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For all feminization fetishists out there, post or discuss about anything related to men getting turned into sexy traps, shemales or sissies.
Favorite doujins and eromangas, hentai games and even any piece of fiction from Literotica, AO3 and etc.

Just keep real world stuff out of the way please, this is a hentai fetish board and we need heated arguments about politics or real life in a thread about hentai fetiches
Bonis points for forced fem content, its my favorite kind
Altho consensual and even willing feminization can be hot too
I reccomend Wataya's works if you are new to this
For fics, Sissysekai is my personal favorite
Unrelated, but is there any content focused around turning girls into cuntboys? Masculinization maybe?
Any good AI bots for this?
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I'm enjoying sissysekai alot.
Link? Google isn't helping.
Thanks. Though I must point out that it's very clearly spelled "sissekai."
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Sorry lol
there is good content on rule 34 xxx
femdom feminization femboy are good tags to try out
bump and some dump to get the thread going
last for now, see ya soon
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Is there a tag for voluntary feminization? Or... happy feminization, maybe?
>all with women
Pics of traps being feminized by other men isn't exactly easy to find you know
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god I wish there was more "normal" stuff for this and less blacked shit
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>not a single black in anything posted
>brings up blacks anyway
oh, so that's what they mean by rent free.
>joke around with my sister about putting on her makeup
>she doesn't try and put it on me
Damn it... doujin make it look so easy
If this is real then your sister now definitely knows ur a fag
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Well whatever, my sister has shit taste in makeup. She likes the Kim Kardashian style
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Why is there always so much shitty western art in these threads?
Stop being weird. This only works if the straight guy is being forced. We’re trying to not be gay, remember?
It would suit you so nicely, girl
we are?
It is a crime that they didn't animate the second part.
Don't let the thread die again.
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Why'd you post the raw when the artist provided MTL'd version themself?
my oc
there's a separate AI thread
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Getting stuck on Aincrad but your sex is the only thing reverted back to a male avatar, the body stays feminine
Didn't want to create a whole new thread for it, so this seems to be the best place to ask, but I had a very 'interesting' dream, and now I have tried seeking out rule34 and any hentai/doujins that dealt with penectomies specifically with regards to feminization.

It seems to be nonexistent, like completely. Only found a handful of furry shit, and like 1 doujin on nhentai that only barely touched it.

pls, I need this right now.
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This artist has a few OC's who've had it done to them;
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Oops wrong tag, filter with 去勢 (castration) for more.
Also have a meme
There was also https://exhentai.org/g/1136573/e848fca919/
and I swear there was a similar one about a crazy mother castrating her son so he stays androgynous looking. But can't find it sorry. Just take a look through 'feminization guro' on sadpanda and you may find something else you like.
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God I hate shaving. It's such an awkward maneuver. I wish I could just lose all my body hair forever
I don't want to use strong chemicals on my genitals
i gave you the alternative if you hate shaving like you claim. only other is laser hair removal but then youll "hur dur no laser near my pp"
I can hate something while recognizing that it's the best option. If you gave me the choice of being shot once the head and dying, or being shot in the chest 5 times and bleeding out. I'd choose the head even though I hate both choices
carson magic shaving powder my dude
I looked that up and it just seems to make make shaving cleaner and smoother
mate, its specifically states to not use it on privates and weak skin. Just stick to trimming and shaving those parts down, Nair the rest.
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>Just stick to trimming and shaving those parts down
God, looking cute is so much work
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Need more feminizing bondage clothes like this.
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Working out makes me so fucking horny. I want to fuck and be fucked so hard
if i had to choose being shot in the head or responding to your dumbass comment I would pick both so I can call you a faggot before I get shot
File deleted.
you turn it into a paste and wait 5 min wipe off with a paper towel or rinse in the shower
Are they sissifying a r63 Sayori?
What was the name of this one again? I remember loving this end part where he becomes the relatives wife
It's suppose to the be protagonist/player
I know this thread is basically dead, but does anyone know what a tattoo fetish like this is called? I can't find any tattoo based porn, specifically of someone getting degrading or embarrassing tattoos
i think its just a subset of humiliation
Not sure about that, but if you just want images; Tattoo's are typically frowned upon in Japan and fetish-wise get associated with degradation/corruption/slutification. So if you search tattoo (刺青, タトゥー) on pixiv most of the results will be degrading type ones. Also there's the womb tattoo (淫紋) tag. You may also like the tag "uncouth erotic" (無様エロ)
Here's a search query that should find a bunch of those kind of images specifically; (悪堕ち OR ギャル化 OR 屈辱 OR 恥辱 OR 羞恥 OR 恥じらい) (タトゥー OR 刺青 OR 淫紋)
(That tag query obviously excludes trap and feminization, so add those if it's specifically what you want)
You're a real one thanks
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>friends said I have a nice ass again
I really should start crossdressing
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I need more where feminized sissy is forced to suck dicks
Dreamt of bottoming for a guy last night. It was kinda fun
So, any other sissy here really wanna get fucked by a misogynist as he degrades you?
god i wish someone would translate this, probably his best work so far
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Ansolutely. Preferably in presence of domme as well.
Wanted to make an interactive story with females, but read about anons talking about sissysekai and came up with this instead: https://pastebin.ai/3aqmpravvy

