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TS? NTR? Imma Kick Your Ass! edition.

Previous thread: >>11161038
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has this sequel happened yet?
>sees NTR on the cover
>gets NTR ending

I don't know what I expected.
I was hoping someone would try and get their ass kicked. At least it's soft NTR. There's probably a term for it, but he ultimately just got beaten to the ouch.
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>There's probably a term for it, but he ultimately just got beaten to the ouch.
Definetly needs to have a subgenre name for it or something because it happens too many times for 2 nickels to be true.
It's usually goes childhood friends or a pair that looks like a couple and the girl gets raped and sees the raper as the boyfriend (could be just simple tricking like here, but it's technically a rape)
Really i would have at least expected him punching the guy in the face after she explained it to him how it happened. Because like that was a gigantic asshole move, then wished them happy life or something. Though seeing the gayish ending of "i just become a girl to understand her changed feelings" is so damn eeeeh. Of course he will now become a chick and get raped by previous gangs he beat up or pole sister of the other TSF'd guy.

Now about this pic i atteched: it's the usual mascot animal turning man into magical girl, but also mentions that his friend were also affected so i imagine the big boobie demon girl also used to be a guy, he prefered that costume.
I did not care for this but it was not as bad as I was expecting, I was expecting he would try and fight again and then get raped and become his rival's fucktoy.
>NTR man wins two women for his harem
I don't know if that's what happens but I'm going to assume it is.
Last thread an anon only posted the first image so i'll post the rest
aw dang there's no follow up on this it seems
don't really like the ntr in this one but i fucking love it when a 2nd person get roped into TG no matter the situation
>curse last for a month
>unless they get cursed again, then it's resets back to another month
Then they go around the end of the curse duration for another dungeon clearing only to get in another room, where they have to drink the cursed potion (could be any flavor, animalist, breast expansion etc.)
No, I don't like that at all. Why do ntrfags and cucks push their shit everywhere?
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>Why do ntrfags and cucks push their shit everywhere?
This doujin was just the thing I happened to pull out of a big folder of TSF content, it's not intended as a political statement.
It's not like tg ntr is some deep obscure shit, far from it really
Where do you find tsf content?
Does someone know the artist Eroe? The Artist hasnt posted since 2021, does it mean he/she died?
More likely they either changed to a new name to draw under or they simply stopped because they didn't have the time or passion to draw anymore.
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>Where do you find tsf content?
Doujins come from nhentai, mostly. I also bump the thread with other random stuff that I pick up from Pixiv, Twitter, random Japanese blogs, etcetera. TSF content isn't hard to find.
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I remember back when 'Zelda Wii U' was teased, a lot of people believed that its version of Link was a girl.
What a shame. The art gives me a vibe that its a woman, hopefully she just got pregnant and got a happy life
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Do you want to be turned into a girl anon or do you want it to happen to someone else?
That way there could either be a yuri orgy, or place bets on who can take the most cock.
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Others being transformed into a girl
I think it'd be fun to randomly wake up as a girl.
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I want to make it happen to someone else.
Kill the nigger clutering sadpanda with AI slop
I feel like a retard, but while style is 10/10, whats the exact transformation context?
>Dring GB potion because.. why?
>Get mad despite doing it willingly
Well he finally made me update my exclusion filters and remove all AISlop, so there are at least some positives.
I want someone to do it to me (and then do me)
Happen to someone else. With like, a ray gun or something that lets me zap people into girls.
I would wreak havoc if a catgirl maid raygun ever fell into my hands.
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If I can turn back, myself. If I can't, then anyone else
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Well Anon this is the best armor you can buy for your rubbies. Will you take it?
I think it was a dungeon trap room, where you could only get out, when you drink the potion
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Whoever does these is the best.
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Im a make it happen to someone else person myself. desu
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Same as >>11173733 but I don't want control of the "trigger" give it to like a perverted chick or something and let her blackmail me
It'd probably safer if it was someone else. If I got turned into a girl I'd whore myself out so fast I'd give myself whiplash
I'm right with you.
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Myself and another, or just myself I suppose.
Myself, its why i transitioned desu
What's the difference between AI slop and AI non-slop?
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I want to do it en masse to other people, and absolutely randomly. Transforming men into girls on a whim and for no other reason. AR would be mandatory, and they'd find themselves with various degrees of mental compulsion to struggle against in their new school lives.
Only in fantasies
I only fantasize about being turned into a girl if I'm not the sub and don't get screwed over by outside forces, so reversible and probably into a monstergirl of some kind.
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At times I enjoy TS into "mediocre" women
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happy ending for everyone
>bullies turned into mediocre girls too
>gyaru bully goes full blonde
>skinny bully gets nice hime hair instead of pigtails
>fatty bully remains fat
one of these genderbent bullies is not doing her best
Latter does not exist.
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>Do you want to be turned into a girl anon or do you want it to happen to someone else?
I want to be able to transform others. Whenever I'm in public I idly think about how random dudes would look if turned into women. Best scenario would also involve hypnosis and/or reality change, so you could alter people without bystanders realizing anything unusual was happening.
Anyone have any idea what this YzaqTF guy's deal is? Dude suddenly shows up on DeviantArt, dumping dozens of "old" TG sequences in the span of 3 weeks. I've never seen them anywhere. Are they from some defunct profile, or was he really just keeping them on a hard drive this whole time?
>those korean comics
>mc is TG'd, permanently or temp
>his TG'd self looks pretty cute
>stories are always fighty punchy swords and the tg isn't really all that relevant
Why do they keep doing this?
FUCK I missed the thread talking about HARPIES they're my favorite thing. losing your arms, having plumage across your chest, needing to preen your feathers, eggs, the works. birds are so dimorphic they're perfect for tgtf. imagine growing up as a human with all of our cultural tendencies towards showy females with their useless bags of fat and showy clothing and then you get turned into a birdbrain and become attracted towards showy males with bright red feathers and useless tails
it just translates well. I'm normal. you can trust me to be normal about harpies. I am the most normal about harpies.
I want to be the little girl in full 4chan tradition
in stories I want resistance in the beginning which gets overcome, leading to a female identity by the end.
>Wanting to turn into cute girls but wanting it to happen to them not causing it themselves.
It's the same reason why the most common sexual fantasy for women is rape/dubcon/noncon. women don't actually want to get raped for real. instead they want to have their sexual desires fulfilled but without being seen as wanting it, due to a lifetime of being taught that being slutty is bad and so on. if you 'get transformed' then you've successfully Become The Little Girl without having pursued it like a weirdo tranny deviant.
it's immediately visually appealing to the average male reader if there's a cute girl in every scene, gives the author lots of opportunity to draw fanservice, and it's a cheap gimmick to toss on that doesn't interact with the plot to make it complicated. at most it provides the MC with a motivation of changing back that most of the male audience will immediately plug themselves into, equally as well as they would plug themselves into more traditional masculinity fantasy, while their power fantasy cravings are fulfilled by the magic swordplay anyway. only weirdos like us are actually interested in the gender tf aspect and want stories related to it.

