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>>2871887 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
File: anchor.png (2.61 MB, 1344x1728)
2.61 MB
2.61 MB PNG
Request Anchor
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3.9 MB
3.9 MB JPG
Previous thread highlights (I encourage previous baker to still make their own highlights)
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912 KB PNG
I'm gonna live with this shame for at least 2 weeks min now.
>Accidental slime girl


Oh shit, I made it in. Nice
Very aesthetic paladin in the top left
shame of what?
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3.89 MB JPG
I thought that was Lux.
Do we have a theme to fall back on? Need a source of inspiration
File: file.png (107 KB, 1622x516)
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107 KB PNG
What would you prompt to get a view where the under boob obscures most of the face except for the eyes?
File: highlights 3.jpg (3.15 MB, 5310x3948)
3.15 MB
3.15 MB JPG
You have a few options:


Interesting. Will pick this back up later
File: highlights4.jpg (2.73 MB, 5310x3948)
2.73 MB
2.73 MB JPG
last one cuz i'm outta time
Can I have this image except Candace of Genshin Impact?
>breasts, breast focus, face obscured by breasts, covered face, close-up, ((from below)), ((partially obscured)), solo focus, lap pillow
while making sure not to many too many things about the face (like if you must specify eye color, do so like [[[brown eyes]]]).
I would experiment with this more but I'm finding it incredibly difficult to resist nutting to these.
File: Nokia.jpg.jpg (894 KB, 2000x2886)
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894 KB JPG
Kindly requesting anything with mai waifu Nokia
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1.55 MB PNG
Thanks, I'll give them a try.
File: LongBridgeIA.png (2.25 MB, 1920x1080)
2.25 MB
2.25 MB PNG
>(I encourage previous baker to still make their own highlights)
Previous thread baker finally back here. You sure about that? You did a nice job save, if you don't mind the criticism, for a few void spots here and there.

>while testing and refining my new style
Looking forward to that.
File: JeanFaymas(Jets)&Mecha_e.png (2.43 MB, 1600x1200)
2.43 MB
2.43 MB PNG
Nice re-take on the Origami images.

Have only seen that done in /vtai/ so here is hoping for more.
This is honestly way better than porn for me, I want to get on this level.
File: 00020-3055563486.png (2.39 MB, 1824x1248)
2.39 MB
2.39 MB PNG
Do you need a lora for these or just prompt? Couldn't get pony to do metal instead of skin, might have to try a different checkpoint altogether. I want to do something like this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110159617 with the power plugs instead of nipples.
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2.4 MB
2.4 MB PNG
OC version, I guess.
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1.63 MB
1.63 MB PNG
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1.3 MB
1.3 MB PNG
File: 00031-455250813.png (2.94 MB, 1248x1824)
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2.94 MB PNG
Requesting more armor girls. Style and armor kind is irrelevant, just make it sexy.
File: ComfyUI_temp_jocry_00002_.png (3.71 MB, 2048x2048)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB PNG
I will definitely make some later. For now have this really old 1.5 image I couldn't upscale back then.
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2.37 MB
2.37 MB PNG
File: Maya Mahabala.png (3.03 MB, 2250x3573)
3.03 MB
3.03 MB PNG
Requesting Maya Mahabala (DQ4) belly dancing topless.
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2.56 MB
2.56 MB PNG
Mecha armor is also good.
File: file.png (888 KB, 1325x743)
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888 KB PNG
>essence of childhood
Claude is soooooo based...
gotta say armor girls seems a lot more appealing
loli knights
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3.54 MB
3.54 MB PNG
File: bath-FAZZ_(Edit).png (2.28 MB, 1920x1080)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB PNG
Please give it a shot(s?) at this through the AI.
>Candace of Genshin Impact
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1023 KB PNG

