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Previous Thread: >>11116627

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
ControlNet: rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
LamaCleaner: huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Wildcards: rentry.org/NAIwildcards
4chanX Catbox userscript: rentry.org/hdgcb
PonyXL/Autismix cheat sheet: rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

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Anchor request.
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An extra for tonight, good night
night anon
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requesting more of this multipenis gym girl. cumming with an emotionless tired expression
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More gmilfs (dick optional)
POV view of a bratty-looking smug fairy comparing her dick to your (significantly smaller) dick. She's saying something like "Hahaha, mine's bigger than yours! That's kind of sad~"
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>would (run away and hide my boner)
C'mon, you know you want to.
Look how much fun you could be having! Like in >>11118509

Y'all are welcome

>Holy fuck anon, your gens are amazing! Love the centaurs!
Cheers, that's kind of you to say.
Any particular taur flavors that suited your fancy?
(they're definitely one of the things I'm known for around here)

I'm curious, are you using a lora for the egg stomach bulges? They look nice and I've failed before to get that effect with just prompting.
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Trying to ignore being stared at in the library.
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A true short king
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I liked the pose in your sketch, so here's nerd Fauna. She comes complete with corrective eyewear, corrective braces, and corrective nipple piercings.
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Dragontaur because I wanted one.
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Bot 'cuz I'm bored and seeing how I like this checkpoint (it's alright).
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Green sploogin'
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More femboy cock envy
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Bit titty futaba
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Long neck.
Dog pussy.
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Nightmare kot, but long.
i love boobies
sause here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/76374114
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Requesting Akko giving futa Chariot a buttjob.
Yes, that's my Pixiv.
Huh. I have never heard this term before.
Most people would just say anal sex.
I like how she is circumcised and is not afraid to show it off.
consider yourself lucky, i thought it'd be quick but then I engrossed myself into it, looked into finding that font doujin captions use and installing it, as well as installing a remove background extension to join the pov and fairy picture. Enjoy
Full res: https://files.catbox.moe/sviwps.png
Text free version: https://files.catbox.moe/zn5a33.png
Lovely high definition Mousse, that back is asking for a finger caressing her spine
>lol did you also use the lora? Was getting those two tails alot of gacha?
Getting two tails wasn't much difficult, but the issue was that they often split apart from each other or didn't look like they weren attached at the same point, in the end I just prioritized a composition that worked and doodled the tail in. Then I swapped the mousse lora for the "all"-in-one suggested earlier to inpaint the lower character to be Utage. Giving you a blowjob as a joke is the kind of thing I'd picture her doing in a doujin.
>forgot to ask how you do that, i want to try to manually add some metadata in my lora merges, is that possible?
The metadata is embedded right into the beginning of the file, see for yourself: https://files.catbox.moe/flt14y.png
One could even edit that by hand but there are tools readily available such as https://xypher7.github.io/lora-metadata-viewer/
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nice anon

for the eggs ?, yeah it clearly need a lora, for more than 1 bulge or they probably would turn into breasts with inpaint
lol, pixie dick supremacy
that's my ex

Johnson, bring me the Crazy/Hot Chart
hello again, I wanna repost this gens and then find your pixiv, lol :D. Good stuff
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Me with my oversized novelty blue drink can
>hello again, I wanna repost this gens and then find your pixiv
I... don't understand.
Anyways, you must be Qwertycon. Hello, and thanks for the follow. Nice to see a fellow /d/eviant on Pixiv.
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A image like this, but swap lumine to either futa klee or Nahida
Black and hung Astolfo!? Só hot!
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Centaur Megumi going wild
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Oh, the girl from star rail and her futa gf! Nice art anon!
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hey,saw your posts on civitai and the "Matrix Hentai Pony" checkpoint seemed really good,but was removed from civitai for some reason. I'm downloading the newest version from huggingface right now,any tips for usage or just standard pony stuff? Cause your gens with it were amazing btw,the artstyle is almost exactly what I want

Some anon asked for the link to the kawakami masaki Glora from previous thread:
Honestly don't know if Gloras or Doras are usually better quality than standard loras but everything I've tried from this guy is really good
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civit allegedly doesn't remove checkpoints, at least that's what they claim
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Favorite part of Civitai honestly at this point is checking the example submissions people post using the lora and the image looks nothing like what it's supposed to and comment
Yeah it's probable that the author removed it for some reason,don't know why.However I'm pretty sure they removed loli focused checkpoints as they should
>sex pose lora
>gallery filled with images without the pose
>artstyle lora
>gallery filled with people using it at 0.2 strength along with 5 different ones to the point where you can't even tell
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It's up (mega and civit)
by the way, went back to PonyXL for a moment to make a couple example pics for the post, and holy shit does it suck compared to Autism.
Eventually I figured out that DPM samplers just fry everything and Eulers are slightly better there.
Fertility godness Asuka, again with muscular x fat body which makes the perfect venus type! Really love that pudge in latex and how muscular her thighs are despite This! And those saggy, sloshing juggers!? Great work
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Update on matrix:yeah I can tell why it was removed.Avoid like the plague.
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>Well I'd like to know how (YOU)'d look after 37 pregnancies with how much you work out, idiot! This is (YOU)r fault!
I wanted to make a little tribute to asuka anon by using her as one of my cover girls for the style on civit.
Oh anon, this gen it's even better! Her pudge is more highlighted and her even more defined! And that ass!? But the best it's her visable nipples and areola thru látex! Great job again!
>Honey, I was praising you! You look so hot now, and actually I want even more children!
>asuka praising ANYONE
Ornate, the king of styles
Forgot to appreciate this fucking wild gen, is that some muchin?
She praised Kaji.
>She praised Kaji.
Welp my bad. Walked right into that one.
Anon, it was me praising Asuka and not the opposite
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my bad, busy with a bunch of things after making the civit post and can't even into reading comprehension.
One more gen, here she's asking you if she has to cook the usual amount or if you're going to leave your whole plate almost untouched for her to eat. Again.
Interesting experiment: by upscaling and then repeatedly inpainting, alternating between 0.3 denoising inpaint only masked and 0.5 denoising inpaint whole picture, you can take a foot featuring an indeterminate blob of toes not close to the camera (because the AI struggles with fine detail) and eventually turn it into something with well-defined toes that look good. The trick is alternating between only masked and whole picture inpainting - the latter is better at fine details and the former is better at overall shape. Eventually by alternating between them the two make up for each others' shortcomings and produce something usable.
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Initial gen. Just something I did as an experiment - not gonna polish this one or anything.
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Inpainted that at original resolution, then upscaled, then inpainted five more times, alternating between whole picture and only masked, finishing with an only masked.
Turned an indeterminate blob of toes into an actual foot.
Could someone make some tall futanari miku in the canvassolaris style?
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are long tongue succubi with fangs who although they seem like sex pests they have a heart of gold /d/? (From my upcoming /d/ game,coming when it's readyâ„¢)