I keep them in a drive, check my latest post.
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I want to be able to turn others into girls for my own selfish benefit, specially if I am also able to 'take' their masculine traits for myself.
Being able to turn them into cute traps ia slgo good.
I liked your Dragonmaid sequence.

thanks! it's one of the older sketches. Got like 200 sketches just sitting there :V probably going to dump em on Patreon sometime
>Got like 200 sketches just sitting there
Were you just saving them all up for one big moment? I can't say I've ever seen an artist do something like this.
>check out artist
>it’s all identity death
Oh well, not for me. but competently made nonetheless.
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I was honestly just grinding to improve my art, didn't want to be a "slop artist" to put it that way. But well now that I'm trying to grow an online presence I might as well put them to some use.
any chance you'll do magical girl TGAR? Always nice to see more ID

Maybe, just focusing on commission work at the moment.


And thanks! I just prefer ID personally.
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>I want to do it en masse to other people, and absolutely randomly

I generally prefer genderswap to bodyswap, but I feel like mass bodyswap is usually done better than mass genderswap. Although I could be biased there on account of press switch and student transfer both having very good mass body swap scenarios. The idea of a genderswap with random traits added I think is an interesting way to do it, because a huge portion of the appeal of a mass genderswap is presumably the chaos that goes along with it, even moreso if one doesn't merely just turn into their opposite sex counterpart, but have new ingrained traits as well. AR is not generally my thing, but using it as a pretext to force people back into a school setting is something interesting in the TSF realm that doesn't seem to happen that much.

