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Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

Old lore doc:

Last thread: >>10916160

This thread is for fetishizing a patriarchy where it's biological men being Doms and biological Women as Subs
Trap/Feminization/Trans content belongs in it's own thread
Extra Questions:
Inspired by recent Godletter comics, what are some ways in which women may be given as prizes for competitions?
Can we imagine some ways in which societies even with powerful women may conditionally submit to men due to social custom?
To any women in this thread, remember that the Patriarchy and every Man within it loves you.
This is a reminder that those within 'equalist' nations can ask to be appraised at the nearest Patriarchy-funded free hospital, and negotiate their own sale or auction at their leisure.
Women of 'matriarchal-states' are barred from offering themselves directly due to current treaties, and are advised to travel to equalist territory and proceed as explained above.
Any woman unwilling or unable to negotiate their enslavement may attempt to travel to the Patriarchy directly and report herself as a 'stray woman', it should be noted however that such women will be sold on the public market and that their selling price will go to the state, not to a beneficiary of the woman's choice, as 'negotiation' would allow.
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Continuing on from the end of last thread with the time travel stuff,but using this threads theme a bit, I've always thought an interesting idea would be to shape society throughout history.
Picking some random early civilization and playing real life 4X with them. Use modern(and future since we at least have time travel) technology to create your own religion, dropping in at influential points in history to steer things your way, and getting essentially infinite tries since you can just time travel back.
I still stand by what I said last thread about liking some competition, so maybe a separate group of time travelers working in opposition, every major event having been influenced by someone from the future to fit their goals.
I think taking people from history is an interesting idea, and would probably still be part of this idea, keeping "souvenirs" from the real timeline.
>What role do women and their submission play in religions?
Gods are influenced and empowered heavily by prayer, worship, and followers. An emperor of a slaver nation had an idea, and realized that with his vast collection of slaves, he can overtake the worship of local gods, or at least pervert it. 10,000 slaves verses 3,000 genuine followers? The God will go to the feast. And with that many deities on his side? His empire gets stronger.
He kills the Gods, and enslaves and corrupts the Goddesses. He justifies it with conquest, but over time genuinely comes to believe that even the lowliest man on earth, for simply being a man, is greater than the most powerful female divine. Conquest stops being about empire, it starts being about subjugation. His church of slaves work in overtime.
Imagine A goddess of Wisdom. She has been prayed to by an army of slaves a thousand miles away, her information about her rites and rituals stolen by spies. She manifests materially with the twisted powers used in the collaring chamber, and using the still magic bones of slain Gods, she is chained down and altered. She stops granting wisdom to all, but taking it away from her people, the women especially. And giving it to only the men of the empire who enslaved her. She's taken to the chambers of the emperor, and there she sees others. A Goddess of War on her knees, her martial power stolen from her people, and given to the emperor's men so they could take her people's land. a Goddess of Fertility, making the slave army bigger with a breeding program. Goddesses of Justice perverting laws of their home nations. Across the world, people struggle to fight it - why are the pantheons betraying us?
Love this. Imagine how their iconography and rituals change over time as they are corrupted. A goddess of war whose amor becomes more revealing and lewd over time, her weapons also the chains used to restrain her. A goddess of wisdom who was once a proud upright statue in classical robes is now nude, her body a text which is written on and examined by male scholars, a yoke around her neck, and legs in shackles to symbolize how knowledge is subordinated to the patriarchal order. The goddess of fertility whose bountiful body once created a worship of the female body, is now covered in a form fitting robe, with holes for her mouth and genitals. She is usually depicted with her mouth drooling, her pussy dripping and her breasts swollen with milk.
Rituals have changed immensely as well. Ritualized rape has taken hold in the cults of all female goddess that have been corrupted. For the goddess of war, it is an especially cruel thing. A strong female Spartan, muscular and quick thinking, is let loose in an artificial preserve without weapons. She is hunted down by a gang of male warrior priests with electric stun batons and poles, captured and raped in every hole. Sometimes several women at once are used before a particularly big battle. If they can escape being raped, they are promoted to the highest rank of any female, but this is almost unheard of. The goddess of wisdom rites now usually involve the rape of a female scribe, librarian or clerk, but this is a low key affair. They are simply taken from their studies and places under the desk of a male scholar to be used as he conducts his much more important work. The fertility goddesses are invoked by the farmers in charge of genetically modified females as well as husbands. In the case of the first, a cow-woman is robed in the same fashion as the goddess and injected with aphrodisiac drugs. As all the other livestock are inseminated, some portion of this semen is collected from the ground and poured into her desperate holes. Husbands also invoke the fertility goddess, but usually only in symbolic form, with a statue fetish of the goddess being covered in sperm the day before his wife is most fertile.
The bodies of these captured goddesses is not put to waste either. The emperor or a high ranking priest is charged with raping them on certain holidays, and before major military campaigns or public projects. These are often very public events, and proof of the populaces ultimate faith in the patriarchal phallic religion.
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Goddess of War goes from demanding animal sacrifice before battle to a "blessing the swords" ritual, where the soldiers of the all female army have to stick their blades into the ground (dulling them) and fuck the handles to the edge of orgasm (Making them slippery ad distracting the warriors) if they want their blessings. And she starts demanding the women soldiers fight in the nude, forgoing their impenetrable armour, blessing them instead. The blessings are lesser anyways, and her strategies start to lead them astray, sending elites into ambushes and having vulnerable targets who keep getting caught hold valuable intel. They have to ritually humiliate female commanders for increasingly petty of failures, to the point that the soldiers don't respect the women in charge anymore and they quit or move back to the ranks. Each campaign against the Empire, more vital territory is lost. Their male God of War had vanished months ago and they can't prey to him anymore.
The Empire rewards surrending males who offer women to their armies, even to the point the men that used to fight for the kingdom are in the army, getting promoted and using their former allies as sexual relief with their new comrades.
Eventually, the Imperial Elites invade the capital. The Royal guard has been utterly dismantled by religious demands of their goddess, to the point that when the invasion happened, they were in the middle of "prayer", where they were all pilloried in public, getting whipped. And in the Imperial legion, the commander wields a staff adorned with a decorated skull that all who look at understands to be from their lost God of War's. And just when the despair kinks in that the Empire stole and killed their God, their Goddess of War is led out of a cage, in chains infused with the ash of burnt Godbone, on a leash.
>vent their frustration on these bitchy inquisitors: anyone can sign up to use their holes
Adding to that is the Wax on/Wax off aspect of how female inquisitors behave towards men and women.
When enacting punishments on women they let out their Queen bitch/sadistic side, yet the second a man starts molesting her she's a good sub-slut.
It's quite jarring to see a high ranking woman policing other women then go directly into advertising her next public service event.
where she'll be fucked like any other whore!

>exempt from this duty and allowed to marry and procreate
Mothers/Daughters aspect has it's part in this too, as daughters are raised with strict adherence to the tenants of women's sexual slavery.
So it's often the case that women working in the inquisition is a matrilineal tradition.
Here there's an bit of blue blooded breeding to it.

>Incest is normal, accepted, and in some cases ritualized.
There's some cases where's it's required, like if a man is planning to sell of one of his many daughters to a brothel.
It's obvious she can't be some dead fish virgin if she's going to be a whore, so train her yourself or take the less popular option of having some one else do it.
Of course there's also just personal choice like a man being rather attached to a favorite sister and simply buying/taking her as a concubine when he leaves to start his own harem.
Basically a NSFW version of Aphrodite, who evolved from Ishtar, to a Spartan Warrior Goddess, to a Goddess of Love (because the Ionians wrote the Illiad and didn't worship her as a War Goddess, so basically wrote her as a bimbo playing at war who gets her shit wrecked by a mortal)
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Having the inquisitors go from sadistic doms to submissive sluts would further hammer home the position of women, even those who are "powerful" submit to men, the same women who punish other women for stepping out of line are under their own set of rules, the main difference being that the inquisitors are selected from women who willingly submit, they don't need to be controlled, they want to be controlled.
Resistant women have no chance of sympathy from the inquisition, they have been literally bred for generations to be the perfect intersection of dominant with women and submissive with men, they embrace this reality and are happy in it.
Plus if a woman thinks she can sort of fake it until she gets a position of relative power, she will learn that even at the top the women are expected to be sex objects first and foremost when dealing with men

That's interesting, kinda hot to think of that in a world where every God and Goddess is real, Aphrodite literally warping into a brainless sex goddess do to how she's worshipped.
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What about a country with mandatory public service for women, like how some countries have mandatory military service for men?
Upon turning 18, all women must become public service slaves for 3 years. During this time period, they are forbidden from wearing clothing and must wear ankle and wrist cuffs that make putting on clothing impossible anyway. They wear nipple tags as identification.
Girls who are married or engaged are exempt from this mandatory service, though if that engagement is broken off before she turns 21 then she must serve her term.
>Upon turning 18, all women must become public service slaves for 3 years.
Seems a bit short, I'd suggest either 5 or 7 years, let them go once they're christmas cakes. It's important that women return the investment society put into them if they really want to be spinsters.
>Girls who are married or engaged are exempt from this mandatory service, though if that engagement is broken off before she turns 21 then she must serve her term.
Agreeable, I'd even argue women could request extensions to the deadline if they could prove an engagement is probable. Really encourage them to be decisive and proactive with their man-hunting.
It should also go without saying that wives are expected to be near-fully obedient to their husbands.
I think it'd be much hotter if this was a part time service that lasts for most of their adult life, so long as they're unmarried. After all, if the men are in the military, the women must work in civilian jobs.

This public service means that there's a chance you can facefuck the cute cashier you saw at the grocery store, or anally rape your single coworkers while she's in the stockades for her weekly public service.

You take up some small talk with the local librarian and just ask her if she has any public service coming up. She's blushing beneath her glasses as she tells you when and where you can use her chubby, bountiful body.

A central registry means you can look up the date and place of women's public service to find your crush. Frequenting girls you like is often a good way to find a wife if you don't have one already. An unpopular girl who sees the same guy again and again can quickly get emotionally attached, and before long he's the only guy she invitingly wiggles her ass for as he's about to mount her.
Imagine, if you will, an obviously neglected, skinny, dysfunctional neet girl whose mental illness makes her too useless to be a good wife or worker - for her public service she's chained up in the public garage near your building. As far as you can tell you're her only repeat guy. Only the occasional commuter uses her to get off on their way to work if they have time. But you pet her head as you press your cock against her face, and call her a good girl as she suckles your cock. You do this everyday for a few months and eventually she's begging you to take her home and make you her owner. Now she's still chained up, but it's next to your bed in your apartment and everyone is much happier with the arrangement.
I think I get where you're coming from as a viable alternative, but I do think that the 24/7, all-or-nothing way of 'serving' has a heavier effect.
If the point is to encourage women to get engaged and married ASAP then having several straight years of free-use hanging over her head would be far more effective a threat than one day a week or one week a month might. Women can plan lives around that sort of 'part-time' setup vs their entire young adulthood being spent as a living breathing sexdoll.
>After all, if the men are in the military, the women must work in civilian jobs.
I think you misread Anon, there isn't military conscription in the setting (yet), it was just brought up as an easy comparison.
One thing that could be brought up is a 'working woman' getting married letting her leave public service instantly.
Like, an engagement isn't enough at that point, and she can't be forced to marry, but if some guy wants to marry her that day and she agrees he can copy down her tag number, take it to city hall, and have her brought in to sign a marriage license and trade in her collar for a wedding band.
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>Out of desperation, get engaged to your best friend to dodge the "draft"
>He starts threatening to break it off if you don't do exactly as he says
>trade in her collar for a wedding band.
Be better if it was still tradition to wear a collar as a sign of obedience to the husband, just a nicer one that he bought for the engagement.
What would be a creative way around "no taxation without representation"?

I just got an idea about an alternate world where everything is pretty much the same, except women (they're not really "women" per se but they fill the same kind of biological role as women) either cannot vote or can only vote in very limited capacities (for example they can only vote in Executive Position elections that happen once every six years), and they're fine with it for whatever reason and they still have all the other rights that one would associate with a liberal Western country. The dichotomy of being able to get an abortion no questions asked while also not being able to vote is really intriguing imo and could have a society with some interesting power imbalances.

>submissive sluts would further hammer home the position of women
Another aspect is perverting/corrupting the use of birth control, as it's held up by feminism as liberating women from the chains of pregnacy.
Instead within the patriarchy it's used to keep entire castes of women around purely as sex toys and ones that men can be rougher with.
The lower - mid ranked women in society who are deemed worthy for use only as a warm set of fuck holes or for menial tasks.
At least until they prove otherwise.

>bred for generations to be the perfect intersection of dominant with women and submissive with men
>even at the top the women are expected to be sex objects first and foremost when dealing with men
It's not just that women at all levels are used for sex but the higher up they go, the more pleasurable it is for them.
Lower ranked sluts might work in sex arcades/service glory holes with specialized numbing agents so they feel nothing or only discomfort/pain.
Other end of things you have breeding slaves, concubines, wives, etc. Good subs get to explore their fetishes and are allowed to enjoy sex.
There's no escape from sexual servitude for women only a "choice" in how they serve and in how much they get off on from it.

This sort of thing could be used to funnel women into sex work/slavery.
Like the system charges women for food, shelter, etc. while they're used as public sluts.
Once they get out if they "sadly" cant pay it off they're enslaved till they can pay off the debt usually with sex work.
Or the lucky ones have men buying out their debts, but it's just trading one master for another
>I just got an idea about an alternate world where everything is pretty much the same, except women (they're not really "women" per se but they fill the same kind of biological role as women) either cannot vote or can only vote in very limited capacities (for example they can only vote in Executive Position elections that happen once every six years), and they're fine with it for whatever reason and they still have all the other rights that one would associate with a liberal Western country. The dichotomy of being able to get an abortion no questions asked while also not being able to vote is really intriguing imo and could have a society with some interesting power imbalances.
If you examine the social structure of modern liberal democracies closely you can see how the seeming "freedom" of voting and elections are often meaningless in a world where you are very carefully socialized to reproduce it. I imagine that these same methods of social control, of media, religion, political parties, and schools, could also be used to maintain sexual servitude of women and patriarchal control without changing necessarily the political form.

In the previous thread I brought up how religion and ideology could be used to this effect. Women can participate in politics and have certain rights, but only due to the religious dogmatism of a phallic cult. When women experience an injustice because of their gender, they are taught to identify it with particular men, or her own failure with reference to this abstract patriarchy. Any power they can have in this society can only be obtained through ever more intense fanatical worship of the divine phallic structure.

This would naturally be a palace-temple economy, where all economic activities, however seemingly modern, are controlled and organized through customary rites and temple priest/priestess bureaucracy. At the top are only true believers, reinforced through mind altering drugs and genetic engineering.
>Another aspect is perverting/corrupting the use of birth control, as it's held up by feminism as liberating women from the chains of pregnacy.
>Instead within the patriarchy it's used to keep entire castes of women around purely as sex toys and ones that men can be rougher with.
This is especially true of incest. Birth control means that if a father likes his daughter's body enough, he can just make her his permanent cock sleeve. It can mean that a mother is expected to relieve her son's sexual energy by letting him use her body as a masturbation aid. It even means that sisters can be raped by their brothers so long he uses protection. Birth control turns the family household into a permanent slave harem for the patriarch and his sons. A benefit even poor, lower class males who cannot buy slaves can afford.
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>What women are used to appease low status males?
Regular women of lower status.

