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Post the buffest bitches alive. Shredded beef required. Swolestack encouraged if you got the cojones. Welcome to all muscle lovers.
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Everybody loves growth
That girl on that chair is impossibly buff, I wonder how long it took her to get that big…
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I’ve been bodybuilding for 10 years clean and consistent, how can a girl be so much bigger than me…
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I don’t think a girl can ever be “too big”
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“Anon, you’re so cute when you try to act strong. You know men just aren’t as JACKED as girls. How about you stop flexing those “biceps”, if you can even call them that, and feel these”
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“I thought you liked hugs :(“
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Just be careful what you wish for, anon. You never know when someone can come along and make your wildest wishes come true. I always envisioned loving a muscular beauty, so to attract one, I became one. Endless hours in the gym, growing bigger and stronger. I was quite the stud in my hey day, until I met… her. She was the cutest cardio bunny you ever did see. Perfect glutes, gravity defying tits, and sexy, symmetrical muscle that would make any bikini competitor shake in their heels. We hit it off quickly, probably too quickly in hindsight. Lust took over my brain, not accounting for how easy and eager this maiden was. I took her back to my palace, and carried her all the way to my bed. I strip down, she’s enamored. She kept squeezing and kneading my impressive physique. Getting a handful of my manly, massive muscles. She’s mine for the whole night, and what a lovely night it was. When I woke up, I realized what her true intentions were. I saw her from my bed, she was brushing her teeth. Once a lithe, athletic body, now a monstrous, cathedral of muscle. A body in which no man or woman could ever claim in their hardest of efforts. It was the body of a goddess, or in her case, a succubus. As I lifted the impossibly heavy bed sheets off my body, that’s when it hit me. Lets just say I won’t be competing in any bodybuilding competitions soon. Or ever again.
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“Hey Ash, what’s new?… oh, my muscles? What about them?… I didn’t look like this yesterday? Whats it to you, scrawny. Maybe you should eat your protein!”
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“Not… big… enough…”
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The best gifts come from the inside
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Based larpbro
bro was inspired
If you guys liked it, I’d definitely love to write more. I’m open to suggestions and tips :)
I love muscle growth stories or pics with dialogue attached to them that just give the picture more life. As for suggestions, I'd love to see some unexpected muscle growth of cute girl into swolestack meatball muscle monster and maybe some roidgut too if you're cool with it? Maybe anon spikes his girlfriend's drink with a drug, assuming it will make her huge, but gets the dosage wrong and overdoses her, and he watches in aroused horror and shock as she turns into this horny angry monster described above. SnuSnu ensues.
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I’ll write you something up as soon as I get the chance. I’ll also need to find a photo, or at least something close
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Sorry for the wait. I tried to look around for a pic, but there really isn't much out there that goes to the extremes I imagined. This kind of resembles it, but no swolestack and muscles aren't meatball tier.

When I saw the pic with the 2 huge girls posing next to each other, I could imagine a scenario in my head. Anon goes to Japan and moves in to a chill SoL rural town, and is offered the chance to have 2 cute Japanese girls as his brides, under the condition that they make lot of babies. Anon agrees to the deal, and gets to live the life of anime harem protagonist. Anon is happy, but he feels like he could make it even better. What if he made the girls huge and buff? Sure, he's suggested for the girls to grow muscle, but they only showed disgust and disapproval at the idea. However, he wasn't gonna let that stop him, and he would make them big, one way or the other. So he gets his hands on a mix of muscle growth drugs from a shady site. Anon uses himself a test subject for one of the serums and gets a godlike chad physique that impervious to damage. Now that he tested it, Anon figures the other drugs should be safe. Anon puts his plan into action for the girls to become his ideal muscle brides, but unexpectedly for anon, things don't always play out the way they're meant to be.

Sorry, I was just rambling and throwing out my idea. If you want mess around with the story, feel free.
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Also here's what I imagine the girl on the right to look like before she unknowingly consumed the drug and was forced to transform.

