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Theme questions:

>What does Foreign relations look like when the slave trade might be illegal in other nations?
>How does the patriarchy coax women in? Safety? Trickery?
>What are some female dominated "careers"?
>And how is attempted escape punished?
>What is the political structure of the patriarchy vs that of it's neighbors?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

Old lore doc:

Last thread: >>10967046

This thread is for fetishizing a patriarchy where it's biological men being Doms and biological Women as Subs
Trap/Feminization/Trans content belongs in it's own thread
Extra links:

Patriarchy short (part 3 pending):

Another story:
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The official history of the interstellar patriarchal empire always starts in the aftermath of it's conquest of their homeworld. Questions about what came before are always discouraged, sometimes violently.
During this time, men of the empire were split between the hedonistic Consumerists and the more pragmatic Malthusians. The Consumerists wanted all men to have access to a sex slave, regardless of his social, economic, and political standing. The Malthusians felt this policy would be like sprinting towards an overpopulation crisis. This split between these opposing ideals resulted in a lot of societal compromises:
First example is that men were allotted voting power in the Electoral College of Fathers equal to the number of living children each man could claim. But each man had to pay taxes in proportion each offspring he'd sire.
The second example of compromise was in the transhumanist New Woman Project. The malthusians wanted women that looked "normal" but with reduced fertility. Consumerists wanted women that would stay pretty for a very, very long time. Both parties agreed that the new genetically engineered females needed to be healthier than their pre-imperial mothers. So the two factions compromised in creating the All-Natural and Elven female genetic archetypes.
The Elf would would be an exotic beauty and enjoy nearly eternal youth, but she could only get pregnant once a decade without fertility treatments. The All-Natural would like a normal human woman and age like one, but she'd be able to pump dozens of kids out over her lifespan without wrecking herself. The first generation of All-Naturals were also encoded to occasionally birth an elven daughter just to balance things out.
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>IPE's society stagnated until first contact with the asexually reproducing superwomen known as the Myrmadonia.
First contact went disastrously violent as the myrmadonia wanted to liberate the IPE's females. And the malthusians wanted to exterminate or sterilize this species of humanity that didn't need men to reproduce. Meanwhile, the consumerists saw interesting possibilities in enslaving these strong and intelligent women because they could pump out slaves without using up a man's precious time...
The myrmadonia used mobile weapons systems and portable industry to dodge the patriarchy's artillery. The patriarchy responded by deploying high speed long range pursuit units. The IPE units would need slightly slower but still mobile material support, and due to [[REDACTED REASONS]] a shortage of men, women were conscripted.
Handlers were the men responsible for training and supervising the All-Naturals and Elven women who served in these logistics convoys. The men's training methodologies were borderline feminist but also effective. The women under their command were disciplined and could defend themselves against Myrmadonia ambushers, who were reluctant to harm their fellow women.
After capturing some of their enemies, patriarchal geneticists began reverse engineering them to create two new archetypes of women, the GeneCopy and Spartiae:
Myrmadonia embryos could easily be easily extracted, stored indefinitely without refrigeration, and implanted in another woman's womb. Using basic cellular cultivation, embryos could be altered and mass cloned. This discovery lead to the creation of the first generation of GeneCopied women, all identical to a particularly heroic logistics officer who subdued a warparty of myrmadonia by herself.
Tissue scans of myrmadonia revealed electroplaques and high density protein reserves within their musculature. After a thorough investigation, it was declared these features allowed the superwomen to maintain their fitness.
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..These genes that granted the myrmadonia eternal fitness were transcripted onto unborn daughters within mothers loyal to the empire. The resulting girls who grew up were strong, flexible, and smart woman but they shared their mothers loyalty to men. These new females were called Spartiae.
>Reactions to the two new experimental archetypes
Genecopies were welcomed by consumerists who rejoiced at the possibility of every man getting to own a particularly well known woman without having to share. Malthusians were more reluctant, they demanded that GCs could only be made from All-Naturals and that they had to have their genetics tweaked so the GeneCopies would be nearly infertile. Their demands were met and the technology to grow GeneCopies from an embryo to adulthood within a vat was subsequently designed and distributed.
Spartiae were initially reviled, however. Most malthusians and consumerists felt threatened by these women that could physically overpower an unaugmented man in a fight. Spartiae would have become a useless novelty if it hadn't been for...
>The rise of the Handlers
