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>Drunk OP Edition
Last Thread: >>2865900

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

>What printer should I buy? [32/03/90 :detadpU tsaL]
Do your own research, these are just popular and available options.
All controversial printers and brands have been removed from the list for your safety.
DIY: reprap.org/wiki/
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg

>Where can I get things to print?

>What CAD software should I use?
Free to anyone: Fusion360, Onshape, TinkerCAD, FreeCAD
Free to me: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, Solid Edge
Autistic /g/oobers: OpenSCAD, OpenJSCAD, CadQuery
Participation medal entries: PTC Creo, Solvespace
Mesh free-forming and modeling: Blender
Architects: Sketchup

>What slicer should I use?
For everyone: Cura, PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio for Bambu owners.
For enthusiasts: SuperSlicer, OrcaSlicer
For autists: Pleccer/SuperPleccer, Kiri:Moto, FullControl

Legacy Pastebin (Last updated 1734 days ago): pastebin.com/AKqpcyN5
Slightly gay
I just got done printing all the FDM parts for an open-source sex machine, I'm not just slightly gay.
*rightly* gay
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Tightly gay
Why is Bambu so controversial? I don't doubt it, I just genuinely can't remember why.
Proprietary, some cloud elements that are optional and they're a chinese company.
>they're a chinese company
Aren't most companies related to the 3D printing industry Chinese?
Yeah but bambu is especially bothersome for some reason, maybe the name is too chinese. I own one and it's fine, no complaints.
>it seems my superiority has caused some controversy
Pretty much the entire reason.
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Bambu's software automatically sends data to Chinese servers, but it's unclear what exactly it is they're sending, and the lack of transparency has concerned some people. If that's not a problem for you, the one good thing about Bambu is that their machines look really nice and are seemingly idiot-proof. It's a really great printer for people who don't like to think.
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>be me
>don't have a printer
>interested in 3D printing
>decided that I won't actually buy a printer or even get into printing unless I can think of enough things I want to print to justify the price

This is my thought process:
>printers and filament costs money
>buying things that I want/need costs money
>buying parts to fix things I already own also costs money
>not gonna buy a printer and filament until the other two things at least match or outnumber the cost of the printer and filament
I kind of want slant 3d to release the designs for their print farm printers. If they actually work at the scale they work at, they've got to be reliable if not easily fixable.
Its been known for months that the data sent back to their servers is the diagnostics of the printers. Lidar scans of the beds, leveling data, vibration compensation data. They use it to improve firmware and calibration settings.
Filament itself is cheap if you're printing 5cm size brackets or smaller. For anything bigger than 10cm, standard PLA or PETG probably isn't strong enough and so you'd be looking at both more expensive filament AND a more expensive printer to print it with.

I wanted to print project boxes with all the right standoff locations and cutouts and vents and such for electronics, and other mounting brackets and things you can't just buy. That's how I justified a 3D printer, and it's definitely paid off for that. Do you have other /diy/ hobbies? Because 3D printing can augment most of them.
any tips for printing PETG and ABS?
I just got a P1S and before that I only printed PLA on my ender ratrig and it could barely handle that.
Yea use the PETG and ABS profile.
Also use gluestick or some shit on your bed, PETG sticks really hard to PEI sometimes, can ruin the bed.
wouldnt a gluestick make it stick on more?
Gluestick makes PLA stick, it it helps PETG and TPU not stick too much, acts as a release agent once the bed is cool.
that sparkling yellow bed shit is not bad i havent needed stick glue since i got it.
Can you dumb fucks for once not grab onto the most basic of baits at the start of every thread?
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This is the hardest thing to print for me.
I tried various settings but the dome won't close without support. (Front print is with inner support)
I now accepted the fact that I have to print it tip down with support.
I've now done some parameter optimizations on my Ender 3, all looking good. I even raised it a bit off the bed to have it 'floating' in support to get an even surface. Now switched back to my CR-10 to go for the full print.
All nice until the lower dome section warped off the support structure during print, wtf. Never had that. I'll now try to reslice somehow and keep the bed hotter to lower warpage.