Interesting,I've been trying to inpaint and although I can improve some areas somewhat the result always seems to not fit in with the rest of the image.So do you inpaint the toes with a specific prompt like "5toes,foot", and after that with the original prompt for the whole image?
>You can cook normally honey, but even if I dont finish my plate you can eat it for me!
Naked apron!? Also, love the tsundere face and muscular arms
All inpaints were done using the original prompt that produced >>11119823 so didn't need to change anything - figured this would work since barefoot was in the prompt, and it did.
>Pony LORA was obviously trained with all 3DPD data so it turns your artstyle realistic
I hate this. It's fucking Pony. People using Pony don't want realism. What the fuck are you doing?
very interesting,thanks,will try to apply it to fix some gens with bad anatomy in certain parts
i switched to perfectpony, its very good too

ty btw
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impressive hyper dick fairy kek
> doodled the tail in
Hahaha that's always the secret. A bummer but i guess it's fine, it's my fault for being lazy. Picrel is with some more luck and just t2i which feels like pulling a 5 star early lol
>The metadata is embedded right into the beginning of the file, see for yourself
lol yeah in hindsight i feel stupid for asking like that instead of googling. I found the lora metadata viewer too. But it's great cause now i at least can include some additional info in my merges. Should've done that from the beginning, but oh well...Thank you anyways.
>prefect pony
testing it rn, looks pretty nice, even a bit more anime than fantasmPony imo. I should've trusted your judgement lol
nice, perfect nipple slip
>C'mon, you know you want to.
i feel like i wouldn't be able to get away anyways lmao And i really like the short hair on that one.
>went back to PonyXL
LMAO just don't. It's impressive how ass it is. But your asukas look great. I'm DLing your lora rn.
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Mizuki prompt, but without the lora. I guess it's just a cosplayer.
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Just some sad gay french guy
>you like the shapes that one checkpoint does better
>but you like the shading style that another checkpoint does better
>gen in the first checkpoint, then throw that image into the second checkpoint using Anytest
GOD I love Anytest.
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>LORA or combination of LORAs deep-fries image
>no problem, just gen, then throw the image into Anytest and re-gen without the LORAs
Hung femboys are back! Love big, floppy cocks!
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lmao I love this
>leave ranbooru running
>holy fucking tits batman
Veiny and flacid... The cute and nice butt, and the fat lines too, yummy
Love monster ntr, it's fourth place for me
Is Pony still the meta? I need something new and exciting to shake things up soon, or I'm gonna get bored.
Technically, Pony derivatives are the meta as nobody uses Pony itself, but yes.
Flux has become the SFW meta but that obviously does not apply to the people in this thread.
NAI surpassed it ages ago. It actually makes your gens look like drawings instead of blatantly obvious plastic-looking AI, and it can also do backgrounds a million times better.
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>NAI surpassed it ages ago
Where's the link to the NAI model? Oh yeah, right...
>paypigging because you have a skill issue
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Only Free as in Freedom tools are pure.
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ty lol
i reworked some pics and added one

also you make me want to create a huge elf as a baby factory now q_q
im not taking that bait, bad pony gens is just skill issue tho
Aight, this is one of my fav artwork in This board RN! Lovely huge bulge to cute boy, also really this one piece gym clothing!
She birthing a bunch of mixxed devil babys, also holy fuck I love the dream getting popped!
Requesting a bimbo shemale in hooker-level slutwear walking the streets looking for shemale and futa dick to either suck dry or have dump massive loads in her ass.

Dicknipples preferred but not necessary.
i'd like some spidergirl butts if possible, not the but of the girl bit of the spider but, something like her being embarrassed about her spinnerette being used/ spread or a pussy being back there.
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>I guess it's just a cosplayer.
with 0 budget lol
top kek
picrel is your giantsis lora and Matrix Hentai Pony. Looks great!
great job lol
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Very cute and clean, anon, I like how it makes characters gain pounds without trying kek
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>add gym
>add tiptoe to look cute
>remember he's 5'7" (>tfw)
>can't unthink of him as a /fit/izen posing for a photo and tiptoeing for extra height

>keep tiptoe, but scrap gym
>he gets high heels instead of tiptoe

I guess insecurity can be cute
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Guy looks like Luka
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AnyTest chads, what sampler/scheduler are you using? How many steps, and what's your CFG too?

I'm aiming for straight up 1:1 character swaps in pictures. What would be best for this?

(One more thing, i've never inpainted before but let's say I want to change the hair color of the one being sat on here, how would I go about it?

Thank you in advance.
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>full body shots start getting blurry eyes
How do you handle this?
Adetailer? Is it worth using in comfy?
Fuck the po-po
oh yes, part2 is about her new life :'D
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hyperbots look kinda good too. But it's really more like a concept lora than i expected. Without any artist loras or artist tags it really looks like the model style.
th anon, happy that you got them and like it
>I only wish I asked for her to get naughty
i'll try to do a few masturbation gens when i can later
good job anon!
i'll see what i can do
>Adetailer? Is it worth using in comfy?
yes and yes. it's basically a must have if you're not manually inpainting
>This what Sieg see everytime he goes to trains swordplaying.
Anyways, I really how his huge bulge sticks to one leg!
I can't wait to see It!
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>Adetailer? Is it worth using in comfy?
Yeah, basically
If you're going through the effort of using comfy, you can probably even have it drop tags related to the body and clothing so they aren't used during the inpainting steps over the face.
>Without any artist loras or artist tags it really looks like the model style.
I've been looking over these random gens, and I can see a very slight resemblance inbetween gens on the shape of the eyes (except for extremely stylized stuff like DBZ chars), the pudge and the ass shape, but yeah. I selected artists with mostly a light style and large proportions, so I think the model fills in the details.
Another inpainting technique for coaxing more detail out of small areas of an upscaled image is to crop an area out of your image that corresponds to an SDXL-supported resolution like 1024x1024, 896x1152, etc., then inpaint THAT instead of your whole image, taking care not to touch the edges of the image with your inpainting if those edges aren't also the edge of the entire upscaled image they're cropped from so you can seamlessly copy/paste it back into the upscaled image when you're done.
Not only will this dramatically speed up your inpainting gen times but:
>it will generate more detail EVEN IF you were using inpaint only masked to inpaint the entire original uncropped image because it's generating in an SDXL-supported resolution
>when set to inpaint whole image it will generate more accurate shapes because it's generating in an SDXL-supported resolution
So, crop out a section of the image, inpaint THAT then copy/paste it back into your original image. Works wonders for sections where you need fine details.
Nice Mousse, didn' think my lora was that well-trained when I couldn't even get her to wear anything other than her coat
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th anon, happy that you got them and like it
>I only wish I asked for her to get naughty
i'll try to do a few masturbation gens when i can later
good job anon!
i'll see what i can do
>when I couldn't even get her to wear anything other than her coat
i haven't tested any outfits or clothing yet. Maybe i'll do that later but to be perfectly honest, completely nude is my preferred way to test chara loras, since that's what i like to gen most hahaha And yeah your lora is pretty solid. If you do anymore funky or rare charas i don't mind testing them! But picrel is the last Mousse i'm posting for now lol
> I selected artists with mostly a light style and large proportions, so I think the model fills in the details.
>slight resemblance inbetween gens on the shape of the eyes
yeah really looks like it, seems like a good lora to plug into heavily stylized checkpoints to get easy hyper gens
Futa human form Rika from jjk.
that was me anon, thank you.
Requesting Ryuko Matoi as a naked centaur pissing with her mare pussy while having embarrassed expression.
Can I get the catbox for this? Whatever you're using generates great balls.
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post workout shake
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That entire pic works so much better than it has any right to. Corrective nipple piercings so good
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Need your help bros. I'm using Forge UI and I can't get Regional Prompter to appear on it, even though the extention is properly installed. Any tips?
Amazing, thank you. always so hot
requesting 2B as a slightly chubby shortstack with giant boobs and massive lips
time and effort well spent, thank you a ton anon!
Begs the question of how she flies with that thing, or even stays conscious with all the blood flow going into it
it's magic, ain't gotta explain shit, I guess
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now that's the spirit
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Wonder if anon is still planning to do this...
I hope, Iam now a fan of him
Bikini unawareness.

