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"Physically changing someone" You know what it its.
Can be all genders.
Don't cause a fuss.
Don't be too much of a dick to the artists.
It's a looney fetish so 'western styles' are imminent.
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oops posted out of order
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Is this reeeally anthro, jannies?
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it obviously, trivially isn't, but jannies do what jannies want with no accountability or standards
Images of this fetish never do it for me, but stories always fill me with an intense morbid curiosity.
Specifically if it's of the extreme variety, like when they're described as being reduced to a smear of of faded color, or compressed into something smaller than a stamp, or liquefied, vaporized or really any transformation where they're no longer identifiable as anything remotely human, yet somehow still alive.
Anyone have any story/author recommendations? I've already read through most of gigaderpbreak and depthdropper on dA.
I realize that the image had a godzilla-like TF in the corner. bruh
I remember a story about a girl being reduced to paint and being on someone's shirt. I wish there were more images that reflect the 'bad end' parts of the fetish, They're usually light hearted.
Was it?
Although the mental image i got from your description was being reduced to a single speck of paint, stained on someone's shirt.
But yeah i prefer when they stay lighthearted despite the "bad end." The implication that they could be fixed, but it'll be extremely difficult and time-consuming.
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Not posting the whole WIP, but I need to finish this already. Burnt myself out a bit
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I’m not as big into written works since it’s so hard to find good ones, and I haven’t read all of their stories, but Marloweny has some good ones. Mileage may vary depending on how much you like things featuring straight couples, but the most recent story I saw had a man and woman inside a magic bubble that over the course of the story shrinks to the size of a pearl.
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Anyone have these?
Cup no Sokoko
Hot damn. There are not many 3D artists I enjoy. But your stuff hits the right spots - and I don't even have a thing for vore. The (wo)manhandling is superb.
Thanks! Glad you like.
And yeah I figured the chewing like gum and cartoonishly full cheeks would be extra divisive so I left it out lol
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my kind of thread
Managed to find an old folder full of images of thread related. Going to picdump some of the good ones here
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Would you a 2d poster girl anon?
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That was pretty much most of it, hope you like them
Thanks for sharing!
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no prob anon, managed to find a few more
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anderpander is crazy good at making flat art look sexy
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Furshit belongs in the >>>/trash/
When your fatass bf rolls over on your side and crushes you but it’s too early to care
You belong in the trash
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2 sexy 4 chan
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if I had a stretchy lover I’d be doing shit like this 24/7.
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Despite my preferences, it sounds kinda hot if you put it like that. I don't have anything against vore, it just does nothing for me.Chewing however, sounds kinda humiliating (nice) so i am keen to see the finished version some day.
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It's super humiliating, that's why it's one of my favorite tf scenarios.
Please excuse the quality of this
Says the one posting furshit.
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cope and seethe

source? this manga is so niche that i'm surprised it still gets any fanart
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Anderpander, very old picture from when the series was still sort of relevant to the community.
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Haha 69
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Anderpander's alright, other than, yeah, being irrelevant.

His work's not bad either, so long as you don't mind the male and furry art in his gallery.
I feel so dirty fapping to this
He’s arguably the most technically proficient flattening Western artist still drawing. It may get skewed by people who don’t care for a lot of the characters he does, but the actual quality is leagues above many of the higher level artists whose art is much more stiff, but do characters with wider appeal.
>the most technically proficient flattening Western artist...
That would be Daemonking
if you enjoy all characters looking like unattractive obese bullfrogs with cancer growths,yeah he's the best
I don't like his bbw stuff personally, but he is the most skilled Western tf artist that I know of, and he's my favorite
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welcome to the club brother.
Are Eastern artists actually that great at flattening? I don't really know any that are greater than people like AnderPander, DaemonKing and EccentricChimera.
Kiyoshi is the best Eastern tf artist that I know of, but there are definitely more, I just haven't been on pixiv in forever.
Kiyoshi does a wide variety of stuff though, not just tf

Personally, eastern artists to me are better and more interesting because I'm on that weeb Lindsey an automatically jp/chn/Ken stuff is cooler than whatever americans do. Though of course both of them are great to me in their own ways.
Daemonking's style reminds me a lot of awittyname, and Witty's kinda...eh.

I was never completely opposed to his style, but the whole Grand Toy Brigade fiasco kind of has me a little off-put from him for a bit.