As the war dragged on, handlers had become respected figures to other men who fought on the front lines and depended on logi-girls for resupply. With this popular support, handlers coerced high command into making changes to operations across the whole warfront. The first generation of spartiae were turned from ostracized oddities into elite shocktroopers through intensive training. The GeneCopies, now known unofficially as DupliCunts, were spawned in massive quantities, given rudimentary combat training/equipment, and used to occupy vital enemy territory. Whenever the Myrmadonia would attack DupliCunt encampments, the IPE would launch devastating counter attacks. This would result in casualties and morale losses for the superwomen, made worse by Spartiae operatives.
The tides of war finally turned against the Myrmadonia and they surrendered.
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Alright got to wrap this up, redditor style...
>After the victory and across the empire:
>Myrmadonia are securely bound and scattered to research laboratories
>Orgies throughout the empire cause a massive increase in population
>Handler men and Spartiae women became popular
Spartiae share the fertility rates of their mothers. Elven born being low and those birthed by all-naturals being high.
>Malthusian men freak out, some turn to violent terrorism
>Everyone agrees that they have a point but that there has to be a better way than reducing the population
>Maybe increasing the empire food supply capacity?
>Man comes forward and proposes a new archetype: The HuCow
Hucows have multiple stomachs allowing these women to get all the nutrition they need from eating plant fiber. They'll have big lactating beasts which can be used to feed children and other women.
>Almost everyone agrees that creating a woman who can convert grass into delicious nutritious milk is a great solution
>Handlers want to include a hidden feature for the HuCow
When a HuCow is cut off from her herd and subjected to stressors, she will turn into a muscular Minotauress. She's able to do this because she has the same electroplaques and protein reserves in her musculature as Spartiae. But these traits are dormant until, as previously stated, she is stressed.
>HuCows become the fifth officially recognized female archetype
>IPE makes contact with other human interstellar civilizations
>Murmurings of war start up
>Perhaps a new female archetype will calm everyone down?
>Science guys have using nanites to turn rebellious feminists into submissive sex-robots
>They propose a new Archetype based on their research: The Gyndroid
>Side note about genetics
The genetic code for each female archetype is spread across both X chromosomes. If the code is incomplete (because the subject has a y chromosome) or mismatched, then the female subject will appear to be an All-Natural. That kind of women can also naturally birth any other archetype. It's just that she and her inseminator both need to be born from the same archetype. Even then, there's only a 25% chance of the offspring won't be all-natural or a male.
Created not by pre-birth genetic engineering but by injecting a pregnant woman with nanites which convert her unborn child into one.
Once she leaves the womb, a gyndroid is constantly sending and receiving electronic signals to all devices around her. As she grows up, her connectivity can be used to monitor and control her behavior at all times. Once she's fully grown, her body can be modified to a far greater extent than any other archetype. Please see picture attached to this post for examples of mods. Other mods have combat and industrial applications such as bolted on armor plating and optical scanners.
As the gyndroid has become the 6th officially recognized archetype and distributed to the masses, an issue has emerged. These women are very vulnerable to electronic interference. This can occur accidently or intentionally, either way, these nanite infused females must wear protective garments.
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>What does Foreign relations look like when the slave trade might be illegal in other nations?
Well, either they respect our right to our property or they don't don't. I think the latter is a valid casus belli. Assuming that industry is not a fact, we simply wait until we have the population advantage on our side. A society with polygamy/ a society where men have concubines is a society that is likely to experience high levels of fertility.
>How does the patriarchy coax women in? Safety? Trickery?
At spear-point.
>What are some female dominated "careers"?
Domestic servant/mother or agricultural servant/mother (assuming that industrialization has not happened).
>And how is attempted escape punished?
Well, I'm not a sadist, but I imagine that whatever it is would have to be severe and public.
>What is the political structure of the patriarchy vs that of it's neighbors?
I suppose something like the Roman political structure would be necessary. There would be a ruling class of elites and two underclasses: one that resembles plebeians (poor/middle class artisans or laborers with voting rights) and freemen (non-slaves with no voting rights). Freemen and their sons would be able to join the plebian class through military service. Military service would also be required to hold any public office. There would be some socialist wealth redistribution to keep the upper-class from completely dominating the two lower classes. Finally, there would be slaves, livestock, and pets on the bottom of the hierarchy. As for the neighbors, who cares? Either they pay us tribute or they join the hierarchy at the bottom.
>society with polygamy... concubines is a society that is likely to experience high levels of fertility.
>Either they pay us tribute or they join the hierarchy at the bottom.
If it's a Roman Empire kind of deal, perhaps Tribute often means women.
Could be the case that there's a compromise for native born slave women getting privileges over Foreigners.
Instead of going into private ownership most foreign women are often taken in by the state faith that uses them as sex/breeding slaves.
Passed arround by plebeians as a way to keep the birth rate and thus population/economic capacity up.

