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File: LaNoche_-edg-.jpg (396 KB, 1843x1843)
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>>2873725 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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oof another round of bad highlights
bring back the other guy
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red bad
green good
no mark is indifferent
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Am I the only one around here wh
>indifferent to so much of the good stuff
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Requesting Dehya's bra removed.
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Please give it a shot(s?) at this through the AI.
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I wanna see an artstyle change for this Karin Kanzuki art.
Make sure she has the drill hair and the lingerie's like the original.
Eyes should also be orange.
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here it is cropped in-case the background gives you too much trouble.
Requesting more Digimon waifus.
Demon girls and succubi
anyone got a good resource for making BGs?
Okay, you gave my gens 2 good marks, 4 indifferent and 1 bad. Fair enough.
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Patrician taste
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I have to admit, these threads are more fun with a theme.
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Impressive wing detail on the back there.
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I like this one. The lighting is really cool
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Anyone found a reliable way to prompt males that are shorter than females but without going into shota?
Does tall female + size difference not work?
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Very nice. Anis from Nikke?

Almost looks like a demon Nagatoro.

I'm guessing giantess and size difference. You might be better off asking /d/ since they're more likely to make that.
Seldom does

Giantess is not a bad idea though. I'll try that.
Prompt a shota and then inpaint over him with masculine tags?
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Shit, posted the wrong one
Shut up and let me lick your three anuses.
Dunno I appreciate them but at the same time it's like if you highlight some 60 images, and half are done by the same 4 people force some variety since 3/4 don't even look good enough to be pinnacle thread quality examples.
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Requesting Saeki Sayoko from the in no houteishiki hentai.

Both in her schoolteacher look

and her taimanin-esque look

Please make her really curvy, body type like sexy taimanin
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Offer up a theme, I'm just going through recent hot pictures on danbooru for poses / outfits and just adding them to my wildcards. Directionless genn'ing feels bad since I usually test an artist lora or something but I haven't baked a lora in weeks now no artists I really want to do or haven't found any interesting new ones.
oh, I was just referring to the elves last thread and now the succubus/demon request.
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Demon girls you say
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I understand.
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Now the concern is not hurting people's feelings instead of encouraging people to make better gens.

Nice paizuri invitation. Catbox?
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I think we're pretty aggressive but fair for the most part in critiques. Also we're on >4chan so feelings etc y'know.

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I wanted to do cool poses with weapons but pony and thus reweik isn't helping
>just use controlnet
no, that's just img2img on steroids
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Guess I'll just accept my fate on 1girl standing hell
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I know I've been on this general prompt structure for a while now, but I'm still trying to find the right lora combo.
Wow, glad to know my gens made it in
Lets see ur shitty gens bitch.
Various girls from Umamusume (Your choice), in their normal outfits but with breasts exposed, in a line doing a Russian Squat Kick.
This is cute and sexy, catbox?
I mainly want to post this because of what it did to the watermark.
A bit too similar to the original in my opinion.
Here's an alternative.
The only successful way I've done this is with regional prompter, but even then it tends to get the scale off. SDXL isn't quite there in terms of relative object scaling.
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heil footler
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Hope you guys don't mind soldiers props
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Reminder to store them safely when not in use
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Mind? It can add to the setting.
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If anything, the only thing that feels out of place is the pantie.
try giving her a smile and a bit of lipstick.
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Girl wearing only panties is my personal favorite so.....

