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Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
What's the dumbest/weirdest thing you've put up your ass?

Previous thread >>11088867

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

>What's the lighter test?
It's a way to know if your chinesium toy is in fact silicone. Follow this guide:

>Anon’s Guide to Knotting

>Say hello

>Sock & Condom Stretching

>Anon does the math with J-Lube
>JLube Testing by /ftt/ ScienceAnon

>Cleaning techniques and alternative methods

https://youtu.be/9pSzsx3NwIs [Embed]

>Slim Shell Mold Making Tutorial (DIY Dildos)
Oh thank god it's back. What's the point of putting things in my butt if there's no one to tell.
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what happened to the last thread? last i remember it only had 70 posts
About half the boards on 4chan got purged because a mod fucked up.
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Which of these three would be best?
Currently using a MHT Cyrus King Medium on my hismith but I would like to go a bit bigger without going broke, what would be a good recommendation (would like a similar style as in it's getting bigger further down) - also would buy from Europe. Currently I would just wait for the next john thomas toys discount and see if I find something to my liking as topped toys and MHT is just so damn expensive and don't offer any discounts outside of canada day or your own birthday.
Fuck the retard mod who trying to suppress analgasm celebratory thread
Topped Toys is not expensive, get a job retard
I’m starting to play with my sigmoid a bit. Today there was some fresh blood on my toy afterwards. Can you get hemorrhoids way up in there? Maybe it was from lower down. I thought I used plenty of lube... Either way I plan on taking a break of course.
>qotd Squiggly mr Potato head arm and ramune bottle
where do you buy cheap chastity cage?
... did the base of the arm fit in the top of the bottle for extra depth?
Anyone have Jim Benson's Heartgasm book? I read it a long time ago, as a part of a piratebay ebook sex stuff collection, and can't seem to find it again. I think its the one on awakenedmasculine.com/program/ , but I'm not sure.

I know the stuff in that book worked, as I did it to great success, but I forgot how to do it. It was similar to mindgasm stuff, except the instructions were a lot more clear and the results a lot more immediate.

I'm also wondering if there are any remnants of older 'full body orgasm' or 'multiple orgasm' stuff around. I remember the old net had a lot more information on that sort of thing, such as relaxing your core and pelvic floor instead of tightening it like 99.999% of people do, or spreading arousal through your body, so it's not clamped up in a tiny area, but it's impossible to find now.

There was a lot more stigma around the gay and anal obsessed crowd back then. Since they were seen more as perverted fetishists than people actually interested in understanding the male body. I can't say they were proven wrong, given how many people struggle with anal induced prostate orgasms despite anal being the primary focus now. But places like these are one of the few where the subject of male orgasms is still relevant, so I hope someone can help.

I very distinctly remember not needing to stick anything in my ass to experience very pleasurable sensations and releases, and I would hope there is interest in that sort of thing.
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My gape keeper 85 arrived today. Just holding it made me horny as fuck. I almost feel bad for the abuse my hole is going to receive.
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Not sure if I make a new thread about custom made dildos so I decided to just post here... I took a HELL of a scare yesterday. I finally took my custom made Mandy horse-knotted dildo all the way to the hilt the second time, but from a different angle, it wasn't painful, I had longer and thicker dildos before, but when It came out I was bleeding a lot. I never bleed so much from the arse before. I had no pain, for I second I thought "this is it" but eventually I calmed down and realized some vein got popped when the knot was pushed out violently by my muscles unknotting. Definitely very scary. I still haven't gotten to the bathroom since I decided to skip lunch today, Anyone with lots of bleeding from hemorrhoid's have some tips of precautions and care when you bleed a lot?

I was planning on 3d pritting and recasting this toy with slightly updated knot and base dimensions and one of the priorities will definitely make a softer 00-20 outer skin which should avoid all these issues. This one ended about A-00 (00-50 outside)
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/chastegen/ can help you with chastity questions. ( It's always Aliexpress, Ebay or Amazon for cheap sextoys )
I write and make 3D art/porn, and I'd like to think I can just sit down with a cup of coffee and write smut, but...nothing gets the creative juices flowing like having an uncomfortably inflated plug crushing my prostate and stretching my hole for an hour or two, leading up to several machine-assisted prostate orgasms. Every time I get a little TOO horny or hard, I give the inflation bulb a squeeze, and get back writing and modeling. Does anybody else make the best of their warmup? You should.
I wouldn't say they're expensive from an affordability standpoint, but I would say they're overpriced. A $10 banana isn't unaffordable, but it's also a major rip off.
Go to the doctor
Slime followed by horse cock
Oh well if you're gonna do retard math where you cherry pick an expensive number to start with instead of seeing median or average toy price

That price point is for the huge toys while you're acting like they're asking 200 for a 6 incher
Feeling real tempted by that huge realistic dong an anon posted in the last thread... I can get it on Amazon for $70...
My butt still slightly stings from stretching it too much with 2 fingers from a few days ago ):

Will it get worse if I ignore it or must I wait even longer? There's no blood or anything. I've already endured the herculean task of not inserting my fingers into my anus for three (3) days.
There was brief discussion of the American health insurance industry in the last thread and now I'm writing the primer for a nonprofit organization that has a high likelihood of me being taken out like a Boeing whistleblower if I ever get the thing up and running.
Anyone here tried the Lelo Loki Wave?
He was comparing toppedtoys prices to MHT, which are a pretty cheap option. Toppedtoys price ranges are pretty similar to Bad Dragon outside of their Gape Keeper line. Hilt and Fenrir are around the same sizes have a similar cost, while a centaur from MHT is about 25% cheaper than an equivalent Vector or Chance. Not sure I'd call them expensive though, you'd pay more for a good CPU or monitor, and the sex toy will probably last longer.
I don't buy shit from TT, I just googled "topped toys" and took the first result, which I stated. Hardly cherry picked but even if you take a $100 toy, that's still ~6-7 hours of labor for the average american which is hardly insignificant considering all the other higher priority expenses in life.
The expensive part is because it's a total luxury item, as opposed to a cpu/monitor/phone/food/whatever. The exception, of course, being if youre on OF or similar. On top of that, you'll probably use it less than 100 hours a year, and that's pretty generous unless you're a complete degenerate or, again, do sex for money.
I've been making my own lately. It's probably more expensive (for worse quality) cause I suck at it but it's more fun too.
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Unless it was serious to begin with (more than a few droplets of blood) I'd say you're fine, just go easy and try to figure out what's causing the pain. If it's stinging because there's an unhealed abrasion or cut, leave it for some more time, otherwise continue as long as the stinging doesn't get any worse. Ideally it should subside pretty quickly.
>Can you get hemorrhoids way up in there
no. at that point, you'd get fissures. cuts. it's dangerous. and now that you have one you will bleed out slowly and die.
they may not be expensive per se, but when compared to other toys of the same quality and size, especially during sales, it's not a good deal. other toy companies have sales all the time, TT only ever does 2 sales per year and it's the same 20% off. it's super mediocre.
the ONLY toy company they beat is squarepeg because spt is a bunch of overpriced greedy fucks
What are some cool e-stim setups?
Did my best to hunt it down; this is all I could find: https://fliphtml5.com/zrvw/uibd/basic

But there are many "resellers" of the full course content, the cheapest asks being from:
and sketchier yet cheaper still:

If you're able and willing to gamble 9-20 odd bucks for it, I'm sure we'd all appreciate a mega link. (Consider it karma for losing it in the first place, or a tip for my brining it back to you :p)
>5 kilo plug
damn, imagine the grip he has to keep that in
Why are there so many things that can go wrong with your ass?
because, despite god doing a funny and putting the cum button there, the ass usually only has things go out of it.
Also it's a hole to your insides, and despite all the safeguards, it's a tad delicate normally
Someone should make weighted squat plugs. I'd buy a set of ass weights.
Bad dragon abuses animals though

>iTs NoT cHeRrY pIcKiNg
Bitch you chose something knowing it was expensive
Lying shill sperg
U must smoke a lot of crack to be this blind

i'm only really just getting into estim as well, but you could try one of those estim plugs/massagers and see if you even like the feeling. they usually vibrate too so if you don't end up liking it they'll still have some use over a tens unit that you'll leave in your closet or throw away.

the next real step would be a dg labs coyote box. comes with its own phone software or you can use xtoys. can load audio files, sync to videos, have someone else control it, etc. you'll have to experiment with different electrodes and placement to find what you really like. there's really nothing comparable to the coyote until you're spending 3 or 4 times the price

diy is also an option if you're handy with electronics
So does Mcdonalds, but I still eat nuggies. Stop pretending to care about the ethics of a company or the people employed at it. They sell a product, if the product is good, that's all that matters.
in terms of what's gonna feel best when it's violating you at high speeds and intensity, 3, 4 and 5. the rest are personal preference.
Got a job, call it overpriced then for all I care. JTT has deals 24/7. And while TT has a warehouse in the EU so not import tax bullshit, they barely have any sales (I only know of canada day) and outside of that, just cost more compared to for example JTT or MHT.