Basically wearing a bikini in humorously inappropriate places (the office, the mall, police station, train station, hospital, etc)

Pic unrelated
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Aftermath of a nightmare kot encounter.

I've heard that the regional prompter doesn't work well in forge to begin with.
But make sure it's actually enabled in the extension menu if you haven't already.

It's what I expected. Thanks for the pointer.

>Ornate, the king of styles
Agreed. (I'm not biased)

>Crazy/Hot Chart
Danger Zone, for sure.
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It's Muchin with a splash of Kawahagitei for Blondie's face and belly. Here are older ones that are more Muchin based
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Actually perfect body for a centaur, made for cucking normal human Man
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I give up. Not that anon >>11118084, but I've tried making something with Totsuka. Pose and style is reasonably pleasing, but I can't, for the life of me, get a hirez version without this annoying checkering. It's even visible on ADetailer.

Yes, it's checked. Oh well, guess I'll have to resort to another UI for regional prompting.
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Forgot pic, don't mind the checkering.
Holy fuck that's delicious. I can't believe I picked the twink instead of Lumine... I've spent far too much time and money to consider restarting.
please move requests for non-fem boys to /y/ where they belong
Looks pretty good for me, even more when you zoom in. Also, I love How big his cock head is! You did a great job anon!
Yeah, a anon on slop did it for me! Also, I prefer the twink Aether maybe because I relate to him lol
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Thank you! I'm the Mafuyu requester btw. I'm absolutely obsessed with your gens. The tribal futa pics busted my nuts so hard last night haha. Could you replicate the big puffy anus with her please? cumming and ahegao is welcome as well.
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Stupid anon, you're making me gay.
If you want complete control of your gens and you want a hypothetically endless number of options, Pony is the option. There's enough loras around to really make any artist style (unless they're obscure). It's also near the only option for good resolutions of more degenerate content or specific content that you might find on /d/ (take a look at their own AI general if you want to see).
NAI is pretty good at vanilla stuff and I think by far, artist styling and decoupling outfits is much much better than Pony which tend to get very specifically trained lora that don't decouple outfits from the character, or styling of the artist. The biggest advantage to NAI is the familarity of the tagging system and it's better than Pony for prompting, not for tinkering and what you can make with it (though, you can get creative). It's a great start-point/mid-point.
Flux is only really starting to go anywhere right now so no one really knows, but it seems like people are being encouraged through stuff like Civit to make some content with it.

It's more dependent on what you wanna make I guess, and if you can train your own lora. If you can train your own, then Pony is by far the clearest choice I think. Even so, NAI is so easy to use that I always go back to it.
Box me I try centaur gens every once in a while it's just kinda cursed territory.
Here you go:





These gens get cursed very often but what I find helpful is creating a Regional prompt mask with small strokes of where I want the characters to be and when I find a seed that I like I paint the mask more and more to enhance the features I have in my prompt.
Its not the best workflow but its the best Ive come up with.
requesting cock transformation sequence where a smug camilla gets turned into hinoka's hyper cock, cumming a bunch in the last panel
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I've apparently wanted to try this for a couple weeks.
I run sets of four when prompting, so this was from the first attempt.
Nowhere near as nice, but funny how flexible pony is.
your clip skip is 1 fyi
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Yeah, those are older ones, now I have it set to clip skip 2 like this one:


Regardless, thanks for pointing it out because I learnt about it from an anon who told me about it
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Probably means hotdogging.
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pretty good example of regional prompting
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I went with
arms tied behind back, (hands behind back:1.2), (hogtied:1.2), restrained
and got rid of other bondage indicators. It seemed to make the arms more controllable.
what checkpoint and laura is this?
Ohh I'll try that, I tend to overcomplicate things and my prompts become clusterfucks, its time for some prompt pruning, thanks.
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Checkpoint: dreamweaverPony25DMix_v10VAE
LORAs:<lora:huge_breasts:0.8> <lora:HugeTitsTinyHipsV3-1:0.95> <lora:futaba-sakura-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser:1>


Here are some more with other LORAs:
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>futaba sakura ponyxl lora nochekaiser
>lora on a promptable character in native pony
Shiggy diggy duwop every time though man.
It was good, thank you

I totally agree, mounds to end your life on
nta and I haven't tried genning Futaba, but it could be that the native Pony version is really bad. I've had that experience with some characters and especially some artists.
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Yeah, I don't trust Checkpoints to do characters, in most cases adding a LORA doesnt hurt and reinforces the characteristics of the character.
For me the Checkpoint is a base that determines style and sets the limits of what you can do.

IE: I find Dreamweaver to be more reliable on it's style but really fucking stubborn or sometimes imposible to change, so in some cases you have to bombard it with high priority keywords and LORAs. In constrast AutismMix is way more flexible but very volatile.