I look around and see all images here are literally '1girl' as OP said but I guess I was thinking too much.
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The whole of "1girl, standing" is kind of The Joke in these threads so don't worry.
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Catbox for this? I know the character is from Disgaea just wondering what settings you have for the loras and hips if they're weighted at all looking to make some of my own things with this ratio.
rerequest for >>2874124
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fuck the police
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Requesting either Mai Kujaku, , Revy or Mikasa Ackerman skinny dipping on a lake at twilight/night
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fixed, ask your slop machine for halo. I'm too busy rn.
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Thanks for the hand fixing, I noticed the halo, but it happens this particular seed wont pull it out, and I really like how the swimsuit and the pose looks like on this one.
So I gave up on the halo to keep this particular one
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Halo is the most important part of a BA chara though
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I thought the most important part was them being underage
That's what secondaries believe and drive by viewers
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Really enjoying this style even if it is a large change from what I was looking for. Still nailing down prompts that give me what I need, and still on animeimaginev3.1 because it's the only one that seems to give me anything anime looking. Since I want to depend more on artists and prompts than loras before tweaking those settings. Going for a kind of Geisha bathhouse vibe, not sure why her nipple is shooting sake and I know the fingers on the left hand look kinda goofy.
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I want to revisit this Shuz style but on different models and more care put into the quality. Catbox for anyone else that wants the style.

Catbox on this? I like the monster hands.

Thanks. Oppai succs are a blessing.

I like the unicorn horn. Also what would that hairstyle be? I'm assuming bowl cut but every time I prompt that I get a girl holding a bowl.

It's mainly the lora and model doing all the work. I have no idea how to replicate legs like that without the lora.

Did you use Img2Img to make this? That's a pretty complicated pose.

Thanks for the Tomimi. I want to sleep on those thighs/tail.
How do I go to hell? Just uh, keep doing what I'm doing I guess?
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We're right on track.
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As a secondary I can confirm this is true. Also they should be more excited about Hasumi garters.
What is BA? Battle Athletes?
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I'm really out of the loop, is based68 still the way to go on 1.5? Does anyone even use that any more?
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Requesting this art of May from Guilty Gear, but in the Guilty Gear Strive artstyle.
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I use Seizamix V2, DarkSushiMix, ReweikUni, AnimeVAI v3 style mix, AnimeChibi and Limbomix. My favorite is Satyr Remix Daybreak. It's not the most flexible but gives me a style I really like. I barely used Based68 as I got results I liked more from the above models.

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>Also they should be more excited about Hasumi garters.
I might be able to do something about that
Thanks. Actually jealous of NAIfags for once, I have a hundred failed attempts trying to gen something to go with that post.
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I like blonde demons.
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What? Is that nai?
I'm sure of it. jpeg so it lost metadata, but the style mix gets posted around /hdg/ a lot
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never seen this style used in hdg and I'm pretty sure it's local
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Dunno about the style Hasumi is 100% gennable on base pony. She's like a handful of BA girls that is.
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She works, just not with the full outfit, not even with helper tags. Just getting pleated dress to work with side slit and garter belt is a nightmare, the inside of her dress keeps turning red because it has a red lining, not to mention the necktie with a white collar and double red strips really doesn't like a black shirt/serafuku. I got pretty close with diffusion-CG reducing the overall red in the image.
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Why? Do her loras suck or something?

It is NAI but that guy must be confusing me with someone else, I haven't posted in /hdg/ since the SD1.5 days
Just the style is easy to recognize, reverse V mouth, skin tone/shading and random unprompted sweat drops.
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Ok, no more pudding this week
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2.59 MB PNG
>weekend over
>meeting with devil boss in the morning
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1.63 MB PNG
Requesting more of Flannery and Usagi Tsukino naked together
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Stuff with Sayo Hitsugi from Triage X fully naked.
Hot damn!

Her legs could be made a bit brighter though.
File deleted.
oops, i registered it as a leg mesh or whatever and forgot about it.
A good anime model based on a pony merge is Reweik. With no style keywords it give you a pretty okay generic anime fanart look. https://civitai.com/models/404802/reweikponyxl
I prefer v1.1 over v1.2.
Better, thanks.

