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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>11100086
Belt Thread: >>11100686


>Lock Tracker & Guide


>Guide to Nipple Orgasms
(PDF) https://files.catbox.moe/fa55vs.pdf
(Audio) https://files.catbox.moe/uheaeu.zip
Anchor post for any cage timers you want to share

See the Lock Tracker Rentry for some tips when creating a lock.

(intraining99) https://chaster.app/sessions/ma9PEazscsz39lYM
(Please_be_nice) https://chaster.app/sessions/mNUPxCItBMbMFuvO
(Undecided) https://chaster.app/sessions/C3ZDgDbIlZbmHrGi
(robintheincubus) https://chaster.app/sessions/VsoyOSyjnkqrkvHH
(Andrea22) https://chaster.app/sessions/T0knRoNjEkmsZg9T
(SissyDoll) https://chaster.app/sessions/yKHhcAYenyyIVNjs
(stuggles) https://chaster.app/sessions/VU7lS01es1BqBT7N
(ShiShi) https://chaster.app/sessions/emFAo947AsJcr4qv
(OneEyedJack) https://chaster.app/sessions/aczKV6xnd2nT3MWu
(frz) https://chaster.app/sessions/3BStBmDqmI62EYfr
(MissChaste) https://chaster.app/sessions/OyVGnEEXpsn2PdZE
(sbubyppupy) https://chaster.app/sessions/BwbxTHVqFtjZfDlV
(Ericka) https://chaster.app/sessions/Nqa2axCYPGjHUemf
(Jopper) https://chaster.app/sessions/xAIAVp7sScnTIIiB
(adleir) https://chaster.app/sessions/TPlLNK4kPM4NEpRv
(michelleOwnedTaken) https://chaster.app/sessions/Ww4z3DpyHAUA26GZ
(porrov) https://chaster.app/sessions/CVQryHVb1cFfpPsP
(umidori) https://chaster.app/sessions/M5aNZOu90FMdPUvh
(Drone5772) https://chaster.app/sessions/39JaT0DhvwimqYCv
(Duder818) https://chaster.app/sessions/ysIMbftdfXJJGqow
(DeathGun) https://chaster.app/sessions/6Z1rjeNSD8vA48Jo
(Frenzy) https://chaster.app/sessions/aL8mNMS8p7JNSGci
(vivislockedup) https://chaster.app/sessions/dpf2RJHK29IPLlXl
(BrittanyJane) https://chaster.app/sessions/D0EnVsUowBBmoMmC
(Kettu_fox95) https://chaster.app/sessions/PwTAFeH4gEBvskzs
(LockedLolly) https://chaster.app/sessions/UL6ygdGPa3c7l2DC
(SilentSub) https://chaster.app/sessions/dnudWoQkGGgoF3oa
(StupidMutt) https://chaster.app/sessions/X8c5ydj3RHyaiwY1
(programmingsocklover) https://chaster.app/sessions/vC6gCuBMGGN6ii0t
(PsuedoNekoArc) https://chaster.app/sessions/2nVi6mBRJx9hCvV9
(b0nk3d) https://chaster.app/sessions/bmNt700VgStkiNdb
(Delv) https://chaster.app/sessions/zrs8vz85CsUDNp1W
(vacohin) https://chaster.app/sessions/jPop0eOlOntXdUCv
(caged_destiny) https://chaster.app/sessions/qczsze1X4sbP0uM8
(Xdress33) https://chaster.app/sessions/iSDRLSnrFwF75S1Q
(sissypansy) https://chaster.app/sessions/hLcVmsrkbycD1FmW
(break_my_clitty) https://chaster.app/sessions/D3wmlmTadgGne11K
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Locktober is approaching!

Thinking about making some shared locks for the thread/server again like last year

Anyone have any ideas they wanna throw out for tasks or lock topics?