Could use some critique to my writing, if anyone here feels like there is nothing better to do than read some random thrash. There is no sex, just some intro and sci-fi stuff.
You mean this one? https://exhentai.org/g/628482/096577d9be/
Kinda fits
I'd love to be called a faggot while sucking a guy's dick
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Might not fit here but one of my biggest fantasies is getting a guy to take up the exercise and dietary changes for a massive ass, messing with his head to change up his personality all the same, get him to learn decent makeup, maybe have him grow his hair out a little… Have a guy who looks normal, even a bit stocky in public; but just takes 15 minutes to do up his hair, put on makeup, and put on a slutty outfit to be the perfect bottom plaything
Work in progress piece by me
S-tier anon, looking forward to the finished piece
good shit, got any more stuff?
I mainly draw woman but I have some oder ones like this one.
Also progress, but I will probably change some stuff
A bit off the subject but... Anyone have this in higher reso or know the source? Can't find anything on this!
Not even on the hentai site I found this from!
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Right... Sending the image would probs help too..
Nagatoro femdom is always welcome, specially with sissification (if it included ntr that would be the complete trinity)

Damn bro, you got a discord or something? Nagatoro/senpai stuff is super cute. If you take requests, I'd love to see you improve a few rough draws another guy did for me a while back
check your filenames before posting. All of these are downscaled samples. Stop polluting the board with inferior copies that will inevitably be reposted. Next time look for the button on Rule34 that says "show original".
That's a Koikatsu card, it's suppose to be a specific resolution with some embedded data, lets you load in a character (it's for easy sharing). Your version of image has been altered and probably wont load though. Original image here; https://e-hentai.org/g/2516173/30ce0a9564/?p=3 (142)
I would agree to all the statements except NTR, Cant see that stuff. Sadly a lot of chasrtity and sissy art also has it.
Currently not, sorry. While I do take comms, I am currently on break and focusing on my own art.
Thats Fair, in my opinion It depend of my mood so its a 50/50 thing if i like ntr
Aw shitcicles!
I'm not registered on e-hentai and even if I was (I just registered on a fake email) I need "GP" to download the full res image.

Can you post it here or any idea of how to get the same image?

Also any info on koikatsu cards? They seem interesting!

Or maybe any similar hentai? For some reason I got an interest on asymmetrical trap tits now...
What's funny is this exact scenario is happening to a streamer.
They're currently at the first panel of the third page, and will probably be entering the second panel in a few months.
Guess I wasn't clear enough, it's a tiny image (252 x 352) that you use in the game Koikatsu to get that character set up up for you. No higher res versions of that specific image exist. If you really like the character, then download the game (You can pirate it off F95Zone) and use the card (Look up a tutorial, I dont personally know specific steps).
Really? What streamer?
May I cum today please please please
Ahh! I see, apologies for the tardyness at the beginning.