I think part of why I like the mass body swap scenario more is that in the instances when I've consumed media related to that premise, there was a strong emphasis upon finding a new body being a first come, first served scenario akin to musical chairs. The people involved in the swap have to gamble between choosing the first body they could find, or hold out hopes for a better body somewhere else if their old one was taken. Perhaps you could do something similar with a mass genderswap by having those who swapped knowingly choose which compulsions they get beforehand, hoping for good ones instead of waiting too long and ending up with a compulsion they find distasteful.
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I'd rather see it happen to others. Wouldn't turn down an opportunity to see how the other side feels if it was temporary though
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Its kind of funny that thera are so many harpy enjoyers that SPECIFICALLY know whats up, there is barely any relevant content.
I mean, people have those mutually understood specific PoV, difficulties and scenarios in their heads, and I dont think I've ever seen something like that actually playing out in a fiction.
Also having fully functioning fingers on a harpy wings should be literal fucking crime. I've seen it more than once.
He looks like they guy who usually scams others, but this time around he got scammed and now stuck with a debt he has to pay back or stays as female for the rest of his life.
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rate my latest fantasy
>random poor town in bumfuck nowhere
>only factory closes down
>people get desperate
>new business opens up
>it's a camgirl farm/brothel
>due to legislation the only way to operate is to employ men and turn them into insanely hot chicks
>every male in town is turned into a pornographically hot chick
>but they're still salt of the earth straight working class joes who like beer, cars and chicks (a special treatment makes them unable to be sexually attracted to each other) and are married to totally ordinary women
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6/10, seems more like a setup for an ecchi comedy than a porn fantasy. rate mine
>a wold where sissy/hypno/gooner/slut porn exists and physically affects people who watch it
>marginally feminizes the viewer with each orgasm. a very small amount, like .005%. but the effect is cumulative and very thorough, affecting all parts of the body evenly
>closet porn addicts try desperately to avoid cooming, even though they lose pints to the very idea that it's happening to them
>it's painfully obvious to everyone who may or may not be using this porn, and even how much they use it. is that guy naturally short? were his arms always that thin? damn bro, you got an ass fr fr.
>wanton sluts prowl clubs and streets without shame, men and women indistinguishable, growing more and more feminine and bimbofied with each lustful encounter
>people are continually amazed who may or may not become sluts. a former congressman? that old actor? wow, neighbor Jim? But neighbor Jim was always so...wow, look at that picture.
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>rate my latest fantasy
>rate mine
Both of these are basically just status quo settings without anywhere to go with them. If you get off to those specific ideas that's what counts, but rating them as an outside observer? D+.
What, you want a plot? Fine. I posted the second one.
>Older brother goes to save little brother from a sex den
>Barges into a strip club, where his younger brother is a 12/10 supertrap straddling a smug older woman
>The younger brother will do whatever she says, and she'll only let him go if the older brother makes a deal
>Watch one hour of the cursed pornography, and you can both leave
>older brother agrees, watches the porn, he doesn't really get it but remarks that the whole hour only felt like five minutes
>he takes his little bro home, and starts a doomed effort to save him
>it doesn't really work, and big bro can hear little bro watching the cursed porn in his room again
>annoyed, but admits he can't get the cursed porn out of his head
>ends up watching it on his own
>a few weeks later, the lil bro disappears again
>older bro groans, knows exactly where he's gone
>in denial about his own new shape, a 9/10 trap who can barely pass as a man if he tried
>goes to the club, self conscious about people staring at him the whole way
>in the club, the lil bro is now a lil sis, with perky B-cups and a vagina
>big bro angrily demands the older woman to let him go, but is distressed by all the sexual energy in the club
>the woman reveals her own monster cock and big bro loses to it
>insert various lose-to-cock sister-tease futa-sex sex scenes
Not especially hot but it does sound fun. Yuri is hot in theory but in my eyes often falls flat in practice (not to say that it isn't really good when it lands, but...) so I think it's held back by the lack of an out of town stud or something.
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>What, you want a plot? Fine
Thank you. Now it's a C-.
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Fuck it. I’ll post a fantasy/story too
>MC discovers a forbidden magic technique/spell which can steal someone’s identity
>the user just needs to activate the spell and then touch the person, which will physically transform the user into the person, and the copied person will become an inanimate mannequin
>MC knows just who he wants to choose
>he buys vip tickets to see a female celebrity/idol’s concert and gets to meet with her backstage before the show
>he successfully steals her identity and the new mannequin is simply written off as one of many she uses to model her clothes
>MC enjoys his time as the celebrity/idol, liking the fame/fortune/influence
>there’s only one problem, he needs to act completely in-character or he risks getting caught
>plot is basically MC trying to fake it while trying to milk the experience as long as he can
>maybe the ‘ghost’ of the celebrity whose identity he stole comes back to haunt him
>there’s also a ‘will they or won’t they’ subplot about whether MC will change back or not, and maybe him trying to cover up his ‘disappearance’
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imho, a good TSF story (a proper story, rather than just a doujin setup) must be one where all the transformation stuff is complementary to a more conventional fiction, even if the fetish element is clearly the point, as trying to sincerely explore the effects of genderswapping will just suck out all the fun out of the fantasy (which it will do to pretty much any fetish)
transformee embracing the transformation from day one is simply non-cathartic, but another problem i have is how pathetically retarded MCs can look for playing along, rather than properly fighting back
even if there is a horror/humiliation aspect, leaning too hard into that just creates misery porn, rather that fetish porn, but your tastes may vary
to manage all that, transformation has to be caused by a whim of fate or an actively malicious party (that fits neatly with any adventure), so the MC can be coherently combative about the situation while still being primarily preoccupied with more pressing issues
>an arrogant warrior cursed to become a meek little girl but still pressing on to finish his quest
>a superhero hit with a severe does of evil purple badness juice still trying to fight against the corruptive influence and help people
>a random schlub in a cyberpunk setting selling more and more of his huMANity to pay off the debts, ship-of-theseus'ing himself in the process
>a spy assuming the identity of a floozy to sniff out important details during a clandestine get-together
not that i don't get the appeal of exploring more relaxed slice-of-life situations after transformation, but those can still be a part of grander narrative, and without giving the characters too much time to get their act together
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Otaku gamer…
Sorta loose idea I had
>isekai'd hero at the end of his adventure after defeating the demon lord or whatever
>been using potions to transform during his journey
>portal to return is slowly closing
>he gets stuck dangling above it, trapped around his chest
>drinks random potions to try and break free
>finally shrinks enough to slip through and falls into portal just as it closes
>sees his home town before him
>lets out a shout of joy in high pitch voice
>only now realizes the last potion turned him into a young girl
>the potions to reverse it never made it through the portal
Is this thread okay with AI stuff? Cause I've made a whole bunch of rule 63 images of popular characters using AI. I'll post them if you want. Figured I'd ask first since I know some threads don't allow it. Here's just one but if you want I can post more.
I personally was never interested in one of those rule 63 just flat art of a genderbend character even if it's not AI
No transformation, not depicting some kind of situation or at least a caption, just ain't the point of the fetish IMO but that's just me
I'm not in favor of R63 or AI "art" in general, but you can usually get away with a few images without more than the usual backlash. I'd rather you didn't, but if you must don't dump and for the love of god only use your absolute best.
Fetish content is the one thing AI will never get, because it literally does not "get" it. It might get lucky now and then, producing something that seems to work, but human-made porn possesses the pscho-sexual spark that AI just can't grasp.
You can't make good porn unless you're into it, and AI can't be into it, so it can't make good porn.
most artists don't draw art of their fetishes so they don't get it either
I love AI and have done so since AI Dungeon, but personally I never share it here any more.
I did maybe a couple times very early on, and showed some text gen. But I stopped.