>Domestic servant/mother or agricultural servant
On that note would your society simply dismiss the idea of monogamy entirely?
As in there's no social games of wives vs concubines, it's simply men and their harems.

>Myrmadonia are securely bound and scattered to research laboratories
Always like these kind of Corruption type endings for women who actively fight the patriarchy.
Kinder/Paternalist masters see it as too harsh to simply kill them all off, better to give some of them a chance to redeem themselves.
But for the rebellious women who are enslaved it's the worse fate imaginable(if they're kept unbroken), as they realize they're being used to further the enslavement of women.
Like showing a Myrmadonia videos of Spartiae who are clearly her "Daughters", displaying their combat prowess yet also their total obedience to their masters.
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Imperial Patriarchy approved, my dude.
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>If it's a Roman Empire kind of deal, perhaps Tribute often means women.
That might not be the first thing I would request, given potential blowback, but I don't see why not. Why should we single out one particular form of chattel and say that it is not usable as a medium of exchange?
>Could be the case that there's a compromise for native born slave women getting privileges over Foreigners.
Perhaps. Even amongst in a situation like what was described in the previous post, there will always be hierarchy; even amongst the enslaved. It is worth noting that 'foreigner' in a society such as the one previously described would not mean the same thing necessarily as it does today. We are going back to a time before the modern idea of the nation state. One's identity is less about blood and soil and more about culture and language.
>Instead of going into private ownership most foreign women are often taken in by the state faith that uses them as sex/breeding slaves.
Now, this is something I don't necessarily agree with. Such a practice could result in inbreeding and possibly a tragedy of the commons.
>Passed arround by plebeians as a way to keep the birth rate and thus population/economic capacity up.
What I would propose is more similar to the grain dole of ancient Rome. Plebian men would entitled to access to, for lack of a better term, a concubine dole. This, in addition to voting rights, would drive freemen into military service and ensure that fertility remains high. Much like in Antebellum American common law, the male product of a union between a slave and a free man of any social class will have the social standing of its mother. The child, as property of its father, can be freed at his whim, (as happened often with antebellum American mulatos). This child will then be incentivized to join the military and repeat the cycle.
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>On that note would your society simply dismiss the idea of monogamy entirely?
>As in there's no social games of wives vs concubines, it's simply men and their harems.
As I said before, there would be hierarchy between slaves. Perhaps it would make sense to have a class of 'free' women; women that do not have voting rights or property rights, but would not be chattel that could be bought, sold, or liquidated at their owner's whim. It's natural for men to want to protect their wives and daughters, even in a patriarchal society. Perhaps a small minority of women, the daughters and wives of plebeians and patricians, could enjoy rights and protections not unlike what is found under some interpretations of Sharia law; charges of their fathers and later husbands with some protections under the law. They would nominally be the same social class as their husbands and, under certain circumstances, could hold property in trust for minor sons or be a trust beneficiary of late husbands. As for their relationships with concubines, I think they should be treated better than them, but they do not have a right to interfere with their husband's relationship with concubines.
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>First thought:
GeneCopies are also the direct descendants of the Myrma women, don't forget about them!
>Second thought: Mymadonia in Captivity
Licensed breeding facilities will drug their myrs, rig them up to a life support system, strap a vibrator to their clits, and wait for them to self-fertilize. When a myr is about to birth her own clone, a nurse is dispatched to assist. Big breeding facilities have their own child rearing centers. Girls are taught to be afraid of the outside world by making them remember an excessive number of complex procedures for various unlikely scenarios in case they ever do leave. They are also taught to be happy that they will be contributing to the advancement of patriarchal thought. Once they reach the age that they can autogestate, they "graduate" and are placed in breeding cells. But the education they receive doesn't always work. Some vestigial rebelliousness remains and the girls might attempt to break out or sabotage the facility.
>Third Thought:
Myrmadonia escaping or overrunning a breeding facility is an entire genre of horror within the empire. These narratives start off by highlighting how incompetence and corruption can result in lapses in security. And then they show how dangerous a feral Myrma is with her great strength and high intelligence. The reality is that an escaped Myrmadonia isn't an immediate threat to imperial society since her top priority will be avoiding detection and scavenging for food and supplies.
>Fourth Thought:
Consumerist men of a paternal bent hate the idea of wasting slave lives in scientific research and military exercises. But the Myrmadonia provide an alternative which spares "normal" women of the patriarchy from destruction.
Paternalists were the guys who were nice and... who were the guys that were sadistic? I forgor and I don't feel like looking it up.

