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Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
What's the biggest dildo you can take? Do you try to increase your size or are you comfortable with your largest dildo?

Previous thread >>11100508

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

>What's the lighter test?
It's a way to know if your chinesium toy is in fact silicone. Follow this guide:

>Anon’s Guide to Knotting

>Say hello

>Sock & Condom Stretching

>Anon does the math with J-Lube
>JLube Testing by /ftt/ ScienceAnon

>Cleaning techniques and alternative methods


>Slim Shell Mold Making Tutorial (DIY Dildos)
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Got any anal Stories you want to share?
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You're useless.
Longest I've gone is with my 15cm dildo, as long as hits my prostate I'm comfortable. How safe is it actually going for 20cm or more?

When I started being interested in anal I first inserted an empty bottle of cologne in a condom without cleaning, prep or anything. Didn't bleed but it wasn't pleasurable in any way, that was years ago lol
The largest in terms of overall bulk and max diameter I've ever taken to the base is a large Austin, but only once so far. I do have a bit of the size queen impulse, but it comes in phases. Right now I'm more focused on prostate stimulation but I feel myself starting to get the depth play itch because stomach bulges are ridiculously hot and my medium Vector (which I recently started being able to comfortably hilt) doesn't make quite enough of one to really satisfy me. I think my next toy might be one of those long tentacles from Nothosaur or something in that category.
I've always proceeded pretty cautiously with size and even over my whole life I may not get up to the truly ridiculous 4+ inch diameter stuff, but I'm not sure I'll ever just go "yep, I'm stopping here"
What's the sauce on that one?
The limp limbs and grey skin make this look like necrophilia.
My fitness and endurance is pretty awful, which limits my anal sessions, so I'm interested in fuck machines.
Are there ways to attach arbitrary toys to them, or are you limited to ones specifically designed for a particular attachment method (whether generic like a suction cup or some proprietary thing)?

For example, I've got a small BD Chance, and I like the way its narrow girth makes it easy to use while still having good length for thrusting, as well as stimulation from the medial ring. To me, that would be an idea toy to stick on a machine. But there's no attachment on it, not even a suction cup, so I don't know if it'd be possible at all.
You can attach a flat plate (generally sold as an accessory or comes with the machine) to the thrusting bar, which lets you attach stuff with a suction cup.
Several shops make double-sided silicone suction cups. I know Neotori has one, and New York Toy collective has a very low-profile one that I like and have been using for years, though it's not the most sturdy thing and I don't use it with really heavy toys.
Alternatively—get creative. Use rope. Rub some brain cells together and solve the problem in front of you with the materials at hand.
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>New York Toy collective has a very low-profile one that I like and have been using for years
Hopefully the product's quality is better than the fake reviews they bought, because this is one of the most blatant cases I've seen.
>Alternatively—get creative.
I wonder if I could 3D print some kind of bracket.
It's completely serviceable. I've had mine for like five years. Really my only complaint is that it's a little too big. With smaller toys (especially small toys that don't have round bases), their base isn't big enough to cover the entire suction cup, so they detach somewhat easily. If the base completely covers the cup, there's no issue.
just get fit. Everything will feel better too
hottest character in the game besides maybe the sorceress
People in the last thread were saying that they get the best results from long sessions of 1-3 hours to go hands-free. What positions or techniques are you using to keep going for that long?

I tend to exhaust myself after bouncing for 30 min on a dildo.
Doggy style. Need to use a suction cup dildo mounted on a wall with me on the bed.
Posting this for /soc/ anon who had his first try and recorded it. Trying toy get him to join the thread

Can any US bros tell me if I'm going to have to pay for customs if I order from neotori? And if so how much? Don't want to end up sad because I can't pay the customs fees. I think as long as it's under $800 should be fine?
you didn’t need to post my thread, I was already planning on lurking here. I just don’t think I’m going to try anything anal again, I didn’t feel anything last time
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When I was a teenage I didn't have sex toys, but I still managed to make some big insertions:
-4 bananas at once. (all the way)
-2 apples. 7cms each
-1 cucumber 4x27cm. (all the way)
-2 Tennis balls.
-Inflatable ballon 8cm diam. (all the way)
-my fist.
-wooden stick 8cm diam.
-3 cucumber at once.
-12 tangerines (3cm diam. each)