Ones from last year (will be coming back this year +/- some edits):
Kinda hot, ngl
But yeah, check out aliexpress for some cheaper cages, no reason to drop $100 on a cage without knowing it'll fit well
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Hint: it's in the image itself. Open your eyes.
maybe the name and X account @ on the bottom left you smoothbrain. I bet your parents are siblings
So you don't get sex or don't get to masturbate at all?
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Had what I think was a dry orgasm last night from nipple play. My nipples felt so hot and sensitive, and it felt like lightning bolts were going from them down and up my spine. I was thrashing moaning and squirming. I felt my prostate involuntarily contract multiple times in a row, but nothing came out. I felt like a puddle of goo for the rest of the night trying to get back to that level, but couldn't.
Very nice! Quite the achievement.

Did you follow the nipple guide in the OP, or what do you do for nipple play?
Yea, I followed the guide. Took about 6 months, 3 months of nothing, 2 months of feeling good, and 1 month of 'wet' orgasms. The wet orgasm were super watery, had 6-7 pumps lasting about 45s. Used a tshirt the whole time to dull the sensation.

>Imagine being so gay you cum from nipples
Trying cage on longer time for the 1st time. My goal is to stay locked until monday morning as this weekend I'm saying home. I'm going to watch a lot of porn to feel horny enough. Any tips what to do with keys to have easy access in case of emergency but still prevent from unlocking too early?
Put in a cup in the freezer and freeze it in the middle of it. If you need it you have to run it under hot water for a min or two so that usually deterred me before I got a gf who does it and have a safe word.
That's quite gay
I went and bought myself a nub cage. I was too daring with my first purchase (an inverted one :p), so the nub is outright comfortable to wear. It came with a scew-on urethral tube, which I've never used before. I said fuck it and worked it in over the course of 40-odd minutes and am now sitting here, mind ablaze as I wait for my lovense to finish charging.
Wish i was small enough to fit in a nub or flat cage :/ they look so much cuter
You will get there, downsizing is a thing
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Thanks for using my art as anchor!
I'm always looking for more chastity scenarios~
Is it real tho? I’ve heard mixed opinions, some ppl say its just people lying about their dick shrinking for a fetish, others say it happens
The real answer is:

No. Well maybe *kind of* but only very temporary/reversable.

If your penis stays flaccid for extended periods of time it can be a bit smaller, but the penis isn't really something that can atrophy in the same way other muscles can. If you have an erection (and haven't had one in a long time) it is possible that you will have somewhat lower blood volume (your penis isn't hard because of a muscle, but because it absorbs blood like a sponge), but that would only really for a very long period of time.

However all of this is reversable. The only way it would be 'permanent' is if you injure it (and you would know if you were injuring it) or if you are on some sort of hormone treatment that affects that sort of thing.
Firstly about shrinking, I'm 100% with this anon>>11119746
But downsizing cages is not just about shrinking, the body adapts in other ways too
Your erections get weaker, your body creates space inside of it (that's how inverted cages work) and you just get used to being stuck in smaller cages.