I know I prompted for cowgirl at a ranch, but you can ignore the horse
/vtai did mention that there is a lora for those
File: 00003-1194420170.png (1.79 MB, 800x1169)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB PNG
I can't just ignore the horse, she's beautiful... The horse I mean. The girl is nice too.
File: 02025.jpg (3.52 MB, 4800x5120)
3.52 MB
3.52 MB JPG
I made the first one without resizing at all, probably what created that huge gap. I will resize the gens in the future to give everyone more even spotlight, if I were to do the highlights again.
That was a gen made before putting anything into img2img. They turned out quite nice.
These are all good ideas
handles for easy lifting...
File: IAAI_a.png (1.7 MB, 1024x1536)
1.7 MB
1.7 MB PNG
>I will resize the gens in the future to give everyone more even spotlight
Happened to me as well in that I did not resize anything on that first set of Highlights. Still try not to do it too much though. Nice hair on that pic by the way. The girl is cute too.
/hdg/ is kil
style police didn't like the OP image probably, same as the last one
then the image can be deleted without affecting the rest of the thread, it happened in the past, this is different
they wouldn't be wrong for deleting an /aco/ image like that was but nuking the whole thread is too much
they deleted all the diffusion threads, this is something more malicious
Like I said I would, here's the link: https://rentry.org/install-a1111-on-fedora
They started deleting ai pics in other threads recently.
Are they finally going to make a dedicated AI board? Literally the simplest solution
I really hope not, it will be a terrible cesspit
Nah, v still has the dalle thread and that would be the first to go.
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2.44 MB PNG
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2.34 MB PNG
Thatnks for the heads up. Back again.
This is what worries me.
Requesting either Mai Valentine, C.C. or Mikasa Ackerman skinny dipping on a lake at twilight/night
I'd fuck the horse.
I love these kind of backgrounds. Heavy nature, wading in water. There's nothing more beautiful for a background piece
>first time posting in /e/
>get put in the highlights
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2.04 MB PNG
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2.09 MB
2.09 MB PNG
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1.85 MB
1.85 MB PNG
probably hundreds, black bunny has been in my regular character rotation for a while
File: Dehya.png (3.06 MB, 1536x2304)
3.06 MB
3.06 MB PNG
Requesting Dehya's bra removed.
File: copement.jpg (3.11 MB, 2048x2048)
3.11 MB
3.11 MB JPG
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1.26 MB
1.26 MB PNG
It's AI though. Can't you just generate a new one without the bra?
I see the vision and I like it
Thats what I think whenever the guy posts those. I think this is part of the kink
>maid dragon
>never genned her being an actual maid
need to fix that
Never genned her being an actual dragon either, just a moeblob with antlers
>moeblob with antlers
I mean that's all she is and I love her for that
File: ComfyUI_00090_.jpg (1.34 MB, 1792x2304)
1.34 MB
1.34 MB JPG
Bring out your elf girls of all shapes, sizes and colors.
She's a cute moeblob
Requesting my elf waifu with ancle length orange hair, pink eyes, naked sitting on a rock overlooking a lake at night with one leg up and one leg down under twin moons, one yellow and one silver.
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3.04 MB
3.04 MB PNG
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2.23 MB
2.23 MB PNG
Sleeping girls.
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2.52 MB
2.52 MB PNG
Say no more.
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3.72 MB
3.72 MB PNG
Why not both?

very cute knife-ear
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997 KB PNG
We're so back
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1.31 MB
1.31 MB JPG
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379 KB JPG
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421 KB JPG
>elf girls
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2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
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2.35 MB
2.35 MB PNG
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1.65 MB
1.65 MB PNG
Great moth girl. I like the forehead marking and black eyes too.

Thanks. If I get it working I'll start playing with XL to makes some great gens. I'm pushing SD1.5 to the limit at the moment but doing so on weak hardware makes it too annoying to upsize any images due to how long it takes (1 hour to double an images size through tile diffusion) and it could just run out of memory half way through.

Very nice style and tits. The hair really stands out too. Is that a combo of Hyocorou, Karasu-chan and Masamune Shirow?

Advanced art right here.
File: ComfyUI_00094_.jpg (1.52 MB, 1792x2304)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB JPG
will we ever get a SD that's good with weapons?

nice tit
I wanna lick that tiddy
File: catbox_ucco4k.png (3.81 MB, 1536x2688)
3.81 MB
3.81 MB PNG
Forgor to mention that is the new local style which is really walmart version of one of my NAI styles

amazing, again not even 200 images posted, fuck jannies
File: 00104.png (2.22 MB, 1344x1728)
2.22 MB
2.22 MB PNG
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3.32 MB
3.32 MB PNG
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1.31 MB
1.31 MB PNG
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2.67 MB
2.67 MB JPG
sleeping choco cutie
Nice touch on the pubic hair. Tasteful.
and previous threads were gone from the catalog too. really fucking malicious
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1.05 MB PNG
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908 KB PNG
Anyone else into a loop of genning the same concept with minimal tweaks?
oh shit that's nice
Does it honk when you thrust in?
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2.54 MB PNG
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291 KB JPG
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348 KB JPG
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2.62 MB PNG
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2.25 MB
2.25 MB PNG
>elf waifu with ankle length orange hair, pink eyes, naked sitting on a rock overlooking a lake at night with one leg up and one leg down under twin moons, one yellow and one silver
>elf girls of all colors
>loli knights
partially submerged
metal skin
armor girls
>with Dehya's bra removed
File: 00024-699727868.png (2.28 MB, 1160x1696)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB PNG
Okay friend, that's my elf waifu WITH FUCKING UPGRADES. Dude, that is badass!
File: 00051-2001897262.png (3.5 MB, 1248x1824)
3.5 MB
3.5 MB PNG
Nice. We making Cyber elves, then.
File: wtf.webm (462 KB, 1024x1024)
462 KB
I think they temporarily removed the censorship holy fuck
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997 KB PNG
File: 00001-1353611747.png (665 KB, 768x1200)
665 KB
665 KB PNG
Fucking bullseye on this one, anon, esp the art style screams classic mecha anime, love it.
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1.17 MB
1.17 MB PNG
File: 00015-2186669937.jpg (323 KB, 1664x2432)
323 KB
323 KB JPG
Thanks, anon. Here's box if you're interested:
File: 00034-3381983367.png (1.05 MB, 784x1224)
1.05 MB
1.05 MB PNG
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1010 KB
1010 KB PNG
Robo-waifu to the rescue!
Zelda is so cuteeee
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2.44 MB
2.44 MB PNG
seems filter started working again, fuck
last thing I got
appreciate it
We need more alternate sclera
File: 00000-3491054304.png (2.73 MB, 1160x1696)
2.73 MB
2.73 MB PNG
fucking knife ears, Ill take care of them!
tried upscaling picrel with pony

not too bad but I prefer the original
workable with some inpaint and if I inpainted the upscale and found even better lora artist combo it could've been bretty gud but I've little patience for it with how slow my gpu is on pony with loras

so glad that at least colored sclera just works on pony
dealing with eyes on 1.5 is a pain
We are getting too greedy, not long ago the mere idea of AI art at a click of distance already sounded like magic even when it got you three arms.