>What role do women and their submission play in religions?
Properly submissive women can become living hosts to spirits and otherworldly entities. This greatly extends lifespan, enhances beauty, enhances natural healing and pleasure, and can even free them from needing food or water, it can help them conceive as well. The additional will they gain from this ritual will bond with them properly and be like having a new sexual partner always with and inside them.

>How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Magical crests, chastity and hard physical labor. Keep them horny, frustrated and exhausted. When they submit they can earn release and easier duties including preparing to bond them to spiritual beings. Resistant ones might be given more permanent training through living clothes or symbiotic tentacles.
The old lore doc in the OP goes into a lot of ideas about how to turn every aspect of society into training women to excel at servitude while being comfortable and complacent doing it. I think it's at least a good starting point for a lot of that stuff... but then again I'm obviously a biased judge.
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A world where women are vastly, vastly smarter than men - but are all shamelessly, addictively masochistic to the point that society is basically a patriarchy regardless. A world where women invented guns because they found it hot when they were forced to have sex at gunpoint, syringes because getting injected with drugs was sexy, and the entire concept of prisons because being held in an isolated cell is the greatest idea ever.
This reminds me of one of my favorite works of mind control erotica: a Dom woman tries to hypnotize another female scientist into becoming a submissive lesbian except it backfires and she becomes a slave to her own pet dog and his cock. Using her scientific knowledge she also enslaves the dominatrix and others into being doggy bitches, all of whom are furthering the research in mind control to spread the worship of their master.

I love it in stories when women collaborate in enslaving other women to cock, especially lesbians. Really need more of this.
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>Real Life:
Thomas Robert Malthus was a late 1700s economist who got a lot of stuff wrong. He thought that the primary cause of human suffering was that the rate of human reproduction often outpaces food crop yields. He thought the key to combating overpopulation was restricting the sexual and physical freedom of fertile females through religious indoctrination. If women were terrified of eternal damnation, they wouldn't commit the sin of having any children out of wedlock. Women would only have 3 children and then wear a chastity belt for the rest of their lives. This would spare women from an early death due to child birth and free up more resources to better raise children.
Ironically in modern times, it's hyper-religious jews, christians, and muslims that have been the biggest contributors to overpopulation which puts stress on limited resources. Meanwhile formerly communist china is about to collapse because the elderly outnumber the young. And queer-friendly liberal states in the USA are only maintaining their population with influxes of immigrants and queer/feminists refugees.
So yeah Malthus is spinning in his grave that the solution to overpopulation was not holy patriarchal rule but instead allowing teenage girls the right to say no to impregnation...
>Interstellar Patriarchal Empire:
Tom Bob Malthus was a self-help celebrity who stumbled into becoming one of the imperial founders. He used his new power to form a religious order named after himself. His followers, the Malthusians, believe that unsafe sex practices are sins and that reproductive health procedures are holy rites. As such their houses of worship also double as hospitals. Girls raised in Malthusian households are kept in cells and only interact with the outside world via telecommunications until they are married. On principle, Malthusians hate frontier spartiae and myrmadonia but they love gynoids and hucows. They have mixed opinions about the other archetypes.
>Masochist Savant Femsub
Interesting idea, I'd like to know how the idea would ripple out.
By very annoying kusogaki scientists going "Hah, I've completed my brand new obedience collar! I'm going to take a nap after annoying my male lab assistant!"
I kinda want a patriarchal manager-simp you play as a human trafficking company
>distant planet in distant future
>your company tries secure a monopoly on sex trade
>you capture women, modify and transport and sell them
>you try outsell your competitors
>occassionally your competitors or space marines might raid raid your company and disrupt your supply chain
>forcing you to invest in security

I would probably be the only one who would enjoy this, but still.
>Looking at a chick get railed in highly degrading way: Meh
>Imagine her being highly intelligent and gagged: Get hard
>Now imagine her losing braincell with every orgasm: Instant cum
How does this fetish even work, am I stupid?
The better and nicer the thing you use for your pleasure, the more it glorifies you, and the more you can take from it.
Just to give my own two cents, I rather prefer the idea of clearly powerful and competent women in a submissive role.
>A female researcher will submit her research papers in her Master's name.
>A strong amazon will dedicate every victory to her owner, making a sign of submission before and after battle.
>A sexy teacher will do her best to ensure that her Master has the best access to knowledge.
>And she will make sure her female students understand she is where she is because of him.
>A genius military woman will give credit for her victories to her personal Commander.
>Any woman who thinks to glorify herself is aberrant and will be corrected.
>The greatest accomplishment she should have is uplifting her Master.
>How does this fetish even work
A lot of men are culturally pushed to date downwards economically, in the sense that if you have a job or income, you must have a woman with a lesser one instead, so they can't run off and be a spinster. So women with careers, qualifications, and achievements feel utterly unattainable. Why would a chick with a PhD date some dude on an internship in an office? Why would a C-suite exec at a fortune 500 company be interested in a Janitor? Why would a supermodel want a mere working class schlub?

Bondage makes the unattainable very obtainable. There's a reason why the more of a badass a woman is in canon, the faster she gets a commission of her post gangrape completed.
I think you have the dynamic the wrong way around. Men aren't culturally pushed to date down, women are biologically predisposed to date up. Women will resent any male they feel is dependent on them or is weak, and will always attempt to trade up. It's another reason patriarchy reoccurs again & again across cultures, races and history.
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The fact that this thread keeps getting femfags posting is proof you are wrong.
>Birth control means that if a father likes his daughter's body enough, he can just make her his permanent cock sleeve
>sisters can be raped by their brothers so long he uses protection. Birth control turns the family household into a permanent slave harem
Simple fact is if a woman fails her testing and it's deemed she doesn't have prospects as a wife then best she can hope for is concubinage.
At that point she's sexually seen as no different then a woman bought from the market.
Hence sisters/daughters are all fair game for close male relatives, and selling women between uncles/cousins is fairly common.

>mother is expected to relieve her son's sexual energy by letting him use her body as a masturbation aid.
This duty also extends to any sisters who aren't becoming wives.
Incest during his sexual awakening is just seen as "Boys will be boys" and it's the norm to provide a young man with ample outlets for his needs.
He'll gain experience as a master who'll learn to responsibly rule over the women in his life and gain sexual expense.
While his sisters will learn to properly serve a man,

>Properly submissive women can become living hosts to spirits and otherworldly entities.
>free them from needing food or water, it can help them conceive as well
Could be the case of a lust/fertility Goddess making women into their "champion".
Or a lewd version of the D&D paladin but where lewd blessings are given to women.

>Resistant ones might be given more permanent training through living clothes or symbiotic tentacles.
What about also using things like "cursed" Gear.
Living clothes/tentacles is just one of many ways to groom women into sex slaves.
Anal plugs that put women into heat, Nipple piercings that make them lactate, etc.
This Lew stuff could be used for slave training to put female adventurers into vulnerable positions.
Not sure what your point is. This being /d/, any claimed woman posting in any thread are most likely trannies (who don't count). But if we ignore that - doesn't that affirm what I said? Women want a man above them, the higher the better, and if given the choice will trade up. There's no cultural push among men to coerce fellow men into dating down, broadly speaking irl they don't care. The only really important thing is that she doesn't intentionally humiliate you (by cheating on you or publicly undermining you), which women will 100% do if they think you (as a man) are below them in the social hierarchy.

On a society-wide basis, the requirement that the man is above the woman is female-initiated, not male-initiated. It's not about spinster-welfare.

There's a reason every single femdom thread is a confirmed sausage-fest, full of male simps who will never find their unicorn. There's demand but no supply.

Men are the ones who truly believe things, and will re-orient their life around that belief. For women, that's inverted, belief rationalizes behaviours after the fact.
I once thought about making a lewd 'Prison Architect'-like.
>Design your own training complex.
>Research different ways to 'break' and 'train' women. (Gaslighting, psychotherapy, propaganda, brain-chips and mind control, ect.)
>Research different ways to upgrade girls. (Surgery, Augmentation, Gene-Editing, ect.)
>Have to balance stuff like heat vs. reputation, where if you get too well known you'll get raided, but if no one knows about you, you can't make any sales.
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> any claimed woman posting in any thread are most likely trannies (who don't count)
You know when you popped out of the womb they didn't even identify you as a boy or girl, right? The midwife just went "Congratulations, it's a fucking retard!"
Might have been brought up before in these threads, but there's the game "Free cities".
It's an HTML game that kind of covers some of these topics and has the player character Managing a Arcology(think city in 1 mega structure).
You can run it with a verity of different future society ethics so you can have a Paternalist patriarchy focusing on breeding.
Or a more sadistic society focusing on eugenics with a abused slave under class.

And there's also a sperate game series you can find on itch.io Called strive 4 power, a similar slavery focused game.
But on a smaller scale where it's just you and your estate + slaves. it's more character/story focused on free cities.

>making a lewd 'Prison Architect'-like.
There's also the option of running Rimworld with the Rimjobworld (aka RJW) mod.
Plus a few other mods to taste found on lover's lab.
>"Free cities"
I tried it before, I don't know why people call it a game. It's just a prompt simulator, really underwhelming at that.
There is just no gameplay. Your just press buttons and generates a description of how a slave fucked, there is no money, no way to lose, just not a not game.
someone got started on this idea for a game and made a couple of models, animations, and even an interface for it: https://hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=trainingspacestation
I have no idea if it's still be being developed.

I like the implication of a tech tree. I'm thinking you start off with a pair of supernatural artifacts in an underground bunker. The first artifact is a glowing pattern engraved on an ancient slab that turns 1/3 of the women who look at it into mindlessly drooling slaves, the rest just get crippling headaches. The other artifact is a syringe filled with a self-replenishing reservoir of glowing pink fluid that when injected into women (sometimes) gives them soft, bouncy, but infertile bodies. In order to improve upon the enslavement pattern and the bimbo-body drug you need scientists to study the test subjects before and after their exposure to the artifacts. The more resilient a test subject is to the artifacts effects, the more research data you can collect, but the more likely they might escape the bunker. So you have to hire guards who might wind up sympathizing with the test subjects and help them escape (or antagonizing them to start rioting). So you have to make sure your scientists, test subjects, and guards are well fed, entertained, and have access to clean bathrooms. All of which requires laborers to maintain, fortunately test subjects who have succumbed to the glowing pattern can become laborers and low quality "entertainers."
I'm not sure what the order of breakthroughs in studying each artifact should be and I'm open to suggestions.

Intelligence is power and a genius woman getting her IQ nerfed means she becomes less powerful than you, therefore you can rape her safely. Same logic applies to a strong woman being subjected to paralysis-bondage-amputee treatment.
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>I love this idea. Here's my contribution:
>The holy kingdom of Herana was an all female utopia watched over by three goddesses:
The blessings of Goddess Freya ensured that any heranain woman could conjure weapons from the divine aether and have divine strength. The blessings of Goddess Persephone ensured that the land was always fertile and that heranains could immaculately conceive daughters through a sacred ritual. The blessings of Goddess Eve would allow scribes to transcribe their experiences into the divine aether which other women could access, also through a divine ritual.
>After the Slaver Empire corrupted the goddesses:
Freya's bitches can summon sex toys and bindings from the aether and can recover from mental and physical abuse supernaturally fast. They use their toys and chains on themselves and rebellious women. To offset the loss of crop land, persephone's breeders have their breasts blessed, constantly swelling with milk but never depleting their own body fat. Their conception ritual has now become a gang bang during which all the sperm pumped into a woman's womb gets divinely preserved, ensuring she'll be automatically fertilized again as soon as she gives birth. Finally the former scribes of Eve are now psionic-vampire bimbos who drain and digest the memories of other women they touch/pleasure. These scribes are typically kept in extreme bondage so that they won't hurt themselves while lucid as they digest memories. They are brought to and from secret prisons which will protect the mind-suckers from vengeful (or sympathetic) women who try to assassinate them.
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>no way to lose
well, you can lose but you have to be actively retarded to do so
>I do not know what pussy smells like.txt
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no shit sherlock holmes, of course I've never smelled pussy, why do you think I'm wasting my time writing erotic world building?
Maybe this is out of the scope of this thread but I've always had a thing for the idea of being an inmate at a special prison that does stuff like this. Maybe it could be placed in a patriarchal world that attempts to break women who don't conform to patriarchal ideals with long sentences in an intensely cruel prison?
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Meeps123 has an entire universe built on implications like this. Hell, the prison itself is explicitly referred to multiple times as a former women's college.
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Personally love it when the patriarchy is explicitly evil. D/s isn't fun when the Dom is good, really.
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I personally love the caption for this one - "When this was a woman's college, there was a different statue here. Only the pedestal remains."
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>The Malthusian Commandments
>Do Not Test The Limits of our Post-Scarcity Society
"Sure, we can set up edible forests, micro-farms, fabricators and recyclers everywhere. But the mechanical things can break and the living things can get sick. When that happens you will have to decide who among your dependants gets fed and who starves. Would you prefer to decide what happens to 3 kids and a wife? How about 2 wives and 9 kids? Or hell, if you're a true patriarch, a hundred desperate wives and hundreds of starving kids?! Never forget, the more you begat, the sooner you gonna have to answer... that question!"
>Protect Your Daughters Until They Outgrow Their Cage
"A good cage lets the canary see the outside world but keeps the cats from reaching in and eating the bird. If the canary can't see anything, doesn't know anything, she won't know that cats are dangerous. And we can't punish cats for wanting a taste of sweet bird flesh, it's just in their nature! But once the canary, your daughter, learns the way of cats, of men's desires, she can be released from her cage and fly without getting bitten... too much!"
>Suffer not the Myrmadonia to live
"This asexually reproducing simulacra of women make me sick! Sick I say! Whoever created them looked at the natural asymmetry of man and woman and bisected it viciously! Speaking as a Man for men, I didn't ask to be made redundant! And I deeply resent the myrmadonia's goddess who thought we were! You know what we should do? We should make her and her creations redundant! That's what we should do!"
>Tolerate the Non-Breeders But Keep Them on A Short Leash
"Gay men should be thankful that can have so much power and authority. Lesbians should be thankful that our population demographics skew so much in their favor. But they are ungrateful to the very system that aids them and seek to undermine it! Just because they aren't contributing to overpopulation doesn't mean they deserve respect! It has to be earned!"
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Same, it's fun to see the bad guys win
You could easily peg a place like that as a 'High-Intensity Training and Reform Center' for women who who are flagged as being too resistant for 'normal' female education.
I'm of two minds about it. I like that the majority of the stuff here is almost 'gentle maledom' and systemic setups enforcing that, at the same time heavy duty stuff is great some of the time just for the variety.
I usually rectify it as above, cruelty is afforded to women who resist or rebel past the point where gentler discipline is reasonable. Women who accept their place are treated more or less kindly depending on their owner and station, even getting legally defined protection.
"gentle maledom and systemic setups enforcing that" is pretty much what I love about badguys winning. They don't need to be harsh - they already won. They can take their time.
>Could be the case of a lust/fertility Goddess making women into their "champion".
>Or a lewd version of the D&D paladin but where lewd blessings are given to women.
I'm less interested in being outright perverted at the start, but more unintentional consequences of a spiritual being in the new body. The fleshy human will partially subjugating the spiritual being into also worshipping "master", and the spiritual being also inflicting new things on the body.