That has been my experience so far, maybe it's not necessary but I'd rather go overboard with LORAs and getting the result I'm looking for than relying on microdosing my prompt as to not drown the training of the Checkpoint.
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I tested persona characters before and it was more or less like Mitsuru, p5 school pres, futaba, I think Haru worked, only tested Naoto / Rise from p4 and Naoto kinda worked Rise didn't at all.

If you're following the auto complete for some characters booru tags her as
>futaba sakura
it doesn't really work, but if you add the game
>futaba sakura \(persona 5)\
It'll work.

Yeah I agree with the lora overdose I just treat it as people are so lora-pilled from sd 1.5 they don't check if the model can do a quarter of what they think they need a lora for.
i'm getting uno makoto vibes, need more
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that's because it's uno makoto, lol. I coloured some of his old sketches that he never finished and did img2img.
That's so hot
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/pal56m.png
well post more of them good sir, or catbox them if you dont want to spam
A futa measuring his dick with a ruler and being really short for the job, preferably at least 2 rulers long to the base of the glande
Im definitely one of those, I jump between different checkpoints and don't go deep enough in understanding what they are capable of, just test the styles I can do with them and beat the shit out of them with LORAs like the ape I am.

The drawback is of course that my gens sometimes get burned, a prompt change or LORA value absolutely destroys the image or even that when going to upscale it one LORA makes SD shit the bed and I get a smudged monstrosity in the end.

On the bright side, I have fun genning a whole load of different styles, kinks and characters very fast. I'm not in for creating a masterpiece, just a wild range of different degeneracy.

To the people doing those masterpieces my hats to you, some gens are fucking mindblowing.
On this topic, where do you guys upload your stuff? Mega? CivitAI? What allows the most degeneracy?
Super cool. Very productive. Lots of artists sketches deserve to be finished. Especially UM
mega is great for 99% of degen shit though i will warn about loli and human short stacks. normally its fine but if some fag gets pissy at you and reports your folder you it could get your shit nuked. i know since it happened to a namefag on slop.
I'm sick of these fucking faggot ass service providers, they all need to lose their section 230 safe nets until they stop doing editorial censorship on the fucking shit we upload
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It's never bashing, just behavior stuff I do and rec to others because if your model can do it it's just a matter of how many additional prompts you need to get what you want. Using character loras / concept loras inherently carry a style on their own so I avoid using them if I don't need them and chances are at least for local you'll need a fair few character loras but I always just check to be sure.
Anon I just wanted to say that gen is absolutely beautiful. Her cock is the perfect size, shape and thickness. Cute outfit, playful face and pose. Everything fits nicely in frame. Great job!
Oh absolutely, that is why so many of my prompts are terrible, I'll try prompting characters before inserting a LORA from now on to see if it works for me.

This is also why >>11120276 pruned my prompt and made it better, I think that I find it easier to just add and add more instead of doing the smart thing and keep it simple.

Still trying learn how to do things efficiently but I cant help to fall into throwing shit together and see what sticks.
sometimes it takes two pairs of eyes
yeah its fucking stupid but i dont blame the companies too hard since its really the government. i can bet that most of these companies wouldn't give two shits about you posting loli and other stuff, especially places like mega where you pay for it, if they didn't have the feds breathing down their neck ready for blood. made more ironic that the we all know the government is full of pedo cabals hurting hundreds of kids yearly but heaven forbid some average joe gen or draw some cartoon cunny, clown world man
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If you get what you want then keep doing it since you're genning for yourself first and foremost. BREAKs are great use tool as well and yeah just add as you need prompts, mess with cfg and there's some other clownier shit that's more of the deep end of tweaks that I'm not sure are worth it or good but that's the beauty of local anyway.
is hyper time?
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UM definitely deserves his stuff in HD and not just be left as sketches.
A few months ago, there was an anon requesting Ken Marinaris from Zone of the Enders getting fucked by tentacles.I saw that it was never fulfilled, so I decided to take a crack at it.
Not going to lie. I was never into vore, but then there was this one shot in some manga (not even doujin) I was reading and it awakened something in me. I'd rather not go down that rabbit hole, but here we are
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2hus with monsterdongs
Can't get enough of these. She's very good
Delicious. Please You should put credit to him in the images too.
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Persona girls. My only weakness <3
Here you go, though I'm fairly sure I just lucked out on the balls.
That's one bad mean Reisen. If only there was a bad mean Tewi to stop her.
Hey, think anyone here could gen a set of images to match a story I've put together using a Chatbot? Figured it would be appropriate to use AI images for an AI story.

The story was made on JanitorAI, which requires you to make an account to view R18 stuff.


If the link still doesn't work, let me know and I'll look into a workaround.
here's one wth another couple here

go ahead, she's pretty sex now what if she gets better?
Beautiful. I bet Miku's "leek" must taste like Monster.
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Good weakness.
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Thanks, anon. The braces were a last minute idea right before I posted. Then I realized the piece now had a theme.
Here's a bonus pic for the original requester, based on the original fan art that inspired me for the delivery.
Could I get a box for that, please?
love these, could you give her huge breasts?
love your crazy demon-cat lady-thing
Yeah that looks much more anime than usual.
Both of them look similar but different. It's like Hotdog vs Veridian.

I'd post a nice futaloli I made with prefect and your possummachine lora, but catbox is down at the moment.
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Figured I'd ask my retarded question here since most of what I gen is /d/-tier shit anyway
Is there any downside to using those lightning models like the lightning version of autismMix? I'm used to the confetti version and these faster ones sound way too good to be true without any side effects or anything like that
sure why not
Anon could you please do a Rin Tohsaka in that style?
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box? looks great
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Wallpapers for the bold
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Ehhh, I don't post my images anywhere except here. Bragging about your AI shit on social media seems weird.
Damn, the asuna one...
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An experiment with altering a small portion of an anime screencap. Here's the original.
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I had tried to do this sort of thing before I found Anytest, without success. Basically when I inpaint just the one foot it wants to draw two feet there every time, on the off chance it draws only one it will be horribly misshapen.
However, with Anytest set to strength 0.7 it rather quickly gave her a single left foot when set to inpaint whole picture, denoising strength set to 1. Obviously, barefoot was prompted and shoes were prompted in negative.
Anytest is useful for more than just straight-up copying of lineart. It seems to help the model understand the specific concept you want even if it's altering the lineart.
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Uh-oh. Pie testing some sketchy balls enlargement drugs.
Anyone got any advice on how to make autofellatio deepthroat?
This is the closest I've gotten, I'm trying to get pretzel futa going balls deep.
The answer is always sketch it/use Koikatsu and then use Anytest on it.
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the black/blue tan cat is nice try to gen something similar later, so is hina. even though i have ice and purple on loop as walpapers don't think i'll ever be bold enough to have a /d/ickgirl for a wallpaper
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>I see, thank you for the honesty.
Ofc, better that someone else that likes the style more gets some requests/gens.

