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Happy new Year Edition
Last Thread: >>2878996

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

>What printer should I buy? [52/40/10 :detadpU tsaL]
Do your own research, but if you gotta ask; just buy whatever Bambu fits your budget.
DIY: reprap.org/wiki/
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg

>Where can I get things to print?

>What CAD software should I use?
Free to anyone: FreeCAD, Fusion360, Onshape, TinkerCAD,
Free to me: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, Solid Edge
Autistic /g/oobers: OpenSCAD, OpenJSCAD, CadQuery
Participation medal entries: PTC Creo, Solvespace
Mesh free-forming and modeling: Blender
Architects: Sketchup

>What slicer should I use?
For everyone: Cura, PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio for Bambu owners.
For enthusiasts: SuperSlicer, OrcaSlicer
For autists: Pleccer/SuperPleccer, Kiri:Moto, FullControl

Legacy Pastebin (Last updated 1782 days ago): pastebin.com/AKqpcyN5
Something I recently designed - a tiny boat for letting spider plant babies root while they are floating on your garden pond, in your aquarium or in a bowl in your living room.

The boat can be printed standing on its stern and doesnt need any supports then (due to the tear drop shape of the hole), and only like a single gram worth of Cura lightning infill.
The plate that came with my ender is badly worn and i am replacing for a replacement. I see G10 plates being shilled which in my case would cost 11 euros. Is there anything against getting it or are the dual sided ones all over amazon better? I just print PLA.
*looking for a replacement.
what material should I use for printing a chastity cage?
would SLA be better?
Just got an SLA printer. Proper ventilation is not not an option. Will I be okay
for a while.
Is there a way to increase the fps of the p1s camera to something usable? Like it seems like it's using 1080 or 720, is there a way to decrease the resolution and increase the fps to 240 or 360p at 30fps?
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It floats!!!! That's so fucking cool!
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The p1s is the best printer I've ever had.
g10 is a fun plate material if you have really solid bed heating, and don't mind having it turned on the entire print.
enclosures are for sure suggested.
I hate train autists and their stupid "realistic" models
why can't you make a track optimized for 3d printing?
Has anyone tried the Creality dryers? It's the only ones my local sell and I'm not sure if it's worth waiting for something different from Amazon.
Go to a local goodwill type store and look for a food dehydrator. I got one for $5. Seriously, I don't understand why they charge $50 for a heating element and a small fan.
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Bambu makes amazing printers! Microcenter filament is expensive but it prints very nicely picrel.
I exclusively use G10(actually FR4 to be precise) due to being a cheapskate.
Cheap, works good with PLA, great with PETG, good with ABS, doesn't rip itself apart when PETG decides to stick a tad too well.
Inductive probe goes to shit, needs some clamps to stay on your plate, no textures.
I regret nothing.

Cute, but just for the memes; You can make regular benches float as well by using high infill on bottom and low fill on higher levels. There's several guides out there explaining the slicing magic of that gimmick.
In Bambu Handy/Studio just look for HO Train and you can find all sorts of shit. I'm sure other market places have it but I haven't bothered to look yet. When I get an AMS for my P1S, one of the things I'll be printing is HO scale things. What exactly are you looking for?
It was the model that came with the printer and it came with the wind up thing to clip to the back. I got the printer at microcenter yesterday. Drove 4 hours to get the deal, $449 for the P1S, they didn't have any AMS left sadly. Been printing non-stop since I got it home. It's such an amazing printer. Completely blown away by it. So glad I didn't go with the mk4s. I'm sure it would have been fun to put together like adult Lego. But this was totally brainless. I took it out of the box and started printing. I have made no setting changes whatsoever. We have come very far with 3d printing. I'm printing a dice tower that I've used on my ender 6, it took 27 hours on the ender 6, Bambu Handy says it's going to take 11 hours, with 7 hours left.
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I tried the hairspray because fuck it, why not, I can always wash it off. Went with the Kenra 25, did a very light coat (light enough to basically instantly dry) before the last 3 prints. It didn't hurt adhesion, and it seems like it helped release the prints from the bed after it cooled. I'll do a heavier coat (enough I can actually see some liquid) before my next couple. I'm printing PLA on textured PEI, so I don't need it, but a release agent that doesn't hinder adhesion is neat, and I want to do a couple test runs before I deal with anything that might stick too much, like PETG.
If you need hairspray for PLA on a textured sheet, sell your printer and never touch one again. Ever.
I mean it bro. You need to learn how to level your bed and get a good first layer. You should be embarrassed to use hair spray and glue sticks for PLA. Clean your bed. Stop touching it with your nasty grimey hands. PLA sticks to everything. It's the easiest possible filament to use. I've printed on mirrors, textured sheets, etc and PLA was hard to remove. I'm blown away by how many people that don't know the very basics of 3d printing then refuse to learn and do stupid shit like using some glue to hold PLA down. Absolute psychotic behavior. I'm not trying to gatekeep here but please learn how to print.
>If you need hairspray for PLA on a textured sheet
>I'm printing PLA on textured PEI, so I don't need it,
Found the guys doing SLA next to their desk without any ventilation.

Y'all get so triggered by hairspray. I don't need the hairspray. I'm not using it because I need it for PLA. My bed is level. I've never had a print fail because of adhesion, the closest I've come has been a lifted corner on some Gridfinity thing. I wipe the bed with alcohol as needed.
I'm interested in trying an adhesive because I've heard horror stories about PETG ruining beds PEI beds, and people using some kind of adhesive as a sacrificial layer to prevent damage to the bed. I went with these hairsprays because my mom worked for a vendor before she died, so now I have a bunch of cans of hairspray, which, coincidentally, is used by some people as a 3d printing adhesive.
For someone else to do all the work according to my desires but with no compensation from me.
Because hair spray contains cyanoacrylates, and you're heating it up which releases it in base forms of the gases and it separates into cyanide and acrylic. You're inhaling cyanide. Fucking moron.
A little cyanide is fine
Going to get a resin printer, at this stage it's gonna be the upgraded saturn 4 ultra when it comes out with the heated vat.

I've got a couple locations in mind, 1 of which is the garage, other is my ensuite bathroom which has a door and small window which will then make it easy to run a tube for ventilation from the exhaust port to the window. But it's not a huge bathroom so the whole process may be a pita there while being initially more convenient. Garage has no windows but a big gap under the backdoor which I've been meaning to block off anyway and can make an exhaust plate there or up in the corner where there seems to be gaps to outside I could ventilate a hose/tube too etc.

For garage I might wanna make a small tent for it though just to protect it from paint dust when I use my compressor etc.. hmm..

Petg been fine on my stock bed I'm also trying gje new glacier pro and frostbite plates.. just jsbent used them yet
What the actual fuck is BambuLab SuperTack bed made from?
It's absolutely living up to it's name.
Was trying to grab onto my drying rag when I was washing it lmao.
PETG is a mild nightmare if it's too flexible. Keep a plastic scraper handy.
You could probably smear oil on it and it would only grow stronger.
Is that a wind up motor?
That's cool
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If you have a fan in said bathroom, that's the perfect room for it. I got out of sla printing from the rashes. I'm now allergic to resin. I wasn't when I started but now, I can't be anywhere near it. It was like within 2 years. It's head to toe. It burns and itches. I have to be careful of what I touch now. My throat will close up. I wore PPE when handling it. I printed out in my shed. The gases it releases into the air itself that got into my clothing was enough to fuck my whole world up. Please, get yourself a full body plastic suit when handling it.
Laundry only has a door to the outside with no window or opening so not an option. Loungeroom is very large and has convenient small windows near power points, can even put it all in a drop sheet tent but still vent directly from the printer exhaust or vent both even.
Yeah it came with the printer and the files were on the sd card. They include random things for projects. It legitimately brought out the kid in me and I'm turning 41 this month lol.
I do and I can hear it on but honestly it's too slow and probably not as it is new i barely feel any airflow from it at all. Where ever I'm going to put it I'm going to make active ventilation directly from the exhaust port at minimum and keep some kind of negative pressure in the printer to have vocs flow to the exhaust only. Probably a rectangle tent made from drop sheet plastic to contain everything and exhaust that too, basically a fume cupboards. I'm not going to bathe myself in vocs while wearing a mask - I already have p2a2 mask which I should probably use more when spray painting in the garage.

I plan to make the actual air around the workspace where ever I put it clean. I just need to figure out which air quality meter is enough for testing baseline before and after and make whatever adjustments are needed.

Are you sure you didn't get the resin on your skin a lot or in your clothes in contact with your skin?
I wouldn't put an sla printer into anywhere you have other stuff. The resin will offgas and the smell gets into everything. It's incredibly strong. It also leaves this film on every surface. It's nasty shit. You want it in it's own dedicated work space where you don't give a fuck about anything being in that room. It's nasty and messy and you'll become allergic to it in a very short amount of time. Good luck, enjoy it I guess. What's your address? I'll send you a free sla printer and wash station. I can't be anywhere near resin.
Yeah just have a plan and you'll be fine. Treat it like a commercial toxic product and you'll be fine because that's what it is essentially. Imagine going to work for a company that has to follow OSHA standards. Go contact one that handles resin. They'll tell you to get a paint suit or something. Trust me, you don't want to be allergic to it. The quality parts are mind bendingly good. Chinese manufacturers don't care about your health. I do. I care a great deal. I have no brand loyalty. Just please be careful friend. You only have one life and one body, so please take care of it.
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Probably another shelf where the air compressor is
This is why I'll never get an sla printer. YouTube influencers play with all sorts of toxic shit. Mercury, radioactive materials, resin, lead, etc all for fucking views and money. They leave out the important aspect, your fucking health. One 3d printer dude got asa poisoning from fdm printing. I print PLA in an enclosed printer far away from my living space in it's own room. I'll wear a respirator when entering said room. I got light headed and felt disconnected from my body early on with my ender 3. I felt like I was separated from God and had these strange nightmares of burning in hell. Turns out, plastic fumes aren't good for the human brain. This is the greatest hobby I've ever had, but we really need to take health seriously.
That should work fine. It's an industrial product that carries serious health risks. Please treat it as such moving forward.
Bro as long as you're careful and plan ahead, you'll be fine. You can get cancer from being outside for too long. Fume extraction with a charcoal filter and you'll be fine. No need to be hyperbolic about it. Just understand that what you're playing with is industrial strength and use proper protections.
Says the retard with future health risks such as cancer. I live in an apartment "bro". You get a rash and your throat closes and your immediate reaction was to blame yourself? I'll never understand this level of soicuck brain rot. All because you're too lazy to sand some layer lines away. I've gotten amazing results on my Bambu printer. I mean sure, fined details can be had but at what cost? Call me crazy for not wanting to die over some prettier Warhammer figurines.
I think you're just schizo bro. Or that was PLA laced with a bunch of DMT. That's not something PLA does.

I have a P1S, different use cases. Do you know what negative pressure is?
Inhaling fumes from melted plastic can potentially lead to neurological effects, including cognitive impairment, headaches, dizziness, and memory problems, due to the release of toxic chemicals like bisphenols, phthalates, and styrene, which can cross the blood-brain barrier and disrupt brain function when inhaled in significant amounts. Sorry it's just the facts. Keep breathing them fumes bro. Breathe deep and often.
>negative pressure
Please do elaborate.
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I don't think he owns a p1s but I sure do. I keep it in it's own room away from my living space. There's nothing on earth that would make me print where I sleep or work and breathe for hours on end.
I have a P1S. Learn context, different sentences. Negative pressure is something you should utilize for resin.. you know, keep your air contaminated with resin separate from regular, it's easy to achieve.
I don't believe you, post a picture of your printers.
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How did it get that nasty gash? :-O I'm so sad for you! Your poor baby!
This has also warped in the garage which doesn't get up to typical warping temps, looks like PLA+ warps at lower temps than most people think, it's warped slowly over time from leaning against a wall even though it's rigid. Has 5 parallel wooden dowels running up and down it. But obviously they're flexible and allow warping because of that. Carbon fibre rods would have kept it straight probably but expensive.

Left some PETG-HS test prints out in the hot sun for a few days - no warping, it only warped under the dashboard in my car as a test.

Should be able to go to PETG-HS for props and have an improvement without needing to go all the way to ASA yet.
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Left over packaging material
Why are you flipping the printer off? What did it do to you?
Oh ok good. Whew. I can't wait for the H2 series.
>dual print head
If it let's me mix filaments I'm interested, as in blending 2 filaments into an "alloy".
Which ones?
Linear rails worth the money for an Ender 3 Neo?
>Learn context, different sentences
How about you do? Sperging without end makes your posts incoherent at best.
Clip your nails.
Do you need an upgrade? If not, the answer is likely you're being better off saving for a better printer altogether.
That said, a standard sized rail (300, 350) is always a nice addition for future projects.
An x axis kit is like $38 on sale on Aliexpress right now.
Does your mom still holds your spoon when eating soup?
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No, I use your mom to hold my spoon, if you catch my drift.
>>Haha, look! I'm the funny retard.
Now what?
Right back at ya, pal.
If you have first layer issues, especially if you struggle with repeatability after leveling and calibration, then go for it, otherwise save your money.
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>Creality Ender
Despicable. Embrace the future. This is now a Bambu thread!
Something I've been doing to make my prints more rugged is I'll spray it with a spray on truck bed liner. It comes out really neat
Oh, fair enough, that's more relevant than the usual frothing-at-the-mouth the anti-hairspray crowd responds with. I'll open a window and turn the fan on while I'm doing my couple tests, and get a properly ventilated enclosure going before I actually use it regularly. Thanks for the info.
100% snake oil
What thickness should the plate have? My clamps should handle everything below 5mm but obviously a very thin plane is also not good.
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Hey Bros,
I wanted to make some hooks to go into holes in some metal shelving i have.
R8 my first design(besides a cylinder thing i made).
Each stage was a "milestone" or error that needed fixing.
gonna print it on my ender 3v2.
While writing this i realized i couldve just tapped into the base block and printed some normal bolts...
Has anyone tried Orca's draft shield to print ASA without an enclosure? Are ASA fumes an issue for a one-off not-too large prints?
No. It translates motor noise to the prints. It changes things like offsets and fucks everything up until you recalibrate everything.
If it's a 1 off print you'll be fine. Just put the printer in it's own room and print it you fall in love with asa. Have any cardboard boxes? Go to the store and ask for a couple of boxes, use some tape, and make a quick enclosure.
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It's finished! God this looks amazing!
Glad you're having fun anon. If you design something neat that people download you can get some $40 gift cards but it's kinda slow unless youre model is mega popular. I just cashed out $40 gift card, and then used the $20 "sry4delay" code, to buy 4 PETG refills for $12 after shipping.
Got some nerf guns so printing mods. I had gotten a second AMS for my P1S a while back with gift cards but it's still in the box. Wanted to print the python or whatever for the AMS so I can combine both into a nice system of just having PLA and PETG on deck, 4 colors each.
Fusion360 and Onshape are the ways to go if you wanna model things yourself.
Unless you're buying models from others that are good and you're just printing them out, that works too.
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I'm using 1mm on my 2003 Anycubic and 1.5mm on my 3003 Voron.

>While writing this i realized i couldve just tapped into the base block and printed some normal bolts...
Pretty much. Don't be afraid to use bolts when dealing with designs under load where you can't utilise print directions. See pic rel, as stupid simple as it can get.
Don't think too much about it. Design first, manufacturing later is a typical beginners mistake. As long as you're happy with the final product it's a good step. Use fillets and chamfers, i guess. Else it looks pretty straight forward.