I also mentioned the size of toy I am currently using and mentioned I was interested in getting a larger toy, so your price was on the lower end on what I had been looking at.
How slowly? As long as I have time for another session, that’s nbd.
is there like a generic excersize routine that would help with stamina for anal masturbating? all the fun positions are hard, and I don't have enough time to get practice those positions during anal stuff to make them comfortable. other then general cardio what excersizes would yall reccomend?
>Bad dragon abuses animals though
and you fantasize about doing the same so hop off your high horse nigger
Squatting. Obviously
Wanting another dildo that focus on the prostate and tantus p-spot looks perfect for what I want but I need something to suction to the shower wall. It says it's compatible but I don't see anything about what to get and if it functions well for that purpose.
These were 2 separate occasions
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I don't know how effective this is but sometimes I kneel on my bed and just practice the motion of riding cowgirl without inserting anything
>weighted squat plugs
>kettlebell plugs
>resistance band plugs
We might be onto a whole new paradigm of exercise equipment here.
>resistance band plugs
I'm imagining 2 plugs connected by a resitance band. 2 people put them in and thrust their hips away from each other while clenching down to hold the plugs in. That's an awesome idea.
Any of yall with a Hismith, what speed to you typically keep it at for the longest? Last time I used mine I kept it around 30 since that was hitting everything I wanted.
somebody please help me cum from my ass using a njoy wand, they all say to rake lightly or do nothing, neither of those work for me. I never get this overwhelming sensation people talk about
Depends on genetics and how long you've been doing this for. If you've had butt orgasms before I dunno what to tell you. But if you haven't had any type yet, then just keep at it and keep following advice and stuff in this thread. Takes a long time to sensitise your prostate and get anywhere for a lot of us. Others just seem built for it.
Around 20-30. Highest I've ever gone is 60 for like thirty seconds. Once it's going that fast though it doesn't even really feel all that good.
It's not about speed though. Once I'm an hour+ into blasting my ass, having it at 10-15 and slowly rubbing against my prostate sends me fucking screaming.

People say they're really beginner friendly and I think that's utter bullshit. I've had one for a few years and I've never had any success with it, I reckon you've gotta be a prostate wizard to get anything happening with them.
Only thing that's ever worked for me is shoving a big fat dildo up my ass, kinda impossible to miss.
Not the anon you replied to, but isn't the Hismith a fuck machine? You could just strap anything to it and let it fuck yoi. I dunno why you'd need to be a wizard for that. Are you thinking of an aneros? That's more often the reaction I see to those.
I don't wanna be gross but I'm curious about the science of this. Ever since I started doing size stuff, my shits are so goddamn wide. Now are the plugs widening the cavity behind my sphincter? Or are shits always that big but now my anus can stretch further so they don't come out compressed. Apologies again, just interested in the effects on my body.
>want to have an analgasm
>too goonbrained not to jerk off
>buy biggest chastity cage I can find
>arrives, can't get it around my cock
I'm going to fucking kill myself bros, this is the second time I've bought one of these fucking things and they've not even been close to fitting.
Anybody know where really big dick mfers can get chastity cages from?
i have no experience with that problem
I'm retarded I meant to reply to this guy
You're supposed to put it on flaccid idiot
>Anal tug of war
This can't be a new fetish right?
How big flacid we talking? Maybe your technique is off or maybe you are just an ogre that cannot be contained. I know I felt too big when I got into chastity but after a while I worked out how to get in and out of the cage real easy. It's amazing how much you can squish back into your body.
I'm almost certain I've seen it in a doujin. At least it's appearing my head right now in that art style. Wild if no one has thought of that before. I'm thinking 2 female doms in leather standing looking down at their traps kneeling on the bed pulling and the one who lets go first gets some sort of punishment.
Oh right yeah, I got nothing then. Never tried one. I imagine you need to be so sensitive for stuff like that to work.
I don't really know my measurements but I managed to send my ex to the doctors office one time so yeah, even flaced pretty fucking big.
I'm pretty sure I'm not putting it on wrong, it's just that I have too much girth to actually get my shit through the ring.
Measure it then, you nonce. If girth is the issue, don't get one that goes around your dick. Get a nub or something similar that flattens your dick into your body and only the tip is in the cage itself, then secure it to your body with a strap.
Oh actually you're having trouble with the ring. I mean 1 nut at a time, then maybe apply some lube and slip it through. It should be possible. I've seen dudes with massive cocks have cock rings on in porn. Dicks are spongey, you can squish it a fair bit to get in.
Hopefully I got better. Still a little stingy tough, gonna take a break for at least 15 days, unfortunately.
u in denial bro
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Tried putting it on again just now. Lube helped, but I still can't even squeeze the entirety of the head into it. I'm also uncut, so the skin eventually bulged out to the point where I just physically couldn't move it any further. That's probably for the best though, because if I had managed to get it on, I'm not sure it would've been that easy getting it off once the lube inside the cage had dried up.

Also measured my diameter to be 5.4cm and the ring is about 3.8cm from the inside. Starting to think my dick is just too big for me to cum like a bitch bros.
Get a bidet!
They're insanely cheap and easy to install on a pre-existing toilet. with a single purchase and some rudimentary tools you can abandon toilet paper, and your asshole will thank you every time you hop on a dildo. An absolute gamechanger for less than 75$. My hemorrhoids disappeared within a week!
3.8 sounds too small. Maybe it was a 4.0 size ring. The first I bought had 40mm as its size and I needed to upgrade to a 45mm. Also I dunno how to actually measure girth so not even sure how big yours is in comparison.
Big bidet at it again.
Bidet is outdated. We use a small hose here in Brasil and is much better than a bidet. Even better than japanese smart toilets because the water pressure is much higher and you direct yourself the direction of the water jet.
I'm 5.7cms wide at the thickest, 16cms circunference which is 0,1% percentil of males. I wanted to try a cockring and didnt eve bother buying one. I 3d printed a cock ring in plastic specific for my own dimensions. Plastic can be cut too if you get stuck. Pretty sure you can find chastity belts to be 3d printed and outsource it for cheap locally.
the ultimate /fit/ setup
squat for leg training, plug for asshole tightness, weighted armbands for arms, weights on penis for erection strenght
Americunt here, this is what I think of when I think of "bidet". Basically an anatomically friendly water gun and valve attached to a shower hose. Works amazingly.
Not effective just gay
70 ish if it's a good long hard fuck

I prefer running patterns for variation across time and synced with videos is kino
Decent bait, you got several retards believing your larp
Shill stfu
Would not taking psyllium for some time help a fissure heal
Was it this thread that talked about nipple training?

