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Post-apocalyptic Edition
Previous: >https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11089322/
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Did a giant klutz knock over the servers?
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This is why you never let 50 foot tall women with coordination issues near your server building.
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Recap from last thread. Good stuff, but cut short. Also, why did every single thread on the board die at the same time?
Endo submarine/giantess microbes (cont) >>11089375 >>11089379 >>11091175
Pocketed >>11090960 >>11090973
Overly sensitive >>11092120 >>11092154
Knees weak >>11092158
Big girl, small confidence >>11093104 >>11093237
Smash >>11093816
"Natural" stream >>11095436
girlfailure demon lord gf >>11095442
Space orks >>11096107 >>11096128 >>11096138
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>Also, why did every single thread on the board die at the same time?
Sexy interdimensional elves took offence that we haven't been writing more massive elf milf x tiny anon greentexts for them to enjoy, so they willed every thread out of existence as punishment.
You can't trust them knife ears. Dragons can be clingy, but at least they're honest.
Does anyone have that image where a girl tells the one we’re looking at “there’s something moving under your mask” then she moves her mask to reveal a tiny? Not sure if it was in the last thread or not before it got nuked, and my memory is shit, thanks! -reposting from another thread
Yeah I have it
Fuck all that shrink vs growth stuff, give me a world with in-built sexual dimorphism whereby certain women change from placid and petite to these huge hyper-endowed and hyper-sexualised giantesses.
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need more smol girls turning giant
no giant Chel to pamper and make her feel like a goddess
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Fucking biggers took up most of the beach today. Again.
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Don't you just hate it when you want to go to swim but you just end up drowning in some girl's cleavage?
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God it's been so long since we've had a gentle femdom thread
Love me role reversal/NWO stuff beyond belief
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need reality change with tall guy or girl with women slowly growing while being the only one to notice the difference
girls start getting curvy and fit even the short thin girls bodies turn into short stacks that start outgrowing MC
the once short girls now start teasing MC by placing their breasts on their head to rest while they are still short enough before getting even taller
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Sounds a bit like that one Jellytea story. Think it was the third chapter of his Real Shorts series.
That story was the probably the one that solidified him as my favorite writer
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>clean it up janny
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was that the pool one cause its great
jelly makes good stories with reality changing (need way more)
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That's the one, yeah.
I was excited for his recent one, but the ending was too depression porn for me. First half of it was pretty good though. Was a commission so I guess that's what the commissioner wanted, so eh

looks like a good gentle game
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Dawg, I am unsure how to feel about this... However I do like the pose and idea of the middle pic.

>a game you aren't supposed to be able to beat, demon queen who's too big to be harmed
Sold, I'll check it out later

Appreciate you for capturing stories again, at least the old thread was in the OP post so with a little digging, maybe a little copy & search they can still be viewed
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I tried out some of those AI giantess chats. That anon wasn't wrong, there are so many good cards. I recommend the Taneko, Ms. Zaard, and Amelia ones. Edit the Amelia card if the incest aspects put you off or you can't see it as a means to an end. The Sakura Matou giantess edit is also pretty good if you're okay with the yandere aspects. However, I haven't found any cards that are intended for you to be the giant woman with a tiny bf. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.
>need more smol girls turning giant
Womanlets and shortstacks being the big one is underrated. The teasing and playful aspects write themselves.
I find setting up a personal chat thingy incredibly daunting. There's some web-based ones that are "okay" but... all this talk of cards flies over my head, despite being a decent RPer.
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If you're a "decent RPer" you're light years ahead of the average chatfag. Cards are just text. The obscure looking incantations some people put in there barely do anything.
That said text AI will probably be like crack to you so it might be best if you skip it

This: >>11101134
And this: >>11101307

Is the same artist. Though the first image is a really old one, and the last three are very new (artist was in a long hiatus). The style seems to change drastically