Overall, though, I'm not really a fan of the "clenched teeth, crossed eyes, open cheeks" - style of flattening.
awittyname is insufferable, all he does is to constantly bitch and whine about not getting attention, and yet dude has 4k watchers, a number that other artists would kill for, how fucking large is his ego.
reminds me of Kyuta and their constant shitty self depreciating comments on every upload
>constantly bitch and whine
Seems like they rubbed off on you. And Kyuta is great
That's fair, they're still an amazing artist though, preferences aside. I just happen to love more cartoony tf. More realistic tf feels uncanny to me
I like Maki12's stuff.
feels bad when the "greatest" artist of your community constantly draws a shit ton of fetish art with tails and pit icarus, anderpander should change his panda character to a pedobear.

you guys should let these artists go,but from them being among the first around you prefer to constantly suck their dicks, its ridiculous cake all over again
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Their stuff is cute :3
Pretty sure Witty just wants genuine engagement, which is a shame because fetish communities are largely comprised of braindead idiots such as yourself,
Did you guys ever realized that the person who always ruins these threads is clearly that furry fucker Trybat carner
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Its crazy how such a shit artist got such a massive ego. Its also quite telling when discussions in discords die down when he chimes in. Even funnier, he's likely still unaware that he was a lolcow when people were shitting up the threads in ~2019, with all his emotional outbursts on most platforms and in threads that contributed to trolls going on much longer than they otherwise would.

What's the source, I've seen this one back as early as 2016 lol
Does anybody know the sources for these?
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And proof that this community cannot go one fucking thread without people complaining and starting shit. You’ve learned nothing
I would love to see how many of those are the same poster
Holy shit it's this faggot again
Shit take, you're jelly that they can draw competently and consistently unlike many many artists in the community. Myself included.

Also there are definitely anons who all love flattenings, shotas, and furries.
I’ve never seen someone get this triggered over the word community
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wonder if this one is trybat or flamdbaba
source on this?
Why are you so obsessed with trying to figure out who anon is?
shitty overrated pedo furry artist that spams rushed art
Normally I'm not one to judge but are there seriously people out there who jerk off to Wario?
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I like RidiculousCake a lot, but all their stuff is /aco/ material.

Oh yeah love me when One Punch Man gets some fetish art, I rarely seen it with inanimate TF stuff especially
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I don't mean this as a dig but, on a thread for people who jerk off to art of flattened characters, you're questioning whether there are people who jerk off to Wario? He's the deviantart version of the tumblr sexyman; the DA smellyman.
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Was looking through internet if some normies found about our weird ass fetish, and I've found this

18K karma bro, dude's half of karma is saying about our fetish lol

Either way, the rest of comments is the usual shut you can see like "Flat Stanley" comments etc.
Sometimes I wish normies would be a bit more open minded for people who find Pornhub boring.
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whos trybat exactly? i feel like i remember that name but have a hard time really pinning it to something
also wait this is a manga?? i thought it was just some random oc people drew
also also god i want this lady to die violently

Hitomi-sensei no Hokenshitsu, simply called Nurse Hitomi. The author is extremely aware of bizzare kink shit on internet and they put various fetishes in the manga and his pixiv account. Recenetly they're not even trying to hide it like bro look at this cover
Trybat is some random person in the community. For some reason anons in these threads seem to have a hate boner for him
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a flattened girl whose tits are still whole and intact really does it for me
that entire thread looks insufferable. the whole thing with fetishes is that different things appeal to different people. if you want to know why a certain kink appeals to someone, just ask.
The reason is Trybat thinks this thread is a playground for shitposting, and uses it as such. Which is annoying and contributes nothing but dead brain cells.
You’re also annoying, and while I probably wouldn’t want you to die violently, I wouldn’t be horribly offended if you just left these threads altogether.
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I mean, I can stop sharing my tf stuff if that's what everyone prefers
Please don't. At least one person in this thread likes your work. I reckon, most of the posts shitting up the thread are made by a single obsessed guy.
Also "community" is pretty rich for a bunch of strangers who happen to get off to the same weird shit lmao
Okee. When I first posted here last thread, someone reported my stuff in order to take it down and the toxicity is crazy in here for no reason
oh its just this guy
lame, thought it was something i never saw before
no youre fine i just really want your lady oc to violently die
erm... confusing fiction with reality much...
Yeah, don’t pay that guy any mind, he’s a bit of a cretin that’s been hanging around these threads completely unwanted for a little bit now. He shouldn’t even be here, he’s more elasticity oriented. But that aside, your stuff is cool and well-crafted, and frankly among my favorite currently produced stuff, as far as Western creators go.
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Appreciate it. Will keep trying to improve

