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• All artists welcome!
• Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already drew, feel free to draw your own take.
• Please anchor your deliveries to make them easier to track.
• Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
• No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.

• Do not request drawings of real people.
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
• Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
• Be patient. Art takes time.
• Not all requests will be filled.
• Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.

• Respect /d/ and global rules.
• To make a new drawthread, wait until page 10 at the bump limit so that our awesome booru-master doesn't get swamped!
• Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this thread!

Deliveries from past threads are uploaded to the /d/ booru:
The newest pics could use some tagging, so please contribute if you have nothing else to do.

If you're looking for old or deleted threads, try checking
and entering the post # of the thread or post you are looking for.

You can also go to
which has every thread that features this boilerplate.

Color/Edit Thread: >>11058381
Previous thread: >>11096291

Anchor your deliveries here!

I’m going to copy over the deliveries from last thread that got deleted so bear with me
Please chill on spamming out requests until that’s done






File: request_gob.jpg (1.47 MB, 2604x2408)
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This was all very weird. Every hentai board got it, as well as a few sfw boards. Guess we carry on.

So, this title page from Goblin Slayer: Brand New Day is misleading, as the girl is raped by the goblin she is standing next to. So I want to request a redraw of the title page in the top left of this image, where she is naked and leashed with a rope like she is in the chapter, with the little goblin leading her with the leash. You can add cum and scratches to her body if you want to indicate that she was roughed up.

Candle sniffing fuck fence.
I just finished uploading the prior thread's deliveries. Now I have to do the board nuked thread.

Fuck it, I'll do it another day.



And that should be all of them
File: Kleon Reference.png (2.04 MB, 1915x995)
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2.04 MB PNG
Welcome back from the abyss, friends.
And thank you for your service, anon.

Requesting Kleon from Ryusoulger giving a messy footjob with gooey feet similar to the provided reference. Fives toes to match the hands also works. I'd just like them to have a distinctive foot shape.
File: Curly cock ride.png (3.26 MB, 2348x1492)
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Requesting a hyper futa mini giantess Curly Brace looking prideful of her girth with Quote sitting on top of her enormous cock (no saddle) looking flustered and Curly's green panties being worn on her balls.
File: windy gts.png (1.77 MB, 1920x1080)
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requesting windy from battle cats (top left) as a giantess on the beach wearing a green bikini (and with somewhat bigger boobs), dropping summer thundia, (bottom left) into her bikini bottom like the pics on the right
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I would like to take this unprecedented opportunity to request Noire from Hyperdimension Neptunia who got turned into a pregnant cow-girl with mega breasts, installed a machine that fucks and milks her constantly.
File: Mint Flute.png (82 KB, 331x477)
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Requesting Mint from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel with her flute stuck up her ass
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Requesting Chihaya Mifune from Persona 5 at her booth in Shibuya casually giving a fortune after she just received an anal creampie under her hiked up skirt
File: Epn0qFCVoAA9fJ2.jpg (197 KB, 1200x1088)
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Requesting Paizuri Priest walking in a dungeon with a knight with huge boner, while her breasts are larger than her entire body and she is lactating.
this would be a request for /h/
There's nothing about this that suits /d/
Requesting Sailor Mercury (Ami Mizuno) stripped naked and hanging upside down by her ankles from chains attached to the ceiling of the room
OR of this one here. First off, thanks for posting the deliveries again, anon! I was just writing my reply when the board got nuked.

Anyway, to the artist of this. Thanks for drawing my request! I really like the bonus you added. Plus, you really have drawn a very cute Eltolinde!

