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Girls that refuse to shave or wax.
If you prefer hairier girls (up to chest/back hair, etc.), check out thread >>11100865

Previous: >>11071004 (dead since mods nuked /d/)
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Just say Camonome thread.
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I mean, people are free to post any unshaven girls here, I just picked Camonome for the first 5, since their art is awesome
>Non-dark colored pubic hair
Need more of this
>people are free to post any unshaven girls here
They are, but they will be inferior to Camonome images.
When it comes to hairy bushes, accept no substitutes.
I will post a lot more Camonome pictures when I wake up. You are right though. These young girls have the perfect bushes.
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Plenty of quality art outside that one guy's output
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mm, that tomoko here is so delicious, id eat her out so badly
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How about this one?
That one is much better since she's not a disgusting fucking fatass.
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also yummy, i love both tomokos

fat asses with a hair trail are awesome, dunno what youre on about
anon said fatass not fat ass.
being a fatass results in a fat ass :-)
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theoreticly if i don't have to actually see her armpit or leg hair she can let them get as hairy as she wants. in practice though while i would fuck a woman with exposed hairy armpits more than likely i would make her cover her leg hair in either socks or legwarmers.
can't get over how the leg detail and matching pube colors make her lower half look like a granny's
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Plump Tomoko
God, I just love a good tuft on a girl. Makes me want to stud her, then and there.
imagine the aroma of the pee residue on her pubes
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how do you personally feel about the other aspects of hair?
>keep arm and leg hair within "realistic" bounds; keep outlines subtle and wispier, less prickly hair.
>any sort of hand and feet hair should be used to cap off leg and arm
>not a fan of nipple hair but I can ignore a couple strays like picrel. nipple hair is better used to demonstrate just how long she's neglected shaving
>everything else should be a no-go, now you're approaching man territory
>not a fan of nipple hair but I can ignore a couple strays like picrel. nipple hair is better used to demonstrate just how long she's neglected shaving
I like this, I find a young adult woman that simply doesn't care about shaving her hairs erotic by contrast but comforting in a way, and the nipple hair is a nice indicator of it. I'm ok whether she shaves everything for the summer or not, but would really love to go to a nudist beach if she had her full bush proud like >>11108651
Not my thing, but ok
Ok if its a happy trail
A requirement, hopefully with a really big bush
I don't mind as long they're soft and hard to notice
yes, if neat
definitely no
preferably not, but natural is fine
gotta be smooth
only if she's a dwarf.

i think i'm in the wrong thread.
>multiple no's
>i think i'm in the wrong thread.
Yeah I think you are not that much into female body hair
I don't like the pic you posted.
In fact, I first went into a /d/ body hair thread expecting it to be like this thread but it was like the other.
I'd only take thick, black hair on the armpits and pubic region.
Girls have more soft, downy body hair even when unshaven. I met a pretty, slim wog once with the hairiest arms I've ever seen on a chick and yet it was still 'feminine' in how it looked and felt it even surprised me that I was so into it.
The edits popular in the other thread just add thick black lines all over. Makes it look like they're taking hormones, it's just disgusting.
If you give me a reference image, I can edit something special for you. Many people ask me for thick hair but I don't have a problem doing something different.
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Anything outside of the typical distributions for a girl is too much for me
Very yes.
Very yes.
Very yes.
Mustache, sideburns, and some neck hair very yes, full beard no.
I don't really have anywhere else to post this, but I recently asked [spoiler]my girlfriend[/spoiler] to grow her pubes out for me and she agreed. About to go pick her up and see her for the first time in a bit. So fucking excited to take a bite of that fur burger.

Thank you for reading my blog post. +1 image.
We pretty much have the same preferences :)

Do you know how hairy she will be? How often does she shave?
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extremely sexy!
As far as 2D art, implication and abstraction are important. If you over-render certain details on what is basically a shorthand artistic representation of a person, they stand out and feel jarring. For example, artists don't really draw every individual strand of scalp hair or eyebrow hair, or pores on the skin, or fingernail detail, etc. The things that tend to be hard to see unless examined super closely, like individual leg hairs, are usually glossed over.

I think in your pic, the depiction of the arm hair, leg hair, nipple hair, and happy trail is my limit for how much hair I like depicted on 2D art of a 100% unshaven woman. Just enough to imply that it's there without rendering every single strand, otherwise you'd have a mismatch of detail. Even though I find hairy women so tantalizing, you just can't render body hair the way in 2D art that you'd see in real life, or you have to be very careful in how you do it and not just throw a million thick black lines everywhere like in the other body hair thread.
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Same, just switch nip and vag
Arm and leg hair makes me diamonds

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