I want to level my P1S bed but I want it to be perfect, I was thinking of using a dial test indicator. What do you think?
You would have to attach it to the head
Thats a good idea, a new magnetic front housing assembly just for that, I cant imagine a more level bed
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This is the easiest way to apply threadlock to screws.
>a more level bed
A 2" thick granite reference plate. The thermal mass alone would give it unprecedented geometric stability.

Speaking of: I always used a powder coated textured PEI plate that always worked wonders with PLA. Today I wanted to get a better surface finish, so I decided to stick on the other side the adhesive smooth PEI sheet that came with the printer. PLA was sticking too much and after a couple of prints it started developing bubbles underneath: skill issue or did I just got chink'd?
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Started building the Mercury 1.1 Hydra Beta Enclosure frame.
>threadlock on first assembly
Depends on the strength of your dong, and the strength of the design. SLA is a bad idea unless you plan to use expensive engineering resin.

Get an air purifier with activated carbon filter. Look forward to tiny drops of cancer condensing on every surface in that room.

Not the red stuff!
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I got about this far when I realized I had fucked up the coordinates for the CNC drilled holes on the 4x 800mm extrusions. So I bought a nice centre punch and HSS drills so I can drill some new holes. I also got some very nice Wera hex keys, because it was annoying to build with my old set of folding hex keys... The wers ones have a spring loaded ball bearing ball that retains the screw. Currently waiting for some M5x6mm screws because I must of misplaced a bag of them.. I also got a hand threading tap set coming for my cast aluminium machined bed. I opted to swap the 3mm thick polycarbonate panels used in the enclosure beta build for 2mm thick corten weathering steel plate. The polycarbonate+steel plates alone weigh over 25kg.. It's going to be a very heavy printer.
Hold your horses.. it's vibratite vc-3, it doesn't set like LocTite does. It's reusable, and dampens vibration. I selected it because you can loosen and re-tighten screws when squaring. Using regular thread lock when doing blind joints would be dumb.
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How much time do you think it took to model and perfect this oven knob?
I could do it in 10 minutes
If you have radius gauges, probably not very long, and I'm bad at CAD. Measure diameter, extrude up, measure curves along the sides, do a sketch from the side and draw the shape and extrude through, same thing from the other side for the face of it, another sketch on the face to get the line, and then round whatever edges you want.

That's a very simple part. I could personally do that in probably under 8 minutes. Someone actually good could probably have it done in about half that time.
Any particular reason for corten? Sounds like a ridiculous overkill.

>What's her problem?
Probably could waste some time on that deco stripe, but else i'd probably join the 10minutes club as well.
>>What's her problem?
>Probably could waste some time on that deco stripe, but else i'd probably join the 10minutes club as well.
Just replace all 8 with printed ones so they match.
women hate how little it takes to make a man happy. Dude probably felt extremely useful and crafty. Meanwhile women everywhere hate him because he didnt consoom.

Your grandmother would show this knob off every chance she could.
I would lay it on the flatbed scanner because it's probably not a circular fillet.
shit like this is why i love printing parts for my elderly neighbours, print a little hook adaptor for their pruning sheers to hang off a walking frame? they're so proud of it they bring the sheers and hook to their friends houses to brag about it.
20 cents of plastic and it made their day.
meanwhile when a friends wife needs a replacement foot for the washing machine, shes upset that i printed it in dark red instead of black.
for a rear foot that no-one will ever see.
she had him take the foot off a few weeks later and the machine has rocked since, even got annoyed my mate offered to paint it black, and that i printed a new one in black, because she REALLY wanted the original foot, which isn't a thing anyone sells.
modern women are autistic in the unfun way.
their son loves all the random clicky fidget toys though, even when they're 90% scrap filiment layers so most of its brown, kids dont care as long as it works and they can show their friends.
Yeah the unfun autism is pretty bad. The worst part about it is that if some niche micro celebrity purchased a 3d printer and raved about how awesome they were and made keychains for sale it would be a different story. Those women would buy up those keychains and want a printer. Actually I take that part back about it being the worst part. The worst part is that these same women will chip away at their husband but lap up celebrity or normalcel goyslop.
Take your politics and get the fuck out. >>>/pol/ is that way you absolute pieces of shit. Go the fuck away.
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I don't mean to gush but Bambu printers are just the best. I'll never touch another Creality printer ever again.
Very cool. I might do a reprap build at some point. I was thinking of buying all the parts for a voron excluding the printed parts. I can print those myself. I might get one of those kits on Amazon. Bigtreetech makes a very nice kit from what I saw.
I wonder how good the sv08 is. Looks legit but I'll definitely do some research.
that isn't politics you fucking an retard lol
Go the fuck away with your thinly veiled woman hate filled rhetoric. This is not the place to hate on women. Especially not in general boards. Fuck off. You're a virus. Either post pictures of your 3d prints or kill yourself. Stop posting politically charged Twitter screenshots.
Women are dumb get over it
General consensus seems to be, it's ok. Nothing inherent bad, with the bed as biggest complaint, but not a clear first pick either.
Yeah, primarily corten has a very nice rusty aesthetic. Secondly the added weight of the steel should make this ~900mm tall build less prone to walking when cranking speeds up and help with general stability since the Merc suffers a bit from being top heavy. Thirdly, it should add rigidity the frame, even tough it's probably not really needed.. I was going for aluminium sheets at first but steel was much cheaper than aluminium panels. My biggest worry is that steel and aluminiun has diffrent thermal expansion coefficients.
Finally giving this a go after having it for a while.. petg-hs @ 50c plate temp. Think this will solve the tall narrow prints and other prints with little surface area failing occasionally I do for some props
>steel was much cheaper than aluminium panels
What now, where? A 3mm alu plate is 65% of a standard 3mm corpen sheet here, or did you buy used en masse?
Personally i went with 3mm Dibond. Cheaper than both previous mentioned and with the thought of adding a two wall system like Doomcube for heat retention. Turns out, complete overkill. "Just" one wall is enough to bring the system to comfy ASA temperatures in less than 10 minutes while staying lukewarm outside.
Would appreciate if you'd report back in a month or two. Everyone seems to talk about how great these things are, but no one about how they're holding up longer term.
I also got the pro glacier too for other materials. Might try to get into abs pro over asa if I build an exhaust for the printer (for either anyway) and see if it will warp or not on big parts since abs pro is much cheaper.

ASA and PCTG need to become more ubiquitous

Even though the petg-hs warped under on dashboard in my car under the sun it didn't warp sitting outside in the sun for a few days so I think it's more warp safe in storage than pla/pla+ has been.. even 1 of my very large pieces warped slowly over many weeks in my garage leaning against a wall.. seems like pla warps very slowly at a low temperature still so might use petg-hs on my next prop build
I got my stuff lasercut from scandcut.se pretty expensive but they at least they arebone of few nordic businesses that tske small orders from consumers.
I like having different printers. I'm not a brand loyalist. While I love Bambu Labs, there's also this reliance on the cloud. I get that I can root them, but meh. Why bother at the moment? Not when I can just afford to bet my money on multiple horses.
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One of you in this thread needs Jesus
If you're talking about the printers, my old boss at the makerspace where I worked has replaced our crop of prusas with x1cs because we bought one as a trial and it worked out extremely well for a year and a half under reasonably heavy use.
Granted, I think a big part of why he likes them is that there are fewer ways for students to fuck them up, but I also haven't gotten word of any huge maintenance problems.
>download counter incremented to 79
Need some help, because I want to have things set up right, not just defaulting to the TB6600 specs because they will theoretically at least work. Long short I'm trying to use a big-boy stepper driver with Marlin, because I have a 3-phase stepper I'd like to use. It has step/dir (they call it pulse/dir) and cw/ccw inputs (controlled via a switch), and is specifically for driving a 3-phase stepper.

I'm trying to get the:

Minimum delay in ns before/after DIR
Minimum stepper driver pulse width in ns
Maximum stepping rate in hz

Picrel is from the driver manual. There is also a table that lists maximum pulse frequency as 500 Khz.

I think what I want for overrides is:

>Minimum delay in ns before/after DIR
5000 ns
>Minimum stepper driver pulse width in ns
1000 ns
>Maximum stepping rate in hz
500000 hz

Did I bone up reading that?

There is also an RS-232 port, that is apparently for tuning, but no instructions are given on how to use that. Anyone have experience with communicating to a device through serial when you don't know anything about the device?
>cold temp sheet front and centre
>literally the only topic of the post
>Do you mean the printer?! Here's some unrelated story.
Bambu brainrot is real.
I forgot the window, but the fan is one of those overly fancy Dyson ones with the air quality monitoring, and it wasn't throwing up anything about VOCs. I'm not sure if hairspray actually contains cyanoacrylates. Cyanoacrylates are what superglue is made of, and superglue isn't water soluble, hairspray is.
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she should be grateful she's not married to me
If a tree falls during a print and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Also and ender 3v2 lads have suggested "mods"? I've added BLTouch. magnetic PEI bed and i'm looking at a printable "direct drive" bracket, chains and a little nozzle wiper.
I also printed picrel which was fine even though the tree fell.
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I'm no Ender lad, but close enough. If you want the maximum amount of bling linear rails will save you from the POM wheel bane, but as many say it's lipstick on a pig. If you want additional cooling to push your speed up I can give you the CAD of pic related (once I finish redesigning it to be more compact and have more airflow towards the plate).
Nozzle wiper and printable direct drive, yes. But I wouldn't spend more than $20-30 dressing a pig up. What do you even mean by chains? Cable chains? Print them and don't buy them. If you're considering any expensive mods like linear rails or cast aluminium bed; don't. Buy a better printer instead.
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Buy a cast bed for your next Voron.
>expensive mods like a cast aluminium bed
i paid like 50€ for the bed, the heater and the print surface
imagine being this poor
And your uncle works at nintendo?
something like 20 heater 25 the plate 5 for the surface. tape was still available from earlier.
If you do a printable direct drive and you're using stock parts (not sure why you wouldn't if you're going to printable route) get a reverse flow one where the fan sucks air over the heat break rather than pushing it that way there's less of a breeze over the nozzle and therefore the print causing less temperature fluctuation and warping. I was able to do plain nylon pretty easily on my unenclosed e3 with this, still required a brim and glue stick but otherwise it rarely warped any significant amount.
I think I had a stroke somewhere between what you said and what I responded to, but otherwise a reverse flow cooler still stands as a recommendation
Oh, sorry. Your dad works at nintendo?
no, i know where to buy my stuff and not be a guilable idiot paying 3x market value
Just ignore the rage baits. We had enough of that stuff last thread already.
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Thats great. But why waste €50 worth of high quality cast aluminium machined bed on an ender 3? The rest of the machine still sucks. Look at pic, thats the equivialent of what you've done and then called it nice. Lipstick on a pig.
That's not a pig, that's a british.
>But why waste €50
i didnt level my bed once in the last 4 years since installing it, thats the entire reason. No electronic gizmo can compensate for shody construction
t. professional machine builder
>high quality cast aluminium machined bed
see youre falling for the memes again. cast milled Aluminium plate is a standard construction material. If 20mm thickness were sane i would have simple took the plate out of our scrap bin
>i didnt level my bed once in the last 4 years since installing it
similar to my experience with glass. Mapping the non-flat-ness of the print surface is no substitute for having it flat in the first place. Any mod that accomplishes that is worth the money.
>t. professional machine builder
lol i bet u just screw assemblies together and dont even own a 199z
>i bet
you lost, give me my 50 bucks
most of my job is plc programming (not that ladder crap), basic setup and fine tuning of the entire project im assigned
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>shoddy construction
Everything except your bed on that ender 3 is shoddy construction.
A milled plate is a machined plate you fucking hyper-chromosomic spastic windowlicking rape baby. Your semantics are bullshit and not even arguments.
Sinking any serious money into an Ender 3 is retarded. The whole machine needs to be rebuilt from scratch to be a good machine. Also bed slingers fucking suck.
pls stop feeding the troll.
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not that anon but cast + milled aluminum plate is a commodity part available from your neighborhood metal supply shop.
>serious money
im really sorry for you anon
where did i wrote ender 3? that machine must live rent free in your brain
>The whole machine needs to be rebuilt from scratch
Nobody stops any of you spasts from doing exactly that. Who the fuck sticks the pre-build assemblies together and calls it a day? I used some shims, a square and common sense and now my z gantry drops by itself after unplugging. Did nobody tell you that you aint buying a printer from china but rather a child labor assembled kit?
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Spending €50 to improve a €100-200 machine for better print quality is a lot of money relativley speaking. It's a sunk cost fallacy to sink money into it. It's better to just buy a diffrent, better printer. Unless you mod and tinker because it is fun and a hobby. But then why not build a whole new printer from scratch?
>where did i write ender 3
Fuck you. You replied in a discussion about ender 3 upgrades. So we are discussing just that.
>child labour assembled kits
Why do you repeat what im saying with diffrent words? Good on you for doing what I said needed be done in the first place. I hope you used a decent square.
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Been wanting to get into printing for a while and impulse bought this. Was it a good move /3dpg/? Mainly wanting to do DIY pieces for gaming hardware
Jesus Christ. Fuck off, niggers. Go back to /g/ for your retarded flame wars or start posting something printed/printing.
Fuck did I do I was just asking if I got a good printer
>shitfling every other post
>be suprised when the general goes to shit
As long as you keep taking the bait, you're gonna have the sperg.
You got swept up in some drama. Enjoy your printer, I think it should do fine.
Shilling isn't the problem at hand. It's the personality defect shouting down the rest.
sorry, I thought you said shilling.
I only see one person starting shit here.
him? else youre the reason this is the shittiest general on the board
yah, I assume >>2886780 is the same person. And >>2885961
Nothing meaningful to contribute, ever.
>try orca's flowrate tower
>it auto-generates a 1 wall vase with external brim
>the brim doesn't even properly touch the whole perimeter
>doesn't matter what flow rate I put in, the edges warp, while the brim stays in place and I can't complete the test
Could it be the filament? I've always kept it sealed in a vacuum bag, and I never had problems with it before, but then again I never printed in vase mode.
anon every slicer should have a setting for brim distance
You mean >>2886734? If not then please show me how you do that basket with that budget right now. Especially the printing sheet.
>inb4 i cut some G10 still flying around. It was 5bucks, right?
Since y'all are already fighting about it, what's the actual procedure like for swapping a print bed? I've got a Sovol SV06 Plus as my first printer, and with enough painters tape/polyimide tape/preheating time I've got it to within 0.05mm across the bed, but being able to get different print surfaces and not have to tape them/preheat for 30 minutes would be great. Does anyone make them for the SV06+ ready to go, or do I gotta buy a plate, drill it, and add the magnet layer myself?
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ahahaha ask my dad at nintendo.
seriously, asking to get spoonfed after claiming im lying for half a dozen posts.
Its two plates in that deal, so material value for a 250x250 bed is sub 3€
And i still do. Enjoy your super secret ali sheet that's certainly not a PEI sheet.
>half a dozen
Learn to read. >>2886729 >>2886752 is me. After that i couldn't care anymore.
i give you one hit, its not plastic of any kind
I suspect the calibration tool overrides settings because changing brim size won't affect the brim after slicing. I just wanted to play around with settings and calibration tools, to find how much I can actually push my printer. I'll try either a 1 layer raft or disabling vase mode and doubling the walls tomorrow.
Really hoping we get a good race-to-the-bottom machine that is on par with the P1 soon or I'll have to get a Bambu
The glass bed it came with was trash but the base does heat. The magnetic PEI bed i bought was a huge upgrade combined with the BLTouch.
>POM wheel bane
I have a bunch spare floating around, I'll consider it when i run out i guess. I'm not too fussed on speed.
>big blu duct
Does that cause much strain/banding, and wear the wheels out on the sides?
I've only printed PLA and PETG so far.
>Cable chains? Print them and don't buy them
Yeah i mainly mean printable things, or cheap stuff like a filament runout switch.
I've printed most of the chains already.
>get a reverse flow one
the fan itself? Would this require a different duct for better airflow direction? or could i just flip the fan on the satsana i printed? I think suck/blow fans are designed differently?
I see some ppl posting that the satsana blows onto the hotend, I just want the air to hit where the filament exits, right?
>that ender 3 is shoddy construction
it prints well for my use case of printing random shit and whatever simple shit i make.. thought i'll redesign this >>2886097 so ti doesn't need a million trees .... I was given something recently that was printed on a massive new bambu printer, next time i use black filament i'll print it and compare.
Single side will be a hook, the block will be tapped and bolts come in through the other side past the slots in the shelving. I got sidetracked trying to make a bracket for my USB hub.
Still somewhat new to resin
Do different resins actually make a difference in terms of resolution quality alone? I make silicone molds of shit so I don’t give a fuck about the material properties of resin other than being able to get the finest detail possible. What’s the difference between “standard” resin and “super ultra fuckin 12k resolution hi speed lo drag ultra premium” resin? I assume the size of the particles floating around in resin are vastly smaller than even the smallest pixels on a printer so I don’t see how any resin could be different in terms of achievable resolution unless I’m missing something
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg. You're kinda right, but finer particles are minuscule better for surface smoothness. Wether you actually "need" that is another question.
>the fan itself? Would this require a different duct for better airflow direction? or could i just flip the fan on the satsana i printed? I think suck/blow fans are designed differently?
This is the exact one I used
I'm not well versed in fan theory but I never had a problem with heat creep just slapping on the stock fan in succ mode. I'm sure there is some advantage to the geometry of the shroud I posted vs the one you have for reverse flow, but I kinda doubt it really matters at this scale and purpose. Shouldn't hurt to just try flipping yours and seeing what happens
>I see some ppl posting that the satsana blows onto the hotend, I just want the air to hit where the filament exits, right?
No, you want the heat break fan to blow (or suck) across the heat brake only that way the part cooling fan has the actual control over cooling the filament. Trying to print warpy filaments like abs and nylon with a fan blowing over is just screwing yourself (which is why normally the part fan is turned off when doing those). Also like I said it helps not cool off the heat block and nozzle which helps keep temps higher and more stable. The flip side however is if you want to go fast with pla or pet, any extra air helps a lot in cooling the plastic quickly making higher speeds viable. Not as much as a directed air stream like with the part fan, but it still helps. Something to consider if you'll be doing more pla speed benchies than abs car parts.
>its 80 now
I don't think the duct is too much of a problem, in a way it balances the head, and I haven't noticed any banding. As I said, I'm redesigning it to be more compact.
>get some cc3d pla max
>also some cheap chink bed surface "dobstfy" brand for my printer, apply to glass because I have a 10 year old i3 with cracking plastic
holy shit it adheres too well, I can't remove parts without destroying them or disfiguring them
also I cannot remove support, it is too fused
coming from abs on glass, I want to print indoors now and don't want to deal with an enclosure so I'm switching to pla/petg
what do? cooler temps and just deal with slightly weaker parts?
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Where do i even begin when editing an .stl file?
I need to flip/rotate the chain bracket like picrel kind of flush with the back/right side and at the front of the face its on.
huh, i see. There's a remix with dual blowers, reckon that would be better?
i might be naming things wrong as well...
keep us posted, if i ever upgrade the rail i'll be asking for it to take a look.
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You don't if you can avoid it. You can either ask the author for a non retarded .step file or painstakingly rebuild it in cad.
>if I upgrade the rail
You don't need to upgrade the rail: the duct is mounted on the Bosch profile with T-nuts. Well, in my case the crossbar already had two M5 tapped holes as it came with an auxiliary fan, but the whole thing was badly designed and the stock fan was as loud as a jet engine, hence my redesign.
You're printing ABS outside without an enclosure?