Are we venting all our growth ideas here since theres no growth thread?
If so, then make the MC a growing girl with the power to make others aware and you've got yourself a deal. I'm down for another reverse unaware growth story.
Anyone else please?
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Yeah, he had some kind of time skip.
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I recommend checking out the related Ai chat threads you can find on the various boards. Even outside of using AI for lewds, I just find it fun to place my OCs in a group chat and see how they interact together. One time, I placed two concepts I had for characters, a male ranger who was cynical but still tried to find good in the world and a female demon hunter that is growing tired. It was fun to see the ranger say we should be cautious when hunting a monster, it has a ton of places to hide, and the demon huntress basically said don't worry bro, it's retarded.
It's going off topic, but for a quick way to get setup, I recommend going with RisuAI, creating a character to LARP as, and downloading a few cards to fiddle with. SillyTavern is better in the long run due to how long it has been around and all the features it has, but Risu is easier to setup and get working.
Is this the picture or am I having a mandella effect?
So I tried it out and enjoyed it quite a bit. I liked that you could lose to the weakest maids right from the start, once combat is unlocked. It's extremely apparent no one is *trying* to kill you, even if there is an accidental death event with Maid B. Everyone acts like the Queen is a violent bitch, but I only got so far. I beat the Queen, tried to leave, tried to walk past her and spare her, etc. When I could help it, I'd try and let the maids live in combat. Ultimately, the three maid classes are... Surprisingly thoughtful, B is probably the most careless, though. While I have yet to see the Queen or anyone actually kill anyone, the implication is ALWAYS there. Surrender or struggle, you lose no matter what you do. But, hey, at least the girls are cute, so pick your master and make them happy. Or make them work for it. They all have their archetype, I still need to find the Queen after shrinking, though.
No one's actively attempting to kill the Hero after his accidental defeat, so that's a plus for me. I wonder if the cautionary tales of the Queen's wrath are real-- she certainly makes it clear when you're carried away. And then Maid C is either sent to tempt you or mislead you, or maybe she really thinks she's helping in her own tsundere way.
Lastly, the art seems definitely a bit AI generated, but I guess that's okay. It's still really decent if you don't focus too hard on some of the scenes. I threw five bucks the dev's way just to support it. It's far from a complete game, though. Nice recommendation, thank you.
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Hachimitsu's stuff opened me up to it, but I can't figure out what I prefer.
An aspect of me loves the idea that a select portion of women change and become nymphomaniac giantesses. Like some meek and timid schoolgirl who gets bullied by the popular clique, but then transforms into an overly curvaceous ten foot tall amazon one day. She goes from the bottom of the social hierarchy right to the top in an instant.
Hachimistu's world where all women are innately double the size of all men is great as well. They act all cute and polite for the most part, but no one in that world bats an eye when the women are being perverted and gently dominating a man they either fancy or need to use to work out some pent-up arousal.