Maybe art, but a text generator can work just fine IF you make a good enough prompt.
And for anybody who wants to go on about slop or how easy it is to spot AI, for the love of fuck if you're using GPT, tell it to be more to the point, stop being flowery, avoid purple prose. Probably to stop being so positive too.

It makes a difference.
No thank you.
Depends on your definition of "porn". I'm into risque/ecchi clothed cosplay tier pics for stuff like bunnysuits and stuff, and AI's able to pull off a reasonable basic "girl standing there wearing a bunnysuit" or whatever sometimes.
Sure, from what I've observed it's about 10x less likely for me to see an AI pic I'm into vs one done by a human and the odds of me being into a human done pic are already like 1%, but the odds aren't zero so I do still like checking out AI stuff for that 1 in 1k chance of finding gold.
What compulsions would you go for?
I dunno but anybody who draws Lucoa tf is a friend of mine
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Your kinks are algorithms, not sacred mysteries. It's already diagnosing cancer better than an average doctor, and it doesn't give a fuck about patients. Image gen doesn't do porn, but it's not some "literally does not get it" bullshit, it's just no one with money trained a model yet. AI doesn't need to be horny to clown your fetishes better than you understand them.

pic related, trying to make an LLM translation less horny and tg obssessed

Good taste. Looking to maybe revisit the idea at some point, that piece is like 2 years old (After I'm through commissions though)
So I have been thinking about writing some TG stuff, and I was wondering if anyone wants to pitch in some ideas? Right now I have an idea for a story about a business that lets people enjoy being a cat girl in heat.
Just trying to figure out what sort of themes should it have, like fantasy or modern day setting, do they get fucked by normal dudes or something else, and how long the transformation lasts. Any feedback on what sort of TG stuff people enjoy would be enlightening thanks.
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I remember when digital photos weren't that good, someone commented to me that they would never be a substitute for film photography because it didn't seem to capture their "soul". I think what they meant to say but didn't have the proper words to convey it is that early digital camera images looked ok at a glance but upon inspection were very blocky. But they got better.
I won't predict if AI will get way better, but it has gotten better quite a lot up until now. I use AI a lot, for image generation and text generation. It has gradually taken up more and more of my porn diet and has recently, I would say, become the majority of my diet. I am talking custom stuff I make, not the abundance of mostly slop that's out there.
We are not yet at a point where you can just try to achieve something all willy nilly and it will produce it. The more you try to go the route of "I will make my AI do this thing for me", the more effort you have to put in to get slightly good results.
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I'll break down image generation and text generation.
For image generation, it is definitely a two way street with AI. I've often fallen victim to spending hours trying to produce something it would only tease me with glimpses of almost achieving for me. The less the AI has of a certain concept, the harder it is to make it produce that thing. LoRAs can help, but they're not a miracle. Or maybe I'm not sufficiently skilled yet. But point is, where I get success is to moreso hint to the AI what I want, tweaking my prompt, until eventually I find results I really like and I just run that prompt a bunch of times until I'm bored. Another thing I can do is to chain img2img transformations, where you use a feedback loop to get closer and closer to the thing you want. For the record, I use pixai mostly, and my own copy of ComfyUI occasionally.
For text, it can be frustrating with how little it can hold in memory. I had given up for a while, but recently someone suggested perchance's "ai-character-chat" and I can say I am quite pleased that it performs better than others (my previous favourite was spicychat). I don't actually use AI to write a whole story, but instead give it a task to generate ideas and just keep regenerating until it stops giving me good ideas. Because AI chat for storytelling is at its best early in the exchange, before you overrun its memory.
I didn't really like that doujin, the main character forgetting they've been changed except during sex and no-one remembering makes the change a bit pointless. The main character should always remember they've been changed and at least one other person as welll otherwise it doesn't quite hit the mark for me. As if its just the main character its fun to watch their transformation and giving up on being a man and embracing their new life whilst sometimes being conflicted by their past, and if someone else remembers it adds to it when they get slightly conflicted about it or just look past it or their previous feelings of friendship turn to love. Having none of that means it might as well never have any GB elements to it.
Yeah basically the only thing I kept from it was this one page. If a new manga was made around this one page it would probably be pretty good.
Trying to use chat for storytelling is a pain in the ass, the best you could do is like using them as instruct storytellers. Doesn't help half of the big AI companies keep adding more strict filtering and Claude proxies are fucked.

