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Rectifying the lack of a proper inflation thread. No males, no spheres.
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we got hyperpreg, foodstuffing. weight gain, and now air inflation.
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it's almost as if all of those are completely different fetishes... woah.......
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>and now air inflation.
That shit has been around since this fetish was introduced to the internet, I mean, it's over 20 years old that air inflation method (along with cum and water) existed. If you are so retarded as not to believe me there is an artist that since 1999 created a page to upload that kind of drawings (alumineko). Here is his page: http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~g_tiger/ura/Ealfream.htm and the history of activity in wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/19990801000000*/http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~g_tiger/ura/Ealfream.htm (and his complete gallery: https://e-hentai.org/g/70930/f4c1fdfbc2/)
I wasn’t complaining, I was doing kinda a all the infinity stones thing
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Damn. Is that egg artifact keeping her flesh from rupturing as the machine inflates her past her limits?
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Wish this artist would post more, he teased a follow up with this character
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Water inflation or air?
air, water would look like a dome with a flat bottom
>no spheres
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wrong thread, friend
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inb4 the boorish loser spherecunts say "samefag" about people disliking them posting content where it doesn't belong, because they can't accept that a belly inflation thread might want actual belly inflation content, rather than retarded spheres.
lol, caught feeling called out or lacking comprehension of the usual bs that happens in these threads.
Settle down there Don Quixote
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ya muther.
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Girls getting filled from both ends is under appreciated.
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I love the idea of a inflation livestream, especially the idea of it going "wrong" near the end.
Larger Lily

>Chat wait I can't take anymore!
>I'm gonna-
unfortunately most of the content of that nature, appears to be either gay or furry or both.
drakemohkaki has a particularly good sequence involving a zebra anthro and there's at least one set from a japanese artist that eludes me of a human male in touhou cosplay, being a complete pumpslut, otherwise, it's slim pickings, sadly.
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It really is
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More Shylily
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hmm, today i will post a sketch sequence
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maybe someday i will do more with this
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Hope everyone likes NIKKE.
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And speaking of NIKKE, this could use more of torturing Syuen, especially some inflation.
If you're doing vtubers, can you do others like Bao The Whale, Milla Noire, and Milky?
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none of the characters i posted are vtumors. i have no desire to draw them without monetary compensation
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NIKKE is pretty good
And some alts
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Even more Lily
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good taste, overdesigned vtubershits are the worst.
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Yeah it's incredibly hot. Twice the speed and discomfort. Too bad there's not more of it.

Also, am I strange if I'm only attracted to liquid inflation? Air does nothing for me.
Same. The mass, the incompressibility, the onomatopoeia is totally different.
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Captcha: GAYS
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Found some Saruei
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Just realized this was posted already B'))
Can someone translate these?
>begging across websites
I already did it for your bbw post yesterday. Go there.
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Good comic, if a bit short, but that ending was a bit too deviantart-tier for me, so I've decided to adapt a version of my own. It goes... a bit far beyond belly inflation, though, so as I finish up more pages, I'll have to drop them into the inflation general. Also currently kind of stuck at page 8 because I don't really know where I want to go with it.
I like the concept of a slime getting stuck and desperately trying to get out to finally stay inside or end up being digested, but I also like the "failed vore" where the slime (or any being) exits the body cleanly or disastrously by tearing the stomach/body. Anyway, great job and I must say that your style reminds me of casualobsessive or Drakemohkami, but whoever you are great job (if you could give your name I would appreciate it infinitely).
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Interested in seeing how this turns out...
i am begging slime niggas to please stop treating every and any slimegirl as your edgy OC
that's the most yapper opinion I've read in months.
did you reply to the right post? anon wasn't stating an opinion and your terminology is dogshit. post better.
Yapp yapping yapper yappers yappost yappshit yappspam yappfag yapplover yapphater. All I read is YAPP
Uncensored that.
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Really good one got uploaded recently.
Bump with content
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This is also on e-hentai for anyone who doesn't use the honeypot.
what is the purpose of this post
everything i dont know is a honeypot
exhentai literally IS e-hentai without the "oh noes! Someone buying ads might be offended by this!" filter. As in, it runs off the same servers by the same people.
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if you're going to bump, at least post something relevant
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that's a titan fucking one of the girls from attack on titan, dunno who it is but they had a lot of flat chested bitches in that anime, lol.
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No guarantees but I'm in a little bit of a mood and wanna get some practice with this stuff. If you've got reqs, hit me with em
can you do midna with her arms and legs bound by shadowy tendrils with her belly being inflated extremely large (at least as big around as her height)
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Meer Campbell getting pumped up like the girl on the right?
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Call me uncreative but I'm a huge fan of Hilda using the tire pump at a gas station as an improvized anal toy.
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I skimmed this earlier and thought you meant a gas pump instead of a tire pump, which is an idea too funny for me not to draw but I'll leave that for later. This does work, though
You take comms?
Not formally at the moment, just doing sketches for fun and practice
My favourite: Something related to a girl being so full that her bbutton pops out, and her reaction to it.
Well if you do, or have a Twitter or DA or something can follow, make sure to let us know because I would definitely like to sometime
Thank you so much!
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Rosalina getting pumped up in her sleep.
This character is all about abuse and being seemingly invincible. There is no inflation art of her so you can be the first.
Seconding this!
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where's the rest?
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From the newest drawthread
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Also from the drawthread
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