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Nobody Could be Bothered to Make a New Thread Edition

Girls getting their bodies taken over.
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here's a mega folder of some AI translations some anon did before the purge
What in the hell happened to all the TSF boards? I was on vacation and came back to the body swap, possession, and skinsuit threads all gone which never really happens.
Janies goes rogue wiping /d/ and some other board
I'm waiting for someone to make an ero game with this concept
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It could be decent but I'm guessing there's not going to be anything actually interesting done with the possession concept like most of these types of games. Like not having to use this or that person to do things beyond anything important to the story.
Omg this is so hot! If i play this game i will only possess female body! Now we just need to wait a porn game with possession mechanic like this
>how you doing the promps to have the same gilr in the images?
didn't see the message since the thread got nuked
in sillytavern there is a field for character specific prompt so if your character is generic enough then it shouldn't be an issue. can always use a lora if one exist. I think I used controlnet reference as well which may or may not help? (it uses the character pfp)
been very long since I tried it so I'm not sure
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in desperate need for more possession/mind control with wetting.
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man this fetish is beyond dead
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as dead as the ghost inside her.
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I can still get off to stuff like bodyswap and skinsuit if it involves an actual victim so not all is lost
I only like body swap when the girl gets the short end of the stick and I only like skinsuit when a slime or monster is wearing the girl's skin or when it's a bio suit because having a guy beneath a girl's skin is gross and gay
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Can someone please post that Tracer possession comic? I think it was on the last thread.
The problem with body swap for me is when it shows the real girl suffering in the fat man's body, too distracting like an NTR scenario that focuses on the cucked dude's reaction
Skinsuit tends to be much closer to possession but it's also almost always going to be the non-permanent type where the guy freely switches between girls which isn't something I care for
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I upload some new translations check the link
they aren't there, new link pls?
>The problem with body swap for me is when it shows the real girl suffering in the fat man's body, too distracting like an NTR scenario that focuses on the cucked dude's reaction
I agree, that's why I prefer possession over body swap, since it eliminates that whole aspect from the equation, but if a body swap story focuses solely on the pov of the man in the girl's body and he doesn't become a cockslut then that's something that I'd deem to be fap worthy
>Skinsuit tends to be much closer to possession but it's also almost always going to be the non-permanent type where the guy freely switches between girls
I actually do enjoy the body hopping aspect but I just think it's nasty to have a guy be wearing a girl's skin
sorry about that I pasted it outside the shared folder
he you go

and can anyone update possession content on kemono, its been a while and there is no new content related possession and skinsuit
I think currently all the importers are down (except discord) :/
I dont know why but i love to read light novel about Possession right now. I found a gold one here. It's from the artist that i forgot the name l, It's a story about a BFF that got teleported to isekai as a slime and obtain power to possess living body. And now he comeback to real world while still in slime body, and he possess the super hot model body to seduce his BFF. I hope it got adaptation someday
i dont think theres any new content in general right now
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hyoui-lover has posted quite a bit of possession stuff in his pixiv since his last update on kemono.
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The page between those two is bigger than the max size
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sorry, meant on kemono in general. most of my favs havnt been updated since august

Got a source for that, cause that sounds awesome.
Import queue on kemono right now is flooded with discord. So patreon import is super slow. Adding discord look like a big mistake, baka
Woops somehow it got autocorrected, means to write BAKA, not baka

Title:[Mishima Psycho] Hyoui Apply de Omocha nisareru Bokutachi (Hyoui Catalog ~Onna no Karada ga Nottorare Makuru Godou Hon~) [Chinese] [Wolley个人汉化] [Digital]