I should mention that the idea for anon to have a "godlike body impervious to damage" comes from the fact that no normal person could survive sex with muscle girls that monstrously huge and strong, so at the very least, I imagine anon is fortunate enough to become a superhuman himself.
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And here's what I imagine the girl on the left to like before her transformation. I tried my best to find girls that resembled the "after" versions.
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Pure sexo
Please keep writting anon, good shit
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>tfw women will never be able to be this cute/muscular irl
Sometimes i wish i just had a normie taste in women ngl
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Not exactly female hyper muscle, but i think most people here will enjoy this one.
Muscular sperm
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Nigga what
nah nigga, this one should have been posted on "/sperm adventures/" or something like that
I kinda like the idea. It's Sinewy Pendels' work, right?
Imagine two huge muscular parents about to make the ultimate human female. The dad has super potent sperm, but the mother has an equally muscular egg. Together they give birth to an ultra female. Imagine no myostatin, but with myonucelid factory cells capable of muscle hypertrophy leagues above any test filled male in recorder evolutionnary history. Bigger, denser, stronger more powerful than any animal on Earth. To boot she'd enjoy all the female secondary sexual characteristics: silky smooth skin and hair, luscious lips, beautiful big eyes, curves to die for. All tightly put toether in the single most powerful female unit.
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Sorry forgot the image. Also what the hell's up with the uploading on this godforsaken site
Fuck bro you got discord? Would love to do a rp about that
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Sure thing. Let's see what we can cook up.
Hit me up at ABanq
Love it
Sorry for late response as well, I got an idea on in mind for the first solo girl story, but I’m just confirming if this is the same anon or not? I can right two scenarios, but the “slipping girl a steroid” scenario was present in both, so just making sure I was writing exactly what was wanted
Didn’t you used to be on DeviantArt? I swear I was following you before. Are you in the /d/ hyper discord?
Sorry for the confusion. I'm the same anon. I had a brainfart, and thought I needed to provide a picture to help with the first story. I ended up finding a picture but it didn't exactly fit the first story, so I changed it up.

If you can write two scenarios, that would be awesome. But no pressure. If you want to do just one, that's cool too.
Baller, give me a little bit and I’ll be back
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Yeah I was. I deleted that account (depression, mini breakdown, futanari, AI)

Still can't get rid of the desire to be an artist though. The hunger and lust for hyper muscle women is still there.

This is not my work btw. Can't bring myself to "self-promoote" (hope a "kemonomimi girl is ok for this thread)
Wtf this is the worst hyper muscle girls thread of 2024.
>This is not my work btw. Can't bring myself to "self-promoote" (hope a "kemonomimi girl is ok for this thread)
this shouldnt be a problem for that
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So this is how meatball girls are made…
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the best thing about a swolstack meatball gf is how she could rest her head upon your chest and not crush you due to her surface area balancing her weight.
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>A super-revolutionary fitness training course on VHS! Become swole in just 7 DAYS!
Whoever keeps comming hyper muscle Fauna nowhas it fixed in my mind so when I watch her I imagine her real self is a hulking monster with a cute voice and face.
You like my new body anon? Hopefully you still think im pretty...
>Can't bring myself to "self-promoote"
Do you want me to promote you instead? I have some pics saved.
Update, I have the first story completed. It’s going to be about the original concept, rather than the two girls. I finished it a couple of days ago, but got busy and didn’t have time to edit. I just have to proof read and post, although it’s a bit longer and more detailed than I initially expected. Is there a better place to post long form content? Pastebin? DeviantArt?
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Sure, go ahead
That's awesome. I'm excited to read it. As for places to post the story, I'd say DeviantArt or Pixiv.
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Do you happen to have all of the Pressoblivion hyper art? It seems he deleted it from his DA and they are no longer hosted anywhere...
Was just reminded of him some time ago and tried searching for it but alas
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Yeah I do. You can also go through the sad panda site (type in /g/290020/b84b1e3fe8/) and you'll find a gallery with the essentials. If you just type Wreck Shop in the same site, you'll also find his Valkyries vs Amazons comic (pretty awesome one). I have more on my hard drive, but I don't know how to share this stuff.
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Thanks. These sketches bring back some memories...
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Happy Halloween. Don’t let any pretty girls drain you tonight!
Does anyone here have this specific art I'm looking for? It's like this red haired knight girl who transforms into a huge hyper-muscle girl with the text "power up!" on it. I saw it on here once but I can't find it anymore.
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Ohhh yeah this is it, thanks. Do you know the artist?
either too western or mods too retard
They were western, but I stg just let some shit slide. Fuck /aco/, this is the place to be for muscle girls. /trash/ is the only other great one
It was Wreck Shop's work, so both. Only retards would disrespect such a legend for committing the heinous crime of not being Japanese.
This stays up.
But all this gets deleted.
Mods are fucking bots.
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Doboshiru. Alas the guy followed ancient japanese tradition and fuckin deleted his pixiv account, so no new stuff. What is remained you can find on e-hentai or any other h-related websources.
Who's your favorite 3D femuscle artist?
For me it's Ptitipois.
He's like Tigersan but without those gross bogged faces.
Huge, cute faced muscle girls, well detailed rendered 3D models and anatomically correct.
Hasn't posted anything since January, sad.
Same desu, another one that's good is dariastrongs
ptitipois is pretty good, but just wish he did more FMG and had less involvement of men in his content
I've grown this like pavlovian reflex to men in musclegirl content because almost always it leads to humiliation content and all that shit
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>based anon8919 made a fmg mavis :)
>it's futa :(
I tried to edit out the giant sausage from the second image
Probably hutska/batbutthead. It's scalie stuff only but holy shit does he do bulging hyper muscles well. Shame he only posts like once a year.