I wish she was smiling like in the original as opposed to looking kinda pissed off.
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File deleted.
here we go, third time's the charm.
I hope you're fine with going a fourth round, because she just looks mischievous with the angry eyebrows.
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fourth time is
TOTSUGEKI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsNPUaYV4PM

Here's what the AI made with only txt2img and loras: https://files.catbox.moe/zuya7m.png
And with just txt2img: https://files.catbox.moe/7wr9ih.png
Only gripes I have with this take are only 3 fingers holding the anchor and one of her fingers blending into the hoodie.
Pretty hot though.
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42 KB
heh nice, maybe we could make the next thread theme lewd game covers.
Very cute.
I didn't even realise someone else was having a go at it, since no reply was backlinked. Either way, more May so I ain't complaining.
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Shouldn’t be too hard to fix at least.
Therte you go, fixed up the fingers for ya.
Thanks matey.
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Can someone gen Grea in a small tight and maybe transparent white shirt and tiny booty shorts?
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Welp, time to work out
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Thanks for the suggestion I'll take a look.
Wow I really like this one a lot between the softer lines and colors it's really got a great aesthetic. Even the hands came out (mostly great) the bows though and clothes are superb.
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She didn't make it far
Thanks. I was just trying to mix some loras together but this one came out pretty good for a raw gen
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Thanks raw gen lover
I hope you do more of her. Also can you upload the original on catbox?
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The horn (and the wings) came from including scorn in the prompt. I assume there's some pony character named that, or with that in their name.

The hairstyle was completely unprompted here, I guess its technically a bob cut but I use shirow and hyocorou a lot and both of them like that style so there's a pretty good chance it will turn up.
File: Witch2.jpg (381 KB, 1728x1344)
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381 KB JPG
*Managed to generate a nice-looking image*

*saw the fingers*
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In this one, fingers look weird but passable I guess..?
This was a bit difficult to make. I actually can't tell what her hair colour is because of my colourblindness and the tagger seems to be a toss-up between brown, purple and grey hair, so I just put them all in.
Here's a catbox of all the gens and fail gens: https://catbox.moe/c/cire44

I'll try her school-teacher look next if there's no suggestions for the previous gens (the uploaded files should still have metadata if you want to see the tags).
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Make Patchouli ( >>2874441 ) go around her library like the girl in >>2874959
File: these.png (143 KB, 604x215)
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Oh year are you okay with removing the odd white ropes under her hoodie?
Office attire was not as successful, but here are the results anyway: https://catbox.moe/c/o20snn
I thought they added to the charm. But yeah that shouldn't be too hard to remove.
aight go ahead bud.
Here ya go. Also made some other minor fixes.
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Made a few of my own finishing touches and added a background.
I choose to believe its ironical
lol, it's been a while since I saw some loser trying to watermark AI gens.
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Rescued from /hdg/
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please more, very good, love the nostalgic retro style
I really like the colors in this one.
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>went to the hdg thread where the image is from
>someone else already made an almost identical comment to mine
catbox please? these are great, I've been trying to get summer/heat ambience in mine but having little luck
that's hot
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Very. Have an unrelated 1girl.
huge bazookas
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all the better for launching fireworks
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Thanks, and yeah, took a bunch of tries to get something usable. I was originally trying to go for a "fml it's too damn hot" expression, but couldn't really get that to work.


also >pic related
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thank you <3
What do you prompt to get this artstyle
nta but artist is bluethebone, pony lora I assume
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no, it's a multi lora abomination in 1.5 because my computer too potato for pony/xl
Nice. I should've noticed they don't have the blue bone face.
You may want to get rid of the third arm.
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3.18 MB PNG
Why, it looks very practical.
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i wish i had 3 arms, but yeah, i did not notice it.
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I'm surprised you prompted for Katsura Masakazu; it doesn't really look like his style.
Yeah, the retro artstyle actually has a pretty big influence there, too, but I don't think katsura masakazu is particularly well represented in this model.
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Can the thread theme be retro 1girls?
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Best post of the thread. RIP
I like milfs
I like girls with bras
whats the best ui and model currently?
your favorite pony child. i recc autism confetti/dpo. reweik is also worth looking at.
forge, sdnext, fooocus, swarm, and comfy all have a use case. None are "better" in the sense that they produce better images.
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52 KB
Here's an elf milf. Her smile is cute
Outstanding, as always.
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1.02 MB PNG
it's too fucking hot.
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3.63 MB PNG
Gave it a shot
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3.1 MB PNG
Nice! You think you can do the same with this one?
I thought the thread theme was demon girls
This guy makes the same requests every thread. Stop engaging with trolls.
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Can do both.
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Sheer clothing
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She's craving a banana right now, anon.
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>She's craving a banana right now, anon.
1girl, naked baseball pitcher standing on the pitcher's mound
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is there a guide anywhere for what pixiv considers R-18
i don't understand japanese laws/moral sense
Oh she looks like a landmine.
My favourite.