Can anyone translate this? This looks real interesting
discord uploader is good for people who hide their mods and shit behind it, but people are uploading random dogshit so its a net negative sadly
Some people upload their stuff only on discord, so long term I believe that will be a positive.
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hyouik really cooked with this one
Does anyone have archive of hyouisuki's past works from x/twitter? They made their account private :(
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is the pixiv fanbox importer on kemono broken? I imported my key and waited for half an hour but nothing happened, patreon works fine
use the wayback machine
It’s been broken for almost 3 weeks now
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guess I'll be dumping my stuff here then, be sure to back it up
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Thoughts on irl women?
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getting possessed? depends on the script of the video, the acting of the girl, and how hot the girl is. if all of these are on point then irl possession porn can be really good, but so far the only videos I've seen that met this criteria were JAV
No I mean just women in general. Doesn't have to be hentai or porn related.
I always think what would happen if an old prostitute possess my sister's body permanently. Making her into a whore like herself..and I know my sister isn't there in that body anymore.
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Artist name/link?
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God I wish this was cannon instead.
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I hope the artist actually draws the sex scenes
I remember someone drawing a senario like this before
Do you have the previous pages?
no sorry, that's all there was
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I got you Anon.
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Where is this from?
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>God I wish this was canon instead
Same, this also makes me wish we got to see more of what Kenjaku did in his mom's body
Possession that leads to transformation is nice
I am sure someone translated Adabana Ch.1 by Tirotata, but I can't find it nowhere.
Was I dreaming ? and if not, anyone has it ?
I swear, every sequel to a decent possession doujin winds up going to complete shit.
which doujin are you referring to specifically?
All of them
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>I'm gonna use this body for a while
anyone else loves when the possessor makes comments like that?

Nope, you're not dreaming. I remember it too. Apparently Fakku gets it taken down anytime it's uploaded.
Do you have the full version of this?
Tirotata is sponsored by Fakku now? Since when?
if you still cant find it I'll put it on something
I fucking love strong women getting a complete personality change after being possessed. Good shit.
damn that hyoui . pdf is good stuff. thanks for sharing
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I swore that I've posted this, but I might have forgotten mid-typing.
Anyway, I'm assuming this is what you're looking for?

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Sorry if it’s blurry, image size too big
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I think we need to wait for their Masterplam about baby possession. Let em cook

Anyway, anyone can reccomend a good Light novel about Possession in isekai? Like being a slime or some of ghost or parasite that have power to possess female body
Im was gonna say the same thing this anon said >>11120871
but I like some western stuff it’s just harder to find good stuff for it and for some reason a lot of them get taken down.I remember back in like 2017 when I was first getting into the fetish there were plenty of decent western possessions and now I can’t find them. My only problem with jav is sometimes they linger on a certain thing for way too long.
The man who is reincarnated as a virus, I only wait him to possess a women, but maybe it won't happen
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Was there anything more beyond this one? Sucks that that's where it ends if not.
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It’s not much, but this is all I could find in relation to that image
Me too. Hopefully more people make hentai/fanart of Nobakuna
Well at least it got a potential. I hope it's not end up like the dong hua that become a jellyfish and he can possess other females bodies. The one i like about it is because he only love to possess woman bodies but the story is very mid. Well cant expect more from chinese manga
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Fan translation. Not Proofreader so you can make suggestions or point out mistakes (I will post the non-PDF version once I feel it finished)

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can anyone translate this?
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next part released today
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kemono.party needs to fucking fix their shit
>modern toilet bowl in medieval setting
ehh, could be a medieval setting with modern technology, but honestly who cares
Pretty sure this is about an immortal parasite thing that possess a modern day cosplayer at a con, hence why she says "i have an older boyfriend with nerdy intetest" and "I'm addicted to masturbating with a vibrator" which are things that would be out of place on a medieval or even fantasy setting.
but it says right there that it brought ruin to the kingdom and used the knight's body to bear the children or orcs and goblins
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there's even more to this
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I remember that my first possession fantasy ever was me astral projecting and possessing the body of a hot celebrity or model
source?, saucenao dosnt work
Which celeb or model?
My fav now would be Anne Hathaway or Maria Sharapova
wish they update this artist on kemono
me too, I wish kemono worked in general, I haven't been able to update any of the artists I'm subscribed to for weeks
the actress I have the most vivid recollection of wanting to possess was christina hendricks, I remember wanting to possess her so I could play with her massive breasts
Hello, new AI Bot I'm testing out, please lmk what to change or if need to fix anything :>