Question about bidets, isn't it cold water though?!
That is terminal buttslutery.
Shoved a small toy up my ass and when I took it out there was what looked like bloody stool. It could also be beetroot but I ate that like 3 hours ago.
Should I see a doctor?
I have bled often when going hard with big toys. It's fine.
temu unironically has the highest quality ones (fully metallic) and they are much cheaper than low quality ones found elsewhere.
Anyone have recommendations for anal play instruction/encouragement? I've gotten so close to getting over the hump but I'm someone that really benefits from that encouragement style of porn. Unfortunately 99.9% of what I find is "you're a sissy faggot suck black dicks" which is NOT helpful, I just like playing with my butt
made progress today

i've been trying to take the knot of picrel for weeks, but ive never gotten any closer

i recently found i'd accidentally broke one of my toys in storage so i bought a replacement
Got a big glass plug thats peaks at about the same size as the knot

an hour later, and im taking the plug so easy you wouldnt believe it was my pb and i actually managed to slip the knot in too

i couldnt keep it in though, as soon as it slipped in i couldnt even focus i was just thinking about how stretched my hole was and how good it felt, it just shot out of me
and i couldnt get it back in either

i'm determined, a couple more weeks and ill be needing a new knot to set my sights on
show eyes.
he's lying, youre gonna burst out of your asshole like a dam of blood
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Anyone have any experience with watching sissy hypno while high? Really planning on mind breaking myself next week
I have a detachable shower hose with jet functions and use it on my ass every time I shower. Already used it on my anus twice today. Way better and more powerful than a bidet, not even close.
based. i can kinda relate. when going to bed and am too lazy to fap but not quite ready to doze off, i lie face down and fantasize about getting ass fucked prone bone style and mimic a few bottom gestures. the idea of getting fucked to sleep (and continuing to get fucked as i sleep) is a very cozy and relaxing thought for me, helps if i sleep handcuffed and in chastity
/three/ was mainly 5 year old threads and now they've been anally gigafucked
Do you just waffle stomp it or do you go back to the toilet?
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thanks to good food and psylium husk, my ass is never that dirty in the first place. i shit and then i wash the little wet brown droplet residues out
The opposite.
knots are a huge step up, it's like double the girth within one or two inches. you will train much quicker on a toy that tapers out to the base slower, or with sequentially girthier toys. congrats though, must have felt amazing.
See a farmer first, validate the beetroot story
>Cheapest but also good quality

Haaave you met lead
No but I'll take any recommendations
But they feel so good to pop inside
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I share one exercise and people assume I'm a hopeless bottom slut with an itchy prostate. I am, but normal people can work on their stamina too.
I have one of those older gold round hismith machines, ive never actually been able to get it to work all that well.
What are your positions, and how do you keep it in place?
Lie on my back, machine set low with a slight incline thrust

What are those old gold ones like though, might be a limitation of the design
Tried it a number of months ago, but I quit weed two months ago.
Get yourself some blue dream, cart or flower; or any other high strength sativa strain, smoke it and take some cbd tincture, which helps relax muscles, and top it with a few hits from a hybrid-indica dominant cart, you'll be set then
After blazing, or while blazing, you'll slip into an almost bambi state quick and easy if you let it.
Plus, since sativa intensifies sensation, cbd oil relaxes muscles, and indica makes you feel good, you'll be able to ride larger or faster.

I can almost guarantee that you will cum in less than ten minutes.
oh so good, first ever knot so didnt know what to expect but it delivered
whole body was on fire
ass screaming from the stretch, my head was spinning, my guts were crushed
i didnt finish there but if i did i feel like i woulda died
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Well I did it boys, I have booked a session with a prodomme
once you get a new PB you gotta wrap up the session be careful

English only or do you know JP?
There's a lot more content there if it's something you can understand.
Depends. Cheap options are cold water only, but nicer ones warm through the seat or have small tanks. Mine has warm water and dryer, both adjustable temps. And the seat is also heated so it's like giving your cheeks a hug every time you sit down. honestly life changing, will never go back.

Oh and also get a squatty potty/shit stool. can help reduce risk of hemorrhoids as well
Where can I find it???
NTA but I know JP and desperately need this in my life
Please report back your experience ! I'm thinking about doing the same.
I always treated it as a workout
Push the limits then go for a cool down lap on something small
Never failed me yet and having the biggest I can then going back to a “realistic sized” dildo just helps me feel more like a buttslut from it not stretching me at all
god bless anons from a few threads ago discussing cleaning techniques. i used to basically go through colonoscopy prep every time I wanted to fuck my ass which meant I could only do it a few times a year and needed to go on a liquids-only diet for a full day which was a huge commitment. i will concede that that was excellent for shoving 19 inch dildos into my colon, but when I just want to ride a dildo for a night it wasn't justifiable. anyway now all i gotta do is flush my ass with a solo cup worth of water and (key point) wait 15 minutes to make sure everything's good.

tonight i rode a silicone plug and wore a vibrating cock ring and watched porn until I turned into a drooling idiot. will be doing this a lot more in the future.
>(key point) wait 15 minutes
do you wait with the water IN your ass, or is that 15 minutes after the water is out
asking because i might be retarded and only now realizing that you aren't in fact meant to hold it inside you and feel like you got a hentai cumshot in you
Not that anon, so interested to hear his response, but I have a bulb thing of water that I squeeze in and hold for a minute before emptying. But doing that it can take like an hour of doing that to be clean enough. Maybe I'm putting the water in too deep or too much though?

How are you putting the cup of water in?
Not him but he probably means wait 15 mins after. For a shallow clean it doesn't need to be in there longer than a minute. I wait 30 mins after cleaning. And it really shouldn't take an hour if you're controlling your diet. Just do it twice, wait 30 minutes and trust your body. I feel like the "keep doing it until it runs clear" thing is a rookie mistake. If you keep doing it, you'll eventually cause stool to shift that's further up that you didn't need to clean out unless you were going for depth.
>For a shallow clean it doesn't need to be in there longer than a minute.
oh. Well thats good to know for my future sessions
and since im asking questions and getting answers already, a 'shallow clean' should probably be enough for going 6~7-ish inches deep right? It's definitely enough for me to just do it casually in a shower and mayby have some fingering fun later in bed, but i want to know if it means i could do some buttfucking after-shower as well
>Control your diet
Come on anon.....but yeah, I guess a few days before you want to play, start just eating veggies and no bad stuff. Or maintain that diet for being more ready to go any day.

Yeah, I was doing the keep going till it runs clear. And even after doing that, I then had about 15 mins of play before more turned up!
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I see alot of Anons avoiding meat and wanted to share my experience on carnivore diet, because I can get flawless results with no issues and I find it relates more to the timing and consistency than anything.

I have two eating windows, the first is early in the day, breakfast is eggs and a banana, then at midday I close my first eating window with psyllium in a protein shake (with milk).

My second eating window opens at 7pm, I eat steak: about 200g of red meat, with avocado and cheese.

This is my every day diet. I have a fair amount of milk and coffee (no sugar) during the day.

Generally around 9pm I'll have a naturally induced movement. From there, I'll give it a bit, then begin a standard clean out procedure.
(Using a lube shooter to inject two tubes of water, I'm six foot, two lube-shooters worth of water seems to be about the right amount for my body. I rub my abdomen, do walking knee raises, bend and touch toes.)
This will usually evacuate any remaining solids, if there are no solids I might do a couple extra just to check water is clean, but not do too many. I try to have a small period of waiting before another blast or getting started, but I have good results.
Your mileage may vary.
Additionally: I take zinc supplements to improve the orgasm, my blood type predisposes me to a meat diet by having high stomach acidity.

TL;DR: If you are timed consistently and use appropriate amounts of psyllium and water you can eat meat with no downsides to anal.
>And even after doing that, I then had about 15 mins of play before more turned up
Yeah, the water is getting in the sigmoid. 3 reasons that can happen. Too much water and it overflows into it, push the water in too hard and it'll blast into it and leave it in too long and it'll find its own way up into there. So your safest option is low amounts of water at a low pressure for a short amount of time. Do that twice, and you should be good to go in 15-30 mins. Also sit on the toilet for a bit longer and really make sure you've got all the water out.

And by controlling your diet I mostly mean taking fibre supplements, not snacking, eating familiar foods you know don't disturb your stomach and if you can replace lunch with liquid. I have a pretty filling smoothie for lunch and it usually means I'm pretty much empty by night.

>a 'shallow clean' should probably be enough for going 6~7-ish inches deep right
Yeah easy. My dildo is 8 inches and I've never had problems with it after I worked out my cleaning regime.
For anyone looking for a surface to stick a dildo to, I can highly recommend laying a stand up mirror on the ground. Just tried then and it worked perfectly. It's quite a thin one as well so it's not awkward to put my legs and hands either side.
Is fibre supplements the only way? What if I consume just pure vegetables? Like all bran for breakfast, lettuce, chickpeas, etc?
Psyllium husk is just too powerful. I'm sure alternatives exist, you just won't find a better source of fibre pound for pound. Just 2 teaspoons of metamucil a day makes my shits so regular. Start taking protein supplements during the day which induces shits the next day and metamucil at night to bind those shits and the next day you have a perfectly formed log of everything you ate the previous day that just slides out no fuss.