I'll check it out,thanks mate!
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id thought u woulda said finster
Koikatsu cards won't work on 4chan if they have embedded data, because 4chan aggressively strips all metadata (that is, everything except the image itself) from files for safety reasons. If you don't know why you're better off not knowing why.
If the data is part of the image, like a QR code, it'll work, but if it's stored in metadata it'll be stripped by 4chan.
Of course. Just not with your sissy clitty. But everything else is on the table.
OK thank you
Finnster. They haven't done any nudes yet, nor are they on estrogen, but uh... I get the feeling they will be, just because of the soft pressure from fans and the company they keep.
But what about the SadPanda one?
IDK, I assume what's uploaded to sadpanda works but I don't have the program around to test right now.

Most sites don't do this kind of aggressive metadata stripping that 4chan does.
You ever take a photo, rotate it, and then when it uploads to 4chan it un-rotates? That's because in some cases the rotation is just a flag in the metadata.
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Nope, Finn's been on HRT for probably almost a year at this point. Made a video a while back about having been doing it in private and came out as....something, I don't remember what. Probably GNC or some other bs. Has mini hormone tits now. Still hot tho, and getting more bold on OF over time.
lilo & stitch looking ass
He probably wont do nudes ever, he gets more attention from both guys and girls that way. once people see the penis he will lose a lot of fans
Anyone here follow kitsune-beer? their art is a bit rough but holy shit their feminization stories are so good
I would buy out their entire stuff on dlsite if the payments weren't so hard, since they have a lot of full stuff that nobody has uploaded yet on sadpanda
Plus he is cute rn but needs a lot of angles and such to show a high femme body type people assume he has. No shade but I assumed he’d be more snatched, he’s really good at dressing his body type and face card is unreal
You most definitely don't. My sack once accidentally got a bit on it while doing my thighs and it burned like hell. Even washed off within 30 seconds it drew blood. I'm convinced the only good way to deal with hairy balls is getting snipped.
Funny story, I went on a few dates with this girl like 2 years ago. After like our 2nd or 3rd date she wanted to be dropped off at a friends who was visiting family nearby and it was Finn. I didn’t really know who he was at the time but afterwards she’s like “Finn is internet famous in some communities so thanks for not making a big deal about seeing them in person” I didn’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t even know who that was. He looks just like a dude who can do makeup well, the online pics have heavy filters and angles because irl he didn’t look like that.
Years ago I read this doujin where this trap is dating a guy and wants to be a better gf to him, and this girl offers to teach the trap how. The girl ends up drugging and pegging the trap and the trap feels terrible about cheating. If anyone knows it please let me know I haven't seen it in forever. Also if anyone has good recs for mind break trap doujins feel free to post them.
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same. and the spinoff(?), "inspired by", whatever you would call it:
Yet More Forced Feminization Adventures in the World of VALKYRIE
ao3 . org/works/47254681

if any one has recommendation for more stories like it, i'd greatly appreciate
Just get laser like the asian traps do. Some of them even film it and post clips on their twit.
You can see some there >>10970332
Is it true that those hurt a ton?
Kept it simple in the end
I remember when I met one femboy (however i liked calling them "girl" to tease) on /soc/. Sadly they deleted discord and never had any socials so our contact got cut after year and half of texting. I even remember her drawing my name with an eyeliner on her cheek (face, not on butt!). So cute, cute!!

