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Next Big Step Edition

Previous thread: >>11106859
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New ojou was pretty good
I’ve never played the Wukong game and don’t know who this character is but by god do I want her to smother me between her feet.
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giga brats get scolded all the time, but giga milfs get away with too much. someone needs to teach those hags a less.
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Hags are the apex predators of size, noone can scold them
We love older and bigger women.
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is LuckyB autistic? I turned off his retweets, and my twitter got chill, best decision. need to find a way to only filter media.
He's not autistic, just insane. Compare and contrast to Joethevenezualen (autistic) or Jennysecret (insane+autistic). Knowing the difference could save your life.
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I love my autistic giantess Jenny, so based.
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Needs more of a magical shrinking
Where do people post paid videos these days? thisvid is terrible
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absolute kino, big hags are awesome
Got any favorites? I like Yukari for one hag.
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I don't really get Jenny but they love squishy giant butts so we're on similar wavelength.
But they need to draw a "Planet Booty" yandere with an emormous ass and an unwilling population of 1, the idea is so free!
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I need more giantess treating mecha like toys, It's my fave thing ever.
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Jenny is pretty chill, dunno what you are talking about. She (?) just really seems to like anti-woke stuff.

Not to mention that her (?) art is pretty cute and hot.
There are no neurotypical people in size fetish.
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Show me a man who says he wouldn't want to be engulfed in giant boobs and I'll show you a liar
If you DON'T want it you're a freak.
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bare feet
socks (tabi, stockings, etc)
shoes (boots, high heels, loafers, etc)

which one you guys prefer?
Stomping/destruction focus? I wanna see boots with thick soles. No building should be taller then just that part of the boot.
For showing off debris on their boot? I want socks, tabi or bare soles.
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nah, hag love

civilization can't reach its peak without inhabiting planet-sized MILF booba

(only got Eliza on hand, but you get the point)
tabi in all cases because bare kills my boner
yeah shes definitely up there
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Bare feet in most cases. But stirrups are a nice compromise with maybe a very good looking tabi here and there.
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Really depends on the character.
Pokegirls for instance, I like Nessa barefoot. Just seems natural for her being a swimmer, just slide off those sandals we're good.
Leaf I wanna smother under those loose socks of her's, moreso than her bare feet.
And a girl like Zossie I'd prefer stirrup leggings, because she's kinda space theme'd so I think bare wouldn't fit her. But I also wanna see those blue/grey soles of hers.
I'd post Zossie content but it's all either 3d renders or AI.
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>There are no neurotypical people in size fetish.
After communing with the spirits, they imparted their knowledge unto me. There's no neurotypical people *in* this fetish because, physical impossibilities aside, there's also psychological impossibilities as well. We've been over this, and it obviously doesn't literally apply to everyone, but it ostensibly applies to everyone that could be considered "normal". Men protect the women and children, and women receive protection and also protect their own children. That last point is key in all of this. Getting protected by a woman is very childish thing. It's probably why the gentle thread is full of people with mommy issues. Obviously men can absolutely protect each other, and it's either fine or gay. But "normal" men are seldom, if ever, protected by "normal" women. It's just not how we were etched. It's fine to be cared for by a woman, like if you're sick, but that's different than being physically protected.

With that painfully autistc but fair rambling out of the way, we can now understand why there's seldom any neurotypical people in this fetish. Effectively, having this fetish means fetishizing neurodivergent women. You're attracted to women who don't really act like normal women. This definition would exclude people who fantasize about a normal woman suddenly finding herself gigantic (or finding a tiny), and trying to navigate this new scenario. Most of the stuff in this thread boils down to "haha, bug go stomp", which is pretty fucking based honestly. We don't need to over complicate it.

It's best not to overthink these things, because the answers are never flattering. I mean odds are if you wanted to copulate with a woman the size of a building, your head was fucked to begin with.
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yeah I love it when the volkish spirits explain women to me too
Is it just me, or are there no more good giantess stories anymore? everything nowadays is just ESL or creepy gentle mommydom shit. Only old content is worth reading now.
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I wouldn't consider myself a footfag, but something about stockings sends me wild (its most probably the austim.)

