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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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So, anons? Which do you prefer, A(ss) or B(utt)?
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>posts one of the ugliest looking OPs to start off
No wonder we died
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Why don't you suggest something then, wise guy
Rather than just saying this over and over
What would you like to see?
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Then post something better, faggot
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Too many people recreating boards. Wtf happened?
So it wasn't just this thread then, damn
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Mods fucked something up.
Both are attractive, but I prefer the "ice cream scoop" shape of 2
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so gigantomastia is the clinical term for huge tits
what's the term for a huge ass? gigantoglutia?
need to be smothered out by both
Not posting the second half of a two-parter of Arezu? How dare you.
A, obviously. To choose B is to surrender to the chains of reality, rather than choosing the platonic ideal of ass.
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I prefer the voluminousness of A. So full and phat and round. B is a bit more realistic but the cheeks end up looking kind of less impressive than they should, while A can give you the same width.

A is just the full package; having your cake and eating it too. Ideal deluxe donk.
you lost, bub?
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If you had to rank Thighs, Hips, and Cheeks, how would you rank them? No one part is complete without the other two, but which do you appreciate the most?
Yeah they do this every damn time. The mods will remove him from the thread maybe tomorrow or the next day, it's expected. My guess is they're a troll of some sort.

As for this, I vote hips. Love me some width.
I'm not a necrophile, but...
For me it's
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Oh god tough choice.
Hips are probably objectively the most important as they're the foundation for both, but I love when peak width is at the thighs since it feels more balanced...
Personal taste would, would rank Thighs first, then hips, then butt.
Butt by itself has the least power. Has depth but no width, so it relies on one of the other two to really shine
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>Butt by itself has the least power. Has depth but no width, so it relies on one of the other two to really shine
True... if you're only looking at a woman from directly in front or straight behind. You underrate butt projection imo. Take one look at her from the side and you'll appreciate the "width" of some massive and round ass cheeks, the look of a real booty shelf. So long as everything is still well-balanced ofc.
hips > thighs >>> cheeks
too many fat fucks IRL have the cheeks but no hips, i.e. no shape, no definition. wide hips and thick thighs are far more important
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Stay hygiene
This is futa board
No, this is Patrick.
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B, of course. I am naturally deterred and unattracted to the fake, circle bubble butts. I like cake with character. A real woman. These fake cartoon bimbos are for the white boys who have more of a shit fetish than an asscoholism. I like real, natural, cellulite, lumpy, bumpy, jello cake. I hate them hard bimbo butts.
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Tiny little chairs and seats get devoured by a gigantic butt
wish we got more ass focused ecchi anime
I feel like as SteelyBird's art improves his ability to write English gets worse and his art is improving rapidly.
To be fair on them nobody is exactly looking at porn for the dialog
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bro just out here admitting he's a mouth breather
speak for yourself
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The best Miku is massive-assed Miku, whatever the flavor otherwise.
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This thread needs moar Hilda.
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I just found this channel PeachBooty. All this guy's videos talk about fat asses in video games, and I can't tell if it's incredibly based or severe cringe. He does have a great loop of the butt shot from the First Descendant trailer though.
>I can't tell if that's incredibly based or severe cringe
A bit of column A, a bit of column B
Is it? Shoot, my bad
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Cry more faggot

Don't apologize to that retard, a good looking ass goes beyond splitting hairs
This shit is so fucking gay.
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>point out slopshit
>op apologizes
>shills come out of the woodworks
the thread you fags are looking for is that way >>11100131
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Did this the other day. Wanted to share.
ah yes
Patron Saint Tailblazer
Looks wonderful, as always