And look us now, complaining about backgrounds not being cool enough or weapons not being accurate enough.

Of course I also want them to improve as well, not only that, ai opened so much staff that now Im getting more and more greedy and already wondering when we will able to draw our own doujinshis
File: 00000-1787020114.jpg (2.55 MB, 1792x2304)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB JPG
I'm glad too - I have a few ideas I need to revisit
File: catbox_fetj7t.jpg (1.62 MB, 2496x3648)
1.62 MB
1.62 MB JPG
love this
sir, unless that ghost hand is actually psyonically created by Velma, that's an /h/ image..
thanks for the heads up
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2.61 MB
2.61 MB JPG
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3.11 MB
3.11 MB PNG
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2.12 MB
2.12 MB PNG
File: 00019-447290605.png (2.62 MB, 1248x1824)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB PNG
Please just dump endless feets kthxbai
File: Alice G10 Final.png (2.4 MB, 1608x2424)
2.4 MB
2.4 MB PNG
File: Chase G8 Final.png (3.3 MB, 1600x2424)
3.3 MB
3.3 MB PNG
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2.5 MB
2.5 MB PNG
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3.71 MB
3.71 MB PNG
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1.4 MB
1.4 MB PNG
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490 KB JPG
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1.33 MB PNG
I'm getting lost in the sauce of all these 3 letter style prompts.
It reads like nonsense, and takes a folder chock full of things to combine, but it works.
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1.28 MB
1.28 MB PNG
>I'm pushing SD1.5 to the limit at the moment but doing so on weak hardware makes it too annoying
You need at least 12GB VRAM to comfortably run SDXL locally. You can do so on less but you'll likely OoM after two gens. Absolute minimum is 4GB, and that makes it dinosaur-tier slow.
What do you mean?
Can confirm, I have 4GB of vRAM and running SDXL on forge. It takes like 2 - 3 mins per gen which is notable slower than than SD 1.5
File: potato chips.png (973 KB, 832x1216)
973 KB
973 KB PNG
I dunno. I'm getting an image every 15 seconds with Pony Turbo and 8 gigs of VRAM for an 832x1216 image
It was slower in Auto1111, but ComfyUI has fixed that issue.
>Pony Turbo
File: 3 letters.png (373 KB, 460x722)
373 KB
373 KB PNG
I hope this is an acceptable way to show off the concept here
(startwiththisone) is 18 seconds
Autism is also giving me 15
Maybe I'm just missing something
1girl basedpointing at a naked girl showering
>boob overspill
File: file.png (917 KB, 1080x1080)
917 KB
917 KB PNG
eh, I mean my point was to run it comfortably, not that it didn't run on lower vram. The information I have is that older versions of A1111 would crap out after two gens, with the only workaround to lower the quality settings or use forge. I can only assume that with less vram it would OoM earlier. But on the newer A1111 versions it doesn't OoM (as frequently). If it's improved to the point that a 8GB card can run multiple gens without OoM, that's great, but not what I would call comfortable if it's only a bee's dick away from crashing. Like, say if you wanted to have a refiner model loaded in, or do some tagging while waiting for your gen, maybe those things are more difficult on 8GB compared to 12GB.

On my 4GB card, it required the lowvram flag, and that was the slow version.
Oh, yeah, that's totally fair.
I was thinking mostly to the base level generation to get stuff to work with before going AFK.
It's doable, but you're right, not the most comfortable.
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2.88 MB
2.88 MB PNG
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161 KB
161 KB JPG
Prison School
I have no idea what I'm looking at
I forgot I got a LoRA of it but haven't tried it
Why are you like this?
Based. Thank you.
File: ugu.png (1.21 MB, 1024x1024)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
Negatives are at the bottom, and those two typically pump out low quality 3dcg when used as a positive.
If you test with certain 3 letter strings in the positive by themselves with a single other tag like "1girl," you'll notice they tend to stick to a specific appearance.

For example, I just learned that I always want "wzu" as a negative for pony, because that positive is not okay.
>try out "wzu" as positive
>computer starts producing mustard gas
welp, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat (or dog in this case)
How do you even know what wzu is?
I checked the pony secret tag spreadsheet and it's not there.
File: uhr.png (1.12 MB, 1024x1024)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB PNG
Yeah, the model picked up some weird stuff in training aside from the long score string
File: zke.png (1.01 MB, 1024x1024)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB PNG
A page I bookmarked from here a long time ago was updated to mention 3 letter strings doing certain things.

IDK what the fuck is below U yet, and idk if I wanna find out. But it's also interesting as hell.
Most really suck though, so it's a lot of wasted time.

