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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps and is now on page nine: >>2883965
If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
> Some friendly suggestions for posting:
> - First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
> - List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
> - Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
> - Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
> - Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!
I'd like to put a metal fence post into concrete to hang a gate off of. Gate is for a 6 foot fence. The old pressure treated 4x4 finally rotted away. I want to replace it once and not have to do it again. What kind of post should I use? Where can I get it? Every time I search for a product it is either fucking expensive as hell ($100+) or not available where I live.
I plan on sodablasting my dining room table. Ive never sand blasted anything. Is 5-10 lbs per sq ft an accurate amount to purchase? I dont want to end up with 50 lbs of extra baking soda.
I've got a couple of dimmer switches that are failing, they're the kind where you push them in and they click to turn on or off, then you twist them to adjust the brightness, they're occasionally not clicking when pressed, I've tried taking off the knob and pressing them in by hand and it's still not going, is there anything that can be done to fix this, or do they just need replacing? They're only about 7 years old.
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I got a flatpack flip-up bed but the hydraulic springs don't work, if I attach them to the bolt the instructions say to attach them to, the bed doesn't close (with them not attached I can open and close it, but ofc it doesn't stay open). No amount of force seems able to collapse the springs. Am I meant to do anything to them for them to start working or are they duds? Seems sus that both would be broken but there we go.
Looking for Youtube channels in german, preferably with English and German subtitles. There are a few for people learning the language, but it's all pretty boring stuff, some guy doing projects would make it more interesting.
I'll try to follow some videos with auto generated captions but my vocabulary is pretty weak.
There is sometimes a set screw at the thick end to adjust the damping, if it’s all the way in it won’t move.
How big is it and are you stripping paint or just cleaning it? Think in terms of 0.5-1lbs per minute of blasting with a household compressor up to 3 with an industrial big boy
Stripping the stain, its about 5 feet by 2 feet. Ive read multiple times that baking soda isnt the best, to use fine glass but then im on youtube and everyone is using baking soda and it looks like it works great. Im using a four gallon compressor with a chink ass sand blaster off of amazon. So around 45 lbs for the table, legs three chairs and a bench? Fuck it, if I end up with extra ill just use it for another piece of furniture. thanks for the refinement
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If I put my whole ass laser cutter setup fully outside with just the cords coming inside and run my job within 10 feet but inside my office, how likely is it I'm going to incapacitate myself with chlorine gas? I live alone. (Obviously)
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I have a GE washer that was unbalanced and violently shaking.
I just replaced all 4 shocks. It made no difference.
I was told there is a balance weight that might have shifted, but I dont see it. all youtube balance vid only cover the shocks and nothing else.
what else could this be?
Fellas, in 2025 I want to get into electronics as a hobby. For this I need a soldering iron. I want to spend $200 or less.
What are the best options for that price point?
I was shilled picrel. The yellow and blue thing in back.

The only things that get widely recommended are the Hakko 888, or one of the Chinese TS-100s or whatever pen style that require an outside power supply, or if you Yihua if you want a Hakko/Weller clone for <$50 or want a hot air gun combo unit for cheap.

The Hakko is the one everybody has on their workbench when you start watching youtube vids
My wife likes a buying uranium glass. This is inside the cupboard.
Should I worry?
Is it above normal background outside of the cabinet?

Might be good to keep them in their own cabinet

Google it. See if it's alpha or beta particle. If it was gamma they probably wouldn't let it be resold.
>Should I worry?
Not unless you spend most of the day with the glass pressed against your body or you start chipping pieces off and eating them
>What kind of post should I use?
I wouldn't waste money trying to fix, just replace.
Have you checked that all the feet on the machine are level?
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I have tried Google for this and I'm not sure it understands my question so I hope I can find better answers here:

I have a fake stone bench top, pic related, it's man made polished something, and it has this stain on it from defrosting some food on it out of the freezer (my best guess, could be from a wooden chopping board but I don't really know)
Does anyone know what causes this fading and any idea how to fix it?