Based! Thanks, anon.
>"Haha Jonathan my daughter is banging you!"
We need more gentle hyper muscle girls protecting their tiny boyfriends from aggressive feminist hyper muscle girls.
I think Ritualist made a comic about that.
Him and Soviet make some of the hottest shit but it’s either lesbian or futa :(

Thanks for the edit brother. Would love to see more
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I hate Soviet for everything image of Megan he put in my head. He reduced Anne to a fat bitch/whore in service of Megan's slefish needs.
I get upset cause Alt Univ Megan is much more ripped than normal Anne, but Megan still has a futa cock. Women are superior and I’ll have it no other way.

Idk I haven’t seen possibly but you’re referring too, but Anne does seem like a cocksleeve at the moment
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Ever since that '23 Biceptember pic he's been on this trend of making her bigger and stronger looking than Anne. The New Year's pic was just confirmation.

The worst part is I think it's just a trans self-insert of himself. It's the most self-indulgent act I can imagine. IRL he seems like a nice dude, but what he portrays in his art is just despicable.

I hate everything about it. I'm with you anon. Women over any dick having pervert forever, but seeing how much people are fawning over AU Megan, I think this crap will continue for a while. It's a tendency I've seen a lot, where futas are seen as superior for "having the best of both worlds". But if you think dick is good, then I may have some news for you.
This overall tendency of making women more and more masculine to the point of giving them a dick, because testosterone is linked to muscle growth has left me bitter and less enthusisastic about muscle girls overall. Now everytime I see a new artist I count my blessings for every penis-free piece he draws.

Sorry for the stupid rant. I need to get it out in public, to feel like I'm not the only one who feels this shit.
I mean, I’ve never seen him in real life, but a self insert is what I assumed it was anyway. But instead of Ritualist, who’s like a blind dude, it’s just a hung fat bitch lol.

I think a lot of my love for muscular women is the juxtaposition of their position in society how I grew up. You’d never see women with visible strength, but when I did it just lit up my fucking mind and never turned back. Slapping a dick on them undermines all of that. I’ve noticed some of the popular couples in the muscle OC community are lesbian, which also undermines it a little bit for me too lol. Women can be muscular and be straight, and just be women lol. There’s no hook, no catch. They’re just jacked as fuck, we should appreciate women for being women.

Futa is in a weird spot with me. I love domination, and when I’m really depraved I can dig into it, but it’s not the main course. I think my brain has just adapted to having to see it so much having a muscle fetish, but it definitely wasn’t a desire at the start, nor is it necessarily now. But I think I’m a bit of a sadist, so any degradation of men in porn gets my dick hard. Also, Megan somehow drained Anne’s muscle in an AT comic, I’d probably be all over it. But it shouldn’t be his main focus.

Maybe I’m a bigot, but Megan should be a dude or nonexistent, and that AU Megan size, strength, and veinage should be Anne’s instead.

Also hi Soviet if you read this, let’s start a dialogue
I agree with you on everything except maybe the domination and humiliation part. I already have such poor self-esteem I think I can't take it to have it act out in fantasy. It's too much already.

The fantasy is that such power and mass IS wielded by a woman and that there is no ambiuity about it. No extra magic dick and balls. No caveat about her sexuality being put into question. Just a woman ... with the power and associated muscle you'd only see men with in society. I want that mental barrier of masculinity = muscle to be bent and shattered.
She can be tomboyish and rowdy and maybe even slightly aggressive, but as long as deep down she's sweet and kind and nurturing I don't give a rat's ass.
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I also love the prospect of AU Megan's power being put into Anne instead. FUCK I'd feel fucking healed man.
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I personally love going to the gym and lifting, and I’m pretty confident about myself and my self esteem is pretty good, but I still love that dom shit. Like pic rel. just stuff like, “you’re so small” and “you’re weaker than a girl” is just instead cum load. I think it’s just a perfect verbalizing of the power dynamic shift.

But yes, I love how you feel on this, and I’m glad I’m not going crazy on this either. I feel like everyone’s trying to be super inclusive and just make women lesbian or trans or whatever just cause. And maybe I’m wrong on that, I’d love to hear out the positions and character ideas, but fuck dude. I love women too much. We need more women.

What if we made and commissioned more buff Anne with AU Megan’s power so that it can’t be argued. He can’t outwork our pettiness lol
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I'm honstly kinda into the gentle femdom stuff, so maybe we actually have some common ground here.