>Other thoughts:
It's been reported that escapees will wait decades to reproduce until they've found a hideout, a reliable source of food, and a weapon.
Smaller breeding facilities will ship their newborns to childcare facilities which then ship them to finishing facilities. Once there, the myrmas are trained for their final destination and sterilized. They are either sent to a science center where they are used as a test subject. Or they are sent to military academies where they serve as oppositional forces in combat exercises. Both kinds of buyers avoid waste when possible, which means a single breeder prison is enough to meet an entire planets demands.
Handler conducted psych-evaluations find that these women need a lot of intellectual stimulation to keep from getting into trouble.
Some horror stories instead take place in the isolated estate of a wealthy yet contrarian man who buys a fertile myrmadonia to shock his peers. The ideology of this man differs with each telling, and whether he's still alive or been dead a long time.
Most live action myrma-horror narratives use Spartiae actresses to play the titular role. A rare few employ the real archetype but she's been sterilized.
>more about culture and language.
>could result in inbreeding
This whole system of having foreign born women serving only as holy whores (public use) is usually limited to the first generation then.
Women enslaved as tribute or as war loot are seen as tainted/unholy due to having lives out side the patriarchy.
Thus they must repent as holy whores, however any daughters they give birth to are treated no different then any other bastard daughters.
As they're born into slavery just like every other native woman.

>possibly a tragedy of the commons.
>Plebian men would entitled to access to, for lack of a better term, a concubine dole
There is the whole religious aspect to it, in ancient Rome the Cods where seen as having a very active role in one's life.
Mistreating a holy whore when it's your turn is seen as spitting on a Gift from the Gods themselves.
So there's certainly legal and social repercussions.

Caste systems have be brought up before, could be perfect with something like;
"True born" women at the top, Slaves(native women) and at the bottom foreign whores/public use sluts.

>Paternalists were the guys who were nice
Just playing with the whole idea of perverted morality, a kind and loving slave master is still something that terrifies women from other planets.
Women are still being enslaved it's just less whipping/beatings but more brainwashing and emotional manipulation.
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Thank you! glad to be validated instead of being told to shut up like in the last thread.

>That being said...

>The Economic Basics of Female Ownership
Women are property in the Interstellar Patriarchal Empire. They can belong to their father, husband, a corporation, or the empire. Fathers can sell their daughters through an online marriage marketplace (regulated by the empire) to corporations and bachelors. Upon a successful sale to another man, a father no longer owns his daughter. Pricing for a woman varies depending on her archetype, education, and behavioral record. On average, Gyndroids are the most expensive while DupliCunts are the cheapest. The other four's pricing fluctuates.
If a woman belongs to a man while working for an organization, she will earn GirlCash while her male owner receives RealMoney. If a woman wants to belong to an organization, she needs permission from her male owner. If a woman's father or husband are dead, she becomes property of the Empire, rather than being owned by her sons or brothers. The only job a woman can get without permission from an owner, which allows her to earn RealMoney, is sex-work. Fortunately she can apply her trade in safe, clean, publicly funded brothels. These buildings are multi-floored and multi-purpose structures which often act as social hubs for the community.

>A Basic Crime
Marriage Fraud is when a man over or under inflates the prices of his daughters. A man in debt will typically discount his daughters to creditors in hopes of forgiveness. Those creditors will resale those daughters at a mark up or put them to work. A father who overinflates her daughters worth is probably targeting a wealthy suitor. Marriage Marketplace Auditors investigate these crimes and can call on back-up from the Collar Authority.
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>Minor Correction
>a man over or under inflates the prices
should be
>a man over or under estimates the prices