You got any more Kim Pine coming up, perchance? Now that I actually got a job I might actually be able to drop the dough on the Patreon
Commish, even, if my country's shitty currency isn't TOO weak. I hope.
Hit me up on Twitter, bruh.
How about you just stfu and ignore it, you autistic faggot
nah he has a point fuck that ai shit
they got a dumpster thread for that shit use it
>Ignore it!
>but don't you DARE ignore our rules in our AI schlop threads or else... or else uhm uhh JANNIES
Go suck a dick anon. It's the one thing you're good at, not lying.
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>posts relevant "western" art
>Shits pants REEEEEEEEEE
>posts relevant AIslop
>Actually went & copied a link to futa to show anons whutfor

Don't care post ass
Have you ever considered not everyone you disagree with on the internet is a "shill"
>Stop caring
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You know how irl the skin between fat thighs and butt cheeks get discolored due to the skin rubbing together? I kinda wish more artists would include that detail. Anyone else?
Got any examples that do include that detail, bud?
What are you favorite ass expansion scenarios? Any examples?
Obese amerilard women have ruined B for me. I prefer the fullness and curvature of A.
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Maybe it's rather simple, but I like the thought of a woman just eating so much food and she just never gets fat, or rather, all of the weight gets added to the ass each time.
And say she gets hungry a lot, thus needing to eat a lot more, well, that's pretty hot.
the next step for an ass chad is to master ai
irl realistic looking hyper asses based off your favorite pictures, or just in general as an infinite gacha
whats your excuse?
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gaining weight and it (almost) all goes to the ass then doing it on purpose and losing control
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Anyone know if there’s a way to see his art now without joining his discord
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omg this

seeing it pulse fatter with each swallow...

Also this thread needs more AE, the bigger the better.
Based colossal ass expansion.

Anyway yeah, imagine your girl has such good genes that every bite of sugar, protein, and fat goes straight to her ass. And then, you know, stuffing her silly. First her heavy butt breaks her little chair, landing her flat on her (well-padded) rear. Then you get to watch pulses of extra booty meat lift her higher and higher atop those same fattening ass cheeks, and before long she's back to eye (and spoon) level with you, mouth open for even more.
God damn those are some stretchy pants
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We need more pics of Lilith with a fat ass
>But there is 7 pages of that on Rule 34
Not enough
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>We need more pics of Lilith with a fat ass
Can't agree enough
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damn axelrosered used to be so good..
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Right? Too bad daiperslop is more "profitable" when before he'd have so much variety with every set. A shame really
Yeah and the shapes are all too similar, and the style lost a lot of charm. It's a shame.
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More thick Cassandra Cain please!
to be fair i also dont know what the fuck you just said from
>"art improves his ability"... onwards.
You know, comas actually help in there
ESL-kun...he's saying that as the guy gets better at drawing, his English gets worse, and he's getting really good at art.
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I think they're referring to hyperpigmentation. It can happen anywhere on the body tho. Only artist i can find who includes that detail is d-art, but you'll be more likely to see it in real life bbw porn.
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And the butts are getting even bigger
>draws mainly boobs
>draws one(1) ass character
>people like her more than any of his other characters
>seethes endlessly
>never draws her again
What's his fucking problem?
How would you feel if nobody else liked your one trick? Ahaha.
Dude this artist dosen't even draw anymore.
A for anal
B for buttsex
Reminder that Bailey ass is literally a bomb and tends to create exsolutions by the slightest touch. You can defuse her by rawdogging her ass.
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Big asses + wardrobe malfunction makes my dick diamonds
So does that mean she walks around with a butt plug 24/7 to prevent accidental explosions?
No, it's her cheeks that are highly explosive.
You're the fuse ass guy aren't you?
No, I just remember some of her comics
his art is some of the best fr
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Some people (fools) just have a bias for tits and are blind to anything else. Even though perfectly good, huge asses are just right there.
Like, I've seen one artist, Alpha Erasure, draw both teruwo's mega milf-chan and the pink busty one, but not the blue one with the giant ass? Teruwo didn't even design the milf until long after he's been drawing the sister OCs, yet he drew her first anyway. Shaking my head.
i do love me some tasty looking ass.
Big bootyholes are great too.
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>>doesn't even draw anymore
>check artist
>last art post(s): 21 hours ago
what did anon mean by this
>bonus: guy drew bailey (ironically) less than 3 weeks ago
Type a. Needs to be muscular
Yeah he is one of the best asshole and twerking artist of the modern age. I only wished they drew more characters from other series.
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I'm still made about what happened with Skullgirls
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Same, buddy.
At least we still have the characters to fap to
Imagine Filia and Squigly simultaneously giving you a butt job
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No cock could stand against such power
Main draw back is that you got to deal with their parasites while they're jerking you off.
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A small price to pay for a taste of paradise
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Did this yesterday. Liked how it came out.
TB please make the next animation project of yours a Zelda x Link one
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they took away mei's thighs and tummy. I will not stand for this!
>seeing it pulse fatter with each swallow...
unpopular opinion incoming