And yeah dude. Women are like ... fucking awesome! Like the culture war bullshit kinda antagonizes everyone against everyone, but fuck dude ... I just love women. EVERY SINGLE woman I knew and cherished in my life, even in my family, has never had ANY of their dreams accomplished. Society always fell on them with this or that duty and I hated seeing them suffer. I love them so much, I think I just dream of them being triumphant and muscularity was just kind of how my brain farted it out. I just want to see them enjoy being super powerful as it enhancs their femininity.

I was so afraid of expressing my rejection of all these gender ambiguities and inclusivity and being called a bigot (which I may be, fine, I'm working on it), that I was going nuts. FUCK ME man I've been going to therapy for this shit.

HAHA well about the commissioning ... he's kind of reliant on his comms so who knows. But seeing how may futa enjoyers there are out there and how much money they are throwing around we should probably start a go-fund me!
>having the best of both worlds". But if you think dick is good, then I may have some news for you.
>This overall tendency of making women more and more masculine to the point of giving them a dick, because testosterone is linked to muscle growth has left me bitter and less enthusisastic about muscle girls overall. Now everytime I see a new artist I count my blessings for every penis-free piece he draws.
huh i thought i was the only one to start seeing patterns
DUDE I thought I was the only one too. I have been talking about it with everyone I know on discord about it (fuck if I'm gonna share this with my IRL friends) and they all made me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

As the other anon said, the whole pattern undermines the whole point for which I started liking this fetish/fantasy in the first place. It just consumes it for their own purpose and I despise it. The reason it made me go crazy is how popular it is. Nothing kills me as much as seeing just how much people are lapping it up.

And all because he's such a good artist. FUCK I HATE THIS!
Are you guys in the /d/ discord? I can grab a link if you guys want it. It’s pretty chill, nice to have some cool fucks join to cool fuck party
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Never heard of it. Sure I'd be down
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imma be real, I don't give a fuck about OC's
if the art is good then cool, but they're pretty much just things for the artist/owner to project all their fetishes on to

so it doesn't hit the same way as seeing a familiar character being drawn buff
I agree, it’s just annoying when a guy has so much talent and wastes it on fagottry that demeans women
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If you think about it, even familiar characters were once just someone's OCs. It's just that they rose to fame via the mainstream.

But I always kinda feel gross muscling up characters with a pre-existing lore that doesn't open up to that possibility. Like they're not supposed to be that way and it feels too self-imposing of me. Some have an in-lore potential for hyper mass like She-Hulk or Black Cat, but others like Belldandy? Dude what?

I kinda want the lore to be amenable to it. I want my fantasies to be obscene, but still "consensual"
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If anything go ahead and be demeaning to the dick holder. Be it male or trans or whatever.

I'm not too keen on degradation, but if I had to choose ... fuck the phallus. We have too much dick in our world already.
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sauce? unless you're the artist, in that case amazing job
a cute muscular elf with a dense chest is like my silver bullet
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My ideal would not be degradation though. I'd prefer a demanding demi-goddess who'd want her men to raise above their limitations and short-comings and inspire them through her own prowess. Her own overwhelming power sheltering them, not sending them into oblivion. Imagine instead an over-powered valkyrie that pushes you to be better and will reward you with her favours.
>But I always kinda feel gross muscling up characters with a pre-existing lore that doesn't open up to that possibility. Like they're not supposed to be that way and it feels too self-imposing of me.
>I want my fantasies to be obscene, but still "consensual"

he speaks the truth

how bout them dodgers
Also, feel free to start any conversations you want, we kinda don’t talk a lot just post peoples shit, but we probably should commune more idk
From @jarjarjarw49748 on twitter

I’ve never thought of it like that, but it does kinda make it more plausible, which makes it hotter I guess. Like Misty eating a Rare Candy. Twilight casting a spell on somepony, or herself. Princess Peach eating a mega mushroom. It all works. But idk, seeing someone like Minnie Mouse all jacked does kinda make me diamonds ngl. There’s probably no limits with me lol, unless it’s just a chick I don’t fuck with
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>There’s probably no limits with me lol, unless it’s just a chick I don’t fuck with
This is more my speed. I like girl, I like big muscles, I like girl with big muscles. It is a bit better when there's some semi-logical justification for it (be it a genuine in-universe method or just a fitting personality trait) but it's not a deal-breaker for me if there isn't.
Futa obsession can make you go mad.
Look at what happened to SalmonellaShark.
He barely posts in his new X account now.
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Alright dude, it's done. In all honesty it took probably 3 hours to write and edit, but life, laziness, and DeviantArt giving me a little bit of a formatting hassle made me procrastinate. Hopefully you enjoy it, I don't know how "hot" it is, it's my first time writing an "erotica", but let me know what you like and dislike. Please, everyone check it out if you'd like, and if you do like maybe I'll write more

that's almost exactly why I like it
girls who literally have ZERO right to be so big and powerful, but simply are

I still do appreciate girls that make me think they would legitimately enjoy it,
or just already have such a poweful aura about them that muscles would simply make it more visually obvious how imposing they are
Juri as hyper muscular is just a no brainer. Fuck crapcom
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To be fair, Juri being the all power hungry type, I feel like she's actually perfect for hyper muscle growth. I guess it's a subjective thing.