>Additional Notes on Economics of a specific archetype:
The empire will spawn batches of duplicunts using the source DNA of a notable women and then sell them cheaply on the open market. Simultaneously, unmarried women can volunteer to be implanted with the same mass produced clone embryos. Those that are birthed belong to their mother, those that are spawned belong to the empire. As long as her DC daughter is certifiably alive, a mother receives a daily allowance of girlcash as well as an annual stipend of realmoney from the empire. This policy was created by consumerists to ensure an abundance of desperate beautiful females and has worked pretty well.
Travelling through the empire, one might see the original All-Natural in propaganda, advertisements, and media. Younger versions of her doing menial labor. And even younger versions in school uniforms.
>Kyonyuu Academy
>Similar to Almond Blossom FInishing School, this institution purchases surplus daughters off from the households of busy Patriarchs, and turns them into attractive young girls, but with a difference.
>The academy only takes young girls with breasts and hips already capable of giving envy to a Hucow.
>With the public purpose of "Improving the female form" this institute hoards the most bountiful female harvests, and resells it to fund its own research.
>Libido improvement so high every schoolgirl has to be secured in a chastity belt, and complete ideological zeal on the truth of Male Supremacy after being mounted is already expected, but Kyonyuu has gone farther.
>Every Kyonyuu schoolgirl comes with a guaranteed erogenous zone on her throat.
>Linked to her taste and smell receptors, they only react when sucking a cock, or being choked by the hand of a Man, to avoid them from "stimulating" themselves.
>Their education is not given any special attention, though. They are not even taught Patriarchal Logogram System, and they are conditioned to maintain and develop bratty and rebellious behaviours, so the Master can correct them later.
>When on outings from their Academy, they tend to act like a pack of Wild Gyaru Delinquents, only protected by Tracking Collars and Ankle Bracelets.
>Any single man they infuriate will just end up searching for their school on the net, and probably just becoming a future customer then and there.
>Their graduation ceremonies are an advertisement event, and sales expo all at once, as bouncy cheerleaders pose, dance and provoke, attempting to fetch a high price to watching bidders.
>Girls from Kyonyuu Academy and Almond Blossom Finishing School see each other as rivals, and will playfight each other on sight, not really strong or smart enough to do any real damage, but always good publicity.
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>Foreign Relations:
The IPE makes an effort to reassure moderates of the rival Egalitarian Dominion that imperial females are treated humanely. Furthermore, the empire attempts to depict abolitionists as bloodthirsty warmongers. Finally, sympathizers to the empire within the dominion receive anonymous material support.
Female criminals seeking protection from Dominion law can surrender and become property of the Empire. Upon abandoning her personhood, she is forced into being rehabilitated with neural-nanites. The process extracts whatever useful information is in her head and inserts feelings of gratitude towards her new owners. Her ovaries will then be replaced so that she will birth specific archetype(s). She will be used however the Empire sees fit, or sold off to an interested buyer.
>Female careers:
In the IPE, women can be media starlets, armed guards, laborers, legal secretaries, leadership consultants, and even research assistants. That is if their father or husband approves of the corporation that they will be sharing custody with. A woman does not need permission to become a mother and/or whore.
>Fugitive Punishment:
Depends on how the woman is priced on the market and her archetype. For example, a Spartiae who attempted to defect will have her limbs amputated and replaced with remote controlled prosthetics. Whereas a vatspawned DupliCunt that got lost accidently will be given hugs and a cookie.
>Political structures of the Empire vs the Dominion
The IPE legislative process starts with wealthy True Patriarchs coming up with ideas to improve the empire. These ideas are dictated to mercenary law firms who translates all of it into legalese and tests it with focus groups. Once a patriarch and firm agree on the final draft of a bill, it gets sent to the Father-Electors who vote to deny or approve it.
The Egalitarians vote directly on laws and depend on democratically elected federal executors to handle complicated matters.
>Women enslaved as tribute or as war loot are seen as tainted/unholy due to having lives out side the patriarchy
I guess I can see your reasoning for this, if you are afraid that foreign-born slaves could potentially subvert the system. I don't think this is all that of a concern. If you look at Caribbean and Antebellum slavery, it was common for slaves to be mixed up when they were taken off the ships. The goal was to have each plantation have slaves from as diverse linguistic backgrounds as possible, so that you could limit their ability to speak with each other. At least in the American South, slave uprisings were uncommon and usually involved slaves receiving assistance from abolitionist whites.
>Thus they must repent as holy whores, however any daughters they give birth to are treated no different then any other bastard daughters.
I think you're wrong. Bastard daughters wouldn't be exist in a society (at least not like how they exist in our society). Not only would this public use thing create inbreeding and venereal disease issues, but it would also create young female slaves with no owners or male guardians. Where do they go?
>There is the whole religious aspect to it, in ancient Rome the Cods where seen as having a very active role in one's life.
>Mistreating a holy whore when it's your turn is seen as spitting on a Gift from the Gods themselves.
>So there's certainly legal and social repercussions.
I doubt that such rules would be easy to enforce. I also personally abhor this whole public use thing. I think that sex should only occur within ownership/marriage relationships. Public use is just socialized prostitution; rather gross.
>Caste systems have be brought up before, could be perfect with something like;
"True born" women at the top, Slaves(native women) and at the bottom foreign whores
This actually makes a lot of sense.
I would like to know more.
>Kyonyuu Academy Schoolgirls are notoriously bad tempered.
>Secured and belted, their Libido has nowhere to escape, so it makes them act out.
>On any other woman, their brain would work as some kind of control, but for them, it has been spoiled rotten.
>The curriculum of the Academy excells only on Sports, Gymnastics, Cooking and Homemaking.
>A token effort is made to pretend teaching them Nursing, Office Work, and Languages, but since their teachers are graduated alumni with cum for brains, learning is marginal, and most students just skip class, and roam around the city until the ankle monitor vibrates and lights up, telling them to go back to their communal bedrooms.
>As uncontrolled eye candy, their uniform becomes a walking advertisement.
>The tracking collar and ankle monitor transmit information openly so any Man that sees them walking around can open their phone, and access their Student profile.
>Since everybody knows they are private propery of the Academia until sold, and they are belted, their mischief is simply brished aside with a slap on the face, or the butt, and a report to the Academy so she gets grounded.
>And the moment that happens, an amazing change happens.
>The loins on the bratty student heat into an inferno that cannot be thawed, locked behind a metal chastity shell.
>To be satisfied, she will now do anything, pay attention, study, perform as a Cheerleader.
>Denied orgasms, and punished by taking out her exits from the campus, she will begin to stew into a perfect cocksleeve.
>abhor this whole public use thing. I think that sex should only occur within ownership/marriage relationships
Could lean into the whole Rome idea with the concubine dole and military service rewards then, just do away with public use entirely.
Foreign women who are enslaved are given to Plebian men as a dole and as a means to keep population numbers up.
But the majority of these women are rewarded to men who served in the legions, retirement ends with a plot of land and a few slave women as concubines.
With the implication that as a full citizen it's a civic duty to impregnate your fertile slave women for the sake of the empire's future.