>I need to flip/rotate the chain bracket like picrel kind of flush with the back/right side and at the front of the face its on.
No clue what that ramble is supposed to end in, but it sounds like you're looking for RefineShape and Boolean Operators. To actually edit stuff you mostly resort to add/remove like on every other model.

I'm not saying step shouldn't be the default anyway, but that's literally a skill issue.
I had a Kobra 1 and liked it. It gave me no problems.
However I returned it because I needed the money.
Eventually got a Bambu P1S and been satisfied. I don't print much but when I do it's nice to run six days worth of filament through it an then let it sit for 3 months before something crawls up my ass.
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got into foam darts and gel blasters recently
they're silly fun but wildly impractical. They jam in magazines because they tilt forward because of the angle, they don't get pushed into the flywheels enough for the motors to catch so they get stuck there.
So basically just front-loading half-dart shooters.
Which the $4 Sanic Shooter from walmart is and it's pretty good to be quite honest with you senpai.
But it doesn't have the gubbins to pierce boxes like my nexus pro x (a nice off-walmart's-shelf blaster but not milsim-grade).
also printed out a grappling hook tip too. It's rad and fun and I need to get some fishing line and affix a motor or something to the side of the sanic shooter
gel blasters are cool too. They're high on the fun meter, lower on the tactical feeling that single-shot foam springers give.
can i decouple the motor noise, my print quality went down after linear rails and after a input shaping test, my recommended acceleration went down
I see instant hook sheer. no way this worked in current orientation.
did none of you notice it isn't even correctly shaped?

-10pts for losing the knob in the first place
fuck this image triggers me so much
water washable would probably be a more relevant resin property for you to focus on
plane slice in bambu lab
make assembly with the two pieces
adjust as necessary
export .stl

just one of many ways. fusion360 eats a dick when it comes to stl editing, blender is better but often the stl themselves are million poly for no reason so you get into that quagmire.
Hello, newfren. Please post your printer.
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I picked up a bunch of X-shot zuro at target, they're fucking tits. Try making that head completely hollow, 1 or 2 wall.
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I don't normally take photos of my printer, I actually use it to make shit instead of seeing it as a vanity piece. Also I've been here since before 2018 when I stopped lurking and bought my first delta. So, not sure if you have a point or you're just projecting?
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So how do you anons feel about 3dbenchy shooting themselves in the foot?
i have a bambu p1s so I haven't printed a calibration print in months
i am unfazed
Post pic with timestamp of your 199z faggot
>testing and calibration
It's a benchmark at best, and not even a good one. If the community deprecates it is out of spite and finally moves on to a more modern objective alternative it will be a significant step forward towards proper standardization.
never printed a benchy never will
no, I was printing it in a garage with an enclosure, but I'm tired of going to my detached garage to mess with it, so I've switched to pla and petg. also tired of working around an enclosure.
For those here in the know about laser engravers, any budget friendly units out there?
I just watched a video where people were laser engraving decorations and information onto their 3d prints, seemed neat, but I don't want to spend over $1k for the same one featured in their video...
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How is laser engraving better than baking it into your print?
100% the community will pick some le quirky thing to become the new one, I'm sure Prusa is already working on astroturfing their own design
Looks neater, cleaner, and is capable of fairly small resolution details. Slighlty less effort than flooding small cavities with paint and cleaning up afterwards.
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I devised a method for making aluminium shims out of beer cans.
punch out an entire U and you can adjust without removing ze bolt
Good idea, thanks.
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Satsuna finished & installed. I did a string test before and after changing and desu its about the same. Maybe more stringing on the satsuna but no blobs(i had one blobby string with the stock duct that just fell off anyway)
I did a temp test 220-250 PETG and looks like i'll stick to 220c as it created the best bridge of like 20mm without anything hanging down and it left a good pattern underneath
The stock ender 3v2 kind of uses the whole rail, unless im understanding wrong.
I'll try bambu lab. it's a remix where the guy added the chain bracket so ill find the original and see if i can plaster a bracket onto it how i want. ty
>hook sheer
not sure what that is, but i didnt print it as i realised a better way to make it.
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>Just bought a filament dryer
>Sunlu announces one that goes up to 110c
Good. Benchys have always been reddit tier, and thats why I have never printed one. Maybe something useful and less faggy looking will become the new standard.
Hello, I work for Bambu Labs and there was a leak of the H2D. There will be a cutdown version called the Q2Q and Q2V with the Q2V being the Q2Q with an enclosure. The Q2Q will be a skeleton with features cut and a single print head. This time, all the H2 and Q2 machines will use the same motherboard for the sake of simplicity. The cost of these machines will be 1200, 600, and 500 respectively. There's no plans as of yet for an A1 successor. All machines will have flow rate compensation. The Q2 machines will continue to use the 2 bit screens. The H2 and Q2 will use magnet drive systems instead of belts and stepper motors. This will greatly improve print quality, greatly reduce noise, and make it much much faster.
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I printed out that Dummy 13. He's pretty cool. However I wanna do a 150%.
I figured out what was going on with my mag feed. They now launch and feed fine.
So I combined an essentially.. extra Dummy 13 and some 3d printed tips.
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>I lived, bitch
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Violators will be shot.
Survivors will be shot again.
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>Finally get a new printer
>wait almost a week for my filament to come in
>spend all day yesterday and half of today printing all the add ons for my new printer
>go to thingiverse to start printing some more smaller tools
>its down
>didnt already save all my stls when i favorite them

Damn it.
I guess that makes more sense. Keep your PETG dry or it will turn into stringing galore. PLA is pretty much the only shitter you can keep around without enclosure/heater/etc.

If you wanted high temp(god bless those rolls) then why didn't you diy some in the first place? If I wanted to burn down my house I would do it myself as well.

>tfw 3D printing munition for my 3D printed gun to shoot at 3D printed dummies.
Wow saars
You right he wrote ender 3 and anybody disagree spasts
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>come to blogpost and get help re ender 3v2
>everyone gets upsetti
sorry frens.
I want to hold up a device with picrel (bolts go into the underside of a table which already has threaded holes), any tips on making it more printable and stable?
I'd recommend Printables and Makerworld over Thingiverse, way more active and easier to browse imo
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Round (fillet) the inside corners to relive stress points. You're going to have a hard time printing those tabs, make them separate parts that you attach with screws and threaded inserts. Print them laying on their side.
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did my first gridfinity, i think il get around to do my alex drawer
Was about to give the same advice. Guess all those cad hours are finally paying off
>why didn't you diy some in the first place?
I don't like any of the DIY solutions. Drill holes into 100 dollar air fryer ovens or awkwardly use dehydrators.
man that is so fucking cool
I fucking love that screwdriver.
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Ok, finished building the ZeroG Mercury 1 Hydra Beta Frame. This thing is freaking huge.
When it comes to companies like Nintendo people are always talking about how they have to vigorously defend their trademarks or else they get weakened, does a similar thing not apply here where Benchy has been in the pseudo-public domain for 10 years?
It absolutely does, but nobody can be arsed to fight, i.e. spend ungodly amounts of money in lawyers, for the right of people to shitpost benchies
>printing munition for my 3D printed gun
I have a hardware kit for a Cynthia from Silly Butts and a Foxbat from Silly Butts so you're not wrong lmao
That one I have in particular is a nexus pro x you just get from walmart.
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Goku front
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Goku back, fucking love Bambu printers
Why not just drive to microcenter?
Never printed a bench, never will. But I don't think you can retcon licensing.
Pulled one of these bad boys from an all-in-old printer I was throwing away. Mine has a 17T gear pressed on.

Any ideas on something I can print that would make use of it?

It has NEMA 17 screw holes, but it is pretty anemic torque wise and has chonky steps.
>Specification may change without notice
Sorry, I can't be sure what it could be used for.
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Omg this. I have owned the prusa mk2, ender 3, ender 5 pro, ender 6, Creality k1, and now the Bambu p1s and in all my years of 3d printing, not one time did I ever print a benchy.
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Whats picrel called on the extruder drive?
Keeps shifting up/down, any tips?
i tightened the grommet (is that what it's called?) but no joy after a week or two it needs readjusting.
link file, and what settings?
0.4mm nozzle?
Bambu isn't my cup of tea. Half my fun is modifying my printer. Seems like Bambu's philosophy is the opposite of that.

Just an extruder drive gear with two grub screws. Chances are it is slipping because of wear and tear, or the grub screws were over tightened and it stripped out. Ideally there should be a flat on the shaft is is mounted to for the screw(s) to bite onto, but cheap chinese printers are cheap.

What printer?

Is it stock?
Idk the settings, 0.4mm. just printed from Bambu Handy.
Go install Gentoo and remember to dilate. I'd rather print cool shit than fix the corners Creality cuts. No thank you. Do you enjoy having your nuts stepped on while your wife fucks other dudes? Do you enjoy fixing your car in -10c weather? Fucks sake anon, grow up.
Bambucel has easily hurt feefees
No bro, I just don't have endless hours to waste with a screwdriver fixing broken chink shit from a company that employs slave labor. No thanks.
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I think i have all the chain parts done. Zillions of covers in a box tot he side. I may have to print a couple more links after.
I printed a brushie thing as well, see how it goes once the silicon thingers arrive.
>extruder drive gear with two grub screws
damn, i knew grommet(screws) didnt make sense but i couldn't think of the word, thanks fren.
>over tightened and it stripped out
May have just done this....
>Ideally there should be a flat on the shaft is is mounted to for the screw(s) to bite onto, but cheap chinese printers are cheap.
It does have the flat side, which i screw one grub into.
>What printer?
ender 3
>Is it stock?
I did "upgrade" the plastic parts on it to "metal" (guessing aluminum) some time ago.
>Idk the settings, 0.4mm. just printed from Bambu Handy.
Oh, okay. Is that the phone app? post when you clean it up/print (if you do)
You got very upset very quickly fren, take a chill pill.
Yeah it's the phone app. What's there to clean up? It printed perfectly. It's a glitter filament.
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Forgot pic.
And I'm not upset, I'm just against pointless wastes of time. This kind of gatekeeping might be acceptable in Linux but it's not acceptable within the 3D printing community. If you want this to grow into something more than a strange hobby only used by 40 year old virgins, you might want to find a better hobby. There's a place for reprap, and I'm all for it. But don't and like your souped up ender 3 is impressive. It's not. It's incredibly sad. At the end of the day you have to ask
>What am I getting out of this?
I'm all for it being open source and Bambu allows you to root your printer and install klipper. Any amount of research would have told you that. They're not against things being open, but there's a lock to prevent morons from breaking things by trying to fix what's not broken. I'm impressed by reprap and voron builds but at the end of the day, it's still incredibly sad that you think people want to endlessly tinker with shit. You don't see people disassembling a drill and strapping dildos and RGB inside of them and whatever else, so why do you want to do that with your 3d printer? It's not fun. Not even kind of. If you want 3d printing to change the world, it has to be this way. They're not blocking you from modifying the Bambu printer and in fact sell the p1p, and allow you to install klipper and there's profiles all over the Internet for them. You can print a companion cube enclosure and jerk off onto it all you want. But the rest of us just want to print cool shit.
>bambucel cannot see the obvious stuff than needs cleaning up on the feet and hands, and basically everything that touched a support
>bambucel wouldn't have the obvious support cleanup spots if they actually knew howto properly setup settings for supports and brims
>bambucel will refuse to learn because magic bambu machine discourages learning

You're angry at the wrong person. Be angry at me. I am trolling. I'm intentionally saying things in the most assholish way I can, because I just like being an asshole.

