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What safety toe boots do you wear and do you recommend them?
$14 pvc car tire rubber steel toe shits from Amazon

Mid-calf, big fuck tard tractor tire style tread, steel toe, water proof obviously. Indestructible unless you take a sawzall to them.
Red Wing King Toe, and I highly recommend them.
i don't, and i do highly recommend also not wearing them.
I wear Merrils. I generally get aboot 18 months before they start to break down. I can get a full 24 months out of their leather shells. picrel has lost the sole. it's over. I had to switch to the backup pair of bramahas I found when clearing out an eviction. just gotta make it to winter solstice, then I will get new Merrils. Bramaha's steel toe rubs on my actual toes. not liking it. I think it'll be OK once my toes get a bit of callous, and the bramahs break in. I'll give it another week. if it hasn't resolved, I'll have to go to 3rd backup of old merrils. gotta take care of my feet, they pay the bills.

I'm hard on boots and pants. multiple trade worker. one-man full construction & remodel crew.

I wear roundhouse double knee pants, if anyone cares.
>Red Wing King Toe
that's we call a bloody moose knuckle leaking through the yoga pants
Emma Himalaya

Plastic but they last forever. And they’re tight, one time I sprained my ankle but I’m sure the shoe saved me from breaking it
chepest full boots I can find
They work alright.
dropped a big ass piece of 3/4" plate on my foot this week and was fine - i recommend...
These look nice.
A fully Canadian sourced and white Canadian manufactured boots called Bucks by Tatra. Highly recommended, very affordable too.
Right. Already covered in another thread:

The one that work gives me.
Your employer DOES provide you with the appropriate PPE right?
You DO have a job right?
>imagine having a boss
>imagine calling the boss "employer"
Employee comes from French "emploi" and means to be used. Enjoy being used.
Do they have all the sizes? Are you expected to wear used boots from stock?
>retards who ruin their feet to save 100 bucks a year on cheap boots
Irish Setter, Georgia, Carolina

Cheap? Hawx from Boot Barn

Worn them all.

Red wings and thorogoods are more expensive than what they need to be. Danner too.

Niche brands would be some custom made ones from the PNW. Nicks, Whites, etc.

Replace insole every year.
Hey man if it works for him at that stage and time of his life, so be it.

I have been studying, and employee is a trustee in a trust. And a trustee does not need to be paid. Ergo Citizens are presumed to be subjects, aka trustees. Now you know how you can be an employee and pay taxes. Most people historically, have only ever lived under a king, and were serfs. Most behavior is genetic. Therefore they desire to be citizen-subjects. Even if there is no 'king'. 1866 U.S. Citizen, corporate serf.

If his 'employer' will pay for PPE, as they are required, then get a good pair of reliable boots. Usually run $250 or more. Take care of them and they will take care of you.
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>What safety toe boots do you wear and do you recommend them?
My boss REQUIRES steel toe and slip resistant boots with NO speed hooks, but doesn't actually check if they have speed hooks or not. I worked with a few guys that didn't pay attention (or care) and they got boots like in your picture, with speed hooks and then I realized why my boss didn't want us wearing them. If you tuck your laces in, then you should be alright, but if they come out and you're walking, and one your laces get caught in the other shoe's hooks, it's an instant faceplant.

Honestly, because I get really REALLY dirty at work, I just get el cheapo at walmart (pic related) and have a backup version of Pull On boots in my locker in case I'm working in a new lift truck...it also feels good to just be able to kick my boots off when I get home.
hold the fuck up
these are proper leather and not that shitty polyurethane covered shit?
Puma composite toes, especially in the summer if you need safety shoes but don’t want army boots. Tried a ton of different brands over the years and Pumas have been the best balance of comfort, longevity, don’t wreck your toes too bad, and they’re not too expensive. I recommend them to everybody if they’re not trying to do big Redwing boots.

Picrel was my last pair of Pumas. These ones were straight but a little too low cut for me. Too lazy to find the ones in the past I really liked
>You DO have a job right?
oh no the horror if someone is not a wagecuck, kek
Buy Georgia Boot
>last for years
>super comfy
>good insulation
>damn near bulletproof
No longer really need to wear steeltips, so cheap out and buy Ridgecuts
>Laces too short
>lousy speedlace design
>awkward lumps begin to push through padding
>get uncomfortable, really fast and I'm not even on my feet all day, anymore
So much for cheaping out on boots.
> no speed hooks

Get wellington-style. Like redbacks or a number of other types. They slip-on. Fuck laces no time for that. Particularly on a farm. In and out of the house and muddy areas.
Timberland Pro pit boss. They seem to last me the longest before the tread delaminates from the sole.

Tropical climate. If you don't wear your shoes for a few months they are toast and a sole will fall off on second use. I know a lady who has a massive airy house but A/C's her closet to keep the humidity down so she doesn't keep loosing shoes.
No it doesnt you tard it means the exact same thing in french and comes from the latin root for imply/implicate
Used in french is utiliser
>Tropical climate. If you don't wear your shoes for a few months they are toast and a sole will fall off on second use
Kek I learned this the hard way. I had a new pair of Nikes sitting in my car for a few months in case I had to go somewhere after work and look presentable. I was going out of town and wore them to the airport and pieces of the multi-component rubber sole were falling off before I got on the plane, and I had to go to the mall as soon as I landed because I was walking around on the super soft inner sole.
Danner Vicious. Yes, most comfortable safety toe boot’s I’ve worn. 45 years of exp.
NTA but mine just wore out in less than a year, minimal mud, and I oiled them like 4-5 times in that time period. I think quality control has gone down hill at redwing and I'm only in this thread so I can figure out another brand to buy.

I have weird feet, shaped like a piece of pizza, so kingtoes fit well. I need to find a replacement, I work as an electrician, indoors and out doors, rain, snow, or shine.

Suggestions please for someone with a narrow heel and wide toes
Poly toe is best if you need toe protection. Anything heavy enough to destroy poly will probably also flatten steel.
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I almost bought the Pumas but went with these NB’s. I like them ok. I only do light manufacturing crap so the comp toe and sneaker style work well for me.
Timberland Pros
They last like 2+ years and they're comfy af.

They would last longer but the soles wear out.
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>white's boots
>yes, but if I bought them again I'd buy an EE toe size and not an E. I have extremely wide feet, so I'll get it enlarged when I eventually have the lowers rebuilt

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