... Now, I'm going to act as if I don't recognize your art style from other places. (Again, thanks for drawing it!)
Requesting 2B as a hyperthicc futa teacher being asked to cum on command.
File: Giantess Nami Belly Party.jpg (3.93 MB, 2185x2107)
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Requesting non-fatal giantess vore with the giant version of Nami from One Piece Oda drew getting drunk and swallowing some of her crewmembers or other One Piece girls either orally or stuffing them in anally. Bonus if they're also having a party in her belly with her stomach full of icecream and booze.
File: Almost winter.png (628 KB, 1166x1208)
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Requesting Marina as a futanari fucking this https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Pearl_Drone using it as an onahole
File: krogun.png (1.52 MB, 1570x1080)
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Requesting a POV of Ouro Kronii mounting and raping (you) at gunpoint. Have her in the rightmost version of her military outfit (minus the pants, sleeves are optional) and with an expression like the top left
File: HyperSenko.jpg (1.07 MB, 4825x1590)
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Requesting a hyper busty senko-san wearing a sarashi and fundoshi
File: Boodica bae.png (1.31 MB, 1584x962)
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Requesting a pinup of Boodica from Dragon Quest (Leftmost pic) flexing her muscles and having her boobs out. The other pics are for nip color, pose refs, and for ideas of boob to buff ratio.
File: hinakobigboing.png (727 KB, 760x1000)
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Well that was weird. Anyways.
Requesting Hinako from KOF becoming a 'Big Boing'-ified futa, one hand chopping her tit, the other her large nulled bulge. Her hat should stay on along with having star eyes too, please.
File: flan.png (185 KB, 400x604)
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Requesting Flandre from Touhou using the "four of a kind" spell that splits her into four copies. But one Flandre is a trap and the other three are tall venus-bodied milfs. The three milf Flandre's look like they're about to rape the trap Flandre.
File: FREpOyfaUAAUs4P.jpg (1.28 MB, 1200x1600)
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1.28 MB JPG
4chan jannies somehow fucked up and deleted all of the threads across a bunch of boards. So requesting BlackRose (pictured) from .hack// getting accidentally deleted from existence by the mods. Obviously her clothes are already mostly deleted revealing her naughty bits, while her body is just beginning to disintegrate.
Requesting possession/venus body transformation with Medusa Gorgon from Soul Eater stealing Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z's body. This would cause 18's body to become more like Medusa's old body like various serpent-like features such as golden eyes with slitted pupils, a snake-like grin, living snake tattoos as well as a squishable venus body along with Medusa's black clothing. Also a plus if Medusa is reveling in the endless power 18's body has while feeling herself up.
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Requesting the Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man struggling as the trilobite from Prometheus restrains him and sticks it's proboscis down his throat, with an optional second side-panel of the tube entering his throat as he cries
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Requesting Astolfo laying on top of a latex balloon (preferably either red or white) roughly the same size as him, grinding his hips onto it, looking like he's about to cum
File: boombotchoco.png (1.55 MB, 1068x1184)
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Requesting the Boombot to be playing hypnotic music from her speakers (which makes her ass twerk) which brainwash futa Giovanna (Guilty Gear) and Sana (Hololive) to twerk as their asses grow and rip out of their clothes.
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So in the Galaxy Angel anime there's a one episode gag where the main cast have reverse versions of themselves.
I'd like to request the real Mint Blancmanche (the blue girl on the right) aggressively bukkake-ing the reverse version of her (on the left).
Give the real version huge and powerful looking cock and balls, while the reverse version would naturally have small and cute ones.
File: d.png (242 KB, 731x669)
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Requesting futanari GUMI wearing a chastity cage, getting her balls spanked by Teto, as in the reference. Same pose and angle. Bonus points if GUMI is cumming a bit.
Requesting Otae from Gintama bound with ropes and gagged with a white cloth tied over her mouth and nose in pic related’s pose.
Qrd on what the fuck happened?
Mods FUCKED up, purged a bunch of boards at once. Every thread gone.
File: trussedupotae.jpg (1.64 MB, 2682x3624)
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Forgot the file
File: Hibiki.jpg (3.35 MB, 3000x2660)
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Requesting Hibiki (Blue Archive) getting knotted by a large dog, preferably in her default outfit (left)
File: Popping I-Blocks.png (1.58 MB, 1219x2176)
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Requesting busty futa versions of Ess (Green hair) and Amitie (Blondie with a red beanie) from Puyo Puyo. Specifically Ess fucking Ami's ass in full nelson position as she cums hands free
File: Orin Werewire request.png (3.28 MB, 2012x1277)
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Requesting Kaenbyou Rin transformed into Werewire. If possible, draw her in the middle of intense orgasm from sensory overload. Also BZZZT!!!
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Requesting Haruhi Suzumiya putting on the Hamburger Lingerie, and then immediately gaining hundreds of pounds (bottom left image as a rough guide - not looking for immobile/blob)
I'd like to commission a sequence comic of a girl/trap/femboy/futa anal riding a dildo that expands inside of them and makes it so that their ass, legs, genitals, etc grow alongside it but only their lower half. Anyone know any artists that wold be willing to draw it?
File: Candace X Mona.png (2.61 MB, 3260x1788)
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Requesting futa Candace (Genshin Impact) receiving a blowjob from Mona.
File: Lesbian vs Sperm Cells.jpg (724 KB, 1215x1253)
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Requesting Utena Tenjou getting fucked by sperm cells.

no rush, thanks for the archiving either way!

If you might have missed it in the last thread:
Seems to be a firefox-problem. The fact it flipflops between links also indicated that it's client-side and not the servers.
Here's a guide I found but since it seems to be just a FF problem you can just use edge or any other browser for the links you have problems with

File: Robot Girl.jpg (371 KB, 943x913)
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Requesting a robot girl with artificial vaginas installed in her armpits, nipples and navel.
File: Breasty Boodica.png (590 KB, 1501x1501)
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Well, this was supposed to be a warm-up before continuing >>11100151 's delivery, but I actually made the effort because the character was fun to draw. Might color later anon but keeping it as a sketch delivery for now
Anchored it wrong FUCK
File: TheyThem Pussy.jpg (1.77 MB, 1906x1657)
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Requesting an enby with their T-shirt pulled up to reveal their mastectomy scars and their boxer shorts pushed down to reveal the words "They/Them Pussy" written above their cunt.
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Requesting an extremely hairy Tomoko Kuroki, with a ton of pubes, armpit hair, leg & arm hair, and maybe even nipple hair
File: Cyntaur.png (2.13 MB, 1586x1280)
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Requesting; Cynthia as a humantaur. Basically a centaur but with human body and legs instead of the body of a horse. Outfit (or naked), pose, expression, is all up to you. I mainly care about the humantaur aspect. Although barefoot would be nice.
File: Chizuru.jpg (53 KB, 564x767)
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Requesting an obese and hyper pregnant Chizuru getting called out by anon. Anon- Your body is a shrine to gluttony and greed!!! Chizuru- Rude!!!
I'm requesting a straight couple mutually fucking a futa girl. The way I see it, the futa is lying down on a bed, the girl is reverse cowgirling, and the man is plowing the futa's vag from the end of the bed. I'd love if the man and woman were making out with each other while the futa looks distressed (like she can't take all the sensation).