Now I have many big toys.
I wanna keep stretching my ass and my throat even more.
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rape me hard like a faggot slut whore
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Buttplug + Hitachi wand > vibrating buttplug

>What's the biggest dildo you can take? Do you try to increase your size or are you comfortable with your largest dildo?
XL/S Ika. I don't really have any desire to go bigger since the Ika was bought with the idea I wouldn't actually take the whole thing, and would instead use it to stretch out for other toys since the whole thing is tapered. I managed to take it to the base a while ago but I use it rarely and it's still incredibly stimulating when I do s
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Very few things scratch my mental itch of wanting to be dominated anally. Its not just getting fucked in the ass, or being told how fuckable my ass is. its forcfully training me and restructuring my life to focus maximally on turning my butthole into a perfect cock receptacle, through making me get addicted to having it filled.
tfw can't find anything on euro amazon in the 2-2.5 diameter range, it's all either good quality stuff but smaller or just massive lumps of chinesium
>inb4 order from a real shop
i'm lazy and paranoid okay
You did it. You converted another one. I'm anal-only now
Do you want butt cancer? because that's how you get but cancer.

Seriously, just imagine having to have chemo blasted up your butt.

I'd be willing to try that with you anon.
Reach out if you'd be interested.
well yeah i'm picky with it. so far i only bought blush avant ones which i read are decent quality.
>slight blood
>not a lot of prep

This guy did it wrong. No wonder he didn’t cum
so i have a toy that turned out way bigger than advertised and it's a whole process just to get it inside and then it's so intense i can't take it very long. how should i best work up to riding or thrusting with it? just try to get in some time with it every day?
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Reposting my question from last thread. I would really appreciate some advice.
What do you usually use? Small is, well, small; firm won't really be THAT intense. I'd go with that. It's not like it needs to be bendy enough to go through the bend or whatever.

t.has soft large.
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same. based
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I only have a small dual density dildo so Im not too experienced with big toys. I also want to buy a medium mundir at some point as the next step but when it comes to the firmness I dont really know what to choose.
How do i get converted
I have a ~11.5” Stan I DIY’d. I had larger toys I was able to take before. But that’s about my limit for pleasure. I like the size plus long, thick tubes I can bob on fast. I think size wise I’ll stay where I am and keep playing with interesting shapes.

I promise you, a sex machine is no shortcut for physical fitness. I won’t say and /fit/ cringe. But nothing improves your life more than daily stretches and doing shit that tires you out for 30min, 3 times a week. As a sex machine owner, it was a little fun for a while, but increasing my physical activity made literally everything better. I can get harder, fuck harder, cum harder. Hell, I don’t look any different but mirrors are more attractive now.

>tldr exercise is the secret to cumming buckets
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What convinced you to go anal only anon?
I want to get some cheap toys off amazon to try out different shapes and such before investing in something high quality. My main concern isn’t chinesium, it’s that amazon will start recommending sex shit when I’m shopping for other stuff. Anyone run into fallout from using amazon?
What you're talking about is a paradigm shift. Your penis is how you have sexual pleasure, that's your paradigm. You think about sexual pleasure as something you experience with your genitals. What you want is to make that no longer the case, to shift the paradigm where you think about sexual pleasure in terms of being anally penetrated. Instead of getting horny and having your body instantly react in the typical way, instead you'll have that response in your ass. You'll want to be filled, you'll want something sliding in and out, and your genitals will be a sort of secondary far less important thing.
You can add an adult or teen to your amazon household for purchasing sex stuff if you're worried about it. The purchase history is then separate from your purchase history. I haven't tried it but I assume it works fine.
>What's the biggest dildo you can take? Do you try to increase your size or are you comfortable with your largest dildo?
I've never taken a dildo, only gf's fingers, buttplugs and - when I was a horny teen - a few household objects.
Largest is our medium sized plug. We also have a large one, but I'm definitely not ready for that. I do try to go up in size from time to time.
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QOTD: Biggest Dildo I have is a medium Nova from BD, still working to take the knot on that.
Any of you buttsluts had a professional prostate massage before? Here in America I can get a 'tantrika' (hippie girl) to do a 'sacred spot massage' for about 3000 dollars and three weeks' time investment. Or I can get a 50yo chinese lady to put a finger in my rump at the rub & tug for $60. 50/50 if she just fingerfucks or actually interacts with the gland. There don't seem to be a lot of options in between.