I like to be a helpful asshole though.

If you need to replace anything on an old school ender, it might be time to upgrade to direct drive, unless you have a specific reason to stick with a bowden setup.

If you don't want to do that, there are tons of the extruder drive gear on aliexpress. Try the Mellow shop. When you replace it, only tighten the grub screws just slightly past finger tight with some BLUE loctite or some paint primer on the threads (not the tip of the grub screw where it applies pressure on the shaft, you want that dry so you don't over torque and strip the threads). Let it dry and it shouldn't loosen for a long long time.
Yeah, make a planetary gear system or belt drive even better probably to make a star tracker for astrophotography. Torque won't matter, 1rpm over 24 hours. You could turn a truck with it.
It's time to just throw enders into the trash where they belong.
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Currently printing out parts for a SMuFF V6 in Fusion Filaments HTPET+ (production purge spools). Not sure if the mix of resins during the purge was off, or some of what they spooled up before was still in the equipment, but this spool in particular is wanting to print at 305C (normally for HTPET+ I do 275C or 280C), and it is absorbing water like it is nylon (ok maybe not quite that bad).

Can't wait to start assembling the thing, and then modifying some code so I can use a Metro M4 board as the brains instead of the BTT SKR mini or whatever they are calling it now.


Your feefees were really hurt weren't they?

Even if you are annoyed by gatekeeping, you're being just as bad. People are allowed to enjoy things you don't enjoy, and also allowed to express opinions.
Something more constructive to say would be like:

"It is time for people to consider upgrading their Ender 3 to a Switchwire, or their Ender 5 to a Mercury One.1"
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i just meant like maybe the leftover support bits, gonna sand it and paint it? idk what you plan for it. Sometimes they come off really clean (especially the tree ones). It's hard to see stuff like glitter in photos, my shit all looks ass in pics. A lower layer height made mine look nicer (i think bambu ones can get even thinner layers) and i want to try a 0.2mm nozzle.
I've seen some really sick 3d printed shit IRL, i think its usually resin though im not sure.
>I'm just against pointless wastes of time.
then stop typing, just take it on the chin and move on...are you new here?
>But don't and like your souped up ender 3 is impressive
kek, it's like 5yrs old and everyone calls it a dressed up pig. I'm just having fun with an old printer, asking for help/tips and learning.
>stop liking what i don't like
>all this coomer talk
What exactly are you gonna do to poor goku?
>direct drive
I saw you can print a bracket or buy one, i was gonna try that eventually.
Next time i get it on a table i'll check out the grub screws etc.
What, what has making stuff to add to a motor have to do with your rant
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Just got my first printer a few days ago (bambu mini) for making custom gaming parts, and after a couple days of fiddling, reading guides and prototyping and all that, I finally got my first finished design. It's basic, but took a while to get it set up in a way where it felt good on the thumb and fit the controls just right. Pretty happy with how it came out
Is there no open design version of the Bambu printer?
Voron uses more expensive hardware parts for a worse performing printer.
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I think one of these might not work too well...
Sorry let me be more clear. It's time to throw enders into the garbage where they belong because they're nothing but a waste of time and upgrading 3d printers is boring and dumb, and you could just work for a week and simply buy a Bambulabs p1p or p1s and have something infinitely better in every way.
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Bambu printers are more than a sum of their parts. It's kind of like buying a Mac or high end PC with Windows. The software just works, the printers just work. Every bit of it is an experience, and from start to finish, you're just producing quality prints. Except you can upgrade them or install different oses on them, though idk why you'd want to. They sell parts because things do break down and the parts they sell are fine. You don't need to build it, you take it out of the box, install an app, remove the packaging, and begin 3d printing. The quality of said prints is astoundingly good and every print is uniformly good. They're fast and efficient and get the job done. Sure you can mod them to be faster but it becomes a point of diminishing returns. I used to hate on Bambu. Then I got one.
The software is the easiest part to replicate since it's heavily based on open-source.
Imma 3d print Chichi and make them kiss.
If it's so easy, then why has no other company created anything so smooth and error free?
I do agree they should stop making bedslingers altogether , so that people don't fall into buying them, but once you have one it would be wasteful to just give up on it just because [PRODUCT OF BRAND] is better. Not everything has to be minmaxed, you know. Just take it easy anon.
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How do you guys clean your bed?
Those infinity cubes are fun if you're into toys, i printed mine a few years back on my ender.
It applies across the board. Every other printer brand outside of say, Prusa, produces copycat ewaste. You have sovol that mimics everything but they are garbage. Kingroon? Forget it. I've went through countless companies who send me printers for review and I can't review nonworking garbage. Or a random box of parts shows up and I get an email a week later
>Hey anon, we agreed that you'd do a video review of our printer
To which I respond
>You sent me a box of parts, I can't review a box of parts.
Or the printer arrives broken because they're made from acrylic or some shit.

The answer is simply, don't buy garbage. I don't know what to tell you if you can't accept facts. Bambu makes the best 3D printer because it focuses on the user experience and quality of prints. If you want something to jerk off over endlessly wasting your time, build a voron. At least you'll end up with something you can be proud of.
A squirt of IPA and wipe with a paper towel.
Dawn dish soap and water, ensure it's dry.
>If you want something to jerk off over endlessly wasting your time, build a voron. At least you'll end up with something you can be proud of.
I'd be embarrassed, having a discord tranny designed printer in my home.
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I forgot to install the $3 filament runout thing. Not too impressed by the grey but it's done now.
that's pretty cool anon, you should post an image of your prototype progression
>squirt of IPA and wipe
I squirt the cloth on that thinger and wipe, is a paper towel better? I like that i can reuse the cloth.
Someone else told me dish soap, is it better than IPA or just cheaper?
>You have sovol that mimics everything but they are garbage.
I fucking know.
>The answer is simply, don't buy garbage.
You're giving for granted you're the one who's doing the buying, which doesn't apply when a tech-illiterate person tries to make a heartfelt gift (my case), and you're assuming that people on average have the autism to fully research a topic before making a purchase. Last, but not least, budget considerations.

Here's a short story:
>I'm autistic, I do a ton of research before buying anything tech
>want into 3dp
>settle on P1P/P1S, but refrain from buying because it's a lot of money for me (at the time)
>also due to said autism I have a hard time justifying such a purchase
>bday comes and gf decides to gift me a 3d printer to break the search-but-never-buy cycle
>it's a Sovol SV07
>now I'd rather upgrade it than sell it/throw it away/replace it for sentimental reasons
She later recalled how she actually did her own independent search, looking only at unsponsored reviews, and she never came across Bambu (don't ask me how); in the end she settled on Sovol because I once left a tab open on the SV08 page when I was doing my research and she happened to remember the brand, and the SV07 was within her limited budget. So yeah, your argument isn't wrong, but it's quite narrow sighted.
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Nothing interesting to share in terms of progression desu, largely just me micro-managing tiny details like ridge thickness and trying to get the socket to fit just right. Have this though, a few types of sticks I whipped up not long after
What file is that screwdriver holder named?
Dish soap with water and sponge scrub once in a while for good deep clean. IPA with paper more often as usual maintenance every couple prints.
The only one with a narrow world view here is you. I'm sorry. I've done the research. I've been through the ringer. I get that you're emotionally attached and it has sentimental value to you. Put it on a shelf as a trophy. I don't care. But at the end of the day, you only have yourself to blame. I get that 3d printers are expensive. They need to come down in cost. It's a lot better than it used to be. The A1 costs more than it should. As does the mk4s. The p1p should be on your radar.
I do want to add that if things change and a better printer comes out, I'll shill the fuck out of it here.
You should be embarrassed to have anything modded period as it makes you look like a disgusting tranny. Most of the ender mods are from trannies. Y'all tend to flock together. You can't just buy something good and be done with it. You can't accept things as they are. Installing Linux endlessly tinkering with shit to fill a void that never seems full.
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>new posts in 3d print thread
Oh lets see what's going o-
>only trannies modify their equipment or tools
Some of you fags are completely fucked in the head.
>Troon posts tranime
No we just make better purchasing decisions and better life choices you loony troon.
Welcome to the anime website, ma'am (male).
>spergs out because someone says a brand of printer just isn't their cup of tea
>posts 'meh' quality prints
>can't even see the ovious points where they need to do clean up work, or where they can improve their slice for a better quality print
>relies on chinks to do things for them
>calls other people troons

100% chance that you wank to tranny porn where muscle bound men get ass fucked by the tranny.
You haven't posted anything other than troll posts. Let's see your prints faggot.
IPA doesn't remove oils, and they will eventually build up if you touch your bed. A quick wash with soapy water generally will fix a bed that nothing will stick too.

Best option is to use G10 or PP as a bed. Shit will grip most filaments with the force of 1000 suns, BUT will also let everything slide off once it cools back down to room temp. If you need the immediacy that a removable spring steel bed brings, a better option than PEI are ones that use a PC composite (like this one:<insertwordforwarriorwomenwithonebreasthere>.com/gp/product/B0B2PVWCBK/).
Not them but I always use dawn and hot water now. It's the only thing that ever works. I've printed on steel, and glass, and all sorts of things. Glass is my favorite. Yes even on the Bambu printer. I think my next printer will be a prusa mk4s or the Prusa One. I ordered the mk4s but it's 6 weeks out.
I bet you use Arch and hating Apple is your entire personally.
>no u
Look, I'm not here to defend a shitty chink bedslinger, nor I'm saying that it's a better printer than something that works reliably out of the box, because it's not. My issue stems from your "just don't buy shit products", because that's just not feasible for a number of reasons, some of which I've already explained. Again, I'd happily shoot chink companies' CEOs in the back if that means they'd stop flooding the market with shit ass bedslingers on POM wheels without even having the decency to tune them to the top of their capabilities. Hell, Sovol was so bad the leaflet they included with the printer instructed to install the accelerometer in a position so fucking bad it threw off all its readings.
Moreover, there's nothing wrong in wanting to make the most of what you got, regardless of how you ended up having it, and even applying lipstick on a pig has its own merits. In my case I learned so much more than I expected in tuning, fucking up, fixing, retuning, upgrading, retuning again, optimizing my Sovol. Sure it took time and energy, and the fucking SV07 is still a subpar printer that makes okay prints, but even a bad starting point can be an opportunity for self-improvement you otherwise wouldn't have experienced is what I'm saying.
Your entire argument is
>I'm too poor and saving money is impossible because I'm mentally ill and spend every dime I make because I lack the self control to put money away.
Am I getting that right chief? I bet you don't even own a car.
I'm thinking of getting a Saturn 4 Ultra.
What are some cool stuff to print with it?
Warhammer 4000 figurines
D&D dice and figurines

Outside of miniatures and dice, not much because it's incredibly fragile.
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Just got a second p1s. Best printers I've ever owned. I literally went to microcenter and bought another one.
thats the power of the p1s?
i will now discard the opinion of every chinklab shill and their "superior profiles" lol
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Now you're trying to deflect. I never made any claims to the quality of my prints. Just pointed out that you clearly don't know proper support setting.
I wanted a Prusa until I helped repair an old one. In the end, I convinced the owner to throw in an MKS Eagle board, and helped them build a bugfix branch Marlin to flash on to it. God I hate the Prusa mainboards.

Gentoo, and I also don't hate on Apple for anything other than pricing. I do think most people should use Macs over Windows PCs though. Windows 11 is such a garbage OS that the new laptop work bought me for doing GIS work will freeze up if I type too fast. How the fuck do you fuck up text input so badly?

I know my prints aren't great, but...yeah...yikes.

Pic: all printed on SV05 with a HeroMe Toolhead.

Check out the Atlas3DSS discord. They are a cool bunch, who will help you even if you never buy any of their products. They have a decent number of creators posting what they are working on, and you're sure to see something you would like to print.

Please for the love of anything you consider even vaguely holy. Don't use water washable resin. If you are stateside, buy 3DRS Resins. If you aren't stick to real brands and not cheap amazon crap.
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I have some wood equipments for bigger stuff, I was really looking for something to print figurines and some other cool stuff, like these coasters I found.
I already have some painting material from when I painted gunpla and I would love to get more stuff to paint.

Will do when I can, but what's the problem with water washable resin? If the problem is where to throw the water away, can't you just leave the dirty water outside for a day and then separate the water from the solids?
Although I was looking into those plant/eco resins, since it seems that they are less toxic (still toxic of course, but still less toxic than regular resin).
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It's funny because you're comically off mark. Engage with the argument next time. Nice shitpost though.
How did I know.
How are these coasters with multi colors printed? I try to stay away from anything multi color because I always was under the impression that it has a ton of filament waste constantly switching between colors.
I have no idea, I'm thinking of printing them in resin and then painting them myself, since I don't really like the layered look of the filament printers.
>ton of filament waste
Depends on the setup: single extruder printers waste a lot of filament because they need to purge the nozzle for each color change, but usually a multiple-nozzle setup will need to print just a wipe tower and that contains waste to a more reasonable degree. At work we have a Raise3D Pro2, it has two independent extruders mounted on the same head, and the only waste it produces is our time because its slicer sucks bad.
There's nothing to engage with because I know every word you said was a lie and I can see right through you. I don't engage with liars on their level. Everything you say is pure cope. You flew off the handle at me first and now you backtrack. I have no reason to believe you or even like you. Go install Gentoo and get fucked. I don't care. For 3d printing to progress, people like you aren't necessary. Tinkering needs to die. You're not helping. You buying cheap garbage and acting like it's a badge of honor, is honestly sad. Then you say
>I'm an asshole because I like being an asshole
>Why does nobody like me?
Jesus dude, get a life. You're nothing but a pathetic sad man. You'll never be a woman. I hate you with every fiber of my being. Why? It's not that you're trans, it's the mental illness you project into everything, then act like the world is the one at fault. People like you lack the self awareness to understand that most people don't like to fiddle fuck with shit. most people buy Mac or PC but never touch the OS. Most people want a 3d printer that just works and gets the fuck out of the way. You being in your Internet hug box doesn't represent the vast majority of people. We're ready to accept you, but you must be willing to stop being so abrasive. You being part of this movement is cool and all, but you need to understand that the reason I can tell who you are even through the Internet should tell you something. I had you pegged from the get go. You need to experience ego death still. It's part of being an adult. Some people never experience ego death and they become bitter and sad then angry and hollowed out, then they die alone. There is no reality in which this ends well for people like you. People like you force yourselves into every aspect of life, but act like victims at the slightest pushback. People don't like that kind of behavior.
>It's hard to justify the price
It's not that hard to justify $650 if it does everything without hassle
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You do realize you're not talking to a single anon, don't you?
>the projection
You're the same person. I know you are. You're that pathetic.
The owner of 3DRS explained it a little on a podcast, but the long short of it is: Yes, even the safest resins are poison, but the water washables ones are significantly worse.

