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Corner edition
Previously: >>11178187
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smothered by pussy pussy
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Bunker K is back
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Needs more of a magical shrinking
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Seams like several decent animators have showed up recently. Found another one today that just started
>Mom, I posted it again!
autism general
Sorry for reposting from the previous thread but well, I didn't get any answers. Just out of curiosity does anyone know anything about A.S, the creator of Shrink High? Like, what is he up to nowadays, what became of him or if does he have any pahes/sites? I haven't heard of him since the days of Shrink High Gaiden.
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He's trying to be the next Handplay Anon, but poor copies don't measure up to the originals
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Nah once you are horny enough for a particular scenario it can consume you and you want to post it all the time.
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Then you just talk about the scenario, not spam 1 sentance every thread.
That fag typed enough words for dozen greentexts across all the pointless posts
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any giantess artists with a similar style to lapotato that takes commissions?
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shrunken anal play >>>>
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this artist https://x.com/LaPotato_prime
was wanting to commission some giantess art in a similar style but last i checked lapotato doesn't do commissions so i'm looking for the next best thing
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ladies shrinking younger girls is hot
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this guy is working on a gts game
but at the moment he's only using fantia to publish information/demos
>Socialist qts will "Eat the Rich" literally.

>SocDems ensure that everyone has at least one giant gf before distributing the rest among the wealthy

>Radlibs will force you down your new trans goddess' cock only to be ejaculated into her black queen gf as reparations for slavery.

>Centrist qts are never entirely sure if they want to glue you to their dildo or butt plug tonight.

>In a white neighborhood past curfew? Prepare to be shrunk by our anti-criminal protection field since you're obviously there to steal or traffic our kids. We (don't) hope you survive getting stomped on by our pure, white children playing outside.

>Your place in the Germanic racial hierarchy determines whether you end up in the giga Nazi's bra, her belly, or as her (tiny) big brother.

>The corporate meritocracy pays off your debt slavery by shrinking and selling you to horny qts. If unsold for more than 30 days, you become the property of the MILF CEO and her party girl coed daughters.
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stupid sexy horse girls
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Uh oh, Anon. What did you do to get yourself in this situation?
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Anon's anti-vaxer mom didn't give him the shrinking virus shot when he was 5.
And it's shrink flu season at work...
>Someone posted Grimm Glitter in the last thread
>Download link had expired by the time I saw it
Who is the character? Teacher? Office lady?
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Never forget 9/11 ;_;7
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Why do horse girls have to be so cruel
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OC is 'Miss Catalina' from @LkBreth7, who regularily commisions @on_kinky for pics of her.

She's a debutante, a young and rich socialite with a harsh personality, a taste for expensive things, and lots of admirers.
Stories by LkBreth7 involving her go about the reader becoming her tiny manservant or being her prospective suitor and getting into situations like being shrunk and stuck to her feet or shoes, getting expensive wine spit on by her in disgust, getting turned into her dancing shoes for the evening, her 'magnanimously' letting you take a ride and live inside of her worn shoes, being made to clean her shoes, falling into her drink and having her taste you and spit you out, etc.
The aniversary was last month Anon
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She can't keep getting away with it!
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Some more.
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>getting turned into her dancing shoes for the evening
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You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? She's done worse.
Probably obiect tf bit instead of size
>tf into dancing heels for an evening
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Correct. Fairy transforms you into dancing shoes because you told her you want to '...dance with Miss Catalina.'
I take it you’re her prospective suitor in this one.. any continuation?
Anyone have this? I searched everywhere on web but I didn't find it
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POV of the shoe from inside her closet. Left to wait for her alongside the other shoes as if you were just another pair of them, to be worn whenever she pleases... or discarded when she thinks they're out of fashion.

Most of L'k Breth's stories are on their Twitter, attached to these pics.
Not sure if they're hosted elsewhere too.
As hot as that idea sounds, I know actually being stuck in a closet for days, weeks or months on end would probably suck!
Life is cruel. And your life is in shadow of giga horses
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would anyone here be willing to re-up giant girl club? the mega link to the free dl on the dev's twitter is dead
Holy fuck, I love slippers
I'd rather be her slippers, especially if she wears me with those pantyhose
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What's her plan?

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