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mumei's pubic hair is feathers lol
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uh ok
Hey guys, just wanted to share something amazing, at least for me.
This free app creates stories based on preset characters and text. It seems to have a high level understanding of possession.
some stories I made include
- Muzan possessing Nezuko to torment Tanjiro
- Bully possessing nerd's girlfriend
- Neighbor possessing wife

The only frustrating thing is when the ai confuses the avatars but it remembers who is in who's body. Can also do bodyswap.
Does this AI can generate a story for me? Because i want to continue some good Visual Novel possession that discontinued
the story is not very long. just enough for a quicky. ai forgets previous events while generating next chapters.

btw, which Visual Novel are you refering too?
Is Koikatsu tasteful or do ppl hate it?
I get bored sometimes and make complete stories, but I never really cared to upload them.

This is hot but weird, using her mouth or belly is great, but open her neck like a suit destroy part of the experience.
Fellow /d/egenerates.
Do anybody have the link, alternatively, is it worth it?
nvm, just found it on F95
how do you get to the possession scenarios?
The grind is terrible. cuming inside turns girls into futa is turns me off entirely.
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Are there even any? I don't see any on the tags.
>how do you get to the possession scenarios?
I saw it tagged as possession, downloaded it and found it a grind fest of submissive futa crap, of which no apparent possession content seemed to be available in the first few hours of game.

Dropped, I will stick with city of secrets and town of magic and their updates.

Also, these threads used to have a google sheet link with a shitton of possession content, what happened?
what's the source of that gif?
From the game, City of Secrets
Not sure how I feel about hyouik’s artstyle sometimes, both hot and offputting to me but his scenarios are great. Anyone have his suisei posts?
Hey does anyone know of some stories or content similar to these 2?
Big fan of soul possession/swapping in general, but mtf with milfs is what I'm mostly looking for.


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>is it worth it?
Probably not. Grind might be fine if the game was quicker to click through, but will probably turn off people who are looking to reach specific content. Slow play is the reason I never dug into it, but someone just uploaded a new-ish version on f95, so I'm giving it another shot.

>cuming inside turns girls into futa
Use condoms that you get from various bathrooms. Or you can turn futa off in settings. But the bimbo/futa transformation from MC cumming in/on targets seems to be one of the main angles of the game, so who knows how much content you'll cut out that way.

It's tagged with "possession" as a "transformation theme" on TFGS, which probably refers to the "husk" transformation referenced in the first library book scene explaining MC's newfound powers. Basically "hollow out your target and pop inside them" type deal if I understand correctly. Again, haven't played it thoroughly enough beforehand to see those myself.

great site if you like captions
Solid. I love Possession.com as a theme, it just hits the right notes for me. Not much on there yet, but what is there is good.
Is there a more complete guide to City of Secrets than the one in discord?
I want to see what all the paths for different branching things (since even doing some quests before others seem to change events) but going through it all will take a while

