorder but wait for more to come out but in doing so it causes soft numbers which cause cancellations.

Sometimes I think they should shift models a bit? Small print run with confidence the run will all be collected, maybe as a subscription that you pay a bit cheaper but know all the books will come. (Obviously I'm spitballing gibberish here but still.)
IDK these threads always attract weird autists.
Like >>147112107 has a very recognizable style of stilted talking.
If you look at long term trends it has dipped several times and recovered several times. Anons will just claim it was one long dip which isn't the case. Clearly there are problems but the extent is dubious. There is never proper analysis of figures just perceptions. I once looked at sales and Batman sales in the years prior to Frank Miller's Year One were about on part with figures now.
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We really need to go back to the day when writers had real solid runs. Like 10 plus years of someone just being the X-men Guy or the Cap Guy. And no more decompression. Get rid of that and even a 5 year stint will feel like way longer.
It can’t be helped if the pre-orders and sales are so bad they’d lose money on it.
To defend that anon and play devil's advocate, I wouldn't want to talk about anything I actually like here because people would just endlessly attack me for it. So why bother.
Stifle it, Goku.
Long runs had plenty of stagnation.
The other big problem with runs these days is that writers/title are repeatedly hamstrung by the requirement to tie into annual events every year. It's particularly true of the A-list titles. You've got to take an issue or two out of your schedule every year to go play ball with the mandated company-wide crossover, regardless of whether it fits your plans or not (unless you're the one writing the crossover eventually — in which case great, except you're still putting your title on hold)
shit, just realized I also talk like that. Thanks for the sobering realization anon.
It's not stilted, I'm just trying to clearly explain a perception problem is all? Why you got to be a dick rather than just talk about shit?
Eventually, sure. But it was generally better to have a guy with a plan rather than people competing to leave their mark every two years.
Also why even bother arguing with people who don’t like what you like. Big deal. I’m not here to change your mind. I don’t care if you hate it so much it gives you aneurism
And depending on the larger consequences of the event it might sideswipe everything you were doing.
I'm just saying is all anon, I don't let it bother me too much, it is what it is.
A lot of the times there was no plan though. Maybe “concepts” of a plan but most of the time they just made it up as they wrote or plans radically changed midstream or they never got around wrapping it. Or they had one idea and then spend ages with stupid shit because the idea wasn’t liked by anyone else.
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>The problem is that comics are just not cool.
Neither is manga. Every single time I've encountered someone who says they read manga, it's in a self-deprecating manner about how they're "weird" or "quirky" or "a perv". Not even memeing. The real issue is that comics are more expensive, and for what you get for them is not much. The average cost of a comic book is 5$. The average cost of a manga volume is 10$. With the comic book, you're getting around 30 pages or so of actual art, while with manga, you're getting around 200 pages. The only way you approach that level of content with comics is with trades, which cost two or even three times as much as a manga still.

