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Men with Magnificent Mammaries or in the process growing them.
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Who got that one God-tier BB fapfiction?
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Which one?
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Does anyone have any decent femboys wearing breastplates videos? Shit is so hard to find in general, and the stuff I do end up finding usually have unattractive dudes that barely or straight up don't count as femboys.

Funny that the best femboy wearing a breastplate thing I've seen is this attached breastplate instruction video.
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God save mogiki hayami.
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Wish they'd bring Hanyuu in Hitomi Sensei. He's the one who single-handedly got me into this fetish. (I edited the nipples into the middle panel here.)
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Thanks for the ID (and the nips), I've had the Japanese of that pic for a long time.
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>Bro keeps teasing you
>You finally cave
>Drains balls, you're dehydrated.
>Absolutely ruins sex with other women, even the thiccest of them all.
>Keep going back to him, he keeps ripping into you about how gay it is, that you're just bros, when are you gonna get a girlfriend, etc- all while you pass out for the 20th time this month.
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>Where is bro at? He said he would join the workout sesh at 4. Damn, bet he dipped cause I wore it again. I still don’t see the problem. Guys can rock these duds just fine.
>He's got the general dudebro voice and attitude
>The teasing has turned into full blown competition(read: domination/bullying).
>Lose at a game, lose your load
>He manages to outrun you somehow, your load is chased out of you
>The bullying is him dogging you on in public calling you a pussy with a hearty laugh while bumping his massive ass into your swollen crotch
>Regret it the most when going to the gym.
>His buddies are there
>They force feed you a "protein" shake of a dubious size.
>Facetiously complain that you downed the entire thing without sharing, will have to compensate.
>Confusion, a boner, then the wet feeling in the gym shorts before they tighten a bit too much.
>Feel like you haven't jerked off in years, horny as all hell.
>Balls swollen, growing, veins pulsing, pumping, branching all over your junk.
>Trunk of your meat is showing how it's about to sink into a rapidly growing spooge bag
>Ass feels a bit bigger, more muscle for pushin'
>The "workout" begins.
>Hours pass.
>Some gym patrons are disgusted, others are turned on-an unusual majority are staring daggers of jealousy at the massive contracting set of testicles exercising the next thick, sludge-like wad out.
>Lost in bliss, they benchpress three times your weight, between sets chugging you, riding you, generally straight up milking you.
>Pass out multiple times.
>It finally ends with the group ripping into you for not lasting as long.
>Unfortunately, your balls have other plans.
>It's been a week. You're starting to look like a miniature version of your bro, sans identifying features.
>Hips, ass, small b-cup titties-face is fairly masculine but the rest of you is shaping out-Bulging out even more in your growing groin.
>"Dude, get your fat-ass back here, we're starting another match! Loser is tonight's dinner!"
>Oh god(yes) not again.
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Reminds me of Kaya Kayaru. I wish she would have more nood content out there...
This seems pertinent to be shared here.
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posting some oc here

I've been drawing some male breast expansion/male to shemale tf stuff because I'm starving for content
Hot! Do you take requests? Are you okay with drawing more androgynous guys?
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Thank you!

I'm into shemale stuff in general and the shemale tag ranges from feminine to masculine(basically bustyboys but the term is not popular on JP sites) so sure, I have no problem with more androgynous guys. I'm more partial to transformation/before and after style images though

I have a lot of things to do lately so it's not guaranteed that I would draw but feel free to request/suggest scenarios
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I really digged these pics posted last thread of busty boy Sonic from One punch man, and they gave me the idea that Saitama constantly punching him in the nuts caused his body to become even more feminine, growing massive tits and an even bigger ass while his dick shriveled away.
So I'd love to see a before/after pic of him going from Ninja Assassin to Nudist Bimbo.

>male to shemale
>Dick size is unchanged
oh god yes.
Either leave the equipment functional or enhance it, I'm tired of it getting shrunk!
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Quick and dirty photoshop work.
Some images just have that particular vibe and I sometimes modify them a bit like this
Thats actually pretty good, got any more?
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