My own lust for a power hungry demoness like Juri would be to have her grow protective of me. She'd turn to everyone who may be concerned and say "Nobody touches him but me!" and she'd be otherwise forceful but gentle. I just like that kind of exclusivity. Kind of like a power trip but lived vicariously through your waifu.
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By the way these are from Co-opvillain. Not a fan of the ultra violence, but damn was he good. Wonder what happened to him.
The best artists feel shame of this fetish and quit to do normal art.
Coop used to be one my favs. Wish he’d still do muscle girls. Need a full archive of his.

If he really does feel shame, fuck him. If he doesn’t and he just wanted to pursue something else artistically, then more power to him, even if it means my personal investment has decreased.
Random thought: Has anyone ever thought of getting a muscle girl tattoo?
Apparently making porn is illegal where he lives so he had to stop.
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I would never let people know my real taste in women.
>tfw when the police find your "Buff Aisha X Mohammed" commissions
Yes, porn is illegal in South Korea. But that has not stopped other some Korean artists, so I don't know if that's it.
once again i'm blessed i was born a third world country where they really dont care about that shit
Probably lives with people and doesn't want to be caught.
Years ago Hutska posted in a journal that his parents found his art by accident on the internet but he acted like it was a virus or some shit and they believed him.
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i think his warhammer 40k/doomslayer fanart getting popular is what got the korean feds to notice him
How ironic.
>Lazy ass October, no fap material
>No Nut November starts
>The best femuscle artists start posting their best art
Imagine a No Dick November for buff girls.
Every day they go without getting dick they grow larger.
In the end the are massive and 10 ft tall and fuck a poor bystander breaking his pelvis.
Can you drop the names on who's posting their best stuffs again? Need it for...stockpiling.
>But if you think dick is good, then I may have some news for you.
It is good, no it's not gay.
Your particular issue lies not with dicks, but with this fetish itself.
Hyper muscle attracts people into... hyper muscle, which naturally may overlap with not really feminine body structure, as even a body as bizarre as that has to still retain that abstract femininity in physical form somewhat.
But people into hyper aren't necessarily into any classic femininity, hence why they make them muscular in such ways. They don't look at women like at women.
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Glad to know I'm not alone in my own head. It started to get lonely in here.

No but more seriously, all of this is subjective. We can waste a lot of time arguing about this back and forth "you're wrong!", "no, you're wrong". You don't have a problem with dicks, that's fine, enjoy life, it's too short. I actually envy Sov and all the people who like his art. They seem to be having a blast.

I do have a problem with dicks and I hate this idea that to make women muscular and powerful you have to give them inherently masculine traits or drown them in testosterone.
And you're right, I don't like most hyper art because they go into masculine body types. I hate that. I hate body hair, I hate dicks, I hate the mega chiseled chin. I hate many things that compell me to gaslight myself every time I see a hyper art that I'd see potential in. I absolutely can not do that with futa.

>as even a body as bizarre as that has to still retain that abstract femininity in physical form somewhat.

That is absolutely right. But I don't think I can give them a dick and still manage to even believe they are still remotely close to being woman. You can give them all the feminine traits, but that is just one boundary I can not and will not cross. Sorry if I went a bit strong earlier in the thread. I've been going through a lot of shit and that just came blasting out of me. The reason I keep it inside is because I don't want people who like and enjoy this to feel bad about it and also because I'm terrified of being called a transphobic bigot. The cat's outta the bag now. It felt good to unload, but that's about it. Doesn't change anything about my situation.

Go like the stuff you like. Enjoy it as much as you can, before it's too late. Life's a bitch.
they are mocking NNN players
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Not true at all. I love feminine women. I don’t like cock. Muscles aren’t inherently masculine, and we should challenge that if it is. A muscular woman accentuates all the curves and features of being a woman. Wide hips, shoulders that give the perfect hourglass, huge tits, bubble butt. Muscle can make a man more manly, just as it can make a woman more womanly.
Dick Deprived December
The image on OP is my favorite hyper buff drawing ever. Bless shuten
I agree with you
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>WW3 starts
>Virus bombs developed and deployed
>Almost all men die and unexpectedly mutate all women into hyper muscular superhumans
>You're one of the last surviving men and you get abducted by a tribe of savage hyper muscle women
>If you survive Snu Snu with 20 huge women in a day you get to stay and be the new patriarch
Can you do it anon?
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It doesn't matter if I can do it. What matters is that I will do it.
There is no contradiction with my statement per se, your outlook is healthy, though naturally my generalized assumption attempt is incorrect, so I stand corrected within dick context.
However, I was talking not about female geometry, but rather tried to ascertain how
>making women more and more masculine
as said by >>11162265 works, and what sorts of content makers it attracts.