> Carnivore diet

> banannas and avocados

You wot m8
Any safety risks, side effects? This is just a fetish I don't want health risks.

But also I have a gf that this is all being kept on the quiet from so needs to be kept on the DL
Great English but probably ESL.
He clearly meant omnivore or "a diet that can include meat, you don't have to cut it out". Nitpick less.
I also eat meat but I'm not as strict as this anon about it with a seemingly strict schedule. I normally eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning which helps things a lot.
Eating fiber supplements is normal for people who want regular bowel movements or struggle with bowel movements to begin with. Not a doctor but I'm not aware of any adverse health issues with psyllium husk. Personally, I'd just tell your gf the truth but if she asks you can just say it's for better poops, which is true, but still a lie by omission.
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why would anyone specify being on an omnivore diet when that's already the human default
i mean if you're putting this much effort into a routine, of course you're going to have very reliable results. i would bet 99% of anons on here don't adhere to a schedule like this or if they do, don't tweak it towards an ideal.
>Any safety risks, side effects?
Nah dude, it's literally just a plant that's really good at binding your poop. You can buy metamucil in the supermarket. It's a pretty normal health thing. I was using it before getting into anal. For people with any kind of bowel condition like IBS/IBD/diverticulitis or anything that makes you need to poop multiple times a day, it's a life safer.
I try to keep clean as best I can but honestly I dont mind if some shit is on my dildos/toys. Is there a medical concern or is it just cleanliness?

Obviously if I was doing anal with my boyfriend its a different story but for solo I just take a shower, clean myself out and go for it.
Carnivore as in the staple of my diet is steak, not strictly meat and nothing else.
Flexible carnivore.

But overall, I don't think it's necessary to cut out meat. I think it's more about portions and timing.

Yeah, thats my point. The routine brings the benefit. I think a lot of people obsess over the what rather than the when and the how much.
Tweaking towards ideal is necessary to, this is the routine I've arrived at after several years.
Its an adaptation of another Anon's routine.
i haven't used my dick since i got my first dildo a few months ago
is it over for me?
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yeah it's over, full conversion is complete
i still use my dick every now and then but it's not even for pleasure, it's just to get the urge out so i can sleep faster. it feels more like scratching an itch than anything else, i expect the same will be true for you if you ever have a penile relapse
Just cleanliness. Obv don't reach down there, get shit on your hand, then start touching your face/around your eyes, only risk I can think of
I finally took the knot on my Uncover Creations Werewolf dildo! It took so many sessions but I think I'll be able to do it consistently now, I'm so happy
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Half of my sessions I get a little poop on my toys/condoms because I'm too impatient and horny to spend 10-20 mins showering and douching. It's never caused an issue for me, I don't even feel it when fucking myself. I just have to be extra careful not to get any liquid poop residue on any bed sheets
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I've never owned or used a knot, does it feel way better when it's in?
Did like 35mg of edibles so it was a pretty powerful zoot. I felt totally hypnotized while fapping, not a single other thought was running through my head. People often talk about how it relaxes the body but I was surprised at how easy it made me hyperfocus on the act singularly.
extremely based. report back with details when it's over
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>I can almost guarantee that you will cum in less than ten minutes.
Yeah that's kinda what I was hoping for. It's been a long time since I had multiple orgasms and i want to go for it again
Been getting better at mentally disconnecting the arm that's dealing with the toy from the rest of my body. It's acting as a serviceable hold-over until I build out the second floor of my living space and have enough room for a sex machine.
Hopefully I don't accidentally mind-justu myself into alien hand syndrome by being too horny.
Oh yeah, feels fucking amazing
Why does everyone ball tap.
What does that even do.
Isn't it a bit dangerous
Calexotics Power Balls which are supposed to be kegel balls but a lot of reviewers had used as anal beads. I found out the ABS is latex-coated so I set them aside and am wondering if I should throw them out due to porousness?
Each bead has a smaller ball inside it and there's a weird but fun rolly/jiggly feeling. It was mostly odd not pleasurable and they were firm which I don't like as much, but I loved how hyper aware I was of them inside me while walking around. Someone should make a better version with thick enough squishy silicone on the outside and optimize the surface of the inside ball for better (smoother or bouncier) rolling around because at that point it would actually feel really good.
>kegel balls

anon those are anal beads
What part of that did you not understand
Got my hands on the Epichao glass toy mentioned a few threads ago. Saw it as a sign, seeing as it was in my saved for later for months now. Way bigger than I thought it would be. I like the fullness, but my smaller glass toys are still better at grinding the bladder/prostate area and driving me crazy. I'll stick with it for a while because I do like it.
Functionally almost, but a lot of kegel balls aren't even on a string (like ben wa balls or whatever they're called). This didn't have a ring or stopper of any kind at the end of the string, nor was it intended for anal use.
anyone have experience using chia seeds instead of or alongside psyllium? haven't really been getting the results i want from psyllium, i'm eating more fiber too.
All of it
sometimes when i'm in bed high and horny i just finger myself with spit and it's so good, in that state my prostate is so firm i only need to tickle the end with one finger to cum
with a dildo it usually takes way more work and everything feels more puffy but the orgasm lasts longer too.
>kegel balls
seriously; if i were a woman my pussy muscles would be able to compress steel.
I'd be training those things all the time
Some unsolicited advice based on my personal psyllium experiences:
> 1. Check your dose
I take 2 x 500mg pills with 250ml of water, which works well for me. Powders are easy to mismeasure, but I am stupid so ymmv.
> 2. Try different times
I've had better results taking it 30-60 mins before an evening meal. Most days I forget though and take it before I brush my teeth for bed and poop early morning.
> 3. Help it work
Extra fibre helps, but it isn't always a full fix. Make sure you still eat veggies and stay hydrated!
> 4. Douches are still key
Fibre will make cleaning much easier, but it won't always remove the need to douche. I still do three modest rinses before play, and that's usually enough for me; without psyllium it's a dozen minimum with no guarantees against accidents.

> TL;DR: Make sure you're maximizing your psyllium use before adding more fibre. Fibre is not a 100% fix, and if you keep adding more you run the risk of severe constipation.
>I thought I used plenty of lube...
You are forcibly stretching out your guts, even if there is enough lube you can still bleed a little. Little being the critical part: a few flecks or dots that stop after a minute is usually no biggy, but if it's more than that you need to stop for a week. If the bleeding is enough to run or it won't stop then you need to see a doctor.
I'll wait for someone with an IQ above 46 to respond then. Have a nice day.
train your asshole instead; compress poo so hard it turn into diamonds, sell diamonds for sex toys
>What's the dumbest/weirdest thing you've put up your ass?
Unironically my fingers. Everything else has just been a plug or dildo. Then again, I suppose a 13 inch long 2.6 inch wide veiny dildo is probably "weirder" than fingers to some people.
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How come pussy and regular fapping never has me feeling like this?
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Are you talking about smacking/spanking the scrotum?
this is the biggest joke on the male sex. it's a shame most men will never experience ecstasy like this because of their own preconceived notions
>this is the biggest joke on the male sex
What do you mean exactly, the fact our g-spot is in a weird and inaccessible spot or social taboos?
Meant more the first one, but both I guess.
>I can almost guarantee that you will cum in less than ten minutes.
will you be able to keep going for more orgasms or does the THC just make you to tired to continue after one coom?
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>What's the dumbest/weirdest thing you've put up your ass?
the list is very very long. a bunch of sharpies (like 7 or 8 at once), countless hairbrushes, a toilet brush (vaguely clean, but had a fat tapering end that felt really good), a deodorant bottle (a large one, had a nasty ridge on the cap that nearly cut me up pretty bad), a lube bottle (fat end first), an old cellphone that i tried to make vibrate inside me, a banana that i stuffed too hard and it began to squish inside the condom i put on it. there are probably more i am forgetting but my early explorations make me think Freud was right. i was obsessed with stuffing things inside me. if i remember more i will post them. nostalgic
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You can find some through Nipponeseasmr