I get this is a rather complicated request, so I won't be picky about who the characters are/what they look like, beyond the bare bones outlined above. Pick whoever you'd like to be in these positions, and thank you!
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Requesting Living monster high heels
Requesting (Left) Shijima Tsukushima as a futanari with a large dick getting a titjob from (Right) Majime (non futa but with tits bigger than Shijima's dick). The characters are from Shimeji Simulation.

Some pose ideas:
Mods need to prepare for the next psyop after removing IP counters.
File: YakshaBeam.jpg (1.42 MB, 2555x2909)
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Requesting Yaksha from The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors halted in her tracks mid-mission as she's struck by an "Acme Beam" [アクメビーム] - a pink laser beam that deals no damage as it passes through her body, but instead paralyzes her with extreme pleasure, instantly bringing her to an explosive orgasm.
Requesting Jill Konia from Jewelpet Sunshine getting fucked hard by a humanoid muscular Iruka-sensei.
Glad you liked it,
I’ll need to work on a different style if I ever end up wanting to make an anonymous r18 account this wasn’t the first time I was busted
File: Oriana X Misaki.png (1.97 MB, 1835x2459)
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Requesting futa Oriana Thomson receiving a blowjob from Misaki Shokuhou.
File: ChihiroXHinao.png (1.09 MB, 2476x732)
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(no need to color)
Requesting SIDE VIEW of Breasts x Pecs colliding/touch between Hinao (female, left) with Chihiro (male, right)
BOTH hyper muscular (just bigger than most of musctonk stuff)
Requesting Azov-chan pregnant, naked (keep her hat on), and posed like this

OR here, sweet! Glad this got done! Thank you!

LMK if you end up doing a colored version of this!
File: Gina mannequinzed.jpg (1.08 MB, 2914x2000)
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Requesting Gina Chamber from Undead Unluck clothed and mannequinzed from using the mannequin pole.
File: Sakura demon wall.jpg (1.18 MB, 3200x2000)
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Requesting Sakura (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) transformed into a Demon Wall (Final Fantasy XII).
Requesting a full body pin-up of young Joseph Joestar from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 2 wearing only a plain white adult diaper (either an 1930's cloth diaper with pins, a snibb style diaper, or a modern adult diaper with blue tabs). Please keep it clean (no wet or messy).
Don't know why you want to be anonymous THAT much, but yeah, you probably should.

I recognized you immediately when I saw it
File: 1724260100079.jpg (555 KB, 1356x2214)
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Kirin Hiyama from Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena, wearing the school uniform and posing like the venti pic with a smug face showing her erection through pantyhose.