I wish storytelling was way more popular. I want stories goddamit, not talking to a chatbot.
And then NovelAI finally put out a new model, but it's 8K context which was a disappointment.
Its not character.ai for sure because it cant do lewd stuff, so which one are you talking about?
I more or less managed to tard wrangle spicy, but memory is still huge limiting factor.
>AI will never get
It was kind of opposite for me because this thing is surprisingly good for written stuff if you act as an idea guy, it even managed to surprise me few times.
Nobody cared enough to train models on images though
i jump between spicy, chub and janitor ai.Though i don't aim for TSF content primary, mostly just breasts expansion, lolis or body editing
Oh right, there is also caveduck i visit once in a while
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if you want to see more fem link
Ever try Openrouter/TogetherAI with something like SillyTavern? They have a mix of free/paid models censored and uncensored.

I now with Openrouter you
>make a key
>optionally set a limit if using paid models and your own credits (IIRC you get $5 free)
>plug key into sillytavern
>pick model
>enter a jailbtreak if needed for censored models (find them online)
>make/add card and go

I used it briefly to mess with some big 405B models earlier this year, but you'd really need to look into it.
There's people who have tried to get outputs more like storytelling jailbreaks. But it varies depending on the AI.
Like the newest GPT4o. It's shit right now for jailbreaking, avoid.
i thought about buying a brand new pc with 4070/5070/4080/5080 GPU then try running something locally. But currently i just survive on online ais
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Damn, this reminds me so much of Kill la Kill. First the art and now this
i really like the mysterious potion type plots
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100% me. It’s a personal fantasy of mine since like… 8?
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Yes, but put some effort into it, don't just post anime girls who may or may not have been guys. That stuff is boring even when hand-drawn.
No, fuck off nigger
Yeah mate sure go for it.
Only if it's your most S+ tier results. If you half-ass things and post shit that has 3 legs or whatever other monstrosities, then fuck off. AI can be fine, but it requires a lot of effort to make it fine.
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Is World of Warcraft (or whatever MMO he told stories about) Anon still here? I can't get out of my head a couple threads ago, he told us about how he would run a game and transform players into female only classes and just watch their reaction or ignore their pleas to be changed back. I haven't been able to think of anything else since I read that and I need more.

Also what games or mods for games still exist that I can do this in? I want to transform tons of players, or just NPCs.
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I find that runs the risk of the person writing their insane magnum opus with me wondering why there is a TG element at all. I remember reading 2 or 3 stories on tgstorytime with insane world building involving sky-ships and wizard schools and alt history where Neanderthals were the dominant humanoid, all for the TG to stop mattering in a chapter or two.

That being said, if anyone can remember the names of these fics, I'm at the point where I'd read them.
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Reminds me of this game, though I feel it somehow manages to keep the TG pretty relevant + tied into very specific major plot points, and so for me left an ineffable charm. My overall vibe is that the author just threw in all their favorite slices of media (GB & literally sky-ships, wizard schools, etc that'd go into spoiler territory) into a grand, campy, dramatic saga and I was all for it.

The ENG translation from what I'd seen (since I played in JP) looks to be incredibly nuanced and top-tier - big fan of whoever's writing at Kagura Games. Would recommend.

Are we still doing personal fantasies?
>mc is a brick shithouse
>via magic bullshit curse, adventure gets turned to stone
>stays that way for some time, maybe 20-30 years
>maybe even gets worn down and looks like a boulder
>sculptor takes stone adventurer home and sculpts a hot girl out of the rock
>super detailed in all the right ways
>via more magic bullshit the curse wears off, mc is now a hot girl
>sexcapades + time jump comedy ensues
Somewhat out there but something about someone physically shaping someone into a girl is insanely hot to me.
>Is it permanent
I would have to be really desperate to take this route. So that would be for another.
>is it temporary or I can just switch
I would totally do it. Just being able to experience what that is like, would be fun, but also scary.
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yeah, that's the issue with a bunch of isekai-esque stories where TG is just an excuse to increase the density of cute girls, while still keeping the stupid WOW JAPANESE HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENT HE'S LITERALLY ME element
but then the question is how much TG do you need to see before it becomes a proper "TG story that's surprisingly in-depth" rather than just "a story where there is some TG"
this is why stories where the MC can transform (like ranma style or the one with the fairy) are top tier because there's always a reason to change genders due to plot and keeps it relevant. Instead of a story where the guy transforms chapter 1 and is never mentioned again.
>this is why stories where the MC can transform (like ranma style or the one with the fairy) are top tier
Different anon but pretty much this.

