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Gulp Edition

Previous thread >>11038160
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>Cia eats Lana
>an hour or so later she poofs back into her fused version much to her confusion
>More ganguro girl
Fuck yes
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Who is eating you?
i heard that canonically Raven does eat people
I'd throw my life away so fast just to go down Raven's throat
Gonna go with the big thicc and bet on how long I can stand around before I join her waistline
>i heard that canonically Raven does eat people

>Go to giant male thread

>It's filled with men who want to be giants and eat people.

>Go to giantess vore thread.

>100% of posters are male prey, no women in sight.

Why doe?
At least 3 instances in the Teen Titans Go! series.
1. She eats an entire dodgeball team in a fit of rage
2. She eats a bunch of her own copies
3. She goes berserk again and eats the cast.
I dont think the people in the 1st instance survived.
There are no women on the internet.
People sperg over them and accuse them of attention whoring, scaring them away.
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All women are trannies according to 4chan. Real women died out sometime in the 1980s.
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Anyone know why Aeon Luerci dropped off the face of the earth? Her discord link tweet was deleted and her twitter is dead?
To be fair, most "female" preds are almost always trannies.

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