Optional if you can add a mini face panel of a blushing Mirabell Bell and Kirin saying "hey Mirabell, want to have fun?"
File: 2hurequest.png (1.42 MB, 1716x1544)
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Requesting Koishi Komeiji (top left) transformed into a vibrator or dildo similar to the pic at the bottom, and being used by Hata No Kokoro (top right) to masturbate until cumming.
File: Sakuya Sacrifices.jpg (3.41 MB, 2716x3279)
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Requesting anal vore/ass absorption with Sakuya from Okami having villagers sacrificed to her ass.
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Requesting Sakura getting humiliatingly pissed on.
File: Takitentacles.jpg (779 KB, 3913x1595)
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Requesting Taki from Soulcalibur getting penetrated all the way through by one or multiple tentacles, entering at the bottom and coming out her mouth, she's in absolute horror as the tentacles make her way through her belly; visible through her tight clothes.
File: Nanami Spider.jpg (660 KB, 3000x1835)
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Requesting Nanami from Suikoden II defeated & raped by one of these giant Spider enemies.
Anything that fits the scenario works for me.
File: Iori x slime.png (1014 KB, 1604x834)
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Requesting Iori raped by sentient slime to the point where it fills her belly and she's forced to excrete it back out.
File: Mio facehuggered.jpg (621 KB, 3545x2266)
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Requesting Mio getting thoroughly violated by insectoids or facehuggers clinging to her body.
You could use these or anything you like: https://xenoblade.fandom.com/wiki/Skeeter#Xenoblade_Chronicles_3
File: ninjafucking.png (2.79 MB, 1400x3000)
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Requesting Uchiha Sarada getting her ass fucked like in the references by Roxanne Richter from the Scott Pilgrim anime.
File: Diana X Chariot.png (2.45 MB, 2531x1381)
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Requesting Diana Cavendish giving futa Chariot du Nord a titjob.
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Requesting a futa Muu Shuwuu from SMT facefucking Nahobino (or some other character.) Some kind of brainfucking or something is acceptable too.
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Requesting Summer Freyja from Fire Emblem Heroes wearing a swim diaper
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Requesting a semi-nude and barely mobile Mirei Yajima trying to get a hang of her massive flabby belly while thinking about how getting fatter really made her (important) attributes stand out
File: MichiruNulgeDrone.png (2.94 MB, 1895x1664)
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Requesting this Michiru as a null bulged drone. Massive dick and balls locked away in latex, please!
Goblin Slayer requester. What's wrong with mine?
File: Onahole.png (1.68 MB, 3410x1532)
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Requesting a post sex scene of a Shygirl face fucking a Shyguy or Allister from Pokemon, like in the picture at the right.
File: Rosemia BE.png (3.84 MB, 1656x1831)
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Requesting Rosemia from Atelier Shallie Alchemists of the Dusk Sea having a wardrobe malfunction from her breasts expanding and bursting out of her top. Could have her be slightly embarrassed about the situation, but say its not the first time it's happened.
Requesting giantess Neptune dropping a man into her panties.
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Requesting Baba From Bastard!! in bend over pose as in the bottom image
Requesting a hung futa Froppy cum filling in her own tight suit like a condom, excessive amount would be nice.
File: Pet.jpg (1.45 MB, 6352x3336)
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Requesting pet play with Madotsuki from Yume Nikki. She got a catgirl TF but as a dog girl is fine too
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requesting "Chihiro Yoshioka" from gleipnir presenting her pussy, spreading it, squirting and/or lightly masturbating
File: Spy mannequin.jpg (1.93 MB, 3160x3060)
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Requesting Lily and Monika from Spy Classroom both transformed into lifelike mannequins as part of their mission. They are both dressed in either the harem dancer outfit from Shantae or sexy lingerie and there are thought bubbles showing their embarrassed expression from being ogled.
Requesting Ember "Heirloom" from the game Warframe as a hyper futa
Requesting futanari Barghest in her new costume being cubed like a Taimanin. Bonus points if she's lactating, having her cock milked, and turned into rubber.
File: polkalatexdroneorb.png (3.64 MB, 4000x1607)
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Requesting Polka Omaru as a latex orb drone like in the reference provided, but with the lust crest being based on the series of symbols seen in the middle, her donut lips being more smooth, her hairstyle being retained but recolored and the lines in the drone's ears going into her animal ears.
Made it a bit too big to have her hands fit around, feel free to rereq
requesting these two big bitches fucking and cumming hard whilst drinking from the cumglass docked between their tidz
Catalog got nuked? Huh... well.
Requesting Pavolia Reine from Hololive ID having trapped two persons inside of her belly (same-size vore style) and telling them they are not getting out of here until they're """reconciled""" (like for the inside joke of her streams, make it whatever you wish: normal, making love inside of the belly...).
The trapped ones can be whoever: it can be Hololive members, characters from other series, her fans (reference under her feet), or their identities can be kept secret.
How they got in Reine doesn't matter: if it's a stomach, if it's a womb. Just not her boobs unless you can really find a way to make them reconcile obviously.
Reine can act like a conflict mediator or a mastermind acting for her own fantasies (reference: Martha and BB on the bottom right).
You can give her or not the gas mask of one of her emotes to further boost the mastermind aspect. I'm imagining for example she tells them they can't get out before they reconcile, but the kissy gay sex happening inside of her is so intense she's also being stimulated and thinking "Oh-ho, oh no, this isn't good! I need to come up with another excuse, I just can't let them out yet now that it's getting exciting!"
That's all. Go wild, have fun!
File: Yakin Byoutou Ni.gif (2.57 MB, 1280x960)
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Requesting a continuation of this scene from Yakin Byoutou Ni Episode 2 where Riuru cums from blowjob given by Karen (https://files.catbox.moe/0tmzmh.mp4).
guro request taker post your examples and we'll give you reqs
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Requesting Mizuki as a hung trap, frotting with himself (i.e. selfcest).

Bonus credit: one of them should be more dominant and smug, while the other submissive but still enjoying it.
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requesting the triclops maid inviting to fuck from behind bu spread her lips
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Requesting futa Cynthia (Pokemon) receiving a blowjob from Nessa.
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requesting a very chubby futanari Hex manimac getting her balls fucked like a boobjob
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Requesting Susamaru from Demon Slayer jerking off 6 dicks at a gloryhole.
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Requesting a futanari Momo (left) fucking Eri (right) in a mating press
nah, you did a great job. too big to fit is exactly what i wanted. really nice, thanks.
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Requesting the Angel boss from Hakoniwa Explorer Plus smugly sitting on the male player character with their huge ass and the player character loving it.
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Requesting Olivia from Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu wearing a swimsuit and diaper
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Requesting Junko Enoshima as a mind controlled futa getting full anal nelsoned
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Due to new lore I'd like to see Clorinde having sex with the pet Vishap, you can make it non-con or like she was taken by surprise or fully willing either being the bottom or riding on top of him.
Why not?
File: Futa Neptunia.jpg (434 KB, 2400x1800)
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Requesting Purple Heart from Hyperdimension Neptunia with a huge futa erection looking extremely turned on and aroused while staring at the ass of White Heart who is bent over.
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Requesting Nessa transformed into a limbless onahole, ideally being used by a water-type Pokemon if possible.
File: Aishwarya X Annerose.png (3.66 MB, 2644x3600)
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Requesting futa Aishwarya Ray receiving a blowjob from Annerose Vajra.
File: monsterheel.png (1.6 MB, 2000x1724)
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>>11101018 >>11100018