I even went from .4 to .8 nozzle and back to .4 after understanding it was a dumb idea to go single walled.
heres a hacky way of solding this.
step 1. make a sphere in blender
step 2. cick on the bottom point then press control + a bunch of times until it half the sphere
step 3 .press delete
Step 4. now you have half a sphere press a to select all the press f to fill
step 5. save it as an stl and import it into mesh mixer
step 6. convert it into a solid and export it
step 7. now import your model and then cap solid cap half sphere
step 8. move it on top of the model and scale it
Is this supposed to be a lamp, thick walls a hard no-no?
printer: $150
filament: $10
fixing that annoying cabinet that won't clip without going to the hardware store: priceless
they aren't any more special than vorons they just have dozens. the shelves and power are probably harder to source/set up.

1. don't print in vase mode
2. variable height ya donk
3. maybe, MAYBE, design the end to be every so slightly thicker

I suspect yo're just putting a dildo on the bed and going vasemode
How do I prevent resin prints from sticking to the fep without resorting to janky shit like sanding the build plate or wiping oil on the fep

My printer auto levels, and the printer and table it's on are both level. I made sure the fep is tightened properly. Seems like there's no sweet spot for my initial layers exposure- too short and it sticks to neither the build plate nor fep, but seems like anything longer than 25 seconds it sticks to the fep
It looks small enough to bridge but vase mode unfortunately applies to all layers, and scripting CuraEngine is definitely an afterthought. It needs 100 flags you can't just load the 3mf project and override a single setting to get vase mode and regular mode to piece together.
The design? They're Flyingbear P902s, an off-the-shelf $300 Chinese printer. They're currently being replaced with Bambus.
Cantilever bed? Bowden? It’s basically an ender 5. It’s got guide rods, so I guess it’s more reliable.
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how can i stop the extruder from clipping the end?
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it ends up messing the entire side if you let it print the rest
This is a blue board dude, come on now...
>be me
>have a lot more disposable income than usual
>new to 3D printing
>Ender 3 is often recommended to beginners and is really cheap right now (it's even on sale in my country)
>Prusa MK4S is a lot more expensive than an Ender 3, but I can very comfortably afford it and it's giving me a boner right now
What do? I want to revisit my poorfag/cheapskate roots, but the Prusa is so sexy.
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The Prusa is an overpriced and outdated shitpile from a dead company, the worst value-for-money option on the market. Buy a good printer.
Okay, Ender 3 it is.
Bro just get a Bambu P1s at those prices
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>250 x 220 x 270
Oh wow, only four or five years later after people told him to just take a Voron and sell it, he finally delivers a half assed version.
Can somebody please find me the extruder files for the prusa i3 B7? All i can find are the old files or the new nextruder ones but i need the B7 files. I cant find them, please help.
This one to be exact. I need the files for a mod but i cant find them.
Terrible timing for that, but just ask their support.
Why is my timing terrible? I dont have a prusa, i want to adjust the extruder i have to another printer. All i have to do is flip the motor around and make a new carriage. In the end i found this one https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3337246/files and while the filament thingie is rounder than what i have i dont think it will make a difference.
Guess what their support will be currently dealing with >>2873274
>smaller build area than bambu
>more expensive
Surely people aren't going to pay the slavtax just to avoid le china printer
Prusa did it, they invented bambu lab p1s
They also invented a conversion kit almost as expensive as p1s
Damn, weren't these guys supposed to be innovators within the 3D printing space that delivered quality stuff? Guess this is Prussia finally giving up, huh?
lol wtf. The whole fucking point of the less customizable sheet steel frame is to make the thing cheaper and easier to mass produce.
>Guess this is Prussia finally giving up, huh?
That was 2 years ago. This is exactly what I've been saying they were gonna do, that they were gonna finally show off something so pathetic even Jobeard couldn't put on his big fake smile for it, and here we are.
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I am so fucking close. The last issue I have is the bowl section lifting off the support during print. I tried this on my Ender 3 and I did not have this issue. On the CR-10 it always happens in the same spot.
Any ideas on how to fix this?


var layer height is a good take! Howerver it's not the current problem I'm having

jfc it's not even keeping up with P1S/P1P speeds despite being smaller, it can't handle the same accelerations, pathetic
remember- you can let prusa lose, but you can't let bambu win
if you're not going for a prusa, at least buy literally any open-source chink
the last thing 3d printing needs is an apple-like monopoly, and a chink one at that so you can't even drag them to court like euros did about iphone's stupid persistence with the lightning port
make have a sphere make it solid and add it on top of the dome on blender
Build plate makes kind of a thunking noise as it switches direction, is this normal? It used to make more of a whiny noise before.
I'm okay with Chinese printers, just not Bambu.
I will get the new prusa core whatever, and there is nothing you can do against that, chang.
>if you're not going for a prusa, at least buy literally any open-source chink
What do you recommend?
>laughs in Voron2
If you want open source, just do it.
Voron kit.
Someone on the voron discord said something quite similar
>Great machine, disappointing volume, terrible schedule
It could've been a thing five years ago, it should've been a thing two years ago.