Also, is there any point to doing a "clean" run? where you don't run into every trap or every event that corrupts Emma?
It seems money is hard to come by unless you get it from the apartment event so is it basically just do dirty things or eventually get soul fragmented? (Whatever that does in the long run)
does anyone here have the latest comics from bocahcaboel?
I updated Kemono but it's not working
can you upload them to mega and post a link here please? kemono hasn't been working for a while, I've tried to update the artists I'm subscribed to on patreon and fanbox but to no avail
Do brain transplant counted as possession if the host body is brain dead? If it is then this story good for you, since its also have milf
It sucks how this fetish has been taken over by patreon grifters
artists gotta feed themselves, especially when it comes to such a niche fetish like this one. I just wish artists did more interesting stuff and advertised their content better.
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petite girls getting possessed and turned into sluts is the hottest shit ever
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Cheers fellas
Does anyone have the comic where it's a isekai setting and the guy gets to choose his power and he wishes for the strongest possession power imaginable and possesses the goddess granting him his wish? I think it was a translation and it was posted here like 2-3 years ago? If I remember correctly it was a sketch done in black and white. Thanks in advance if you find it
People complaining about artists putting their art behind paywall and then there's people who disrespect an artist like Glixtr who makes free art by editing their work.
is he stealing glixtr's artwork and putting it behind a paywall? no, so why are you crying about an edit
Why are you crying about me crying?
because you're crying for no reason saying that some harmless edit is "disrespecting" an artist's work
Because it is? I suppose you won't understand and that's fine
>I suppose you won't understand
I genuinely don't, like, the original is still there. someone who isn't into dudes thought it was hot and decided to make it straight, I don't see what the big deal is.
ive been thinking on drawing a minicomic about an old magician summoning a sucubus, he jumps inside the summoning circle before she appear so he end up transforming into her. ... or something like that.
what do you think?
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>Anaki City is a crime-ridden city in modern Japan. One day, Mimi Usazaki, a female college student who attends a psychiatric clinic and lives a gloomy college life, gets caught up in an experiment and ends up harboring in her mind her long-lost brother, Hyou Usazaki, who is also a death row inmate. She then becomes embroiled in a battle with other death row inmates who have also been involved in the experiment...!?
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The DATE one now has a proper translation.
Translation is surprisingly getting better with AI and most of the plot is understandable but it's still barely hitting the 70% mark here comparing side to side and missed panels and etc. even if you were to edit it and had native English speaker doing it. Probably for the best it's still kept to public links if one chooses to read it there and not uploaded anywhere.
The AI may not be able to remember between chapters, but it sure does feel like it can remember the events of a continuous 'session'. The real trouble is how hard it is to get it to do a simple parasitic possession, I always have to add in that the character's consciousness fades away as the parasite/slime/whatever takes control cuz otherwise it either describes them regaining control immediately or it gets the wires crossed and describes it like the character BECAME the parasite.
Blogspot has become worthless since it made you sign in to view 18+ content which I'm not doing. I'm going to guess that this is like every other caption blog though where the scenarios are generic and the pictures are generic, plastic, ugly porn whores.

Every fetish has. The worst part is that they all seem to think the simple act of possession and subsequent porn is what's interesting. The stuff that makes possession interesting factors so little into it that the pretense may as well be dropped. Also most of it is either generic character designs if it's not just fan shit for whatever gacha or FotM anime which I can never get into.

I actually stayed away from possession stuff for most of the last month and t's amazing how little of worth has been posted ITT, how little anything has been put on Panda/E-Hentai (and shit like Nhentai is pretty much just an E-Hentai scraper). Pixiv, of course, is a non-starter because it's been taken over by chinese/koreans/ESLs and their awful CG/kisekai stuff or westerns doing, again, FotM anime/vidya or 2000s fan shit or furry shit.

Something like >>11151585 could be an interesting series but I've learned to stop getting my hopes up with shit and realizing the execution won't actually be there to make it interesting and it'll probably be axed anyway.
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This really highlights why possession is in the sorry state it's in right now: possession is just used as a vehicle for mental corruption. Almost nothing in the story relies on possession to work. Remove that first page and it's just a story about a perverted girl using brainwashing to corrupt her sisters. The guy is a non-character, all the mental dialogue/narration is done as the girl. The possession aspect more or less doesn't matter and doesn't exist beyond one or two throwaway references.

As long as people keep treating possession as some kind of handwave explanation to do their other fetishes (mental corruption and futa being the main ones) instead of the guy being something of an actual character and the actual feelings involved in taking over someone's body, I can't see anything getting better.
Anyone got any recommendations for possession games that show the creature or a slime doing the possession and/or body hopping? The only one I'm aware of is Isekai Slime. You could probably make a case for Ambition of the Slimes. I'm not really interested in ghost or spirit possession. Thanks in advance.
The new Popura doujin got a spanish translation before english. it's so fucking over.
Spanish translation is MTL.
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I've been trying to make my RPGM possession game work (haven't posted in a while). Progressed a bit into the story and mechanics, focusing entirely on the protagonist "fitting in" as their new body, since that's what I like most about possession.