That's at least how it works with my body.
I'm a grower, erected about 15 cm and placid about 6-7
I was just released from a full 3 days of being locked up last night. This was my first time being locked for more than a couple of hours. I was checking my time on chaster constantly. I would celebrate when the timer went down, and when the timer went up my heart would sink… but… at the same time I would swell and strain against my cage. When I got free, I was proud that I stuck it out, and relieved to have my freedom again… But in truth, now I feel like something is missing. My day feels lonely and dull. Maybe I should lock up again soon…
If you feel like that you really should, at least as long at it doesn't affect your normal Life.
And again seek the thrill to give control away.
Enjoy the time you have and explore yourself
How do you guys buy fetish stuff online?
I've been thinking about using my own bank details and home address details but I am worried that it'll get linked back to me somehow. Am I overthinking this? Or are there good ways of doing this anonymously. UK btw.
If youre really paranoid use prepaid cards and post office boxes
You are overthinking it my dude.
also UK btw
what are you even afraid of? nobody actually gives a shit, almost to the degree that it would be hotter if people did
unless you are a high profile celebrity or politician you don't need to care
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using one of these to hold a knockoff htv3 in place. The back part of the htv3 is this piece of plastic which extends beyond the ring and digs into my groin above the shaft. It's quite annoying. Do I replace the cage with something else? if so what?
I am blessed to be one helluva grower. Patience and persistence will see you through to most any goal.
been so into this shit for so long but dont wanna ruin relationship with my omega vanilla gf :(
it's just a fetish. it's embarrassing but it won't ruin a relationship.
i guess
you can try orgasm control without chastity first. get her into edging you, deciding if/how you can cum. if that goes well then suggest a cage
actually not a bad idea thanks anon
Do these elastic straps have a proper name so I can search for them easier? I only know them as chastity cage straps. I feel like they must exist outside of that though.
Is there a lockable version of these?
they are hard to remove because the little buckle is caught between the ring and the shaft's cage
That doesn't sound like a downside.
correct. it's not tamper proof but it's finicky and would require undressing at least to take it off
How small do you realistically have to be while flaccid to fit into a flat cage?
that tab sticking out into your pubic mound is the absolute worst part of the HT design. try a cobra clone or just about any metal cage with a 1-piece ring (the hinged ones are a gimmick not worth fucking with)
which one should I actually get if I dont know what I want
anyone can get into one, you just can't pee in it unless you have a micropeen
they just don't work with straps, i think it's designed to point straight down and a strap prevents this.
Wait anyone can get into one? How?
you just squish it down and it disappears inside your body. you need a strap for it to work.
some people seem to be able to get it to work without the harness/strap but I think you need to be full on skellyman-mode because any amount of give in that area means you can just flop out over the top
You fags know how to reduce chafing around the BALLS?
good luck! o7

keep your skin clean and hydrated. i usually add a little bit of lotion every other day
Since last thread died, I'll show up again here. So.

I've been in permanent steel chastity for 4 years, not once out of my cage. My keyholder is my asexual gf from 8 years.

Ask me anything.
nice digits.
what is your name, your quest, and your favorite color?
Hot. How permanent?
wet sand any mold lines on your cage, use an elastic strap to minimize pulling away, and apply coconut oil twice a day (ideal lube/moisturizer for chastity, hydrates skin without leaving high friction residues like most lotions do)
nice, that sounds like a lot of fun.

how did you initially get into chastity as a couple? i've been self-locked about 50% of the time and have been trying to do more, what helped you make it permanent?
My name is Anthony, my quest is an ongoing one for happiness, and my favorite color is chartreuse :)

As permanent as it gets while the keys are still in a known position. My gf is my keyholder, and the only reason we haven't disposed of the keys is because of a possible medical emergency, or something like an MRI.

Otherwise, I'm never out of my cage. I sleep on it, shower on it, work on it. The lock has been replaced a couple of times (they tend to rust faster than the cage), but replacing the lock never involved releasing me.

So, yeah. Right now I'm 1462 days without ever having a full erection nor a non-ruined orgasm.
I used auricular needles for a few months and now I feel good when playing with them
I'm at the penis link part and I feel it's not working, how long did it take for you?
Which cage do you have? How about cleaning and what do you mean by non-ruined?

I touched on this subject on the previous thread, but I'll just expand on it here.

My gf is asexual. Of course, it was a bit awkward when she told me (she lost her virginity with me, and she's been adamant that it was a good experience) after I wondered why she didn't have sex with me.

We had been a couple for around six months by that point, and while I did miss sex, she's been the best woman I could ever find. She plays vidya, she roleplays Scion with me and my friends, she sings, she makes incredible muffins and she's sweet and loving.

So, I really wanted it to work. She did too, I could tell since she offered to have as much sex as I needed to, but I knew it would be a strain on the relationship going that route. As a way to bond, I opened up about my kinks, and in doing so, I revealed my chastity dream. It was something I couldn't do on my own, I always chickened out, but thinking about it, it would match her desire of not having sex, and my desire of being locked up.

Of course, there was some insecurities to deal with. She didn't oppose to it strongly, she just thought that I was giving up way more than her. We agreed to start slow, with non-permanent chastity, and see where it went.