He won't make one because some of the base components of common water washable resins are so bad that even getting them in the US is a PITA, and the end results in prints is often more brittle, which temps people to undercure their prints, which leaves the components of the resin able to absorb into your skin.
You didn't. You suggested a binary distro, and mis-predicted my opinion on Apple.
Holy fucking pathetic. Dude please stop. You're hurting yourself in the confusion.
Ah shit, thank you. I was glancing through here
>pause print at x layer
>unload filament
>load different color filament
>purge until solid color, typically ten to twenty mm, but depends on nozzle size
>unpause print
or you can let mao take the wheel and shit half your filament down the drain
But what about Plant-based resins? I know that non-toxic resins doesn't exist, but are they worse or better?
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I find it pretty interesting and wonder about peoples thought processes and why they went a certain way. Learning from other peoples mistakes as well.
I think the one with just one ring midway up would be the best for comfort, but maybe the second smaller ring helps with small adjustments on the stick...
Either way, its cool, good work.
>IPA doesn't remove oils
I try to not touch it, I use a nail or a plastic thingy. I'll remember to use soap if it doesn't stick but the PEI bed has been amazing compared to the glass one when I used it like 5yrs ago. Once the temp goes down a bit it pops off, or if it cools down completely the piece would slide off with any movement.
I thought the glass bed was cool, and I did like the texture the ender one had but it just never fucking worked without glue/hairspray or tape on the underside. My PEI bed just gets a wipe every few prints. I've only tried PLA and PETG though.
Is that ironing option meant to help fix the lines? I saw it in orca slicer but haven't looked into it.
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Make them look like nipples
I cant decide, should i do the regular belted z or the beta bottom mounted Z
the bottom mount is cooler but the fact that a motor on an end point is powering it all and not from the center bothers me if you understand what im trying to say
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Neither, get a p1p instead
>nooo dont keep using what you have!
>consoom (NEW PRODUCT)
Exactly. Stop using antiquated garbage trying to make it work with your sunk cost fallacy. You'll have a much better time.
I don’t see any problem with the bottom-mount. The question is just whether more mass on the top of the gantry is beneficial or detrimental. I’m thinking detrimental.
Consider coreXZ instead, though at that point I’d be using rods or rails for Y.

Whatever you do, try to make sure there’s room left for tie-rods on the back of the gantry.
Anon you're clearly in the wrong board: if you just want people to buy whatever product just go on /g/ and have a good old brand war. It's ok though, it's easy to have such a silly little misunderstanding. Now let /diy/ers have their projects and fuck off this board for good.
apparently a a1 performs better with the massive AMS mounted on top of it
I dont fully understand physics
I don't care what you buy. If another company like Prusa or Bambu comes along and innovates, I'll let you know. I'm not a brand loyalist, I'm a person who 3d prints who has owned several 3d printers and just want to save you time and headaches. I'll never leave. Touch grass you silly little troon.
kek, I'll put it in the special screw box to giggle at when i look in there.
i love these images. DIN883 is a good one, i can just imagine someone making one with gears and junk inside it so the thread spins when you rotate the head.
I'm guessing that the a1 has a full frame, so it might be adding stability with the weight and reducing wiggle or something.
Whatever anon posted is just 2 posts
Adding mass on top lowers the natural frequency of the whole Z gantry (if you want to know more the keywords are "resonance frequency of a cantilever beam"). AFAIK input shaping acts (or at least works best) on frequencies below 100Hz. I assume it's a combination of those two factors.

>just want to save you
Take your savior complex somewhere else or fix it: wanting to "save" people that either don't want nor need "saving" is a telltale sign that you're partecipating in a drama of your own creation, especially when the people you're trying to involve in your own delusion push back. I hope I'm wrong and you're just a very dedicated troll just pretending to be retarded, but in the off chance I'm not here's an helpful resource that might give you some much needed perspective and insight for some self reflection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXcTIkuzQ3I
I never cease to be amazed at how those poor few bastards got singled out and demonized, and used as an insult by the most insecure among us.
2.4 tranny reporting in. suck my build volume. I am better than you and your ccprinter, even if the source of our materials is the same. I SSH harder than you could ever dream. I makeconfig at the speed of light. My canbus will choke you to death, my eddy probe leveling faster than you can think. My toolhead board has more power in it than your main board. My 24v mains and 1000w bed heater will boil your dead body. The cat ears on my stealthburner are just the cherry on my dilating cake.
Lol. I snipped the cat ears off.
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What's causing this strange layer shifting? It's PLA.
It's a CoreXY printer like y'all told me to buy.
My creality CR6SE hotend rekt itself today. On the plus side I have an excuse to upgrade the hotend and extruder. On the minus side I'm out cash + no prints for a week.
You're printing too hot. Over extrusion. My advice to everyone is to print a temp tower for every roll of filament you get, write the temp that looks best on said roll. I've had prusament filament that printed funny between rolls.
Throw it away and buy a better printer. Take the hint.
It's gud enuff for my purposes (making test fitting prototypes for shit I will make using more traditional manufacturing methods) and I've had it for a while.
>It's a sunk cost fallacy to sink money into it.
No it isn't. The sunk cost fallacy has to do with basing decisions going forward on past (sunk) costs, like you're doing right there. Differences are what determine whether an option is better than another one, not how much was spent in the past on any of the options. The money for the old printer is already spent, and it will remain spent whether the printer is replaced or not, so it is not a difference between options going forward. Do you think it will cost more than $50 to buy a new printer that prints better than the old printer with a new $50 bed installed?
>Muh sunk cost fallacy
Take the hint, go onto one of the online market places and buy one from someone who put 9 hours onto their printer and lost interest. The universe wants you to have something new and fresh :) I'm not even mentioning brands because people here lose their shit if you dare mention anything other than poorfag tier shit.
This is what I've been saying. Like stop keeping your ancient 8 bit ender on life support. It's time to upgrade.
>The only one with a narrow world view here is you.
>I cannot even imagine that people might think differently than I do, or may be in different circumstances than I am right now
Your circumstances are specific to you and definitely not the world view on things. I don't care what you're going through. Sorry. This isn't church. 3d printing doesn't need you to exist. You being here is actually a net negative. You being a poorfag makes it a double net negative. It's ok to be poor, it's not ok to sit there acting like everyone is also too poor to justify $650. You have to understand that a printer like the p1s used to be $5000. No I'm not kidding. So nut the fuck up, get a job, and buy one or don't. Either way, shut the fuck up. Being autistic isn't an excuse for being a massive faggot.
>For 3d printing to progress, people like you aren't necessary. Tinkering needs to die.
>he says about 3D printing, the field which has seen tremendous progression after patents expiring allowed tinkerers to tinker and invent new things
>where the lauded Bambu machines make use of the things developed by this tinkering, which is still ongoing now
Here, anon. Have a read.
It's really not difficult to understand.
>You being a poorfag
I'm a different anon. My cheapest printer is a Prusa i3. You're just being silly.
Face it, you specifically have done nothing to progress 3d printing technology. Stop acting like it. It's incredibly pathetic. You're living vicariously through others like a common faggot. You think with this collective mindset. Stop it, get some help, take the medicine the nice doctors prescribed. If you had anything to offer, you'd be busy making money from it, you sad pathetic little troon. Now go away and never come back. There's just no room for you here. I think what most people find infuriating about you is that you simply won't let your ego die. If you weren't such a pile of shit, you'd have more friends, both online and in real life.
If you think differently than what's found to be correct, then you're incorrect by definition. Thinking differently is just cope for being wrong. It's ok, you're allowed to be wrong, just stop acting like you're right. Nobody likes that shit. Not even the people you're trying to pander and patronize to.
Can we all just agree that ender 3's served their purpose at the time. The go to for people entering the 3d printing market was an ender 3. Thats not the case anymore. Its now bambu. Ender 3's are no longer an option even if you can save a hundred dollars. Bambus are the base starting point until something cheaper and better comes along. Ender 3s are just going to make you resent 3d printing. I sold my ender 3 for a loss and put the $100 I made into the p1p, and that was a couple years ago. I would probably be in the hole on maybe $800 worth of filament from first layer failure or z axis shift from some loose bolt. Dont even want to think about all the wasted time.

Hang it up enderfags. It was a good machine for its time, but the only thing that piece of shit machine is good for is maybe upgrading to a rotary printer. I dont even want to get started on the prusas.
If you're printing in an enclosure, open the door.
>Face it, you specifically have done nothing to progress 3d printing technology.
Funny you should mention that. I've made what's probably the best dual-stock-fan part cooling setup for the MK3.

>If you think differently than what's found to be correct, then you're incorrect by definition.
>person A has a budget, use case, and optimal printer
>person B's budget is insufficient to buy person As's optimal printer
>therefore person B is WRONG

>Ender 3's are no longer an option even if you can save a hundred dollars.
What if you want a kit of parts to use for a DIY filament extruder designed to be built from an Ender 3?
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This is all I've been trying to say. I don't give a fuck about the brand. If Prusa tomorrow decided to make the mk4s or Prusa One $200, that's what I'd recommend. I don't give a fuck about the brand, the people behind it, or whatever. I like the idea of reprap and voron. The p1s has carbon fiber rods. Name one other printer that does this. The software they use, Bambu Studio and Bambu Handy are great. Watching Creality struggle to catch up with the k1 and now the K2 basically being a carbon copy of the P1/X1 is very telling. I think in a few years another company we haven't heard of yet releases a new hot sexy $400 printer that does something novel and useful, and that will be shilled hard as well. There's a reason everyone likes the Bambu printer line. They just work. No fiddle fucking around, struggling to get a decent print. It's print after print after print after print. If you have a failed print it's for one of 2 reasons
1) clogged nozzle
2)dirty bed
If you're struggling after that, clean your z screws and regrease them. There's not much that can break on these. And that's a good thing. It should be celebrated. Let the hate commence from retarded poorfags who think way too highly of themselves.
>therefore person B is WRONG
Hallelujah he gets it. If person B can't save $650, person B should leave the hobby. I don't want a race to the bottom. I want quality. Yes it's a bit expensive but 5 years ago something like the p1s was $5000.
>wow this chinese printer uses such great shit at a low price!
>doesn't realize the implications of low-cost manufactured products from an actively adversarial nation
Again that doesn't really matter to me. You bitch about the price. They offer a quality product at an affordable price. What more do you want? This is why people hate you poorfags. There's no pleasing you.
>The p1s has carbon fiber rods. Name one other printer that does this.
They're pretty common in deltas, eg the FLSun Super Racer

>I don't want a race to the bottom. I want quality.
So get a StrataSys.
Cool, who did it first?
>So get a stratasys
Haha no. Why? Because Bambu exists. Same quality, 1/10 the price. It's ok that things cost less, it's not ok that companies cut significant corners to get there.
>Cool, who did it first?
Pick and place robots.

>Same quality, 1/10 the price.
Oh wow.
That is fine, as is a rotary printer. If you are wanting to print like you would with an a1 mini or corexy then an ender is absolutely not an option. Maybe just maybe you could upgrade to one of those belt systems that prints out parts longer than the bed, but I don't think I have heard anything great about them.

Before the ender 3 was makerbot, dremel, and some other niche $3000 dollar printers. Do you see people hyping up dremels and makerbots? No they were dogshit, but good for their time. Same goes for the ender 3. Bambu might get replaced, and if it does, I wont hesitate to switch.

Don't get me wrong, theres nothing worse than a piece of filament getting knotted up in the drive roller of a p1p/p1s or having to swap a nozzle out. Not a huge problem but annoying and they have at least solved the nozzle swaps on the A1 lines. I probably have 5000 hours across my 4 bambu machines with maybe 6 hours of "maintenance" like cold pulls, drive roll jams, nozzle swaps, nozzle upgrades etc. I got maybe 250 hours on my ender 3s and spent a lot more time leveling beds or getting failed prints from layer shifts. They were also slower, and the print quality was genuinely shit most of the time.

Im hoping this new line of bambu printers is even better just so prusa and ender fags can seethe more. At least bambu isn't buying up tech and then burying it like formlabs is doing with micronics. Its good that bambu lit a fire under everyones ass. Now theres a blank check for whoever can make a better machine with more features for cheaper.
>Bambu might get replaced,
I sincerely hope it does. Competition is a good thing. Prusa are overpriced. I'm surprised they still cost as much as they do. It's mind numbing that the mk4s is $750 for a fucking bed slingers box of parts. I won't hesitate to shill said printer along with you. It would be badass to have at home sls printing for ~$500 at a nice 250x250x250mm build volume. I've built a voron and taken apart my ender 6 to pieces and reassembled it with upgrades. I'm done fiddle fucking with project printers. I don't even do cold pulls, I'll replace the nozzle and move on with my life. By the time it starts clogging, it's worn out anyway. This is my 2nd P1. I had the p1p before it. I might get a used x1c from Facebook marketplace. That p1s had at least 5k hours on it alone. It died over Christmas. It might still work actually, but I can't be fucked to try fixing it. I simply don't care at the fuck all. I sell my prints on Etsy. It's paid for itself. I like the process of designing in cad and slicing and having it come out. I love that I no longer have to guess if it's my design that failed or the printer being cheap trash. I know it's a skill issue sometimes on my end now. It's removed a lot of guess work for me. I only got the p1s at the beginning of January and I sold at least 20 prints at like ~$10 a piece. Yeah it's not a job you can live on, but the printers pay for themselves. I don't get brand loyalty at the fuck all. If Bambu died tomorrow and we had Company X release something as good but cheaper or something better, I'd celebrate it. Life would go on. I love the Apple level of detail Bambu puts into their printers and software.
The p1p had 5k hours* sorry. I'm in bed. Just finished a print to drop into the mail tomorrow.
How good is a prusa mk3.5?
If you're going to pay $300 for a printer upgrade kit, get the A1 for $340 sans ams. Don't be a moron with your money.
what are you selling? always curious how people monetize this hobby
>That p1s had at least 5k hours on it alone. It died over Christmas.
Should have bought a Prusa.
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So my neighbor sent me a vid of one of those screw action connect 4 and I know they like stupid ass family games like Sorry! so I found it on makerworld spent a ton of time printing and reprinting it (makerworld is a shitswamp), changing filaments and testing slugs, packed it up, wrapped it and gave it to them for christmas. She shrugged and said "I don't remember sending that to you". She's sent me half a dozen more facebook tier flexy type shit since and I'm just ignoring it. I mean she literally sends facebook vids and I don't have facebook.

Meanwhile a friend of a friend just asked me to print a scented oil diffuser shield, she found the model for me and it took one hour and 21¢ of ABS I'm trying to get rid of anyway and she wants to pay me. She's super nice to my friend and generous all the time with little gifts and food to try and shit, so no way but I just hate that the dumbest shit is seen as magic and the people you don't want to charge are the nice ones.
Yeah I bought my P1S because my P1P couldn't keep up with my 3d printed part demand. Printer paid for itself in like 2 days. Ended up buying 2 A1 minis that I put .2mm nozzles on for prototyping. They are cheap and I can just let them go without slowing down my production machines.

Orders are basically stabilized now and I will just do a couple days of "sprints" where I blast through a couple spools on my P1's and do all the post processing, and then just turn everything back to prototyping machines.