hottest scenario would be belly stuffing - inducing braps with dat ass growing after each one - sounds growing more vulgar by added mass
i liked their art circa 2005/6
this one is seriously one of his best it’s so good and the details..
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Ass and pussy getting bigger with each thrust, or every time they butt up against someone's stiffy underneath clothes.
Nintendo would be up my ass faster than Scott Pilgrim on Kim's.
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would love to see your take on juno from overwatch if you're up for it sometime
I’m not Indian
I have a patreon request for her that is halfway finished, but I'll probably redo it.
I hate OW designs so much. Haha.
oh nice to hear that
also yeah i can feel the pain
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I know it's two separate people under there but my brain is making me think that lady is just freakishly long
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Redrew that one part from Harley Quinn.
What made so many coomer artists move to B in the last 10 or so years?
It's more realistic than the other, so more commonplace in people's tastes.
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I'm not sure. I would need to see more examples of both because I feel like many artists i follow have a good fusion of both.
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Actually, now I remember Forastero includes hyperpigmentation sometimes as well. Surprisingly both Forastero and D-art are masterclass in drawing assholes.
Why is this in a supermarket
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A booty bump?
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B, it emphasizes the hips more
How the hell did she get into the vent with an ass that fat
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Imagine a world where fat distribution works like this, go ahead and get as fat as you want girl 'cus all it's going to your ass and legs.
God yes please
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enough does that i already think like this
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feeling down right now. I never liked big butts just for the thought of jackhammering them. I want to make a girl squeal with delight as I kiss her bottom. I want to lick pussy. Make the girl melt and treat their bottom as holy.
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tbf when this "meme" is the most relevant thing that came out of her and it doesn't have the other huge tits one nor even crediting him for the art it must suck
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It's both a bit funny and a bit messed up, as much as I like the meme.
The tiddy guy who doesn't like asses yet drew a damn fine big booty OC who gets inadvertently popular out of his hands and reaches meme status.
He drew her and regretted it, while people still love and want to see more of a fat assed character he just doesn't like or wanna draw. That's gotta be such an odd feeling.
Hey his fault for not tagging his name on it. lol
>Hates his own creation
>Dosen't give it up for "adoption"
Why are twitter artist like this?
Not like it matters. People will just draw it if they want to
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I'd be willing to pay some money if I could buy Bailey from him. Sell her to me!
It's ironic because they constantly complain about being poor but won't put any effort in to behave professionally. He could draw whatever flavor of the month anime girl will a big butt and charge for commissions. A lot of artists could do that, but few of them will. I would be thrilled to draw giant asses and not have to get a 9-to-5
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The funniest part of all is that sepia doesn't own bailey either
She was an oc made by Noil (who doesn't draw her anymore) and didn't look anything like how she does now (she wore bomb disposal gear 24/7)
He literally took her, redesigned her to be sexy, then got angry because people care more about her than his Cowgirl waifu or dogboy self insert
I can't find any evidence of that. You got any proof?
Before the Tumblr purge I recall him stating he didn't own bailey and it was noil who made her originally (then either ownership transferred or noil stopped caring about her at some point)
Then fuck it and I'm just gonna draw Bailey until she becomes my character then. Obviously he doesn't give a shit about her. So now Bailey is my character.
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Based. If he won't care then others will.
Reminder that bailey loves anal
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Don't really care who's drawing it but I have dying to see Bailey's butt grow bigger forever now, so seeing her idk find uranium or smth and have her ass grow city sized+ would be stellar
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There is nothing more erotic than a large ass with it's cheeks spread. Revealing an appropriately large asshole and meaty pussy underneath.
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B shape, A mass
aw yeah bitch gimme that AI shit hnngg
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Big gura fan
This, I wholeheartedly agree with. you see the vision.
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Did this yesterday for a buddy.
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Now ain't she just an absolute cutie with an obscenely obese ass. Great work as always big boss
I like something between the two. The shape of the left cheek on >>11099936 is close to what I'm thinking about. I prefer subtlety in the art I surround myself with.
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How much of MonkeChrome stuff is AI and how much is actually drawn by him? there's some style on it but seems mostly the same render model or whatever
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Having seen a lot of his work I think he generates the body/pose and then fills in the details/head/background after ironing out the weirdness of whatever got generated. I don't think the bodies themselves look too much like any other artist so he either fed it his own work to speed up the process or just fed it so much that there's no one style bleeding through. It's enough that I save some of them but it's never an "oh NICE they uploaded" like Ignantastro or CuddleCore have been for me lately.
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B looks too polygonal.
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Somewhat related but was anyone able to get his 7 part May sequence before it got axed? Can't find anywhere
Alright any artists in this thread
Draw Galko-chan with an absolute rump
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praise the Omnissiah
I saw a black chick with hyper-ass tier proportions today irl
it was majestic
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Huge asses pressed up against glass are so hot.
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For me? It's this type of big.
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Let's be honest, these are only hot because they are drawn.
IRL these asses would look gross af, and I say this as a guy that likes a little bit of cellulite.
They would look like this >>>/gif/28079579
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Id ejaculate my SOUL into her ass and theyd have to pry my comatose body off her ass with the jaws of life
Remember to coom as much as you need to before midnight, we're less than 12 hours away from NNN!!!.
The only thing that makes Randalin's body unattractive is the odd lumpiness that her condition caused in some places. I genuinely think she'd look a lot better in jeans, though I don't know if she has any that fit.
I would tie my wife to the bed and forcefeed her until it collapses under the sheer enormity of her ass
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i resent this!