She realized I was serious, and while it took a while for us both to adapt to all the new issues that come with a permanently caged cock, she took to it wonderfully. She teases very matter-of-factly, since she knows sex is definitely out of the question, and that's something that gets me hard as diamonds.

I'm not submissive, just intensely masochistic with a fixation on chastity, so her teasing is simply ideal. She says of it that "it's adorable and better than any engagement ring." She really enjoys knowing that I'm literally hers, and I really enjoy knowing that she's happy fulfilling my weird sexual needs without compromising hers.

So, TL;DR: we went permanent both as a way to save our relationship, and as a way to signal our commitment to one another :)

I have a Lockdown cage. I don't really know the exact model, I chose it because I liked it, and it fit perfectly. I use 40 mm ring.

Cleaning is not much of an issue. I can shower with it just fine, using genital soap and being gentle. I also have moisturizing lotion that I apply from time to time to keep the skin healthy.

With non-ruined orgasms I mean I haven't cum voluntarily for as long as I've been in my cage. I've had nocturnal emissions (which have grown increasingly infrequent), and on the first couple of years, I came around four times while going about my day, just random ejaculate. I distinctly remember cumming once while I was buying groceries and thinking I had peed myself. I was a bit concerned about incontinence, but when I went to the bathroom, it was semen.

As a way to sum thing sup, I haven't had a pleasurable orgasm in more than four years. All instances of semen leaving my body has been in my cage, and involuntary.
I mean "came four times in total", not that I came four times a day, sorry.
Ah ok yes this kind of cage makes cleaning very easy with no need for unlocking.
Do her friends know? Or anyone close?

No, not that I know of. As I mentioned before, I'm not submissive, just masochist, so it isn't part of my kinks.

It's also true that I never explicitly opposed to it, I do get aroused with the idea of getting caught (which is why she doesn't remove the cage when we go to the airport), but at some point we discussed it, and she says she enjoys sharing in a something about me that nobody else does.

I do realize my chastity life is somewhat boring. We're not on a femdom or FLR type relationship, nor am I a cuckold. But for me, it somehow makes it more arousing. It really is my everyday life that is in chastity, not the sexual moments, and adapting so thoroughly to chastity that it becomes a given is the line I never dared cross on my own, and thanks to my gf, I left that line behind me long ago :)
Congrats. More power to you for finding a way to be happy and content. For me and many I’m sure it’s the fun that the girl partakes in it and kinda is involved more directly in a sexual way. Even if it’s her sexual parts only. But I’m sure there are some like you who have no issue with it being more one sided where she just kinda exists but doesn’t have a more direct role, if that makes sense. But I’m happy for you for sure.
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I have a device that seemingly fits perfectly, but makes my taint sore, even if I lubricate. Any advice? I'm not allergic or anything and it isn't too tight. I'd stay in chastity for way longer if I could get past this
How big were you before all this? Would be interesting to see the amount of shrinkage from permanent chastity for so long
Your body just has to adjust. That’s common sadly from the rubbing of the ring.
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An anon from the last thread said they were going to review this cage when it eventually arrived, any luck?

For reference
ok, it came this afternoon, so far the shortened lock leaving a much more profile fastening point is amazing, no more rim or tab pressing up onto my mound uncomfortably. the locking posts and tabs are well made and with their configuration dont seem to flex at all so no pinching from flexing. The resin while really light feels smooth and molded in a curve well enough I've yet to have pinching from under the ring. the bridge of the cage to the ring on top I'd say is a bit too wide, or the the top gap for the scrotum where it meets the bridge on top is too small, have gotten a bit of bunching, but not pinching feeling there- that could just be chalked up to personal anatomy but, mite be snug there- or I may have needed to get one cage size bigger idk. the hex basket cage design is AMAZING for keeping everything nearly exactly as you adjust it to. comfortably grips your pp, but you dont feel the mesh even if you get aroused and strain in it some. the front slit for peeing imo is a bit oversized, but since the cage keeps you in place so well, it makes peeing as long as its sitting, nearly worry free. and only an annoyance if you're aroused enough for your cock head tip to extrude out. but also that may be a personal anatomy thing, I have a tiny pp head compared to rest of the girth/length so I squish out tips ez. have tried under mesh and normal undies, briefs and boxerbriefs, under shorts and jeans, walking and driving, all check out fine and comfy. going to see how night/ rest/ shower goes and then can judge fully- but overall other than a few tweaks, this is improvement across the board. also I wear a single loop belt, fyi.
update, slight ring tension from sleeping in it,
the mesh left an imprint after long wear+ lewding, and slight sus scent from my source for the mode. comf, worth investing, but be careful!