Sorry for semi-blogpost, anons! I know I should keep real life out of this thread.
>I know I should keep real life out of this thread.
I think the intention behind OP's request was to keep discussions of social issues out, not to keep your personal experiences out
there's something kinda uncanny about this, and I think it has to do with the shadows and highlights
it makes it look like nagatoro's hand and arm are covered by vaccuum-sealed shiny plastic instead of squishy, spongy skin
Inmon or Womb Tattoo (even if its a male)
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f1nn has a ton of dick pics on OF lol
All look the same to me
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check the dimensions of the images, aka the resolution
the first image that other anon replied to has a resolution of 850x1202
heading to gelbooru and clicking "click here to expand image," I can find this version, which has resolution 1202x1700 - that's almost 50% bigger in each dimension

since people generally want to save images in the highest resolution possible, you should try to post them in the highest resolution possible
Can you see them and jerk off to them?
welcome to 4chan, I hope your first visit here is a pleasant one
As long as I can see them on my phone to fap. Idk how many pixels are in the picture.
haha funny old 4chan parlance is funny
Who even uses rule34? Why don't you get the uncompressed originals from pixiv/kemono/sadpanda? (which you then have to resize anyway due to 4chan's stingy image size limitation)
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I'd rather be degraded for being a misogynist DESU. Kind of like this but more for being an incel instead of homophobia. My dream is for a lesbian couple to kidnap and torture me :)
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I would like to be locked in a basement, castrated and then tortured. I want to be put in latex, kicked on a concrete floor, and forcibly transitioned.
I would love to kidnap both of you, anons Just joking... But I like your ideas!
Succubus summoning is all fun and games, until she casts a womb tattoo on you
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Kasuga Mayu´s Futanari Friends! is one of my favorites. Be warned as it has some rapey/NTR-like stuff in the first chapter.
So this is what Pope Francis was thinking of when he was talking about too much faggotry in the priesthood being a problem
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Dumb question. Is this a real toy and if so what is it?
That is clearly a protestant
Egg vibrator, very real. Though the issue with your image is how it's suppose to be attached to the dick.
Did this ever get finished?
I have something similar - small vibrator on a wire. Totally real. Mine kinda sucks, though.
Magnetic dick, cast-iron vibrator.
Damn, I sauce naod this and I think it's Kyla angel but I can't find any other art, anyone know if they have more or where i can find it? Thanks
Have it without bruises
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And clean.
Just curious, how many of you are actually sissies and not just fat hairy guys with weird fetishes?
I’m a passing trans woman so depends on your politics.

I got lucky genetics wise and used the fetish to go from that nerd your shaming to basically become a normie girl now. Though I do give autistic woman that has special interests in makeup/fashion/skincare

I still find it really hot to continue to feminized though but I’ve hit a wall. It’s just now bimbo teir stuff which, is concerning cause I’m dieing for Botox and a lip flip but I fear that’s the gate way drug to filler. Ffs is to much time off work, that im golden handcuffed too. Plus I pass without it so it feels like a free face lift for my 30’s when I want it.

Old me would have been making fun of me now. Like as a gamer I need a new gaming computer over my MacBook I got for work, but I just rather buy clothes/makeup with that money. I changed my whole ass personality
How about when it comes to your sex life?
Idk I have good relationship with my bf where we have situationships with women and share them. Well more they share me if I’m being real

I became a lot more subby on estrogen, and now I like need a lot more foreplay. I’m much more about acting in a humiliating way to get dick. More the social feminization than physical

I’ve gotten into him degrading me for those changes and implying he’s been manipulating me into them with praise. Telling me how naive and stupid I am, making the perfect bimbo.