what do you mean by lame lol
I posted my first work here but got taken down for being too western suckmyhead suckmyhead.
just thought that it was something i hadnt heard before is all, unfortunate and stuff
The invincible boob trope is one of my favorites. She can be smashed as flat as possible but those boobs are too big and have too much presence on their own to not pop back out to their full hefty three dimensional form.
okay earnest question

flattening fetish art that edits the art to be flattening like picrel, yay or gay
I think it’s a good way for an artist to get an idea of perspective trickery, but I think it’s important that it’s done in the preliminary sketch stage, to then use as the basis for the final linework, and not as the final step, since ruins the integrity of the linework in most cases and is just plain lazy. I’d say this isn’t a good example of what you’re trying to refer to though, since this looks to be a hybrid of traditional drawing mixed with 3D software, which looks kinda cool, since she’s been layered and has appropriate shadows at any of her more deliberately raised portions. Not lazy at all. If you want to see lazy digital shortcuts in art, I’d recommend checking out LilacNightmare’s work.
I still don't understand how LilacNightmare gets so many commissions, his art is clearly full of lazy transform tool shortcuts and the prices are very high. Are furries that desperate for available fetish artists?
very good point as a whole
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What are your favorite flattening and/or shape changes in video games?
Final Fantasy 8 has some good ones

>Wendigos can squish your party members into a ball and bounce them around
>Tri-Face's Acid melts down your party members into giant puddles
>ChocoBocle flattens enemies and leaves them fluttering around like a sheet of paper
That one boss from Kameo: Elements of power, I believe is called Lord Drok, and he can squishes the main character Kameo, I just whish there were more videos from that part of the game
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I'm ancient and basic. Julie getting flattened by the giant baby from Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
I was gonna say this. There are some good videos on YT
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I've found some, specially the ones from GunnaSquishEm, those are pretty good.
I also hope one day to find a playlist with a compilation of every instance Kameo gets flattened in regular gameplay.
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Another video game flattening, this one is from Elsword. Some bosses and hazards are capable of crushing you, which leaves you flattened like a pancake for several seconds.
I masturbated to this
Doesn't Bayonetta (first one) actually have a flattening "death"?
Technically not even a death, just a way she can take damage: https://youtu.be/frS42Eez6M8
Another old one. Don't think the full resolution of this even exists online anymore though.
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Atelier is the only other game I can think of that's not in a cartoon or chibi art style
My moods fluctuate but I really like when someone gets flattened and they're just completely shameless about how it makes them feel while they're "on display" for others to see.
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>>11065819 #
I also found some videos where someone modded Monster Hunter to make their character become flattened after they get hit


https://twitter.com/Ende_AA/status/1695709856005853209 (showing the mod on 2B)

https://twitter.com/Ende_AA/status/1696124018766827784 (showing it on a character with hyper titties)
Thank you for being real enough to fucking say this out loud. I also love Maki12’s art. And I love it not for its fidelity or technical skill, but for the ideas being communicated. I don’t care if it’s MSPaint tier art. It’s the situations that arouse me. This artist clearly understands this fetish and I hope they never stop making content.
Thank you for taking the words out of my ass. They actually DO stuff with the fetish and with their original characters. If there were more artists like that, there wouldn't be artist drama threads and schizos.
Shame they take long to make new stuff.
Maki has gotta be in the 40s range age wise, so slowing down is expected. And having to pump out art for boring commissioners was a big hit on their output. But I still enjoy their work, especially their own ideas, since they’re always so fun. Sure, the art isn’t the absolute pinnacle of artistic achievement, but it’s does a great job in conveying what’s essentially Tom and Jerry with sexy women.
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Nauseatingly bad AI garbage, congratulations for those who can jack off to this shit
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Yea honestly what the fuck is with this AI slop, in my days kids used the art of photoshop and manipulated image so they could jack off to it, now they just type the letters in hundreds of these engins to goon.

I mean photorealistic shit is still ugly (fetish morphs barely evolved since Charlie blueberry Burton version), but I would rather just pay the artist or something idk
eeeeeey! Emily!
Don't know if this is enough shape change for the thread but-
Peach balled up and being squashed by massive booty Daisy? I think that's a fine amount of shape change.

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