Sorry anon, but there are no good stories with cruel or violent content anymore. The gentlefag syndicate has won.
Tfw no giant boomer woman to step on me and say I need to work harder to afford her size
All I'm saying is I've talked to maybe 10 different people with this fetish and incidentally learned that every last one of them is on the spectrum (In their words, that's not me judging them)
start reading the Japanese/Chinese ones
Yeah western writers are too afraid to be seen as pedo/autistic/cringe whereas a Japanese writer will write a story like
>Yuki-chan is 16 and has had the entire student body trapped in her socks for the past 6 months, replacing all the original student body with clones so nobody suspects anything
>here is a story about an unsuspecting transfer student becoming her next victim

Completely unapologetically.
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Blame the western writing site hosts for that shit.
Whining about fictional character age is always a red flag for any westiod in this community; not liking loli is fine, but throwing a fit and calling for the mods because the big titty giantess was only 17 years 11 months and 29 days old is just retardation.
>Yeah western writers are too afraid to be seen as ... /autistic/cringe

Ironic, posting that on the site that helped beat that mindset into people
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Those types of stories still go on, you are just exposed to the shit western writers put out daily. There's no doubt the jap equivalent of WhiteBird lurking in some forum or a writer pouring his heart, soul and autism into some barely read story that we don't see.

This place used to be somewhat friendly to writefags. I miss the days where some fag could get requests and there would be some good pastes to read. Writers cowing to some vocal anons who froth at the sight of a greentext has been a disaster for giantess/size.
>playing Bayonetta 3
>get to this part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qox_RsOshY
>want her to slide those heels off and make me worship her feet so much
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giant rainforest pussy
The funniest part is that Western communities aren't even consistent with their rulings
Anime character with massive tits and ass that looks exactly like an adult woman? Her profile says she is 17 years old, pedophile!
Anime flat but her profile says she is an adult? Sorry pedo, still child coded
Mavis from Hotel Transilvania? 129 years old! completly ignore that she looks and acts exactly like a teenager
Something POPULAR like Pokemon girls? Please enlarge the 10 years old!
Shrink High? By all rules, it should be banned, but we going to remove some pictures and say the rest is completly fine!
It really doesn't take much to work out why someone might not want to post here when the bulk of reactions tend to be autistic shitflinging

On a general scale there's still people doing good shit out there but it's getting increasingly harder to find with more and more websites going to hell
This place is still friendly to writefags it is explicitly writing entire stories in the structure of a greentext that drives people insane.
I swear to god

>she puts me between her breasts

Get stomped a thousand times
>This place is still friendly to writefags
The last consistent non-green writefag this place had was that anon that did the elf story and was working on the imp story

People here absolutely ripped him to shreds when that imp story turned out to be different than what they wanted
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>On a general scale there's still people doing good shit out there but it's getting increasingly harder to find with more and more websites going to hell
Or that they are more focused on commissions. Free stuff of high quality is typically just an advertisement of skill to potential customers looking for good content producers.