If I try to cum without him it feels like 3/10 if I’m lucky. Plus since this is like my only big big fetish and I’ve run out of feminization and I live as a woman it’s kinda hard to get off without him forcing it out of me. Maybe after Botox or like lash extensions or something but I like looking natural so I’ve been conservative with it
ai art jfc
You are asking in the wrong place, this is the hentai board dude
pluck once every couple weeks and it will damage the follicles after a while
that's fucking tragic. dude looked great and made trannies seethe, and they groomed him and now hes gonna ruin himself.
fucking hate it.
Were you MORE into women before you transitioned? I've seen a lot of stories by MtFs whose sexual orientations suddenly flipped like several months or 1 years into HRT.
nta but I was 100% into women before starting HRT and now I'm like 10% into guys but still 90% into women
girl hormones sure make you more open to other options, but if you haven't been repressing your natural attraction to guys all this time your preferences are unlikely to change that radically

I think it’s easier to explain as like I was more into to women physically before. Now the physical stuff isn’t nearly as important as vibes. Like I find them hot if they are stylish, their personality matches that style, and are mean to me. They can have w/e body wise which is weird af feeling desu.

Same with men though, it’s all vibes not really body outside of strength. Like if a guy is strong he’s an auto 8 to me.
I know a sub that would happily give in for you and would let you.
The overwhelming majority of people interested in this fetish seem to be in it for the sex with men angle (either directly or through a bull)... it's pretty frustrating. MC getting cock locked for life and made into Nagatoro's wife (male) in an abusive, monogamous sexual relationship is super hot though.

The lines and flat color is good but the full color version isn't great. I get what you were trying to highlight but the value difference between light and shadow in most cases is way too much, it gives everything an unnatural gloss finish. Look at reference photos, even with professional lighting (multiple sources around the model) you don't get this degree of highlight unless you are covered in oil. Good luck! I want to see more of your art :)
>Just keep real world stuff out of the way please, this is a hentai fetish board and we need heated arguments about politics or real life in a thread about hentai fetiches
For the first part, I absolutly agree! Monogamous all the way! They already have a relationship thats cute and femdom sided so I just made them older and turned up the kink.

Qnd yes, I'm still learning and I do love me some shine but yes, I need to learn texture and lighting. Still learning digital and more important, if you only draw black and white ink, traditional horror art, then its a little hard to adjust.

Overall its a learning curve.
glad to see people are able to follow the OP around here
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id call myself a femboy > sissy
(but oc sill like the fettish)
I prefer the lesbian angle. Like there’s some super dom lesbian who likes a boy so much she decides he has to be a girl.

Or you’ve got some really weak nervous shy guy Who really wants to be a girl but is too scared to do anything about it and he get some crazy femdom girlfriend Who decides he doesn’t get the choice anymore and he’s going to have what he fantasises about whether he’s scared or not.

Either way the part that turns me on is a girl introducing him to all her friends as a girl, teaching him how to pass, and then how to be really slutty.

So part of the hotness is about how passable they are and the journey that they are on should be moving towards them being passable with all or at least most of their clothes off. Which pretty much necessitates a degree of body modification. Which is pretty scary but scary is also sexy.

I mean if you ever considered allowing your girlfriend to pick a tattoo for you … well then imagine allowing her to organise your life changing body modifications. Scary can be hot.

And yes this is not a politics thing this is very definitely a fantasy thing.
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How often do you guys shave? Both your genitals but also the rest of your body.
I'm just a skinny twink. I also have pretty bad gyno that got me teased alot as a kid. Thats probably why I find this stuff hot.

I've cross dressed on request from guys I was dating.