Google said lemon juice, which did nothing.
I don't even know what causes it, welcome any input as I know there are a couple of stone guys here.
saurkrauts YouTube, it's about cars
Bent spider arm in the rear of the drum, or the bearing is kaput
>it has this stain on it
>Google said lemon juice, which did nothing.
The 'stain' looks more like a bleached area than a stained area.
Lemon juice would just make it lighter.
You may have to clean/lighten the rest of the top to get near a match in color.
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Anyone got any tips on repairing broken screw posts in old electronics?

Bought a gameboy which looked like it only needed vertical striping fixed (which should be an easy enough bit of resoldering) but it turns out that two screws were missing and two screw posts were broken (one cracked, another completely gone). Another one seems on the verge of cracking as well.

is remodeling the posts with epoxy putty the way to go here?
epoxy might be too brittle.
you could maybe glue it back on with hobby cement/plastic model glue

yeah it does look bleached which is weird because I don't have any chemicals except mild detergent. I'll Google how to bleach the counter and see if I can come up with something. I'm out of other ideas
The beam that runs underneath my bed is half taken off. It's the center one that runs along all of the other beams. I can't put it back on. Is it good enough that it won't break?
Superglue + baking soda
Anyone know what sort of glue or epoxy you would use if you were going to make your own custom sanding pad? I'm planning on embedding the grit in the glue.
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How do I best fully remove the paint from my shutters?
Tried pic related with my oscillating Multitool and yeah, well. Bought an expensive one, but that was too thick to fit into.
So I got me a 40 grit carbide finger and that works but it always catches on it’s corners so the result looks like shit and I can’t really get rid of the scratches I cause with the 100 grit finger I got for the finish (it also causes new scratches) without removing too much wood.
Would a wire brush wheel for my drill or angle grinder be the right tool for that job?
Sand blasting probably would work, ( >>2891324 ) but a setup that won’t give me lung cancer and won’t dust up my workshop forever seems hard to get for diy purposes.
Chemical stripping i also want to avoid. I’d need to dispose of hundreds of liters of paint stripper (need to do the shutters for the whole house) plus I’m not terribly keen on the fumes. Painting them afterwards is bad enough already.
Hard to find good channels that aren’t total insufferable influencer slop. I’m not watching projects, but I gotta admit i occasionally watch some stupid stuff for entertainment purposes that I can pretend are also learning something. For this bauforum24 and gotools are OK, their reviews and factory tours (the latter is especially neat at bauforum24) are quite good. Just keep in mind, gotools is a shop, so their reviews aren’t exactly neutral, but for seeing some device in action, that’s good enough.
Thanks anons. I'll see how much sticks.
What's the best way to check for lead Paint in and old home?

Follow up question: How mucho would I regret moving into and OLD home (older than Columbus bumping into the americas) which has had debatable care put into It?
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There's lead test swabs.
It doesn't wobble.
I'll check level
I couldn't get the agitator off, but the drum spins smoothly, no wobble.

The only Error code says out of balance.
I've got some soft ass 2x4 wood I want to secure with some M2.5 screws to a flat plastic bracket. It's not super high load, but I don't really want it going anywhere or pulling out. The smallest wood inserts I can find are about M4 or so.
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Ignoring the black mould (this socket has been hidden away for years behind a tumble dryer)

Just had a plug burn out, is the damage to the socket superficial enough that I just need to replace the plug and not the socket as well?
What kind of store sells thick walled tubes, preferably plastic, with ~5mm ID and ~8mm OD (3/16” and 5/16”).

Metal is okay if someone can tell me how to cut metal tubes in short accurate lengths easily, I need about 16 pieces 25mm long
>can I ignore this obvious electrical fault
No. Get it checked by a sparkie.
Cool, thanks for confirming
So I fucked up and used my nice welding gloves for deep frying a turkey, and now they reek like rancid oil. Is there any way to remove the smell/clean them or do I have to drop another $40 on welding gloves?
>put gloves in washing machine
>add detergent
>wash gloves
>take them out and dry them
Let me know if that's too complicated and I'll try and break it down for you.
They're leather and shrink and get hard if I do that, I've tried in the past.
Use cold water and let them air dry in the shade. I know it's different leather but my riding gloves have been saturated many times and they don't go stiff.
wtf are you buying?
steiner 0215 mig gloves are $25
tillman 1464 are sub $20 and all i wear unless im burning dual shield @350a or airarcing

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