Pretty fun request,honestly
I'm a wrestling fan, so monster heel is a helluva pun to make
Requesting Charlotte from Fire Emblem: Fates getting fucked by a huge Faceless, but if you want you could make her act all eager and berserker-like about it like she's the one fucking him and not the other way around.

I've been really waiting for this. Thank you.

I think it's even more attractive to put devil's wings here.
File: Sylph dumptruck.png (2.8 MB, 3677x1453)
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Requesting Sylph from Monster Girl Quest in her full sized form confidently posing with a hyper sized dumptruck ass with her leotard eating into said fat ass.
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Requesting Tessou Tsuzuri from Toaru kagaku no railgun (she have loose fluffy messy hair, green painted nails, inverted nipples and dark green excessive pubic hair, really bushy) with body jewelry solo with a erected clitoris inside of a green colored jelly cube, like one of those in the reference, making a happy pleasured expression. Something cute & lewd, please.
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I think I'll do my reqs like this instead

>taking reqs for characters in a similar scenario as pic on the right

>major details about the pose are negotiable like the girl being awake/aware or struggling, replacing or removing the male character/stand-in
Requesting Kino from Kino's Journey looking exhausted while she gives birth to quadruplets
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Requesting Tomoko using an app to mind control the viewer into fucking her.
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requesting Edda with enormous breasts
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Requesting Yuzu Aihara giving futa Momokino Himeko a passionate blowjob under a desk, with a mini face panel showing Momokino loving it.

Up to artist if they wanna add more mini panels showing Yuzu's mouth enjoying the cock
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requesting a short sequence of Toru Sumiki barefoot and posed like Marcille on the right as he takes a puff from a hookah, before noticing the viewer and giving a cute smile like the Megumin pic in the middle as his toes flex like so https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6936231
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Requesting IcarianOnager's OC Andromeda struggling to pleasure herself due to her size
Requesting Fuuro floating belly up. you can trace
>>11104341 or
if you want. with a tube up the butt, please.
OR Here! That looks absolutely amazing! Even better than I expected~ Thank you so much anon!
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Requesting Living green sexy high heels boots.

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Requesting Mint and Vanilla from Maplestory 2 at the top left getting turned into Shadow Bunny girls from Sae Niijima's palace in Persona 5. Basically enhanced curves, black shadowy skin, masks that somewhat resemble their faces, red tinted outfits/fishnets, etc but still being shortstacks. Bonus if they're in the middle of doing some cleavage/breast vore with some patrons to make their chests even bigger.
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Requesting futa Miku-Shygal with a big flaccid cock
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Requesting Yukko and Ritsu from K-on as futas with balls, rubbing their small dicks together (frotting) and cumming.
That is not what the anchor is for. Please fuck off until you know how to read.
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Requesting a pic of Lina Inverse from Slayers getting tentacle-fucked in a pit of tentacles like the girl in the upper right (except for the ear-fucking, please don't do that).
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If you're still taking requests could I ask for Yuri going all ahegao and barely conscience?
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Requesting some lovemaking or emotionless sex on a robot girl version of Ri-class from KanColle. Up to you how robotic she looks but the minimum would be mechanical seams on her body and limbs.

The viewer could be getting intimate with her while she is aroused yet slightly baffled over how a human is getting aroused by this or she could be on top of the viewer pinning him down while looking cold and menacing, like an effective combat android.
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Requesting for big dicked Rival Miku from the Glorious Day video
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requesting a chubby splatoon inkling milf showing off gf her armpits
What the fuck is this shit lmao
Imagine not consuming Miku media in 2024, baka
Nice (not OR)