I was about seven inches hard before getting locked. We've agreed with my gf to an unlocked day on the fifth anniversary of getting locked, so I guess I'll truly find out in a year.

I can definitely say that erections have gotten more "comfy" with time. Not just adapting to them, but they feel weaker and less frequent. Struggling in the cage isn't as much of an ordeal as it was before, and even if a smaller cage really isn't an option, I do feel like my current one is roomier than say, three years ago.

I'd wager some kind of atrophy is going on. I don't use any type of purposeful shrinking methods, not really interested in speeding the process (though I knew it was a possibility when permanently locked), but yeah, it definitely feels feebler.

Guess I'll know when I get to be unlocked.
Remove balls

When did it make ur dick broken
Should shill your comm info in /trash/ and link it here.

I started noticing it a year in.
Any idea of how long that can take?
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i recently bought aveeno skin relief cream and i find if im chafing down there rubbing some of that cream between the ring makes it hurt a lot less super quick
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I came through my cage for the first time last night after around a week or so of abstinence. Just listening to music and vibing my cage with a wand was enough.
The orgasm was pretty much equal in intensity to a normal coom but a lot more drawn out, but what I wanna know is what should I try to do next? Vibing during anal? Lower intensity vibrations? Abstain again and try to do it faster or with something else new?
I got the same sorta post-orgasm clarity and refractory period so I'm not sure if I should just hop back in and try again for seconds or let the horny build up a bit more first. Still locked though
It’s the best. My gf uses a wand on me and I love it. The best is either wait a day or so or do it like a hour later haha. Usually she’ll sit on my face and do something for an hour until I’m ready to go again.
Thank you so much for the review!
Do you find it more comfortable than a holy trainer? Are you circumcised?
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I noticed FAQ doesn't mention chastisafe. The downside of chastisafe is that it requires a discord account to use, but the benefit is that you can script your own special events with it and even make minigames using your cards as health bars/attack stamina and so on so you can get creative with them.
Skill issue
Fake and gay
sauce ?
it says in the file name its AI
Does anyone have suggestions for one of the knockoff cages from the FAQ for a larger size? I've never tried chastity before, I'm about 12cm long flaccid bone pressed, not circumcised. It seems many of the options only go up to a small or regular, and I have no idea how to size these things.
The FYJENNICC store on amazon has a couple models with sizes that seem about right—the standard or maxi. Maybe a little small on you but probably not excessively so.
lol it probably will ruin their relationship if he just jumps straight into it

like >>11120261 said, he should figure out how she feels about milder forms of orgasm control/denial, and overall femdom, first. if she enjoys it (not just tolerates it, enjoys it) then bring up chastity
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Did anyone ever encounter this design? So discreet.
It looks kinda flimsy though.
I actually have that exact one in pink, the small one on the chart you posted. Its okay, it aims more downward and is more against the balls than I care for. Still a nice lightweight cage thats like a rubber material so you dont even notice it after awhile. Its not my fav cage I own but better than some metal ones or the clear plastic ones you see. A nice cheap mid level cage.