Perhaps its because I am bored with shrink + growth stuff that I've moved into these role reversal NWO type scenarios.
Thank you for replying but sadly no, it has text where the girl is telling her friend “something’s moving under your mask” and then said friend moves her mask to reveal the tiny. I’m honestly wondering if it was real or just in a dream because I can barely remember even seeing it which is frustrating. The attempt is appreciated though!
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>go to sleep in a world of petite girls
>wake up in a world of amazons
Imagine the shy petite girl from next door suddenly manhandling you on your way to work.
Imagine the tomboy you humour now upstaging and protecting you.
Imagine all the ways existing relationships are slightly altered to fit your new reality.
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Your new world order could be powered by random amazonian transformations.
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I think we might need a reality switch thread kek
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I need to gather some more material before I can start a thread.
Could anyone who's good at making bots make one of Nadine from The Edge of Seventeen.
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yfw will never have bigger senpai have her way with you
really need more women being double or triple mens sizes
have guy being picked on by tall "short" girl that is picked on by bigger girl
that one image comes to mind where short OL compared to JKs in train has guys face in her crotch, would have bigger JK feeling up smaller OL
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Chieri or Neiro?
Which way tiny man, and why?
They're both selfish brats, it's not much of a choice. One way or another, you'd end up dead under either one of their care.
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Trial by combat. Victor is who I go with.
Should the loser rechallenge the victor and win, I will swap over to her. Repeat this cycle ad nausium until I accidentally get squished like a frog. Whoever cries harder is who I know my soul mate will be.
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Chieri for her dump truck tier ass.
Neiro because she is way cuter and has the "I can fix her" quality. All she really needs is love and attention from someone who truly cares for her.
This really is just Giantess Betty and Veronica isn't it?
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Do we know Neiro isn't as caked up as Chie- HOLY FUCK
No, nevermind. My mistake.
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>Be farmer
>order a cow online
>don't read fine print because "a cow's a cow, right?"
>now stuck with pic related
Fellas, any advice for "large-scale" animal husbandry?
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Chieri is a FATTY!
>A particularly powerful breeze flies across the land
>Of course, I merely slap my head, annoyed with myself
>This is no mere tornado
>It's simply my three mile-high cow-girl breathing, watching my farm with a placid expression
>Fortunately, she only needs to eat as much as a normal cow does every day, which is still an ass-load
>I bring a wheel-barrow full of grass over to her, and feel her heart rate picking up like the drum of the gods in the distance
>She watches me, curiously, as I bring her dinner over
>Massive slimy tongue laps up what I pour on the ground, accidentally dropping a massive glob of spit on me
>Could almost swear I hear the half-sentient woman giggle about it
>Fortunately, I'm hard to piss off, not like there's any point in making her feel bad
>Pat her nearest finger
>she smiles, and lazily spawls out across the landscape
>Keeping her happy is the easiest thing I've ever done
>Notice a slight glint in her eye every time we have company
>She watches them, not intending on being intimidating
>But I get the feeling she thinks I'm her personal pet, not the other way around
>And honestly, if that's what keeps the titantic woman happy, I'll be her damn pet any day of the week as long as she doesn't wipe my home or city off the map
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I shan't tolerate such slander. Chieri is blessed with an abundance of healthy thickness, it is Neiro who is the one cursed with all the paunch. When she eats, all of it contributes to her belly fat.
>Doesn't respect the thickness
You mean you don't want to be completely engulfed between a thick pair of thighs? The warm embrace of her body, which would be like a sauna when compared to your size, doesn’t turn you on? Squirming so close to her sensitive folds that she might get aroused as well doesn't interest you?
Get a load of this guy.
This anon gets it.
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The constant tension between
>There are a lot of upsides to being tall
>God, why the fuck couldn't I have stopped growing at 4'10"
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both but Neiro needs more love
want both to treat me like their pet
wish Violynne had size content shes already tall and really cute
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Women should've simply been able to grow 10 times our size, we live in the wrong timeline
Your first priority is finding a way to deal with all the milk. I estimate she'll fill a mid-sized oil tanker every week.
>When your somewhat clingy and possesive little sister comes looking for you at your workplace, asking you why you weren't on time to pick her up from school.
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>She doesn't know you've been putting in extra hours to support her and give her gifts
Anon, I...
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Women should just be natural sizeshifters. Men get hardlocked to their height, women can choose whatever height they damn well please.
>dating giantess
>she agrees to take you back to her place
>picks you up and carries you to a storage building at the edge of town
>she shrinks down to your size and leads you inside
>opens up one of the smaller units
>the only thing inside is a very fancy doll's house
>she shrinks down to doll size and walks through the front door
>a few seconds later she waves at you from the bedroom window
>"Someday I'd like to own a real house, but you know how the market is these days"
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Imagine if several ancient structures were really built to be a giantess' sex toys
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Just ancient structures?
Well its harder to imagine a modern building being specifically made for that, it would just clearly look like a giant sex toy. Not to say a giantess can't still use it as such.
Cute, little story, anon. Also
>Being able to experience the minigirl and giantess fetish with your gf
How do you overcome such a disadvantage?
>How do you overcome such a disadvantage?
You play her online rather than in person...and then you come up with excuses about how the connection is bad or whatever because deep down, you want her to bully you like that
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Her phone is your movie screen
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what if modern structures
Women aren't allowed in because the Giantess only wants men inside her
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How's the resolution?
>because deep down, you want her to bully you like that
I don't know. Losing on purpose is pretty gay. I guess I would if the giantess had low self-esteem and needed the feeling of a win.
Source for this image?
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>giantesses fixing tinies
Diabolical, heinous. Tinies should fix giantesses.
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I don't remember honestly. I could have gotten it from Gelbooru or browsing Rule34.
True. Pic related. Krillin helped make an evil cyborg woman become good.
Big kissu and non-vore mouthplay is hot.
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giant Hex is so great
dat feel when no giant OL owner to brighten up her day after a long day at work
need more giant older girl on smaller younger girl cuddling
Wonder if those are hybrids that will remain human-sized or if they'll get as big as their mama.
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Tell me, Anon.