>tfw you were the only person that responded to my lengthy post last thread :,)


>I wanted to make a little tribute to asuka anon by using her as one of my cover girls for the style on civit.
Thanks vramlet very kind! Idk if you saw my reply to you last thread. But these asukas are closer to how i prefer her IE not as hyper.

Your astolfos never get old!

>Canvas genner
Based. Think you could cook up a astolfo in his style? Its something ive yet to see.
Thick Rei with brownish areolas!? So fucking hot!
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>Try out new orientation / sizes
>Completely whacks out the gens
Honestly wild how big of a difference that makes for the AI gen since I guess it's just trying to fill space more then understanding that emptiness is just as important.
there is deeper throat and deepest throat loras on civit.
(this is deepest https://civitai.com/models/598687?modelVersionId=668972 )
heres a no effort gen of possible results using the deepest throat lora

i'll try it out later see what i can think up, brisket time now though
Yes, the resolution you gen at is excessively important.
It wants to make lolis 6 foot tall if you gen at 640x1536, for example.
>lose my mind over trying to get it to unzip below the belly button
>come up with [cleavage dress:unzipped bodysuit:0.25] prompt edit fuckery
>find out about "plunging neckline" almost as I'm finished with this piece
well that was a learning experience.
I might be becoming addicted to the chonk. But it's a hourglass figure so it's alright, right?
incredible result, that was gacha right?
cute artstyle, I love it!
I saw your reply, that was about the album right? I'm glad you liked it. I was mostly done for the day and the thread died in the interim.
>But these asukas are closer to how i prefer her
These are pretty large still though. I think the lora I was testing with it made the torsos slightly thicker, so it looks a little more proportionate. Did you enjoy those because of that, or was it something else?
It's always hyper time, very nice
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Catbox extension can suck my balls
Have like one more.

>i'll try it out later see what i can think up, brisket time now though
Great! Brisket is very nice too!

>cute artstyle, I love it!

>I saw your reply, that was about the album right? I'm glad you liked it. I was mostly done for the day and the thread died in the interim.
Yeah it was, so fair enough lol.

>Did you enjoy those because of that, or was it something else?
Yeah the more proportional look i would say. Again i love some of the asukas in the pixeldrain from last thread. But so many of them were too hyper for me. And she lost that tall athletic amazon look which is key to her imo. Just like how rei is the soft sow.

Idk looking at them again i suppose it might have been intentional. But she looks like a midget super-shortstack instead of the towering godess we have spoken about before, so maybe i overreacted and you just wanted to try something different with her but still keeping the big meaty legs i love so much.

So to reiterate, my ideal asuka is tall, flat/small chested and bottom heavy with a focus on the legs. And muscular all over and not in the strongfat way, as that is meant for misato imo. But i can ofc very much enjoy asukas like the ones you posted itt. IE ones with some much larger tits and a more muscle gut look.. does that make sense?
Great big Dani <3
She also needs to test some hyperslick lube on her cute little dick! It's the only way to empty her new cum factories
Muscular Asuka with hairy armpits is making Me twitch
Good taste friend. I uploaded some zips of asukas in the last thread. So just do some ctrl+f and search for asuka and you should find it.
Yep, I saw that and downloaded It arledy haha
gotcha kek. You one of the anons who i posted it for in that thread or a "new" one?
One of the anons you posetd it for haha, Also great bush
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>But she looks like a midget super-shortstack instead of the towering godess we have spoken about before, so maybe i overreacted and you just wanted to try something different with her but still keeping the big meaty legs i love so much.
Yeah, I was trying out the lora to see how it handled thick girls, and threw the Asuka build at it. But ofc I can do athletic asukas as well.
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Figured haha.

>Yeah, I was trying out the lora to see how it handled thick girls, and threw the Asuka build at it.
All good then my man!

And WEW.. that is a asuka i can get behind. Please more like that when you find the time/want to vramlet!
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Well... let's hope she'll receive a good bonus for that.
I fucking love Asuka with eyepatch, even more in magic girl outfit exposing her muscles
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Experimental stealth suit with AT-strand layer to entrap the new type of "horde" angels (fuckers are everywhere now), neural interface is "spotty" by lack of a more charitable term.
>bust my ass trying to prompt for spinerets, monstergirl, spider girl, nothing works (well, except the later if you like capeshit)
>time to peruse loras!
>check out "Spiders (Pony) (Experimental)", which is an innocent SFW lora meant to gen spiders and spiders only
>filename is literally "Spidersex7-000040"
Had to inpaint to get it going.
Marvelous asuka
>And WEW.. that is a asuka i can get behind. Please more like that when you find the time/want to vramlet!
I can probably leave it running some wildcards while I take a break.
Requesting hung trap Mizuki selfcest, preferrably with a clear dom and a sub, extra points for tentacles.
If it's any help, here's a lora I baked for him: https://litter.catbox.moe/nzl561.safetensors
Feel free to use it for other gens.
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Here's your folder with my latest lora!
pixeldrain com/l/H58HomTU
It surprised me how it went baby doll on nude pictures instead of painting a pussy, wasn't expecting that. It's also very "front view" happy, and had to force side view towards the end. But other than that I'm liking it.
Can you dump everything you did with this character to some mega
Can you gen the rest of her body? No need for more water tentacles. Just her nude body.
These two are beautiful. Got a box for em?
here's a link for both in one, did a couple of both futa and not of both.i think there was style interference with rin since they look different

thats fucking hilarious, looks better then my failures. satisfied seeing a completed image, and it's challenging aura gone. thank ya lad
or maybe not
https://pixeldrain com/l/fyxEDB3B
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Goated random gen with an unzipped suit, it's the only think that'd fit her.
Drunk tittycow hags
argh, meant for
Damn, those hips and thighs... And such huge cock too, what a stud
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Requesting Hilda (Pokemon) giving futa Cynthia a blowjob.
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>autofellatio deepthroat

see discussion starting at >>>11115091 and >>>11115170
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I could easily generate enough images of that to make an autoirrumatio lora if anyone wants a set, I usually make a couple just to get my settings dialed in
Pure as fuck.
Gardevoir? more like I'm gonna gardevour that asspussy.
buff asuka.... so hot
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very nice,what checkpoint are you using?
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>>But she's actually over 6,000 years old so technically she is a hag!
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And 2/2. I liked this one better.
Mommy huge milkers
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That's a pretty cute and sexy Rei, what style lora is that?
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I finished your request within the hour but then I was banned on bogus grounds for posting this
Which if curious you can see here https://files.catbox.moe/6q5g5v.jpg (It does not in any way break any rules but I'm not uploading it here for obvious reasons)

I'm posting the Totsuka you requested regardless since it's already done. But it's clear femboys are some jannie's pet peeve.