Don't read if you don't want to, I'm just waxing.

Consider, this particular muscle girl design is clearly feminine.
It takes a knowing and willing artist to do it. This modern day muscle girl art may look deceptively simple to you, mere pictures, but it's actually a genius way to balance muscles with feminine form, with people like musctonk really grasping those particular ways.

But not all people who make muscle art pursue exactly this sort of female geometry, know it, or want it. As basic associative reasoning towards muscles in some equates it to manliness, or plain power, all that coupled with environment that molds and corrupts artists with its stable social constructions (artist circles, conventions, commissions, etc), you end up with prevalence of certain trends, and as relationship between artist and consumer is disproportionate by means of production, by passion, and by whomever pays the most, you end up with this.
Consider vore fetishists or tg art, those laughable, pitiful yurifags, or wretched, contemptuous furies. They all share these emergent tendencies.

Also I can't actually agree with him that that masculinization tendency within hyper muscle exists.
On one hand, hyper art really fucks up proportions, which really stretches any sort of actual femininity in their body to inhuman extents, until the fetish is more about fetish itself, rather than certain reasonable moderation. Beefa McLargehart may be a female, but a building sized muscle wall is more building than woman.
But on the other hand, there's a lot of hyper art that isn't masculine, no?
Time to play xpirateZ.
How big of a clit would you tolerate on a hyper muscle girl?
Also, would you like to get pegged by a clit?
i think I'm confused about what the big deal is because I thought it was a pretty well established fact that female hyper muscle would always be in the shadow of male hyper muscle
I'm not particularly happy about it, knowing that if an artist likes to do both then they're probably gonna cater to the far larger and profitable group
but like, if there's always gonna be people exclusively interested in female muscle then there's always gonna be people exclusively interested in drawing it
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Average size
I like both, I swing from side to side.
No upper bound.
Funny thing, no.
It should be big enough for me to comfortably sit on while she's on he morning jog.
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first of all you guys need to get a grip because there's no use in finding external validation for the things you like, because only you really know why you like it
for me, its kinda simple
>think girls are hot
>media so heavily sexualizes muscles that it convinces me that bigger muscles = more sexy
>see no why reason this shouldn't apply to girls
>the thought of girls outmuscling guys makes it extra exciting, almost rebellious in a way
>especially when its just an ordinary cute girl that you wouldn't expect to be very into fitness, let alone bodybuilding
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Major Key
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Proteinstein's monster
Female muscle tropes tier list:
>S tier, sexy: Muscle growth, muscle worship, breast expansion, snu snu, flexing, hyper muscle, shy muscle girl, tomboy
>A tier, hot: Feats of strength, gentle femdom, muscle mommy, muscle sister, smugness, smaller/weaker male
>B tier, good: giantess, femdom, extreme hyper (meatball), wrestling, armwrestling
>C tier, meh: furry, monster, disproportionate muscles, extreme veins, strongfat, roidgut
>D tier, Hell no: Violence/gore, extreme femdom/torture, roidface, masculinization, torn skin, eldritch muscle growth, Kaiju level destruction
>Z tier, KYS: muscular futanari
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We think alike, except I'd place vascularity higher. I'll add this
>S: Gets increasingly horny during muscle growth or during great physical efforts, cuddles, huge genki girl,
>A: Can revert to a more convenient body size at will
Does anyone know of Angel-Uriel15?
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>strongfat/roidgut in c
I'm always delighted to see that the perpetual hissy fit about futa is going strong in these threads.
We're just not gay, simple as
Actually joke's on you.
While attraction to futas normally happens as a consequence of standard male lust, ditto with female muscles, there is actually an abstract mechanism which can be broadly described as sexuality blurring, which under assumption of human sexuality law as strictly dualistic (true but with extra specifics), results in lines of what one likes mixing with sexuality parameters of the opposite sex.
In other words, your sexuality has mutated into an unusual state, and when some people call muscle girls gay, they describe exactly that, even if they can't explain it.
So yeah, you can skirt a very gay line in sophisticated way whilst remaining attracted to women.
>inb4 liking women is gay lolwut
Still line blurring.
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Don't care, didn't read
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what would knowing a hypermuscular femcel be like?
I must know...
But she probably would spend alot of time cooped up inside amassing a huge muscle porn stash and gooning to it all day long lol
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I mean, that's fine, noone trying to force you to be, but telling people to commit suicide over what they like/draw in drawn porn, unprompted nonetheless, is just kinda pathetic desu
I don't like cocks anon, simple as that
holy shit shut up nerd.
we're here to jack off to buff women without dicks.
it's not that complicated.
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We think alike x3, and I'd add any display of obsession/addiction to growth which is also hot AF.
Veins can be good or bad depending on how the artist likes them, but I believe anon refers to ones that are way too disproportionate to the muscle mass, to the point where they make muscles lose their lovely shape or other details.