>This is especially true of incest. Birth control means that if a father likes his daughter's body enough, he can just make her his permanent cock sleeve. It can mean that a mother is expected to relieve her son's sexual energy by letting him use her body as a masturbation aid. It even means that sisters can be raped by their brothers so long he uses protection. Birth control turns the family household into a permanent slave harem for the patriarch and his sons. A benefit even poor, lower class males who cannot buy slaves can afford.
In a patriarchal society of this sort, all the horomones women would be on even in their adolescence and the training required to make them into an ideal lower caste would also basically mandate familial training of this sort. It's just easier and cheaper than sending them off to a facility and you get some hands-on experience for the new generation of men.
If you're going with a less fantasy and more technological setting, you could also bond women to a comprehensive artificial intelligence which helps in decision making, enhances reaction times, shares in experiences and constantly encourages behaviour, but due to the actual law it must abide by its hosts commands.

The AI notices that their host is having some lewd thoughts? encourages them to act on them. The host does then regrets it, orders the ai to not do it anymore.... but then starts to tweak the settings to encourage it again because things just "felt better" that time and they didn't feel as guilty because "the AI made me do it".
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>Combination sensory deprivation + hypno through a VR headset.
>Eye-tracking to monitor if they're awake and what they're paying attention to.
>VR games that encourage a submissive and obedient mindset.
>Vibrators and electrodes for applying reward and punishment as needed.
I like the idea of being restrained right there in the courtroom upon being sentenced.

In my mind it was more a punishment for offending a male of high status, but the reason for me being there isn't really the important part!

Years ago I read a self-bondage story about a woman who had constructed a solitary confinement cell in the attic of her apartment. You can read it here.
I don't have the space to construct anything like she did but I love the idea of being left in a sensory deprivation cell and tracked to ensure my dedication.
I imagine it as being even more low-tech, like being made to actually pray or something like that.
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>Slaves making their pussies kiss.
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I recently started worldbuilding a new fantasy world as part of one of my ERPD&D game. It's not wholly patriarchal but with some very notable patriarchies. Besides the all male goblin hordes, the largest of these is the Humayyid Empire.

The two most important things about the Humayyid Empire's climate and environment are its hot weather and deadly fauna. All across the plains, deserts, savannahs and tropical jungles that make up the heart of the empire, there are frequent dangerous beasts and monsters. For a long time, even when civilised, life was dangerous and short because of them, and that is to say nothing of the diseases and storms, both mundane and arcane, that reduced life expectancy. Though these pressures have been alleviated somewhat with the Empire gaining control over the whole region and erecting stronger walls, trade routes and purging many monsters, the culture still remains.

Accordingly, women have long been expected to stay in the home for their own good, or at least to do the least intensive and dangerous work. They know about all of the risks their men take, and just how privileged they are to be allowed to stay home, weave and do other domestic work such as raising children. This is further enforced by their religion, which strongly enforces the idea of women being created to serve men, and it being a man's responsibility to protect them and provide for them.

I haven't really thoughts about their religion yet, but possibly something to do with a pantheon of all women subservient to the male creator, and one goddess who created monsters in defiance. This might be further reinforced by creating folk tales of women who don't submit to men turning into some of the more feminine monsters, ie harpies.
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The role of men in this society is essentially that of providing food, manual labour and a military. A military tithe, in particular, further contributes to the inequity of the population. From maturity until 25, men serve in the military. Many choose to serve longer than that, even. While some of this military power goes towards expansion of the empire into northern states, there are also Goblinoid hordes beyond the eastern mountains to contend with, cities to garrison and local monster populations to control. The punishment for avoiding this military service is slavery, though of course the sons of merchants and nobility are often paid out of it.

In contrast to the light, flowing fabrics worn by women (as they are not expected to deal with the sun's rays), men wear heavier cloths to keep themselves from getting burnt

Women, for all factors stated above, easily outnumber the men. As such, harems are incredibly common place. The life of a woman can essentially be a wife, concubine or slave.

Much as men are forced into service, as are women. A woman who does not find a husband or master to promise herself to before she comes of age is enslaved (credit to >>10969205 I like the idea a lot). Likewise, a woman who leaves the service of a man or is expelled from it becomes a slave, even if she has another man she has promised herself to (widows and concubines of dead men are treated as part of his estate, and wives are demoted to concubines).
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Concubines and especially wives are treated with love and respect, even if as lessers. A slave has no such luxury. A slave is on the same level as a rapist, murderer or paedophile in the eyes of the public. Slaves are to be spat on and humiliated. They're usually placed into public service or simply sold. Those in public service are placed into large colleges, whereupon they are taught discipline and embedded with a sense of obedience. At a master's choice, a private slave may also be enrolled in one of these schools, though for a fee.

Public service slaves are entirely free to use, as indicated by their clearly visible thongs, microbikinis and metal collar engraved with their slave name (oftentimes consisting of a degrading nickname ala Cunt Hair, Milk Tits, etc). Any who make an attempt to remove their collar or dare try and escape even after being made a slave are instead very visibly branded. Earlier in their careers as slaves, they are used purely as pleasure dolls or forced to do other demeaning tasks. Killing such a slave is essentially akin to property destruction or theft, and so it will not be a painless experience.

Usually after a year or two - or more should the slave handler not like them - a public slave is used for more productive work. By this time, their body isn't as youthful anyway. This work may see them used as clerks or slave trainers, or helping to run any government services. They can also be rented as cheap labour, stimulating the economy by allowing smaller business owners to charge half of what they would have to for a free man. They remain slaves, though, and are mandated to display their slave uniform bikinis and collars at all times. Additionally, raping any of these slaves at any time remains entirely legal.
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Within a domestic household, there is an inevitable hierarchy. At the very bottom are foreign slaves, then native slaves, concubines, the daughters, wife and finally the men of the house. The hierarchy arises from the emphasis of power, especially as it is a driving philosophy of the Empire. This hierarchy is primarily the case in richer households. Most average households have 2 or 3 women, of which one may be elevated to the position of a wife. Many men choose a more intimate lifestyle of less women, though this is seen culturally as being something only poor people would do.

At the bottom, foreign slaves (especially those bought fresh) are feisty. Especially from some of the Matriarch States in the north, they have a feeling of superiority. They are hated and feared by other women, as those raised in the Humayyid Empire see them as a corruptive force which might stop their souls from reaching eternal peace, or even turn them into horrific monsters. As such, they are relentlessly bullied even by the lowliest of slaves, often getting into "accidents" where their clothes are torn, they're stripped, and otherwise abused.

Regular slaves are looked down on for a similar reason. They are those who tried to escape service, could not get a man to accept her or proved so terrible they were expelled from the house. Fittingly, they are also the ones whom the master takes out his darker urges on, and the ones who the other men of the house are quickest to play with when it fits their fancies.

The concubines are constantly eager to please the patriarch. If they don't? They risk being thrown into slavery. If they do? They could receive gifts, be allowed more nightly visits, bear him more children or even be elevated to being the wife if others fall from favour. How they are treated depends on the master, but they are usually loved, though not bereft of punishment. A misbehaving concubine is still likely to be punished, but she has nowhere to go.
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The wife of a household is essentially the 'uncle tom' of the patriarchy. The patriarch and other men of a household have far more important work to be doing than ensuring their slaves are organised and working as they should do. That, therefore, is the wife's job. She will mete out minor punishments (often within bounds set by the men). The wife is often the most disliked (particularly by slaves and foreign slaves), but is the aspiration of all those who accept the patriarchy. Even those who do dislike her dare not show it. She will bear most of her husband's children, be given special privileges and gifts by the master and sleep in his bed. Most wives are not particularly 'free', though, as women who reach that level of height in the patriarchy invariably ascribe to its tenets.

The only way to escape either slavery or submission (besides fleeing the country) would be through magical power. The three kinds of magical power are arcane, clerical and druidic. An arcanist requires a lot of training, and so the number of female arcanist is few. The most common schools of magic are war magic, elemental magic and life magic. Both war and elemental magic are associated with masculinity, but life magic is seen as more feminine. Arcanist women then attach themselves to a great warrior to receive protection from being mistaken as a runaway and raped, often becoming their personal servant.

Clerical magic is a reward for piety and devotion, and so most often is given to those most loyal to the patriarchy. Divine magic is thusly sometimes acquired by pious wives and those willing to dedicate themselves to men. If they have such a capability, the woman is allowed to make a choice for herself - continue serving her master and household, or enter the service of a temple.
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NEED domesticated druid slave girl
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>Within a domestic household, there is an inevitable hierarchy
>wife of a household is essentially the 'uncle tom' of the patriarchy
That sort of hierarchy would extend to any offspring these women have and are allowed to have.
Like concubines only birthing daughters (using fantasy magic) while wives give birth to sons and legitimate daughters.
Higher ranking women are raised with their lower status half-sisters as her personal assistant/attendants.
And when married off she'll take some of her sisters with her as concubines for her new husband.

>kinds of magical power are arcane, clerical and druidic
How does magic play a role in slavery or for lewd uses?

>Public service slaves are entirely free to use
On that note are some slaves allowed breed?
like it's for the sake of keeping female population numbers up.

>taught discipline and embedded with a sense of obedience
>raping any of these slaves at any time remains entirely legal
Is there any sort of personality/mind reshaping done for slaves?
Turning them into mindless sluts so they can better fill their role in life.
Or do they keep their mental faculties.
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>That sort of hierarchy would extend to any offspring these women have and are allowed to have.
>Higher ranking women are raised with their lower status half-sisters as her personal assistant/attendants.
>And when married off she'll take some of her sisters with her as concubines for her new husband.
Man, that's great. I'm definitely using that. The sons, though, I'm not so certain on. The society needs men, especially seeing as the high mortality is one of their biggest concerns. they definitely wouldn't be considered true successors to the lineage nor as the inheritors of estates. That said, the title of wife has little legal weight and can be very fluid. Either way, I see a couple of ways 'illegitimate' sons can be dealt with. Either they are castrated like other male slaves and serve as field workers or elite military, or they are simply raised as any other boy, but are simply less favoured by the family.

> are some slaves allowed breed?
Good question. Male slaves are castrated since they couldn't be trusted otherwise. Female slaves aren't neutered, but the children of any slave would themselves be a slave. Ironically, the exception would be public slaves, whose children would be confiscated and sent to religious orphanages where they are all raised together. While other women have a very basic education (simple maths and a limited reading and writing ability), state children are practically bimbos. That is, if they don't get selected for a special course as an agent of the clergy or state.

>Is there any sort of personality/mind reshaping done for slaves
Outside of mundane indoctrination, no. Being a slave is a punishment and a torture that they have to learn to love, or hope to be taken in by a kind master

>How does magic play a role in slavery or for lewd uses?
Good question. The religious, magical and otherwise supernatural elements are next on the list
This is perhaps the most retarded thing I've ever read. In my life. In 36 years. I would have just skipped over and sat nothing. But I really think it's worth noting. This is a really dumb way to think. Really stupid.
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Now onto the supernatural.

The pantheon of the Humayyid Empire consists of 5 primary gods - or rather 1 god and 4 goddesses. The first god and only male is Padishah. He is the god of magic, authority, civilisation, conquest and power. The legend goes that, in the very beginning, he created 4 wives. The first was Ardbanu, goddess of the earth, nature and life. From their union, she bore the land. Second was Bahrbanu, goddess of the waters, craftsmanship and order. From their union came the oceans. Third was Samabanu, goddess of weather, passion and art. From their union came the sky. The final goddess was Sharbanu, goddess of darkness, deception and monsters. From their union came the night.

All of the goddesses were subservient to Padishah, in exchange protection, passion and provision. However, Sharbanu was defiant, and implored Padishah that, if he truly loved them, he would let them free. He obliged, and gave them freedom. Things continued for a time, but unable to regulate their domains on their own, Ardbanu created blasted deserts, vicious jungles and sharp mountains; Bahrbanu created rough waves and floods; and Samabanu created storms and gales and the searing heat of the sun, This was all until Sharbanu approached Padishah in the guise of Bahrbanu. She proposed that, through their union, she might birth order once more. From this accursed union came the monsters that plague the lands. This was the last straw, and Padishah chained the goddesses to his will once more. All but for Sharbanu, who now hides in the shadows creating evil, monsters and discontent.

As mentioned, there are 3 types of magic. Because of the minutiae of the world that I won't get into (again, this is a D&D setting), Arcane magic takes study, Clerical is a gift and Druidic is almost random. Because of this, they are respectively associated with Padishah, the 3 Goddesses and Sharbanu.
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Arcane magic is primarily studied by men, primarily as a matter of combat. Therefore, because it would offer them extreme power unbecoming of a woman, it is an uncommon type for to see women performing. However, when they do demonstrate a talent for it, it is not wasted. Such are instead almost completely restricted to protection magic and life magic, schools entirely focused on the service they can provide to another being. On rare occasions, they may be permitted enchantment magic, too, but this is often thought of as being too subversive.

Arcane talent is usually detected around the ages of 10-12, for which if magical talent is noticed they will be sent to a magical college (should their father deem it). Legally, they are considered slaves and on graduation enter into military service, and the date by which they are required to find a husband is pushed back to the end of this service. By the time they enter magical education, they are practically illiterate. At the very least, they are next to incapable of reading their spellbooks themselves, having mostly learned whatever vocabulary was deemed as necessary for them. Instead, their spellbooks are controlled by their tutors. Remembering the incantations for these spells is incredibly difficult due to sounding like gibberish, and most of them aren't that smart. Between that and not being able to read their spells, they're taught pneumonics to remember the important ones. It also seems to act as a motivator for the soldiers when they say such strange and lewd things on the battlefield
"Alright girls, let's review your incantations for the day. Teat Licker, how do you cast Protection from Poison?"
"Uhm, right... poison... P... P... Right! 'Playing with soldiers is a sorcerer's purpose, you want them to cum quick, use your spit and tits! Playwi Solis Asorpur, Yuwanthe Toecim Quigyu... Yorspantid!"
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After graduation, they are placed in mandatory service for the same amount of time as men. Since this is usually 7 years, they also usually finish around the age of 25. Prodigies may finish earlier, but if a student had to retake so many classes as to not have graduated by the age of 20, they are considered a sunk cost and simply thrown into slavery. This time in the women's colleges also gives them comprehensive classes on performing womanly duties, though often expanded to include medicine and other subjects a more 'educated' woman should know. In this time, they do not meet men. They are instead forced to focus on their studies. They are, however, taught much about how a man should be pleasured - they simply don't get to experience it. Because of this formal education most girls lack, arcanists are considered the cream of the crop when it comes to wives.

The mandatory service they perform is often either military or direct employment of a state official. Either way, they are far more than slaves. In the case of military, they will be placed under a commander or general. This is invariably treated as a for excellent performance on the battlefield. Because they don't have the same social stigma as slaves, they are treated far kinder. That said, this usually just means their time 'getting to know the squad' only comes as either a punishment, or is almost consensual. Non wartime mages serve a variety of important functions. Not so much as men, but still important. Life wizards can help to grow food, enchantment wizards often become spies or very high class prostitutes. This, too, is under the purview of a man, though often a state official who functionally incorporates her into his harem immediately. When their service comes to an end, they face the same problem as all other women - finding a man or becoming slaves.
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These graduates of magic college are considered very dangerous, though. Women who attend get a taste of power, and that can lead to a desire for freedom. As such, every graduate is marked with a magical tattoo on their crotch. It records all uses of spells, as well as the mage's name. Additionally, skilled divination mages are capable of detecting for a mark, for every single one is unique to that mage.

Unfortunately, there are still ways women manage to escape from the loving embrace of the patriarchy to perform profaned rights to the dark goddess. There are organisations outside of the patriarchy within its borders. Two of these are directly formed of women who have rejected the patriarchy, the worse of which is the Cult of the Unfettered Lady. The Cult is an organisation of druids, who quite firmly reject the worship of Padishah, citing that the women are the ones who truly created everything. They worship Sharbanu as their primary goddess, employing beasts and monsters as their allies.