The main problem here is the art. I'm not willing to go with the AI route since I'm not sure I can guarantee the quality.

But my Laptop ain't good enough for Koikatsu, let alone HS2. I'm not really good at drawing either.

Working with placeholder MZ assets felt like it will be a bother in the future...

I don't know, I guess I'm stuck for now. A new update, hopefully soon?
The "fitting in" part I mentioned doesn't mean the part about the protagonist struggling to keep up an act. It's more of a "enjoying life" as someone else.

It'll affect some gameplay mechanics. if you're possessing a princess, you would have access to the castle, be escorted with guards, greeted with respect, etc.

Possessing an alchemist would grant you access to the academy, her knowledge on potions, and etc.

But outside of the gameplay mechanics, I want the player to truly feel that they have "taken over" this body's life.

Its the part of possession I love most, when other people can't tell that the person in front of them has been replaced. I'm a bit sad that not many possession fics focus on that aspect, so I want to at least use that as one of the main things in my game.
Are there any good doujins that involve taking over foreign women? I know it comes up in Haburashi's stuff but I've already seen that.
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what the fuck even is this?
Any chance there's a MEGA or something for Nexstat's newest comic, "Got ya Girl"?
can you post the frieren comic?
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Just realized, had the wrong tab open and posted in the wrong thread.
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>ftw the new content drought continues
I fucking hate having this fetish
Does anyone already have this game?
It's not that there's not content, it's that the content is really bad.
Anyone have the marin kitagawa possession from tsfsingularity?
sugoi hero posted it on his deviantart profile but it's censored
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finally some good fucking content
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first page
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I know this is a body swap but we only see one perspective so it might as well be possession
No, it belongs in the body swap thread.

Once again, we see the main problem with most current possession content: it's just used as a form of mental corruption. I wish these fucks would just do the brainwashing/straight corruption doujins they actually want to do instead of shitting up possession.
what do you suggest they should do instead?
ignore him, he sounds like a purist faggot
Bocah’s stuff is simultaneously shit and also intriguing.
If anyone has more to share would be grateful.
It's not bad, but the model still have a difficulty understanding possession concept like the girl character still sometimes talking as her persona self rather than the possessors.
Trying to fix them, if they bork on you, tell me how you said to trigger and I can fix. You can also post an anonymous memory on that site that I can read through.
If it's one of the "Puppets" they're meant to talk as if they're being controlled and are aware of it. The possessed ones are intended to be a first person.
I would share if I could post again
Oh look at that, I can
Done posted. The one I tried was the 'Kat - Bully Possessed' character. There's nothing wrong with the prompt concept, maybe it's just the quality AI model the website uses. I guess I'm used to the Gemini model as it has better understanding on possession, so this one feels a bit lacking. Still, it's a fun little experiment. Hope you made more character scenarios.
Yeah. I'm working on more. Have some theories to make them work in a better way
can you post more?
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kinda amusing seeing quite a few artists on pixiv who aren't even into possession/bodyswap to begin with get one commission on the genre, then after some time their most recent back to back works are now either possession or bodyswap lol
Actual possession conten instead of nameless/faceless guy shows up for 1-3 pages then just becomes subsumed into a girl whose personality gets changed to be a slut. This is why P-Party is apparently always going to be the genre's peak because it's everything a possession doujin should be.
Not one of my usual threads, but this came to me and I thought it might be enjoyed.