It's the autistic DBZ spammer from /h/ >>>/h/8169100
Idea for a fetish
A yuri couple is asked by the viewer "what if one of you was futa?"
One girl yells at the viewer about how disgusting and stupid they are
The other is thinking about herself as a futa fucking her girlfriend and getting lost in those fantasies
ey hi! I should be able to do it. Had many /d/ clients before and I'm open to comms
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requesting gazer pregnant and raped by tentacles with her legs fully openned
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Requesting a picture of Takanashi Kiara from Hololive getting fucked by Jabba the Hutt while wearing the outfit on the far left. Bonus points if she is either getting impregnated and/or her chain leash is used in the picture.
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Requesting Ryza from Atelier as a robot malfunctioning/short circuiting on the beach wearing a black bikini while being wet
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Requesting a pear shaped SSBBW Lenalee
haven't done a delivery in a while, always liked her design, sorry if it's a little rough
Not the anon who requested but good stuff. Always love the concept of suits being used like condoms.
Fukkin nice, thanks man. and yeah Froppy has a very likable design, she's mad cute.
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Requesting for Futa Bibi Reden with a tied up and ball gagged Camilla Connor similar to the referenced picture. Both characters are from the "I Love Amy" manwha.Thanks in advanced to anyone interested!
Go away
make me
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Requesting a pic of Tia from Yu-Gi-Oh (left) getting fucked by Adrian Randolf Crump the third in his nightmare penguin form. I don't really know how this would work given the weird biology and size differences involved, but I think that the pics on the right might provide you with some idea of what poses to draw.
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Requesting for an instant defeat continuation where futa Wapeach dominates a muscular Bowsette.
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Requesting Ridley picking up Samus, taking a deep breath and blowing into Samus' anus to blow her up big and round.
Do you have to specify whether you would want to see belly or whole body inflations?
If it's something you want or don't want it's generally a good idea to be as specific as possible. Don't write a novel, but do be specific.
Here's a sketch of the scene how I imagine it. Most likely in the bunker of Bibi getting to know Cam "inside and out" after the wedding

It's been a blast so far. Read the manwha this morning and def was worth a read. The original artists art style also is really nice expressive and simplistic at the same time.
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Requesting this thicc Taimanin version of Ringo Andou (Above) with a ripped up suit exposing her naughty bits squatting (Position on bottom left) down and having a small, limp dick with big balls. All with a lusty and heated expression on her face where she sticks her tongue out
I had low expectations sending in the request, but having someone actually go for it and drag them down to actually read and give them the ILA brainrot is a double win in my books! Good job!
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Requesting Moe Kamiji, aka Burnin from My Hero Academia with some colossal thighs and extremely wide hips with her outfit not hiding anything at all. Can be the end result of her eating tons of food or vore with it all going to her thighs/hips
>>11109414 (You)

Thanks! Yeah you somewhat infested me with the ILA brainrot. Here's the color as far as I will take it. Cheers!
Requesting Kuroeda from Plus-Sized Elf with a hyper ass getting fucked like the bottom miage.
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Requesting Kanna from Blaster Master Zero with a big futa cock and venus proportions filling her bodysuit like a condom.
Requesting Naoto from persona wearing only a blue bikini with a futa bulge in her bottoms
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Requesting NDC's Natsumi fully nude, squatting with her legs spread and surrounded by 3 or 4 smooth, juicy, porcelain white, hyper dicks pissing thick golden streams into her mouth, overflowing and running down her body, in which she enjoys every last drop with glee and tries to hold up most of it with her hands.
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requesting the prompt on the right with Beruka
Late but awesome and thanks. Some expenses have come up since my post but I'll definitely be inquiring once funds are available.
maybe I'll have better luck in here /d/
requesting this waifu cups girl pissing her bike shorts in the middle of riding a tail. pov of the Samus picture, colors like fumina hoshino, her face should loo k like she's enjoying it
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Can I ask for naked Hinata Hyuga (left image) from "Naruto" flattened and laminated? I would prefer if she had expression suggesting that she enjoy her situation(or it make her horny). It would be nice if drawing was in middle of the process and she went head first. Her lower part still waiting to go into laminator (it can be from waist down, only feet or anything in between)
this twitter guy sucks at the basics i'll do a better job for free
I don't like harping on beginners but he's way too ahead of himself with comms and stuff, yeah. Well if he's actually making dough with it more power to him.
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Requesting the female titan fingering mikasa's huge futa cock
Even if he's a beginner:
Do and don't just talk! Let's go keep posting faggot.
I'm not opposed to free.
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just watched this episode
are you looking for a rape delivery?
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Requesting Kunai Zenow from Monster Girl Doctor jerking off a guy with her big right hand and fondling his balls with her slender left hand.
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Requesting Spooky inflated by a Ghost Busters proton pack, visibly worried because she's about to pop.
for sure it just isn't in the spirit of these threads to look for money imo, it says in the rules
>be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
i'd need more details on the req, your first post is too vague to go off
very good
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Requesting huge penis futa Patchouli with dicknipples (and balls). And minor differences in size and shape of her dicks, with one of them having phimosis.
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It's Cirno's day, can we see her transformed into the strongest onahole?
Thank you I love her!
Requesting Cirno with 9 penises (that’s more than you)
Requesting adult Neptune in only a towel, with her big futa cock and balls barely receiving any coverage.
Requesting a small-dicked futa girl trying to pee standing up, but her dick is so small that a trail is dribbling down her dick and balls and getting her pants wet (to her embarrassment).
Is this battle anime only or what? Interested in it nonetheless (either this or Anzu against cyclops)
Sorry. I didn't see your comment until just now. Yes, that is exactly what I'm looking for.
Yes, it is. It's from the Noah arc.
how about that?
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this isnt the delivery, just a warm-up
i want to try making multiple pages/story which might take a long time
if you want a specific scene ill try to include that
Oh my! I wasn't expecting anything of this quality or quantity. I do not wish to be a choosy beggar, but I would love to see Tea 'losing to the cock' (not mind-break-induced catatonia, but I would like for her to eventually start to enjoy what is happening to her and submit to Crump) and maybe a cumshot (perhaps with fertilization). I would also prefer that you steered away from NTR stuff or at the very least kept it to a minimum. I understand that these are just guidelines and not orders, so I apologize if it sounds like the latter. I'm honestly just happy that someone of your talent is giving my request the time of day. Thank you so much!
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Requesting futadom, her fucking a person in any position, kind of a "Game over" or "Bad end"
Normal reference https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9323316