I spend a lot more time on CAD now and almost no time jacking with printers. Designing your products is where the money is. Not fiddling with printers. The printer used to be my bottleneck when it came to prototyping. Now its how fast I can come up with an idea and iterate on a design.
Your issue is probably wanting to get into 3d printing, getting a printer then looking for things to make, as opposed to you want or have to make XYZ and get a printer to support doing that

Like back in the 2000s everyone wanting to make a website but not actually having anything to put on the website, all the time and effort spent on the site itself, and none on the actual content- the reason to have the site
Specs are accurate. About twice as fast as MK3 variants with the old electronics. About as fast as MK3.9 and MK4. More established mods than those though, so if you have a modded MK3, the 3.5 upgrade might let you keep them. The new firmware does some little things that are nice, like not leaving bits of plastic when it checks the bed, a different prime line that is much more effective at cleaning dribbles from the nozzle, and ramming the filament before unloading to clear potential debris before they build up.
Yeah I sell an adapter, and have had women bitch that its not sanded to look like an injection molded part and demanding a refund + still giving a 1 star. Meanwhile everyone else is grateful that it even exists in the first place.

Luckily theres way more good cases than bad ones. I just try not to let stuff like this bother me too much anymore. Just eat it and move on. More people will appreciate what you make than there are those who hate. If you are getting a bunch of hate then whatever you made genuinely sucks.
Not him, but I got a printer because I wanted to make my own designs. Not that flexi dragon shit. Spent a lot of time getting really good at tinkerCAD and realized I could reverse engineer other peoples products and create my own with ease. Designed a couple products with good enough sales volume to afford to scale up and help with bills.

Just finished a product the other day that includes hardware, and another product im working on if my prototypes work will include electrical components. Small scale manufacturing with limited capital is becoming a reality. I would probably be in the hole on my two best selling products if I had to injection mold them. Those products would simply not exist.

The question to ask is if its possible to design something. It costs almost nothing to make your first or hundredth unit. Just start developing and if it sells it sells.

The people that never learn how to design are going to be there stuck moving 1 flexi dragon a year and their printer is going to seem like a waste.
Can't find the name again, but there was a project on github that did best of both worlds by using two bottom motors, but connecting both top idlers with a large rod.
yall p1s shills ignore that the posted top layer looks 10x worse than what my makerbot clone shat out a decade ago
bunch of jester
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Has somebody here made experiences with PHA? I need a harmless filament that wont leech additives into the environment and i found this one. Achieving bed adhesion seems to be a challenge but does it otherwise print just like PLA?
I've had Prusa and they die after 5k hours as well. It's just how printers are. The motors start to die.
Yeah it's nice because I'm getting better in cad. It used to be that I would spend a day fixing my ender machines, get a week of printing, then still have a 20% fail rate. With the Bambu machines, I don't have to fuck with them. I just picked up the x1c with ams for $600 on marketplace. 9 whole hours on the printer. I also picked up the A1 mini for $150 from the same dude. He had a bunch of filament but wanted new price for half spools. And it wasn't esun or Bambu filament. It was overture. No thanks. No wonder he hated printing. Don't use shit filament.

I'm not trying to be a Bambu fanboy. But I would rather design in cad, and print shit. Sell shit people want. Having this second workhorse should vastly improve things. The p1s that died might just be the motors. I decided to plug it in, and it turns on and gets hot but the print head doesn't move. I might buy a couple of steppers and fix it. The bed goes up and down. Idk why it stopped. I came back from work one evening and it was beeping and had a bunch of extruded filament up in the head so I'll have to replace that as well. It's more work than it's worth. I might just sell it for $50 and let someone with more aspiration than I do fix it. I might snag the steppers from the ender 6 and slap them on it later today after I fix my fucking car and see if it works, if it does, I'll sell it as is, $50. I'm honest. 5k hours is a lot of printing.
This so much. You have to get good at CAD. I use Fusion 360. I paid for the license even with the random things I sell. I say random because people want some off the wall designs. Mainly for their cars or houses or printers, random electronic designs. I get asked 5x a month or so if I do PCB designs. I don't have the space, I'm printing out of my home.

For me it's not about the money, it's about the joy of designing things and printing them. I could care less about the things I print outside of wanting them to look like the file. After that, it becomes worthless to me.

It's funny, I've never sold a single flexi dragon, so I've never printed one. I've also never printed a benchy. I keep meaning to but why?
Yeah the x1c is clogged with overture filament. I replaced the hotend with a spare I had from my P1S. And it's working fine with esun.

>then still have a 20% fail rate
operator incompetence
What's wrong with overture? It's usually higher price here than esun etc
20% failure rate is an 80% success rate which is an excellent success rate on many printers that need manual physical adjustments and other things, you've never owner an ender 3.
>you've never owner an ender 3
its my daily driver, thats why a 20% failure rate amuses me.
Out of curiosity, how did your prints fail? bed adhesion? First layer peeling of right at the start?
My only prints i consider failed are parts that are too fragile for their intended purpose, something the printer itself isnt responsible for
Anything not dimensionally accurate that doesnt fit together properly, so just about all of them. Running out of filament and printing air. Filament tangling and printing air. Filament snapping and printing air.
>bed adhesion
No, not after I decided to just jam the nozzle as close to the bed as possible and get a razor thin layer and installed a bltouch. Adhesion was never an issue after that even with the magnetic sheet falling apart after 4 years of constant use.
>extruder skipping and nozzle clogs and underexteusion
Not since I adjusted the stepper voltages and installed a volcano hot end with genuine cht 0.6mm volcano nozzle and cranked the temps to like 240 for pla and jacked up the speed. Still shit, and still slow. And installed an all metal extruder.

I have a p1s since and don't hate printing now, I can spend my time on actually building finished parts and designing shit, not spending all my time screwing around with the printer and changing the approach used for a specific part, redoing and waiting much longer to see if it worked. Ender 3s can go fuck themselves

I don't have a printer for the sake of printing and fiddling with the mechanics of a printer, it's for making actual parts and projects.
>Anything not dimensionally accurate that doesnt fit together properly
thats entirely on you. The printer doesnt give a fuck about whatever the gcode dictates.
>extruder skipping and nozzle clogs and underexteusion
it baffels me that ptfe hotends have been on the market for for over 15 years and people still have trouble with them. The issue is always a slight space between nozzle and tube where molten filament accumulates.
Nozzle without retarded countersink (important for all hotends)
Clean 90° cut at the end, tube and nozzle aligned with piece of wire before tightening and its good to go for several hundrets of hours of sub 250°c printing. Nothing in the world beat a properly assembled ptfe hotend, it just works, lowest friction, best flow controll
if you say so. I've had a brand new p1s clog with the bambulab filament that came with the printer. since then, I've increased the bed temperature to 50°C and used damp brandless garbage PLA as filament. the printer has worked fine ever since. I doubt that the filament was to blame though.
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>print farms need to replace their printers every 8 months
No, printers made from quality parts can run all day every day for years. Print farms have reported i3 failure rates like losing 1 PSU per dozens of printer-years. And the PSU is one of the most common points of failure on an i3, since it's run pretty hard for its power rating. Not everything is an Ender.

>The motors start to die.
This in particular is not a common failure mode, especially on unenclosed printers (temperature rating varies between motors too). If you're having motor problems, it's probably with the drivers, cables, mechanical output linkages, or other things exterior to the motor itself.

Prusas handle Overture filament just fine. The only issue is that less-consistent filaments produce a less-consistent surface finish. Bambus are tightly tuned, but that seems to have resulted in problems with handling parameters outside what's expected.

>I've also never printed a benchy. I keep meaning to but why?
They're a benchmark for print quality. Printing a Benchy can show you things like how well your printer handles details, cooling, overhangs, surface finish, etc. It was made when printers were less capable than is typical now, so it doesn't push the capabilities of most modern printers, but a flawless Benchy can serve as a check that you have your settings dialed in for good-looking prints. Alternately, flaws can show you what could be improved. There are test prints that are more efficient (use less plastic) and/or run a more thorough evaluation, but Benchies are small and mechanically robust, so it's easy to keep some in a box for reference.
>is created by a naturally occurring process called fermentation
Gotta love burger education. Unfortunately never heard of it. Only two more weeks till glucose filaments will finally save us all.

>80% success rate which is an excellent success rate on many printers
Bullshit, that's every fifth print. If you think that's average you're just coping incompetence or ignorance.
>inb4 but my machine
Visit your local makerspace and ask them for comparison. We had a failure rate of almost 10% in summer due to failing ventilation and people were already losing their minds.
>Unfortunately never heard of it.
Well i ordered a spool of PHA and one of their PHA/PLA blend. Expect results by the end of the next week.
Yeah idk I think it's the motherboard, I have a ton of working motors and none seem to work on the p1s. Might just be a fluke. I've checked all the wiring. My mk3s+ died in a similar fashion but that was closer to 19k hours just non-stop printing. Look I'm not a fanboy of either brand, but all your Prusa parts are made in China.
>There are test prints that are more efficient (use less plastic) and/or run a more thorough evaluation
NTA. Are you referring to Orca's tuning prints? Because benchy is getting kinda long in the tooth and I wouldn't mind a more modern single-print benchmark.
>retards using this technology for multicolor prints instead of composite plastics for increased strength
it puts a layer of ink between the plastic layers. I think that out current filament based approach is better.
You don't see multi nozzle systems alternate every layer do you?
>Are you referring to Orca's tuning prints?
I wasn't referring to anything in particular. There are a lot of test prints, and while a lot are good for various things, none has risen to the Benchy's level of prominence that most people know what they are by name.

>I wouldn't mind a more modern single-print benchmark.
Make a list of what you want in a benchmark, and shop around to see if there's one that fits. I mostly use Benchy prints for dialing in perfect settings where appearance is paramount, like a metallic silk display model commission that had to look like machined steel. But I don't do that sort of thing often, so I mostly use other test prints specialized for the specific thing I want to test, like setting up cooling/speed settings to get clean overhangs and small vertical sections that also allow high volumetric flow for the easier parts of the print and high temperatures for layer bonding, or making visual reference prints for each filament I have. Keep in mind that, generally, a benchmark print that does more stuff will be bigger and take longer to print, and be more difficult to store for future reference, and have a higher likelihood of including features that aren't beneficial to re-benchmark if you're using it to test filaments/settings rather than the printer itself.
>all your Prusa parts are made in China.
Did you know that Prusa has a factory in Prague where they make their plastic parts, circuit boards, and custom metal parts? They have their own print farm, filament production lines, injection molding equipment, PCB line, and CNC metalworking equipment. The supply disruptions from COVID led to them moving a lot of stuff in-house, and they've always made their own custom parts like the frame.
Actually, I could use a hand with these. These thumbstick caps need to have a square insert at the bottom for me to attach the stick to, and the surface of the bottom that square needs to be real even so that the stick doesnt go in crooked, but all my attempts at bridging leads to a spaghetti mess (and thick bridging sometimes works but is also quite uneven). Is there anything I can do to get the inset nice and even?
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My dumb ass forgot the picture, just woke up my bad
Print blocks a tiny bit smaller than the hole out of a material that doesn't stick to the material you're using there, put a pause at the bridging layer, insert the blocks, then continue. You can tune your bridge settings (those look pretty bad). but you won't get a nicer finish than zero-clearance supports.
overture works perfectly fine for me. Have done probably 40-50 rolls no issue. Bought a 3 spool box of elegoo and all of them didnt work.
Why not add tree support there? Built in support.
I like the money although its not been a huge amount. Just hoping that with more designs it could become substantial.

Really want to thank slant3d though for shifting my mindset. Watched a few of their videos early on that convinced me I could use 3d printing as a legitimate and viable manufacturing method. Now I can get a new product up for under $50 usually..
Yeah it's enough to pay for filament and a new printer every so often. You're not going to make a living from 3d printing, let me make this very clear to people. It's a side hustle at best. Less than a side hustle. It's a hobby where it kinda sort of pays for itself minus the initial cost. Listening to wisdom helps a ton.

I look at it from the end users perspective, if I paid $40 and got something made on an ender 3 with how shit they print, I would be livid. So like you kind of need at the very least an A1 or P1P to get started. The K2 is fantastic and Creality reached out to me to test on my YouTube channel for free. So like I won't shill it here. But it is fucking spendy. They're aiming for the X1C market. Comparing it to the X1C, I gotta say, I still prefer my P1S, price to performance new price. Out of everything I've used, both free and paid for by me, I can say wholeheartedly, get a P1P or the P1S right now today if you're shopping around. Price to performance, bar none it's the best. All the extra things the X1C does is seemingly unnecessary because the final prints look identical. In fact the X1C and K2 have ghosting issues and the P1 prints better. Looking online there's a fix for the X1C which requires rooting the device and installing Klipper and using orca slicer, which negates the whole point of buying into the Bambu ecosystem. I'd say the mk4 (non-s) produces better results than the X1C and K2.

Top X1C
Bottom P1S
I'll show the ringing on the K2 in my next post.
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Here's the free to me K2 and I'm going to ask Creality if they want it back. It's fucking terrible. I don't want to hate on or shit on Creality. I really wanted to like this machine. But with access to the venerable P1S and P1P, I simply don't want it even in my house. I'm not going to troubleshoot it. It should just work in 2025. There's zero excuse it made it into the hands of reviewers in this state. I have no idea what's causing this. I'm using Creality brand PLA that they sent with the machine using Creality's slicer. I switched to Orca slicer but you still have to use their software to send it via WiFi, or use a USB stick. Nothing I do seems to clear this issue and it's random like there's play in the head unit or it's not square or it's not using the data it collected during it's calibration. I have no fucking idea and I don't care to know. I'm just going to send it back and upload a video telling people NOT to waste $1600 on the K2 and to spend $650 or $800on the P1S/Combo and get a ton of filament for the price because you'll be a lot fucking happier with the results. I don't exactly find troubleshooting a brand new printer "fun". Maybe I got a bum unit. I'll be in talks with Creality over the issues I've faced, but a REVIEW unit shouldn't be this bad, which means that the ones you purchase with your hard earned money will be ultimately worse off and you might be up shits creek asking your bank to do a chargeback.

I bought a k1 last year NEW and they sent me a USED machine.

Time and time again, Creality just keeps fucking their customers up the ass, and sending broken units to reviewers asking for positive reviews for free products. They don't really seem too keen on after sales care.

I contacted Bambu and told them I bought a used X1C with a clogged hotend, and they said they'd send me one for free. Sure it's like $30 and I didn't even ask. I just asked where I could purchase a new hotend because it might be the cause of the ghosting.
Problem is the main goal is a perfectly flat surface, a support blemish would be even worse for this than poor bridging

That's a really good idea, but it actually gives me an even better one. Hopefully will have something to show in a half hour
I just want to end on this. Bambu customer service is almost as good as Prusa's. Like Prusa sent me free parts in the past when my mk3s printed parts for the left Z motor split along the layer lines. They sent me a roll of 250grams of orange petg as well as the printed parts with instructions to print the files myself for possible future issues.

It's not the issues you face when dealing with printers or lack thereof, it's the company's willingness to help you and understand the issues you're facing and help you resolve them with little fuss.

In the past with my ender 6, Creality told me to basically go fuck myself because I bought it from eBay. I had to find the parts on Amazon, buy them, and hoped they weren't of low quality to fix my printer. I had to join a Facebook group just to troubleshoot issues and mod it just to get a semi decent print by installing an 8bit screen and fucking with the firmware.