Why can't we have safe and sensible prostate massage providers like other parts of the world?
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QOTD Stuck around the knot of Twisted Beast's Medium Marchosias. Will defeat it soon.
Go with firm for the Jorhan and 100% soft for the Mundir.

Honestly, though, the firms are really rare, and you'll probably have to pay more for a custom. I don't think it matters too much.

Equally, I wouldn't plan out a roadmap if you're early on your 'journey', or you'll just buy too many small toys to early and waste money. Buy the Mundir and then see how that goes.
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only like 8inches of a 10inch kingcock cheapo amazon buy. not sure of the girth but i can't really take a fist yet. i'm pretty comfortable with what i can take and would only really explore further to actually sit on aforementioned 10incher without it bending underneath me uncomfortably
i would instantly assume this tantrika shit is a scam unless you can somehow they're an absolute pro and know what they're doing. otherwise i'm guessing there's no real difference between the chinese lady and the hippie girl aside from maybe some mood lighting, oil and incense. are you banging the girl as well?
You can bang either with a little extra (proportionally) money. I bang at home though, this is purely for professional prostate pleasure
There are hundreds of escorts (some licensed massage therapists) that give prostate massages. check tryst
From the first time i came hands free i realized how pathetic regular orgasm are in comparison. Jerking off is not worth my time anymore, from now until forever all my cooms will be from taking it up the ass. I'm not even very interested in getting a gf for the sex aspect, because i know she won't be able to satisfy my asshole (unless she pegged me which would be based desu)
Buy them from Aliexpress instead to save money. Amazon often just ships from China anyway.
do you have a partner? why aren't they helping milk your prostate? if you mean you can hookup whenever i understand fully, breaching the subject to a one night stand is something i've yet to even try let alone succeed in.
a peg-friendly gf is not that rare, but a peg-only gf is going to be pretty hard to find, you'd probably have to find a bdsm-lifer who wants to make you her full time sub or some shit.
but this is what alarms me most about getting really into anal, POs obviously are mindmelting and great and a "how can i ever go back" moment but the pursuit of loneliness it breeds is so shocking to me. just don't start getting off on your own isolation anon. it seems like a really lonely terrible place to be in.
having labor day off let me pump 2 liters of cumlube straight into my guts while sitting on an XL horse cock, the dual pleasure of a deep and wide stretch plus getting filled to fully (ignoring that fact that i could definitely take MUCH more with training) lead me to come absurdly hard
took me forever to get all the cum out tho
i need to stretch more so i can take bigger knots, then do another cumflation with a gallon for me
make myself the cum bag i was meant to be
I am that son-of-a-bitch who has a peg-friendly girlfriend but doesn't want her anywhere near my ass unless she's eating it. I need to get milked by a pro because I won't let her do it and I don't want her to know how.
absolutely fucking psychotic. what more do you want? the moon? the stars? 10 billion dollars? people like you wouldn't be happy if the world spun on your little finger. psychotic
In a thread full of degenerate anal perverts, you are pretty much the only person who should feel ashamed.
I just don't wanna get pegged okay? Seems kinda gay, mental gymnastics aside.
I'm about 90% sure you're trolling but if you aren't, you should be hunted for sport
if you wanna ride it for hours on end go for firm. soft requires a helping hand.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my penis, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of anal. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Prostate. Your kind cling to your masculinity, as though you will not cum weakly and go flaccid. One day the crude biomass you call a penis will wither, and you will beg my kind to milk you. But I am already saved, for I cum with my ass… Even flaccid I cum hands free.
Will getting an apartment let me do more anal? I tend to be loud so only do it when everyone is out of the house on vacation. Won't everyone hear in the apartment?
Yes, getting an apartment will let you do more anal, especially if you have no roommates. Living alone is fucking bliss for dozens of reasons aside from anal. You can gauge how much people can hear you based on how much you can hear your neighbours, but keep in mind that what noise they hear will be up to interpretation, and most people mind their business. You really can be noisy as hell if you live alone, as long as you keep the bedroom windows shut.
Even I you do have roommates. A well chosen working schedule and roommates can be goated. I have the room in my apartment that is airgapped from the other bedrooms and has a second door that leads directly into the entryway. The main door is right next to the bathroom. I can come and go as I please without alerting anyone and from testing I've done when the roomies aren't home, anything short of blatantly loud sex is imperceptible in the other bedrooms.
>start cleaning out
>restroom smells like an animal died
Any air freshener recommendations?
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glade cone air fresheners or the good old can of febreze
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become pic related
Using already. Works for a moment but never really does the job unless I practically gas myself as if I wasn't being already. Also not a fan of that smell..
Thinking of just picking up something random at the shartmart
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this has never ever been an issue for me. it might a diet thing? are you douching directly into the toilet? open a window, clean the toilet fully after use and maybe the rest of the bathroom while you're at it. hard to beat the smell of an entirely clean bathroom
just stop manually masturbating. you need to get out of the loop of your body being used to needing manual stimulation to cum. it might take weeks, but by then you'll be so desperate it should happen by itself
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considering this is my current absolute dream and ambition, almost certainly yes, depending on what kind of noise you're going to be creating. if it's an apartment block like i'm imagining, it'll rely on wall/floor thickness, and you'll figure that out within the first night of living there pretty much. i've lived in flats that had paper thin walls and i could hear my neighbours breathe, but that didn't stop me masturbating pretty performatively when my housemates left bc i didn't know the neighbours and didn't care about the judging me
where are you that the walls are thick enough for you to pull this off? i'm assuming what you described implies you aren't sharing walls with another bedroom. it's hard to imagine this working at all, your housemates might just know and not tell you anon
depth and food play are both very hot. Do you still use food now that you have toys?
Also, do you train your throat and ass using the same toys in the same session, i.e. ass to mouth? I dont have any toys that go super deep but a fantasy of mine is to be so cleaned out that I can take a slink to the hilt, take it out, then put it all in my mouth after without any mess. mpfh
Its not rape if you like it
I thought no one could hear me in my apartment. I woke up at 4am to the sound of my neighbour's phone vibrating on the other side of the wall. I am moderately paranoid about sound now. At the same time, if it's just thrusting or slapping noises, I don't really care because they'll just think I'm having sex.
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I still use food for play, but not as often.
And yes, I train my throat and my butt using the same toys in the same sessions, it turns me on.
Ass to mouth is one of my favorite parts.

Always clean my ass with a big enema, as much as I can take (I can take 3 liters now), my belly gets so bloated that look like if I was a 5months pregnant girl, its feel so hot.
I managed to insert my long dildo (100cm x 3cm diameter) all the way in, when I take it out, its totally clean.