Stories with back-and-forth changes are better for longform stories over permanent transformations. It’s why I never liked permanent transformations much to begin with. It turns the fetish/story away from the transformations in and of themselves and solely on the aftermath instead, which I consider a separate fetish/story entirely.
Kino. My absolute favorite type of story. In fact, if we're still talking about whether we want to be transformer or transformee, I will say that a back and forth type transformation is the only one I'm willing to entertain in real life.
Based. I’m on the exact same page. In my own TSF fantasies I can always change back and forth either at will or due to a full moon or a hot/cold water type of deal. That way I can also experience the transformation over and over again.
I thought Shirayuki is a girl. Or are these TFs you enjoy being done to you? Or do it to others?
Fuck. This was off to such a strong start. It's rare to have a good TG manga with a distinct protag that has a personality. But then it had to go down the NTR route and the best friend has to cuck his entire life because faceless guy raped the personality out of the MC. What a waste.
Despite being an outright TG'd character, Mai gets too little love in fanart and doujins.
>normal dude gets isekai'd, all excited for his awesome adventure
>but his class turns out to be Maid
>if he does maid-like stuff it progressively turns him into a maid, but if he tries to be a normal adventurer he has no power.
>If he tries to be a normal adventurer he has no power.
>Fine, whatever, he's used to having no power, he can live a normal life. At least his boss will be less of a prick
>It turns out normal things like cooking a meal, grooming, or keeping his room clean are also "maid-like"
There's already a WN that's basically almost exactly that, though without the gender bender angle as it's a girl who gets isekai'd.
All right, I am hooked. Define levels of 'turning into a maid' within story context.
>He tries to not be an adventurer
>he has no money, qualifications, idea how the world works, or support
>the only job he's qualified for: maid

I don't have exact levels, but there'd be both a physical and non-physical aspect to the transformation. I generally prefer to keep actual mental changes minor, but instead alter behavior either puppet/voice filter style, where they automatically curtsey or use a different name, or through things like punishing them in various ways if they don't behave in accordance with whatever compulsion they're victim to.

For instance, if they don't speak respectfully and submissively to their superiors (almost everyone) they get hit with pain, or providing positive reinforcement for cleaning.

With the gamey aspects there can also be things that are tied to their powers. Maybe one ability gives them a bonus when obeying the orders of a designated master, but causes some influence on their behavior, or they gain the ability to fade into the background (like a proper servant) but it tends to activate on its own.

Which WN is this?
Not sure if it's what the other Anon is thinking of, but I just heard about this Maid Isekai today https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/heroine-saint-no-im-an-all-works-maid-and-proud-of-it-manga-vol-1/
>Which WN is this?

There actually was one chapter where the main party of 8(?) which is 7 guys and the MC all get genderbent, but it's an extra chapter and they were all written after the author did the main story as less serious side content "what if?" style chapters.
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I remember reading a story somewhere about a swordsman getting job changed into a maid by a witch. It also drained all his levels and the only way he could level back up to job change again was by doing maid work, plus it came with equipment restrictions so he could only wear a maid outfit.
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[notspoiler]i have a confession to make, anonymous, i have gotten into westoid 3d imagesets
may haruhi have mercy on my soul[/notspoiler]
My personal problem with cg artists is that their "comics" are actually a series of full page spreads. The only ones I respect for their page layout are InfinitySign and Tom Reynolds. InfinitySign is also and amateur animator and illustrator, which is cool
can anyone help me find the sauce of this gender bent goku? There's an artist signature in the top right but it's just slightly too small too read...
My dream TSF story is about an under handed martial artist who perfects a permanent gender bender attack that leaves its victim (and only the victim) oblivious to the change. It should also weaken them physically to the level of the average girl.
I am pretty sure the artist is haro_mikan now, I wasn't able to find the original image yet though... Any help?
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Just posted the first half-ish of a TG-AR story I recently finished writing.


The conceit is that the main character turns into a girl after messing with this girly kid skateboard that some kid at the skatepark has... After which the skateboarding theme sort of falls off. Really the story is about the snap-out/snap-in mental changes the main character experiences, where he'll 'forget' who he used to be, and only regain his original memories and personality when something triggers him to snap out of it.

Anyways you can find first ten (~2000 words each) chapters on deviantart there. I'll also post the whole story here: https://tgstorytime.com/viewstory.php?sid=8193, but stories on TGStorytime don't go up until they get admin approval, so it's not readable there yet as of this second.
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>After which the skateboarding theme sort of falls off.
That seems like a waste. How many TSF skateboarding stories are there?
I wish there were more. It's a good aesthetic, but it seems like I might just not be cut out for writing them. The stories I write have a tendency to get away from me.