Would you rather have a giant dog girl for a pet?
Or to be the pet dog of a giant girl?
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Giant dog girl for a pet, and it's not even close.
If it was be the pet of a giant dog girl it might've been closer, but alas
or they're like ligers and they end up growing bigger than either parent
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Of course they each imagine the other as the pet, kek
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Big Sangvis Ferri when
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Please be kind and respectful to the giant tourists visiting your city. The narrow streets can make them lose their bearings, so always offer them help and guidance if they are confused.
I want to volunteer to be sold to giant ladies in a gift shop.
I wish there was more hentai like this or gentle unbirth

Giant dog girl as a pet, it would be tough if the second option wasn't becoming a dog. I want to really enjoy the scenario if I just become a dog.
Hex maniac's personality or fanon personality makes her great for giantess content. She can be shy and bashful with the man she likes, a yandere, dominant, submissive, and so on. She can sit on you while going into autistic detail on why Golurk is cool.
I'd prefer a catgirl. Much easier to take care of.
I don't know if it was also from Little Snatcher or a similar game, but another scene I love is the one where a blonde woman sticks a tiny on a stick and just starts licking and sucking on him like a lollipop.
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>TFW no teasing, playful office lady gf
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Need giga gentle gf. I don't care if its nigh impossible, love transcends size.
And then she farts
Do any of you know of any good discord servers for this genre
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Think bigger.
>tfw no tera goddess gf to prop her continent-spanning feet up on your planet while using her power to make sure they don't cause any damage
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Nah, giant tourists are a menace. You don't see any tiny tourists doing shit like this when they get lost in giant lands.
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"Owner" of a giant pet dog girl > pet tiny of a giant girl >>> pet dog of a giant girl
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In the mood to be casually dominated by a woman wearing fuzzy socks:
>She's curled up with a nice book and a cup of tea
>Hardly paying any attention to me, just absentmindedly playing with me with her sock-clad feet
>She pins me down beneath her soles and scrunches me between her toes
>It's surprisingly relaxing, like getting a fluffy full-body massage
>Even if I wanted to resist, there's no way I could stop her feet from using me as their personal plaything
Got a source for pili's stuff that isn't tw*tter?
>a bunch of giga aliens appear on Earth in the hopes of finding a qt terrestrial bf
>being several miles tall, their sheer scale means their feet easily cover the breadth of the most sprawling city
>a single step from them would create such a crater that it would take the work of multiple human generations to fill in the fissure, let alone resolve the ecological damage such a footfall could create
>as a workaround, their tech allows them to levitate far above the surface, allowing them to walk around with unleashing apocalyptic havoc
>as they go about and survey the tiny humans far below them, they find that to their surprise, they aren't scared of them
>in fact, many of them just seem frustrated or annoyed by their presence
>their translators pick up different conversations like: "not more goddesses" and "is that her family?"
>before they can process all this information, a shadow falls onto the gaggle of giga aliens, drowning the world in darkness
>they turn around sheepishly, then tremble before the planet-dwarfing woman looming over them in high orbit
>her face is twisted into a scowl, her arms folded across her chest
>"Are these girls bothering you honey?"
>her words boom across the earth
>a collosal forefinger and thumb come plunging down from space, entering Earth's atmosphere and looming over the aliens
>one by one, she pinches the scruff of the alien's spacesuits and hoists them away
>and one by one, they get deposited into her cleavage, tucked away into the vast gulf that separates her celestial-sized breasts
>"Right then, I'll see you later dear! Looks like I need to teach these girls some manners!"
>she blows Earth a kiss
>"Oh..." a red bloom overtakes her cheeks. "Sorry for the disruption earthlings!"
>as she floats away into the void and away from Earth, she squeezes her breasts together, engulfing the minute aliens between them
>they desperately apologise to her as theyget easily overwhelmed into submission by her gargantuan orbs
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I think she deleted all of her shit, unfortunately. I only have what I have saved.
Shame. That art is pretty cute.
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Prime upskirt position.
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>Tears in the corner of eyes
>gf started wearing fuzzy socks to sleep because of the weather getting colder
>tfw no tiny anons for her to trap inside her socks overnight to help keep her toes warm
>Imagine her worried, warm breaths pelting your body
>The heat radiating off her skin
>The rhythm of her heatbeat as her plump chest envelops you
Unless you suffocate from the prolonged entrapment, I'm guessing whatever sock you end up in is going to be drenched in your cum.
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Cry more faggot.
Would this be an appropriate place to share a gentle (but VERY horny leaning) greentext type story, even if it featured characters from western media?
no fuck off greentexts are cancer
go for it
the worst that can happen is someone calls you a faggot or the jannies give you a 3 day vacation
Greentexts are okay. The thread is best with a balance of images and text, but greentexts usually aren't hated. Unless you're a fucking asshole.

