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TS Brothel edition.

Previous thread: >>11130380
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Being honest, I'm not much of a fan of yuri. Imo all the fun stuff regarding sex involves a dick. I can make an arc, or a what if scenario tho.

Thanks anons for your takes. All helped a lot, and for sure next year I will try get something going with the TG Harem thing, even if its just a remake of the og strips with updated style.

I also see that I need to revamp the other characters more - Chelsea is clearly the best girl, followed by Ryanna and then there is a big gap - and I admit, that is also my preference regarding them... but ALL girls should feel like best girls, so I will ponder on how to change the others to make them more appealing (I think I have an idea for Ryanna that would elevate her to best girl status for many here, while not changing anything show about her).

This is my last post for a wile, I don't want to attention whore or hog the threads too much, but hope you lads had fun with the Q&A, because I did.

Also new art is up on DA.
an arc or a what if would do nicely, yeah

maybe swap around Carter with one of the others for a scenario or arc?
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>Brazilian Miku TG
I love you, man.
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Imagine a game over screen where your male MC gets powered down to zero and turned into one of the mid-bosses bitches, body controlled so he couldn't do a thing about it while observing himself get fucked by the enemy he couldn't beat.
I wish someone would do that. It's sad no one is brave enough to.

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