>afraid that foreign-born slaves could potentially subvert the system
>create inbreeding and venereal disease issues
The first generation of foreign whores are given as part of the concubine dole and veteran's rewards.
Their offspring are raised by master's native born slave women/wives. the biological mothers are used for domestic slavery, sex, breeding, wet nurses etc.
Goal here is to ensure their offspring are properly integrated into the culture of Rome and don't retain any abolitionist ideals.

>spawn batches of duplicunts using the source DNA of a notable women
One of the greatest honors a woman can earn in the the empire: become the "mother" for a line of cloned sex slaves.
Love this, and perhaps the original is also chipped and branded to set her apart from her clones.
It's the kind of thing that would elevate her status as a famed slave even more.

>allows her to earn RealMoney, is sex-work.
>unmarried women can volunteer to be implanted with the same mass produced clone embryos
Side tangent but perhaps in the parts of the empire where "free" women are allowed to exist this is their main way of making a living.
if your not a happy slut with a collar on your neck like a normal woman, then your still selling your holes or renting out your womb.
They're sex addicts either way.
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>But the majority of these women are rewarded to men who served in the legions, retirement ends with a plot of land and a few slave women as concubines.
Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Recently-retired veterans may be the best men to distribute these slaves to, given the fact that they are most likely still in shape, are highly-motivated/invested in the state's success, and may have some knowledge of their slave's former culture that would make them more likely to detect potential acts of subversion. Perhaps it would be a good idea to save the ideal mating partners for the veteran's retirement benefits and leave the more undesirable slaves (middle aged women, men, children) for the slave/concubine dole. It's also important to manage the distribution of all other slaves and no veteran would want to serve for 10+ years only to be rewarded with some 50 year old hag as a concubine.
>The first generation of foreign whores are given as part of the concubine dole and veteran's rewards.
Well, I suppose that the slave/concubines dole could be used to stabilize slave prices and solve certain issues relating to bankruptcy and probate, but yes that is generally a good idea.
>Their offspring are raised by master's native born slave women/wives. the biological mothers are used for domestic slavery, sex, breeding, wet nurses etc.
>Goal here is to ensure their offspring are properly integrated into the culture of Rome and don't retain any abolitionist ideals.
Excellent idea. May breed some resentment in slaves, but that is nothing that proper education, discipline, and management cannot handle.
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>resentment in slaves, but that is nothing that proper education, discipline, and management cannot handle.
Depends how their master goes about it, but there's also the emotional manipulation aspect to this.
After the initial stages of rape/forced impregnation they start coping with the fact that a heavily pregnant woman can't exactly escape easily.
And once they give birth it's easy to start pulling on her hearts strings and toy with women's natural maternal instincts, even if she's only a nursemaid/servant.