Could prolly automate it and dig through later, or look at examples, but the discovery is kinda satisfying and allows me to test each combo to get a better idea.
Good to see some Nepgear. Double so given how the one who did this:
Refused to do some Nepgear.
Oh, my bad - it's the renty loras_n_stuff link - look under "Reverse Engineered Hashed Tokens"

It's all there if you wanna zoom through.
File: FieldLize.jpg (309 KB, 1152x1536)
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309 KB JPG
>walmart version of one of my NAI styles
Looks good to me. Have you Mad-Scientist that style on Lize yet?

Yeah. Really worrisome.

>tfw no MC to Quantum Compute with
File: armor angel.png (1.54 MB, 832x1216)
1.54 MB
1.54 MB PNG
File: Kari_DALEK.png (169 KB, 360x769)
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169 KB PNG
How about some Kari to get the Digimon hype going?
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1.32 MB PNG
File: seepy.png (1.4 MB, 1216x832)
1.4 MB
1.4 MB PNG
best cyber slut
Absolutely. Love this slut. Got any more of her cooking?
File: 00108-3382398909.png (1.98 MB, 1024x1536)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB PNG
>2-3 min on 4 VRAM
>15 sec on 8 VRAM

On A1111 I make 1000x1500 images in 10min on 6GB VRAM using Hi-res fix. On Forge it takes 10min to make a 1024x1024 with an XL model with no Hi-res fix. This all being done on a laptop. I'm assuming mine is so slow because I'm running A1111/Forge off an external HDD that's nearly full.
File: blueberries.png (1.29 MB, 832x1216)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
Maybe. I also realized that adding multiple lora does bog down my 8GB setup. I typically just do raw prompting or use one.
reweik doesn't reconigze her so I'll try and see how it goes with holodayo 2.1
File: 00131-1051051470.png (1.19 MB, 1216x832)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB PNG
Native pony/xl is like 6-8 to not oom. Mistoline control net is slightly too much for my 3080 10gb sometimes. That I have to start axing discord etc to have enough vram to stop it from offloading to cpu. Hirez 1.5 is maybe the highest I can/should go But I don't hirez is as big of a deal with xl resolutions compared to 1.5.

Make sure to check the cmd to see if you're oom. It takes a long time if you have to offload to cpu at all. You might have to turn programs off to reach vram to use it at just 6gb.

Also important every lora you use adds to the vram cost. It's a reason why 800mb loras suck and to prune your loras. As they can't be used at low vram. Also the same deal with controlnets like mistoline for me.
File: get feeted on, fucko.png (1.15 MB, 832x1216)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB PNG
I'm not them, but
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2.24 MB
2.24 MB PNG
more like picrel pls
Yeah, I think the phrase "nokia" is adding in some promotional material as background decoration, which I'm not entirely against.
File: LiminalJelly_e.png (2.14 MB, 1920x1280)
2.14 MB
2.14 MB PNG
>dat pic
Looks GREAT. Thank you.

>reweik doesn't reconigze her so I'll try and see how it goes with holodayo 2.1
Weird to heard that but Good Luck.
this one might be too spicy for e: https://files.catbox.moe/lmnfmm.png
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RTX 2060 still slowly rolling along
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cute elfs

close, the primary ingredients here are shirow, hyocorou and kezime.
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if you use artists that draw guns it helps, but even then its not reliable. Probably someone should make a guns lora.
Oh shit, more Marina please
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Thanks, found the image but even though he found the token, there's no explanation of what "wzu" is supposed to be and it doesn't show up in the other token lists that have explanations. Still a good resource for potential negatives I guess.
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that's all, I will stop spamming and go back to work
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I'd love to talk to the artist about how her life is supposed to work when she's lugging around this counterweight. Though it is a good excuse for giving her huge thighs.
RTX 2060 6GB laptop here using forge and pony, it takes me one minute for batch 2 (two images at the same time) to generate at 1024x1024, takes from 20 to 30 seconds for a single image, this is all with large prompts

I had everything including a lot of 1.5 on my external hdd but decided to move sdxl things onto ssd with a separate setup and it does seem to be faster, loads way faster for sure. the only annoying thing is that using loras will add loading time from 10 to 40 seconds before the image starts generating, how long it takes depends on a lora and how many of them I use at the same time

just did a batch 2 upscale of 1024x1024 to 2048x2048 with two loras, moving models took 24 seconds, generating took 3 minutes in total, 20 steps 0.5 denoise which got reduced down to 11 cause it's img2img
clearly she needs to grow her breasts out to act as a counter-counter balance
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Was trying to recreate https://civitai.com/images/12151838 with OlympusXL since it seemed to be pretty diverse in styles. And using all the same prompts and even PNG info sent txt2img, I got a slightly different look as you can see in pic related and I was wondering if I fucked something up or if the other person was using something I wasn't. The only difference in PNG info that I can see is. "Token merging ratio: 0.7, Token merging ratio hr: 0.7" and a couple of version differences here and there. Could that really make that big of a difference? Only reason I care is that the one that isn't mine has a nicer softer kind of look and completely different coloration.

