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Dr. Seal Edition

Previous thread: >>11042048

Architecture General: >>10981085
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Thanks, but I don't really have many because I hardly ever write this stuff down, or if I do, I immediately delete once I' "finished." Also, all of what I write is really, REALLY similar. I think I did this one time in another thread, and someone asked to me to try it with a different wg sequence, and I didn't post my response because I felt like I basically just wrote the same thing over again.
In particular, I've always wondered about "stats" and I usually write the same thing there every time, too. Personally, I've always loved imagining the actual weight, BMI, measurements, calories/day, rate of gain, etc.. It kind of helps capture the extent of their corruption.

Also, am I really the only person who does this? Nobody else here takes notes?
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I don't get off to measuring corruption.
I like seeing her get bigger, softer, and I guess adopt behaviors and hobbies that are gluttonous and lazy. But not so much that its her becoming corrupted, just her having life style changes that will keep her soft and snuggly.
The softest place is between her bicep and breast, and above the side of her belly.
Best place to snuggle and hug from.
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I used to do that too, you're not alone haha. Although that's what got me into writing full fics, and then as I did I lost some of that passion for numbers going up and focused more on other stuff. I prefer leaving an exact size to imagination nowadays. But I still like stats now and then. In fantasy/RPG settings you can even swap the typical status effects for things like "Poor Stamina", "Waddle", "Gluttonous" (works like Berserker but with food)
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To the anon that was searching for sequences focusing on the back of characters, this is one of the few I remember seeing and it's quite old. Kawaiidebu had another one with Rikku from FFX but it seem he deleted a lot of his old content. Bummer.
Surely they HAD to have known that people would draw/jack off to the characters getting fat
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>the little bit of belly hair on the dude
god fucking damn it i come to these threads to get horny over chicks, not dudes
why do you do this shit to me
The dude's not the fat one, I'm not sure why you're fixated on him when he clearly isn't the focus of the fat fetish artwork. I didn't even notice the hair until you pointed it out.
Long distance spa man from older threads here, I'm back with her, she's as hot as ever and looks even fatter than last time. Lfg.
I'm making sure I can get someone like that by this or next year. Sorry if it's a bit invasive to ask, but how's everything going so far since you met back up?
Pretty good, had a long warm intimate hug with her when we were finally on our own
Hoping everything continues to go well, you have any plans when it comes to telling her your secret or nah. I'm honestly nervous about that in the future, I feel like there'd be one of four reactions.

She either laughs about it and either knew it already or jokes that you like her like that. Get nervous about it and downplays her beauty like with the one guy's wife. Become angry or sad about the fact I like her body plump. The last response would probably be she gets intimate and plays it up.

Again, my reactions with my exes were my first one joking about how I like them big and the second getting upset that I liked bigger girls when she was petite. I got no clue how the reaction would be with the third girl I meet, but depending on the size and now that I like smaller sizes and both equally for different reasons. My best guess is that since now I'm past high school, I'll probably get a more relaxed answer from both sides.
Does anyone have this photo but normal size and resolution? I tried searching for it but it is on a dead link from bbw draw. I have the original with clothes if anyone wants that
The original photo
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such is the curse of being a bislut, i can't even enjoy fat chicks without thinking about dudes
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>be me
>have nightmares due to academic reasons
>have heavy blanket in wash
>wake up in middle of night, grab blanket
>sleep easier and my heart rate drops 5 to 10 bpm as I feel the weight of my comfitor.
>realise the calmest I have been in the last couple months is when my gf was nearly squshing me as she sat on my lap.

I wonder how much of my fetish is just a comfort thing.
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I usually don't use weighted blankets personally, but whenever I do, there's just some oddly comfortable feeling. I just sweat bad with them on due to the weight and heat. Honestly does remind me of my exes whenever they were resting on my lap.
I bet she knows it already. Just got done spooning her while watching a show, while playing with her belly yet again, rather less subtly this time, she has to get the memo now.
I feel like if she does, then I'd just wait for her to ask depending on how long you're meeting up with each other. I'm not exactly the best example since I let my internet history and phone access wide open back in the day.

If you aren't meeting up for long, I'd confess or save it for the phone. If you have a a fair few days left, I'd wait for her to ask. Best of luck my guy, I know you got this now.
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I love this beach blob babe

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