That I can get behind. Greentexting is great for horny ideas or for practising how to be beige whilst still being hot.
The third panel looks like a butt from the thumbnail, it bothers me too much.
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I wish machine translation sites weren't so shitty and cumbersome
Nailed it
>It's fine to be cared for by a woman, like if you're sick, but that's different than being physically protected.
Agree with what you are saying, but adding to this, the way I see it, being tiny is akin to being disabled, a sort of disability similar to being wheelchair bound, not sure to what extent people being wheelchair bound require a caretaker, a role that could be performed by a woman. How different would that be from having a nurse take care of you if you were shrunken?
As for physical protection, most wheelchair bound people dont need that kind of protection, since picking up fights with them is fucked up, wonder if tinies would encounter something similar, as in people not messing with them since its so unfair, but at the same time needing help due to their disability being shrunken.
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This is a general affliction of the west imo. Not just size. Too afraid to be cringe or earnest so they don't pour their autism into creative work like japs do. Hence all the lampshading and irony and quips. It gets tiresome.
And yeah I think the fear of being called pedo is also relevant, realistically the Yuki story doesn't suffer at all if she's 18 but if you start by making compromises it puts you in the wrong mindset. If you want to write something good, you gotta go 110% full throttle without a hint of apology. When I see an out-of-place 18 in a story I always think "you coward"
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Any good story like that?
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>I mean odds are if you wanted to copulate with a woman the size of a building, your head was fucked to begin with.
What if you just want to see millions plastered on her divine feet?
That's just a basic human respons
Thank god I am normal!
>replacing all the original student body with clones so nobody suspects anything
Welp, I know what I'm using for my fantasy scenarios now.
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I imagine that the japanese writer won't be called cringe in the comments if he said that, nor would the police come at him hard.
For fuck's sake, the west is so afraid of being seen as a pedo, that they shut down omegle just because a random judge (female, of course) thought that children might get hurt.
Most retarded case of this, was a FFXIV size server that allowed NSFW of Lalafells but got pissy over a SFW size pic of the two elf twins
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Anon I get what you're trying to say but you picked a terrible analogy, Omegle was an absolute cesspit. I went on it all the time as a preteen and if I had a nickle for every dick, asshole and live wrist-cutting I saw on it I'd be able to buy a house.
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>I went on it all the time as a preteen and if I had a nickle for every dick, asshole and live wrist-cutting I saw on it I'd be able to buy a house.
Well that's on you, it says 18+ riiiiight over there. We need to stop encouraging children to be retarded. We need to stop pandering to them.
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For me, it's millions on her feet and copulating with her.
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at the same time?
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>at the same time
>Yuki-chan continuously increasing the pressure on the volleyball team trapped in her sock because their clones are constantly bullying her classmates, and the clones behave exactly as they would if they were free
>this is of course, completely hypocritical, because the bully victims are also clones and she herself is subjecting their originals to far more torture than the bullies ever would have

I feel like I’m on the cusp of something

I think that pic is paywall locked also
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>tfw your "big" sis is hungry
Any of you, fine people have any images where the giantess is about to swat the viewer with a shoe or newspaper or whatever the fuck goes along those lines?
>Caring about writers when AI has made them all redundant anyway
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here's a prehistoric MMD render by mofukitune
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aijeets are shitting outside their containment thread again
I would've nutted a thousand time to this if it was their mom rather than Ashley
>human size is a zero sum game
>nobody knew that at the time size technology was invented
>after one generation was made artificially gigantic there wasn't enouh size left, forcing subsequent cohorts to be born smaller than usual
>people tried to combat this with the same technology, but growing tinies only made the problem worse, making future tinies even smaller and requiering even more fancy growth tech to function
>eventually rate of diminishment of humanity exceeded technological progress
>even growth boosted tiny was still tiny
Who is this character?
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Maybe someday we might get some fanart of their MILF.
Ashley steals the show all the time.
One of a few garbage OCs a richfag is trying to force on us. Ignore it.
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Dawger2 had bits with her, if you're ok with 3D renders
don't you have streets to shit in pajeet?
fuck off with your soulless garbage shilling
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The loli must stay
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I respect commissionfags now that they could just generate endless giantess slop with AI but choose to pay for it anyway. It's a flex.
(as long as they don't self-insert)
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where can I find miniature city sets? I'd like to pose my figures like in pic related
Sometimes Godzilla/other kaiju figures come with them
You think that's bad? You should check out the size box server. Nuke anything anime on sight, but mods try to jump through hoops to justify Sonic characters being put up despite him being 10. The mods are so biased towards furry characters being an exception it's unreal. You could post a model of a straight up evee and they'd be fine with it, but the moment an Ilulu shows up they'll lose their minds.
i remember trying to rp on there during the pandemic and every other user on there was a damn bot and the other ones were all drooling retards that write 2 sentences and expect you to write 2 pages
i also remember baiting the fuck out of retarded pedos on there, good times
3D print?
I fucking loved Omegle. I was able to get a lot of men willing to rp size stuff even if they never heard of it before just because I told them I was a female.
The best one was a guy from my country that rp with me every day and he wrote a lot while also accepting any idea I gave him. He was happy with photos of lingerie I sent him that were of my mother.
I stopped when the dude offered to come and visit his “girlfriend” (I told him I lived in another country) just because he wanted sex.
Wild shit.
Oh hey! I came here to post my own stuff like a tool and someone beat me to it. Very nice, thank you.
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I assumed everyone knew about the fate of the Sizebox server; the fate of any place the moment you let those sorts of shitters gain any sort of power.
Doesn't help that they gloat about things like AlloyRabbit getting banned from dA and lie about the reason MMDSize was nuked, omitting all the harassment and sperging from the anti-"loli" mafia that happened just before the shut down.