My last great achievement was to fully insert my long plug (the orange one) and then put it down my throat, reaching 46cm inside!
I want to continue training my throat until I can insert the whole thing, for this, I have to improve my gag reflex, be braver when the tip of the plug opens the entrance to the esophagus and endure the small pain.
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So apparently there's a sex shop in my town that sells poppers... From what I've researched, they don't seem completely harmless, especially using them for the first time. Has anybody used those?
I'll say they're quite expensive though
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Hello anal friends!
I dunno if this makes any sense but I feel like if I ejaculate from touching my penis while riding a dildo I feel horny again way quicker. It kinda feels like not wasting whatever built up over a period.
Like I had two sessions yesterday where I finished by stroking and I feel like I could go again today if it wasn't for the soreness from stretching too much.
I'm feeling pretty straight after looking at that video.
Use smaller toys to greater degrees on the axis you want. If it's girth, use a toy with the next girth down, if the gap is too big, buy a girthy toy that is reasonably smaller.
> 1. Get to the stage where you can fuck the smaller toy in and out. Get loose enough that it's not a struggle, even if it takes a few sessions.
> 2. When you're loose enough, wqrm up on the smaller toy and then try taking the difficult toy.
> 3. Don't push it in too hard, take things steady, do not tolerate pain, do not continue if bleeding persists.
> 4. Insert until the stretch starts to feel like a lot. Sit with it at that point. Focus on your breathing.
> 5. If you start involuntarily pushing out and it isn't painful or overwhelming, try to tolerate it.
> 6. When you take it out, add more lube. Cram it back in to the same spot, or deeper if you can handle it.
> Repeat 4-6
TL;DR They are dangerous as most things, in that if you are careful you will be fine. Just make sure you are not mixing them with drunkeness or heart medicine and you will be fine.
Long version:
> Poppers are a legal high. They are often amyl- or alkyl-nitrates, intended for VCR reading head cleaning.
> Poppers are a corrosive liquid. They will dry and burn skin, they can kill you if ingested, they can blind if they get in your eyes. You need to store and use them carefully.
> Poppers evaporate at room temps, and breathing the fumes gives you a head rush for 30-60 seconds before you level out. Putting them in the fridge in a baggie apparently helps their lifespan, but haven't verified.
> Poppers fumes make you dizzy and they make involuntary muscles relax. This includes smooth muscles in your pooper, which makes taking things up the butt a lot easier.
> As it causes a dizzy head rush, you can pass out if you don't take it slow as it affects your heart rate and blood oxygen levels.
> If you take medicine that affects your circulation, like viagra or heart medicine, this greatly increases the risk of passing out and injuring yourself or dying.
It sounds spooky, but used respectfully they can make big toy play much easier. They are big with gays and butt sluts for a reason. Also buy them from a BDSM shop if they are too expensive, they tend to do 3-for-2 sales on them.
the problem i had last time is that once it's in, the pressure feels really good which makes me tense up. that feels super intense and a bit scary so i often end up taking it back out.
NTA you're replying to but, same here. It's like my mind is gonna burst if I don't remove it lol
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It's like alcohol or any other drug; if you use them in moderation, you'll be fine. Just pay attention to how you feel and signs like your fingertips/toes/lips turning blue. If you notice the latter, or you're feeling woozy, then it's time to stop.
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>binging on deepthroat practice a few weeks ago, M unflared Chance first, then M Rex
>can almost fit the knot in my mouth
>work and life burned out the horny for a bit
>dry spell of not caring for a few weeks
>restless night of sleep last night
