Volume: 7, Chapter: 5Sparksprevious thread:>>147113504
God she's beautiful
Another good episode. Really like the montage. Great way of showing time progressing without having to just sit in a house for several episodes.I wanna talk about the line "Your boyfriend is giving it his all, where's that energy when he's around you?" First, holy shit, that's a good roast. If you said that where I live it would start a fight and make half the room die with laughter. But also, it highlights something I didn't notice until it was said. That being, we've gotten NOTHING from Ren and Nora's relationship. I know there are more pressing issues, but it's not like I want a whole episode dedicated to it or something. Just give a some scenes of them being a couple. Also, give Ren some personality, yesterday.Weiss and Winter's talk was good. I appreciate how they can make Winter come across as caring while still maintaining her stern demeanor. And this is the first time since volume 3 we're going back to the theme of destiny.P.s. As always, Neon looks cute, Flynn looks cool, but there teammates look kinda lame.
>>147125760Someone said in a previous thread that they got lazy and started to use the same character model for all the rwby girls, I'm starting to believe him. I remember everyone's tits getting bigger. But not this big. The only one it makes sense for is Ruby, since she's arguably still young enough to be in puberty.Also, because you brought up this scene, it reminded me there's some cute character interactions this episode. Like everyone being tired while Ruby and Penny are stoked, Penny planning for 6 possible outcomes, or Jaune's little peace sign to Flint.
>"What good is saving the world without another generation waiting in the wings? Hopefully they'll leave Remnant better than we left it for them."One of the better episodes so far, even if I'm still looking for something to grab onto this volume. One thing that really caught my attention this episode is you can see a bit of reality creeping in around the edges of the show. There's frequent talk about upcoming elections, trade and embargoes, the responsibility that the more wealthy and elite society of Atlas has for Mantle. Weiss tells Winter that "We should be opening our borders to help the world, not closing them down" and it's hard not to draw parallels to 2018/2019. Just like episode 3 updated the talk of Faunus injustice to a modern way liberals talk about racial issues, this episode ends with Jacques (a billionaire) running for election, and calling his political opponents criminals while riling up the lower class. It's very in line with the way politics started seeping into everything in the late 2010's, from something that people thought about maybe every 2 or 4 years during election season, to something that you were basically expected to commentate on constantly. Not to say this is new or out of line for the show. I mentioned some political parallels all the way back in volume 3 (even if I'm not convinced it was intentional). Stories don't exist in complete vacuums, and while the show may be a fantasy world, it's still very much connected to real life (I think you can even see political commentary in volume 6). And this sort of thing was especially common during the later Trump years in pop culture. The general point here is just that you can see all these real world politics trickling down into the show. It's on the nose, but then again subtly isn't always the show's strong suit.>"Maybe you can help me understand why this truck that's supposed to be taking construction materials to fix Mantle's outer wall, is on its way to the middle of nowhere?
>>147126318>It's very in line with the way politics started seeping into everything in the late 2010's, from something that people thought about maybe every 2 or 4 years during election season, to something that you were basically expected to commentate on constantly.*sigh* yep, you can definitely tell. I'm glad we seem to be getting past that, but it pisses me of that It happened in the first place. And even more so that people are denying it ever happened. I think the word woke is overused, to the point it annoys me, but people who deny it exists at all pisses me off more.Anyway, i actually don't mind it here. Like I said in previous threads, I think the embargo makes sense given the circumstances. And an election is a great way to show it's effects. I don't think politics in media is an inherently bad thing. But the politics have to be IN UNIVERSE. Which is something alot of lefties don't understand for some reason. Jauce serving as a "Trump" figure is getting a little to close to reality for me. But it would also be weird to not tie Jauce into the greater plot somehow. So I'll let it slide... for now.
>>147126711>Anyway, i actually don't mind it here.Oh yeah I don't mind it either. Helps ground the show, and even though it's not much so far, I think it's more interesting than basically anything we've gotten from the White Fang stuff. It's all about the execution. I'm definitely curious to see how they continue to play it out
Will the Justice League crossover movies be part of the watch threads? Part 1 takes place during V7 and Part 2 after V9.
>>147127489Probably will. But if so, both parts will be after volume 9. I wanna get past the actual series first.>>147127219>white fangI completely forgot about them. I still can't believe how badly they handled that plotline.