And people wonder why Creality got a bad reputation? I just can't deal with this. Sovol sent me a printer that I purchased and told me to level it with soup cans back in 2024. It's these issues that makes for a terrible user experience.
>But I can't afford anything more than $150...
Trust me, save your money, get a P1P and print an enclosure. You'll be much much happier.
Oh oh oh and the used k1 they sent me as new, they only included a usb-c drive, no SD card, no USB-a drive, despite the printer only having USB-a and SD. It's shit like this that makes me just annoyed at Creality. They can never just produce a proper printer.
>get a P1P and print an enclosure.
In contrast to your earlier statements about printers/support, Creality makes decent enclosures.
They do. I'm not saying their accessories are bad. I use one of Creality's drybox. Pictured is a phone case for my pixel 9. I 3d printed it with black TPU with a 0.4mm nozzle and for the red, PLA matte with a 0.2mm nozzle. The TPU is in a creality drybox. I feel like they should stop producing printers and just sell enclosures and dry boxes and filament. They crank out printers year after year and take no time to make them actually good. Sometimes within months of their last printer. The ender 6 came and went so fast I was just confused.
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Goddamn fucking 4chan, I picked the picture, why the fuck does it skip uploading sometimes??? Goddamn it mods, fix your broken website.
You can make a living with 3d printing but its going to be very difficult. Vacation money is extremely doable though.

You will see guys like Dancyn on youtube with a flexi dragon warehouse (who knows how much longer until that house of cards collapses) and then you have people like Technical Tinkers who is making negative money. Then theres everyone in the middle making a couple hundred dollars on etsy a month, and a few making a couple thousand. If I didn't have two decent selling products I would be making maybe $30 a month on my other not so great selling products.

Ultimately though, now I can make all sorts of stuff. Jigs, prototypes, new products etc. My printer is a very useful tool in my toolbox now, and even if I made zero dollars, I would probably still keep a couple machines.
Like if they slowed down and made a new printer every 2-3 years they could focus on making a quality product. They skip so much. I love their accessories. The accessories they produce are fantastic. The software is shit and could be a lot better. They just don't seem to have any clear direction other than crank shit out, get it out the door, sell a few, and make new printers within 6 months to next year. People want to actually print with what they have. Maybe make a printer, then sell upgrades to fix the issues the initial one had, and keep fixing the same printer until it's perfect releasing fixed versions over time. Build a foundation instead of acting like this fly-by-night seat of the pants bullshit. Then certainly don't sell shit on eBay as a storefront then claim
>It's a 3rd party and you'll have to deal with them directly.
No other printer does this. Not Bambu, not Prusa. Good luck finding a Prusa storefront on eBay. Stand behind your product ffs.
Right, I'm speaking from personal experience, and as a reviewer, while trying not to sound like a total fucking shill. I get people's trepidation. I want to temper people's expectations and point them in the right direction. You can totally make enough money starting with an A1 or P1P within a few months to buy a second printer and upgrade enough every few months to more and more until you have a plastic shelf unit full of like 8 printers. I have a few but they're in disrepair. I'll be simply selling them on market place for $50 a pop. They've more than paid for themselves, I'm just going to use the money to buy filament. I'm going to invest in more P1 machines from the money I make from these prints. The only printers I have that still work are my mk4 and p1s. The mk4 is going to a friend who is going to buy it from me for $200. I want them to have a good time with 3D printing. I may even scrap the ender machines in my collection of crap. I thought about bending them and drilling the motherboards so nobody has to deal with Creality headaches.

Sovol seems to be mid at best. They have issues. They seem to want to work with you but their workarounds seem really off the wall. Like the whole soup can thing for the sv06. No software mitigations, no, loosen the nuts and use soup cans. I'm still laughing about it, not because of how shit it was, but because of how shit the solution was and that it worked. They understood the issue and provided a solution.

Most of what I produce are custom cad models that customers ask for, I send a few revisions of stl files, until they're satisfied, then send them a print. If they're not happy with said print, my only ask is for the added cost of shipping while I eat the cost of filament.

This is not a business you get into with the idea of getting rich.
Here's the thing I just don't understand about chinkshit printers like Creality and why I've stuck with Prusa for so long, why do they have to be consistently shit? Like I was hoping the K2 was as good as reviewers say it is. My gut was right and that's why I come here to 3dpg. I knew some faggot would tell us the actual truth. Why don't they ever stand behind their printers? They just want to sell product fast and stand behind resellers when shit inevitably hits the fan to pass the blame. And if they decided they could cease to exist. Completely faceless and spineless. I'm glad for Bambu's existence but I feel that they're just as bad and only struck oil accidentally. Their history was that they were a spinoff of Creality, leaving and creating their own path. I mean they're just as shady if not worse with their spying. I mean yes, you can root them and install Klipper and all that horseshit if you do desired. But I just ordered the mk4s and prusa one to add to my admittedly tiny print farm. I like a little variety. Their walled garden approach isn't winning them any points and puts a lot of people off which is where the hate comes from. I get that you guys love the Bambu printers. You probably have them in some room where nothing else exists. I have mine around my house. I don't want anyone spying on me through cameras and microphones. Like why do they even have mics in a 3d printer if not to straight up spy on their users. It's shady as fuck and I'll pay a little extra for my privacy. Unless you install Klipper and remove the camera and mics you can't be 100% sure they're not still spying in some capacity. Even then, I wouldn't connect it to the Internet. I don't want to be scared of my technology. It's also why I don't own a smart TV or smartphone. I use Linux on my PC (insert tranny joke here) I'm not trans BTW, I'm just a private person. I don't want my only choices to be shit quality or giving up my human rights for quality, which is why I buy Prusa printers.
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Bro, all you have to do is go in and enable LAN mode. That's it, that's all you have to do. You don't even need Bambu Studio. You can just use Orca Slicer. Add said printer, provide the IP address, and move on. You can copy the update files to the SD card to update the firmware. Like I'm not a fanboy of Prusa NOR Bambu Labs, but 1900comeonbro calm your mantits. You can stop sucking Josef's cock now.
I'm currently printing a gimble for the Pixel 9. I'll use some cheap steppers and an Arduino knockoff to drive them and the phone's gyrometer to keep it steady. I'll release the source code as gpl V3 when I'm done. Gimbles shouldn't cost $700. This should at most cost $45 when all is said and done.
Ugh failed print. Didn't stick to the bed. Cooled too quickly. I'll figure it out tomorrow.
Yeah you arent going to make mega bucks doing one offs, but its just another way that the machines pay for themselves.

I had a job for my cheap little laser cutter, and I made a $.40 jig. One off job, but made infinitely easier with the printer. Overall im glad more money is entering the market. We get cheaper and better machines. Cheaper filament, and more people are ok with 3d printed products and parts.
>I have no fucking idea and I don't care to know
some youtube expert you are lmao
the aids of the community, no idea what causes issues, no idea what to trouble shoot but a platform and an opinion. A glorified amazon review so to say
In reality the pic gives at least 2 visual cues what is wrong and its not hard to fix at all and can happen in every printer out of the box
I recently got a secondhand Google Glass. I like it, but I think the fact that it's mounted to a normal glasses frame is dumb and unnecessary, considering it only displays to one eye. I'd also like to angle it so that the display is more in the center of my view, which requires elevating it and tilting the whole thing downward, which can't be done with the normal frame.

Instead of a normal glasses frame that goes across the brow, I'd like to mount it to something like pic related, that sits on the ears, but goes behind the head. I can 3D print this, but has anyone here ever seen any sort of behind-the-neck headphone band or anything remotely similar as an STL file anywhere? It would be nice if I could have something that's already designed for sitting on the ears across the back of the head like this and I could just model the part that would hold the Glass and stick it onto the model, rather than having to model the whole headgear piece from scratch.
This kind of speed should be the standard, not just what after market parts can do
The concerning part is that the guy doesn't seem capable of understanding situations beyond his own scope: to him machines are consumables, their purpose is only to enable a business, tinkering and troubleshooting is only a waste of time and money, and if you disagree or you have other priorities you're wrong, which is very problematic for someone that speaks to a large audience.
That's called "autism", a classic symptom being a lack of a theory of mind, or the idea that other people have different experiences, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, emotions, and even thoughts than the perceiver. It's the root cause of why autists are so unbearable to be around.
Just put on a 0.6 nozzle after running 0.4 for 100 hours.

Looks about fine enough to stop a mouse or two.
That troon built the jankiest piece of shit printer I ever have had the misfortune of witnessing. It's fast but everything about it is so fucking ghetto-jank. Also it needs to clean it's disgusting finger nails. Fucking disgusting. Eww. It's rather fucking provocative that this POS bedslinger beat Printing 24/7's well built Voron 0.2. Disgusting.
Do you think you're funny?
>burger education
ColorFabb is Dutch, the company is based out of Belfeld in the Netherlands, they're a division of another Dutch plastics manufacturer. All of their filament is still made there in Belfeld at the dedicated ColorFabb factory they opened in 2017.
>I contacted Bambu and told them I bought a used X1C with a clogged hotend, and they said they'd send me one for free
>and then everyone clapped
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I wasn't trying to be funny. Just stating what I think about the printer and the abysmal state of the owners personal hygeine standards. Simply atrocious.
>I was just pretending to be retarded.
I wish it was actually 2014 again.
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>person finds a cheap solution that works
>anon can't cope with such a janky DIY project reaching an objective goal that puts it above better engineered printers
>his a priori belief system doesn't allow DIY projects to be better than proper products
>to placate the cognitive dissonance he proceeds to lash out against the printer's appearance
>not content with that, anon focuses on a minor personal detail, which has nothing to do with either the printer or its the achievement, to spuriously infer a negative characteristic of the aforementioned person and use it as a way to diminish the person and dismiss the whole thing
>to top it all, he repeats a politically charged slur for that tiny extra bit of aggression
See what regular glass wearers put up with, your head is unfortunately quite unique. Better start designing your own as you'll likely have to modify any other anyway. You may get away with some sliding band like on regular headphones, but that would require dealing with sheet metal as well.
dude just clean your nails
im suprized 24/7 printing hasnt done a come back yet
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Took a day longer than expected to get to it, but the idea worked! When you talked about making a little print-proof cube as a support, I started thinking about mid-print supports in general and it occured to me that I could bypass the need for two-part prints entirely using this trick. So instead of using a little cube to make a clean cap piece, I made a support the entire cap can be printed on, so now it's a single solid piece. I just have it pause right before the cap bit begins printing and place this around the sticks, took a couple tries to get the support height JUST right, but i got there in the end and I gotta say I'm really happy with the results. Thanks again for giving me the idea in the first place!
since when do bambu printers have microphones
He's retarded, it's a vibration sensor and someone plugged it into the mic input on their PC and you could make out what he was saying. But it's a stretch and a half to assume they're listening in on your conversations.
What do you think a microphone is?
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westerners seething over the orient putting out a better product will never not be funny.
even if there were a CCP agent assigned to whatever noise that could possibly be distinguished over a running printer or any image that can be gleamed from an internal facing camera it would be totally inconsequential for anyone without a high level security clearance. paranoid narcissism
how useful is a roll of TPU? what day to day things can i use with it?
Yeah if you nake tiny prints. If you make large prints that take up most of the bed height. Or most of the plate width and depth then no. And I consider failure it multi part prints are not dimensionally accurate and do not sit flush. Since some designs are physically cut vertically and don't line up again
I replaced the wheel rubbers on my grandma's chair, as those aren't sold anymore. Besides that i haven't found any use besides gimmicks.
>moving goal post
>big prints
>biggest printer listed is an X1C
I guess it was ignorance then. Frankly, i'm too tired of this recent influx of wannabe trolls. Guess the morons won again.
ordered a roll of tpu, going to make mr hands look like a rookie once im done with my print
Friendly reminder you all called me a looney when predicating indians will chip away this thread once they're finished with /g/.
>Stable to a very high temperature
Doesn't bode well unless you have a high temperature enclosure or the parts are going to be small.
pretty sure the fosscad redditors use it for stock pads
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I've done tent elbows for connecting a tent crossbar to rubber hiking poles, push drain gasket I probably should have bought for a couple dollars instead. In some ways TPU is easier to post process with the hot air gun than PLA or PA: the melt flows more easily and it's more sticky.
enjoy the siloxane suppository
Not super useful. Hard to get the exact shore hardness and infill settings, and also needs to be pretty dry. Have printed out a bung for the drain cleanout in my front yard and thats about it. That guy printing the joysticks in this thread could probably make some covers with it.
I made a phone case, it's good. It's not very grippy (at least 90A TPU isn't, other TPEs may vary) so it isn't suitable for mounting feet.

Really high shore-hardness TPUs are great for impact resistance (e.g. hard hats) if you can find that stuff.
Really low shore-hardness TPUs look useful, but they'd be a bitch to print without a pellet extruder.
almost all the tpu out there is 95a, i was planning on making grippy feet, dang
Get into mould printing and silicone casting
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yea i aint doing all that to make these small feet
just buy silicone ones. time is money, friend.
I'm gonna make some lower control arm bushings for my car with tpu
It has issues with warping but actually it needs to be cool and not hot. People are printing this stuff in their refrigerator. I will still try it in my passively heated enclosure tho.
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i have this gcode
and basically what it should do that when i press print, then whatever position the nozzle or bed is in it will be the new 0 origin
but when i use jogging in octopring to move the nozzle and then start a print it moves back to the position before i jogged it, as if the g92 x0y0z0 ; wasn't there.. i don't get it, i tested the g92 x0y0z0 ; manually and it seems to work fine
Might be a dumb suggestion but add spaces between x0 y0 z0?
thats not it
but the annoying par is that if i send that code manually via terminal before i start a print it works, but if it's included there as part of the gcode in the file it seems to do fucking nothing AAAAAAAAAAA
From this code the toolhead should not go to the previous location though. There is no command that would make it do that move.
What happens if you just run the start print macro w/o the g1/g0 thats later on?
Capitalize your "g92", the x, y, and z. Marlin is case sensitive by default but can be configured otherwise, Klipper I believe is not by default. Sending commands manually via octoprint it'll capitalize your shit for you, so you may be missing this detail.
hmm sounds promesing, thanks fren
You are a looney
Um, I have a legit application for a DIN911 screw
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Cleaned the rails today foe the Merc. Aside from the chinkshit rail carriages coming with diffrent amounts of balls in them they seem okay. After cleaning and refilling balls to "one ball gap" one of the rails had poor performance with two of the carriages, they would bind at certain spots. I swapped carriages around and now they all feel as if they have the same amount of friction and will move under their own weight. Curios, two of the carriages had -4 inscribed on them. What could that mean?
You actually use your printer for functional and practical stuff and not just baby yodas off printables, right anon?
Super durable drone frames
i have printed 8 auto-wank machines and counting.
my next project is a silicone mold for a custom wank-o-bot sleeve.
Exclusively for practical stuff if you count an OSSM as "practical"
That's to say, I don't think I've printed anything purely decorative or frivolous—no baubles or tchotchkes. I did a 2x scale Dummy 13 but I do actually use that thing for pose reference.
Don't you guys have a girlfriend/wife?
The OSSM is my boyfriend
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Praise the Omnissiah
>Praise the Omnissiah
>Puts a purity seal on it instead of a machina opus
I hope this is true
thats stupid anon, I print baby groots
Why are 3MF files so much smaller than STL? Do they end up with the same polygon count, or are 3MFs just that much better? I've been exporting 3MF/STL/STEP when I upload stuff to Thingiverse/Printables, but I don't actually use any features of 3MF aside from the basic geometry of the model, so I don't know if I should just save myself an export step and not bother with 3MF.
I did a 3D scan of my face with an app and am trying to print it as a mask. The trouble is it's completely flat and Bambu won't print it without repairing it which fills it in completely, making it so it can't be worn. Is there any way I can add depth to it so I can print and wear it? Here's a part of it, I won't show the entire thing for obvious reasons.
my jack-off-o-matics are for getting into porn games, first one i made was an OSR with all the basic bits
second was an OSR+ used the same servos, but upgraded the mainboard to an esp32,
third was the SR6, all new servos, but they were loud as fuck and i only found like, 2 games that would connect to the SR6, so its sitting collecting dust until i really want to get into VR stuff,
went back to build the OSR+ into the re-enforced plapbot for number 4, found the weight was too much for PLA, reprinted the whole thing in ABS and tried the romeo mini mainboard again for 5.
made 2 different SSR's for 6 and 7, didn't like the way it ran slower than the OSR+, plus midgame it came loose from the bench and hit my balls.
realised the OSR2+ was exactly what i was looking for, and stole the best servos from the plapbot and printed my final masturbatron, i think ive used it like, 4 times total, but it was a VERY fun project to get through 3 spools on, plus i learned a good bit of arduino.
Looks like it's just a surface. You should be able to fix it with Meshmixer, ask Youtube.
I fixed it 5 minutes after making that post. Solidify in Blender wasn't working at first but after simplying the model in Bambu Studio it worked fine. I've spent like 3 hours on this kek.
No, I didn't reply to her for 5 hours because I was playing battlefield 1 campaign and went to bed, I had a bunch of crazy messages and missed calls and she flew interstate and waited outside my driveway until I woke up. In the 2 weeks since then I've had 4000+ messages hundreds of missed calls, messages about I can't escape her, me dying, the usual psycho tier stuff. Suffice to say I am single now.
Cosplay props. Is that functional?
STL as a fileformat dates back to the late 80's when computing power was miniscule and the 3d models far simpler than today meaning filesizes were kept low. STLs should have been trashed decades ago in favour of .step and .3mf that can utilize mathematically defines surfaces instead of saving a model with over six million triangles.
How much knowledge from 3d printing and maintenance carries over to CNC and laser cutting? Aren't they basically the same but with a smaller z axes?
You cannot retroactively withdraw something from public domain wtf
Unlike trademarks, failure to go after copyright violations does not negate copyright. If the creators of the Benchy model never put it into the public domain, then it's not in the public domain. Where things get tricky is if someone makes a model that looks like Benchy but they made it from scratch. If Benchy's design isn't trademarked, the clean sheet reimplementation of Benchy might not infringe on the original creator of Benchy.
As for the distorted Benchy models, if they didn't use the original model files as a base, it would be very difficult to go after them for violating copyright, especially if it's meant as a parody. There's also some protection as a transformational work. But as others have noted, fighting this type of thing in court costs money so most sites hosting models don't want to risk getting into a legal battle, even one they'd probably win.
I do believe hardware stores actually sell grippy feet stickers you could probably use
Mathematical abbreviations. STL saves a curve as many points. STEP saves a curve between two points. You get the gist.