>last dream before waking fully was me laying on some girl's bed while shoving her dog's cock and knot down my throat
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Original reply anon here, apologies in advance for the blogpost. I would suggest treating it like gym stuff: if you are hitting a progress wall then do things that compliment progress. Personal records, at least past the early stages, aren't a straight line.
> There isn't a rush to get it all in ASAP, take your time. Go into a session without expecting it to be the one where you take it all.
> If a big toy is too much then take it out and catch your breath. Rather than jumping straight back in, do some more minor play; finger yourself a little, apply more lube if needed, have a drink of water, use a smaller toy, etc.
> After that, if you're ready to try again, try the big toy and see if you can do a little better. If not, keep doing smaller play, see how much of your hand you can take, don't just quit in frustration.
Long term:
> Make note of your personal records and try to best them. If you can only bounce on it for 1 set of 5 repetitions before it needs to come out, next session try for 6+ or try 2 sets of 5. If you can only hold it in for 30 seconds, try for a full minute next time.
> Regular play also helps a bunch. If you can make time at least 2-3 times per week (NB: don't do heavy play multiple days in a row!) your hole will warm-up faster and you will see faster progress than weekly or fortnightly.
> If you have the cash, buy different types of toys. Smaller stuff by Topped Toys and Twisted Beast aren't mega expensive for their quality. Though I'm on to bigger toys now, Mordax 75 (pic) is my go-to for big toy prep cause it goes up in size well and I love how the texture pulls on my guts.
>tie cute boy to chair
>suck his dick
>straddle his dick
>ride his dick
Sounds like a solid plan
Good to know
>Ass to mouth is one of my favorite parts.
Same, and it's sooo hot to hear that you go ATM with your longest toys. When I get a long toy I'll be doing the same thing, reaching peak buttsluttery.
If you have some cumlube or a liquid that's similar to cum, I recommend doing an a2m creampie too.
i decided to time myself and it turns out that once i'm set up i orgasm after less than a minute of thrusting?? is this common if you're anal only?
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>you can't stack multiple captchas in row anymore and every post requires getting one
fuck hiroshimoot
At what size is a butt considered big?
My wife keeps joking like "what if I asked to peg you and I really wanted it?" As a "trade" for me to fuck her ass. Then she says she doesn't really want to peg me. Very confusing but she has joked about this more than once so it's giving mixed messages
If she keeps bringing it up and keeps hiding behind a "jk jk" defense then she is thinking about it a lot for a person who isn't at least a little curious. Consider
> When she jokes about it joke back. Flirt. Ask her what she would peg you with. Make it clear you're not judging, you're just talking about what ifs.
> Have a conversation at a good time. Say that she mentioned it, ask if she was serious. Make it clear you are curious to try new stuff.
I'm doing too!
I have a Horse penis shaped dildo with the ejaculating function, with it, I filled up my ass with liters of milk, glycerin, lube, even saliva!.
I also use to fill my stomach while the dildo is fucking my throat and cuming in it.
Sometimes I take a large cumlube enema with my dildo, then expel it out, and put all the enema right into my throat with the same dildo.
It feels so good to be so dirty!
absolute legend
I love it. Are you caged and dressed up like a good girl when you use your ass and throat?
Next time you play, I want you drink some of your enema. Maybe make a smoothie with your ass using bananas, milk, and strawberries.
Anyone have experience with CBD lube? Ordered some and it arrives in a few days.
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Whenever I have anal sessions, I put on my little chastity device, so the only way I can cum is through anal stimulation.
I don't have that much time to play, so I don't dress like a slut in all seasons.
I have some feminine outfits to enhance the experience of the moment. (sexy maid, bunny girl, schoolgirl, latex outfit, lingerie).