Also my girlfriend used her vibrator on me while I was wearing that one and its nice to cum in while wearing but doesnt hit the same as some of the other designs. Hopefully my review helped
Anything I can do about discomfort while lying down? Sitting upright and standing don't feel as bad as the tightness of the ring when I lie down, and it makes me anxious.
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Recently found that the author that drew pic related cosplayed as his own character. Chastity cage and all.
Funny stuff.
Sorry, hyper busy week for me haven't been able to check til now.
The ring I'd say is about the same or slightly less comfy that HT ( I have 3 lengths for v3 and v4) but still noticing les pinching and bunching at the bottom of the ring.
The cage itself however is an upgrade in every sense.
I maybe should have gotten one length size up, but still beyond comfy with belt on to help.
Yes, I am circ'd, kind of loosely so it will cover most of the head after a few hours inside the cage
Why the divorce between here and the female chastity thread?
idk but I like it, not a big fan of females, most I'll tolerate is femboys, so it's nice to have that separated for the most part
>he author that drew pic related cosplayed as his own character
source for that?
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The male-focused threads are a lot of blogposting and irl shit as it's a popular fetish among single men.
male chastity is more popular
female chastity is more niche

it would clutter up here so its given its own thread
Switched from a 1 inch dome cage to a flat cage and it actually fits a lot more comfortably
Didn't ask plus fake and gay
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>get horny
>start fapping
>remember my cage
>too horny to stop fapping and put it on
I really need to buy a more comfortable cage, I think I'd wear it much more if it wasn't such a hassle to get on.
what type you have?
Some shitty knockoff with a massive ring. I need to go back to a cheap chinese one with a small ring that's easier to get into, but I'm back with my parents and I'm nervous about ordering something like that to the house
I get that, you can do amazon to a locker nearby if you have any close by to walk to or drive to. thats how I got mine when I lived home a few years ago
which flat cage
I think I will just keep using needles until it feels good without doing the penis link thing
Lets add a few images so it hits the image limit and we get a fresh thread for locktober
I feel like I can never find time to wear a cage which is insane. But the time it takes to put on and off plus washing it after adds up.

I've only worn it in hour increments so far maybe twice a week over the past month or two and I feel so bad I'm not ready for full Locktober.

I'm also super worried I have the wrong size because the largest ring I have is smaller than my math but when I looked at a bunch online non of them matched me and I know my cock isn't that big. It doesn't feel too small, there's no like worrying colors, it's more snug, but I'm so paranoid.

Sorry first time posting and word vomiting.
i have a cage that fits well but i have a hard time cumming with it on, even with a vibrator and all dressed up in the mood. any tips anons?
come on man
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>any tips anons?
When it comes to vibing, it's all about finding the right spot. This spot can vary depending on what cage you use and how your penis has settled in it at the time. You've just gotta fish around for the location with the most stimulus. Other than that, it's pretty finicky (which is why I like it). I tend to have to rub the vibe back and forth even on the high settings, though I don't have a particularly strong vibe. Other than that, make sure you're quite horny when you do it. I generally can't cum while caged if I fapped the day before, it's gotta be one of those things where I'm desperate for it
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Whoops, that image was already posted. So here's another
use google reverse image search.
it will get you a ling to both amazon and aliexpress pages for that cage.
there's several different sellers that have it
I bought one just like that which I wore for a while, found some on ebay. I personally love the cobra inspired designs, it worked well for what it was. Would have been better had I sized it correctly but I've taken care of that now. Make sure you get a ring shape that you like if they have those options.
You know this shit gets deleted and possibly cops you a ban, right?
it triggers interpol to do a raid on your house, arrest you, and then find and destroy the keys. They also use parental controls to block 4chan on your computer.
They also melt down your chastity cages in front of you and force you to fuck a pocket pussy.
and it operates on north korea style 3 generation rule so they lock your whole immediate family up too
is it just me or is chastity play more popular than ever?
i think it is
Women are systematically caging small dick losers, if you're not at least 7" long, your not safe
Well, I finally did it... I gave in and bought my first chastity cage, smallest knock-off holy trainer from aliexpress I could find since I'm 1.5 inches.
Also bought a dildo, a chastity strap (just in case) and some panties.
My pussy is not a virgin (my clit is lol), but I think it's time to make my faggotry official
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I don't really do commissions but I'm always looking for ideas so feel free to share your chastity related fantasies!