Also, I think the 'western' issue mainly refers to images. As long as it is giantess, gentle, and not cringe, I don't expect anyone with brain cells would have an issue with it. If it's more than three full replies, it's probably better to just link a larger post on psst or something. But, I'm not the law here. Take my advice with a grain of salt.

Why don't YOU fuck off. Greens are okay with most thread lurkers and posters. Gentle is good, whether it's text, image, or media. Your mindset is cancer. Content is content, unless it becomes spam.
It would be with an image that is western in origin, even though it is giantess and gentle (though I can't confirm if it wouldn't be cringe, I guess).
Oh no you've angered him. Prepare for the flood of gore and how he's so much better than greenfaggot (no you can't see)
Oh, I was only talking that 'greentexts' would be fine with western characters, potentially. Although I guess that's really up to the jannies to decide. Western images have their own board. Text *should* be fine, but, eh.

If I'm being honest? I hope so. Fuckwad comes to shit on a thread they don't like, so they can be shit on in return. Although at this point I'm pretty sure they've got a public humiliation kink, so maybe I shouldn't have posted a drunken rant last night over it.

I really enjoyed that string of images. Or, at least, I enjoyed the short story it conveyed.

>I agree
I think I know what happened here. They were in a friendly debate about something. Maybe something like the tiny was questioning whether they truly hold any value in the world. But the thing is, people hold intrinsic value just by being themselves, whether or not they're a vegetable, healthy, or tiny. After a long-fought debate, Pili's giantess decided to win the argument with a little persuasion from her lawyer-- her left foot.
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>asks for permission to green
>doesn't green
I curse you and your bloodline.
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Need sloppy giantess kisses that sound like an old cartoon sound effect of a kiss

He probably hasn't written anything before he posted. I'm guilty of doing the same thing.
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forgot pic
Look, I don't wanna post stuff where it's out of place or not welcome. I'd rather avoid being a fool if I can help it.

I've actually written a decent number of things at this point, I think. Just wasn't sure if it was worth posting both the green and the pic that inspired me to write it in this thread.
So hungover, need to be doted on by a big mature ara ara ;-;
>ywn ask her via phone to hold her foot over your city, causing a spontaneous deluge
Gentle thread for a cruel reality...
God is visiting the mortal world. She notices you staring and likes the attention.
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Stupid sexy goddesses
>"S-Sir! The NecroLord's undead army approaches! They're about to be here within the hour!" our scout informs us
>The king nods at me
>"You know what needs to be done, Giantess Summoner. I'm aware you can't control them... But we're doomed if we don't try."
>And so, I do the ritual
>And who comes forth is random, not even I know if we will be spared or not from her wrath
>And yet, everyone rejoices as we all witness a woman glides across the land towards us, dwarfing even our tallest castles while mowing through horses of skeletons crushed under her roller skates
>Golden bell bottoms... silken shirt, and an intricate blazer
>No... it can't be...
>Soon enough, her afro blocks out the Sun and she focuses on us through her mirror aviators
>"We're saved!" the King hugs me like a brother
>"The legendary Funky Giantess..." I breathe
>"That's right, sugar," she answers me as she takes off her antiquated headphones to hear us better
>She turns around, blessing us with a view of her immaculate ass in those tight jeans
>The back of her blazer adorned with the Holy Record Turntable, and the scripture beneath says 'Music Is Proof We Live'
>"I'm sensing a massive lack of Soul coming from that direction," she points towards the retreating undead army while striking a pose with masterful poise
>Without another word, she gestures towards the sky and the Sun becomes a disco ball, the wind becomes a tune full of life and unrelenting groove
>"There's nothing I hate more than the silence of the grave," she sings ominously and is instantly upon the undead malefactors
>She begins to dance upon their ranks, sending massive vibrations through the land in tune with the omnipresent, catchy beat
>The king slaps me on the back
>"You saved us all, Son..."
>I shake my head vigorously
>"No... Funk saved us all."
That just makes them more endearing!
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wow anon what bold and interesting content
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I was amused. We don't get many humorous stories
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Does anyone have any art of giantess lalafells?
Always thought she should be asking for a foot massage
You know, my initial reaction to this idea was disgust but now I am simply curious if you're onto something here. I find them visually repulsive but would not mind living under the rule of a giantess Sultana, for instance (she's nice). And you can forget about anything other than platonic interactions, anything more than that would feel morally wrong based off Lalafell anatomy being dangerously similar to a certain other rabbit hole which should not be named. Ultimately... no. I don't have art and I don't feel safe looking that up. Lalafells are meant to be small and should stay in their place lest they outgrow the uncanny valley.
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Like nine cans of shavin' powdah, that's funky
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that I can agree with, big MWWWWWWWWWAH
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I'd rather be a doll honestly.