The cult is not wholly matriarchal in structure, but its worship is - and this is an afront to the patriarchy. Foreign states are considered backwards and misguided for allowing women to be free, but at best the cult are misguided and harmful, at worst actively malevolent. Their terrorist and subversive acts include kidnapping and indoctrinating women into a pro-freedom mindset, consorting with otherworldly creatures, organising raids and monster attacks, murders and destruction of temples and holy sites. As such, they are one of the primary targets for the Inquisition.
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>>10980378 (You)
Members of the cult of the Unfettered Lady are to be punished to the highest degree. First, though, precautions must be taken against them. The cult is well known for its wealth of capable mages, after all. To prevent them from casting spells, they spend most of their time with hands bound in sleeves behind their backs and with a cock gag placed into their mouth. While this leaves them incapable of magic, they are also forced into locked, high heeled boots. After the threat they pose is eliminated, the first priority is getting information out of them. Torture is still the preferred method for this. Inquisitors have been known to employ sexual methods, but pain is the most prevalent. After this, they must begin their atonement.

A druid must be branded. This brand is always visible - either on the face, neck or breast. Second, to ensure they cannot runaway again, they are given the concentrated extract of an addictive flower local to the area, constantly making them aroused but making it incredibly difficult to cum. Unfortunately, one of the long term side effects of this drug is the degradation of much of the brain. Within a year, counting past 10 will be an impossibility. While constantly unable to cum, yet nonetheless stimulated, the girls receive lectures on how much the patriarchy loves them. Unfortunately for them, this is one of the cases where it is lying. The patriarchy hates them, and it will for the rest of their lives. It only has one use for them: parents with a magical spark beget magical children (more often, at least). They will never again go more than a week with an empty womb, as they are turned into breeding factories for the future mages of the patriarchy.

In this time, they are still slaves. In addition, they are told what their futures will be. Some of them try and escape and are given domination collars, but others see how much better things are in submission and beg passers by to purchase them.
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>they are simply raised as any other boy, but are simply less favoured by the family.
Given the higher male mortality this would be the more reasonable way these sons are raised.
Kind of the same deal for boys from religious orphanages, they're given the same freedoms as responsibilities as other men.
Just they have a disadvantage start in life.

>Female slaves aren't neutered...
>women have a very basic education
Could be seen as slave women redeeming themselves or at least be more useful.
Having failed their way into slavery at the very least they can help keep the population up through breeding.
Also plays into the degrading view of women's most fundamental contribution as being barefoot-breeding sluts

>Arcane magic takes study, Clerical is a gift and Druidic is almost random
>enchantment wizards often become spies or very high class prostitutes
Perhaps women with Clerical & Druidic could be funneled towards sexual/domestic uses for magic.
IE. Standard D&D trope of women as healers but also lewd magic like boosting a man's sexual stamina or helping him cum supernatural amounts of sperm.
Depending on how rare magic is these women basically spend their 7 years of public service advertising themselves to potential husbands/masters.

>never again go more than a week with an empty womb
>turned into breeding factories for the future mages of the patriarchy.
Maybe this could be the "safe" option when dealing with women who are found to be magically gifted then?

Not every woman has the potential to be a powerful mage and even some who do might not be trustworthy enough to receive training.
The solution could be a sort of Eugenics program where the gold is to produce Males who are magically gifted.
While most women are kept as breeding stock with the best of them being picked out for training.
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>Idea I've already stated:
Myrmadonia are lesbian ubermenschs: they are strong,smart, and capable of reproducing asexually with enough erotic stimulation. They are deployed by their creator-goddess to paradise worlds that they must protect but also get to enjoy.
>Fucked up new idea:
When a population of myrmadonia are eventually subjugated by the interstellar patriarchy, those who don't resist are spared. Some survivors are sterilized, brainwashed, and sent to a True Patriarchs estate where they live out their lives as unique pets. The other survivors are allowed to retain their fertility while being sent to a military-academy/prison. Once there, they are drugged and placed in sensory deprivation chambers in order to induce their auto-insemination. The daughters they spawn are then raised and studied by cadets/scholars within the facility. Once a myrma girl is old enough, she usually gets her tubes tied and then is conscripted into endless training exercises against cadets. Girls that might be too dangerous in the training yard instead are sent below ground to replace older breeders. Those older women get one last taste of combat in live fire exercises which are the cadets final exams.
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Imagine a religious order a lot like a nunnery or convent. Only instead of vows of chastity they take vows of promiscuity. Using their bodies to comfort others sexually is seen as being part of their charitable work. They promise not to marry and they have their tubes tied when they enter the order so they can completely devote themselves to the work. So as well as the usual things like helping the poor and sick they can frequently be found having sex with horny men (and occasionally women) in need of guidance and comfort.

Imagine the schools they would run which would be almost like the exact opposite of a convent school. Sex Ed would be compulsory and very detailed. Contraceptives available in every toilet. Young girls would be encouraged to dress provocatively, socialise with boys, to flirt and to use make up. Some may be encouraged to consider the order themselves when they grow up.

The ‘nuns’ would see it as a duty to help their young charges grow up into the most attractive and horny young women possible.
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Guys, never posted here and have questions, think this is right place, sorry if not.

I'm trying to find content of casual or wide spread rape, that's interrupted by a capable woman, who then gets overpowered and raped.

I'm particular, there's a piece I'm looking for with an older girl in green and white uniform and a wooden practice sword, who gets overcome in this way, which is a one page story.

I expect this type of scenario has a name, as it comes up a lot, but don't know what to search.

Thanks for info.
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I’ve been working on my own patriarchy world building for a while, and I have some stuff relevant to the thread topic.
>Background Information
There are two eras in the setting, Patriarchy and Neo-Patriarchy. The former is a near-future where changes to education, technology, and the law result in several male-led nations around the world following a period of wars. The latter is further in the future, where as a result of a devastating war with extra-planetary colonies, a much more extreme form of patriarchy emerges from the bunkers. They are very much “the bad guys”. (I can give more details about the setting if there’s an appetite).
In the Neo-Patriarchy women belong to one of three castes.
Wife-worthy, respectable and impeccably behaved women that are unaltered genetically, and capable of bearing sons and legitimate daughters.
The largest caste, women who through heritable genetic alteration can only bear (bastard) daughters. These women are the concubines and most of the female labour market.
In a word, slaves. These are the only caste that genetic alterations other than Y-control are allowed for. Most are sterilised via tubal ligation, but a couple of slave categories require them to be fertile, in which case they are only permitted to bear more slave daughters.
>Neo-Patriarchal religion
Even in the old patriarchy, there were isolated communes of extremists which openly practiced polygyny and secretly practicing slaving. These groups outnumbered the more moderate patriarchs when the war with the colonies (just called “The Nukes” in common parlance) forced Earth’s population into bunkers. Within a generation, they dominated the underground society and by the time it re-emerged to the surface, a new order had come about. Their society was structured around a new religion, a melding of Abrahamic faiths with fertility and male worship. Men were in the image of God and women were made to serve them.
(Cont.) With the Neo-Patriachal religion, all sex is a holy act, especially reproductive sex. Semen is seen as basically magical, especially by women, who believe they are blessed whenever it enters their body. There is still a role for chastity, though, as infidelity and promiscuity are vile sins to the Neo-Patriarchs. A maternal girl who is discovered to have lost her virginity before being wed will immediately be made servile. Sororal women who are too slutty are given the same treatment. The ability to establish lineage with certainty is paramount in the Neo-Patriarchy. For these reasons, maternal girls often locked in chastity belts until marriage, and seldom permitted to leave the house/estate of their father. Sororal girls are sent away at puberty to all-female boarding schools for five years, only coming into contact with men again upon graduating. If a man brings his wife out in public, she’ll usually be dressed in a brightly coloured full-body veil, hiding nearly all of her form from the eyes of other men.
The Neo-Patriarchal religion, often just called “the Chapel”, runs the all-female boarding schools and other institutions, most notably the abbeys. These are essentially sacred brothels, centred on fertility worship. Men, especially those that can’t afford personal harems of more than two or three, can go there and, in exchange for a small donation to the Chapel, have sex with their pick of the nuns, sororal women serving in sacred prostitution. Any offspring from these couplings are raised by the Chapel in orphanages, which also house unwanted bastard or slave daughters. They can be trained as nuns, or after their time there be auctioned into concubinage or slavery, look for a suitable job, or bent sent to a slave academy that provides specialist training.
(Cont. II) Once nuns pass their fertile window, they are retired from “carnal services” and go on to teach in boarding schools or orphanages. Abbeys are directed by an Abbess, the head nun who functions as a brothel madame, and an Abbot, the male Chapel official with ultimate authority over the sisters.
Marriage is one of the most holy acts in the Chapel religion. The Neo-Patriarchy is technically monogamous, as each man may only have one wife, but they are also permitted (and encouraged) to have as many concubines and slaves as they can afford. Under the Chapel’s religious law, once a sororal woman is impregnated by a man, she becomes his concubine. He is obligated to house and provide for her, and she is obligated to be totally obedient to him. If these obligations are broken, men are punished with a fine and occasionally the confiscation of the concubine by the Chapel, who make her into a nun. If a concubine is found to be disobedient, insolent, or otherwise dissatisfactory, she will be made servile and sentenced to a term of imprisonment, followed by slave training and auctioning her off.

That’s all I wanted to share regarding the thread topic, but there’s plenty more details if people are interested.
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People were talking about slave games in this thread, and it got me thinking that my ideal game for this kind of thread would be a 4x.
I know there are Crusader Kings mods that add in slavery(both labor and sex slavery) and it's not super hard to edit religions to add in stuff about sacred breeding(or for the other end of the spectrum sacred suffering)
I like the idea of a game right in the middle between world conquest society altering stuff, and a more personal touch where slaves aren't just a resource or statistic but actual characters who can interact with you through events.
Free Cities kinda has this but as others said, theres no real risk or difficulty
Theres a game called Fort Of Chains thats a fantasy game that I really enjoy, but it also gets a bit repetitive.
The zoomed in aspect is important to me though, I've played this Stellaris mod that adds in gender based societies(Matriarchies, Patriarchies, corporate sexism etc.) but Stellaris feels too zoomed out, without any real personality, especially since that mod doesn't really add any events
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>People were talking about slave games in this thread, and it got me thinking that my ideal game for this kind of thread would be a 4x.
>I know there are Crusader Kings mods that add in slavery(both labor and sex slavery)
There's always the option of using Rimwolrd + Ideology DLC(that adds slavery) with the Rimjobworld mod.
Hasn't been updated to the latest version of the game.

>Free Cities kinda has this but as others said, theres no real risk or difficulty
>There's a game called Fort Of Chains
Strive4Power is a slavery sim with RPG turn based combat.
Other then that slavery games are pretty rare.
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>Upon turning 18, all women must become public service slaves for 3 years.
12 if willing to engage in sexual service, 32 if wanting to preserve virginity. If a husband is found and is willing to sign paperwork (that can only be signed by him), she is released from her service.
>Girls who are married or engaged are exempt from this mandatory service, though if that engagement is broken off before she turns 21 then she must serve her term.
In case the engagement is broken, the sexual term must be served for a 30 year span.
Women may also be bought from the service for a moderate fee, however, if they are returned with a complaint, the woman is treated as if the engagement was broken.
If a woman turns 61 and still hasn't found her way out (usually this is accomplished by women that fail to behave repeatedly), she is relegated to a permanent pet, where a grim example is made of her as she is forced into a bitchsuit. Such cases are usually highly public and televised and always lead to a increase in the female enthusiasm for work.
The clothing and workload is assigned by businesses and state firms/ministries. As such, a woman might end up fingering herself and poledancing for a few hours each day until she finds a husband, or she might end up being gaped for a decade, fail to be a good servant, get dismissed, end up getting gaped for two more decades and end up bitchsuited.
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Thats a good idea, I have Rimworld, so I'll try those mods, see what I can do with it.
Never heard of Strive4Power, but I'll check that out as well, combat isn't exactly what I meant by failure chance, but I understand what you mean, it's just nice to know I had to actually work to succeed.
Using mods for existing games is probably the best idea, Kenshi is a good one as well, since the setting already includes a patriarchy, IDK if theres sex mods for it, but I might not actually need that explicitly
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Haven't checked in here in a while.

One of the things that really appeals to me about this all is the idea of headstrong, confident, pro-female women being defeated and conquered - ending up as slaves to the men and the society that defeated them.

Any art/stories/posts that have that sort of defeat/conquest theme to them?
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Idk if this has been floated before, but something I think that might be interesting is a slight reversal of the birth sex ratio. Typically 1.05 males are born for every 1.00 females (it varies a bit depending on the racial-ethnic group but it's extremely rare for women to naturally outnumber male babies at birth), this is because typically male infants suffer more from sudden infant death syndrome and other such diseases that along with a more violent lifestyle gradually reduce the sex ratio down to 1-to-1. But what if slightly more women are born relative to men so that the natural birth ratio is 51% female and 49% male?
Things aren't so imbalanced that men would find themselves overwhelmed by furious women, but they're tilted enough so that among women there would always be this sense of competing with other women for suitable male mates. That could naturally lead to women being more submissive and wearing more revealing clothing to attract men.
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Where Malthusian men hold positions of power, discrimination against women of a specific archetype is common. This is unlike on Consumerist or Handler led worlds where persecuted women are merely accused of being feminists.
The least favorite archetype of the malthusians is the Spartiae. As stated in a previous thread, the IPE used to have problems with out-of-control Frontier Spartiae gangs that enslaved men for breeding and hoarded protein rich food. After a crack down and introduction of the less fertile urban variant, these gangs are no longer an issue. But the malthusian order still use the threat of these warrior women's resurgence to scare-monger for political power.
Spartiae are only seen in and around ports of entry on the outskirts of malthusian settlements, serving as security or sex relief. They are not allowed to leave a facility unless they are wearing a straightjacket with permission codes printed on it and an armed escort. Despite these restrictions, spartiae can still "sneak in" to the heart of malthusian held territory. That's because an all-natural women carries the latent genes for 2 other archetypes and so she could birth the hated archetype. But that's only if her husband also has the latent gene. The birth of a spartiae is legal grounds for a divorce, with both mother and newborn daughter being sold into punitive slavery. The daughter will usually grow up to accept her role as a beast of burden like in >>10995877 . Whereas the mother may need neurological reprogramming to accept her fallen status, especially if she was an upper class wife.
On frontier worlds, Spartiae and HuCows are paired together like guardian dogs and livestock by consumerist/handler ranches. This infuriates their malthusian neighbors and has resulted in occasional violent spats.
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I wish I could find some way of making this idea more fun. It's a little too brutal, maybe I need to soften it somehow? I was just working off the idea of religious persecution and comibining it with the stuff I wrote about the interstellar patriarchal empire...
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Nothing necessarily wrong with brutal, gotta have some dark parts of a setting to make the kinder parts mean more, plus it's a galaxy of universal sexist slavery, unfair loses of status seems like a pretty normal thing
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A preview into our progressive new force of Policewomen, and some of the features of their design.

>A self-driving, high performance car that responds to incidents or calls automatically. Because of course, women aren't trained, can't be trusted, and should never be allowed to drive.
>4 inch slip on heels, to let her feel confident in her womanhood, while also being wearable for the 12 hour shift of a working woman.
>Her ID contains a chip in it, that if placed near a phone, passes along information such as; cup size, waist and hip measurements, number of men she's serviced today/this week/month, her name, address, and a public rating app.
>Collapsible baton, with a vibrator in the handle.