Idk what an "actual" sissy is. I'm just here for the porn.
Is this one guy having fantasies, or multiple people all having fantasies about this one guy?
hairy guy here.
Bisexual, but love taking dick.
I cross dress. Gf loves it and also pegs tf outta me.
Love being fuck while in chastity too but no desire whatsoever to be “girly” outside of a domination “forced fem” kind of thing.
The sissy content is a hot fantasy for me (save for the forced blacked meme) and I draw a lot of inspiration from it in my sex like without commiting 100% to the extremely unrealistic “sissy” lifestyle.
what was that one site with the ai chatbots that got posted here a while back?
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character.*i but it is unusable for that purpose now. There is a thread on /g/ if you want to learn more about that sort of thing.
character.ai or spicychat.ai ? There's loads of these kind of sites.
I'm currently messing around on yodayo.com as it hasn't been hit with content filters yet, meaning I can do hardcore /d/ fetish stuff without limits. Sometimes the first generated response will be "I'm sorry, I can't continue" but hitting regen always seems to work. Also dont need to worry about beans stuff, there's a free AI model that seems good enough imo.
Also the original Sophie on c.ai is gone I think
>I prefer the lesbian angle. Like there’s some super dom lesbian who likes a boy so much she decides he has to be a girl.
Finally, someone who gets it.
>tfw not on hormones and physical stuff is not important to me ALREADY and it's all about the vibes
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I am a fat hairy guy with weird fantasies, but I get mistaken for a girl whenever strangers first speak to me so I guess I should be able to fit in. Not sure where to start though
I remember when "crossdresser" was the word people used
it's not the same thing at all. sissies are usually involved in cuckery
I still much prefer "crossdresser" to "femboy" and "sissy"
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The term "sissy" doesn't bother me, but maybe that's because English isn't my first language, so I only see it as a term associated with porn. On the other hand, I often see it associated with cuckolding and forced bi, two fetishes I dislike. Sometimes I think I should use "femdom + crossdressing" when talking about my fantasies and content.
I've always been submissive, I got introduced to crossdressing stuff by my ex but I don't know that she planned for it to stick.
>young dumb and full of cum
>cuffed to her beds headboard while she teased me
>she looks at my face for a while then got up giggling to herself
>came back to the bed holding a dress in her hand
>keep telling her no and to untie me
>she ignores and starts pulling the dress up my legs
>she tells me to behave and i bashfully submit because I love being told what to do
>she got the dress pulled up to my chest and started teasing me about it
>while still tied to the bed she put make up on me
>feel and look ridiculous, shes been teasing me the whole time
>to finish (me) she put on me a pair of her panties and hose and rubbed me through them.
The rest of the tl;dr, submissive need snowballed, she seemed happy every step of the way even encouraging and suggesting steps herself. Eventually we moved onto cuckolding, one morning after her new playpartner had left, I was still dressed, locked and denied from the night before she told me it wasn't working, she didn't love me anymore and she couldn't keep pretending she sill did. she crushed me.

4 years of depression later I've gone from skinny shaved and skin care routined sissy to fat hairy loser waiting for the end, sometimes I feel like I should try turning things around and trying to move on but I know deep down its wasted effort and I'm going to end up alone anyway.

I get angry at her still sometimes for not letting me know she was unhappy and the rug pull moment that seemed almost calculated for how brutal a rejecion it was. But I still miss her
Crossdresser, femboy, and sissy are three different things that are not mutually exclusive.
Crossdresser : somebody who wears the clothes of the other gender
Femboy : a male that is (on purpose or not) quite feminine in look and/or mannerisms
Sissy : a male that is into heavy humiliation and almost always includes forced crossdressing as part of that humiliation

Porn and IRL are very different things. And unfortunately in porn you almost exclusively find crossdressing as part of the humiliation and sissy stuff. It's infuriating at times, but that's the profit driver in porn. Wholesome crossdresser and femboy content is like finding pearls. Happy and consensual feminization where both parties are having a good time and it isn't just some completely sexual thing but they're both exploring themselves and their attractions and sexuality; etc is absolutely _peak_ that gives me warm fuzzies. But that sort of content almost doesn't exist. You have to filter through ten thousand tons of shit just to find a pound or two of it.
Anyone else here conceptually hate ntr but find it really hot as a plot in feminization?
like i dunno i just randomly thought that some of my favorite feminization work involves a fair bit of ntr, maybe because unlike regular ntr feminization ntr usually ends up more happily for the "defeated" guy as in they'd make him give in into being a sissy slut
I get it, I'm really into humiliation and chastity. The idea of a girl calling me small and effeminate while I look at a big guy really turns me on. The thing is, I actually hate when the girl is "my" gf/wife/etc. But pretty much all chastity humiliation stuff is also NTR. This doujin is pretty much exactly what I'd want
One or two pretty girls denying me an orgasm while teasing me, but they're not girls I'm romantically into. It's the sort of experience I'd consider paying for
Same it’s eveloved for me into seeing my bf cuck me with a cis girl. Like seeing her replace me then them just using me as their sex toy, making me have the perfect diet and fitness to stay hot for them to fuck as I have to watch her replace me romantically. It’s that feminization into a toy for purely their enjoyment and use, like cleaning up for them after they eat without me. It’s embarrassing how into this I am