The vintage look is a nice touch
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Brunette butt
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the question is why are you uploading to a website that hates ai and derivative works?
unless you're just posting in the wrong general...
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God that is pretty.
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pony facial expressions are pretty cute
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Keep going
inia sestina nudes please. she is from muv-luv
Anyone has images with flashy/colorful makeup?
Never really tried. Only goths and clowns, otherwise it tends to look /aco/.
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1.14 MB PNG
lowres https://files.catbox.moe/11hwbb.png
upscale https://files.catbox.moe/rbnfa3.png
the nullmet(kokaki mumose) lora isn't uploaded anywhere since I'm still in the process of retuning it(and also really need to retune the menma lora), but the menma is uploaded and I have older nullmeta lora's in appropriate directories here
if you want said particular nullmeta one here's a 3d litterbox
(I'll be uploading a newer one to mega if/when I manage to be happy with whatever I'm trying to tune)
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Embarrassed girls presenting
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2.43 MB PNG
Man I haven't seen her in decades.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/536n9h.png
I've tried out SwarmUI coming from Automatic1111, and man the differences are incredible.

>Boot-up time
A1111: 30s
SwarmUI: 4s
>Model switching time
A1111: 4s
SwarmUI: instant
>Saving config
A1111: 2s
SwarmUI: instant
>Changing folder in lora selector
A1111: 1s
SwarmUI: instant
>Image viewer
A1111: full-screen but no zoom
SwarmUI: full-screen with zoom on scroll-wheel
>Image retention
A1111: if it's gone from the results view it's no longer interactable (without extensions).
SwarmUI: has a built-in history that brings the image back to the results with all the features available.

It's just made me realise how many little things in A1111 had a little delay to them. Individually you wouldn't notice but when everything goes from "I have to wait a moment before doing something else" to "instant" then you start becoming dramatically more efficient.

I'm not here to sell you on Swarm though this is just my experience. I'm sure the thing that would stop most people in their tracks from using Swarm in the first place is lack of user extensions (no ADetailer, no Latent Couple, but there is ControlNet). But for me personally, Swarm has enough feature already built-in to it that I don't need any extensions to have it be usable.

Looking forward to it!
How can model switching be instant? It still needs to read the full 6GB from disk. I bet it just delays your first gen by that time.
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could you be more specific about the new artstyle?
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Does anyone else feel like Reweik v01.2 has slightly worse results than v.01.1? At least I feel like there are more small detail errors. Or maybe I'm just using the wrong settings, idk.
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>omia moko
You know you can just put watermark into negatives
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A non-western/cartoon style. It could be any anime style as long as it's good quality.
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I do, but it'll still show them 9 out of 10 times. But I don't really care to be honest. I guess it's because I put an artist's name at :0.15 into the positive prompt, which makes the gens themselves look a lot better.
I can live with that. Removing it in photoshop seems not worth the extra step.
You should run a large XY comparison with and without it first, though. It likely hurts a bunch of other things (like having loli in negatives makes colors awful).
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what artists/loras mix for this one?
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very pretty
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A1111 really shouldn't be recommended anymore. The devs outright saying they will never work on how it handles memory absolutely killed it for me.
SDnext/Swarm for average users. Fooocus for newfriends. Comfy for the refined autist.
adding (personal_ami:0.15) usually increases my gen-quality by a lot, despite the low weight. going higher (maybe 0.4+) will make their style more noticable. The other (not used in those pics) that I've liked so far is mitsu_art.
the only Lora I've used for these three red demon ladies in particular was the Meruccubus Lora at 0.8

However, the personal_ami:0.15 also works for most other stuff without an additional Lora, just the basic ReweikPony checkpoint.
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Kinu Nishimura style (Capcom illustrator)
Hey now.