I find that "A girl who understands mesuiki" (RJ01077021) to be the gold standard, leading you through anal fingering, aneros and then a dildo (pegging) over the course of 1.5 hrs, but there is a fair amount to match your tastes.
Finally broke down and am trying 10mg of THC, this better be good.
If you don't normally weed up, it may take a few tries to get the right sensations
>What's the dumbest/weirdest thing you've put up your ass?
a shaving cream can, which i find very funny, because it was the second thing i ever put up there way back then, aside from mayby the end of a brush
so i essentially went from like, 3~ inches to shoving a 10-inch-ish horse penis-lite up my ass with the power of coconut oil and paitence. Felt REALLY fucking good from what i remember, but it was cold, so i pulled it out after a few seconds of getting it all in
mayby it was destiny that i came here, if i could do something like that so early
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>finally travel to the parents' house to retrieve my faggot stash
>rent a fresh new apartment
>unpack things and furnish it
>shave the whole body, put on cute clothes
>spend 40 minutes fucking with enema, do a couple of "test runs" to get all the dirt out
>finally clean, get to your gamer chair, lean back and start playing
>poking with dildos and plugs without a care in the world
>suddenly feel like something other than a plug comes out of your ass
>look below on the towel
>"the second barrage"
When was the last time it wasn't over?
t.vertical slit
what kind of dildo should i get to learn deepthroating? the one i use on my butt is just too girthy at like 5.5"
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I'm gonna assume thats circumference... I would start small to get your gag reflex down and work your way up. Use something flexable with somewhat of a flared base to prevent choking. Suction cup can also be valid.
There are also some out there which have a flavour impregnated into the dong.
how thick do you think it should be? is 4.5" too much girth already?
Good quality bambi sleep type videos where?
I can neither confirm not deny this (because i haven't looked at my butthole in the mirror ever)
besides, nothing bad will happen if its a slit right
It just means you're an Ace anal whore.
just tried it without a chastity cage on for the first time. the pleasure wasn't much different but it was a bit annoying feeling it twitch and just exist, i probably won't do it again. it also hurts from atrophy. common dick L
>just tried it without a chastity cage on for the first time

>i probably won't do it again. it also hurts from atrophy.
At least you learned your lesson you butt slut
just put it on, went for another round and came way harder. i guess that settles it.
idk i never tried it so it seemed almost kinkier to me.
>idk i never tried it so it seemed almost kinkier to me.
Well I hope you learned from your mistake
i won't do it again!! i came like five more times with it on and it was way better
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I think I've ruined myself, fucking my ass feels too good. I fear for any future relationship with women I have, I don't think I could supress it lol
I feel this one, I'm a virgin and I think I've ruined any chance of normal sex being satisfying for me....
First time I managed to cum in chastity. Dressed up in my maid outfit. Had a prostate massager hit my sweet spot until I couldn't hold it anymore. Still want more, I can't get enough.
Tha's a good butt slut. Now keep on working until you get an Vertical Slit hole
Get a girl who is happy pegging you or one who doesn't mind you using plugs and prostate massagers
Should I get another dog dildo or another horse cock? Thinking of getting either Hephos from Neotori or Sleipnir.
Go dog if it has a knot. They feel amazing like a huge plug a dildo in one
Yeah that's the hope now honestly.
Get the Sleipnir! I have a large and its incredible.
That's what I was thinking, but I also love the feeling of the medial ring. Wish there was a combination of dog and horse.
Bad dragon has the Seraphina, its a horse toy with a knot on the bottom. Maybe that will be kinda what you want?
oooh nice
Also tucker
I'm not sure if anyone else has knotted equine models but I feel like I've seen them around other places
I definitely would feel too vulnerable to let a girl bang my butt, she'd leave or start belittling you after
well i sure hope so, since posting that got me in the mood to try doing it again
7-ish inches, but it all managed to fit in the end
Very hot, did cum, would recommend doing it with a bottle that has a bit of 'squish' to it
So what if she belittles you leave, and if she leaves she aint the one for you.
Would you rather have a girlfriend who doesn't actually love you or look for one that does?
i would like a cute pink one desu mine looks pretty slutty to begin with...
>>11106431 (me)
I was also thinking of Tycho from Neotori, those nubs look like they'd feel heavenly
>she'd start belittling you after
do you promise?
>suddenly feel like something other than a plug comes out of your ass
Just eat fiber, I'm almost always so clean I don't even need to do enema
what i do is similar. chastity, sissy clothes, etc, but i have an 8 inch and 11 inch dildos mounted to the wall that i fuck myself with doggy style. im gagged and handcuffed. then i watch sissy hypno and shemale domination side by side and pretend im being forced feminized and raped for hours on end. strongest hands free orgasms ive ever had by far. no going back. submission is pleasure.
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well, people do it because it provides a crazy head rush. it's like being spanked or choked, when you're in the horniness frenzy, it makes everything fell better
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based. penises are nothing but useless, boring pathetic organs. glorified sissy clitties. true whores take it up the ass, the real sex organ
Is it unhealthy for your scrotum though? The idea seems nice but I'm unsure
forgot to mention i have a collar on too to feel like im being choked
dick busting is way worse because there are tubes in there that can get tied up. ball smacking is much safer. just dont outright crush them by having them get stepped on and its fine
>i haven't looked at my butthole in the mirror ever
I used to be like you until I got into anal. Now I love looking at it. It's smooth and hairless and I love checking how it looks or watching as stuff goes in.
Nubs on toys are the best thing ever.
Is there a good source for english ones? I swear they're almost impossible to find or I just don't know where to look for them.
Bad Dragon abuses animals though

Can you recommend someone not dogshit
Testicular torsion says you're full of shit
I simply do not care. Check the big list the bad dragon reddit keeps up of toy makers and sift through the links there. If you don't care about large toys there will be alot of small makers you could get something from.
Well yeah, 40 minutes is generally insufficient for a deep clean. There's the first wave of stuff from your descending colon, and a while later another from the transverse colon. Sometimes the stars are correctly aligned, your timing is perfect, and you're done in those two main batches. Sometimes not.
You've just got to recognize what it feels like when you're actually, really clean.
Literally who cares
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I see this posted a lot, can you explain how they abused animals? I know they've done some shady business practices before, but I didn't read anything about animal abuse.
He will link nobd.info and refuse to provide additional information. That site, in turn, will provide only vague allegations.
At this point I think he's literally just a salty ex-employee.
I don't know what I did right with the magic shaving powder the first time I tried it. That guide was posted a while back, I tried the stuff out and it worked great, I was so thrilled about how smooth it got everything below the waistline with so little effort. Zero irritation whatsoever, not even on the most sensitive areas.
The next two times I use it, my pubes don't completely detach like the leg hair AND I get a case of the spicy gooch n' balls. I think I did everything the same, but I've clearly missed a critical parameter.
>Bad Dragon abuses animals though
Is it just you who keeps saying this every thread? You probably mean 1 employee has allegations. If you mean the entire company abuses animals, then who cares. I buy animal products from companies that slaughter animals by the truckload daily.
It's extremely obvious it's the same guy.
I think he believes BD did live castings from animal dicks (which would generally require feeding the animal a bunch of viagra or something), which is patently retarded if you HAVE seen any of the niche and sketchy shops that do that, and compared their products to BD.
>live castings from animal dicks
That's the most retarded shit I've heard. It would be so much easier and cheaper to just 3D model them. Nothing on BD even looks real.
I wanna see the animal they cast their flint model from. Must be fucking crazy.
It's probably that same fag that has to pipe up anytime anyone mentions weed or something, saying it will kill you.
that's from twisting. no one said anything about twisting
Why are you under the impression that everyone does that?
I'd bet it's the same guy every time, BD is overpriced tho
Yeah I dunno why he needs to make shit up when he could just say they are overpriced like everyone else.
3d printed is not fuckin safe retard
print a cast and make it out of silicone
i use a 200ml syringe also stop posting niggershit you fag
You gais, I can do 3 fingers now (: but it hurts my wrist