> Be disembodied Eorzean spirit
> Pretty fucking boring most of the time, honestly
> Just float around tombs and dungeons and such
> Actually don't have anything against adventurers at all, because they liven things up for a while whenever they appear
> Don't try to hurt them, used to be one yourself before you died, still feel some kinship
> Doesn't mean you can't have some fun though
> Whenever a cute girl gets knocked out, that's usually the end for her, whatever did so is about to finish the job
> Fortunately for both of you, once she's out, it's open season for spirits
> Sinking in and taking over is as easy as can be
> Wake up, take out whatever brought her down
> Then, claim your due compensation
> You can only drive for a few hours at most, but that's more than enough to have some fun, especially if she has a party who she's been under-appreciating
> She lives, you get to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh again for a bit, and some neglected cocks and pussies get their proper attention
> Everybody wins
> Sometimes, leave a little parting hypnotic suggestion that she should settle down and start a family
> Sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn't, depends if it resonates or conflicts with her true nature
> Either way, you consider it doing her a favor, helping her figure out what she really wants out of life
> Yeah, you're a very helpful spirit
> That you think impregnation is hot, and she might be knocked up after you're done with her, is happy coincidence
> One day, help out a cute green-haired miqo'te after a mindflayer hits her with some spell you've never seen before which makes her crumple instantly
> Come to think of it, that one looked REALLY surprised when you made her get back up
> When it's time to let go, the body.... resists, clinging to you
> Feeling around, you realize why things felt a bit off this time
> That spell didn't target the body, it targeted the soul
> And.... obliterated hers
> And with her body still entirely alive but with only the one soul, it really doesn't want to let you leave
> Well...
> It'd be a shame to just... waste it...
> Maybe because the true host soul is gone, her mind is an open book to you now
> Her memories come to you quickly and easily
> Picking up where she left off would be trivial
> WILL be trivial
> Can't help but get a little excited, thinking of all the fun you're about to have, with YOUR brand new body
> Looks like your new life begins now
So I got a weird predicament I'm in right now fellas. Maybe I'm thinking too much into it, but I'd like a second opinion. Recently started talking to this "girl" online. She likes to be possessed, I like possessing, easy enough. I obviously don't know if shes actually a girl though and I really don't wanna be talking and role-playing with this person if it's just a dude. She said she's a younger chick from a hispanic country (she gave me specifics, but I won't share in case they watch board). She's sent pictures and stuff and it all seems legit, even had a really good role playing session. But I'm really worried I'm being fucked with somehow and I don't know how to tell for sure. Should I just not worry and enjoy it while I can or is there some weird way I can maybe verify them? For context their reddit account is only a month old, and the pictures they've sent I reversed imaged and couldn't seems to find anything. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
If you're never gonna meet this person face to face, I wouldn't worry about it.
Just enjoy it man, but cut her off right away if "she" ask you money or something.

Why even ponder about this? You want to go further with her or something?
gotta agree with the other two anons, as long as this person doesn't ask you for your personal information or money you should be fine
Sure enough, I appreciate it anons. I just tend to overthink these kind of things and would really hate if it turned out to be some like weird 55 year old dude from India that was fucking with me. She hasn't asked for any personal info or data since we started talking a week ago and I hope it stays that way.
I've been having some fun with AI video generators, they're pretty good for simple stuff like tentacles or slime coming out of a girl's mouth but I wish it could handle more complex stuff without shitting itself
share your prompts?

One prompt of mine:

