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Previous Thread: >>10958209
You know the drill by now. (Also keep AI to a minimum)
If you hate spheres and such, here's the Belly Inflation Thread: >>10992466
And in case you were curious, there's also a Male Inflation Thread: >>11013552
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aight, old thread gonna die soon, but still some anons decided to post 2 questions that may never be answered.... until now

>I don't have a pixiv account, how many images are on there?
A total of 23 images, but don't worry if you don't have a pixiv account. A guy on E-hentai uploaded almost all the artist's drawings and with my post would be the complete collection.

P.S: that man are doing a great job in saving artist's drawings in my opinion. Hardly anyone does that nowadays. Also all my support for the anon who uploaded a mega-collection of artists to mega, but honestly “fetish bunker” does a better job of organizing the drawings.

>does anyone have a collection of Hellresidents stories
No. I hope I helped you...

Just kidding, but my help I don't think is that good anyway. You can see all the morphs on patreon on this site where the stories of each image are also uploaded:

Thank you for the link. I saw the character and was wondering if they had drawn more from that particular series. Really interesting artist, they seem to also like drawing v-tubers as well.
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Does anybody have the full image?
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It is a commission made by the artist: https://x.com/zeruxu and the commissioner is: https://aryion.com/g4/view/1009960

Nope, but you can visit his patreon at “Kemono.party” from time to time. It is updated once every 1-2 months. It totally depends on someone to update it manually: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/7919667
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ai image. android 18 about to go out with a bang
ai image. Shego energy plug up and overload
>>11027907 I think you meant to say that the commissioner is: https://aryion.com/g4/user/KiloSoppo
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What the source?
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Non AI image of Shego overloading.
>plapping and filling a girl with cum until she's literally about to blow
Unf. So good, I wish we saw more of it.
If you guys wouldn't mind posting some Helium Inflation pics, I would greatly appreciate it.

I have a brand new Jumbo Helium Tank ready to inflate with & to have some viewing material as I puff up would be a blessing.
There is one thing I was cooking up, playing around with some images.
How is she not noticing the fact she's blowing up like a damn balloon
what's the process of irl inflation like? or is this an indirect way of announcing your suicide
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goated saiga art
Usual suspects awfully quiet about the content of this excellent image.
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You should post more like it to really make them mad
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If you're dumb enough to crank that Helium Tank to max, then yeah, It's akin to suicide. I did that one time when I first tried Helium Inflation years ago & not even. I slightly opened the valve a bit too much on a brand new tank and caught myself off guard foe a split second.
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Tits or gtfo to the male thread.
To be real, it feels more of an internal tightening. It's essentially an Enema, but using Helium in place of water. You feel the gas flow through your intestines, you see your belly grow & rise as you press the valve down.

Once you pump enough Helium in you & you're nice & big & tight, you press a bit further & you feel the gas gurgle into your stomach.

Then when you're nice & full, you let out the squeakiest of burps to regulate the pressure. I was able to inflate a party balloon with Helium from my burps one night.
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Thanks man
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Shit, you're a blessing!
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Inflation art that references an old fad/meme?
Dangerously based stuff
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Now that Elon played Pussy & hid everyone’s likes on Twitter, I can’t find any hidden gems in peoples’ likes anymore.