How else are they supposed to test their products?
That's what he's doing
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i had a grindr meet over last night for the first time in a very long time and i have to remind you anons that literally nothing feels better in your ass than a real cock. no vibrator, no silicone toy can even come close to the feeling of skin on skin. i know a lot of you go for sizable and textured toys, and i'll admit guys irl will never have the length and girth that might be required, but unfortunately real dick is just better. my imagination and fantasy intuition still tells me that a monster/futa/alien/tentacle would obviously feel the best, so obviously toys fill that gap.
i imagine a good percentage of /analgen/ anons are barely bi, let alone actually gay or considering doing gay stuff in real life, but i really can't emphasize how different, nicer, smoother, softer, more natural and pleasing a nice cock in the ass is compared to plastic. i'm still glowing from him finishing inside me. he wasn't even hugely hung. i'm already texting him like a marked punk bitch begging him to breed me again. but don't let my sluttiness dissuade you. consider it.
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addendum, i will concede that talking to/dealing with another human is almost not worth it, and trawling grindr for hours at a time is SO depressing that i almost didn't bother but i'm very glad i did.
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did the same last night after finally deciding to buy some, ended up riding my dildo for however long, then just laid down and slowly moved it in and out for a bit before I got too tired and passed out. I think it was 2.5hrs in total, very intense experience where I could feel every little movement. Now to try it with the hismith next time...
Ur mom was twisting my nuts last night
Just wait until you try it while tied up and blindfolded

The absolute fucking best orgasms in my life
I just had my first prostate orgasm, and I quite literally saw stars. It was a triple one. My right arm is shivering. My legs are wobbly. I feel like I've had a epiphany.
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Ordered a plug from Squarepeg late last week and it arrived far sooner than I was expecting. Went to try it out this morning, but ended up spending a lil over two hours clenching and grinding until my brain was mush and I had possibly the most explosive handsfree orgasm I have ever had.
I still thoroughly enjoy dildos and real dicks, but holy fuck there is something extra special about prostate play for me.
Hit me with the needle then horse, knot and eggs please.
Slime, horse, inflator

In that order
Can you try to describe the feeling?
Really want to try getting dicked down by something real and not a silicone toy. Anons, how risky is it to have sex with a male escort if I only give a bj to him while he wears a condom and he only penetrates me whle wearing a condom?
Should I rather just say fuck it and get on grindr or some dating app instead because catching something that way is less likely than when having sex with a hooker?
>get on grindr
>catching something that way is less likely than when having sex with a hooker?
sure buddy
considering the gay hookup culture, you're *way* more likely to catch something from a random hookup than from a professional hooker
you in 5 years
only been ass fucked once for real and it was with a tranny escort, but yeah the real deal is fucking amazing and can never be topped. i was mounted mating press style, 8 inches all deep in me and got choked and had my dick stroked all at the same time. by far the best mental and physical sensation i ever had
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god that sounds so good. i have completely bought into rape fantasies so this is my ideal fuck scenario
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wonderful. another anal convert. no more pussy or blowjobs for you. just a lifetime of taking it up the ass and submitting to ultimate bliss.
I would personally be far more worried with grindr fags than hookers. The hookup culture on grindr is fucking vile. Hairy closeted men who will literally fuck anything that lives or doesn't.
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prostate play always reigns supreme. i think most people who disagree are suffering from skill issues, and i say this as someone who also loves the sensation of being deeply filled
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>i imagine a good percentage of /analgen/ anons are barely bi, let alone actually gay or considering doing gay stuff in real life
Yeah that's me, I do get tempted reading posts like this but scared of doing anything especially of what it might do to me like you describe
>decide to try locktober this year so I should start training anal again after a long break
>buy picrel (aliexpress 3256805516609394)

first toy to make me involuntarily moan and shake and i wasn't even wearing a cage desu
please jesus if you're there give me a prostate orgasm before i start looking for real cocks I am scared of grindr in my area straight up
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I could fuck a very cute femboy but the idea of getting assfucked by some hairy bear doesn't appeal to me. needs to be a shemale, and i'm not even that picky over how they pass
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dont think
just goon
I've never used an escort, but having been a bit of a butt slut on grindr for a while, I can tell you that the risk of catching something is relatively low IF AND ONLY IF you exclusively use protection and have actual conversations before meeting up. The place is a cesspool.
It's common practice to just send a couple of pics and then an address for anonymous unprotected hookups, which is quite risky and leads to things spreading. A lot of guys are on prep now, which makes them even less risk-averse than they used to be, but herpes is still real, and now monkeypox is going around again, and I'm sure even without those there will always be something to be wary of.
Lots of people will just lie about things like marital status or disease risk to get laid. I've had people lie about having condoms and just hope you don't stick to your guns when you get there. Some will even pretend they're ok with using condoms, put one on, and then slip it off right before insertion or in the middle of sex, hoping you won't notice. Then there's a bunch of people just looking to trade sex for drugs, or to scam you for gift cards or some shit. There's really some vile and shameless scumbags out there.
Still, I have no regrets about that period of my life. I'd probably still be doing it if I hadn't met the right woman. Nothing beats real dick (especially from a good tgirl or CD, for me), and you can make some really good connections if you're willing to filter through everything. You just have to be adamant and willing to block people liberally.
what can i use as a dido alternative? Im still living with my parents and if they find a plastic dick in my stuff i could get kicked out, my family is very conservative
Is there nowhere you can hide one? I'm sure there is and if there isn't, you can make one.
always use something with a base anon and please just hide it well.

my home-mades were the classics hairbrush handle, cucumber + condom, and fingers once I heard about the method of using the pad of your thumb to rub your prostate while in doggy.

get a real dildo anon, clean it wrap it in an old shirt or towel and hide it with your piss bottles no one will find it
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it sounds like you're worried about being "corrupted" or having your personal anal play ruined, which desu sounds like you're already convinced. i used grindr for like a year before i met up with someone for the first time and really cherry picked the guy. sift through and find someone appealing and nice, it's tough but not impossible.
i am definitely sexually bi, men are just a delivery system for dick. i would also love to meet a trans woman who could pound me out. that would feel closer to ultimate fantasy fulfillment
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blindfolds do absolutely nothing for me. i want to see everything that's happening. i don't even care if that's porn brained but i want to look
that sounds incredible anon. it's a shame these sensations are so fleeting
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i hate this about /analgen/ and anal addicts in general. taking it in the ass so hard that you nut doesn't instantly make you a sissy or "pussyfree". i want both. i want pussy, blowjobs AND prostate orgasms. fuckin defeatist attitude
i hid my biggest toys, weed and other paraphernalia from my pretty conservative family for years so you might just need to get creative. otherwise anything oldschool will just come across as an improvised dildo if found with condoms and lube or whatever unless you dispose of it quickly
Why do you retards keep saying cumming without stroking is very hard to do. I get so horny I can just finger myself and I ejaculate.
submit to cock. present your ass to superior beings. accept your destiny and your role. you will only ever cum from your ass being filled and pounded from now on.
skill issues
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If you've never taken it in the ass while high, you haven't lived
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i think being mouth gagged and having one of those tight collars with a chain that the top can yank on is better. raped like a good and obedient little sissy girl
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meanwhile i'm paying bills and trying to eat correctly and exercise while you live a dream world, idiot. you don't even have sex
>very lightly playing with the outside of my butthole this morning
>it's still pretty relaxed after taking 2.9"+ diameter toys for a couple of days in a row
>realize I can make a disproportionately loud slapping noise by tapping my hole with a finger

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good, struggle. resist. it's always better in the longterm when a sissy thinks they can struggle and resist.
Yeah I do the same thing sometimes too. Sometimes it's unconscious like rubbing my nose or cracking a finger, just a total second-nature habit that resulted from a rewired brain
What plug did you get anon?
i don't even shave. i'm a masc dude who likes anal. y'all are closeted beyond belief. what "longterm" involves me feminizing myself in my late 20s? you're delusional. sissy shit in 2024 is the cringiest thing imaginable. it's not 2010
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struggle more. resist more. squirm more. it will only make the final release and defeat all the more gasmic.
i relate to these posts but in a motivational goon mindset you feel me?

