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Thread for damsels in distress, bondage, peril, bad ends and game overs.

Previous >>11128986
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Does anyone know the source for this genny picture?
My bad this one
SauceNao says it's from ikelag on Pixiv.
Anyone got more medical themed DID?
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It would be fun to tie a girl up and keep her standing with a noose, but that's it - no ice, chairs or trapdoors and her heels on the ground. All she has to do is stand up straight and she'll be totally fine, but for how long can she even do that?
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If standing on tip toes then it would be a fight against the pain on the feet and legs. If standing normally or high heels then it could take hours or even days probably.
Just post the translated one, anon. There's no need to prove your powerlevel by posting raw.
You are assuming many things there. I skim manga and doujin raws and only check for translations if I actually want to know what's going on in the story.
make your choice
I'd go with this sequence. Crate for shipping into basement and then walled in when there's no more use for her holes.
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I really like how it shows and emphasizes how it stretches her mouth open. That bottom-right panel rules.
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Goddamn, fuck this manga, stop with the naked muscle man and exposition gallore. Just give me more DID scene.
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>""This is all your fault!!""
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Is that cement?
I have some ai gens that could be considered this but not sure if allowed in here.
Why not?
At least mention that it's AIshit in the filename.

It pisses me off theres that whole sequence where they're trying to destroy Chisato's artificial heart, and all there is is handful of images and a 3dcg set about it. It's why I bought a NAI subscription.
If it's good enough no one will notice anyway.
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@rou271 on Twitter
Post it, just put AI tag in the filename.
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Yeah, I know what you mean. It is a goddamn rare fetish.
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I'm surprised there's still not a single DID hentai of this scene. Like c'mon Ymir's pose and face is just asking for it. She already looks like a broken rape victim.
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Here are some sketches I drew of myself that 4chan can have
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For some people it's always about the anticipation rather than the drowning/death itself. I call bs, it's both!
That lil' look of her terrified face is enough to turn me on. She's about to experience having a horrible, sludgy death by drowning in a rather dense quicksand pit and she knows it, right.
I mean, our girl drowning in water would be already bad enough, but imagine her having to breathe in sludgy, thicc mud, definitely not a peaceful way to die. But our girl can't really complain or cry too much because, at least that's no concrete, that'd be too brutal even for a bad slut in skimpy skintight outfits like her - concrete would burn her skin and likely also she'd feel her airways burning like hell once she breaths it in.
Would be lovely if her captors had the brilliant idea to make her to wear an o-ring on her mouth so she could experience the feeling of having scorching hot alkaline concrete filling her mouth, airways and then lungs, very slowly, so she wouldn't die too quick. Haha, what a way to go. Wonderfully, deliciously cruel.

Please DO post more quicksand/concrete peril because there can't ever be enough of that good shit.
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"N-no, I'm not gonna put my head in there! I won't do it! You can't make me! No! Stop! Help!"
>Would be lovely if her captors had the brilliant idea to make her to wear an o-ring on her mouth so she could experience the feeling of having scorching hot alkaline concrete filling her mouth, airways and then lungs, very slowly, so she wouldn't die too quick. Haha, what a way to go. Wonderfully, deliciously cruel.
Love this idea, however I've never seen a single picture with cement or quicksands and ring gags. Usually it's just tape gags or no gags at all.

There was indeed an o-ring gag one in the previous thread and oh my... it was beautiful.

>If we wanna really be cruel to our girl then...

Maybe we could add the rape element to the game, let's say that she was raped in that skintight suit first before being thrown into the pit, or just perhaps she's had her clothes stripped down, raped, her body oiled up then forced to wear some latex and/or leather skintight suit (erotic tactile element of friction between her oiled up body then the latex material of her suit, then having it all rubbing up against the concrete later on) only then the girl is thrown into the concrete pit with an o-ring gag placed on her mouth so she could obviously and literally choke on concrete.