>have the ideal mating partners for the veteran's retirement benefits
Focus of the system is on giving these men slave women from the places the conquered as a top priority.
After that needs are met with women received as tribute.

>slave/concubines dole could be used to stabilize slave prices
if the dole is more of the 2nd rate slave women then perhaps this could also be used to motivate freemen to join the legions and earn their plebeian status.
As they know exactly who's getting the best bitches from a new conquest or tribute payment.

>Creating bratty "Correction" bait slave women.
Could combine this with the punishment of captured feminists after they've had their brain nanite treatment.
Have a infamous bitch be the prized slave everyone wants to buy for corrective sex.
or make it a generational thing where feminists have their bloodline become the perfect cock warmers as they're all sent to these Schoolgirls.
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Kyonyuu Academy has an expenses account to cover damages and stolen goods caused by their bratty-bimbo students to local businesses. When the yearly budget is exceeded is when the delinquents start getting punished.
Almond Blossom and Kyonyuu academies are close enough that students from both can encounter each other in town? That implies the schools are located in some kind of women education/sluttification district. I wonder what the real estate is like there...
Occasionally, the women's education district police department comes into possession of an idealistic young woman. In order to turn her into a good little police officer, they have her patrol the district's Shopping Row first. That's where she has to deal with kyonyuu students. Exposure to these horny idiots tends to disabuse her of any notions of inherent female modesty or competence. Or the fact she could be turned into a slutty cheerleader scares her into being more loyal to the patriarchy than ever before.
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I think an incredibly important aspect to consider of such a school is the influence the teachers have on the students as role-models.

Namely, in how they both provide their formative examples of what they can expect to turn out like as women and graduates of Kyonyuu academy.
And in demonstrating to their students the appropriate amount of respect to be given to a woman (none at all).

The importance of these teachers cannot be understated.
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>A forgotten miracle of the IPE
Female Aphrodisiacal Pharmaceutical Product, or FAPP, was a breakthrough drug developed at the same time as the New Woman Project. It used to be the go-to option for treating feminists until neural nanites became widely available. It is still widely used but often unnoticed.

It can be absorbed through the skin and blood vessels, inhaled, and digested safely. In low doses FAPP acts like an empathy-encouraging anti-depressant, converting introverts into extroverts. Medium dosage causes exhibitionism and impulsive displays of affection, both platonic and erotic. High doses make females become highly submissive to males, turning a man's humble suggestions into an edict from a divinity.

Speaking of males, the drug doesn't have as strong affect on men. Instead, FAPP accumulates in male subjects testes causing them to swell until he cums. Women that come into physical contact with FAPP contaminated sperm will experience the same effects as ingesting the drug directly.

Most products that can be purchased with girlcash is laced with medium to low does of FAPP. These can range from food and medicine to make-up and absorbent pads. In stores, these products are in unsecured displays and shelves where they can be stolen easily. Food and supplies uncontaminated with FAPP are kept in locked containers and can only be purchased with realmoney.

Women that begin service in the IPE military must go through a months long FAPP detox. They emerge from the process with heightened aggression and reflexes. But they are barely able to tolerate interactions with men that used to make them feel wam/giggly. This makes some women wistful and eager to start taking FAPP again. Other women will feel like their heads are clear for the first time in their lives. This latter group must be sure to conceal these feelings, otherwise they might wind up in rehabilitation.
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>Depends how their master goes about it, but there's also the emotional manipulation aspect to this.
>After the initial stages of rape/forced impregnation they start coping with the fact that a heavily pregnant woman can't exactly escape easily.
>And once they give birth it's easy to start pulling on her hearts strings and toy with women's natural maternal instincts, even if she's only a nursemaid/servant.
To be completely honest with you, I didn't think too deeply on exactly what 'education', 'discipline', and 'management' meant other than how I was using them (at least in part) as euphemisms, but what you're saying sounds brilliant.
>Focus of the system is on giving these men slave women from the places the conquered as a top priority.
That is what I was alluding to when I spoke of cultural familiarity, but yeah, I guess it's best to just say it.
>After that needs are met with women received as tribute.
Makes sense. I guess you could also reach into eligible females from the slave dole if it comes to that. I suppose that there would be a natural ebb and flow to these things; years where there aren't that many retiring veterans, so tributes are put into the slave dole and years where there are many veterans that the state needs to start making purchases from private slave-owners. Naturally, the later situation would be avoided as much as possible, but unfortunately slaves don't age the same way as grain.
>if the dole is more of the 2nd rate slave women then perhaps this could also be used to motivate freemen to join the legions and earn their plebeian status.
>As they know exactly who's getting the best bitches from a new conquest or tribute payment.
Yes. Not only that, but it gives young plebian men who already have voting rights extra motivation to serve other than just using it as a foundation for a political career (which is just not for everyone).