a beautiful and slender woman wearing a red dress, black satin gloves and white high heels standing in a hotel room on a black carpet stares into the camera lovingly and swallowing a hefty wiggling nematode tube trickling with slimey mucus
>we're now so desperate that people are begging for bad AI prompts
Christ on a bike. I wish I had the kind of autism that would have allowed me to be good at STEM subjects so I'd have infinite money to blow commissioning stuff so we wouldn't be at this point.
>I wish I had the kind of autism that would have allowed me to be good at STEM subjects so I'd have infinite money to blow commissioning stuff so we wouldn't be at this point.
don't we all
>those prices
holy shit
Yeah, AI shit is skyrocketing. If you're not creating bots or chronically using them you can get away with free pretty easily. Regardless, I'm just trying to find more ideas for chat bots, I'm having fun with just making them.
I'm slapping a bot into my profile. Don't blow up the thread with suggestions to me. Use the bot, should be up in like.... 16 hours or so?
I've noticed that there's an overwhelming lack of possessed girls doing evil shit
There's some possession stuff
>last modified almost 4 years ago
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tirotata adabana ch4 coming on the 22nd
low expectations for a good story since the first 3 chapters have been so incoherent but art is nice as always
i think the story premise is good, but it feels like nothing has happened in 3 chapters
Why they can't do a possession story where, for example, the girl possessed become a better version of the host, for example if the possessed is weak the possessor make her stronger and show it that the real owner it's the new one, everyone prefering the new version and finally in desperation, the soul decide to fuse or being absorbed by the possessor for her own volition.
yeah what I meant, P1 was fine P2 should've been with the shota friend P3 with the dad P4 some public humiliation and P5 idk finale

how hard is it for these people to hire competent smut writers even for an outline of their story

gay, also that's just autogynephalia
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anyone knows what happened to paradog? someone said that he got drafted to the military since he's south korean
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I heard he had something health rellated. I hope he's doing alright
just played through city of secrets. this is fucking gold. it has various possession scenes/mind control scenes that just hit right. anything else similar? i already played through town of magic.
Finally kemono patron is back online now I have to wait
In the mean time does anyone have any good possession content that remain untranslated, I don't find anything interesting for a while now
So if anyone have any good recommendations share the link

Try lustful sin here is the link
>Finally kemono patron is back online
real shit? let's fucking gooo
I just tried updating one of the patreons I'm subscribed to but it still doesn't do anything
What happened to IntorsusVolo?
who knows, but his art was shit anyways and he never seemed to improve, plus he never finished any of his series so who cares what happened to him
Do you have the other vaulted ladyvaliant commissions?
I subbed to the lowest tier, and the bots on this site are a little better than the Dopple ones I used for some possession and bodyswap prompts a few months back, but they still have some of the same issues. Bots seem to choke when you try and have them start referring to two switched people by their new names and pronouns. They also tend to get locked into stupid end of reply tics that they add onto whatever real reply they write. Formulaic stuff that they just always say but the words change slightly to suit the situation a bit.

They're still a very effective jerkoff tool though. I've yanked it an unhealthy number of times in the past few days. The image generator on that site is also unfortunately mediocre but it's fine, what I paid is worth it for a month but I will get bored of it in that time.

PASSWORD: qK3jDrXNgf7vdP2d
Does anyone here have this.
Possession is a top tier fetish right? I mean going beyond subjectivity and obviously putting biases aside I don't think there is much out there that hits quite the same as possession does. And I have multiple fetishes. Anyone here relate or agree with me?
I'm definitely biased when it comes to my opinion regarding possession, but yeah nothing arouses me more than this fetish, it's been living rent free in my head ever since I was a kid
Understandable. I'm trying to format my own better, I've learned a lot more tricks just testing because it doesn't seem many of the other creators have fucked with identity altering to the level I have.

Will try to release 3 or so a week, but I did 20-something in like 3 weeks so we'll see.
It got shut down while I was downloading :(
It used to be but it's been taken over by fags who just want to use it as a cheap way to do corruption stories.
Yeah, corruption can be a secondary genre, but if it's clearly the focus, like with Popura's recent magical girl mother and daughter corruption, it becomes a problem. The focus should be on identity theft, usurpation, and delighting in the new body's features. Corruption that gets in the way of those is garbage.
I enjoy this take.

Corruption can be used as a supplement, have secondary characters that are corrupted whatever, but making sure a possession story is about possession is huge.
New thread: >>11172067
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What about artificial body suits? The real girl doesn't even have to know about it. I don't thee violent stup, but identiy theft if done right is hot. Or when the girl foceds the disguise it on for hijinks

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