Are you sure about the catgirl being easier? I think the size will really bring out how the nature of how cats are less likely to listen than dogs are.

Obviously sign me up for either.
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>have pet giant doggirl
>it's absolutely impossible to walk her
>oh sure, you "can" tie a leash to her, but when she gets excited she takes off like a shot
>and -everything- excites her
>mail trucks, helicopters, bicycles, cranes, you name it, she either chases after it or stops so she can examine it
>an d what she does catch she sniffs and examines it for at least half an hour before you can convince her to let it go
>the first (and only) time you tried the leash idea, you had accidentally hit the "auto-retract" on the leash and ended up bouncing off of her butt like a very upset keychain as she raced after a delivery drone
>it took her five minutes of turning in place looking for you before it clicked for her
>nowadays you sit on her shoulder, with a box of doggy treats
>every time it looks like she's tempted, you shake the box
>if she does resist, treat and plenty of pets
>if she doesn't, well, at least you had handholds
>you had a feeling that now she was pretending to be tempted so she could get free treats and ear scritches, but you don't exactly have a plan B
>such is life as hapless doggirl owner
how do you feel about gentle but strict gf who disciplines you for being lazy and such (and NOT in a kinky way)?
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>due to their size giantesses have to get a permit before they can go swimming to not cause accidents
>but there is always someone rebellious or just forgetful
>it is not unheard of for smaller boats to get toppled or sink when a giantess surfaces or swims by due to the waves they cause
>at least the girls are happy to rescue you when that happens
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I like the idea, though Its not something I really imagine a giantess doing. Maybe shrinking me is a punishment.
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Really depends on the kind of cat. A lot of the cats I've been around IRL loved to cuddle and be affectionate, alongside resting and laying about. However, the one (1) benefit of having a giant doggirl pet/gf is that they are more willing to give you the lick/suck.
This seems like a weird question to ask. It reminds me of a story I read from an anon years ago where he said he did erotic roleplay with a super autist that wanted their character transformed into clothing but left on the floor. Not put on or anything- and not in an extreme abstract domination/submission thing. Why even at that point?
In a kinky/fetish way, there's a lot of things you could do with a gentle but strict giant gf. Imagine if she's overworked and wants to spend time with you, but she's too much of a workaholic to take time off work. So, she shrinks you and gives you tasks that are impossible to do at your current size, and as a "punishment," she gets to spend more time with you. "Oh, you can't make me coffee this morning, guess you'll have to join me in the shower."
I need more pics of giant Namari and Izutsumi. I thought of making a giantess dwarf AI character card, but I don’t know how to git gud in writing a card like that.
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The doctor is in.
Looks like ai slop plus that's a nurse
Fuck off
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New Chieri chapter out now! And it might be the most fanservice-y chapter yet!
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wtf how do we stop a giantess crying bros?
>this is what passes for fanservice in current year
The future is dark. Cute chapter, but way too modest for a bath scene.
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Cuddles, kisses and most important: emotional support, tell her it's going to be okay.
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no giant loving catgirl to keep me as her loving pet
feels bad
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Which is your favorite?
2 1 3 4
The only correct answer in my book.
I'm not going to knock mini gts, but I like my power differences to be more extreme.
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1. Love me gentle mega giantesses.
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2. The particular feeling of helplessness that causes you to become completely reliant on the giantess is what does it for me.
2 3 4 1

