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Stuffing poultry Edition

Previous Thread: >>11157486
Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
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Any good lewd survival games or any games where you are semi forced to become corrupt/lewd/slutty in order to avoid hardships, survive, get necessary resources or otherwise deal with the game's difficulty?
Flexible Survival comes to mind.
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Sprite sheet for the first new Crimson Curse enemy!
Aside from FS like the other anon mentioned and DoL which is the obvious answer, the only other game I can really think of is Debasing Grounds. You're stuck in a dystopian city and the only real ways to make money are whoring yourself out or stealing (which usually results in getting raped by the police).
I thought it leaned more into TITS style questing than survival.
Interesting, I haven't seen it before. Looks pretty cool.
Does anyone have any futasub games, especially with things like autoimpregnation?
what is this for
Lustied Lair Expanded mod for Darkest Dungeon, overhauls the game to be all sex sex sex and adds several new enemies+bosses. Every update gives more and more sex animations to enemies and there are unique mechanics added such as kidnapping units, pregnancy events, and chest mimics. Some really unique trinkets centered around getting fucked too, but kinda hard to use consistently until more enemy sex is added.
It's a good mod, but it's still got long way to go.
has somebody made a mario party style eroge? would nintengo hang whoever tries to make one?would you implement voice comms and matchmaking for having gooning sessions with randoms?
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"INMA KA SUGOROKU", there's a 1 and a 2
Idk why I've never played Lonarpg before tonight cause I'm actually really enjoying it but damn it is hard. Is there even anything you can do when your stamina is negative and you have no food or money? Cause I've just been restarting since I'm still at the beginning of the game though I'd prefer not to if possible. I've read on the wiki what I should do generally but not for this situation.
with all that effort why not just make legally distinct darkest dungeon then
Going out on a limb here but as much work as modding is im pretty gamedev is still a ton more work
If anything I wonder why madodev and lusty dev don't work together on a project. They seem to have the same creative vision and are both exceptionally driven
If you're out of stamina and food you're generally fucked.
Always make sure to have various food items with you on your journey.
I'd love that, both games are abit lacking in some parts and having both parties place their effort together would come a long way. And I also prefer the DD art-style over madodev art style.
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I have tried to respond to these like four times now, but the 900s timer keeps resetting. This website is a nightmare - way easier to get in touch with me in the LLE discord.

What do you mean by 'hard to use consistently'? Love the feedback, just don't quite get that phrase in particular.

The mod is for myself first and foremost. I'm just sharing my magical realm with everyone. It's why there's an entire region based on hypno kink.

Appreciate the compliment. I'd be inclined to agree on the workload front were it not for the fact that modding Darkest Dungeon can be either dead simple or like pulling out your own teeth with your toes. No in-between.

For example did you know this game doesn't produce crash logs? The game that likes to crash for no clear reason even when you've set everything up perfectly? When something goes wrong I have to light the incense, pray to the spirits, and hope that they will appear to me in a dream that offers insight on the problem.

It's a good thing I adore Darkest Dungeon or I'd have lost my mind long ago.

Where do you feel LL:E is lacking? Love me a bit of feedback. Personally I think it just needs more enemies, and won't be happy with it until it is just as big if not bigger than Darkest Dungeon itself.
Where did you get SpinePro?
I'm too poor to buy it ;_;
While I do own Spine, there is also a perfectly good free alternative in DragonBones.

>Latest Unity runtime library is 6 years old
B-but it is completely useless...
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>TFGS is region blocking now
Guess it's time to finally get a vpn.
If I were to make a game where others could add their own animated characters, would DragonBones be effectively the only option? I know there is also the default animation editor integrated into Godot, but it does seem to have its limitations. I've heard Blender is somehow a thing that people use for 2D animations, but I think the barrier of entry there is a bit too high even for myself.
i absolutely need games with cumflation or else i will die
By hard to use consistently I mean that not enough enemies grab you for sex-attacks (part of which is simply you're in process of adding stuff, so it'll fix itself over time), and there's not too many ways to force those attacks either (especially with how many of these artifacts ask for specific character to be grabbed.) The marked and anointed brands, on other hand, I can use consistently in every encounter and I am a fan of.

As far as lacking, I'd have to sit down and really think of a good response on this to separate my feelings from what I think objectively could be constructive criticism and what is simply an "I feel." But while on the topic that's related to this question, I do wish to ask: are there any plans to optionally allow multiple characters to be grabbed, even if simply a setting toggle like in MadoDev's version (guessing maybe gobbos will have that)? Likewise, are there plans to mark yourself to be grabbed by sex-attacks specifically (since simply being marked doesn't seem to affect it from what I've seen)?
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>Does anyone have any futasub games, especially with things like autoimpregnation?
Now my interest is piqued.

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