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Man, holodayo is fucking dogshit, great colors but even using the author's settings it just fucks up everything else, very hard to get a nice gen with pure prompt, guess I'll start to gather a Lize dataset to train a lora
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Wow this is neat. Aesthetic is right up my alley too.
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henreader LoRA btw, under -h- folder:
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Okay now I see it. I was thinking the eyes and shading were a part of Karasu-chan. Karasu's eyes are a little sharper and narrow though.

Would you mind generating more Tomimi? Her fat thighs and tail give me hope.

So it being on my HDD is the reason it's so slow then. Thanks, I'll take my time moving all this stuff over. I can't wait to gen more high res images.
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And thus, the universe was saved
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any trick making small faries? I tried prompting big objects but it's not working
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I have yet to work on a Kari lora. I have it on my "to do" list.
"Minigirl" usually works
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Requesting more of Flannery and Usagi Tsukino naked together
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The reality is so much worse, she loses weight so she loses her thick thighs and tail.

I tried messing with it and yeah it feels shitty. Just been exprimenting with other models now since I'm starting to jones for something new, hadn't bothered with the confetti / dpo mixes from autism either and both those feel good too but kinda sterilize style loras. Reweik bleeds a lot or hates some loras and seems to be worse at sex stuff otherwise I think I could like it, just need cascade gods to save us.
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Amazing work!
>more Tomimi
Stuff happened, I can't gen anymore for...days probably. But I will not forget.
I thought it was more like they let another person make her 3D model for the event videos, and he wasn't into thighs.
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Literal in-game story event for her she was upset about how fat her tail was and went on a diet.

Well, I guess this is what AI is for after all.
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Any soft inpaiting settings you guys would recc? Getting blurry near the edges etc, surely there has to be better settings than pic rel
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luv edits anyways, even if inpainting gives me aids still
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forgot this one
holy based
cute stuff
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>soft inpainting local
when will we have the one perfect tool that actually listens and works correctly baka

>still stuck trying to get to Yayoi route since like 2020
my lack of tolerance for moege is a curse, but I might finish her route by 2028
>when will we have the one perfect tool that actually listens and works correctly baka
what did you actually want to do
Requesting Saeki Sayoko from the in no houteishiki hentai.

Both in her schoolteacher look

and her taimanin-esque look

Please make her really curvy, body type like sexy taimanin
maybe if cascade turns out good it'll be magically good at inpainting or they'll tra.. yeah I am coping
>my lack of tolerance for moege is a curse, but I might finish her route by 2028
not the biggest moege fan either but onikiss hit me different
maybe I'm just a closeted siscon
Just inpainting in general, local soft inpaint seems to leave ghosting/blur near the edges or fails at grasping surroundings/alters too much. NAI is lowres blurshit and struggles with some concepts/it's harder to bruteforce. Taking that image as example both were prompted with "medium breasts, small breasts", but NAI naturally prefers bigger due to mask not covering some pixel or some other crap.

Its not that im struggling with something in particular, its just annoying to be this close to perfection yet both tools/services sucking in different ways

I love imoutos but I only made major headway in it when I was depressed after KnS. I struggle to read or watch anything without a story since theres 0 merit to it - competes with just playing games.
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If I could go back in time I would have had her hands out of frame.
I love it! Thanks!
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Ok, now I think I got it right
just crop the pic?
My first thought as well, but it would ruin the composition.
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It's really just about your knowledge of the tools and willingness to go the extra mile. This pic could be fixed in like 10s in photoshop. It would also be better if I had a modern UI and could use soft inpainting.
There's also the inevitability that the tools become better and easier to use.
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Stuff with Sayo Hitsugi from Triage X fully naked.
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I must take matters into my own hands.
I made >>2874318 and I don't use soft inpainting at all. It's kind of a crutch to make up for people using non-inpainting models when inpainting. If you don't have an inpainting model, https://civitai.com/models/428241/ponydiffusionv6xl-inpainting

For the times that I do use soft inpainting (such as no inpainting model/lora available for that style), I've found the default settings to be the best out of the box.
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isn't cascade going to be better than pony? kinda out of the loop
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Any good adetailer tool to fix hands? Or another method to fix hands?
that model garbles up faces everytime I use it, so would rather not
cute face what artist/s is that?
to fix hands use this guide
basically you set to mask only in inpaint then set the resolution to 1536x1536 or 2048x2048 with .2 to .4 denoise
Mochirong. Thanks anon, I'll try that.
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We can't be sure if cascade is going to be better than pony yet, it's still training.
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not enough anime looking
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>holodayo is fucking dogshit
You got quite close still. Was expecting a more generic result a la pic related if you were trying to get IA instead.