Thats looks very good, That character hairstyle is tricky to draw ( I already tried and is more complex than it looks)
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Request update: feel free to use the outfit you want, including the new one she received a few days ago.
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Here's the Lineart
Nice lineart, dude! I was expecting to see it colored soon.
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thanks for the support!
but this might take a long time (several months)
ill drop an update at the end of the month
Well I was thinking of a char like loran fucking a stationary dildo that'd grow thicker and longer inside of them and that in turn would cause their ass, legs, dicks, balls, etc to grow to accommodate the increase in size but only their lower half. I'm grateful for anything you'd be willing to do with this concept.
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Requesting Aoi Hidaka from Dancouga Nova getting brutally fucked by massive hole destroying cocks in all her holes, including nipples, like in this image from the game Bitch Police

Thanks. Don't expect a color version soon every time, I draw when I find the time and motivation :)
I like it! Thank you!
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Requesting horny Peach cumming from inflating via P balloon.
Requesting Fumino Furuhashi from We Never Learn, having her cock being sucked by huge bloodworm while she’s making this silly expression. https://files.catbox.moe/xsg071.webp
I'm not that familiar with the meme or franchise buuut what knight exactly? Is it just a generic or a specific one? If generic: Should all boobs and penis stuff be hidden and clothed? if so I might add a Codpiece/penis armor that is also ridiculously huge.
OR here, thanks for the delivery! I like the ass-focused angle.
Any futa or trap requests that focus on big balls?
hinoka from fire emblem trying to relax on the beach with her huge cock and balls, while her red bikini struggles to fit around her massive balls (bonus if there's cock vore involved)
Naruko (Naruto female form) have Konoha symbol put on her ball with branding iron.
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I got this. I updated the ref pic by fixing the typo and adding another dick reference
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Requesting Sabrina blowing her nose into a handkerchief, then giving a guy a snotty handjob with it.
Preferably clothed with a codpiece, though the priest wants to have a paizuri with the knight to give them power. I'll leave an artistic freedom to you though!
You mean her dlc outfit?
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>not a requester really
but I would recommend you to check on lynn from rosen garten saga, she is constantly turned into a futa by her ghost companion and forced to fuck all kinds of things
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Requesting the bottom left scenario but with a well hung futa Gebura (red haired woman) from Library of Ruina and futa Binah (black hair) being forced to cockdock with each other by Angela (blue hair) from her closing the book they're trapped in together with it clearly being Angela's hands from the cuffs and such from her outfit off screen. You can also have Gebura looking absolutely livid while Binah is enjoying Gebura's expression/ being penetrated by her with a smug grin.
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Can someone please draw Michaelie (bottom-left) (that's a boy) being dicked down/mind-broken by Adam (top-left) and Holt.S (top-right)?
(all of the characters are from AOTU World)
Can you still give me some pointer towards other artist or the artist of the reference and knights used in those stories? SauceNao and google lens didn't help
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This may help
Okay so the knight is also a futa, not just a knight with huge boner.
Well, it's fine nonetheless!
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Requesting Merafume's OC skeleton girl Karaka wearing a bodysuit made of slime, giving her a very shapely figure that she's both very embarrassed and aroused by.
Anyone have human/onahole transformation requests?
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How about Yamato from One Piece eat Onahole-Onahole Fruit instead of canon one?
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Not quite human but perhaps Elena from Star Ocean 6 demonstrating some onahole function as she is a robot.
If you would be so kind.
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Requesting Alice Margatroid turned into an onahole, but she's still partially clothed, unaware of her transformation and is saying something like "onahole tf? such a thing can't affect me."
There was this one posted earlier >>11103195
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Noire from hyperdimension neptunia. Either mid use, or after use.
Same here. I'm also not the anon who requested, but seeing guys and futas fill their suits with cum like condoms? Probably one of my biggest fetishes.
OR here. I apologize for the slow reply. I am very excited. I've had an interest in the subject matter for several years, so waiting several months will not be a problem for me. I'll look forward to your update. Thank you for everything.
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Im not sure if this is too much but can someone draw all four girls after they vore their partners together?
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critism welcome should i finish?
I'll be honest, that face looks creepy as fuck
not half-bad, wasn't expecting it to be animated
>t. OR
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Requesting Annerose Vajra in her lingerie giving futa Murasaki Yatsu a sensual footjob from behind.
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Sketch coming through, will finish when I have some more time...
Holy shit, two cakes