People are making these retarded excuses about art, which are wrong, writing, which is only half wrong, and how they're viewed socially, which is also half wrong. The truth is that comics used to cost 10 cents, which if we scaled that up to nowadays, that would be roughly a dollar. There is ZERO REASON a comic book should cost 5$, except for the fact that they've been increasing their comic prices because sales slowly began dwindling decades back, and instead of actually responding to the problem and fixing it with better marketing and listening to fans, they decided to compensate for the problem by slowly hitching prices up. Now it's compounded to the point where the most expensive comics can cost almost 10 fucking dollars, and for what? 30 pages of a superhero talking and then occasionally punching someone? It's just NOT fucking worth it. Unless they double the size of their comic books to make up for it.
Boring and pretentious
That's why manga continues to win without competition
And how does that translate into sales?
Ur fucking /co/pium
You are this
You aren't clever. Shut up.
>Neither is manga
Yeah people do think weebs are losers but manga doesn't have the same perception as decades of looking down on comic book nerds does, because a lot of manga only really started coming into the US en mass in the late 80s/early 90s, just as comics were on their knees. There is the meme of "thing = bad; same thing but Japan = good" that allows people to reject things in their parent culture towards the foreign.
>The real issue is that comics are more expensive, and for what you get for them is not much.
This pretty much goes for all entertainment. Manga/anime is a bit insulated because Japan has a larger physical media consumption than elsewhere. Print media is dying, physical media is dying, the value of entertainment has plummeted, wrecked in part by piracy but then without secondary markets (like DVDs for movies etc) you don't get extra income and streaming is cheap on a cost per content basis. But then why even pay when YouTube has shit loads of free content? But then some stuff like vinyl makes a small comeback or crowdfunding models sorta help people produce stuff but ultimately the truth is people are poorer now because of inflation and don't want to support any of this crap anyway. And now with AI they will just get rid of huge amounts of cost while keeping the price the same and the quality of everything will go down even further.
>All In The Family has better writing than any manga ever written, and it was a story-of-the-week show.
Still not as good as YKK. Sorry.
I love YKK, but its strength lies in its art. Alpha is no Archie Bunker.
>Neither is manga. Every single time I've encountered someone who says they read manga, it's in a self-deprecating manner about how they're "weird" or "quirky" or "a perv".
I think a lot of /co/ must be flyovers or something, because that's definitely not how people react in most of the world.
One thing that manga has that comics don't is shit tons of young female readers, so even if when you say you "read manga" she might be thinking of completely different reasons why she likes something, she isn't going to react with pure disgust or apprehension even if you both like, say, JJK for completely different reasons.
Its strength lies in atmosphere and the atmosphere is fantastic.
There are more young readers of Manga, webtoons and manwha than readers of comics and BD's
Game over
CH/A/D won and his victory is irrefutable
No, comics are still superior. You can cope and seethe as much as you want, though.
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Whatever makes you sleep well
/A/ always wins
/co/pe & die in piss
>Ctrl+F "manga"
Holy kek
It's just racial superiority Yamato
Wow it's this thread again! I recognise most of you by your comments and posting style. See you again in two weeks for the same thread with the same people and same comments. I really keep meaning to make a bingo chart meme for this thread but never seem to get around to it and only caught this thread when I was about to go to work so can't be asked doing it right now but I really should because it would save you all the trouble from doing it again.
So what?
It is just kind of funny
I also find it funny to mock the rotting corpse that is /co/
/co/ died today because of what you did and you're laughing?
All American comic book Youtubers tend to be men and usually 40 year old or older.
It all comes down to atomization. Some things just aren’t big enough to have a consistent — or even occasional —online discourse. Nearly every comic is at that point right now.

There are people who read comics. Not many, but there are. But people are reading different things. The only unifying books right now are the new Ultimate line which does get some discussion. Everything else is too niche for a single thread.

I wonder if instead of using story times for discussion, if there was a /co/ book club general or something where it’s just voted what run everyone reads, then have a new weekly thread to discuss the next x number of issues in that run. Of course that would come with its own problems, but it’s an idea.
What store is that op
>I wonder if instead of using story times for discussion, if there was a /co/ book club general or something where it’s just voted what run everyone reads, then have a new weekly thread to discuss the next x number of issues in that run. Of course that would come with its own problems, but it’s an idea.
Not a bad idea.
I'm down to clown. It would be nice to actually have something to say.
Another victory for the /A/colytes
You know plenty of people here read both comics and manga? Do you think this bait means anything? It's so obvious you're just shitposting from your phone too. Banning mobile uses would solve half the problems on 4chan.
That's really only been a major problem for the last like decade or so. If you're reading modern comics then you have no one to blame but yourself.

This. I miss LONG runs.

Eat shit.
>comics used to cost 10 cents, which if we scaled that up to nowadays, that would be roughly a dollar

It's be like twice that. Stop being a faggot. And the rest of your post is just ignorant.
Yeah, this board is pathetic and the mods refuse to do their jobs and ban these fags for off-topic posting.
New thread when this hits page 10?
upper right panel, ctrl key
Fuck it, doesn't hurt to try. If the three of us start more people might join in.

Does a weekly thread sound like a good interval for time? Roughly what page count do you think would be good to aim for with a window like that?

Does "/co/ Book Club" sound like a good name or should we go with something else?
Yes please
these /co/cksuckers don't understand anything
Black Label is primarily a reprint label.

What point were you trying to make?
Why would you want that garbage?
You are a /co/cksucker. Welcome, brother.
You're being disingenuous and you are fooling NO ONE.

The posters in this thread probably enjoy everything BUT modern comics.
>comic sales have never been huge anyway
>The 90s was also the peak
>before Frank Miller's Batman Year One, the main Bat title was selling around what it does now

All three of these statements are false. GTFO of here with that shit.
I like to make fun of the current state of the /co/pe's 4chan departament. That's all. We are not the same
You're here, you're a /co/cksucker. That's all. Welcome, and enjoy your stay.
You may check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
The videos criticizing them get like 2k views. The ones promoting them get like 200k views. You're full of shit.
Anyone still reading comics is only reading the old stuff anyway.

And if you've ever been to /mu/ then you know they NEVER talk about anything new.
you are beyond retarded

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