Though I got my hormones changed to be higher e less t so idk if that has to do with it at all. There’s like no porn of it and I’m dieing for content outside of sissekia (new chapter is out btw)
Is there a story that deals with post-feminization? With the sissy trying to get his life back together now that he will never be a man again
Can you tell me the name of the doujin?
The image is from the doujin, so you can use saucenao.
Though I strongly recommend you learn how to use sadpanda.
The Feminizer series deals with it a bit
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>caged for nearly six months
>mostly dressed as her live in maid
>wake her up with soft caresses
>lay out a fresh towel and her clothes, make her breakfast, clean, laundry, gardening, cook dinner
>do some light work from home
>she teases me with the remote plug
>~month ago, she got me on ashwaghanda, maca root and fenugreek
>for the past week, she's been milking me
>she uses a knockoff Njoy Pure
>firmly scrapes it against my prostate, and I squirt immediately
>it feels kinda good, but no "release"
>i stay peak horny, she says she loves it
>forbids me from dildoing my butt
>if I'm horny, I am to practice throating her strap
>it just makes me more horny
>she milks me before work, after work, and before bed
>sometimes she lets me eat her pussy after
>while she's away, I have to wear a condom over my cage
>she collects my squirts and drippings in the freezer
>she says once she has enough she'll fuck my face
>so she can give me "her" big load
>i am so cooked

Feel free to consider this my favorite fiction and falsehood
Well shit, the boner is ded.
Sorry for your loss, anon.
Yes, but those were short stories. I'm looking for something a little longer and that really goes into depth on that.
>the boner is ded
skill issue
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I beat to femboys and fucking femboys, no thoughts of getting railed, just the desire of fucking anything feminine, gentle and petit, even if male. I know shit is gay, but usual cope is "the one who is fucked is gay" and I only fucked female prostitutes IRL.
You are attracted to the feminine and taboo, its only gay if you are attracted to dudes and masculine form.
I'm the same way
I like girls, but fuck it would be hot to dominate some cute sissy, rub my cock and balls all over his face and make him swallow my cum and thank me for it
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Just bought a gaming PC. Any recommendations for games or mods? Big fan of things like trapquest

Skyrim looks to be very good for mods - any recommendations for feminization mods?
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Flea from Chrono Trigger. An alleged boy who somehow looks exactly like a girl, ostensibly with a vest that inexplicably gives him huge knockers.
Just get Honey Select 2
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It’s only a machine translation, but it’s something.
>Exclusive to male characters, Flea's Bustier raises Magic Defense by 13 points and afflicts the wearer withExhaustionandCursed
>The in-game description is:"Flea's undershirt makes him look feminine"
"Hey kid, you want to be a mage, right? I've got some great gear for you, increases your magic defense! Sure it looks a little odd at first, but just try it on, I'm sure you'll...grow into it."
I got lucky. My school had "gender bender day"
I like to call myself that, but I'm just a crossdressing twink with a humiliation fetish. I'm a butterface
It's too bad it's awkward to bring up irl. Cause I would like it.
mine too, but i was a coward back then (probably still am)
even so the girls in my class always kept asking to put makeup on me and the entire class would basically tell me i'd look completely like a girl with makeup

i was really stupid back then! i thought they were just bullying me or trying to trap me into something but they were 100% serious and earnest
M21 willing to be feminized and used as a slut. My snap is: ndjddkdks

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