> guess I'll start to gather a Lize dataset to train a lora
>You got quite close still.
I mean of course, it is a chuuba model after all, but the model doesn't follow my prompts no matter what settings I use, sure, It looks like her but I need way more flexibility than that, NAI didn't have this problems but of course, it's fucking NAI
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>but the model doesn't follow my prompts no matter what settings I use
Oh I get it now.
why not simply use a better model and use a lora?
She's horrified that her breasts started shrinking back down after bursting her clothes.
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less sequence more showcase but damn you're right

bigger booba version
it's supposed to be but it's not that, it's that no one cares that much about inpainting so the odds of them training an inpainting model are near zero, on top of that i've no idea how inpainting will even work on cascade considering it's supposed to have it's own ui, or you can just use comfy but inpainting on comfy is far from ideal if you're used to how it works on a1111/nai
basically i just want inpaint model like nai v3 locally

thats cute
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Comfy inpaint is not much different once you set up a proper workflow with maskDetailer, instead of the default.
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Why isn't pony in the OP?
Why can't you read?
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If anyone else is using ReweikPonyXL, what are your preferred sampler settings?
I'm usually running dpm++ 2m sde gpu with "exponential" scheduler at cfg 5.5 - 6 (as in >>2874435 ), but I have the feeling that's not always ideal.
This one is the same prompt/seed but with dpm++ sde / exponential / cfg 6.0 for example
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What did you prompt to get those lop ears?

Nice grain and background fading. Did you prompt that or add it in post?

Sexy ribs.
Euler A, Euler, DPM++ 2M Karras 5 to 9 cfg, depends on lora/style I'm using/going for, high cfg gens I usually upscale with lower cfg in img2img
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Settled on DPM++ 2M Karras 7 CFG and never adjust it. I dunno. Seemed to have favorable results vs time it took to gen in my limited and hardly scientific testing.
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Smart move the less things you change the better accuracy you can get to where you want. At least that's what I've noticed.
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I wonder if anyone actually uses all those weird samplers that are neither dpm or euler - or what the use-cases are for them.
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Based rib enjoyer.
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She'll do anything for a gold coin.
What am I supposed to add to my prompts to avoid big nigger asses?
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neg: dark_skinned_male
What upscalers are anons using?
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(huge lop ears, huge floppy ears), like a 50/50 on it.
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this is beautiful
there is just something special about thinking of these petite ancient egyptian girls walking around half naked
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/3j8054.png
Some anon on the /e/dit thread said we can post AI edit requests here?

Requesting removal of her bra and panties, please.

Link to full-sized version:
This is really good - I'm a sucker for good lips
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Every day my inpainting power grows. Managed to keep the texture pretty well but the DOF effect was hard to keep. enjoy.
These Digibitches give me life.
Excellent work, anon! Do you have a full-size version or was that the only one that looked good?

Either way, your work is appreciated.
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I don't think I inpainted that one. It came out pretty good so maybe I should clean it up some.
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I don't have enough power to inpaint it at full size. Image is fuck huge.
I can upscale what I made pretty easily. Lemme see.
I didn't notice the fake squiggle on the signature but I sure as shit notice it at this size lmao. kill that with photoshop if you want.
very tasty chun
Euler a, DPM++ variants seems to have severe quality degradation IN CERTAIN SCENARIOS, otherwise it's on par with Euler a.. Euler a is just as fast on my hardware so I leave it on that.
Thanks for the great effort. I'll play around with editing it some more later.
>that severe a downgrade in breast size
When doing nude inpaints, it's usually best to mask a larger area underneath your expected breast side, as the AI likes to add shading underneath by reducing their size.
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the picture on the blackboard fucking kills me
Dealers choice. If I were to cut her bra with scissors in the original pic, her tits would hang down to her belly. That grosses me out. I perkified her.
Also your inpaint lost her texture entirely and is incredibly jarring. Try starting over from the original pic as opposed to mine with the work done and asking nicely and I'll give you inpainting tips.
>If I were to cut her bra with scissors in the original pic, her tits would hang down to her belly. That grosses me out. I perkified her.
No you didn't, you just made them smaller than they're supposed to be. And no they wouldn't, they're not big enough to do that in the original. You just suck at inpainting.
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I did exactly what I intended to do you retarded faggot.
Open the fucking picture you made and look at how jarring it is where you fucked up her skin texture. You're nowhere near my level and now you never will be.
The first inpaint I did actually did retain the texture but I smoothed it over because I didn't like it, so we're both guilty of having preferences.

But I like that you proposed something that makes content.
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>it's not going to lick itself, ufufu
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You genuinely disgust me.
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Sorry anon, RL happened to me.
there's this one for animagine I use:
Even being non-pony and without loras it usually gives me better results, there's something wrong with the pony inpainting one.

Also supposedly you can use foocus patch to turn any model into an inpainting one. Haven't tried it.
do you use mask blur or soft inpainting? whenever I inpaint it looks really obvious that it was inpainted
the loras I use are pony trained so this one's outta the question.
Kind of a workaround was just to use pony one first and then fix the weird garbled up results it produces via normal pony and soft inpainting at low denoise
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too 3d
Still might be worth a try. It can match styles to some degree, like any inpainting model. And it has all the animagine innate styles, some 16K of them supposedly.
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glad u liked them
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tea ceremonies
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Join the crusade
>adds Heterochromia

I didn't think the ai would just improve the character design like this
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>Has her own demon stand coming out of a picture

Cute mesugaki. What is that hairstyle called?

Sexy Mimi and outfit. Especially since it's in theme with her Digimon.

Thanks, I'll make good use of it.
Has anyone found a game where they wanted to create a character based on their gens?