Anyways, IIRC Amy Komori had skateboarding stuff? https://tgstorytime.com/viewstory.php?sid=1456. After the first arc, Amy Komori can barely be considered TG though, alas. Might as well just be a story about a lesbian teenager honestly.
Speaking of 3d tsf artists, one of my greatest guilty pleasures has to be surdoyTG's tanning bed animation. It's weird because I don't normally like the look of realistic cgi characters but the way the transformation is animated combined with the sound effects makes me diamonds every time.
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Kino. It'd be great to see more genderbends where the guy turns into a mediocre/un-idealized girl. I know most fantasize about being an 11/10 but this seems like the more realistic outcome if only your gender changed but your attractiveness level stays the same.
>tried reading some koikatsu comics
Are any of these actually worth a read?
I dont know how much effort actually goes into making those, but every time I read it, I keep wishing author would just think this trough AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT.
Its really fucking clear its being made up on the go, without any real focus on all hot stuff.
Even short stips like this one >>11172674 usually have more substance, emotions and actual fetish content in it.
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She used to be a guy?
Knight cursed by a witch. Cursed to only wear bikini maid clothes, forced to sound and act like a girl, randomly gets horny due to curse mark, and has to take in semen regularly to not starve to death. The curse is unbreakable so the princess has her magician cast a futanari spell on her so she can give the knight semen instead of him having to beg his friends.
I think one of the issues with longform TG is that, assuming that the focus is only one character genderswapping once, the premise will almost inevitably drift away from the original genderswapping premise. Once the author begins to focus on the actual character who is now thoroughly a female at least in body, if not in mind, then the story begins to need the actual characteristics that make a story good independent of the TSF fetish angle. This is where the story begins to fall flat. If the longform story is actually good even when the genderswapping is only a distant memory, it begs the question to the reader as to why genderswap was needed in the story at all, as opposed to the main character being female from the onset. On the other hand, if the story is bad, then it becomes yet another story one sees on TSF fiction sites where the only interesting part is very early on in a story that is well over 20,000 words, the vast majority of which are not engaging in the slightest.

Besides the fact that most isekai are underwhelming and derivative, the lack of engaging TSF in isekai fiction is also from the fact that there's a very obvious story hook that lies in the gutter, unwanted and lacking in interest from the webnovel authors that mass-produce drivel. In a lot of older isekai, there was a strong desire to return to Earth, and contemporary society. If an author made an isekai that was a completely self-contained story where the entire goal was to return to Earth, and then gave the story a definitive resolution, then you could actually have interesting TSF that wouldn't overstay its welcome.
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The gimmick is great
>initial transformation is just the genitals
>engaging in actions associated with your new sex induces further transformations
That’s the good shit
>the premise will almost inevitably drift away from the original genderswapping premise.
I know I thought about writing one, and I also ran into that problem, it essentially fades into the background except for comments from the MC realizing their growing femininity as they age and when another character in a similar situation to them asks what they were like before. Otherwise the plot would be about trying to figure out why they were picked to be reincarnated in the first place, and that would probably get boring fast.
Damn, that's hot. Do you have a source? I did some searching, but couldn't find a full comic. BTW for anyone who's checking, kemono works again.
Thanks. My greatest wish is for other people to write stories with the same gimmick. It seems like such a fun way to do mental changes and I can't think of anything else that's done it this way, at least not off the top of my head.
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Reading this reminded me of an (Incredibly niche) moment that happens in TS stories with age regression with encounters with the mother after the transformation, where she ends up intimidating them and their new body/personality instinctively and meekly goes along with whatever she said.

It's a niche scenario in an otherwise already niche fetish, but something about your mother going from a neutral/equal figure from you being an adult/teen into a now overwhelming maternal force that hammers home your new form really gets me going. Similar thing with encounters with younger sisters/siblings that are now the big sister.

But uh, to slightly get on topic, I enjoyed reading the story lol
Have you read my other story https://tgstorytime.com/viewstory.php?sid=6713 ? Most of the story is just a slow transformation sequence, but the ending is precisely what you described.
I haven't, but I checked out your story list and was going to go through them all, good to know!
Was super fun writing this story with you. Aedi is an absolute beast of an author. Incredibly skilled.
Professed Herself the Pupil of the Wiseman falls into that sort of category for an isekai GB story, though it does have the main character and other characters make continual remarks about him now being a little girl it doesn't do too much with it beyond he accidentally makes boys fall in love with him. The MC does get more girly as it progresses as they're forced into wearing girlier outfits and they get used to them but they retain the sense of being a man and not having the same self-consciouness as a girl so in one scene they open a door wearing only a towel or don't realise how often they're flashing their underwear by doing martial arts in a mini-skirt. It has another character who was GB'd as well but they don't seem to care and use their new body to have a lesbian harem.

I still enjoy the series but the GB is not really the focus as there's no real way for any of the people in the isekai to get out of it and transforming back to his original body is virutally impossible for the MC.
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Why is this so rare, why do they always lose to the cock, why aren't former guys allowed to win in TG stories?
is there more of this story
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Read more TG written by women.
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[Amuai Okashi Seisakujo (Koori)] 100 Nichi Go ni Party no Mesuinu Onaho ni Naru Mahoutsukai
I didn't check it out too deeply, but the cover grabbed my attention because she is cute.
Mage is transformed into a slutty girl.
Her proportions get more exaggerated the more she has sex.
After 100 days her mind goes back to normal.
She loses to the dick.
>Oh shit TG story written by that student x teacher author?
>Oh hell yeah
>It's yuri
Some things just aren't meant to be.
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A new Vignette Witch chapter just dropped.
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>Oh shit TG story written by that student x teacher author?
>Oh hell yeah
>It's yuri
Oh hell yeah
I enjoy all the pantyshots in this, already a step up in lewdness from the previous work by Kaneko all the porn they've done is shining through. I hope the hoods on the uniforms get used at some point. I am also just noticing that the uniform they're wearing in that page is different to what they're currently wearing so I guess that's when they're all fully trained witches.
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btw the new chapter will be out in a few hours (unless there's another break)
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Not to mention the best part.
>TS guy has bigger tits than the other girls.
The bird landing on both their heads makes me think she's also a former male or she's been blessed by the gyaru god in some way.
link it
>why aren't former guys allowed to win in TG stories?
Submissive and/or sadomasochist audience unfortunately.