I made this art last year for Locktober, an easier beginner challenge~
Well said girl, accept your nature and cage your useless clitoris.
try anal
I've been having fun, but when I get hard(?), things seem unsafe.
my balls turn this deep maroon color, and while they aren't blue per say, it makes me worry.

how do I know if I'm actually doing damage?
the balls are naturally at a lower temperature, and color is honestly pretty subjective. so what guidelines should I use to know when to stop?
>My pussy is not a virgin (my clit is lol)
Same but I'm not new to chastity. Try doing a caged hookup, it's pretty fun :3

Once you get used to sleeping in it, you can really just stay caged indefinitely aside from cleaning every few days. I've been caged since last Locktober and hopefully I still will be next one!
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Which cage did you get anon? If you could link, I'm tempted to start this as well
catbox links seem to be broken, does anyone have a re-up of the pdf?
what's the best way to make a temporary cage at home?
Looking for this Warhammer 40k chastity art of a girl casually milking a guy's prostate and collecting his small dick's drippings into a beaker and talking about how weak his sperm is for someone so high ranking. It was hot but I can't find it again.
>>11126690 (Me)
Found it.
Hi everyone! feel free to add or remove time from my chaster lock! https://chaster.app/sessions/215oJ57wjSVCUEsp
How you’ve never used your dick in sex before ?
no idea how this tracker thing works but heres a link - https://chaster.app/sessions/JOiYt9WPzMmtSocq
I accept it... my pussy is the only sexual organ I have.

I bought aliexpress.com/item/1005004286200157.html. I don't know if it's very good, but it's cheap, and seems good enough for my first time.

Because I am a sissy, anon... I don't need to use my dick to get pleasure, since the pleasure I get is by being used by men.

I can imagine... I hookup regularly with a 70 year old near my place. He'll go crazy once he sees my little cage lol
He's been training my nipples lately, so it couldn't be better timing
jeeze you're alot deeper in this than I expected, good work
I've never met anyone who actually was into gilfs
>I hookup regularly with a 70 year old near my place.
how did you guys start hooking up
Thank you!

Big dick, big belly, big house with a pool, what's not to like? He likes to kiss and handhold too

We just met on grindr lol. He was looking for a cocksucker and I was looking for a cock to suck. I'm not picky at all (never understood sissies that are), I just want to whore out. If you're the same you'll find dick in no time
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won't playing with your nipples give you man boobs?
Only if you are a man.
>Mainly use a metal nub
>Get nostalgic and want to try out my cheap plastic cage I start with
>Put it on
>Stand up straight
>Immediatiely starts pinching my cock
Fuck I hate that thing. Those cages with adjustable rings and sizes are just not worth. All those moving parts are just a massive pinch hazard. Just give me a single hunk of metal any day.
I bought a cage for locktober this year but honestly it feels way too big and difficult to put on, really pinches my balls and is pretty tight when fitting myself into it (I’m not particularly big but I am somewhat thick). Any tips? Should I get a larger cage?
Fag and gay
That's fuckin foul, but I guess that's part of the fetish. Also I guess you're doing a valuable service, who knows I may be in that 70 year old's shoes one day.
I'm a grower. There's a lot of extra skin that sits at the ass of the cage and feels uncomfortable. I tried gently shoving it all in with a Q tip, but it felt tight and even less comfortable. Wat do?
base* not ass.
i had issues in the same spot and it would pinch and feel tight, id constantly have to pull the skin through, then when id 'grow' it would go back to the original issue. i have metal cage and i bent it 'open' a bit and increased the gap between the ring and the base of the tube/cage. added a shoelace and its pretty comfy. id guess the tube length is a bit short or you need a bigger gap
is progression to smaller cages actually a thing? the limiting factor for me is being unable to pee easily and i don't think that would get easier over time.
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I mean I certainly ended up in much smaller cages than when I started, but frankly those were just too big. It’s not like I shrank, just that I realized cocks are way squishier than they appear. The only thing that should matter is that the opening of the cage is urethra-shaped, and your dick aligns with it reasonably well. Measure your most flaccid length and go for a cage slightly shorter than that. You don’t need or want room to grow if you’ve got everything dialed in.