The closest thing I can think of is monster hunter
> Not generating portraits for your characters in all pathfinder games.
>What is that hairstyle called?
That's the character particular hairstyle, I doubt it has a name on its own, on boorus that character just get "high ponytail" as hair tags
If I was a betting men, I'd try to mess with both split ponytail and high ponytail and see what comes out unless you have the character lora
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The Dragon Maid lora makes character's heads/faces look very cute while giving them a lewd body.

Heterochromia looks great. I think people just avoid it because it was used so much in "original character donut steel" Deviantart stuff. Keeping it rare is probably for the best.

>Modern game character creators outside of eroge/a few MMOs
>No thigh slider, nothing beyond C-cups, no big or wide heads, hairstyles aren't unisex, can't make a loli, can't make a tall amazoness, can't make girls muscular or even slightly toned, no freckles, no pantyhose and if they do have them you can't see the panties you put on through the pantyhose. No panties or bra options in general. Can't make girls slightly chubby or stick thin. No option to have an option buttoned shirt or slightly opened to show off cleavage. Can't even mismatch legwear.

Modern character creators are too censored to allow me to make the girls I want.
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What did you just say to her, anon?
You will never be a waifu
The background blur was prompted - "blurry background". But also, the LoRA was trained on images that feature stylized, geometric backgrounds.
The grain was post. HSV Noise filter at a low value. I like to use it when I do anything in a retro style.
Wait I saw that you also linked the watercolor image. The prompt there was just "watercolor". But that one also used a Rumiko Takahashi LoRA and she is known for that fading effect.
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>Forehead pussy

That wasn't my seed in that condom, it was actually horse radish.

I forgot HSV Noise was a thing. I need to take advantage of that.

Rumiko does do hair like that all the time. I'm shocked that I didn't realize it was part of her style.

It does suck. Sometimes s a really good gen comes out and I want to actually use the design else where
> Your crush will never like you now
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How do I get my gens to look less like chicken-scratch slop?
>I'm putting you on the PlayerFF plan.
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I don't have access to soft inpainting but I would use it if I had it. The easiest way to inpaint others' pics is to download fooocus. My way takes two controlnets.

Here is baby's first inpainting guide if you haven't seen it and it will help a lot with inpainting your own pics where you can i2i it at the end.

BIG buns!
dunno what you mean by chicken scratch, the only thing that looks messed up here is her face, get the adetailer extension and use it if you want better faces
what the extension does is once the image generated it detects faces and inpaints them at resolution of your image (you can set other resolutions in the settings), making them look sharper and more detailed
Not him. I'm not a big fan of adetailer, but I WOULD recommend it to those who do gens in batches.
I don't do batches so I prefer to inpaint faces manually, since inpainting can sometimes introduce unwanted flaws (most common is eyelash flaws for anime style). I prefer to just manually reroll inpaints until it gets it just right.
yeah inpainting will always be superior as it offers you both more control and more choices, but I don't think everyone wants to bother with it even if face inpainting is simple as hell, that aside nothing stops you from inpainting the face additionally afterwards if you don't like the result of adetailer, unless you have a slow gpu
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Requesting this art of Rainbow Mika and Yamato Nadeshiko in a different style.
Keep the posing, attires, and expressions the same if possible.
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I copied the sampling method and upscale method from a catbox and it's looking cleaner now.
I used to use the waifus.nemusona website to do my gens, but it seems to have gone down. Probably permanently.
I installed a local gen but I've got an RTX 560, it's not compatible with anything so it gens off of my CPU which takes like 15 minutes per image.
Are there any consistent online generators that work properly like the one I was using before? Or alternatively a way to make it use my GPU properly?
I don't know about how that site worked but right now tensor.art and pixai are the most popular options I think, they both give you daily free credits to generate stuff
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>I don't know about how that site worked
You no hard limit on daily gens, the limitations being you had to make one at a time and you had to wait in que. After the initial rush, you'd easily get 2-5 gens a minute. And out of ~10 gens, you'd get 2-7 adequate ones.
It was extremely easy to use and just worked no questions asked. You couldn't mod it with loras or training, so you just got what you got.

>tensor.art and pixai are the most popular options I think, they both give you daily free credits to generate stuff
Okay I'll look into those thank you.
I tried this earlier with anytest and it kept fucking up their legs/feet. How did you go about it?
SDnext has 1 button setup even for AMD but idk what you'll be able to run with that VRAM.
As long as I can run it in batches it's fine if it is somewhat slow. 15 minutes per image that I'm getting now is just not workable, if it can make it in 2-5 it's alright, I can click the button and go do something while it gens a batch.
Alright I'll look at that thank you.
This is surprisingly close, but the only part I think is weird is the shoulders since part of the attire is messed up.

Another suggestion would be making the mouths a bit smaller.
The AI doesn't make mistakes, it has Happy Accidents
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elf milf
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Animeimagine checkpoint with ishikei in the prompt + taoqi lora. If you were wondering. Having a few issues with the gens and arms but other than that stuff is coming out pretty swell.