Unfortunately, I won't be doing any more femboy requests since it makes the janitors seethe.
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Last one
Ohh, hi anon! Great work as always, juicy cock and nice pubes.
Well, that's a shame since I really liked your arts and dont see any rule getting broken...
If you move to any board please say so, also is futa okay?
pregnant futa with multiple cocks
I think so, depends on the mod reviewing it apparently
>If you move to any board please say so, also is futa okay?
If you can find a board or site with non retarded moderation let me know. I already had similar experiences on /h/ and would rather not get harassed for contributing content
Iam getting a good time in trash, sometimes some folks get anrgy with blacked but that's pretty much it
Checked before. Couldn't find a general but that's understandable. The problem is the rules aren't actually that different. The whole lolikon/shota thing gives individual jannies carte blanche to send you on vacation if they don't like you or for any reason.
At the same time with things as they are, if you allow it, it gets flooded with it, such as is on /b/ and sites that do allow it.

Ideally it would be nice to just have a method to put the rogue janitor in hot water by reporting them when enforcing ban abuse. But that would require extra work as I'm sure they'd get reported 90% of the time.
Yeah, I dont 4chan will ever truly fix the moderation here... But slo is not really bad, I rarely see artworks getting banned there even If they have some lolis (generally thick ones so they dont count I think?)
But yeah, If are a loli genner you probably will not gen there
>If you can find a board or site with non retarded moderation let me know.
you'll sooner find oceanfront property in wyoming than a place where people aren't retarded when given power
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Weekly giant girl representation! Not a lot of good loras about TDF characters, actually. Still, love my gook Tracer.
>404 Not Found
Can you actually post it again? It got deleted for some stupid reason.
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Did you know you can get a long hanging prolapse by switching a flaccid futa for a prolapse mid gen with keyword blend? pink dildo also works
That's because litterbox has a timelimit on how long files are hosted since its meant for larger files.
Oh. Then they should post it on catbox.
would this keyword blend mid gen or whatever that is also work for things like cock mouths?
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The trick is it has to pick up on the thing you first described as the new thing.
If I tell it to make "pink penis" and then swap it for "prolapse", it'll keep going as "prolapse" because they're in the same region (between legs) and look similar enough (glans = cervix).

You can apply this to anything similar but not so much faces, since it's hard to back down from face parts as they're always implicitly instructed to be generated by default.
You want the first term to be ignored and unavailable so it converts into the second term.
I see, so this is sort of similar to when you use adetailer and it just generates something entirely different to an area instead of adding detail to it, except this is done intentionally
Pretty interesting, looks like there's a node for comfy so I'll try this out. Thanks for writing this stuff out anon
Sort of but not actually, adetailer is like auto-inpainting, which is regional img2img.
Keyword blend is "use this prompt for steps 0-10,and this other prompt for steps 10-20"
So it keeps changing everything on the gen based on the second prompt, not just the intended area.
For example, you can combine french kiss, saliva trail, for cumswap, cum in mouth... to get a better contact cumswap. Similar stuff like saliva will keep being refined as cum after the swap because it's close enough
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Requesting bottom heavy, slightly chubby futa of my underrated waifu, Brock's mom from Pokemon.
Why do you use litter instead of the main catbox?
I don't feel like leaving it there forever, 3 days is enough for the person interested to see it and download it
these are pretty interesting especially this one, since it has the percings added to it. nice going
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Thanks, reverse ladder vaginal piercing is pretty novel. Inpaint job, of course
Requesting the barista from Cowtastic Cafe but instead of just overfilled breasts she's also dealing with her massively swelling cock and balls.
Man I loooove redheads with short hair.
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More smug big dicked holo please, with a bigger dick if possible and knotted if possible.
How often have instances of breast expansion (especially with NAI) been posted here?
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Original requester here, thought I'd been passed over in the last thread, was NOT expecting this bounty! Thank you so much!
I don't know what it is, but the juxtaposition of these faces with a gigantic set of mamms just makes me diamonds.
effectively never because futafags scared off everyone else
>but but but we have non-futa posts
almost all made by people who also post futa
It's a popular fetish.
Speaking of which does anybody have a LoRA for male pov getting fucked by a futa? Can't find anything on civitai for it.
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I've only ever found this one https://civitai.com/models/383235/taker-pov-anal
but it's not very good, has pretty strong style bleed and will always force this exact pose no matter what
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could go for futa on female pov but, have said pov so flat chested it looks male
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>>11121453 don't listen to >>11121491 he's mad people keep telling him solo boys (not femboys) with nothing /d/ in them don't belong here and has been having a fit for several days. Breast expansion belongs here and is rather popular
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I love this bitch so much its unreal

I've been trying to get stuff like this to work with txt2img but no matter what I do its impossible to really get anything near this with SD, the stuff I generate is so bad that I simply must be on the wrong side of things. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get closer to this?
need more info, post one of your gens that's dissatisfying and the string you're using with a brief description of your workflow

Just go on civit and find a pic you like and take a look at the prompt and gen settings that was used and build off of that.

But if you want advice you're going to need to post a catbox of one of your gens so everyone can see the prompt and generation settings. Or else we would just be blindly guessing at what you may or may not be doing.
Man I sure do love futa and I love futa girls having sex even more, especially toohoos.
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this was a futa attempt I did recently, removing the Lora doesn't change much in terms of quality. I did copy some civitai settings but I'd like to see if I can make my own "style", anyways here's the tags. Removing LORA doesn't change much in terms of quality. I feel I'm doing something wrong since I see people with the same setup (checkpoint and LORA) get insane stuff.

Positive prompt: futanari, solo, long hair, breasts, blush, blue eyes, navel, nipples, heart, nude, sweat, lying, dark skin, spread legs, on back, huge breasts, dark-skinned female, tattoo, pubic tattoo, light areolae <lora:venus body PonyXL:1> <lora:FHFXL2:1>

Negative prompt: furry
Steps: 25, Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: Automatic, CFG scale: 7,
Oh btw I'm using ponyxl and autismmix and testing both of those checkpoints since those seem to have a lot of "support" for 'em. Though results are pretty similar to what you saw here. Sorry for doublepost.
ok I'll just stream of consciousness my thoughts on what I see in your image and prompt

First off I don't see any style indicators. All my pony gens start with something like:
score_9, score_8_up, source_anime, rating_explicit, 1girl, ...

when you say "futanari" you're not necessarily saying "I want a futanari (noun)" you are saying "include the aspects of a futanari in the image"

your negative prompt has just "furry", that's not helping it do anything. "Furry" is just a body type / shape and the inclusion of body fur. The tag "source_furry" is the tag that was used to identify all furry images in the original dataset (like source_cartoon and source_anime and source_photo).

