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"What the hell happened here?" edition.

prev thread: >>11063568
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oh fuck source???
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Imagine getting pounded by these monster meat sticks
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Stupid sexy paladin and his slurpable dick
Sauce on these?
phoenixlamarrr/zfurious i think their twitter is nuked though
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Someone posted picrel last thread but I wanted to source it.

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I think the world would be a better place if every woman was a cute shortstack with gigantic melons and every man was a cute femboy with rods that are physically impossible to conceal.
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Wrong, hungboys belong to amazonian girls belong to hungboys.
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My precious husbando...
Could be bigger...
>Wishes he were more masculine
>Only notably manly thing is big schmeater
Suffering from success
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New Lambrey art just dropped.
i want to see him get his cock head massively overstimulated when he cums
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can the request anon help me with text plz i'm ESL
not the requester but probably something like

>"I wish I was more manly"
>"It worked!"
>"Oh, well. This is way better"
>"Wishing well-sama, I'm tried of getting bullied by my classmates. Please make me manlier"

>"It's actually happening!"

>"Oh well, at least I know exactly how to get them to stop now~"

>"I guess I'm the bull-y now~
Heyyy, I remember asking for this.
Keep up the good work.
I lost my folder but I just wanna bump the thread and say there is a terrible lack of media focusing on hung femboys. Really makes me sad.
Sorry if this is an inappropriate place for this but I’m tired of looking. I’m working on a smut story where the MC is a Femboy(original I know) but I have a kink for straight femboys.

He has pitch black hair and almost white skin and his lips are lavender. So are his nipples cock head and asshole.

Would it be gay to have his character arc deal with his view of his masculine self? Like he keeps getting pushed until he asserts himself? I have this whole sequence where an Amazon that joins his team teases him and they fight, he wins(Magnets) and he basically rapes her but not really because she is an Amazon.

Thoughts on that would be nice and also what sort of situations do you like to see femboys in? Again it’s research for a story. Also again sorry if this is an inappropriate place, I feel like feedback here would be more genuine and kinky so please unload
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tell me if it good so i can post the full version
maybe a couple extra strips of torn shorts fabric to emphasize the action of the cock breaking out
but yeah it good
also maybe correct the last speech bubble, adding the quotation mark and period at the end ("Oh, well. This is way better.")
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desu i prefer doing anothers drawing than adding a couple strip and redraw stuff
Wait, is this your OC?
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yes already draw a bit of him but i dont have a name for it
i took the request since it could a cool way to explain how he got hung
He's a cute.
Thanks i wanted a bit goth femboy the other one i have look too much like astoflo
hell yeah, love him.
>Would it be gay to have his character arc deal with his view of his masculine self?
Bro this whole thread is a little gay. Don't worry about it.
>Would it be gay to
Bro it's the year of our lord 2024. This is a thread about huge dicks. No one cares if its gay.

I think the rape angle is a turnoff actually.
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Punish me with your holy cock first...
How to get into drawing huge dick boys
do you know how to draw ?
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then Rule 1 have fun (it okay to trace and edit if you area begginer )
Rule 2 draw boxes and circle devlop your 3d vision

then try to deconstruct the shape of your favorite artist into boxes and shape

learn proportion and study your favorite artist
learn anatomy and redo above
and keep drawing ,have fun and dont think too hard about perfection
>Would it be gay
But I like that.
Unlike the other anon I like the rape idea though. Cute boys don't need to ask for consent!
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New Rizdraws
>Post-trans Bridget
At least put the femboy headband on them.
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>femboy headband
is that a thing ?
Older Bridget designs had a O-> on the headband denoting the fact that at the time Bridge identified as male.
With Strive, Bridget now wears a O+> symbol that is a combination of both the male and female symbols denoting they don't identify as male anymore.
But then again Japan's artistic heritage via stuff like Kabuki theater means a lot of character elements that are literally a part of character design, like personality color theory, gets lost on western consumers.
oh yeah i have noticed that
yeah sadly western companies used to do this too

so femboy head band is just the one he had before strive right ?
where's he posting these days?
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I really like this character. By far his best.
I hate earrings.
I thought that was the futanari symbol. Weird as hell for him to use it.

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