Just trying to figure out why the face adetailer is messing with the color/sharpening you can basically see the box around her face where it "fixed"
you need to inpaint by zones/tiles and match the image prompt ("from above", etc.)
use low denoising strength for areas it keeps fudging.
a dedicated inpainting model might be better at fine detail, but i'm not sure.
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cute neps
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Do you guys look up any female fashion to make outfits?

yeah. but it's also sort of pointless because it only understands few tags.
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Jello anons,
Bought a new rig today with a 4070 ti super and I need some suggestions on what resolution to render at and other settings that I can upgrade. I used to render at 512 x 768 on a 1070ti, but I don't know what I should be doing with the new capabilities. All I've done so far is remove the -medvram command and bump the resolution up to 768 x 1152
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Sorry, thought you guys might want to see something a touch sexier for /e/
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Nothing sexier than a bunch of cocks.
Depeds on what tech you're using. SDXL can handle larder images than 1.5. The power is big GPU is speed of rendering IMO. Try upscaling!
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I try to combine the known tags at high strength to create said outfits. Sometimes you get some unique outfits by doing so.

Resolution sizes are based on what the models are trained around. SD1.5 models are usually 512x512/768. XL/Pony models are 1024/1024. If you stray away from that too much you start having bizarre deformities. This is why you rely on hi-res fix or tiled diffusion to upscale your gens.
Can I get a box for that? You using Pony?
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Whoops wrong image.

Anyone know how to make it so adetailer doesn't do this oversaturating thing? I also have CFG rescaler and auto color fix on so maybe that's what's going on?
I just look up danbooru tags and if I want something specific then I find a character that already commonly wears that outfit and use their name, adjusting weight as needed.
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Sometimes pony really surprises the fuck out of me with how well it listens.Part of my prompt was (paint handprint on ass) and it actually listened.
It goes to show how much a good dataset can improve a model. Even if there aren't that many images of butts with painted handprints on them, if there's enough data of handprints in general, how paint behaves and how things wrap around butts it will be able to combine them in a convincing way.
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Nevermind I fixed it, and wow these are coming out nice, kinda wish I could make the image softer or not as sharp? But I think the style is nice.
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>downloads 5 GB of PC98 screenshots
wow i guess there's no reason to ever use txt2img.
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Why is this Miku so spooki by the way?
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It also helps that the images in pony's dataset included both natural-language captions and booru tags. None of the other people trying to train NSFW models have been able to duplicate that.
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Because I like spooky things. This isn't my prompt anyway, stole it from an Anon here.
Very squishy elf.
The lone muse.
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Could somebody remove her black bra and panties while also keeping the see-through shirt she has on?
>no, I will not let you peg me, not even if you offer a reacharound
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>Because I like spooky things.
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Much better.

Are you willing to accept other requests? Coz I wanna see an artstyle change for this Karin Kanzuki art.
gib link

stick to those resolutions, with your gpu it should be no problem to upscale images 2x, can be done with hiresfix or by sending the image to img2img
with a fast gpu inpainting should be fast so might as well learn some inpainting basics to sharpen up faces and fix hands and other things
The sharpness looks like overblown CFG to me.
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what the fuck happened here? these all dropped at the same time and there's like 30 more of them
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i'm sure whatever it is is that it's really dumb.
Civitai did just make a blogpost about their severe botting problem. It's probably 1 dude releasing the same lora cross multiple accounts to farm buzz.
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Anyway, I've published a new lora for Sona (because I don't like the shape of the dress Pony naturally gives to her), download here: https://mega.nz/folder/xr0i0BzZ#ydGQHA3dK06xLScH0mRnAA
If I make any more loras I'll upload them there too. I'm having some technical troubles with certain images though so it may be a while.
Civitai link: https://civitai.com/models/530273?modelVersionId=589259
I wish Civ fixed their broken rating system so the default image I made of Sona standing still while slightly smiling at the camera is used as the thumbnail instead of the wariza gyaru pic with "huge breasts" in its prompt.
cool gen anon
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This one’s okay-ish, but it makes them kinda Gyaru-esque.
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I got around to trying it out and after some messing around, it does work. It makes about one image per minute and works in the background without disrupting the rest of my programs, this is exactly what I wanted.
Thank you very much.
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Very nice concept. You have more?
Berry cute heavy bottom doll
>Doll joints
Subarashii. I like how her gloves have doll joints too making it look like she put on a new hand that's colored white because she can't actually wear gloves.
What is this style? Pretty nice, though the watermarks look burned it.
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The henriiku and fishine lora at 0.7, been running gambit on my wildcards refining and trying some stuff. And it's an easy fix just kinda lazy about it since it was something I should've got in the training set originally, is what it is though it's a simple clean but haven't bothered. Doesn't help I've been liking kohya hires fix more recently over just base into upscale pipeline I was using before.
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saw it posted sad panda.
mega /folder/ibgWUJYR#gothWyYCAf533myla3PUkA
sankyuu very based
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i spent too long on this
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annoyed ojousans are just too cute
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Oh yeah. I love the "what are you doing here?" expression
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note for >pic related: pussy juice, not cum
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Almost done wit the Highlights here.
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rescued from /hdg/
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My stuff coming out kinda blurry now. Been using Euler a to reduce the pixellated lines but not sure what's happening now.
Low denoise?
that looks like accidental latent upscale on low denoise
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New Thread:

You're welcome. Enjoy!
I can see her saying "Sensei,this will be a secret to everyone"

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