On a side note, has anyone here played a VN called FMG World?
first time hearing bout it
Nope, recently played StrongGirls FMG tough, and had a blast (literally)
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Didn't do that, bud
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Muscle growth+Multi stage+Hyper+Giantess+Animated+2 minutes long+Sound effects=COOM.

Do you think AI be able to generate Dreamworks/Pixar tier 2 hour long female muscle growth movies by 2030?
this isn't reddit.
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i don't know how good animation will get, but I think it can look more interesting than a pixar knockoff desu
forget about movies, imagine fully inmersive muscle girl VR sexo.
I'm talking ready player one tier.
hot! sauce?
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Burnice after eating too much bone broth
This is a good way to use AI for R34.
AI does 70% of the work by generating the image and the rest is editing with Photoshop to remove blemishes.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: AI should be used for porn only; not to generate a Mona Lisa and claim you painted it yourself.
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I agree
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When you stack more than three layers of atk buffs on Atalanta
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I mean, with the weapon she's carrying, I think this physique would suit her more.
you're welcome, here's another
this one is from rakoongrey
I can't remember this artist but he's new on deviantart.
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Do hypermuscular women make protein rich milk?

Some do, I see it a lot in Reddyheart's works.
The huge girl spreads the FMG virus through fluids.
Which reminds me to add more S tier tropes to >>11164374.
>Pussy juice
>Contagious muscle growth
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Very nice
I wish more artists would do muscle growth stuff with no or minimal height growth. Too much height growth just takes me out of it.
As of now I just think of it as a really good YCH
just because YCH's are not always super accurate or even available, and lets face it they're mostly for OC owners
The way porn artists are freaking out over AI replacing them is hilarious.
Not even the best SFW artists (real art) in the world are complaining as much as them.
They used to charge ridiculous amounts for a sketch of a horsecock and now you got free apps that can do that.
Not a fan of giantesses?
Who started the buff futa art trend?
Was it Reddyheart?
I remember some really gorey buff futa shit since 2009.
Among the earliest muscular_futanari pictures on rule34, there are some made by chinbotsu, dmitrys, reddyheart like you were saying, and mikoyan
wrong thread
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What is this from?
Fuckkkk...why arent women built like this irl...not fair
I played around with chatgpt and suddenly thought "What if muscle ASMR?", and I think its actually a pretty neat concept.
Like I'd really like to see stories with this kinda vibe, maybe even actual voiced content too.

Also just wanna note this is what I was subconsciously drawing inspiration from.
Is $19 the only way to get that one? Don't think I want to drop that much on AI art.
AU Megan just feels so stale to me. Regular Megan and Anne, a futa/muscle girl couple where both loved each other and neither were particularly the dominant one (and when one of them was more dominant, it was usually Anne), felt refreshing to me. But dominant muscle futas and submissive cocksleeves are a dime a dozen. It’s boring, it’s unoriginal, and I can’t even get horny for it anymore.
It also mirrors the usual dominant male over female dynamic. "OOH because it has a dick it's more dominant", yeah no shit, we see that IRL non-stop. People say it's transgressive, but it's absolutely not. It's just a reflection of males' drives who feel insecure about admitting that they want to physically dominate women.

Fuck off. We want females to get a turn instead. Or better yet, get rid of that domination and overcome it.