...I like plenty of other variants of ladies that are explosive. Asses with fuses just happen to be the best version of that to sell the 'cartoon bomb' aesthetic.
That is honestly a weird ass fetish to have ngl
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Anyone got AE stories/sequences that go to this scale or similar? (Planetary +)


Hopefully a bit better written too lol
New bailey art dropped
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Bold of you to assume that I don't think Randalin is hot af. I want to see her even bigger.
Whew, nice
In your opinion, what separates an exaggerated big butt from being erotic to being comical/a turn-off?
3d is never too big
2d is when it either becomes sphereshit proportions or just incomprehensibly large which is ironically smaller than some 3d butts I've seen and while there is no like hard rule because it depends on the quality of the art etc I generally think the girl needs to look chubby to carry a truly giant booty
>I generally think the girl needs to look chubby to carry a truly giant booty
I agree with this. The ass should fit the body type. At the very least the bottom half should be drawn wider to accommodate the ass. Thicker thighs, hips, and waist help sell an enormous ass.
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Amen on thicker thighs and hips, brother
>I want to see her even bigger.
Me too imagine what she would be like at 700lbs
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wouldn't happen to have more expansion to similar or greater sizes?
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Will finish later
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New thread:
I like how the artist went out of his way to draw the asshole despite it being fucking disgusting to do so and ruining the image.
I like how a lot of artists do that too.

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