Lastly we could then add a vore element by having the thugs bringing a same size hungry snake or worm to the concrete pit (not realistic having a snake or worm in concrete but idc).
The snake/worm has not been eating for weeks and is REALLY hungry so it obviously swiftly wraps its coils around and begins devouring the deliciously packaged in latex meal that our girl is, but something crucial: in the process the creature acts as the weight required for our girl to completely sink into the concrete and drown in it, effectively dragging her down a bit quicker, she's then devoured alive as concrete fills up her mouth, throat, then flooding her airways and lungs with the scorching hot, alkaline mixture burning her insides, setting her mind on fire in a mix of erotic and sadist contemplation as the thugs watch the deliciously evil show unfold before them. A truly wonderful, brutal and cruel fate for the girl and a pleasure for the voyeurists.

>There you go: vore, quicksand (or concrete) sinking peril, bdsm, voyeurism, oil, latex, rubber, choking, burning, suffocation, mummification, drowning fetishes all in one place.

Oh my... somebody must and I say MUST draw something like this and turn it into a series, that'd satisfy so many fetishes.

Never did understand why there's so little art of blowjobs at gunpoint

It's so damn good
This artist is a legitimate genius.
He's an uncommitted genius. Superb Rin rape, but the doujin it was all leading up too turned out to be a glorified sketch book.
The one you posted is probably the best one.
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I love those trembling legs.
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Still one of my favorite bomb perils. Can practically see the lightbulb going off in the artist's head when they come up with that reflection idea.

This guy can fuck off, though.
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When going fishing for tentacles, be sure to use live bait. It makes a huge difference.
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Saved this from previous thread but it's just so good I have to post it now.
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Same artist.
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Nice but it feels like at least one or 2 panels may be missing.
One is missing because I didn't liked it.
Post it, or give link. It's probably something with barrel.
Why? What was it?
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I like the air bubbles leaking out of the barrel. Tells me they didn't submerge her in cement, at least not entirely, and instead tossed her in with a little air pocket. Very cruel; prolongs her drowning that much longer as air leaks out and water rushes in to her sea-floor tomb.

I went and found it. Yeah, it's meh, set's better without it.
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>Pick one option from the following:
A) Girl will sink completely under the mud's surface.
B) Girl will not sink any more than that; but she'll remain stuck there for a long time.

>Now pick one option from the following:
1) The peril will have fatal results (drowning or starvation).
2) The girl will be rescued (at the last second in case of scenario A).
3) The girl will be stuck there, alive and conscious indefinitely without dying (even in scenario A).
>Tells me they didn't submerge her in cement
100% not. Why would they need some weitgh otherwise? I'm 100% sure she's just tied and gagged inside that barrel full of air and thats why they needed weight to get it to sink. If the barrel was at least half full of cement it would go down itself with no need for extra weight.
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A and presumably 1. Ambiguity is important.

I suppose so.
Reporter-chan bound and gagged like >>11161912, blind in her already-sinking barrel, thrashing around uselessly and banging against the sides and sealed lid, sea pouring in all around her, her desperate, terrified struggles getting increasingly splashy as the water quickly rises...
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Sanae peril hits real good.

Same for Aya, really. I wonder why that is?

Sanae because she's a sweet, innocent girl and that makes it all the more satisfying to do horrific things to her, and she also has an incredible body that begs to be sexually exploited

Aya because she's a thoughtless, carefree bitch who freely spreads lies and ruins reputations and so deserves every torment she gets, and she also has an incredible body that begs to be sexually exploited.

There's something darkly satisfying about spoiling something beautiful, isn't there? Psychologically as well as physically.
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>Sanae because she's a sweet, innocent girl and that makes it all the more satisfying to do horrific things to her, and she also has an incredible body that begs to be sexually exploited
Man, when you put it like that, I can't help but agree.
She's also got those amateur heroine vibes. Powerful, but eager and naive, rushing out to save the day, then tripping over the starting line and into some horrible bad end, never to be seen again.
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>Aya because she's a thoughtless, carefree bitch who freely spreads lies and ruins reputations and so deserves every torment she gets, and she also has an incredible body that begs to be sexually exploited.
...I can agree with this one in spirit, at least.
She's also got those aggressive reporter vibes, hunting for that sweet scoop, and that's about as good peril bait as it gets. And her reputation makes that worse. If she's gone missing, nobody's going to look for her. If they find her in trouble, it's entirely possible for them to just leave her there, or even make it worse.
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Anyone have LureDA Dropbox link?
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I love weddings.
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>Now pick yet another option from the following:

1) the girl sinking and drowning in the mud is watched by her captors, in addition to them recording the whole thing like a snuff movie, or maybe recording on live <- best scenario imho as the cruelty of the act is shared among the public in the instant present - made even better if it's some sort of public execution where everybody is watching in location as this also plays into the public humiliation kink, think of the public executions in the Saw movies. The camera closes by as the girl screams and tears are recorded as she sinks to her death, then, there's only dead silence if not for the sound of bubbles rising on top of the pit and popping off as the mud begins to flood her airways and she chokes in it. By all effects, breathing mud. Wonderfully brutal. The thought that they recorded the whole thing and that many will watch it is enough to be a big of a turn on as it plays into themes of voyeurism. Then we have two alternate scenarios where:
a) the girl knows that her death, screams and tears are being recorded, which upsets her even more so. Her unwillingness becomes more explicit.
b) the girl is gagged and blindfolded, unaware that her death is being recorded and is to be shown to many, or that many people are there in location to watch her execution.

>The another option we have is:

2) The girl is alone and was only unfortunate enough to fall into the quicksand pit, there's no deliberate murder, just one careless girl paying the price for wandering around the jungle without a care in the world. Nobody ever will hear her blood curling screams nor will see the tears and panic on her eyes as she sinks to her death. Maybe a 'dumb' non human observer such as a little hungry snake friend then is introduced to make her somewhat of a company.
Then in this we have yet more alternate scenarios:
a) Somebody comes to her rescue, but can't do much anything.
b) She's saved (saving the damsel kink).
Tell me this is a set. My image search skills lack
SauceNAO gives a fan translation that links to the original on Pixiv.
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Well that set was short, but goddamn if Fest doesn't have some outstanding stuff.
I don't think most of it constitutes /did/ but still.
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man now this is a classic i remember seeing it years ago and trying to dig up the manga. was super disappointed that this was the only good scene in it
Is there a name for these stakes? I see them all the time in pictures tagged "execution" but casual searches haven't found anything.
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It's sign that lists the name of the criminal and the crime committed, to make sure the right person is executed and to warn onlookers. It's from ancient China and it's apparently called 亡命牌 which google translates as Death Card. Searching in English seems pointless, so I first translated Death Penalty Placard (with Google translate) to Chinese to be able to get proper results.

A few images on Pixiv do have this tag but it's a Chinese thing so it's not common there. Also, it seems that the sign in this image lists the method of execution rather than the crimes committed.
Magical girl apocalypse.
Girls being installed to a machinery is such an underrated fetish. Bless the japs for even thought such a thing.
>Also, it seems that the sign in this image lists the method of execution rather than the crimes committed.
And she can't read it herself. Fun.
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This is a surprisingly rare factor in drowning peril. If temperature comes up at all it's usually cold, and even then it's usually just an afterthought.
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Well there is some precedent.
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Man, the more I look at this one, the more I like it. The rope marks and extra arm shackles really add a lot.

Boiling is separate from drowning. I almost never see that, probably for good reason.
I have seen this one from Ferres which I don't like so much. I think it was only a common punishment in China also.
That doesn't seem all that dangerous. Dorothea peril is appreciated, though.
It seems the idea is that the waves will drag the metal ball towards the ocean once the tide rises.
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I...don't think that would work. It's a heavy metal ball.

I like the hanging chain. It's like she's going over the edge already.
Can i interest you all in some gas peril?
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the tide will rise and drown her.
she won't have the energy/strength to drag the ball beyond the high water mark
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I figured, but that doesn't look like a beach where the tide's going to rise that high.
Love these scifi based DID
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Where are you finding these edits?
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Her friend can't see the water rise and can barely even feel it. Spooky.
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lovely mummification tho
Need more predicament bondage where there’s a solution/way out. Preferably where the stakes are overstimulation/penetration/humiliation instead of bodily harm
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I don't really have any of that, sorry.
I don't think there's a solution out of >>11160507 either beyond just lasting as long as they can. Besides, you know, just setting the weights aside, but, uh...