Just because you SAY she's trans/intersex doesn't make it any better. The deflection just makes me hate AU Meg all the more.
check f95zone there are downloads links with the most recent version as far as I remember
i like both
SovietMarmalade has always had some, bizarre opinions and behavior on his Twitter, typical of a futa obsessed coomer.
>Said porn artists are better than non porn artists
>Posting about his father's death on his porn account
I hate the artist, not the art.
I miss his buff bear girl OC.
well he hasn't deleted his account randomly so I think he's still more sane than a lot of muscle artists
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I wanna like him more but he's just kinda weird for me and sometimes I see him just straight up post gay porn not even futa stuff.
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you guys ranting about whether which artist is good or bad, ugly or cute yadda yadda yadda.
I'm currently doing a buff aqua picture based on a AI generated image
here's the w.i.p in progress
hopefully if i don't slack off i might be able to pull it off completely (not the background however)
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Good shit anon
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oceanodipietre its a comm I got so you won't see it in his gallery for a while.
I like to imagine that 10 minutes ago she was a normal girl who didnt like muscles at all. Unfortunaly for her a horny fbb saw her potential and kidnapped her, locking her up in a basement, and using that dildo to pump her up full of fmg serum, causing rapid muscle growth and significant personality changes
Dadaflix revealed his power level on Twitter and ruined his... career, not that he was a top dog female muscle artist anyways.
Really bros, keep your political views secret if you want to be a porn artist, especially if you Incline towards the right.
I'm still more mad at him from when he used better artists to draw his comic covers, and his own website containing no preview art
So I wasn't sure if he was a commissioner or something until I saw the tiny line of "art by dada"
Same, I was hyped when I saw one of his comics with SovietMarmalade art on the cover and the rest, meh.
His art has barely gotten better, still not as bad as Broozerpunch but still lame for a guy who has a Patreon and comics for sale.
Artist is kiwikombo
Never heard of this guy before but his art looks pretty unappealing. Weird looking faces and no anatomical knowledge whatsoever; all the muscles are just shapeless balloons. Crazy to me that he even had a "career" to begin with and I have no doubt that someone better would have come along and sucked up his patrons eventually.

Speaking of patrons, whatever happened to gamegirlpower? They just straight up disappeared and most of their stuff isn't accessible on vimeo.
So I played a couple of hours of this and basically the story is that you live in a world where females are doms and most men are subs however there is a movement that is trying to make men as equally as strong. There's a couple of other plot lines such as a church fighting monster girls and your relationships with your classmates and step family. It seems like it could be a really cool RPG but its a bit early to tell. There is also futa and femboys involved just saying in case some anons don't like that.
I played through the entirety of the content so far and yeah that's basically where it's at right now. It's decent enough but a lot of interactions with the girls right now focus on them getting fucked and not really on the muscles (with the exception of the sister you can grow). In that regard it's not much different than most eroges except the girls are beefier, which is disappointing.

I actually wanted to help with the game at one point since I'm a writefag but when I went to the discord it was just constant mask-off political bullshit and I don't want to be associated with that.
name doesn't come up on DV
They stopped recording female muscle Second Life videos, as they found a new occupation.
Where did they announce this? And if that's the case why is all their vimeo stuff still inaccessible?
Nice gut
I happen to visit muscle-themed places on SL from time to time, so I have learnt about that from acquaintances.
Shitty of them not to update their patrons about it if true.
i finally finished One of the 2 original options, i'm not gonna do the other one because my back is killing me and also there's some other aqua pictures that i also wanna buff it up
Fantastic stuff anon. You got potential, can't wait to see what you do next.
Pretty good
Maf is one of the few 3D female muscle artists that gets it right.
I hope one day he makes a girl grow from F to Z.
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I really like gradual growth for the ability to personally judge at what point the girl becomes stronger than you and at what point she can utterly fold you
Why are their wrists and hands so small, people wrists don't stay the same size peoples hands too.

These are like hyper muscle women that could get taken by a Kung fu master at the wrist. And palm and hand of fist styles like Tigers claw fist greatly nourish the size and strength. So it is Canon

Anyone have that night elf hyper muscle pic?
Kek wtf man
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Somebody break that man's fingers.
The game would be ten seconds long if Anya was that big.
It's disappointing to find one good female muscle art and see that the rest of the artist's work is BBW, scat, gore, etc.
really? that Anya pic was crossing the line? the one that's only too "western" because the face is drawn accurately to her design?
What was the pic
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Jannies deleted that but left the fucking sperm up
dat skinny neck tho
Oh no she has sanrio plushies, it's a blood red flag far more dangerous than her body
what about if is instead the Retsuko Characters then?
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Marginally less dangerous than hello kitty stuff
Oh, Naruhodo
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QNXIx-EPJyc 5:43
I expected him to be less accepting
I’m not watching, cause, who gives a shit lmao
He would have gotten a heart attack if he saw Tigersan
based growth academy poster
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i like pekomama's design, but I'm really into pekora's vibe desu
hyper muscle girls also have hyper metabolism
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Tifa’s beefa is canon
Someone update kycolv kemono page already
It has been refreshing to see the hardcore femdom stuff that was so prevalent back in the day lose almost of its stock.
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i didn't like how everyone clearly took inspiration from ye olde bdsm porn and had girls talk like stereotypical dominatrixes all the time

but I do like women to be domineering and egotistical
the difference is like "Wow men are so weak" vs "Wow I'm so great"

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