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Requesting Camilla from Fire Emblem as an older cougar trying to solicit the viewer for sex. She'd pretty much be thicker, have bigger breasts, lines under her eyes, hair done a little different, etc.
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Requesting a breast expansion/paizuri 3koma with Rei Adachi from UTAU. In the first panel she is naked and flat chested. In the second panel someone presses a button that makes her breasts bigger (she's a robot) and blushes. In the third panel she is getting paizuri from a disembodied dick while she has an annoyed expression. Dialogue is optional but would be a nice addition.
Great start
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Requesting Senka Kanae from Cardfight!! Vanguard hypnotized to use her dress to jerk off her captor.
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Requesting Dream of a Black Swan (bird lady) after having eaten Gebura (red hair chick), who's thrashing about inside, berating her about not harming her brothers ever again. And also an aftermath where she's digested Gebura with her belching up little bits of her clothing or her armband.
Requesting Hagakure Tooru (invisibly) masturbating in public
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Requesting Talos getting done in by tentacles, and her breasts altered to be quite a big bigger than normal
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Here's the Sketch. I think it might be funny, that the original cod piece is getting pushed aside by her huge erection.
Requesting Sabrina from Pokemon telekinetically squeezing a man's prostate, causing him to blast cum.
Looks good so far! Also yeah, the codpiece works fine though.
so literally what you just posted
No, there needs to be a visible graphic of the prostate being stimulated.
Requesting the image on the left with Baby Bonnie Hood
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Here's the Lineart. Colors eventually but later. Got a lot to do this week.
Amazing work, I really love the details especially the armor and the headwear. Also one suggestion from me, it should be "Paizuritual" instead of "Paizuri-ritual".
Take your time for the coloring and the rest.
You mean right?
It's a telekinetic handjob, you blind bum
Oh yes right
That's her real name? I BB Hood and Bulleta is what I always knew her as.
Is the animal dick a must?
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Requesting Florence Nightingale (FGO) mating with one of these enemies. Whether it's from her being defeated in battle or performing an experiment on their reproductive capabilities, I leave the choice in enemy and scenario to you I just request them to have horse cocks. Nightingale is a nurse and kind of stoic and expressionless so her gaining a lewd expression would be hot.
In my sloppy reference sheet I included some in-game skills that could be used if you wanted. Charm for example, constantly being reapplied from mating pierces through Nightingale's limited debuff immunity that she applied beforehand or something or another. I really love impregnation/pregnancy so if you're feeling up to it including either or both would be amazing!
Sorry for the sloppy reference sheet, here's the original size if it helps to read the text/see! Thank you for your time! https://files.catbox.moe/1ayx2d.png
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Requesting the top images of Robin from One Piece but viewed from the back with Robin having a gargantuan cock and balls like the middle left ref and using her devil fruit powers to sprout arms from the sides of her ass, use them to spread said ass cheeks and allow the viewer easy access to her asshole.
>no need to color)
>Requesting SIDE VIEW of Breasts x Pecs colliding/touch between Hinao (female, left) with Chihiro (male, right)
>BOTH hyper muscular (just bigger than most of musctonk stuff
>Hyper Muscular
you just caught my attention, i'll see if i take it into consideration
requesting a girl trying to break free from a painting except the painting's material is just bent. Her expression should be of fear, anger and/or evilness
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Brainwashed shadaloo agent Sakura sucking the viewer pov
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Requesting Elegg milking a horse in a cow print bikini or similar
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Got you covered, bro. Hopefully she is to your liking!
aawwwesome. thank you my good sir!
OR here. Very much obliged!
I don’t have a specific reference character, but I would be very interested in seeing someone draw a Dullahan Gyaru holding her own head to her ass and giving herself a Rimjob
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Requesting Saya Takagi stunned with fear getting raped by a giant mega boss type zombie with an absolutely massive stomach stretching cunt destroying giga dong.
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Requesting Gachan from Kaiju Girls holding the viewer down with her tentacles and giving them a sloppy tentacle-tongue blowjob
Requesting HeartGold/SoulSilver Sabrina having her own mind powers turned against her to make her enjoy getting ear-fucked.
Not the guy who was asking for requests, but can you repost this in the next one?
Working on it, but got a bit of delay due to IRL stuff so it wont be ready before next thread.
Requesting an expressionless (clothed) Ashley casting a hex and giving a dick an intense, spontaneous orgasm.
Requesting post vore of Dee Eye Ell from Sword Art Online: Alicization, laying on side in satisfaction as her prey & their lifeforce succumbs to her stomach, adding up to her curvaceous and expanding figure. For flair's sake, Dee & her prey's healthbar (Kirito maybe?) from the gameverse could be shown. And while dialogue's optional, she could throw some shade at how feeble her prey was for not enduring her "special training".
I'll make a hopefully more fitting request next thread
Nice (not OR)
What's happening in this panel?
Good shit. Love the way she's spilling out of her bikini.
Art sample?
>Page 10
New thread

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