You want to post a list of tags for the renderer to avoid. I always start with:
score_6, score_5, score_4, source_pony, source_cartoon, signature, watermark, censorship, censor bar, source_furry, blurry, bokeh, BREAK

and I add to it if I need to

euler A should work but it might not be the best sampler for you. Try some other samplers once you're familiar with euler and will know the difference

"breasts"? describe the breasts. Breasts unqualified are probably covered, which is why it has trouble rendering them. But even if covered breasts are usually "medium breasts" or "sagging breasts" or "heavy breasts" or similar. The checkpoint probably doesn't know what to do with "breasts"

"solo" is good and powerful

"nipples" is used properly

both your loras have weight of 1, most loras don't like to be used at a weight of 1 with other loras or with a checkpoint that adds any style. Or when trying to generate strange topics and contorted positions (like huge breasted futanaris). Try lowering the weight to 0.6 to 0.8
anyway there's some info use it if you can
(source_pony means porn of my little pony cartoon characters btw)
I've tapped into the abstract.
is there a list what exactly these things like score_9, score_6 etc. include?
Oh that's super interesting, you made a lot of sense to things I kept seeing over and over but didn't quite understand why it wasn't working, thank you so so much.
did you already find the tag 'eldritch abomination'?

yeah in the original post description of ponyxl (I think we're on version 6 now look for the ponyxl v6 page on civit)
I think it's more of a molecular rape now.
that basically tells me that I'd always need to use the full string of score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up and pretty much everyone who
's prompt I've seen is doing it wrong.
I'm not sure what to believe here.
This is actual art.
including "score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up" in positives is similar to including nothing at all except it also corrupts the image

you are saying "from your original dataset, use all the aspects of every image"
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This image says:

AI, make an image using the artemix dataset. From this dataset, use images that were tagged with the highest possible user review score. Use images that were tagged "explicit". Use images that were tagged as having anime-style content. Use images that were tagged as having hentai-themed content. Use images that were from manga. Use images that users on pixiv tagged as having detailed line work. Use images that were tagged as having shading. Use images that were tagged as having perfect shadows on pixiv. Use images that were tagged as having volumetric lighting. Use images of one girl by herself. Use images of characters in fighting poses. Use images of martial arts. Use images from a non-portrait perspective. Use images that were tagged as having characters wearing nothing at all. Use images containing at least one futanari. Use images containing flaccid penises. Use images containing dripping
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this post got all kinds of fucked up because I edited shit in a web browser and fuck you if you do that

but the idea came across I think
Everything is "actual art" if it's made by a human to evoke emotions.
I came off the LSD trip and now have normal gens.

I'm talking about art that has been considered art throughout the ages before feminism hit the market.
according to the description on civitai, they screwed up the training so it learned the long string instead of parts of it.
Dunno, will test playing around with it later.
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>The guys and I drilled a peep hole into the girl's locker room. At least, that's what we thought. As I ran through the hall and out the gymnasium emergency exit, regret burned in my lungs. It was the futanari girl's locker room. I looked back, certain she wouldn't follow me out of the school building half-naked. At least, that's what I thought.
huh, i guess i flew too far to the sun too and got my single post from yesterday got me banned so I'm phoneposting but it's pretty annoying.
you can find the foras in my rentry and in vramlets mega
>I'd post a nice futaloli I made with prefect and your possummachine lora, but catbox is down at the moment.
i asked already yersteday but i guess my post didn't survive lol
share it if you want please, and i shared this yesterday too https://pixeldrain com/l/yQj82jc8
ty anon, i'm working on it while i try to clean up my confyui workflow, i'll try not to keep you waiting for too long
lol one day you'll make train my own NGE style lora, also very cute Rei
LMAO pretty insane
>molecular rape
kek you only need an microscope scale overlay
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Here https://files.catbox.moe/vi1kne.png
I used Depth ControlNet with pic related and Lora of this https://civitai.com/models/481765 with 0.5 strength

fr fr
Gee I wonder why. That's what gives the (you)'s
You think we all gen only the stuff we're into? genning is fun and when others enjoy your gens it's even more fun.
Make a non-futa thread and I'll go there and I'll post, otherwise don't be salty your particular fetish isn't being catered to.
I don't think people would consider tentacle monstrosities art before feminism.
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That guy has the right idea for the most part.
Just a tip, don't neg stuff for the hell of it. Neg as little as possible.
Overnegging limits your composition and can help strangle your gens into melt city or outright glitch out. You will experience a lot of this when working with loras.

If you post the correct positives there's no reason you should neg the opposite.

For example if you have score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up on positive, you likely won't need score tags on negative, since the gen will be prioritizing high score over low score.
It's the same reason you put nude on positive and not clothed on negative.
Always rely on positive whenever you can and you'll get varied and clean gens (more than if you didn't anyway).

For anime, you can keep this base:
3d, source_pony, source_furry, source_cartoon, source_western,

Don't use anything else unless you need to.

For example, if you have watermarks/speech, you can add: watermark, signature, text, speech bubble, sound effects.

If you have censorship you can add censored, bar censor, mosaic censorship,

If you have random shit appearing you really don't want, like puffy sleeves, add that.

If your gens are colorless or you're getting a lot of b&w: monochrome.

The errors you're experiencing depend a lot on what loras you're using. Some are trained on a lot of b&w, some have censorship, some are riddled with watermarks because the lazy bastard couldn't bother cleaning up.

Apply these neg tags on a case by case basis. Don't have a massive neg prompt if you can help it.
A good idea is to separate by lines, hit enter after your "base" stuff so you're able to quickly delete everything else when you change things.

i like these
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How 2 face detailer on comfy?
Simple catbox plz?
which one? Im quite curious now
when will you people learn not to give him replies.
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NVM, got it working
She can rape me
Lots of hung femboy
Grimoire makes such a cute style. I'm surprised she didn't glaze any cookies..!