Get this IRL crap out of here.
Personally not against irl stuff but this is a 2D board. The sites that do that kind of stuff like Insex and Infernal Restraints ussually get shut down after a while, probably because it's so dangerous.
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> don't think there's a solution out of >>11160507
The artist drew the failstate, but way I see it, nothing restricts the dumbbell to strictly vertical motion. The girl in the bench could bring it forward and down to rest against her torso, then bring it back to work the knife against the bindings on her waist. Then she could cut the gag, and use her mouth to undo either her hands or the knife (which could be held in the mouth to cut the handwraps). Once she can use her hands, it’s relatively simple to cut herself the rest of the way out and rescue the other girl.
While the girl on the pull-up bar waits for bench girl to escape, she can probably rest her head on the rim of the bucket.
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Does anybody have the color version of this?
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Old InSex videos. They went pretty hard, I'm not sure if anyone makes them to those standards anymore?
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Checking online it seems insex got shut down because of the Patriot Act, which is strange. I would have assumed they violated safety standards or something along those lines. It seems they also went after the credit card providers just like they have been doing with Patreon and Fanbox.
This shit is just the best. Famous heroines get in over their head, captured and raped, pride and reputation destroyed, and then are just never heard from again. That porn that got posted will be the last anyone ever sees of them, and eventually all they're remembered for. Game fucking over.
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Looks like those restraints could have a lot of points of failure. What would really be insidious would be if the “dynamite stick” actually needed to be lit to unlock the room somehow
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The gift that keeps on giving.
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>This shit is just the best. Famous heroines get in over their head, captured and raped, pride and reputation destroyed, and then are just never heard from again.
The best, indeed. Kidnapped and taken to dungeon where she's going to spend months taking dicks and swallowing gallons of cum with no hope to escape.
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Agreed. Nothing better than a former "hero" chained to the wall of some frigid, dark hellhole where the sunlight never shines; her only company in the darkness the aching throbbing pain of her bruises and the constant loop of traumatic memories she can't shut out of her head.

But the worst of everything is the visceral, gut-wrenching terror of hearing footsteps coming down the hall; knowing her living hell is about to resume.
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The ultimate damsel in distress; the princess in the tower... who realizes her rescue will never, ever come.
The best part about kidnapped heroines is how they know they're on a time limit - they know that if rescue doesn't come soon, there will be nothing left to rescue. Just some shattered remnant of their ego; a docile, half-aware sheep unable to think or act on their own.

After obediently sucking her captor's cocks for years; years of gazing up into their eyes as she swallows every drop of their cum, how could she ever see herself as a hero again?
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I don't even mean whatever's happening to her afterwards, I mean the way she vanishes into that terrible fate. Whatever it is. If anything describing her predicament afterwards detracts from those vibes. What's her life like after this bad end? No, no, you're missing the point. Her life is already over.
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I love strangulation peril, when the victim's forced to stand on tiptoe with their neck in a noose. That long, prolonged suffering; the way they tilt their head a little due to the noose, the way their legs and belly tighten and quiver as they struggle to stay on tip-toe... primo stuff.
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Even better when the victim is subject to repeated rape and abuse; every violation weakening her strength and pushing her closer to death.
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Eventually she has to humiliate herself and beg them to rape her, because when they pick her up to fuck her is the only chance she has to rest.

As the night stretches on and the men get tired and the rapes less frequent, the burn in her muscles gets worse and worse and she begins to suspect this isn't just torture. They're going to leave her strung up when they're done.

This is an execution.
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thats why i like pic related
the fact that shes being walled up tells her that her captors have no intention to ever let her go and once she gives up this place is going to be her tomb
shes basically watching her own funeral
pretty grim
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Going to church gets me nothing other than a niche fetish.
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All you have to do is stand there for the rest of your life, give or take a minute. Don't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds. All the other girls pulled it off just fine.

>shes basically watching her own funeral
That's an incredibly hot way of putting it.
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Anyone able to translate this?
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Not that niche, DESU. Unless you specifically like the impalement part of crucifixion.
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I like DiD, but a lot of stuff in this thread is too mean. Severe injuries or death are not this fetish.
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I didn't add a disclaimer but no severe injuries goes without saying. I do like situations that seem really desperate however.
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Blessed artist.
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Next thread, >>11180054

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