Though the new Policegirls can't actually arrest you, as it's unconstitutional given the Lawful Detention Act, we have no doubt that these babes in blue will help keep order in the streets.

Is there anything else you'd like to see on our lovely ladies? Do write in, dear reader, with your suggestions.
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>Here's what I'm thinking:
>The access that female officers have to real guns is dependant on 2 factors
>How many kids she's had
>What she is guarding
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Policewomen should ideally serve as public relations when dealing with men, available for public use on certain days, dressed in uniforms that show off their actual purpose.
If they have any authority at all it should be with other women, where there is an added humiliation of being threatened with punishments by an upjumped whore.
If they are armed at all they would need to be trained, and their loyalty ensured. If we aren't dealing with a world of mind control(brain chips and whatnot) then intense conditioning would be needed.
I like the idea of tying it to motherhood, if she has children then she has skin in the game so to speak, plus it keeps motherhood as the ultimate goal for any woman
>Real guns.
>To women.
If they can't be trained, nor trusted, to drive a car, they can't be trained or trusted with a firearm. If it's important, there'll be a man present.
Perhaps bb guns, or water pistols as an alternative?

>Authority over women.
Of course. The Lawful detention act states that a woman cannot deny or detain a man without his permission. They can still arrest women.
Especially 'qualitied' Policewomen may also be granted minor sentencing capacities as well.
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>minor sentencing capacities
Perhaps they can be responsible for "enforcing" things like dress codes, or behavior.
Since they can't exactly fight(I doubt the vibrator baton is intended to be used for anything besides public self pleasure or teasing an unlucky slave), they just flag women who violate the laws and mark their ID's.
In one of the old threads there was the idea that women are tattooed with like a QR or barcode and this has to be scanned in order for her to enter buildings, make purchases etc.
In this way they can be enslaved and kept monitored, without actively being watched by their master, in this kind of setting female police officers could deal with less serious or dangerous "crimes" while their male counterparts deal with actual rebels.
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What the everloving fuck ARE you babbling about, schizo? Please tell me you took your meds after posting this.
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Armed police women could be armed with "smart guns" that can only be used to fire on authorized targets. I was also thinking that enslaved police women protect mass transit used used by company owned women.
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pictured here are a mother and daughter pair wearing their standard uniforms for transit authority security. The picture attached to this post is the same women 6 months later. Note that the uniforms are designed to be highly visible so that in an emergency civilians can recognize them. The mother is allowed to carry a standard auto-rifle while the daughter is only authorized to use a sidearm.

Is this some kind of role play thing? In order to role play with another person you first have to establish a scene and some sense of world building so that people can create a role for themselves. They can't play along if they don't what's going on.
Also why do you think Argent Energy is real? Or is that your character? You can write in the third person perspective and that would make things less confusing.
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Still kinda risky to arm them, smart guns can be hacked for example, might work out, but also leaves the door open for potential problems.
Having policewomen(slave or otherwise) guard slave transit is a good idea, I've always liked the idea that slavery in settings like this can be really hands off for men.
A master can send his girls in to work, or to buy things in the city and not really worry about her escaping since she will be monitored at every turn, scanning herself to get on the train or bus, her wages are paid directly to her masters account and any purchases she makes are done through her masters account.
She has the "freedom" to move about, but it's slavery without chains.
Working off the idea that there are way more women than men in universe it would make sense to use male police, soldiers and security only in leadership roles, or the more serious jobs, with women filling the grunt roles once they have been trained/brainwashed/microchipped into submission
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In the event there are any gatcha players in here, what are your thoughts on The Ark in Nikke slowly being converted into a patriarchy? Especially since conversion into Nikke is known to be on the table in terms of punishments for women?
No gatcha is big gay retarded
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I don't know enough about the setting since I've never played it, but it's an FPS right? I always like military slave stuff
The gameplay is something like the old light gun games you'd find it games, except as a third person shooter. (Putting you effectively in the position of the Commander ordering your Nikke around.)
To expand on the setting just a little, it basically takes place in the aftermath of an alien robot invasion with the Raptures (the alien robots in question) having basically won. As far as you know at the beginning of the game, The Ark is the last human city in existence and it's basically a giant underground bunker. The only reason humanity has held out is due to the Nikkes.
Nikkes are combat androids that had the combat capabilities to fight back against the Raptures, who look a lot like human women. [spoiler]This is because they used to be before they were converted, first in mass production models and then more customized ones later.[/spoiler] Nikke are capable of physical feats far in excess of humans, with a built in control systems to prevent them from willingly harming humans. Because of the human-like mind installed in each, the bodies have to correspond to what the mind is expecting. Ergo the human appearance, bleeding red coolant, lack of internal weapons and the ability to eat, drink and sleep despite not needing to. They are almost entirely 'functional' aside from the lack of a womb.
Nikkes are NOT human [spoiler]anymore[/spoiler] and are not entitled to rights. Until the player character, human commanders were encouraged to view them as utterly disposable. That said, they do have a full emotional range with likes, dislikes and personal goals.
>Nothing necessarily wrong with brutal, gotta have some dark parts of a setting
It's Dark/brutal for Certain women in a Certain part of the empire (Malthusians).
Could be more of a Caste system for women, many have lives of menial work with the occasional rape.
The women in the middle ranks are used mostly for sex but are kept on birth control as they're not deemed worthy to breed.
And at the top of the hierarchy are the breeders/women in positions of "power".

It's useful to gate keep women's "power" only for women with maternal investment in society.
As this fits in perfectly with the whole Malthusian idea of restricted reproduction and this sort of thing works well with a system of familial punishment/reward.
Like women might be breed simply to keep the population of menial slaves up, but there's always a chance for these women to move up in life.
AND to pass that status onto her female descendants.
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really liking this idea.
Indeed, it really speaks to how ingrained the patriarchal norm actually is. If the women have no concept of working for their own benefit, only that of her Master, it will be difficult to escape that mindset.
Gatcha is ass, don't bother with it
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>General Idea I think we can agree on:
In less lawful areas of the IPE, attacks on slave mass transit are possible. Attackers can range from desperate lower-class men to corporate operatives aiming to eliminate a rival companies laborers. Transit authority has a very low tolerance for disruption to operations and so their slave-women are better equipped than females belonging to the military.
>Transit Authority Women
The average TAW guard is a mass-produced, bought-in-bulk, physically fit DupliCunt. They are good at standing around, looking intimidating, and hitting/shooting things with a big but non-lethal weapon. Only with a lot of experience can DupliCunts be able to handle more complex problems like a passenger going into unexpected labor or a vehicle malfunction. Fortunately they can get help from their All-Natural or Elven commanding officers who are trained to handle those things. All-Natural women are typically tomboys with some mental aptitude from middle or lower class families. An Elf women has usually been in service since the transit lines first opened. See >>11002249 and >>11002267 for how they receive weapons. Spartiae and Gynoids make up the elite crisis response units and are trained for mass kidnappings by hijackers, and terrorists. HuCows are a bit useless in this role, being too complacent and easy to panic, even though they can be smarter than a duplicunt.
>Guard Indoctrination
First and foremost these guards are taught to take pride in protecting their fellow women. At work, slave-women can be molested by their male bosses and customers. At home, these same poor women have to take care of children and their unmarried mothers. It's only on a bus, train, or aerospace shuttle that these women can relax and have private time. Anyone who rudely disrupts it, whether a scumbag criminal or a well meaning feminist, deserves to be subdued or exterminated.
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that's the point in world-building. You throw an excess number of ideas and details out there and then you circle back to focus on the stuff you like.
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An image I want to see in the patriarchy is the rampant and brutal public humiliation of women.
Specifically, I want to see the patriarchy systematically deny women haxp
their dignity for their crimes. It's not that women would be less than human, but rather that the right to be treated as human would be conditional. Women who commit crimes lose the right to be human.
The criminal code would be drastically different for women. Things like adultery would specifically refer to the act of a woman having sex out of wedlock, with no equivalent crime existing for men. You might see a woman bound outside as in pic related - standing in a wooden frame to answer for the crime of having been deflowered before her marriage.
Should a man be caught stealing, he'd be forced to pay back the victim plus damages. However, for a woman, she would additionally be forced to wear cuffs that bind her wrists for years until a judge ends her sentence.
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>What women are used to appease low status males?
Everyone who didn't actively fight in the patriarchal revolution. All the women who tried to sit on the fence and ride out the regime change will be stuck sucking normie cock.
>What role do women and their submission play in religions?
The Hermae will make a comeback. The luck associated with them will be restored as a placebo for the masses.
>How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
All the old feminist movements broke quickly after the chastity acts were passed, permanently banning female masturbation.
>Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
We hold men responsible for the actions of their women, so they are not only allowed to control them but legally required to do so.
>How does the system of social status/class play out between men?
The revolutionaries who fought for patriarchy are now the rulers. Each has a wife to breed, plus several sluts.
The men who remained neutral during the revolution get to continue their normie lives. They are allowed access to sluts as a reward for productivity.
Those who actively resisted change have been castrated and pumped full of estrogen. They are treated the same as the female counter-revolutionaries.
>what are some ways in which women may be given as prizes for competitions?
This is a special privilege only for the new ruling class. Patriarchs fight MMA tournaments to win a bride while the female revolutionaries are the prizes. Normal women are just sluts so no one fights over them.
>Can we imagine some ways in which societies even with powerful women may conditionally submit to men due to social custom?
Foreign delegations must respect our laws. That means the men are responsible for the behaviour of the women and must control them. Any women they bring with them must be kept on a leash and wear a chastity belt at all times.
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Strong women are the ones most interesting to enslave, give me intelligent slaves, physically strong ones, those with specific knowledge, sounds more fun than brainless bimbos

Sounds kinda like it's on the edge of patriarchy anyway, just likely not the focus of the games, but I love the idea of synthetic soldiers girls trying to cope with human nature.

Working off the strong slaves idea, I really do think some kind of slave police of fighting force would be important, maybe men are considered too important to risk as grunts, and so they are the commanders.
I like the idea that public transit is the one haven for slaves, since I imagine they aren't the most comfortable travel methods anyway.

2 tiered justice is a great concept, everything from education(it its allowed for girls at all) to work and the law drive home that women are lesser.

What caused the uprising? With the chastity laws would it have been falling birthrates? Just getting fed up with women's independence? Is it purely a superstitious thing to keep women chaste? Or practical?
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>mass transit is a haven for slave-girls
This could be exploited. A work shift of company owned women board a ferry boat that they've taken hundreds of times to get to work. Instead of the usual location, the boat instead takes the women to a facility where they get used as breeders where they birth experimental new genetic archetypes of girls. The working women don't protest as much during the transfer to their new homes because the ferry was the place where they naturally relaxed.
>Or something like that...
Imagine admitting that you're illiterate lol
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>refining these ideas:
When a True Patriarch of the IPE needs a lot of women for some reason, he'll notify mass transit authorities. They will present him with data for the passengers of several fully loaded transports, out of which he will pick one. The slaves and guards riding that transport will be informed there was a vague problem at their next stop and they are being redirected to an alternate one.
>What happens after that depends on the patriarch's needs:
If he just wanted to fill up a nightclub with female patrons, then everyone on the transport will be given some party clothes to change into, and their ride will drop them off at the front of the club. They'll get to enjoy music, dancing, and cheap drinks before getting back on the transport which takes them back home.
Longer term usage will require the patriarch to compensate the companies that own the women. This discourages extreme treatment of slave women but some men can afford it.
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I imagine this would be relatively commonplace, every woman who is(or was) company owned has a story about being rerouted.
At their lightest, these are stories about filling out night clubs and crazy parties, but many remember times when a man paid a premium to essentially snatch them away for an extended time, or had rented them for painplay
The luckier ones are on the way to work, where at least whatever they are being used for they aren't exhausted from their day.
On the flip side most crazy parties happen at night, and so a transport full of overworked office ladies is dropped off to serve drinks and serve guests sexually, kept awake on club drugs alone.
The uncertainty is a major motivator for women to try and find a private owner, although thats just not possible for some.
>A matriarchal kingdom is ruled by female magic users
>Other than family name, social status is determined by magical ability
>A princess in line to the throne makes a pact with the ruler of an all-male race of demons
>Powerful magic users that stand at twice the stature of a man, with heavy horse cocks
>Carrying a demon's child permanently increases one's mana pool and magical potential

>She sells out her people in exchange for being the next ruler
>Establishes her patron as a "divine" emperor
>Her massively swollen belly full of a her third batch of the demon lord's babies has made her almost unstoppable in magical combat
>Her sisters and mother who survived the coup have become trophy wives for the demon royalty

>Her kingdom now provides resources and sex tourism to the demon empire, (as a reward for military service and the upper class)
>Women know their magical abilities will grow from getting knocked up, and are mostly willing as a result
>Resisting or reversing the coup is essentially impossible because the ruling class have had their magical ability increased beyond mortal limits by giving up their wombs

>Girls with no talent for magic are given up for rough play and extreme tastes, such as amputee
>Nobody really cares if they're taken from the city when the honored guest leaves

>Royal blood results in offspring born as full-blooded demons with the power that entails. The vassal state is allowed to remain as a matriarchy internally for this reason
>Other magic users give birth to strong enough half-demons that can reach high ranks in the lord's army
>Talentless women's half-breed offspring are of lower quality. Less care is taken when they're pregnant and their children grow up to be human-sized but otherwise goblin or kobold-like, becoming disposable wave tactics soldiers and laborers.
>Group use by the disposable underclass is a common punishment for ill-behaved subjects and would-be revolutionaries
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>science fiction era setting
>birth control now takes the form of a long-lasting gel injected into the uterus
>no meaningful side effects, other than the subject immediately ovulating when it wears off after a couple months
>it can be reversed with a neutralizing agent
>there is an extremely expensive pill that temporarily mutates the male body to produce the neutralizing agent in prostate fluid
>The upper class sometimes uses it as a party drug because it causes swelling of the cock and balls with increased load size and a small hit of that "December 1" arousal
>Overuse can make the effect permanent
>Doses are legally limited for social order, but the punishment is "just" a multimillion dollar fine and a tattoo below the belt

>Years after invention, girls get nervous and squirm whenever a man of obviously high status finishes inside them
>High-priced party slaves often wear a couple around their neck, pay-for-play to fund the venue and next week's event
>The tattoo backfired and a significant subculture fetishize it, Some guys even get fake ones because they like the way it makes serving girls on birth control squirm and beg for anal or oral

Pictured: High class servant that's never had kids nervous about getting pregnant after a party guest took the pill off her collar
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POV the queen just soloed 50 revolutionaries who made it past the guards and now its time to be a hoe

Most were left alive with their limbs cut off. They will become toys for her adult sons with the demon lord.
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>Other reasons why a bus full of women women got rerouted and the passengers recruited:
>NPCs for a fantasy LARP
Everyone's given subtle ARG goggles which shows what lines they are supposed to say and what they are supposed to do in the game. This usually happens to work shifts mainly consisting of elves who don't need much more than a costume change to look appropriate. The other archetypes may have to put on some cosmetics. For example an unlucky spartiae woman will be given fake tusk teeth and green body paint in order to play a she-orc. Or a gynoid has to attach bronze clockwork paneling to her prosthetic limbs.
>Extras for a Movie
Sometimes the women won't have to change out of their uniforms. That's because in realistic dramas, comedies, and romance, they'll fit right into a workplace scene.
>Imagine not knowing what tldr means
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>NPCs for a fantasy LARP
While it might be a little confusing, I would think this is one of the happier options.
Sure, a Spartiae would rather be getting into actual fights, instead of intentionally allowing the male players to "conquer" her, but she's been raised and conditioned from birth to be submissive to men, so it's not really an issue for her.
The elves might find it a bit "beneath" them, but I think some might enjoy the chance to be "real" elves.
Sounds like it would be a nice change from the tedium of a slaves normal life, even if they're just background characters, it's gotta be more fun than mindless office work, and more mentally stimulating than typical sex work(although I imagine most LARP's in a world like this end up being basically themed orgies with extra steps)