Like >>11179081 said, tg written by women usually won’t have the guy-turned-girl being screwed over (literally and metaphorically). I think it’s because women don’t want to write about how turning into a woman is humiliating or a downgrade.
>link it
I've been posting roughly a chapter a day since the initial posting of the story. There's 24 chapters chapters total plus a small epilogue.
Here it is:


Posting the xvideos mirror since the official posting is behind a paywall. I always wondered why the xvideos uploader titled it “she does not love you”. Does it have a symbolic meaning?
>I think it’s because women don’t want to write about how turning into a woman is humiliating or a downgrade.
I'd disagree, they actually get 'casual humiliation' part exceptionally well, making minor pokes here and there without spitting into your face. Gyaru manga is actually good example of those little things, even if I am really not into whole gyaru idea/style. But I will give it to you, while its clearly presented as humiliating, its never presented as a downgrade.

As for humiliation, people's bar for humiliation just slowly got all over the place because of
>I've been a girl for 20 minutes, time to get fucked by first guy I've met while I barely pretend to resist
>Its been a week? Thats it, neighborhood bicycle life awaits me!
kind of works, and its understendable because there is fuckton of them.

Actually.. Anons who actually enjoy those stories: what character you project yourself into? Whats the appeal? Is it for people who want to transform others and degrade them beyond oblivion? Or some serious self-hating aspect? Its quite interesting how many different, pretty much opposite tastes there are.
I’d argue that what’s considered humiliating from a women’s perspective is likely different than a man’s. I’ve found women-written humiliation TSF doesn’t tend to be as ‘harsh’ as guy-written humiliation.

To answer your question, I’m what most would consider a wish-fulfillmentfag, but I’m ok with a certain level of humiliation if it’s the result of unforeseen consequences, like the guy-turned-girl getting painful periods or needing other guys to help lift stuff, etc. I think I like it because it adds interesting conflict to think about in an otherwise low-stakes story.
Yeah but things you described are minor, although its actually really nice to see when they stack to the point where it reaches downgrade/unbearable levels. But I dont think I can even remember any work like that.
Actually a lot of simillar concepts are barely explored:
>Transform into girl with large breasts
>Default initial reaction
>Novelty wears off within a week
>At some point, due to having full time access to them, get used to them so much they lose significant part of the appeal
>Overall perception of breasts gets changed, they arent as enticing as before
>Eventually start hating how yours look without proper support
>Every downside is 24/7 with you and having them becomes a hindrance and source of regular small annoyances
>End up self-consicious and regretting having them
I assume most of that comes back to the difficulty that comes with writing long-form TS stories, since you're only going to get fed up with them after a couple of weeks and most stories usually end not too long after the transformation process.

I do remember some stories that focused on stuff like that, but like most things with this fetish they were more sexual complaints than mundane ones, stuff like being embarrassed from being leered at or frustration from men always wanting to titfuck them. If you're lucky you can get stuff like difficulties bra shopping or clumsiness from the unfamiliar weights on their chests or from not being able to see below them anymore
it's probably simply because it is an admittedly niche interest and writing out a full story is way harder than just throwing around ideas. I have a few words in the direction of a True Harpy TGTF Story myself though those efforts so far have stalled out. I want to keep progressing and eventually get to the point where it's worth posting but it hasn't happened yet
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When's Rumi going to kiss Akira?
Your consistency is appreciated, random link anon.
>True Harpy TGTF
Your post just triggered memory of some anon posting mermaids with fins instead of arms and calling them 'True Mermaid'. It clearly did not hate enough content for a full thread, but after playing around with a concept - the idea is kind of hot.
Anyvay, about 'true' thing, rarely I see that specific subset(?) of monstergirls and never knew whats up.
I wouldn't mind reading about a mc who goes full on autistic about various girls things for 200+ chapters. Kind of like the mc in "Kyou, Eki de Mita Kawaii Onna no Ko".
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wish isekai novels and manga had more guys reincarnating as girls and getting it on by larger Villianess and Heroines
agreed need more scenarios like that
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>mermaids with fins instead of arms and calling them 'True Mermaid'
Behold, the Truest Mermaid.
remember the True Mermaid wars
imagine being transformed into a mudskipper mermaid and having males jumping for your attention and fighting over the opportunity to fertilize your eggs
I really need to find more stories/pics where the victim gets TS'd into a little girl and they're the only one aware of what's happened
TGAR and no one else being aware of the changes seems to be the norm desu
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>"kisu wa ... hasukashi"
>one chromosome later
I think I found the cure for romcom protagonist syndrome.
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New thread: >>11180182

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