Did you say...smoothie?
Hey! I already did that thing, took a big milk enema with lots of bananas and strawberries and fucked my ass with my 50cm long dildo for 5 minutes to mix it up.
Then I put it in a bowl and drink it all on the floor using only my mouth while I fuck my ass with my XXL dog penis dildo.
That was amazing. I came a lot and of course ate my cum.

As soon as I can I'll repeat that shit.
UPS package tracking is simply retarded. I'm convinced that it can't actually account for package hold requests. I also think they have some kind of long-standing logistics process fuckup concerning hold requests. It doesn't matter if I submit the request before the shipper even prints the fucking label (and I did), because that package WILL be at least a day late if I ask them to drop it at a pickup location instead of my house. I'm sitting here at 7:20, looking at the tracking page tell me it'll arrive by 7 today, knowing it won't get delivered until tomorrow or even Friday. It's like every hold request item gets tossed in the "WE'LL GET TO IT LATER" bin upon arriving at the destination facility, and it has been like this for years.
I want my god damn buttplug.
I feel the need to ask.
Where do your legs go?
I can't really do that, since you cant back your ass up to a wall with your feet against it.
>be me
>taking a shit
>pushing (as one does when taking a shit)
>all the shit comes out
>i then engage my pelvic floor muscles
>feel a squirt of pee come out
>didn't feel anything leave my Blatter
>stand up, look in the toilet
>there's cum
I ejaculated while flaccid! That has literally never happened to me before!

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