The extras for a movie thing is a funny idea, just taking a group of working women and plopping them in front of a camera, telling then to act natural while you get your footage.
I like the idea that the average slave has access to(carefully curated) entertainment, so they might even see themselves in the background of a movie, a brief moment of feeling like someone who's important, before going back to their normal faceless, thankless life.
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As mentioned here, sometimes women get conscripted into becoming breeders for experimental offspring.
There are 6 genetically engineered female archetypes recognized by the IPE which has bureaus overseeing each one. Different corporations cater to the needs of each archetype while competing with each other to make a new 7th archetype. In order to prevent information about their breeding program from leaking to competitors, they have to keep things confidential.
>How that normally works, starring Mina the anti-social slave woman:
One day, Mina receives a notification from her owner-company that she's being transferred to a new worksite. Since she's a slave, she can't object. Besides, the novelty of going someplace new is exciting! After packing up her stuff and getting her affairs in order, Mina rides a private transport to an isolated facility. Upon arrival, she's given a briefing on her new role as a breeder for prototype females. She will have to keep herself healthy, get impregnated by an augmented male, and then work with medical staff to ensure a successful birth. She'll have plenty of free time to use different areas of the facility which includes an entertainment center, VR masturbation den, and gym. Mina will need permission to communicate with or leave for the outside world, and only for closely-monitored short durations. Being anti-social, she's okay with this which is why she was selected for the job. A decade of getting her womb clogged with cum and pumping out weird babies goes by, and Mina is given a decision. She can either leave and go back to her soul crushing job with her kids or she can stay at the facility as a midwife/wet-nurse/babysitter for new breeders. Naturally she chooses the latter option, and winds up giving the briefing to the newest arrival.
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I'm not really sure what happens to the prototype daughters. I don't care about them so I will leave that up to other people to invent fates for them.
>Anyways about "Mass Abductions" in the IPE
When a corporate laboratory needs a big testing pool for female free will crushing technology, they can petition transit authority for permanent volunteers. TA will then arrange for a transport filled with expendable slaves and guards to arrive at an R&D facility. All passengers will be informed they've been infected with a biological weapon and need to receive medicine which is secretly sedatives. Once guards and slaves are all unconscious, they are placed in individual pods which keep them alive and helpless. Then scientists can pull these women out of storage whenever they need to test things like mind control collars.
If anyone notices the disappearances, the TA will announce that criminals have stolen the entire work shift of women after overpowering their brave and heroic guards. The Empire will announce tighter security restrictions and an investigation into the crime. A bunch of falsely accused women will be accused of the crime/being feminists and then sent off to a processing center where they become mindless sextoys.
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Diaries of a Former Feminist

Intro: the downfall of the matriarchal states on planed earth was waged over a series of three "wars" although despite the matriarchy briefly declaring war in one fitful and final gasp to justify it's existence. The three stages of what was a decisive conquest by the patriarchy took place over slightly less than five years. The first step was the disintegration of the matrairchy's army's and the end to the military power of the matriarchal equality states. The second was an swift and brutal economic war, waged by the patriarchy. The third amounted to a brief process of barely formal legal assimilation marked by a brief but intense ritual struggle for power.

Volume 1: day of defeat.

A hot prickle came over Kara when she heard the news. A combined force of five matriarchal armies had surrendered after offering what could at best be described as token resistance. Peace talks were being announced and the only condition the patriarchy would accept in return for peace is full demobilisation and freedom of commerce.

Kara had dedicated her law school studies to fighting the implementation of the worldwide patriarchal uniform rules of fair trade and free commerce. The was allegedly supposed to ensure a fair exchange of women's labor by treating all parties to every bargain as equal actors. But every feminist in the Western Matriarchal States knew that it was a system of surveillance, exploitation and domination. Credit was offered to no interest rates to women in return for physical exploitation. However the terms could be adjusted at will upon any failure to pay the entire balance on demand.

This central principle is baked into every contract signed with a patriarchal owned company which are most global multinational countries.

In other words, women can have as much paid tike off as they want, as much free food as they want, but they pay back any uncompensated goods or services with physical service.
** although despite the aforementioned declaration of war, none of the three wars involved much actual fighting. The matriarchal states began to collapse due to inept planning and internal divisions. Shrewed diplomacy by the patriarchy ensured That the takeover was virtually bloodless.

Instead of on the battlefield, the defeat of feminism is something felt in real time by women as steady immigration and imperialist impunity saw patriarchy quickly amassing political and economic power in their own countries.
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>Proximity Sensor Activated
>Beginning Scan
>Subject Identified
>Begin Advertisement 044
Have you always wanted to be a mother but couldn't find the right man? Do you hate your job and this city? Why not sign up to become a prototype breeder. Get away from it all and enjoy world class amenities in a beautiful rural community. Get excellent personalized medical care as you contribute to scientific progress. Fill your Life... with life!
>No Activity Detected
>New Subject Identified
>Begin Advertisement 188
Have you been having money troubles? Lonely and Bored? Why not become a compensated surrogate mother to a GeneCopy daughter! This years template is... the actress Felicia Zhow! She's the all-natural star of the hit romantic comedy "Un-Natural Desires!" Your compensation will increase exponentially with each of your daughters birthdays. It always helps to have someone waiting for you after work!
>No Activity Detected
>No Activity Detected
>Shutting Down...
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>What caused the uprising?
WWIII lasted for 28 years and ended in nuclear exchange. Many survivors thought it could have ended much quicker if their leaders had adopted less liberal attitudes. The high male casualty rate left 3 women for every man, and some women went to great lengths to please the few remaining men while others formed feminist collectives to outvote them.
Veterans formed warrior societies to emulate premodern values. They would wear armour like knights of the past and swear loyalty to local leaders instead of flags or nations. Women in these societies were given "loin armour" to protect their virtue, and they would cut a small hole in all their clothes at the waistline to show off the lock.
The few remaining scientists and engineers formed guilds to salvage and study 21st century technology. Just like the warriors they also rejected gender equality as a weak value. They adopted a behaviourist approach, building neurofeedback collars for their women to train them like pets.
>With the chastity laws would it have been falling birthrates?
The need to repopulate was certainly a factor, but mostly it was the shattered global economy and resulting lawlessness. People turned to their local warrior societies for protection, and the warriors in turn needed the tech guilds to keep them better armed than the bandits they would face.
The decimated remnants of governments tried to keep liberal democracy going in spite of the circumstances. Most outlawed the warrior societies and sent agents to disarm them, triggering civil wars. A few tried to negotiate power sharing arrangements, leading to a bloodless revolution. Either way the old order fell.
>Just getting fed up with women's independence?
Women's independence was seen as one of many factors that had made the war worse than it needed to be. Female politicians had not been decisive enough, mixed sex military units had suffered from a weakened ethos and the insistence on keeping gender equality laws had made the war economy less efficient. The sexual liberation of women prevented soldiers from having any guarantee that their wives remained faithful during their service, which further weakens morale.
Liberal democracy in general came under scrutiny, as it had lead to a weak executive that could not act quickly in the early days of the war. Many people came to see it as the main cause of bloodshed in the past and turned to more tribal forms of government as a solution to the problems of their present.
>Is it purely a superstitious thing to keep women chaste?
>Or practical?
It began as a very practical protection from rape in a world of bandit raids. It also assured monogamy even when the men were away, raising trust and morale. After the revolution it was applied to all women to ensure the old ways could never return. Women have to please the patriarchs to be allowed an orgasm, which is a very strong motivator.
Chastity also allows complete control of breeding and eugenics makes a comeback. Sexual dimorphism increases due to selective breeding. Men become larger, stronger, more aggressive and more intelligent, while women become smaller, rounder and tamer. After a thousand years it is impossible to go back to an equal society, as the human genome is no longer capable of it.

Kara was shaking as she red the news. After a series of short commando raids and mutinies of lower ranked armies, the matriarchal army had formally surrendered unconditionally. The swiftness of the terms took both sides by surprise. Within less than four hours of the declaration, Patriarchal forces had boarded all ships of the matriarchy, had begun to occupy all aircraft command and control terminals, and were arriving with ranking officers at unit headquarters to inform soldiers of the surrender. The patriarchy suddenly found itself in possession of nearly ten million prisoners, including support personnel, as entire army units were directed to lay down their arms, sometimes to battalion sized commands that struggled to process the captives.
As a high schooler of the Matriarchal States, Kara had been raised to believe that lesbian camraderie was the center of every woman's life. There were regular journals, articles, movies, and books published about feminism and the coming triumph of feminist ideals world wide. Yet by sundown, the internet and news casts across the web were full of footage of female soldiers, and support personnel being stripped, zip tied, and calmly marched into female processing centers. The male captives meanwhile, were given handbooks on how to obtain patriarchal citizenship after completing re-education courses. Those who had mutinied and aided in the "battle" were given citizenship on a good faith basis. The sheer bloodlessness, the meek calm with which most women appeared to accept their captivity en masse was shocking. There were some isolated instances of physical resistance, but these hardly raised the spirits. Sobbing commanders offered token resistance with improvised weapons, unable to process the magnitude of their defeat, and were quickly overpowered.

However the initial shock of surrender was short lived. In the major Matriarchal cities, protests started brewing before formal peace talks could even begin.
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I like the idea of a post apocalyptic patriarchy, rising from the ashes with the intent to not make the same mistakes as the past, deciding that those mistakes were "Letting women have power"
"neo-medieval" type warrior societies rebuilding the world, the idea about chastity belts being something women are "proud" of is great, showing off the lock to let it be known that they are pure.
On the contrary I imagine the women who were subjugated after the takeover are far more resistant of being locked up, so they naturally end up lower status than the women who have been enslaved longer, with said "accepting" women maybe even being part of the indoctrination
Also, I love that fallout image, I remember another one of a bunch of slaves being walked though the wasteland, might have been the same artist.

"Literal gender war" is my favorite set up for a patriarchy, adds some animosity to the setting, personally I'd prefer some actual battles to have been fought, maybe even with the matriarchal faction winning at first, so there's no remorse felt in enslaving them
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>2 tiered justice is a great concept, everything from education(it its allowed for girls at all) to work and the law drive home that women are lesser.
It's not even specifically that they're "lesser" but that their beings who only conditionally deserve dignity.
We take it for granted in our society that women and men are both people that deserve to be treated as people. I want to see a patriarchy in which women are things that serve a function in relation to their ability to provide use to men. In that respect, they're not treated as full members of society but rather as beings who've been granted a privilege.
Ur gay
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The Handler masculine ideology emerged from the Empire's Counter-Feminist Division. The CFD was staffed by men who served in the IPE's military intelligence. They studied feminists and their theories in order to combat them more effectively.
The divisions research eventually came to a pair of conclusions. First was that as long as women think they are being oppressed they will organize ways to rebel. Second was that women are willing to tolerate oppression as long as they have a purpose that is satisfying.
In terms of job security, this was great news for the division, as feminism would always be reinvented no matter how many times it was erased. In terms of social stability, it was despair inducing.
The solution that the founding Handlers advocated was a limited form of feminism heavily influenced by military doctrine. If men were to be commanders of women, then they needed to be competent. Which meant they had to be able to give realistic orders and understand their subordinates. Men that could not hold themselves to such standards undermined the "truth of masculinity" and did not deserve to own women.
An average handler man rejoices when he encounters another person more competent than himself. If it's another man, then his burden of labor and leadership can be divided. If it's a woman then he might get the privilege of training her into being a good subordinate.
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>chastity belts being something women are "proud" of
In the buildup to the revolution it would have been a powerful sign of allegiance. Anyone can "say" they support the patriarchs, but actually giving up something is proof of commitment.
Other women sometimes wore belts when travelling to prevent rape of course, but they would keep the keys themselves. They were also embarrassed about wearing them and tried to hide it. Those aligned with warrior societies, by contrast, showed off their locks proudly and entrusted their keys to the knights they served.
After the patriarchs took power it became a status symbol. Noble ladies would wear heavy collars and chastity belts at all times with elaborate gilded locks on display. Since they didn't need functional armour anymore, many took to wearing decorative armour in the form of tight corsets covered in scales or segments of precious metals. Being visibly weighed down and sexually frustrated was desirable for women of their class. Some would even have a "tickler" device added to their belts in the hope other could see their desperate arousal.
The masses of peasant women, by contrast, were given simple functional belts of iron, or sometimes just obstructive piercings if their masters didn't want to spend time unlocking belts for cleaning. They would constantly complain about it - while their betters endured many times the hardship without flinching - further displaying their inferiority.
>I imagine the women who were subjugated after the takeover are far more resistant of being locked up
For older women who knew life before the war the very concept is horrifying, like a nightmare they can't wake up from. Younger women who are used to post-apocalyptic life tend to be much more upset at being starved of orgasms. The most highly sexed sometimes end up in insane asylums, driven mad by constantly trying to touch themselves and feeling nothing but cold metal.
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>further displaying their inferiority.
Is status tied to their willingness to join thy patriarchy? For example are the upper class women the ones who were slaves of the warrior societies early on? Or just a case of formerly rich or influential women who are now subjugated?
I like the idea that making the suffering worse on themselves is seen as a noble trait.
I imagine as time passes, the last holdouts of women who remember the old world are looked at like oddities, a strange reminder that women were once in control of their own bodies, and with their constant complaining and resistance an example for why that needed to change.
Having it be seen as "proper" for a woman to be struggling with her sex drive is great, driving themselves insane with need in order to keep up appearances

I like this a lot, there's no way to completely crush the want for freedom and independence, even in a world where most women accept slavery there will be those who want more, funneling them into jobs where they can feel a bit more important, but still serve their male betters.
>Is status tied to their willingness to join thy patriarchy?
The only people who can be trusted completely are those who joined when it was unclear who would prevail. They have sacrificed when there was no guarantee of payoff, so they get all the land and titles in the new feudal system.
>For example are the upper class women the ones who were slaves of the warrior societies early on?
In the first generation, yes. Subsequent generations of noble ladies cannot prove what they would have done, so they adopt increasing self-imposed restrictions to show their allegiance. Ambitious lowborns imitate them in the hope of marrying into higher station.
>Or just a case of formerly rich or influential women who are now subjugated?
Those are the lowest of the low. They had the resources to help the patriarchs take power, but chose to support the other side or remain neutral. They cannot be trusted with any freedom at all.
On day one they were forced into prostitution, but that doesn't mean their belts come off. They are often fitted with a lockable gag as well, since they aren't trusted to speak or to have other people's sensitive parts between their teeth. Their work therefore consists of endless titfucking and bukkake parties.
The most attractive ones are used by the nobility, but just as fluffers to get a lords cock ready for his lady. The ladies order the whores to stay and watch them get fucked, taunting them with what they can never have again.
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>Having it be seen as "proper" for a woman to be struggling with her sex drive is great, driving themselves insane with need in order to keep up appearances
Appearances are important, but it's also more than that. It makes them appreciate being fucked - the harder the better - as that is their only source of relief. Highborn girls grow up without the ability to explore their sexuality (and without any resentment for male sexuality as no cads and bounders can take advantage of them). When they are wed they find out what they were aching for all along, and they will always associate this experience with being owned by a man.
The peasant sluts don't have such a pristine experience, as they are passed around from man to man as rewards for good work. It is still something of a bonding experience, however, as they get fucked by the same men they work with day to day who are often their friends. The men and women with the highest productivity are paired up for the evening and get to enjoy each other.
In theory a lowborn woman can marry a nobleman, but of course no nobleman would want a woman who has already been passed around the village. Ambitious peasant girls must therefore earn domestic service positions to keep their virginity. If she is very dedicated (and lucky) a maid become a lady (or at least a concubine), but there are no guarantees and they must remain in chastity the whole time. Not many can stand the years of frustration and this is one way the highborn ensure only the best women enter their ranks.
For feminist agitators chastity serves a more punitive purpose, simply forcing them to feel permanent frustration. It is also highly symbolic - other women are allowed to get relief and comfort from the very male dominance they rejected.
I really like this chastity-based society you're describing.
Can you describe what the life of a peasant girl looks like? Are the peasant girls kept in chastity too?
How hard is it for a former feminist agitator to find sexual relief? Is it just a matter of subjecting herself to a man, or must she expend considerable effort just to find a man who will indulge her?
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Glad you like my writing. My world building for the Interstellar Patriarchal Empire is reflective of my interest in the political spectrum horseshoe. It's the theory that if you take an idea far enough it loops back into an opposing ideology. There are certain cases in real life where it's true, especially when it comes to modern feminism. I've seen cases of trans-exclusionary radical feminists who are so desperate to avoid masculinity that they are willing to support traditional gender roles. Obviously they don't say that part out loud. From what I can (barely) understand, TERFs think they can defeat the patriarchy not by abolishing gender binary, but instead by criticizing it. They will also fantasize about a misandrist transhuman future where everyone is only female... sorry for rambling but this is the basis for some of my idea.

