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Nobody Could be Bothered to Make a New Thread Edition

Girls getting their bodies taken over.
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here's a mega folder of some AI translations some anon did before the purge
What in the hell happened to all the TSF boards? I was on vacation and came back to the body swap, possession, and skinsuit threads all gone which never really happens.
Janies goes rogue wiping /d/ and some other board
I'm waiting for someone to make an ero game with this concept
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It could be decent but I'm guessing there's not going to be anything actually interesting done with the possession concept like most of these types of games. Like not having to use this or that person to do things beyond anything important to the story.
Omg this is so hot! If i play this game i will only possess female body! Now we just need to wait a porn game with possession mechanic like this
>how you doing the promps to have the same gilr in the images?
didn't see the message since the thread got nuked
in sillytavern there is a field for character specific prompt so if your character is generic enough then it shouldn't be an issue. can always use a lora if one exist. I think I used controlnet reference as well which may or may not help? (it uses the character pfp)
been very long since I tried it so I'm not sure
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in desperate need for more possession/mind control with wetting.
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man this fetish is beyond dead
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as dead as the ghost inside her.
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I can still get off to stuff like bodyswap and skinsuit if it involves an actual victim so not all is lost
I only like body swap when the girl gets the short end of the stick and I only like skinsuit when a slime or monster is wearing the girl's skin or when it's a bio suit because having a guy beneath a girl's skin is gross and gay
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Can someone please post that Tracer possession comic? I think it was on the last thread.
The problem with body swap for me is when it shows the real girl suffering in the fat man's body, too distracting like an NTR scenario that focuses on the cucked dude's reaction
Skinsuit tends to be much closer to possession but it's also almost always going to be the non-permanent type where the guy freely switches between girls which isn't something I care for
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I upload some new translations check the link
they aren't there, new link pls?
>The problem with body swap for me is when it shows the real girl suffering in the fat man's body, too distracting like an NTR scenario that focuses on the cucked dude's reaction
I agree, that's why I prefer possession over body swap, since it eliminates that whole aspect from the equation, but if a body swap story focuses solely on the pov of the man in the girl's body and he doesn't become a cockslut then that's something that I'd deem to be fap worthy
>Skinsuit tends to be much closer to possession but it's also almost always going to be the non-permanent type where the guy freely switches between girls
I actually do enjoy the body hopping aspect but I just think it's nasty to have a guy be wearing a girl's skin
sorry about that I pasted it outside the shared folder
he you go

and can anyone update possession content on kemono, its been a while and there is no new content related possession and skinsuit
I think currently all the importers are down (except discord) :/
I dont know why but i love to read light novel about Possession right now. I found a gold one here. It's from the artist that i forgot the name l, It's a story about a BFF that got teleported to isekai as a slime and obtain power to possess living body. And now he comeback to real world while still in slime body, and he possess the super hot model body to seduce his BFF. I hope it got adaptation someday
i dont think theres any new content in general right now
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hyoui-lover has posted quite a bit of possession stuff in his pixiv since his last update on kemono.
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The page between those two is bigger than the max size
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sorry, meant on kemono in general. most of my favs havnt been updated since august

Got a source for that, cause that sounds awesome.
Import queue on kemono right now is flooded with discord. So patreon import is super slow. Adding discord look like a big mistake, baka
Woops somehow it got autocorrected, means to write BAKA, not baka

Title:[Mishima Psycho] Hyoui Apply de Omocha nisareru Bokutachi (Hyoui Catalog ~Onna no Karada ga Nottorare Makuru Godou Hon~) [Chinese] [Wolley个人汉化] [Digital]

Can anyone translate this? This looks real interesting
discord uploader is good for people who hide their mods and shit behind it, but people are uploading random dogshit so its a net negative sadly
Some people upload their stuff only on discord, so long term I believe that will be a positive.
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hyouik really cooked with this one
Does anyone have archive of hyouisuki's past works from x/twitter? They made their account private :(
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is the pixiv fanbox importer on kemono broken? I imported my key and waited for half an hour but nothing happened, patreon works fine
use the wayback machine
It’s been broken for almost 3 weeks now
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guess I'll be dumping my stuff here then, be sure to back it up
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Thoughts on irl women?
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getting possessed? depends on the script of the video, the acting of the girl, and how hot the girl is. if all of these are on point then irl possession porn can be really good, but so far the only videos I've seen that met this criteria were JAV
No I mean just women in general. Doesn't have to be hentai or porn related.
I always think what would happen if an old prostitute possess my sister's body permanently. Making her into a whore like herself..and I know my sister isn't there in that body anymore.
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Artist name/link?
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God I wish this was cannon instead.
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I hope the artist actually draws the sex scenes
I remember someone drawing a senario like this before
Do you have the previous pages?
no sorry, that's all there was
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I got you Anon.
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Where is this from?
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>God I wish this was canon instead
Same, this also makes me wish we got to see more of what Kenjaku did in his mom's body
Possession that leads to transformation is nice
I am sure someone translated Adabana Ch.1 by Tirotata, but I can't find it nowhere.
Was I dreaming ? and if not, anyone has it ?
I swear, every sequel to a decent possession doujin winds up going to complete shit.
which doujin are you referring to specifically?
All of them
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>I'm gonna use this body for a while
anyone else loves when the possessor makes comments like that?

Nope, you're not dreaming. I remember it too. Apparently Fakku gets it taken down anytime it's uploaded.
Do you have the full version of this?
Tirotata is sponsored by Fakku now? Since when?
if you still cant find it I'll put it on something
I fucking love strong women getting a complete personality change after being possessed. Good shit.
damn that hyoui . pdf is good stuff. thanks for sharing
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I swore that I've posted this, but I might have forgotten mid-typing.
Anyway, I'm assuming this is what you're looking for?


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