100% would service a cock if it wasn't attached to a guy so it's fun to use these to get off but i sincerely doubt i'll ever cross that line unless i travel outside my redneck ass town :( we live in a society

>shaving your ass is so nice though once you try it
>then you try panties
>then you try a cage to make anal more fun
>you are here
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I am once again recommending taking research chemicals so you get high to blast your ass and then experience the absolute cinema that is getting frustrated at your chastity cage, taking it off, realizing why you had it on in the first place, and then cumming to the extremely vivid mentally imagery of an entire village mourning the loss of the samurai that died defending them from bandits in battle
"the final release" bro i would have to make like 50 calculated and expensive decisions to "feminize" and even then i would look like a moose in a dress. it has no pull for me whatsoever. it's for trembling low T nearly-troons that are bottom of the barrel low self esteem that they have no other options to actually get off. nothing about it is appealing to me.
the only mindset i have is to keep fucking my ass and having my ass fucked. i have no lifestyle changes planned in the direction of gender experimentation. the most recent purchase i made was a couple of new jockstraps which was a decidedly masculine faggot decision. i would only ever shave if a top asked me to and even then i would drag my feet and procrastinate over it. panties also a offer only type deal and it would make me feel ridiculous. i absolutely HATE the idea of something restrictive around my dick, plastic or metal. that shit gives me the shivers like a trypophobic response or some shit. there is no slippery slope for me any more. i've been gooning for years and fucking my ass for years and if anything i've paired down my proclivities to their most efficient and comfortable
I wasted the ENTIRE day yesterday masturbating; Empty apartment all weekend. I had a perfect cleanup, shaved everything below my eyebrows, got violently high, made myself a drink, and setup a nest in the living room. I had three full body orgasms yesterday that lasted between 30 and 60 minutes, aside from the dozens of normal p. orgasms inbetween. I am still sitting in a state of afterglow a full 16 hours later. It took a LONG time to get to full body orgasms, but my god what a worthwhile journey.
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My refined coconut oil is expiring this month. There's about a quarter of it in a big tub. What are some signs to watch out for? Today it looks and smells just as fine as it always did.
Maybe this isn't what you meant but you should probably shave your ass for hygiene's sake
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You lost me in the second half but I'm planning a several hour long anal session with "chemicals" this week so fuck it, i'm all aboard
based. thats the kinda shit i'm talking about. these are the posts i want to read in this thread
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more denial. more. there must be more in order for your conversion to be complete. like friction used to produce a fire.
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just took a shit and it was an utterly massive fucking log. is this a side effect of constantly stretching out my ass?
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I'm gonna take some molly this week and toy my ass, any recommendations for anything else to do while on m to spice things up or enhance my time?
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hours and hours of shemale domination and sissy hypno
An apartment
Brain rot
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haven't got any experience with molly, but hope you enjoy yourself anon, I had a lot of fun with a Slink and just slowly feeling my insides with eyes closed and not much else going on, it's really cool being able to focus on weird little shifts and twists and sensations inside of your own body

Just do weed and cut you risk of heart attack by 87%
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I don't take weed for the hallucinogenic properties
What do you take it for then?
It gets better, I actually passed out in my nest while still actively cumming with my ass. I woke up 10 hours later still dressed in my knee socks and panties and proceeded to bang out another orgasm before cleaning up and getting on with my day.
Sure. Firstly though, I want to point out a few things, because I've been trying to do this for at least a year and failed very frustratingly, so I want to point others in possibly a better direction. First, the prostate is not as deep as I thought. I was trying to find it way too deep. For me it was just the first "crevice" exactly behind the sphincter, maybe slightly above it when engorged. Secondly, it was not actually anything recognisable to me as a ball or bean or such. It felt more like rough connective tissue, or as a a studded surface. Thirdly, the studded surface itself is obviously engorged with arousal, but stimulating it pretty much only works when it is engorged. After setting my thumb against it, I masturbated very weakly to activate it, while watching porn, then I stopped touching my dick and started to press on and massage the area softly. I masturbated a bit when I felt it going to sleep or numbing. I've noticed before that touching my dick makes me have a more conventional orgasm that is not as satisfying to me as normal orgasms, so it was imperative to give that up when the area was activated. Idling and feeling my muscle move involuntarily around my thumb also helped. As an aside, when aroused, I could feel my heartbeat on the studded surface. Fourth. Lubrication is mandatory, the feeling of burn or discomfort in the muscle is caused by insufficient lubrication, not tightness, and though not seriously painful, the slightest discomfort of this sort numbs sensation there. You really do need more than whatever you think is more than you think you need.
The feeling: At first it felt like the pleasant sensations that are associated with your sphincter muscle, then I got an intense sensation of arousal combined with a kind of anticipation that we associate with wanting to pee (but not exactly, it's not as pronounced as people make it seem, at least it was not for me), which built up into the sensation you get exactly before you start cumming, when you tense, and pleasant sensation kind of cuts off before the waves of orgasm, but you experience arousal and anticipation and a pleasant "climbing" of arousal to the point of orgasm, it's a bit like that, combined with the sensation of pleasure you get on your dick, but located in the prostate, but it goes on for longer, and is fairly frustrating. Then when I kept on, I was experiencing alternating feelings of overwhelming sensation and frustration, until it broke out into what felt like a penile orgasm, inside my prostate, much more intense, but much shorter in duration and mixed in with the feeling of buildup and frustration. To me it was like edging and cumming at once. I forced myself to continue through the sensation, and as the feeling of orgasm died down, the feeling of frustration elevated, and I came again nearly immediately. I continued until a third time, then I genuinely had to stop because my sight was blurry and I felt exhausted (like I was running). The sensation was not as localised as in normal orgasms, I felt the basic pleasure inside my prostate, but some of it went to my dick, and a sort of vaguely erotic sensation and shivers were felt all over my body. I stayed with my thumb up my ass, panting, and looking at the ceiling for like 15 minutes after.