I don’t get how people use these meme-tier cages that look like fucking salt shakers, but listen if it looks like a fucking shower head it’s gonna spray like a fucking shower head. If it looks like your dick it will spray like your dick. It’s that simple.
nah the problem is that the dick is so squished the pee can't pass through easily. squeezing by hand helps but not always.
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So this might be a weird place to ask this, and I don't know if this thread gets many posts like this, but I'm trying to draw a 30 days of locktober series with my OCs. I know I'm really mediocre at art but if anyone has any suggestions for drawings I'd be very appreciative.
Yeah that sounds too small then. Are you like in one of the totally flat cages or something? It should have at least enough room to fit the head of your cock “un-squished.”
no i've had this with the two nub cages i've tried. i'm using a slightly bigger one now but the small ones looked much better and were more comfortable when i wasn't trying to pee.
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Honestly I kind of like your style if you ditched the “bimbo” aesthetic or whatever it’s called with these overly huge busts and impossibly tiny waists. Femboys being slowly softened with tiny hormone tits budding from their diet of titty skittles would be great. Even for real, properly busty women, it’s way more appealing to me if the rest of their figure is proportionally/anatomically accurate within reason.

As for what to draw, I like scenarios where the sub is worried about an extended stay in chastity or its effects. One way to do it is have a dom tease them about “shrinkage” from being locked up so long, another is just making them worry about getting stuck doing “no nut november” or “denial december” for being a badly behaving brat.
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Ohh, okay I see. Yeah definitely for femboys I think I need to work on the anatomy. I think that the titty skittle idea is great as well. Same with the nnn stuff
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Is it tight enough that your urethra is getting like squeezed open? Maybe you need a shorter but wider cage then. (For example like Kink3D lets you choose standard, narrow, or wide.) Definitely sounds like you are closing in on the optimal size and getting into the realm of needing slight customization from the norm. Hope you find something that works!
>Is it tight enough that your urethra is getting like squeezed open?
that happened like one time but it just took some adjusting
i'm in a cobra knockoff in the second smallest size they had right now, the smallest one is the nub and it's what i'd like to wear. it's already pretty wide for me, the "ergonomic" shape of the cobra doesn't make any sense for me because my glans is way smaller than the cage seems to be designed for. but everything else works pretty well.
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I'm pretty proud of myself now I'm going to have a few drinks and get used to it. I would love some advice. I feel so goood
deff underrated idea.
but i also agree with >>11128790
maybe start with the boi getting slowly escalated to gayer and more desperate acts.
like just light teasing to cross dressing to hormone or anal play to having to get full on gay to avoid NNN
Lube helps. Personally my salt shaker is my favorite cage but I can't wear it long term.
What kind of metal nub? Most I've seen have really open spaces or the ending is so narrow that it gets really really messy on the bathroom.
anybody else find long term chastity kind of boring? i forget my cage is even there most of the time. it would probably be more fun with a keyholder, but that's out of the question.
it's not boring, it's normal. that's why it feels so comfortable that you forget about it.
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i did this sketch of bridget tied up with a chastity cage on i thought it came out ok for a quick thing
I dunno, just like little dome with hole in the middle and a bunch around it. And yeah it's hit and miss with peeing. I don't like peeing with a cage on anyway so I take it off to use the toilet.
I just got circumcised and it's been amazing since
Pretty good stuff, wish there was more chastity stuff with him
Get a good disinfectant & sterile lubricant for the tube kitten, we don't want you to get UTI don't we?
>dick genuinely too big for chastity
Ive tried all the usual solutions, my dick simply demands freedom. Not much of a "problem" really but it is a lil funny

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