Don't forget, the camera is extra.
That said, I think it was pretty obvious for everyone that whatever he'll gonna release in the future, it would not be getting any cheaper.

Ironic, the actual open source option just strolling along and getting cheaper and more refinded by the month.
>It could've been a thing five years ago, it should've been a thing two years ago.
This describes everything Prusa since 2017.
Hello. Want to buy my first 3d printer.
Something under 250$
I'd like to have opensource firmware on it.
Don't afraid of complicated setting.
What can you advice?
What is the best 3D printer under $800 that isn't Bambu?
Eh, nah. 2018-2019 was a wild ride in the emergence of Klipper and adoption of 32bit boards. The MK3s stood through as formidable. Sure he botched adopting from there on, but Prusa was yet far from the catch up status it is now.

Frankly, don't. Save up and gain some experience from the machines at your local makerspace, uni lab or library. Whatever is available at your place. If you really wanna tinker look for some used machines online and start modding. Else Sovol SV06 plus or ace are an ok choice(not the no suffix version). Just don't buy an Ender 3.

Ask bing copilot.
>flsun unveils a mildly changed high-speed delta
like hell is anyone buying that thing

also aurora's vid on the K2 Plus with CFS makes it look pretty decent
don't know why they just went with two z screws though
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>They're currently being replaced with Bambus.
z-hop? randomize seams? I'm guessing.
that is a hell of a bush
1. randomize z seam, the seam looks to be directly towards camera and affecting that section.
2. decrease your support z-height. dangerous game because it's easy to weld and you already have the sphere not floating so there might not be much more to wring out of it.
3. print it on the ender 3 or rather slow it down to e3 speed, do some bridge testing on both to see where the difference lies, swap filament if you're loaded with different kinds.
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Lowering the temperature by 5c and increasing retraction amount and speed somehow makes it so that the toolhead doesn't go up enough while printing cauing it to scrape into the print.
can you put a ground wire on a print like you would on metal? I want to run a couple of hdds in printed racks but I also want to make sure it doesn't somehow build a static charge and zap the drives. figured I could use one of the case screws on the computer to bond them since the case is grounded through the power supply.
3D prints using conventional filaments are not electrically conductive, so putting a ground wire on them would be meaningless. There are some conductive filaments, like the ones from protopasta, and their conductivity would prevent static buildup. Unless you're in a really dry environment with bushy carpet, I wouldn't worry about it. The alternative is just to run a ground wire directly to the chassis of the hard drives. I've soldered onto heat-set threaded inserts before, in order to carry a signal through a screw and into a solid core wire embedded in the print. In your case, I'd probably just put eye terminals on one of the screws for each of the drives.
Everything is open-source if you don't care about the warranty
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Haha, it's funny because that's not what open source means at all.

>if you're not going for a prusa, at least buy literally any open-source chink
Why take a Prusa over an Open Source printer anyway? They're not opensource anymore, that part of Prusa is over and done with.
What does open source even mean from a 3D printing standpoint? All I know from a programming standpoint is that the original program coding is supposedly free of copyright and anyone can use it or modify it in any way they please.
Are major 3D printing brands stuck with proprietary programs and components?
yeah that's a bit more logical I suppose
That's the fun part, if one doesn't count kit sellers like Formbot and LDO we got all crickets to choose from.

Fuck off.
>it should've been a thing two years ago.
They had it two years ago, pretty sure that thing is their farm core xy which they showed off before the MK4 was announced.
I highly doubt that. Besides Core One being an obvious recycle product to make use of MK4's aluminium main frame, their farm never existed to begin with. That thing in Dubai ran slower than an Ender and needed a continous crew of two to operate. The one in their factory is inactive. Unlike HT90, we haven't seen a single company brag about owning one. The farm was never real.

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