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Last Thread: >>10970332

> Body modifications specifically centered around the male genitalia such as circumcision, castration, penectomy and emasculation/nullification

Futa and trans welcome.

I'll repost some of the best content from previous threads.
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do you have this without the text?
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not OP, but here it is.
I though I had it, but I had to clean OP's image. Oh well...
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first image of the last thread.
What tag would this fall under on the panda, and other sites? Seems so hyper-specific that I can't think of one.
thanks a lot, really!
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Just made this edit. I'm going to rule34.xxx and grabbing images with "futa_sans_balls" and editing out the pussies
I dont know which is more plausible:

Nami getting castrated to help her boobs grow out, or

Nami keeping her balls because she would probably take pride in them, just like her boobs.
Also, if you could make a circ edit, as Nami seems like the kind of person to ger circumcised for hygiene reasons.
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Nice! At least add empty wrinkled up scrotum skin in the place of the pussy lol
If the price for the pair is right enough she’d definitely sell them ngl
Straw hat sure has odd conditions to adhere to while on his ship haha
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I dont think it would be a straw hat policy, just a Nami thing. Also I think that she would probably get scrotal reduction if she were castrated anyways, so the edit is probably as close to the "real thing" as it could be, outside of her having a foreskin.
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