Feminism to a handler is like a naturally occuring disease, it can't be cured with beatings, contrary to what chiropractors and sadists say. Intelligence and compassion are the key.
>To a handler, feminist women can be placed into three different categories based on how compliant they are:
The woman will appear to follow orders but will sabotage or delay her own work. The best way to solve this is improving her working conditions.
The women will openly refuse to comply until threatened. The treatment is to have her transferred to a different occupation.
The woman would rather die than follow orders. Neurological surgery and pharmaceutical prescriptions are authorized as part of resocialization therapy.
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Seeing how mad you are gives me a sneaking suspicion that you're probably also a tranny.
lmao, way to out yourself tranny
I was about to think the other anon is a schizo
>Can you describe what the life of a peasant girl looks like?
The peasants are descendants of people who stayed neutral in the civil wars, while the nobility are descended from those who actively fought for patriarchy. Peasants are therefore assumed to be sluts by nature, as their foremothers preferred sexual freedom to order and stability. Peasants are therefore not permitted monogamous marriage, instead being bred much like livestock.
Most modern technology was destroyed either in WWIII or in the subsequent civil wars, and the little that remains is rare and expensive to reproduce. Most food production is therefore done by unmechanised farming. A peasant will spend most of their time farming, while a supervisor performs regular productivity checks to make sure productivity is sufficient.
>Are the peasant girls kept in chastity too?
Yes, but after they complete puberty they can earn releases by working hard. The supervisor unlocks the most productive women and sends them to spend the night with the most productive men. Extreme productivity can even earn them a gangbang night with several men.
>How hard is it for a former feminist agitator to find sexual relief
Absolutely impossible. They serve as an example to everyone else, so it's important that they are constantly teased with no relief. Only their tits can ever be fucked - all holes are off-limits. They will often be sent to serve food and drink to the lucky girls who are getting gangbanged, but they cannot join in except as fluffers. Their entire lives will be spend watching other women cum from the very male dominance they rejected.
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the irony of posting that girl and calling someone a tranny
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>The quality of female enforcers in a population center is indicative of Handler influence:
Female employees serve entirely inside the station as sextoys to male patrol officers. Random outsider whores are contracted by the police to serve as DNA collectors and implanted with a "pussy scanner." This implant can detect foreign DNA, scan it, and then transmit to a data server back at the station. These deputized cum-buckets will go on a slum crawl, collecting as much genetic material as possible, before returning to the station for a shower and debrief.
Female officers are trained and equipped with melee weapons. They patrol the quarters and transporters for unmarried women in order to protect them. The uniforms they wear are high visibility smart clothing which is constantly monitoring their location and activity. It provides some protection from low tech weapons. Their uniforms also have a chastity mode which can serve two different purposes: as protection from rape or to keep the officer from masterbating. Men that attempt to rape a uniformed officer can be sentenced to sentenced to jail/rehabilitation. Low performing female officers can be assigned to rehabilitation duty...
Women get to wear practical armor/uniforms equivalent to what male officers get. They are also equipped with smartguns of various calibers. There are so many women employed by the police that a Feminist Deterrence Unit has to created. The FDU goes after any female suspected of using her position of power to undermine the law. Punishment for proven feminists is very severe and public, whereas alleged feminists by performing discrete services.
This one is so hot i love it
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I love the idea that if the normal slave training/reeducation doesn't work, she doesn't get the escape of death, instead just getting mind wiped.
The idea that her body still has use, even if "she" doesn't.
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>I did not write that last point very well.
>Here's what I was trying to say:
A handler dominated law enforcement agency needs to perform a balancing act. Slave women that see empowered women in uniform arresting rapists and criminals are less likely to engage in protest or vigilantism. At the same time, men can't give women within the agency too much power or else they might start inventing their own misandrist laws. The Feminist Deterrence Unit is a compromise between these two needs. It reassures men that the women with guns are being tightly controlled. And it allows an agency to reduce crowding in the marriage-marketplace by purchasing large quantities of women without fear of them revolting.
The FDU carries out public punishments but it's operations is far more subtle. When an accused feminist officer is brought in for interrogation, it's under believable false pretenses. The accused is incentivized to keep silent by agency culture, I.E. "If she got called up by the FDU then you know she's a self-serving harpy..." Male officers are randomly selected to serve in the FDU for a few months before being returned to normal duties. Cover stories are provided for these men, ranging from "I'm getting vacation hours to spend more time helping my wives with the kids," to "I'm being called in to assist with a neighboring agencies case."
>The other determining factor is budget
As stated before, a low-handler-influenced agency will still hire women but only use them as sex-slaves. So if they've got a small budget because they serve a small town, they might get a single HuCow whore and keep her in a shack at the station. A bigger budget agency might purchase each of the six archetypes and set aside an entire floor of the station as a private brothel for use by the male officers.
High-handler-influenced stations operate under the same conditions. A small town agency might apportion half their funding to getting a gynoid who will serve as an always on-call ever-alert dispatcher. She could also be quickly modified into an armored mech in an emergency. With a slightly larger budget, an agency will buy multiple Spartiae off the marriage-market. A big budget big city agency will have taskforces consisting entirely of a specific female archetype like a minotauress demolition squad or gynoid cybersecurity specialists.
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That makes sense, its a game of making slaves feel like they have a purpose, without letting them get real power.
It would be interesting to think of how different types of cultures would manage that balancing act.
For example, if there are no women who have any authority or respect outside of their harems, it's easier to convince the majority that being a sex slave or prostitute is a noble role
If instead it's a handler style region, where there are female police officers(even if they themselves are under constant scrutiny) then others might question why they don't have a chance to be "important"
It's why I've always liked the idea of strict academies where if a woman fails out the blame can be placed squarely on them, might still be resentful, but society will tell her it was her fault, and other women were able to succeed
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>News Report:
"Hello, I'm coming to you live from the sports arena! Nearly a hundred spartiae are here competing in the City Police Department's competency tournament. The winners will get the honor of becoming property of the CPD and serving the community in uniform. I'm seeing young prodigies, desperate adults, mildly rebellious milfs, and even a few feisty gilfs, each blessed with the powerful bodies of their archetype. These contestants will be tested thoroughly for mental and physical competency. Only 10 will win, stay tuned to find out who!"
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Didn't ask
"As they teach boys in school, when a man shares custody of his females with an organization, he is entitled to financial compensation. And of course what's given to a man is given to his whole family. Hence why there's plenty of people cheering in the stands. I'm going to interview a few... excuse me, sir, who're cheering on?"
"My second wife, Vera, WOOO!! She's a bit nervous since this is her first time competing (despite pumping out two amazing sons) and she's going to shove the other cunts INTO THE MUD! Yeah!!"

You haven't told us anything so we don't know what you want.
>peasant girls
It sounds like peasant girls are used to breed more peasant girls. Who are they bred with? I assume high quality genetic stock of males of status isn't wasted in peasant girls?

>feminist agitator
Oof, so are they made examples of then, their torment a symbol of what female defiance earns?
Is it possible for her to earn her way back to society's good graces, or is a former feminist agitator condemned to a lifetime like this?
I love the spectator sport aspect, make a spectacle of it, getting their 15 minutes of fame is another motivator for slaves to want to be the best, where "best" is "most willing to contribute to the oppression of other women"
Add in the want to either make her master happy, or the fear of displeasing him, and I can see these tryouts getting pretty competitive, which would make for great viewing
How bout shutting the fuck up
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Incest would be part of the duty of parents to prepare their daughters for their womanly duties once out of the home. Wealthy families can afford special schools for their vast stable of offsprong, but poorer families can at least pass down their own knowledge and perfect what skills they inherit through practice. Eventually some families become known for producing women with the most delicate and sensual touch, the best deep throat technique, the finest vaginal and anal stretching, strength, and control. It becomes a point of honor by which some families elevate their status and form a middle class through daughter selling and sex work.

Daughters are also driven to compete to be their father's favorite to get a good marriage instead of auctioned or whored. It becomes custom for a daughter wife to be kept as a status simbol. She's treared like a princess by the family and has special roles to play at religious rites. Only her father is allowed to use her, though she will usually age out by 29, she will tutor the other daughters including her replacement. Once replaced she services her brothers and other relatives as a familial sacred whore.

The goid patriarch will always be well serviced by a nubile young thing. He will never be left wanting.
I would love a slaver game like that, especially with a complex system of training and cosmetically customizing the slaves until they are utterly depersoned living dolls.
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Steam used to not be filled with dogshit
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Blame Nutaku for forming a larger player base than Steam has, just by selling porn games (mostly, because of mobile games, but that's beyond the point)
Valve saw a massive revenue stream they were just missing out on for no apparent reason, and I'm certain Gaben doesn't give a flying fuck, they already allowed them in the past through Steam Greenlight which was only shut down because people complained too much about the lack of quality control, not the actual products
Not Op;

>peasant girls are used to breed more peasant girls. Who are they bred with?
Part of that is the whole concept of King's/Royal Right these men can fuck any peasant woman they please.
There's no real concept of rape/consent with these women as they're practically property of their lords anyways.
After that male citizens of the realm are encouraged to "Do their part" in keeping the population up and are allowed to impregnate any woman who's branded as a breeder.

>high quality genetic stock of males of status isn't wasted in peasant girls?
Genealogy and eugenics isn't really tracked with peasant girls as for the most part they sexually serve men of every social class.
Main focus really is on Breeding them like chattel most cases it's just about keeping up with need for dumb labor
There might be exceptions made for particularly fertile women, where the privilege of being a full time sex pet/breeding bitch is passed down matrilineally.

>earn her way back to society's good graces...
Their only way out is snitching on other feminists, this system of informants is designed to create paranoia.
And it's always entertaining watching these women turn on each other all for a chance of being a cum brained slut.
it's amazing how much power you all need to feel over women to justify why no girls will fuck you
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not all of us, some of us are just trying to design a misogynistic dystopia that's interesting or oriented around a specific kink. This may seem like a strange concept but ones fetishes can be the inverse to one's politics. Okay, there are anon's here who are facistic incels. As for me, I've already explained my politics and interests over here: >>11023213 specifically in the top half of the post.

Judging by the fact you are singling me out implies that you are okay with everything else being written here. so if I started writing about fascists impregnating their sisters, would you be okay with that? I can't do that because I like successful competent people and civilizations. And in-bred authoritarians are not that. Humanity has already tried it out. It worked until it didn't.
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The owner of the stadium, nick travail, and the prophet sit on plush couches in the box seats overlooking the tournament grounds. They are joined by two dozen women who chat quietly with each other when not serving their men. Screens around the chamber show mental testing scores and physical performances of the spartiae below.
"So... who do you got money on?" Nick asks his fellow patriarch. A top-of-the-line gynoid is sucking Nick's dick with mechanical precision. He likes to prove to other men that he can multitask by having a conversation and a blowjob at the same time.
"Gambling is beneath me. You should have asked me whose performance I'm most interested in." replies the prophet, with a flat tone. He's been augmented for predictive modeling and his bald head is lined with flat wireless ports. He has each arm wrapped around the shoulders of his 2 favorite consorts.
Nick swallows his annoyance with the cult leader as his cybernetic slavegirl swallows his pre-cum. He says: "Alright, which one of these overly muscular butches tickle your brain casing?"
"Liza Kimby. She has five older sisters who are all duplicunts and her mother is an unmarried waitress that belongs to the KwikSnacc restaurant franchise."
"Kwiksnacc? Weren't a couple of their locations recently shutdown for being colors syndicate front?"
The prophet nods at Nicks question, but doesn't say anything. It's a silent invitation to put the pieces together, which Nick obliges, using what he knows:
The average single working woman only really needs to have a pair of genecopy/duplicunt daughters to become financially stable without a man. The news reports speculated that Qwiksnacc's executives may be queer sympathizers. Women that refuse to get married are often queer. Getting the pre-birth mods for a spartiae is expensive...
"You think this Liza has been groomed by her own mother to infiltrate the police on behalf of the syndicate." Nick guesses.
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This is a good example of the balancing act. Simply having an option for women to become officers opens the door for bad actors to attempt to undermine the legal process.
This is the type of situation that the FDU would exist for, a brutal internal affairs department
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On the topic of this thread, this artist(whose work has been posted elsewhere in this thread) tends to do a lot with shrine maidens put in various bondage situations, and that's an interesting concept, shrines or other holy sites that must be kept purified through the torment and humiliation of women, maybe this is seen as virtuous, or maybe it's for condemned women who run afoul of the religion
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>purified through the torment and humiliation of women
>for condemned women who run afoul of the religion
For religious sites, Definitely this sort of thing is built into every temple and place of worship.
Make them into public examples of punishment & redemption, Yet also it's playing with the social nature of women.
Good slaves have underlings they can lord over, status for women doesn't come from trying to match up to men.
It comes from being and obedient bitch and the system of public humiliation reinforces this.

Specifically having a system of women ratting on each other is the sort of thing that's a perfect fit for Patriarchal "dystopia"
They can never trust who's looking to climb ranks over bringing down the next rebel cell.
Only people women can trust for certain is her slave master and the men who direct her life...
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No one cares
You care enough to write
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>public examples of punishment & redemption
Perhaps the belief is that spirits are placated by the pain and humiliation of the women who keep the shrine.
In addition to normal duties they participate in rituals that keep the spirits happy, could even be a fantasy style thing, where cursed spirits can actually manifest, making this a truly necessary part of life.
These rituals become public spectacles, with festivals built around each particular regions form of miko abuse
>return of the handler's balancing act:
If a man serves as an obvious figure of authority then he'll be targeted for assassination and bribes. But if his role is temporary and anonymous, then he might do a crappy job of it because he won't face any consequences. I was thinking there might be some rating/recommendation system for male officers to qualify for the FDU. But then that might be exploited... I don't know, I'm open to suggestions.