Here's the one I couldn't post earlier: https://files.catbox.moe/zf7ycf.png (loli warning)

It would be fun to do like a DNA rape for some bodytransform/horror doujin, I'm saving the prompts for that!
Anon not only that's a shitty western style but that's an actual toddler instead of a loli.
Tomato, tomato.
It's not western.
here you go
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(1) tsurime for the futafags
>the one I couldn't post earlier
yeah looks pretty good, was that only t2i?
>DNA rape
kek gotta finda way to gen some kind of nanomachine
>Grimoire makes such a cute style
yeah it does, but it's also extremely heavy with it, sadly.I tried to gen a controlnet image on grimoire and with that to do high denoise i2i upscale and controlnet with autismmix and my loras to get a different visual style but keep those grimoire proportions. It kinda works, but it's very janky.
loli warning:
Very nice dick, can I get a box for this?
Here's a test of an idea I have for my never-being-finished doujin, taking the nutrients of one body to transfer into another for growth.
It's basically guro, kappa: https://files.catbox.moe/k7et3m.jpg

It was a lot of inpainting, futa with pussy and jerking off is kinda rng.
Oh that's really kawaii! I've been wondering about that pixelated look, I think I have a lora but it's not as good as the one you're using.
I quick edit it before refining, sorry
Fuck, I really love floppy cocks... Even more when they are this long, imagine it spinning around...
No worries no need to be sorry, if anything that make me feel better because I couldnt get anything close to it, half erect penis is hard to do out of the box
that's not toddlercon fyi. Not saying anything else about it, not saying it's not weird or wrong not saying it is, it's just that that's not considered toddlercon it's in the strike zone for loli
You can get them to bend and lie on surfaces (gacha to get like what I edited though) https://litter.catbox.moe/53d5n4.png .
I almost always pick the winner based in my favorite composition and edit the details rather can picking the perfect dick version. It's easier, faster, seamless and you get exactly what you want.
Lick lick lick suckkkkkk
> taking the nutrients of one body to transfer into another for growth
that's pretty intense but also a very cool idea!
>It was a lot of inpainting, futa with pussy and jerking off is kinda rng.
yeah i can imagine, i just thought maybe you had found a way lol
>I've been wondering about that pixelated look
it's a new pc-98 eroge style lora that i've baked, but i'm not sure if it's ideal yet. Already on the v2 and still testing. Also those images are edited with dithering and downscaling. But i can upload it to my mega if you want. I'd love it if you could test is for a few gens!
Catboxed some full res gens without post processing so you can see what the actual gens look like:
Glad you guys like it. Tall meaty bottom heavy asuka is the truth!

>Marvelous asuka
Thanks alot vram! Everything ive posted as of late are old gens but i dont think youve seen em now that i think of it. Also that spider asuka is yummy. Her torso to legs/ass/hips ratio is soo good. Id love some more built like that from different angles without the spider abdomen. Funny thing is im actually into abdomens like that so in a way its a combo of two things i like lol.

>pixeldrain com/l/H58HomTU
WEW, good stuff friend. So much asuka.. erotic.

Cute! Thanks anon.

I used NAI to make it. So just drag it in here to see prompts https://novelai.net/inspect

>lol one day you'll make train my own NGE style lora
Assume there is meant to be a "me" in there. If so kek but also, yes please! There cant be enough cute pics of the eva girls <3.

great stuff! Hope to see you do some astolfo now that you got the face detailer working.
She can crack my Head open with those thighs, so hot
>Assume there is meant to be a "me" in there.
Shit, yeah ofc. But I wonder if an Evangelion Style Lora would be also a good general retro anime style for some fun /d/ gens. I'll have to see. I'm on vacation rn anyways kek. And I hate phoneposting so much. I think I'll really stop posting until my ban is over lmao Very cute asuka btw!
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More clitussy please!
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catching an erect futa on the train and forcing her to jack off
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I just like to gen cute girls
Only difference on /d/ is stick a giant floppy dick on it
Licking her cum off the floor
The long and flacid cocks make the girls cuter, like adding wings to a angel. Nice physics(?) on the gock bending, but holy hell that piercing must hurt
>Nice physics(?) on the gock bending
Am drawfag, I shape them in a way that aids the feeling of weight. Even when hanging, shaping it thicker around the tip of the shaft gives this feeling. You don't want a straight tube unless you want a downwards boner. I'm glad you noticed!
her load wouldn't even touch the floor in my case
>The long and flacid cocks make the girls cuter
It's because big dick is a feminine attribute.
Gen-anon makes such great floppy cocks that is always easy to imagine it moving!
True, that's why trans girls need huge cocks. Small ones are for sissys
Wow, this is just t2i into i2i.

It looks pretty good already, would be fun to see how it reacts with all my loras!
Something that can greatly improve i2i magic is to somehow involve depthvision to separate subject, background, foreground, upscaling each one by itself, then everything again to blend nicely.
>would be fun to see how it reacts with all my loras!
ofc, i second that! It's up in my second lora mega under 'experimental'. Look at the readme for some infos. This lora is also my first one to include usable metadata kek. Please post if you get something neat. If you want to achieve the same lowers look like my gens you'll have to dither and downscale the somehow, and I'll be lurking to see what you think about that one hahaha
>PC-98 eroge pixel style
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
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"Do not use at 1.0 weight." WATCH ME
Same image posted above, it definitely works, only 8 other loras though. I'll try more tomorrow, inpainting etc.
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You already showed me a few times that some heavily styled checkpoints can work with my loras at 1.0. but i really can't confirm that. When i forgot that pixel style lora at 1.0 i got the gen in >>11118415 LMAO And i your gen it's pretty subtle and barely noticeable. I'm very curious to see more experiments.
make her hug her own dick like a sleeping pillow
would love to help her out
Yes, Yuta gonna suck her dry! Thnx
I wanna suck this cock such much that her pubes will be all over me
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yuta is so lucky
>That bulge
Yeah, anyone would want Rika as their wife
Holy cursed!

I think I need to use the lora from the start, or are you just using it with i2i?
I'll do something more simple and build on from there to see where it stops working properly.
Lmao yeah that's what I mean. And I tried both.Using on t2i giving a stronger effect but limits the composition. The catboxes I posted earlier are i2i.
eh, don't find it fun to gen hyper++, very gacha too, sorry
same size can work too but I dont want to ask you for something you dont like
you can't hug a penis without it being hyper
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Requesting a look alike or in the small chance there is a lora of my small indie oshi Mino Mieko I want her to have her petite physic but with a big futa cock and balls please. She has a big ass hammer to bonk degens like me.

A kind anon did the same for a small Vtuber called Isla Coleman and it turned out great as a look alike.
Sweet lord I'm drooling...
That lingerie... That piercing... SO FUCKING HOT
>Only difference on /d/ is stick a giant floppy dick on it
And that's a good thing!
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you don't just stick a dick on it you should think about how to make a pretty image

look at that one guy who always makes the intricate borders or the guy making the weird fisherman's wife tentacle monsters
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Catbox? Always interested to try adetailer but don't know how...
adetailer is an automatic way to do the following (which I often do manually):

find something in the image (like a face)
select a bounding-box around it
img2img it to upscale it to a higher resolution
downscale the result back to the original resolution
place-fit and blend boundary
>i'll try to do a few masturbation gens when i can later
You don't have to man, as hard as it is to resist. I'm thankful with that set.

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