Zero interest in receiving anal, not just in terms of not being interested in men, but also because I don't think a dildo would give me the sensation I want from this. I might eventually buy a prostate massager buttplug thing though.
you win the thread today
speaking of, we need a new one
so i bought an butt plug and what exactly am i supposed to do with it? tried putting it in for two hours and walking around, didn't feel much. only really notice it during orgasms cause of the spasms. guess i should try fucking myself with it instead of just leaving it in and jacking off.
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butt plugs are secondary toys only. you use them to stretch out before using real toys or just as a mild boost to regular fucking/jacking off. you need a toy designed for movement and thrusting
i see. thanks anon. so that's why the faq recommended dildos. gonna have to find a nice place to hide it when I buy one then.
Comfiest position for riding?
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why? i am always showered before play and during clean out i use wetwipes to make sure i'm sparklingly clean. having a hairy ass has never given me any kind of issue at all
take meds, touch grass, have sex. in that order retard
i don't give a fuck
how low is your tolerance that weed gives you visuals?
on knees on something soft like a thick towel with toy secured on something solid with a flat base. a handhold in front of you definitely helps too
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submit to sissy bliss
you're arguing with a retarded roleplayer, dude
"bliss" sounds expensive, ostracizing and deliberately isolating. i prefer good company and no dysphoria in my life
these fuckers need to learn they can't inject their dogshit wherever they like
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become a sissy
>i use wetwipes to make sure i'm sparklingly clean
Are you one of the guys that complains about bleeding? Wetwipes usually contain some sort of alcohol. That's a great way to dry out your skin and cause tearing or fissures. I would not recommend this. Also as a formerly hairy man, I can say a bit of trimming or shaving has at least inproved my life. I use a depilatory cream on balls, taint and ass areas and shave my armpits and both have been great. Arms and legs I've tries, but it's more of a hassle. Doesn't need to be sissy shit to do it though. I just think it looks better.
not at all, blood has never been an issue for me internally or externally. i couldn't tell you the last time i found blood during play. wet wipes wise i try to find aloe vera ones from higher end grocery stores, those tend to do me right.
as for shaving i'm literally just too lazy. like i said for the right partner i'd obviously make an effort but it doesn't bother me on individual basis
Yeah that's fine, you do you. If hair doesn't bother you, literally no reason to shave. It's all just down to personal preference. But yeah have a look at alcohol content in those wipes. Could cause some long term skin issues. I know there's some out there that don't have alcohol though and I reckon those would be fine.
fit a fist in myself last night for the first time; i've finally hit a long term goal! i don't know if i actually came anally during the 4 or 5 hours i was at it, but there were moments i knew i was close, at least! gonna pop in my gryphon soon...
You're literally on an anime fetish board, this is precisely where this dog shit belongs. ...Lurk moar? I NEED you to know that you behave like a boomer that got here in 2016.
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need cock
Experts, I have a question. Will I lose my gains if I don't stretch my hole for too long?
Nup, ruined for life.
Actually yeah, your sphincter is a muscle, and what you view as its flexibility can only be one of two things. 1. tissue damage or 2. literal warmup of the muscle by what is literally stretching exercises. If you're practicing anal sensibly, the stretching you're doing is quite literally equivalent to the stretching people do before jogging to avoid tearing anything, and it has exactly the same effect (it allows you to exercise the muscle --by fucking yourself-- without tearing anything). If you stop doing the exercises you will lose some flexibility, but there will be an anal fitness residual that would take years to completely dissipate. Fucking your ass (or pussy where applicable) just is exercising muscle groups.
You don't really lose it but you'll need more and longer warmup.
Thanks my negros
Thank u too. Would you say that those asian crossdressers who insert objects bigger than their heads (you know the ones) are just doing extreme stretching or are they damaging the anal tissue? I kind of want to do that some day as a bucket list item but idk how much real damage to expect. Right now I can only do a few fingers or a hair brush handle plus one finger.
low does psilo shrooms are unironically better for that in my opinion, just becareful. fucking with your mind can have unfun consequences
Damn, playing with that second hole is a whole fucking nother universe, if I let my dildo inside with a slight pressure it starts to enter it and since its very tight it grabs onto it and tugs, then I can just play with it moving my whole guts together because of the grip, never leaked so much cum in my life, felt like pissing cum, fucking insane
Sky's the limit anon, we can only discover the empirical limits between elevated anal playtime and dying from a catastrophic rupture of one's lower intestine by means of scientific experimentation.
any alternatives to smoking the shit? I'm not opposed to mary jane, I just don't like inhaling smoke. any good edibles you can recommend of those strains? or am I SOL?
Don't get lost in weed strain autism right now and just go poking around smoke shops for something reasonably priced in the 10-15mg range, or ~25 if you're feeling adventurous. You will enjoy the result.
Do note that for some stupid reason, manufacturers like to label the total dosage of the bag much more prominently than the per-piece.
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>arms get tired from fucking myself on my side
>legs get tired from squatfucking
>end up sat on my biggest toy
>desperately trying not to cum while willing myself to get back into position to keep fucking
>end up nutting anyway
i need a fuck machine, this shit is unbelievable. i know in my heart that fucking myself while cumming feels 100 times better but it barely ever happens
how do people masturbate to porn? i totally zone out after a few seconds already and focus on the sensations.
sometimes it's background noise, but most of the time i'm mimicking exactly what's happening on screen i.e. pounding pace/depth. it depends on the toy desu, if i'm just sat on a prostate vibrator then i might zone out, but usually the pretty lights and colours keep me entranced. depends how fucked up i am too
like as a control thing? i usually just make myself cum over and over so it could be interesting to try edging or following some other rhythm like you're doing.
wdym by control? i "give up" control by just putting playlists on, once i'm deep in the zone i don't really have time or function to change video very often. honestly if it's working for you then you shouldn't change.
i meant when you're following along with a video you're not controlling the rhythm or depth yourself, and that could be fun. i just do whatever feels right so i only last a few minutes between orgasms at best and it's pretty exhausting desu
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yeah with a fuck machine i would do this basically 24/7. i imagine there are some hitech ones that let other people control the speed or sync it up to a video with a script. you can do the same with lovense/bluetooth toys but it's not the same as being pounded
fuck machines really seem too good to be real.
probably why they're prohibitively expensive, loud, clunky and difficult to hide. the universe doesn't want you to get pounded with no other human there without a heavy payment.
oh well, i should be trying for the real thing anyway.
I'm usually imagining myself as somebody on the screen.
Let's meet up bro. My address it 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500. Bring toys in a black unmarked bag and drop them off in front of my door. After that you can go back to your car while I inspect them and if I like your tastes I'll make another post here and invite you in (:
that's Wrigley Field
it's a bigger number and career stoners are really stupid
Been starting to play with my hole for a couple months now. I bought a pack of steel plugs, enema and a cheap silicone dildo. It has complemented nicely a couple goon sessions but haven't been able to cum solely from riding yet. Tried different positions and *i think* i can hit my prostate but the longest i go till frustration is 40 minutes. Should I try go for longer? Or try buying a vibrating prostate massager?
withhold from cumming as much as you can. like 10 times longer than you normally would. if you nut every day, try 10 days without. your body isn't going to force an orgasm if it's used to stimulation from your hand, you need to deny it till it's absolutely desperate
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longer is what unlocked hands free stuff for me. vibrating massagers are only good for warm up play. the prostate wants thrusts. vibrations will end up numbing you on the inside after a few minutes. it just takes time to sensitive your prostate and rewire your brain to a point where hands free stuff becomes more consistent. you're on the right track, just keep it up. if your dildo has a suction cup, take advantage for that. i can fuck myself doggy style for hours like that without getting my hands tired at all and it sometimes results in the most powerful cooms of my life
I want to buy a small jorhan from neotori but Im not sure about the firmness. Do you guys recommend standard or firm? Considering it would be a toy to ride for a few hours at a time.
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Well yeah I nut every day or 2 days so I'll try this. Thanks anon

You might've saved me from doing an unnecessary purchase then. A squatting/cowgirl kind of position (like the gif) usually does it for me, How long do you tend to go for?
I actually never even tried it. There's enough to focus on without it.
New Thread for anal sluts

When aiming for hands free orgasms they tend to be 1.5 to 3.5 hours. I've only managed to get hands free orgasms twice in under an hour, the rest needed at least 90 minutes. But the journey is fun too if its done right, as the gradually escalating sensation of euphoria can be extremely addictive.
good question
Holy shit guys I finally did it!

I had a vasectomy last week and committed to myself that my first orgasm after the procedure would be hands free. I have cum from anal hands free a few times, but last night I was laying in bed feeling particularly horny. I didn't have any toys to play with (wife and I are out of town visiting her family) so I just started practicing a few of the mindgasm techniques, and it all clicked into place. After about an hour of squeezing and massaging my prostate I felt the pleasure and pressure building when it happened. I came god damn buckets! No toys, no hands, nothing just manipulating my prostate with my ass muscles. I have fucking ascended!
Do CBN THC oil sublingual

Best sensations and high
Can do it with a $500 hismith machine, lots of patterns to sync to videos, can make your own, let someone else control the speed, etc
Though xtoys app is far better than the hismith app for this

They're not that bad lmao

Source: I own a hismith premium 3.0
You can now never go back
The real question is where do I go from here. I feel like masturbating is pointless. It's a solved game lol.
this thing looks like it has about 2cm of depth. not at all the kind of movement i'm looking for

Rancid oil has a distinct smell. You know how old peanut butter smells? It won’t instantly kick over. Just give it a sniff before use.
woah, an infinite money exploit
Anyone have good results with vibrating toys? I’ve got an aneros, njoy wand, and a large dildo which all feel amazing but never get me over the edge which is frustrating.
Personally I don't like vibrators, they feel wonderful but cause your nerves to desensitize too quickly and make it impossible for me to finish without stimulating my penis. Would much rather have a good medium sized prostate toy.
Multiple orgasms in a session
It does 1" - 6" stroke depth

I don't think you're looking at the correct one
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wait a week to be safe and go again
Any tips for multiple orgasms? I haven't been able to have a dry finish yet so once I cum it's usually over.
Abstain from jerking off and practice hitting that prostate
Anyone in here wanna control a fuck machine?

Been thinking about maybe getting someone to control mine as long as you don't just slam it full speed

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