If you make her less angry and tone down the lips, this could be top notch.
Ah, thanks for wrapping her up for me nicely. Think I'll just store her in this way.
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Black haired girl
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Second request would be toning down the teeth, as it currently looks like a grin rather than a confident smile.
>small breasts
lol. this is why I don't do requests. the original brief was for a different style. you are very picky, sir. you told one anon more lipstick and when the second anon gave you lipstick you said tone down the lipstick. now it's a confident smile you want, not a grin
I make requests like 'this in a different artstyle just remember to keep this'. The issue is that you don't really know what you're gonna get, and I cannot be too overly specific 'keep the lingerie, give her a confident smile, tone down the lips and not make them too big' as I wanna provide a bit of freedom to those who take it. I guess I'm just hard to satisfy.
> I guess I'm just hard to satisfy.

You mean an asshole, anon.
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great idea, thanks anon.
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ok but the character isn't smiling in the original and it's not in your brief. it's only in your mind's eye. you can't provide freedom AND nitpick when you get results back.
when people take requests they do multiple generations and upscaling and inpainting...it takes time. if you expect people to invest time then put what you want to see in the brief.
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Dark skinned girl
I guess a better thing to add to the brief in hindsight would be making the mouth smaller.
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I've tested this, and yes it does do that. If you switch model and immediately hit "Generate" you must wait the same time for the model to transfer. It's still better than A1111's method which is "you can't interact with any elements until the model has loaded", while in Swarm you can still do things like changing settings or the prompt without the framerate of the UI chugging. So it's more that it's instantly responsive, while the model loads in the background for you.
I think v1.1 is better as well. Even with the v1.2's prompting recommendations I prefer v1.1's overall aesthetic.
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I'm the first guy that did >>2875096 and >>2875098

It is perfectly okay if a request delivery doesn't fufill the requester's desire, and for them to specify what else they'd like changed. It's only disadvantageous to the requester by putting it into multiple steps as the chances the deliverer is going to run out of time/dedication increase.

is there any real options for old AMD GPUs with directml besides the a1111 fork though?
ok but
another anon picked up the baton and even took on board the notes that the requester had given you.
and the requester still rejected that anon's next two submissions, due to tiny things that the requester hadn't mentioned before. at that point, it starts to feel like nitpicking.
my point was that the process could be streamlined if the requester was more communicative about things the request absolutely needed.
of course it's ok if a request delivery doesn't fulfill the requester's desire. I wasn't saying that.
not sure why we're in opposition because we both agree that if there are too many steps to the request then you run out of time and dedication. which is what happened here
If I can weigh in on this, I'm the second guy who did >>2875778 and >>2875772

I admit that after anon asked me to change the grin I lost interest in the request. I saw a trend and I didn't trust them to be satisfied with the next attempt.
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>Reweik v01.2
Yeah, it feels less responsive compared to the v.01.1, it also fries my gens a little so I'm not using it
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Blue haired girly
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This pic really made me want to gen Lightning. Apparently pony only accepts "Lightning Farron /(Final Fantasy XIII/) as the correct prompt. Is that all just inpainting or img2img? What checkpoint?
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Don't call the yakuza
based editoor
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It's inpainted from the offical render.
I used Pony and a realistic model since the luxurious SE CGI look is hard to imitate and Pony 3D looks like Blender or Daz.
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This is way to far from anime bro
no rules broken bro.
>Cal Piss Water
Huh, I wonder what that's... oh.
I'll say that img2img vs txt2img results look a lot less like "it". "It" being AI slop look.
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Especially because it's based on 3DCG from a Japanese video game.
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>keep writing uguu
ayu curse
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i like pixiv and have not had any complaints in comments
i don't even know where else i'd post that isn't undiscoverable (twitter) or bad (deviantart)
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Fucking amazing I love Scarlet and this made me chuckle for some reason
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Don't they do this like every other week at this point? Has there been any actual breakthroughs in these lawsuits? Do they even win any of these?