>You've got me thinking about how the reporting system would work:
At first I was thinking that it was going to be a panopticon thing. FDU officers simply have to review footage to see if a female officer says something like "why do women have to serve men?" and then draft up a punishment/rehabilitation plan for her. This reliance on technology would mean that FDU officers could work from anywhere and they wouldn't need a dedicated workspace. That would help maintain their anonymity.
But then I was thinking about more low tech set-ups. There could be a clearly designated FDU office that female officers are called to on a regular basis. The women don't know if they have to serve as temporary prosecutors in the office, make a report against another female officer, or have been charged with feminist behavior. There are visible security cameras throughout the office FDU that anonymous male officers use to supervise the temporary prosecutors and the suspects they bring in.
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>The Goblin
One of the experimental archetypes. The new kind of female is even hardier than the HuCow, able to subsist on boiled grass and bug stews. She's compact sized, making her easier to physically restrain and transport. Her green skin is the result of chlorophyll-like structures in her skin cells, giving her extra energy while exposed to UV radiation.
The primary problem with the goblin is that her dwarfism is inherited by her male offspring. This has prevented the goblin from becoming the 7th female archetype of the empire.
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Experimental breeding colonies of goblin women have become popular tourist attractions for men. Scientists are working on ways to prevent the dwarfism trait from being passed on to male offspring, but the genetics and physiologies involved are uncooperative. The large ears allow goblins to hear their owners commands from long ranges without the need for telecommunications.
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I always support goblin slave girls
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>Goblin Oppression
Like other prototype women, goblins have even fewer rights than standard archetypical women of the empire. Their breeding colonies are directly controlled by the scientists who made them, who in turn work for [NEED NAME OF FICTITIOUS CORPORATION HERE]. These scientists require their creations to have permits in order to use public transit or be purchased on the open market. For consumerist men, owning an experimental woman like a goblin is a pretty big deal, worthy of showing off. Wealthy consumerist men have been known to pay criminals to acquire experimental women for them when they can't through legal methods.
>Fun feature of the Goblin
It's been found that the chlorophyll in their skin grants these women incredible radiation resistance.
Ur mum gay
Yknow, I was working with a elven society that looked like a matriarchy until i took a close look at the actual division of labor.

Basically: "Women are big and dumb so they can work in the smithy, tend to our needs, do simple (physical) magic, and fight our wars. Men are small and cute, so to us falls the hard work of statecraft, espionage, assasaination, governance, trade, mind-magic, diplomacy, and bitch management."
Not well.
She gorged herself as an attention whore and started thinking she can make her own plans and that id love her anyway.. cuz narcissism
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>Goblin Breeding Colony Demographics
There's the male scientist-supervisors, volunteer breeders, and of course the hordes of goblin girls.
That last group sorts itself by which occupation they take to support the colony. If the green shortstack is socially outgoing and slutty, she'll get a job catering to the visiting sex-tourists. If she's more shy and pragmatic, she'll work at maintaining the colony's infrastructure.
The volunteer breeders can be any one of the six standard archetypes. They spend most of their time getting knocked up, relaxing, or nursing their young. Given how fast goblins mature, their time as mothers is conveniently quick. Elven breeders produce gobs with very pointy ears and elegant bodies. HuCows pump out 4 gobbies per pregnancy on average and their daughters are the most stacked of the shortstacks. Spartiae have birthed well built mini she-warriors capable of destroying anyone's knee caps. All-Naturals, DupliCunts, and Gynoids produce relatively normal little green off-spring.
The male scientist-supervisors are kept very busy. They have to work with genetic code, impregnate the volunteers with IVF, and give the hordes something to do. Most men only stay for a few years before transferring someplace less demanding.
Any of y’all got that master list doc from a few threads back? It had a brief history of the patriarchy and a few short stories
You mean all of these?


Patriarchy short (part 3 pending):

Imperial Patriarchy series:

Another story:

W.I.P Lore doc:
>fantasy style thing... making this a truly necessary part of life.
>These rituals become public spectacles, with festivals
Perhaps it's also taken beyond just the temples/festivals; public spaces, Private homes, etc. all have small "alters".
Usually they're focused on humiliation rituals that are sexual in nature, bukkake, public rape/breeding, etc.
All of this is done to keep a constant reminder for women as to where they belong in society.

>technology would mean that FDU officers could work from anywhere
Could play into that aspect of technology being used to control slave women.
Like mandatory smart collars that also record everything they do when men aren't arround to watch them.

>draft up a punishment/rehabilitation plan for her.
And on that note what sort of things would go on in a woman's rehab center?

>A new archetype for sale
Loving this so far anon Keep it up.

>dwarfism trait from being passed on to male offspring
On that note perhaps this type of woman are treated more like loving sex toys then most other archetypes.
If they're being taken off world from any Breeding Colonies then it's standard practice to sterilize these women, to prevent dwarfism from being pasted on.
But on the up side they're the perfect slaves for care free sex as there's no risk of pregnancy with them!
Yes thanks.
Rehabilitating terminal stage feminists in the IPE is a three step cycle: neurological mapping and stimulation followed by role playing. Those three steps are repeated as many times as it takes.
When a convicted feminist is brought in, they are injected with nanites. These nanites ride the blood stream to the subjects brain. The inmate is then strapped into a scanning machine which will also keep her alive and can safely manipulate the nanites.
A front to back brain scan is carried out with extra focus on the autonomic functions. Once the sections for positive and negative reinforcement are identified, the nanites can be used to stimulate those things.
The stimulation process pairs exposure to virtual reality with hormones and chemicals. Most convicts first go through standardized conditioning for submissive heterosexual behavior. This should result in the females getting an endorphin rush from obeying orders or seeing an exposed penis. They are then released into an area where their conditioning is observed and tested. The area typically resembles a film studio backlot with a bunch of different sets depicting different scenarios.
After that, the females are returned to the machines for more precise brainwashing. This second course will address more complex behavioral issues in the subject. For example an elf maid who prefered to lay about on a couch rather than work will be programmed to feel anxious sitting on couches.
After however many cycles it takes to fix her, the female subject will be returned to society. But she won't be allowed to settle back into her old life. The ministry of corrections will have her relocated someplace new and unfamiliar. This is to prevent her from falling back into old patterns of behavior that might weaken her conditioning.
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>Smart Collars to keep track of slave women
There are a couple of different models for different purposes. I was thinking that each of the 6 archetypes has their own kind of collar. But then I remembered that different archetypes can perform the same functions likes homemaking or law enforcement. So I came up with an alternate classification system:
These transmit location and biometric data but don't do much else.The most common model is the Girls-First, given to beloved daughters by their mothers on their birthday. Families that can't afford new collars use hand-me-downs between sisters. Another well known version of light collars are fashionable, sleek chokers. These admittedly very pretty collars are treated like all other fashion accessories for upper class women: heavily advertised status symbols that need to be replaced on a seasonal basis, less one look out-of-date. The simple electronics in the chokers are stripped out and re-used, minimizing waste.
A popular collar in middle class households is the Mommy-Vlogger which has high quality recording devices attached. It also comes with software that helps busy mothers edit and upload videos to women's social media. Another medium collar is the City-Courier which has a lockable document container and can be used to call for an automated private transport. It also shocks anyone who tries to remove the collar from the wearer without a special key.
Made of highly durable materials for women who live outdoors and/or serve in the military. The Free-Roamer comes with a compact long range radio transmitter. If the batteries for the device runs out, it can be recharged with a hand crank. The Ferocious-Bitch is an armored gorget with the wearers important information engraved on it. It can be fitted with a number of tactical telecommunications devices, or none at all to prevent detection.

Obviously, larger collars have the features of smaller collars but not vice versa
>neurological mapping and stimulation followed by role playing
>stimulation process pairs exposure to virtual reality with hormones and chemicals
Would these Rehab centers have a very Cold/Clinical feeling to them?
Like it's styled close to a hospital of asylum, rooms are plain and functional, Halls are clean white, etc.
All to Dehumanize the convicts even more, they're Broken women and the patriarchy will fix them!

>however many cycles it takes to fix her, the female subject will be returned to society
Maybe the new life they're assigned to is based the crime they committed.
A feminist agitating for women's emancipation from slavery is reprogramed into a FDU officer or now works at a slave training center.
Fighting for women's reproductive rights has the convict reformed as a breeding slave, happily mating and rearing slaves for the future.
Adds to the "Dystopian" aspect of the system always getting it's way in the end...

>couple of different models for different purposes.
Cute, kind of got me thinking about how sexual slavery has other pieces fetish/bondage gear becomes common place for women.
Chastity belts being the most obvious, punishing via edging or master keeping a woman for his exclusive use.
Ball gags for public sluts who are to be fucked not heard, ring gags imply a woman is a cock warmer open for use, etc.
In other words a slave woman's wardrobe is a rope bunny's dream.
Men of the interstellar patriarchal empire are divided into three philosophical factions. I've already covered the Handlers, who want to prevent a feminist uprising, and Malthusians, who want to prevent overpopulation. I'm now going to finally cover the third faction, the Consumerists.
They simply believe that every man loyal to the empire is entitled to at least one submissive female sex-slave. It is an ideology that is as simple as it is popular.
Smart consumerist men recognize that a complex system of logistics and infrastructure is required to accomplish this goal. Dumb consumerist men just want to get laid.
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>angry abortion advocate gets turned into a breeding slave
I love the erotic irony of this punishment, and that is what Consumerist men would want. But under the Malthusians, advocating for abortion isn't a sin and is almost acceptable. How Handlers would react to a pro-choice protestor would depend on the situation. If it's during a scheduled population growth period, then the feminist would be charged with sabotaging the empire. But if it's during a scheduled decline, then that woman is celebrated as being a good advocate for the empire.

The atmosphere of feminist rehab facilities should differ depending on who is running it and who is getting thrown in there.
Let's suppose it's for women who have been good girls most of their lives but they got implicated in a crime. Or maybe they were arrested simply because an officer needed to make a quota. Their treatment will be focused on becoming more vigilant. Making sure that they're more willing to report suspicious behavior and not be so complacent. The inmates won't be drugged, they will get interviewed by therapists before and after the neural manipulations. The facility will have comfortable furniture, warm lighting, and good food.
Now for women that are self-declared feminists or repeat offenders, the experience is a lot worse. Between neural processing sessions, they will be force fed drugged food and kept in tight bondage when they aren't being made to exercise. Women that emerge from this kind of rehab will be mentally and physically scarred but perfectly willing to obey the empire.
What does the immigration process look like?

I've always imagine that women are welcomed with open arms. Then they would be graded by the Imperial Collar Authority and sold to their new master.

The process for men is probably more strict. If he comes with a handful of slaves in tow and they show no signs of abuse or beatings, then he would probably be welcomed. But obviously this kind of case is extremely rare.

More commonly men come over on vacation and decide to stay or are fleeing their shitty lives back home. Either way they would probably need to complete a few years of military service before they are granted citizenship (think French Foreign Legion). This would root out everyone unfit to own women.
>at least one submissive female sex-slave.
>complex system of logistics and infrastructure is required to accomplish this goal.
It's that and helping women to fulfill their purpose in life as servants to their benevolent masters.
Keep them too fucked silly to care and play on women's social nature with petty games of who's the best bitch.

>atmosphere of feminist rehab facilities should differ depending on who is running it and who is getting thrown in there.
If the first case it could be passed of as a spa stay or just a normal reform school.
The Benevolent side of the patriarchy is shown for women who are minor offenders.
So in many cases they come up with their pro-slavery beliefs strengthened
"When I stumble master is there to set me right"

>self-declared feminists or repeat offenders, the experience is a lot worse
humiliation could also be used here, destroy their sense of pride and self.
Break them and have their rebuilt as a slave that's desperate for master's approval.
The journey form haughty bitch to boot licker could even be recorded as some lewd reality TV.

>women are welcomed with open arms
>graded by the Imperial Collar Authority and sold to their new master.
The whole process is made to feel like a pageant of sorts, life skills, talents, physical traits etc.
S grade sluts are often sold of to rich masters looking for exotic women, others are quickly sent for training and physical augmentation if needed.
The whole thing is designed to beat any abolitionist propaganda and show them master knows best.
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Now the average-intelligence consumerist man would defend his choice of philosophies by saying:
"Hey we want more than just sex slaves! We also support the arts and sciences too!"
He'd then go on to describe how making a lasting contribution to the empire is just as validating as being worshipped in an orgy. His proclamations will seem rather forced, and a bit rote.
Still though, these men support a form of hedonistic socialism and want every man to have an opportunity to pursue his passions. They are the ones that made the Parliament of Fathers an officially recognized segment of the empires legislative process. The Malthusians were really pissed about that one and hated the idea of giving men political power based on the number of their living progeny. They got overruled though, so fuck'em.
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>Perhaps it's also taken beyond just the temples/festivals; public spaces, Private homes, etc. all have small "alters"
Maybe it's that punishment and humiliation are a normal aspect of life, but the shrines are the most extreme form of it.
Some women view it as the highest honor, a way to truly atone for the sin of being born female, while others have to be brought in against their will, chosen to serve in rituals as a punishment
Thread is nearing the bump limit, anyone have theme ideas or themed questions for the next thread?
Nah just stop posting these

Political structure and economy. I’ve always been more turned on the idea that the Patriarchy is a normal country like any other and they just happen to enslave women.

What does the political structure of the patriarchy look like? Is it a democracy or a theocratic dictatorship? I know someone floated the idea that it’s a democracy but men have their votes weighted by the number of women they own/babies made.

What are some female dominated careers? I’m thinking things like baristas (every night is lingerie night) or waitresses. Nothing that requires skill or intelligence obviously.

What does the Patriarchy think of other “free” nations? Is it an expansionist empire looking to conquer new lands and women? Is it a pariah state that mostly keeps to itself?
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>Questions about immigration might be interesting:
What's driving women to enter a society where they are treated as lesser citizens? Has there been a disaster and is the patriarchy is the only sanctuary? Are they being sent as an offering because their own nation is weaker? What kind of propaganda campaign has the patriarchy done to entice outsider women to join them?
>Questions about emigration could be just as interesting:
How do females escape patriarchal lands? Can they get on a transport by whoring themselves out or by stowing away? How are fugitives treated? How are they tracked? Who does the tracking and capturing? What's life like for women that escape to more feminist societies? Do they have trouble adjusting?
>Patriarchy short (part 3 pending):
that was mine, I actually wrote like half of part 3 since then, but I kind of wrote myself into a corner and didn't know where to continue it, so I never posted it
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Could post it in the next threat and let anons add points or ask questions to move it along?
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Could just stop instead
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I like foreign relations as a topic, a patriarchy that exists alongside other types of nations, and how it manages to stick around, whether or not it's the most powerful state, or an isolated region that the rest of the world sees as outdated but don't gave the power to destroy it.
Lots of good ideas for immigration and attempted escape for women,
How does the patriarchy coax women in? Safety? Trickery?
How about men? While it might seem easy to get men to come to a nation like this, those who grew up in more equal areas, could be hesitant, how does the patriarchy ensure new men aren't here to undermine them? At least women can be sent to be trained first.
Could always workshop it like >>11045405
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New thread:

Hey I've taken the initiative and I'm starting a new thread in about 2 minutes
oh wait never mind
fuck shit dang it
good thing I didn't post yet

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