Also worth considering how conquered lands ought to be handled. Should their be a 'blood tax'...
... like what happened with the Janissary Corps in the Ottoman Empire or should their be a different system? Should the population just be rounded up? I think that boiling the frog with end goal of eventually replacing the indigenous population through taxation and a resettlement program (aided by the high fertility rate) would be the best option. It would be hard to do, if the end goal is the eventual elimination of the indigenous culture. The only time that really worked completely (that I know of) was the European conquest of North America and even then that was aided in great part by the fact that the natives were devastated by contact with old world diseases that they had no immunity from. It would have to be clear; something that would result in total elimination of the indigenous culture with minimal bloodshed.
>this op vs slavery thread op
What the fuck is up with these threads?
>What are some female dominated "careers"?

One of the big ones is probably the waitress industry.
It's a lot more enjoyable for the less professional seeming services to be conducted by a particularly sexy looking girl.

It's far from an easy or respectful job. Waitresses are expected to sign away what little rights they have when taking a contract, and almost always they're put into some sexy uniform, pumped full of drugs and aphrodisiacs, and made to edge their entire shift in the interest of looking the most appealing.
Sexual harassment of waitstaff isn't just permitted, but is tacitly encouraged, and many places are designed to permit privacy.

Nevertheless, it's one of the few industries that accepts women, pays a low but liveable wage, or can provide one via tips. Working as a waitress is probably the greatest amount of lifestyle independence the vast majority of women can hope for in their life.
What do you mean?
>using them (at least in part) as euphemisms
The Ideal for men retiring with these slave women is obedient and willing breeding slaves.
Simply keeping them as rape bait is an option but a far more twisted goal is having these women buy into their enslavement.
They see their story of "how I ~married~ my rapist and master" as a good thing, her enslavement was uplifting her from living with backwards tribes.
She's a slave of the empire now, being a house servant and breeder is far better then starving in some tribal village.

>purchases from private slave-owners
>conquered lands ought to be handled. Should their be a 'blood tax'
Was thinking along the lines of this Roman-esqu empire has sort of magic Mcguffin, births "naturally" skews towards females.
there's no issue producing native born women to meet the demands for slaves, maybe a pact with the gods or something.
Point is, taking women as slaves from conquest or as tribute is a form of population control on foreign/hostile tribes.

>resettlement program (aided by the high fertility rate).. eventual elimination of the indigenous culture
The recruitment of men from tributary tribes plays into this too. Not only are women taken as a blood tax but the men are pressured to join the legions.
Once they're done their service they're given a plot of land far from their tribal home along with a harem of slave women for breeding.
This then depopulates areas of the indigenous culture and helps to further out breed them

>her limbs amputated and replaced with remote controlled prosthetics
Might be my favorite form of punishment, perhaps even more fun then the nanite brain injections.
It's not the easy way out of just letting they escape punishment with death or having their personality reprogramed.
Instead they're basically turned into fuck nuggets but have limbs that carry them arround like a prisoner.
would be so fun toying with then and seeing how their new reality breaks their minds/will
>They see their story of "how I ~married~ my rapist and master" as a good thing, her enslavement was uplifting her from living with backwards tribes.
Yes, I agree.
>Was thinking along the lines of this Roman-esqu empire has sort of magic Mcguffin, births "naturally" skews towards females.
>there's no issue producing native born women to meet the demands for slaves, maybe a pact with the gods or something.
>Point is, taking women as slaves from conquest or as tribute is a form of population control on foreign/hostile tribes.
Well, I don't know if a magical is necessary to create this sort of state. An disproportionally large number of women, particularly young women, will lead to population expansion, why having more men than women will lead to population contraction. To an extent the desired outcome is just a matter of population redistribution. I think you just underestimate the degree to which what I just said is true. Look at Arab and Mormon polygamist fertility rates and compare them to polyandric cultures.
>The recruitment of men from tributary tribes plays into this too.
Nah, I think that's a bad idea. Arming foreign groups never ends well. Germanics in Roman service was part of what lead to the fall of the western Roman Empire in the first place. This why the Janissary Corps were such a good idea. Get the boys when they are young and completely replace their culture and religion with your own, then you don't have this problem. Even then they should still be a minority within the armed forces. You will always need to motivate the plebian and freeman classes to fight in order to prevent them form getting decadent.

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