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They're just trying to get the "We support artist, down with big industry" kids on their side.
No, they actually have a shot at winning this, to be honest, and demand a cut of profit from all future AI startups.

It's different with music. Music data is actually much higher risk than image / video, which is by itself higher risk than text. That's probably the main reason stable audio limits itself to using licensed music only.
Holy shit why is this so good
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Music sales been in the toilet for a while so this is their way to just steal profits for their "hard work" in the music industry. Music is def the more grey area of the ai training but again you can't train any AI without something to base it off of, cant' learn in general without prior knowledge for the most part. It's mostly targetting shit like Suno since they've blown up in popularity and big corpo just wants their cut.
Wait for me! Let's get executed by Japanese people together!
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very nice retro style.
I will never get tired of Kantoku art.
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Fucking WORTH.
What a good Hasumi
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Gorgeous styles. Any pointers or catbox?
this one is cool and I would also appreciate a catbox if you feel like sharing
clearly you've never played street fighter before
it's a combination of a rumiko takahashi lora with a lora trained on cartoons to get flat colors
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bros, I don't actually like retro styles
that's cool
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I don't like moe blobs
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BORGAR girl?
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>Happy Birthday, reference sheet, (rosa \(pokemon\):0.9)
nta but I think it's from a wildcard setup, that's why half the prompts don't make sense. They're not really there, just potential variants.
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Yeah it's beyond scuffed and I accept it's a "it just works tier". Specially with kohya hires fixing if I clean up images I'll try to make it more meaningful but I don't know if it's telling of dead tokens in general or what shit has that much more weight in the prompts.
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Bother with hand model in FaceDetailer?
Just mask the hand for inpaint manually. You'll probably have to do some manual editing anyway or it'll never the the finger count right.
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Anon your moff is fuckking cute as hell
Your dragon is really bloody nice as well
Your mermaid(?) is also awfully nice
This cute kitty is surely in heat, good looks too.
they're just jealous that technology they've been exploiting for decades is becoming accessible
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Could you share the catbox for this one, please?
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Thanks, not sure what I could say really. I edit my gens a lot once I find one I like. The model is a 50% mix between based68 and olympus 5, with some other ones block merged into those before that to tweak the look.
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Thanks. Yeah I don't actually know what she is, she never said.
There's also a weird clause in copyright law that says if you don't actively protect it you lose it. Very open to interpretation so some companies take it more seriously that others.
Are there any other resources with artist styles like these: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews
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there are a few mega links that get passed around

but civitai is the best place to grab them imo bar exotic tastes
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https://rentry.org/cawt333g for Pony
https://rentry.org/zp7g6 for NAI
Make sure you READ before dismissing the wonky previews, they're like that for a reason.

Sorry for the delay anons. I'm not sure if this is the right image, there may be some inpainting tricks that I did somewhere, but I guess the most important aspects are there.
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Seconding this, please offer alms to prompting plebs.
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>"Just dont show my face ok?"
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nice style
Requesting anything with Chun Li naked with her hair down
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How will you know it's chun-li, then?
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Her abs and braids she had in SFV
Nice, thanks.
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Reminds me of You're Under Arrest
Sure, here's the initial gen before inpainting.
based ass shot
nice wife
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That is only held back by the 4-toe left foot. Can it be fixed?
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Black haired girl
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>tried to do some """"OC"""" idol
>notice after the whole prompt testing that it came out looking like walmart Noir
epic but I still went with it
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Those are more needed at the /d/ thread than here.
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Why though?
seems like pixiv scrape
ahoy anons
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Very cute and nice outfit
Alright, I'll crash the thread with good ol' 1.5 slop
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OP here. All Highlights and post ready to go.
Good to know
Well that's it, i'm going to sleep now
New Thread:

the things i'd do to discount idol noire
Always good to see desert sniper girl.

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