That be less fun, though.
Could you re-introduce the fun if you included insets in the print perfectly shaped to fit a specific grippy feet sticker you bought
Ive finally got a printer and got my modeling program working so ive been spending some time getting used to the prgram again by making an over engineered spool holder. Ill admit 2 of the parts were from a file online but those I edited heavily.
I only made this spool holder as practice but it was a lot of fun.
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let me tell you anon, the cheap spool holder that consists of a undersized rod are like that with purpose. The last thing you want is the roll unwinding itself, so turning should have resistance. The primitive designs achieve this simply with gravity
looking at 4yr old reddit posts about printing fast and people saying to print at 70mm/s really makes you think
terrible design, it's not a train car and the inside diameter isn't random.
he said it's for a pegboard
that doesn't change how physics works
Honestly, there is some resistance, i put some barings that spin the rods but it has enough friction to not be buttary smooth at least.

the weird coned holder rods is to keep it centered on the spool rod since tightening the ends would force the spool to get righter and center more.

I know its not the best design but this is just more for me to practice again.
>Why are 3MF files so much smaller than STL?
They use ZIP compression. The geometry is tweaked to make it always play nice for 3D printing, but it's otherwise the same sort of triangulated mesh as an STL.

>Do they end up with the same polygon count
If the export fidelity settings and triangulation algorithm are the same, yes.

>I've been exporting 3MF/STL/STEP when I upload stuff to Thingiverse/Printables, but I don't actually use any features of 3MF aside from the basic geometry of the model, so I don't know if I should just save myself an export step and not bother with 3MF.
3MF is a strict upgrade over STL, but fewer programs can work with it. 3MF can store slicer settings, so you can use it to pass along preferred settings for your item. If you're just using it for the geometry, the only (probably minor) benefits are file size and resistance to geometry problems (poorly-formed STLs can be a bother). STEP maintains formulaic geometry, so it can be preferable for derivative works and custom resolution outputs. There are unique benefits to all three, but you aren't obligated to share all three.

An example of my workflow using multiple file types: When I want to make something, I model the geometry I want, export it as an STL, slice that, and save the slicer project as a 3MF so that it's set up for later printing or modification if needed. I use the different file types to distinguish geometry files from printing projects.
A bit. Programs and workflows are almost entirely different. For consumer machines, the motion systems are generally similar enough that you should be able to figure out what's going on. But CNC routing has significant dust handling issues you should be aware of, and laser cutters have some extreme safety issues you should be aware of.
It was never in the public domain. The creators just didn't enforce the terms of the license. Benchy was recently bought by a different group, and the new owners want to enforce the terms.
If we're already elaborating on 3mf, it should be mentioned that it's use case is a complete menace. Great for everything in house, saving the exact slicer settings for your project on your machine.
However it mostly sucks for everything else.
Sharing is questionable, as your machine might be fine tuned differently tuned to other printers, nevermind a loose screw. Furthermore harmful code injections have been shown possible multiple times by now.
On the other hand, no proper shop will ever adopt it either as they've been sitting on step, a geometric far more precise file format, for more than two decades now.
And I highly doubt this status it quo will change before they get rid of stl.
Don't really care, just used it to test new filament. Someone else will come up with something, if someone wants the dumb boat file I'll give it to them.
Same shit with patents - prior art invalidates patents except it is ignored for a lot of patents which are upheld despite prior art - Pic related every man and his dog has thought of this
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>Someone else will come up with something
Apparently the meme is the "3D Boaty", a park bench that tests overhangs, bridging, adhesion, and ringing.
That "public domain" STEP Benchy was a derivative work by a third party. Making it public domain violates the terms of the Creative Commons license generally, not just the no-derivatives version used with the Benchy. You can only make your own works public domain, not derivatives of licensed content.
According to whom?
T-nuts for European I-type Groove 5 extrusions seem pretty much impossible to find on ali and amazon. Does anybody happen to have a lead on where i can find em cheaper than on Dold Mechatronik?
Bist du zurückgeblieben? Just enter T-nut into ali.
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>design a part and make test print in pla
>make some changes to design and export stl
>start printing out of asa
>2.5 hours into print realize you had to change infill and wall line count
>start printing another one next day because it takes almost 9 hours
>poor layer adhesion, pic rel
>forget about one more change
>don't save a design, it's lost because of power loss
So what to do with layers separating in asa? It was cracking even after print was finished.
Ender 3 pro
50% infill, nozzle 235, bed 90, speed 40mm/s, 30%fan. Around 35*c in enclosure.
>inb4 buy bamboo
I'm considering P1S. Will it print Pa-cf or similar material out of box with hardened nozzle and extruder?
And get the t-nuts keyed for the misumi standard with a 6mm slot that won't fit well with my 5mm slot profiles? Im not retarded, I just like doing things right.
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picrel is not mine but is it a good sign if the little spikes on the overhang are so strong that you cannot break them even if they are so thin and exploit the layer adhesion issue? Or is this normal for most filaments or something? I never tried that until now and i have something special.
If you can afford the time cost go even lower in speed and cooling? Or maybe blow hot air with a hairdryer every now in then to keep the air even hotter.

Also dunno about cf. Last time i looked at some tests it was a big meme that worsened performance. Yes warping will be less of an issue but what if your filament is weak as fuck?
Already rigged hairdryer and china special thermostat, maybe i won't burn my house down. I'll try lowering fan and print speed.

Carbon fiber is not necessary, but i need something more heat resistant. Also i'm not 100% set on nylon, but if I'm going to invest in new printer I want something that will print more "high end" materials with not much work.
What do you even need such a material for? From your image it looks like some sort of LED mount? Yes those get hot but there are high temp filaments that do not need extreme temperatures to be printed.
What are other options? Me wanting nylon was based on what i see in cars, it's used in a lot of parts, especially inside engine bay.
Yes it's an adapter for led light and they don't get that hot, so asa should be enough.
>Yes it's an adapter for led light and they don't get that hot
I meant more like can get hot. Some need water cooling and even passively cooled ones could be able to weaken PLA if mounted improperly.

As for filaments there are the HT/HighTemperature variants of common plastics like pla and the like. I am also trying out allPHA soon, tomorrow or at the end of the week, that should handle 120°C but are you sure you need to handle such temps in the first place? Unless its mounted directly to the engine no part should get hot enough for simple thermoplastics to melt(maybe black pla in direct sun). Also isn't nylon used most often where friction is expected or something?
Im sure there are other high temp filaments but i print mostly with PLA so i don't have much knowledge about other filaments.
>35*c in enclosure.
ASA really likes to be in the 40s in my experience or else it warps to shit, but your layer separation issues might be from the fan, I will print with 0% fan except for my ventilation fan on the lowest acceptable setting for odor
>I'm considering P1S. Will it print Pa-cf or similar material out of box with hardened nozzle and extruder?
Internet people.
>50% infill
Unlikely to be optimal. If you don't need a part printed solid, you're almost always better off with more perimeters and top/bottom layers than equivalent plastic in infill. Infill can help with certain loading configurations (e.g. point loads, high shear, compression in large parts with a lot of infill), but enough to easily support the top layers is generally good enough. Higher infill distorts more, generally.

>nozzle 235
Cool for ASA. Try 250+ unless you've already dialed in temps for that specific filament.

A bit high, but not far out on its own. How low can your print fan reliably run?

>Around 35*c in enclosure.
Cool for ASA.

Something you might try is to use a larger nozzle. The bigger layers should bond more strongly and distort less.

>Will it print Pa-cf or similar material out of box with hardened nozzle and extruder?
Probably, depending on specific formulations. May be marginal. But nylon is generally for high-impact situations. If you just need strength and heat resistance, HTPLA (e.g. FormFutura's Volcano PLA) or carbon fiber polycarbonate would be easier to print. Prusa PCCF, for example, can be printed without an enclosure, and only distorts slightly more than PLA (less than PETG).

>Also isn't nylon used most often where friction is expected or something?
Glass reinforced nylon has good mechanical and thermal properties, and is easy to injection-mold. It's widely used in rugged applications.
3dcults boyo
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brb, gonna kms
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I just got a newer printer and currently I have a buddy of mine thats going to buy me a spool of PETG to print some stuff for him so he can use for airsoft (a speed loader adapter apparently) .
I told him i dont mind but im wondering if its reccomended if I use an enclosure for my printer. I got a bambu A1 if that means anything so it dosent come with an enclosure so id have to make my own. I know an enclosure is always reccomended for printing but i just want to know if its mandatory for the PETG?
petg can print without one, but like most things an enclosure helps, you just want to watch for moisture in PETG.
open air PETG is fine, wait until you have problems before finding solutions, eh?

that said the only thing I've noticed with PETG is black is stringy af and the same brand bought at the same time in white is not.
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I don't get the insistence on nylon at all. If you actually need it once a blue moon, why not order it SLS/MJF printed? These days it's cheap and will run leaps around your FDM parts in every category. Prototype in easy mode PLA, no need to worry about keeping your nylon spool dry.

Dry your PETG.

As above, in my experience it's more important to keep your PETG dry than having an enclosure.
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Light housing gets to about 50*c in room temperature, but it will be mounted in enclosure with few holes for ventilation. So for that application asa will be sufficient. As i said>>2889141
>if I'm going to invest in new printer I want something that will print more "high end" materials with not much work.
It's for future projects, don't need it for that adapter.
Thanks for input. Nozzle temp might be an issue due to stock ender extruder. I'll try to print it over the weekend in my advanced heated chamber.
>I don't get the insistence on nylon at all.
But I'm not insistent on nylon. Also I like to make my own things if possible and I'm aware that's not always cost efficient.
Now this is what I call a pro gamer move.
Will someone fucking bake so I can see my print in the mosaic

cool now show me the new printers
We're 8/10. Calm down, newfren.
>There are unique benefits to all three, but you aren't obligated to share all three.
Is slicer compatibility the only benefit to STL? Some quick Googling says that a few of the resin slicers don't support 3MF, but if I don't care about that, is there any reason to bother with STL? Google says Cura/Simplify/Slic3r/Prusa/Bambu/Orca all support 3MF, and I'm not aware of any other noteworthy ones.
Does any of that matter if we're just talking about 3MFs exported straight from Fusion though? I don't have any settings setup for it other than what unit it measures in.
Probably a stupid question but I seem to be getting mixed messages from my searches, do you have to dry PETG before you use it if it's a brand new roll, or are you good to use it out of the box?
Was looking to upgrade from tinkercad and now they have seriously upgraded the sketch tool.
reeeeeeeeeeee why is this not /tv/
The real answer is:
Crank bed temp to 65 and see what happens.
It oughta be less stringy.
theoretically a new roll should be dry. in reality it might not be. out of principle i dry stuff before use. just saves time.
i normally toss the new roll into a ziplock bag with some desiccant and a hygrometer, if its below 30% ill print it as is, anything above that and ill do a full dry cycle and avoid that brand in future, i once got a roll of PETG that i swear you could see condensation on the inside of the bag, it was at 80% humidity after a week in the drying ziplock, never buying monoprice filament again.
If im not mistaken, when they draw the line during the manufacturing process the line is pulled through a water bath to cool it. I think this is industry standard across most all filament types. The filament is then spooled up and tossed in a vacuum bag with some desiccant. It should draw out most of the moisture, but like you said, better to just dry anyways. You probably already know this, but just wanted to piggyback on your post for that anon.

Does anyone know what the better filaments to use for outdoor applications are? Standard hot and cold climates, durable, and ease of printing. I don't think PLA is going to cut it this time.
Welp, my next machine won't be a Bambu then. I've got an A1 and I've been praising it but unless there's a workaround for this I'm gonna give it to a family member or something.
The one time I put my trust in a Chinese company expecting them not to fuck up and they do this, real shame.
just dont upgrade the firmware?
It's a shitpost, newfren.

Not really. My point is just you shouldn't uase it as this big share format as its being pushed by makerworld and printables. If you wanna share, just use step.
Im baking. Waiting for timer... Give me 15 mins. Thanks.
black ABS. UV resistance is a big problem outdoors. ABS is not very fun to print but it is resilient.
clean your fucking buildplate, jesus christ anon
>clean your fucking buildplate
LJust throw it away and buy another one. Believe me, I went through the process before and I can tell you it's much better to just buy a new Bambu. I don't even want to know how to clean the plate, that's beneath me, and it should be beneath you too. I'm trying to save you from wasting your time with this stupid maintenance shit, you should thank me instead of suggesting people to be a nerd loser. Last time Bambu customer service told me to try cleaning the plate because parts weren't sticking I told them that I will negatively review all their printers on my youtube channel until they make one that cleans itself.
Told you people like three hours ago i was baking bread. This is stale. Fresh bread >>2889626
sorry to hear about your mom.
Link it next time you lazy fuck.
Moron >>2889511

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