I'd prefer for the world to stay convininetly sized for her

1 2 3 4 actually. Nothing against shrink but I like gentle GIANTESSES for a reason.
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the only thing worse than a tourist
a giant tourist
prefer 1
3 and 4 can be acceptable depending on the artist/scenario
2 is for retards that want to be eaten by an ant

Second this order.
I'm worried about the mouse boy. That cat girl owns a Playstation.
2, 3, and 4. Either for shrinking or a general size difference. For 1, I mainly only enjoy it for the body of the character- a general porn perspective.
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This is my vote, too. The smaller the better, but for growth I prefer mini-gts.
That's his room and Playstation, not hers. He's gotten a visit from his favorite catgirl idol, but the reality turned out to be a lot more intimidating than his fantasies.
been trying to find this for a loooong time, anybody got the name? Artist? Link?
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Not a garter lamia guy myself but I saw this and thought of you bozos.
It's jus Microne Magazine 6.
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Being pestered by giant tourists? Just say no. You aren't legally bound to act as their tour guide if they pick you up.
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>It is time for your bath, young master
Oh, I misinterpreted the picture. I just noticed the body pillow on the left as well. Then I'm doubly worried for him, because now he'll get teased for having no game.
>Can't we shower instead?
2 3 4 1. Not really into growth, I'd rather her attention be on me than the rest of the city. Plus having normal sized objects used to compare against a tiny is really hot
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Giant witches = giant bitches
Any giantess with a wide-brimmed floppy hat should be immediately distrusted.
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Anti-witch propaganda. There is nothing wrong with trusting a wide-brimmed hat witch. In fact, you should sign any and all contracts they bring you.
(Different anon)

Yeah, but then I feel bad. And also, I have issues seeing people struggling with something I know how to do. And quite frankly I care much more about feeling bad than the law.
2 and it's not even close
2tards don't even have a giantess fetish and should make a gentle shrink thread instead
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Use the archive: https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/d.desu.meta/subject/giantess/text/mask/

Here's the thread:
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>"A giantess who is not wearing a wide-brimmed hat can be trusted!"
>Last known words of Anon before signing a contract and disappearing with a giant witch.
Remember that the only reason witches are giants in the first place is because they stole the height from a poor horny fool.
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somewhere between 2 and 3, so I guess nendoroid/doll sized seems more personal/intermediate rather then a whole city of tiny people.
2 >> 4 >>>>> 1 >>> 3

I definitely vastly prefer Shrink and the personalized interactions it enables, but Mini GTS is also fairly GOATed. Would love to be "forced" to give a girl standing cunnilingus as she pushes me into a corner and pulls her panties to the side and commands me to service her, only to struggle on my tip toes, craning my neck up to reach her pussy.

But the 2-3ft shrink sizes I just find weird. I cannot get behind them at all, so I would definitely prefer a mega GTS over them. Honestly if 3 were like 8 inches taller or smaller it would be fine. It just hits this weird no-go zone for me.
Silly natives, she's YOUR tour guide. You're about to be taking a tour of her body, ending with an overnight stay inside her pussy.

How would you like her eggs? Scrambled, fried, or fertilized?
please let this be a normal field trip...
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"Before you go anon, you have to eat all the eggs."

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Giant women need headpats too.
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Fuck the giantesses, tinies deserve their monopoly on headpats.
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Now look at what you've done, anon.
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>emotions control a women's height
A terrible idea given the bipolar nature of womens emotions, but being able to calm a distraught growing giantess and make her shrink by giving her head pats is a cute thought.
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Her fear is understandable. Tinies have an extremely venomous bite.
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I heard the shrinking virus is contagious.
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>ywn experience giant elven pussy
How is it different from giant human pussy?
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Pointier ears.
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It's magic infused?

I love this concept, I only ever saw it done with that one greentext where the guy took the tubes up to meet humans was found by a girl who didn't know what tines were and then accidentally tortured him for years. Then when they met again she was a wreck. That and Jess's friend from Mixing sizes.