That fuck ruined it all…
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Anybody know the artist for this pic? I can't find a source and the signature doesn't tell me anything.
Looks like it's All Anchors Aweigh
>All Anchors Aweigh
thank you friend, I had no idea what "AAA" stood for. Would be nice if signatures actually helped you ID an artist
Anybody know if there's something going on with imbapovi? The videos he's released over the last several months feel kinda' phoned-in: no more music, simpler scene setups and screenplay, it almost feels like he's lost his spark. I know finding workable models and animating them takes tons of time and can be a pain in the ass so I could understand slowing down his release rate, but the last half-dozen videos he's done feel like they're just being stamped out as commodities.
this isn't the clown thread
The videos you're talking about were originally patreon exclusives, and are meant to be little bonuses that would come with the main video that they were related to. They're actually somewhat old, and I'm personally not sure why they're uploading them now, but I hope this provides a decent answer
>Slime inflation with gravity visibly weighing the body down
A morsel, but a delicious one at that.
Also the massive squelching cunt is kino.
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yeah, I know nobody likes AI, but finally we have swollen body made by AI. I'm surprised that something that 100% of artists use the circle tool for swollen body is the last thing that AI learned.
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>Also all my support for the anon who uploaded a mega-collection of artists to mega
rip to that guy
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Just had an idea
>"Soft" inflation
>Whether it be a gas, liquid, or some kind of thicker fluid, the person inflated would be ridiculously "soft".
>They always revert to a general shape, but they're incredibly malleable,.plush-you could cram a hand into into a 1x1 foot square in a wall, then pull them out with a decent amount of resistance with no injuries.
>Temporary Compression is possible, depending on what's inflating them.
>Much easier to get a grip on them, hands sinking into soft belly or tits, can carry them around with ease if they're light enough.
>People who are "soft" inflated in a cramped space, i.e. a bathroom stall would find themselves expanding and filling every cubic inch of the bathroom before pushing the door open, zero structural destruction.
ayo, I like the idea. It gives me marshmallow inflation (melted marshmallow) or play-doh inflation vibes (I imagine a literally autistic OC who likes to eat play-doh until she turns into a malleable ball of autism and play-doh).
A plush doll would work too. Make her a bit gluttonous too
this is too much like a generic slimegirl than anything to do with actual inflating
why is it gone
We know you're the guy who hates slimes and slime girls, no need to repeat it many times.
Anyway, I also think that an OC made of clay could work well. The humid the OC is then more malleable and softer she will be, but if she is in the sun or heated for too long she will harden like a rock.

She can also eat clay and/or soil to fill up and get fat. And if she wallows in a large mud puddle she will absorb all the mud and come out as a big ball of wet dirt. I don't know, I like the concept of "dirty girl"
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some clown was bitching about me not having any male stuff in there. I'll re-link it here. Sorry I was annoyed and didn't realize people actually used it.

Here you go!

Could you share the "fetish bunker" you mentioned? How is it organized? Happy to fix mine since I know the structure isn't perfect
if possible, please add pops. the bloody ones too, pretty please.
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Ayo, nice to talk to the legend of the "supermegaduperultralegendarymistic-collection". I have to admit that you inspired me to do this personal project, I say personal because honestly part of what I do is for my enjoyment too (let's leave out the weird fetishes please, that's a personal issue and doesn't have much to do with what I'm going to say).

>How is it organized?
I assure you it requires 50% autism and 50% patience, but nothing complicated really. Now I will tell you step by step what I did with each of the artists I uploaded to E-Hentai:
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>BEFORE saving any image, while inside the artists folder, go to "View", select "Sort by" and select "Date modified" and you are done, you can also select "Ascending" or "Descending". This only works in one folder, so save all artists in one folder for this modification to work.

>Then you search ALL the artist's social media (if they have paywalls... Kemono.party) and open them in new tabs. I recommend you to download first in the sites that have the best image quality (Pixiv, Deviantart, kemonoparty and/or Furaffinity) and lastly twitter.

>To download chronologically you have to go to the bottom of the gallery, in case of twitter and deviantart you have to leave the "spacebar" pressed for a while and for pixiv, furafinnity and/or kemonoparty you go from page to page.
Be careful with messy sequences, many artists like to upload sequences that continue months later, even if they are only 2 images. So before you start downloading, check the gallery well in case you find a messy sequence.

>Please check well. In Deviantart and Furafinnity there are "scraps". Some artists use it to save "Sketches" and/or "Line arts", but it is content anyway. If so, I recommend you to download the scraps first.

>If you want to save the stories I recommend you simply "CTRL+C" and "CTRL+V" in a Word and that's it.
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Here is an example: https://e-hentai.org/g/2941748/9715b3b614/

I started first with DeviantArt which I personally find more comfortable when downloading and then I ended up on FurAfinnity. I assure you that this is fucking routine, you choose an artist, create a folder with the name of the artist, look for all the sites where the artist is, choose the best one to start, download from the bottom of the gallery to the top, once you finish you go to the other site to see if it has other drawings and start again. And so on with each and every one of the artists I have uploaded.

I also know that sites like mega, mediafire, drive etc. Fucks with your files and messes them all up when you upload them, but when you download the folder you modify it to see it by "Date modified" and that's it.

Hey, I also wanted to apologize for uploading the same artists that you have in your gallery, when I saw that it was incomplete / messed up I thought about downloading the artists in a """"better""""" way.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the advice. The incompleteness is more down to choice for some artists - I never intended for mine to be a true comprehensive archive so I simply left out stuff I didn’t care for.

I will try to come up with a better way to at least organize the artists by type or 2D/3D or even just add txt files with links. There’s a lot of paywalled stuff in there that isn’t even on kemono.

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