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>Images and videos

>DOA XVV guide

>DOA XVV Mod Manager

>DOA5 LR + Beach Paradise guide

>Beach Paradise mod official links

>Anon's Beach Paradise 6.0+ general guide (now included in BP Repack)

>>Previous thread: >>2860793
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Fat dealer
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>no title
>covering Nanami's pits
Too lewd for X.
God Monica is beautiful. Such an underrated girl.
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166600 stones and I only want Patty...
Let's see how the game will screw me
Wish me luck
This is the cream of the crop, I'd be happy to get any of these.
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I want all of them

Why don't we have Raise the Sail 10-rolls?
80k stones
90 tickets
1 Monica
1 Shandy
0... ZERO Patty

I hate this game!!
>When the skin mod gives you nipple size options and you can't decide.
Where the fuck are the rest of her nipples?
Thats if TN went higher up on the furry scale.
Post more naked Amy
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>needing a title
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Man, I miss when games got actual fanart instead of SFM and poser crap.
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Still exists, but it's harder to find
Kanna's pussy <3
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any good brotha willing to share the doaxvvposechange mod?
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Nut inside Amy
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They need to update the 3d models and make them higher res tho
any good brotha willing to share the doaxvvposechange mod?
Nut inside Amy
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Nut inside Yukino
Nut inside Kokoro
Nut inside Leifang
Nut inside Amy
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130k stones and 90 tickets spent, and the game doesn't want to give me Patty!

So I apologize, because the only way I can have Patty is to generate her by AI
Got what I wanted on the free tickets
I want free Momiji
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We all want a Momiji free of clothes in our house
Momiji and I will break and stain many furniture
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I love Momiji so much
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>30k stones and only got Amy
>4 login red tickets
>SSR on the second ticket
>then use the third:
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I love Monica too
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We should let this thread die and move to >>2874772.
I wish he still made Blender animations.
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Does he even still creates anything?
I'm not seeing many new things in his X's account
He makes a ton of 3DCG renders but not animations.

You don't see his work that much because it's paypigwalled and the only way to get his MEGA links are through DM.
Because we don't need 2 threads on /e/ for DOA and the other one is properly titled as /doa/.
But this one also has DoA
It ain't hard to find since it's the only thread that gets bumped regularily AND is easily find by search "doa".
There was no need to do another one, this is not /vg/
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Momiji should be free and for me
Where's this from? I suspect it's twitter based on the filename but saucenao and yandex are coming up empty.
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It is a kinda inactive account
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She should let her puppies to be free in my house
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Wrapped up gift
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Nut inside etc
Much obliged, anon. I'm especially glad there was more tanlined Momiji
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I happen to find Momiji quite attractive
Nut inside Momiji
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Who doesn't?
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Nut inside Miji
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Requires rape correction
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Straight, clean hair and no glasses is post rape correction.
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I guess Tsukushi will just have to be a bad girl forever then
She prefers rape correction
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Worry not, she goes back to her old habits in no time, so she gets rape correction
she needs more animations
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If having messy hair and wearing glasses means she's bad, I don't ever want her to be good
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Reika has mods already
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thanks, will kill trillions now
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Reika is pure sex
I'm saving pics like crazy
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>tina isn't included on weekly SSRs or the normal SSR ticket
>right now there's one ONE gacha with a 0.34% chance of getting tina
god FUCKING DAMMIT doaxvv PLEASE just give me my southern belle
It's like they're still making her hard to get, despise having passed quite a long time since her debut.
Fun fact: I always got any girl with relatively ease after they went free (alway got them in the first event they became free), but I had a hard time getting Tina (spent three to four more events to get her). And even now I only have her SSR suit which I managed to get her plus pic related and nothing else.
I want her debut suit since I missed the Tina craze when she debuted.

There are more Reikas out there on Steam, damn Chink whales.
Kokoro, Honoka, and Tina are my favorite girls but i'm a MASSIVE sucker for tomboys so I'm probably gonna spend the forseeable future doing anything to get her.

What's even worse is I grinded out like 50k stones just to try and get Honoka, Misaki, or Kokoro's Raise The Sail outfit and I DIDN'T GET A SINGLE FUCKING ONE.
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Most of the girls' debut suit are top tier. And Tina's is one of the best.
I got Raise the Sail for Monica, which was the one I was looking for (in the 3rd pull) because I already had Momiji back then.
>no daily free Raise the Sail tickets
Imagine 9 days of free 10-rolls on any nostalgia Raise the Sail banner
>Most of the girls' debut suit are top tier.

Only Tina, Tamaki, Nanami, Amy, Elise and Reika

The rest are pretty mid or downright revolting

The OG girls who are in the game initially don't count
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People LOVE the Raise the Sail ones, they'll never give free rolls for them
DOAXVV should stop being overly greedy, they lose no shekels if they made nostalgia suits more accessible and gave more free shit
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>Wanted to get Teacher Momiji
>Got two in a row
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god i'd give anything for this fucking woman, now that I can't get raise the sails for kokoro she's the one thing tempting me to waste money on this fucking game
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She's top tier.
Shame that she isn't that popular
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She's the first girl I got after the first two girls that you chose.
Also, her normal outfit is basically her best one and one of the best looking in the game
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