Look up geoscaper, its where most people get the high quality models
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Did you guys forget...
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Ngl I do kinda like that when it's done from the perspective of the giantess sometimes.
Cute flip on things, although my mind is probably warped from too many /human/ threads
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Those thighs are deadly but TToTT
>that body
anyone have this?
Source please.
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Hello there. Can't say I'm good but I honestly try my best. My stuff is more aligned to the booty/brap thread though so if your tastes lie outside of that then I'm not much help. As for the ESL, welp, I guess I shouldn't have been born in Mexico and be taught Spanish as a first language but in my defense, my mom did get me enrolled into a bilingual kindergarten so I learnt English quite early even if I can't reach native speaker level.

Being called a pedo can have far reaching consequences for those in 1st world countries and have their online identities easily tracked down but I think it's actually a normal healthy reaction not to want to be labeled that but who knows? As for autism, I have never seen or heard of other writers being afraid of being outed as such. The general consensus in most places I've been is that we all must be somewhere on the spectrum given the peculiar quirks of this fetish.

The point about Japanese writers fully committing to their stuff is probably down to culture and fearing fewer or no repercussions, compared to western culture which is mostly tainted by US political bs. Speaking for myself, I do try to commit and put an unreasonable amount of effort into my stuff.

This holds some truth but the reasons can be summed up above with the addition that payment processors and advertisers can bend their arm into compliance.

I've been a regular to these threads since 2016 but this is the first I'm seeing about writefags getting hate on the size thread.

There's not even that many sites to choose from, pastebin purging NSFW stuff at random, writing-com with bs paywalls and limited choices for interactives and giantessworld still running 20 year old spaghetti code. There's collaberotica as a writing-com alternative but not many people have picked up on it. There were other sites but those never really got off the ground too well like CHYOA.
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>jump through hoops to justify Sonic characters being put up despite him being 10
lol, damn near everyone in that series is underage
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Looks like it. Damn shame for the baka’s big day…
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Frog victory
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Where's Smasher when you need him?
she will never be a loli
>Shiosato Jun ends Mob Sekai serialization
>says she got a generous opportunity to serialize a manga she's been doing as a hobby
>says its target audience and genre will be vastly different from Mob Sekai's
She's a known sizefag. For twitter hobby manga, she's done a shrunken salaryman being housed by a highschool gyaru, concept art of a hero being boobcrushed by a giantess demon lord, and a normal husband/wife clowning around short manga.

Is it /our/ time?
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Maybe. Size mangas have actually had some success in recent years, so that makes it even more likely
m i n i s t r a t i o n s
r i v u l e t s
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Not so fast, smelly.
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Great, now she's gonna spread some size changing disease.

Or, if she's a natural giant, whatever giant common cold she has is gonna be ultra lethal to tinies
All popular characters are richfag OCs if you think about it.
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How quickly the tide turns.
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Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
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don't normally care about out of character in size art but I don't like seeing Nadeshiko crush people
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Please go post this disgusting trash on /aco/ or anywhere else
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you can't trick me this has ai slop shading
This picture is from 2017 retard
meh, still looks like AI
give me a source and I'll belive you
Holy fuck, you said that and I started to look deeper and deeper and now I can only find fucked up flaws in this "drawing". If this isn't AI, the artist has no fucking idea of the most basic notions of human anatomy.

Also, here:

https://www. deviantart. com/craytm/art/Comm-Printout7-704928837
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