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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>11041768
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It was really nice having a /ringo/ thread on /vt/, I hope we can do it again.
we will; didn't want to bake so close to dead hours
What I wouldn't give to be in Ame's position here
The latest ARK event has resulted in Sora talking about poop a lot.

And Murasaki Ringo the clipper shows some /ringo/ energy too, they clipped the moment when Sora drops three poops that look like a dango, and edited in a clip of Gura going "itadakimasu".

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Kiara showed off her fanmade 3D model and got sweaty
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IRyS almost talked about the dump she took before stream
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Dammit, why did she have to choose that time to finally filter herself?
Ark has been a boon to chocobros
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Here, have something I don't think I've done since I got my hands on Ame's official model (or in a long time in general, for that matter).

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