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File: Long screwdriver.jpg (416 KB, 579x1093)
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416 KB JPG
So old thread died, just received the extension and Look at this beauty, Worked like a charm, had to use a broom handle to stop the blades from turning. took out the screws one by one and added blue locktite.
looks wobbly af. i'm impressed you managed to hit the screw at all. consider starting benchrest shooting if you've got a steady hand like that.
Wheelchair ain't slowin' you down - congrats, on the perseverance, alone, to get that done.
Nice archive link?
lol it looks fake
you got a lot going on there
thanks for delivering and good job
>living in squalor
seems to me you've got bigger fish to fry there, anon.
>>living in squalor
>seems to me you've got bigger fish to fry there, anon.
My autism room looks like that too anon. I see no issues here.
see >>2821472

nice work wheelchair anon, you got er done
Good job anon.

I went with the stubby handle version
Jeh its pretty wobly, ill say about 10cm at the bit. but not realy a huge problem, the weight works in its favor.
Not fake, see pic
Dont know what a squalor is but i assume you are talking about my other stuff laying arround. not enough time in the day my friend.

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