I'd love to see any other examples of a regular woman absolutely freaking out and being petrified of a tiny guy.
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One of my fav greens from this thread had similar beats. Despite humanity being incredibly cute and small versus the rest of the galactic community, they were accidentally designated as the most highly venomous and poisonous species, giving them such a deadly reputation that there is a Do Not Contact rule regarding Earth.
A giantess mob boss abducts a human because she wants one as a weapon, but finds out about the lie. Instead, she uses him to persuade/threaten other aliens to do what she wants or she will unleash her tiny human on them. It was a fun twist on the HFY trope.
kek, I remember that one. One of those ones that I still think about every now and again
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>Grows randomly depending on stress level
I love her already
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>Giantess gf that grows with stress
>Tiny bf that shrinks with stress
>If one grows/shrinks, it stresses the other one out
>Feedback loop
shes so cute
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This is where all tinies belong, they will be safe and warm when they’re on their giantess’s nipples. How many times am I going to have to say this??
>"Look, General, shooting at my wife will only make her grow bigger. Back off and let me talk to her."
4 is the only option
Need more visual demonstration please, maybe testimonials as well
All wrong, the obvious answer is that Elf pussy smells and tastes kinda like fruit instead of fish.

I went down on this Elf Knight just last week and I swear she tasted like kiwi.
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Confess your love to your giantess crush now! She's too shy to ask you out so she's waiting for you!
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I want to get bullied by Übel
Big witches are cute
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What about my rejection sensitivty?
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>tfw brob girl does a lilli " house unboxing" (it's my house)
Anon, the very next page she eats him.
I dont give a shit about the next page
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You'll never know if you don't take the chance.
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>"Time to open up another little lootbox!"
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>"ma'am please put me down"
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love me some gentle stressed giant office ladies
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>"Remember, they're more scared of you than you are of them"
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>hips wider than her shoulders
unf tier thickness
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Three and two are about equal for me, but I would choose three if I had to. I am not a fan of skyscraper+-sized GTS. The only exception is when she's "normal-sized" and I'm just tiny.

You'd be scared as shit if someone showed you a tiny if you've never seen one before. You'd also panic if they got on your face.
I can't see this happening. You would need to have a reality where humanity was less creative, and not have cultures around the world think up stuff like fairies and giants. That means we also wouldn't have hot monstergirl and cool monsterboy designs. Pretty grim if you ask me.
fuck off homo
Learn 2 read, faggot.
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Clearly it’s the best place for them, so what if their giantess decides to squeeze every last drop of cum out of them? They do it because they care!
How does lacatation factor into this?
But tiny people are stamina filled creatures with insane endurance, it's likely that shed tire out before the little guy did, no matter how much she was making him cum with her tits!
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It’s a case by case basis, if they do tire out after cumming for an hour then they can cuddle against her nipple.

Clearly the tiny will have everything he needs from his giantess, he won’t even have to leave her nipple!
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wish Sakura was that busty

The best pairing for size scenarios is cat girls and mouse-boys. There's so much baked in potential.
Actually, I have an idea for someone who writes about a pair of parents adopting both a cat girl and a mouse boy at the same time and the ensuing chaos.

I see two options. One, both are constantly fighting their instincts and doing their damndest to not make things weird.

Or two, the girl is super afraid of mice and doesn't want to hurt the guy, meanwhile the guy of course has a vore fetish and keeps tempting her.
>ywn be an Ultra Rare tiny in the TTG (Tiny Trading Game)
>Get acquired by some late 20s NEET that's been collecting tinies since she was a kid
>Stored and displayed on her shelf along with all of her other Ultra Rares

What makes you an Ultra Rare Tiny, anons? An I don't just mean the gold foil they put you in when the factory packaged you in the booster set.
The potential of failure is enough to deter me. She would deserve someone more confident. This would be true even if she were my size.
Factory defect? Two of my toes are in the wrong order
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>Mouse boy and cat girl
>No Tom and Jerry antics
Missed opportunity
>tfw no cat girl constantly trying to smuggle you around in her bra
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>anon cant confess to his giant crush
>she is struggling as well
>meanwhile the giga sized extroverted best friend is egging them on and trying to get her friends to express their feelings for each other
>the rest of the mixed sized city is hoping the ice will break soon so they don't have to deal with the looming giga giantess towering above them all

The antics definitely occur, it's just after a while. The initial chapters would be all about either of those two scenarios playing out, while any followup would be Tom and Jerry antics playing out.
>The overwhelming desire to be so small and so close to a woman's face, that I can only see a single feature at once
>One eye or a pair of lips taking up my entire field of view
New thread:

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