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Post inconvenient /d/ bodies. Bonus points if they're visibly inconvenienced or embarrassed.
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I am sorry for reposting from a previous thread, but who is the artist of this? I'm trying to find more of their work
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https://x.com/Auroch_nsfw is the account, but looks like he made this twitter private. He has a sfw one open, but the office lady isn't posted there
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I wish this was me, waddling along. Slowly stuffing myself through normal doorways taking up to 5 minutes and I'd have to sit down and rest afterwards.
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>ai slop
cry more
You'd figure it'd improve at some point, but nope. No thumb, left tit way bigger than right, fucked up fingernails...
If you want to live in the slop like a pig that's your priority, not anyone else's. Enjoy your bed.
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What's worse is that the generator of that image can do their own renders, they ARE a blender artist, but they started pumping out AI because it was "the thing" and it's far faster than what they can render out by hand, even if it's arguably visually far worse, just to try and farm more patreon bux. It's kind of pathetic, to the point it actively harmed their rep as an artist.
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imagine having to drain your balls every half hour because you'll grow too big and get stuck

imagine forgetting to

Would be so much more fun if cum was stored in the balls, and you could store as much as your sack could stretch to hold.
I'm probably reading this wrong but isn't cum always stored in the balls? I'm an idiot so I'm probably missing something here

Your balls make the sperm, and then they travel up into a gland near the base of your dick, where the liquid part of cum is made, which is there to help the sperm survive in the virginia. When you cum this gland squeezes out all the sperm and liquid stored there out into your dick. Its gay and lame, because no matter how long you go without cumming, or do everything you can to build up a bigger load, you literally cant. That little gland only stores up so much, and then thats it.
I hope humanity survives long enough for us to figure out how make our cum glands bigger.
Boobs that are too big to fit through doors will never not be hot.
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Not being able to fit through doors is always hot, no matter why.
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This reads like a haiku
nvm got it
i want to watch you trying to live with massive fucking tiddies
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Well, I'm sure that it would be entertaining at least.
The hottest depictions of this for me has been stories describing in detail about what day to day life with tits that huge would be like. There’s a extreme lack of representation of inconvenient big tits stories
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Fat ass waitresses are something else. That's what I call service.
>Kobeni was seriously starting to regret giving up her flatness to the Death Devil in exchange for her life
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I wish there was more content dealing with being so big you're effectively useless now.

Like yeah, you have a dick that's measured in feet, and the balls to match, so you should be a sexual god right?

Wrong. Getting anything close to a erection makes you black out, you're constantly having to buy new gear to keep yourself clean, and even simple tasks like going for a pee takes minutes of logistics. You haven't managed to penetrate anything in years, the best you can manage is this limp dick hotdogging that just leaves you more frustrated than aroused.

You're a living miracle of genetics and growth, and it sucks ass.
needs giant balls to match
thanks gilbert
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Best one itt
Hey Anon, you've inspired me to write a story on this matter. I've uploaded it here:
Drew up some hyper boobs and figured I could drop this here
This is some quality stuff, anon. I’m interested to see if you can do more. Do you take requests?
Hey thanks! Depends on the request. I don't always have time to do longer stories like that one, but I can probably do a short greentext style story. I've been amusing myself in the monkey's paw thread.

What did you have in mind?
Honestly just more of the same but with a different premise. Instead of being the result of a poor decision, how about the girl’s size is the result of a perfect storm of genetics, meaning she’s slowly had to adapt to her size ever since she hit puberty. That, plus her size being much bigger. Big enough to fundamentally immobilize her. That way we get her slowly adjust both mentally and physically
I'm on a bit of a greentext kick
>Be a girl
>Have precocious puberty.
>Can't remember not having boobies.
>They start growing in kindergarten and just keep growing.
>Last time I run is sometime in elementary school. After that it's just too painful.
>Ask mommy why other girls don't grow boobies that bounce all over. She just cries and hugs me.
>J cup when I enter middle school.
>Have been wearing custom bras for years.
>Can't run in gym. Get permission to do special exercises for my back every day.
>Back and shoulders hurt every day.
>Boys leer at me. Some of them grab my nipples.
>Girls call me a slut and laugh at me.
>Spend most of my lunches in the library.
>Have to spend extra time in the morning drying my boobs or I get chafing.
>Pass out of the alphabet by the time I enter high school.
>Breasts rest in my lap when I sit now, which gives my shoulders a rest.
>Breasts hit new growth spurt in high school.
>Halfway through Freshman year I have to squeeze them into my desks.
>In Sophomore year they take up half my desk and are a pain to work around.
>In Junior year they don't even fit in my desk anymore. Not a problem since I take a wheelchair everywhere now.
>Can't carry my own breasts anymore.
>At least no one calls me a slut anymore. They just pity me.
>Can't even reach my nipples without squeezing into my breasts anymore.
>Can't fit behind a steering wheel so I can't get my driver's license.
>Have to do Senior year from home.
>Each breast is bigger than me, now.
>That's fine, I was always alone.
>Insist on walking graduation.
>Get a rolling cart to put my boobs on since they reach the floor now.
>Everyone calls me brave. I just feel like boobs with a girl attached.
>Breasts continue to grow.
>Biggest worry is bed sores.
>Get a special mattress that changes pressure at various patches to reduce pressure on skin.
>Still have to swap out sheets.
>That involves rolling them forward until I stand on my head, then a member of my family rolls up the sheet until they reach my breasts and places another sheet that is half rolled up in its place. Then they roll me back, pull out the old sheet and unroll the new sheet the rest of the way.
>Sometimes they put straps underneath my breasts so they can lift them with a custom cart and lower me into a pool so I can float around.
>Once a day they put a treadmill under me so I can walk. Have to keep my fitness up, even if I can't walk anywhere.
>Sleep on top of my boobs. Have to put sheets between me and my boobs or else I get sweaty in the night.
>Get online degree. Spend my days doing remote work.
>Breasts finally stop growing.
>Breasts are now taller than me.
>Takes multiple siblings to shift my breasts around.
>Get lonely.
>Try online dating.
>Have to weed through a ton of perverted jerks.
>Get lucky: find a guy who's perverted enough to like my body, but kind enough to like me.
>Get married.
>Have custom house built. Has extra-wide hallways and tracks running down the ceilings so we can hoist my breasts up and I can have the illusion of freedom.
>Get pregnant.
>Bitch ass breasts grow AGAIN.
>Husband has to help with pumping me. I haven't seen or felt my nipples in years.
>Have baby.
>Bottle feed her.
>Make enough milk to feed a nursery.
>Make extra money selling it.
>Hire a nanny to take care of kid.
>Sometimes kid won't sleep unless she's nestled between my boobs. Whatever keeps her quiet.
>Have some more kids.
>Asshole tits grow each time. Have to gorge myself with food just to keep up with milk production.
>Kids are angels. Husband is a saint with them.
>Realize I'm actually content in my life.

Like that?
You may also enjoy this story I wrote in the "Schoolgirls Concerned about their Breast Growth" thread:
Yeah, exactly like that! I’d love to see a fully fleshed out version of this story, if you ever get the chance
Now THIS is good. Kudos
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I've got an inconvenient.breast expansion story I'm writing, any good places to post it without making a million posts?
I did not mean to upload that image
What's wrong with literotica?

Outstanding art. Would love to see more from you
goddamn that’s hot. was hoping for cum. still peak
HentaiFoundry seems to be a good enough option for archiving and searching stories

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